Grass Valley, A Belden Brand, Belden Inc., Belden Sending All The Right Signals, and the
Belden logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Belden Inc. or its affiliated
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Xmedia Server are trademarks or registered trademarks of Grass Valley, A Belden Brand.
Belden Inc., Grass Valley, A Belden Brand, and other parties may also have trademark
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Terms and Conditions
Please read the following terms and conditions carefully. By using the Xstudio
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Grass Valley, A Belden Brand (“Grass Valley”) hereby grants permission and license to
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Document Identification
TitleXstudio User Manual
Part numberM852-0500-041
SW versionVertigo Suite v.4.10
Revision History
After the original release date, the Xstudio User Manual may be updated with edits and then
re-released. The following table tracks the versions of this document.
Xstudio is the authoring component of the Vertigo Suite. You can use Xstudio to:
• Design templates which combine graphical layout, links to data, and production
logic. These reusable templates can be updated with new information and included
in playlists for sequential playout.
• Build control panels for application areas such as info channels, live tickers,
channel branding, community news channels, and more.
• Preview the playout of the scene on a software CG or hardware playout device
using Xstudio’s Production mode.
Xstudio facilitates the authoring process by allowing you to drag and drop objects for instant
backgrounds, tickers, lower thirds, station bugs and more. These can then easily be
connected to external data sources such as databases, data feeds, Excel files and text files.
What’s more, what you design can be used over and over again for different broadcasts.
Used in conjunction with other Vertigo Suite applications (i.e. Xbuilder, Xnews and Xplay),
Xstudio provides a complete authoring system that’s both flexible and easy to use.
The main purpose of this manual is to provide practical reference and procedural
information for how to create and control attractive and effective broadcast graphics using
the Xstudio authoring environment.
The following sections provide a high-level description of Xstudio’s role in the Vertigo Suite
workflow, as well as a procedural overview for creating the most common types of Xstudio
•“Xstudio’s role in the Vertigo Suite workflow” on page 1-2
•“Procedural overview for creating Template+Scene and Panel+Scene projects” on page 1-6
•“Procedural overview for creating Pages” on page 1-9
Xstudio User Manual1-1
Introducing Xstudio
Used to create the look
and feel of control
panels and templates.
USED BY: art directors,
animators and
Used to create pages
from existing templates
(created in Xstudio), as
well as build playlists.
USED BY: journalists,
art staff and production
Used to create, control
and send playlists of
pages to air.
USED BY: producers,
news directors and CG
Xstudio’s role in the Vertigo Suite workflow
Xstudio is the authoring component of the Vertigo Suite of products. Figure 1-1 shows in
summary form how Xstudio works with Xnews and Xplay.
Figure 1-1. Xstudio elements are passed on to Xnews and Xplay
To put it into a real world context, consider the following scenario that demonstrates how all
of the Xmedia Suite components work together, including servers and drivers:
A sports news program needs to display scores on a daily basis.
1.Using Xstudio, the art team could create reusable templates to act as master copies
for the season.
Figure 1-2. Sports Results Template built in Xstudio
1-2Xstudio User Manual
Introducing Xstudio
2.Once basic layouts exist in the templates, any number of copies can be made from
them to enter specific team names, logos, scores, etc. These copies are called pages,
and they allow users to make limited changes to template elements, e.g. text and
image modifications. Pages are usually created in Xnews or Xbuilder, but they can also
be created in Xstudio.
Figure 1-3. Sport Result Pages created from the Xstudio Sports Result template
3.Once pages have been created from templates, they can be ordered into playlists and
taken to air with Xplay.
Figure 1-4. Pages added to a playlist and brought to air using Xplay
Xstudio User Manual1-3
Introducing Xstudio
In addition to templates, which are used to create pages that are played out sequentially in
a playlist, Xstudio can also be used to create a panel. A panel is a user interface that sends
commands to the output device, such as turning a bug on or off.
Typically, a panel is loaded at startup into Xplay and used for the entire duration of a show.
Figure 1-5. Control Panel + Scene used to display/hide the station’s logo
The XmediaServer connects all applications in the Xmedia suite, making it possible to
share assets, such as panels, templates, pages, images and clips. For example, once an
NHL template has been created with Xstudio, a user at a different workstation can use it to
create a page in Xnews. Another user could then include this page in a playlist built in Xplay.
Meanwhile, the Data Server manages data coming from various feeds (e.g. SportsTicker,
Reuters), and sends it out to the appropriate recipients. For example a playlist containing
pages containing stock values needs the Data Server to provide live data.
1-4Xstudio User Manual
Introducing Xstudio
Types of Xstudio projects: Templates, Panels & Pages
Xstudio is the Vertigo Suite’s application for creating projects that control and display the
broadcast graphics that will be displayed on air.
In general, a project contains a scene and an associated control side. A scene is a
collection of graphical objects such as text, images, video clips, and cel animations that are
displayed on air.
The control side is a user interface associated with the scene. It may be a template, in
which case it is used to enter specific data when creating pages; or it may be a panel, in
which case it is used by an operator to control the scene and its objects during playout. Both
templates and panels can contain logic for animating specific elements of the scene and
updating data that is displayed in the scene. Often the control side is made to resemble its
associated scene to give the operator an indication of what is on air.
While templates and panels are both used to control the scene, templates are typically used
as the basis for pages which are taken to air in sequential order without the operator
interacting with the control side. On the other hand, panels are intended to provide a user
interface that allows an operator to manually control the graphics during playout.
As mentioned above, another type of Xstudio project is a page, which is created from a
template by entering specific information. Rather than recreating the control and layout of
the project, multiple pages can borrow the layout from an existing template and scene. All
that is left to do is enter the new text, images, clips, and/or animations specific to the
broadcast. Although Xstudio can be used for creating pages, we highly recommend using
the Vertigo Suite’s Xbuilder application for creating and editing pages.
The following sections provide more information about each type of Xstudio project, as well
as an overview of the procedure for creating and playing out these projects:
•“Procedural overview for creating Template+Scene and Panel+Scene projects” on page 1-6
•“Procedural overview for creating Pages” on page 1-9
Xstudio User Manual1-5
Introducing Xstudio
The Template (control-side) is used to set
editable content and contains logic for
controlling scene objects during playout
The scene contains a collection of graphic objects
(static, animated or data driven) that are displayed
on air during playout and controlled by the template’s
objects and logic.
Procedural overview for creating Template+Scene and
Panel+Scene projects
Xstudio allows you to create and control television broadcast graphics using a
Template/Panel + Scene project. Figure 1-6
project consists of two parts: the template and the scene.
demonstrates that the Template + Scene
Figure 1-6. The two sides of a Template + Scene project
The following table provides a high-level procedure for creating television broadcast
graphics using Xstudio’s Template + Scene project. The procedure for creating a panel is
identical, except the panel’s control-side often contains user interface objects that can be
used during playout to control the scene.
StepTask Description
1Open a new Template + Scene or Panel +Scene project
Launch Xstudio and open a new project.
•“Creating new projects and assets” on page 4-2
2Set the template/panel and scene’s properties
Select the scene-side and set the scene’s properties, including the scene’s format (NTSC,
HDTV-1080/30...etc.). Then select the control-side and set its properties.
•“Setting the canvas’ properties” on page 4-3
1-6Xstudio User Manual
Introducing Xstudio
StepTask Description
3Add and position objects (assets and/or primitives) on both the scene side and the
control side.
Create your graphic’s desired “playout” look by adding and arranging assets and/or
primitives objects to the scene’s canvas.
Add primitives to the control side to provide operators with a means to control the scene.
For example, drop-down lists, buttons, textboxes, or images for changing the scene’s
content without affecting the layout.
•“Adding assets to the canvas” on page 5-3
•“Adding primitives to the canvas” on page 5-4
•“Selecting, grouping, and/or layering objects on the canvas” on page 5-9
•“Resizing objects using object zones” on page 5-13
•“Moving and aligning objects on the canvas” on page 5-14
•“Cutting, copying and pasting objects to/from the canvas” on page 5-17
•“Modifying the font properties of text objects” on page 5-18
•“Editing an image” on page 5-19
4Set the objects’ properties and/or animate the scene objects
Using the Xstudio’s Properties Browser, set the properties which determine the individual
object’s static look and behavior.
Using Xstudio’s Animation Editor, create scene animations by changing the properties of
the objects on the scene over a period of time to create visual effects, like fading an object’s
visibility in/out or moving the object around the screen.
•“Working with scene objects” on page 6-1
•“Animating scene objects” on page 7-1
•“Working with control objects” on page 8-1
5Optional: Link the control objects to a data source
You can create data-driven graphics by linking control objects to data sources (databases
or data feeds) that provide live data to the scene upon playout. Xstudio also allows you to
create and use lookup tables to define replacement values for incoming data.
•“Linking objects to a data source” on page 9-1
6Connect the control objects to the scene objects and add control logic
Connect control objects to the scene objects that will be controlled and/or edited by objects
on the control-side.
Use the Action Editor the logic that will later be applied to the control objects will be linked
to the appropriate scene objects.
•“Working with control objects” on page 8-1
•“Adding logic to control objects” on page 10-1
Xstudio User Manual1-7
Introducing Xstudio
StepTask Description
7Save the project to the Xmedia Server
When you save the project to the Xmedia Server, both the template and scene will be stored
as one “Template” project within the Templates category. Similarly, both the panel and
scene will be stored as one “Panels” project within the Panels category
•“Saving Xstudio projects and assets” on page 11-2
8Publish the project to the connected output device
Before being able to playout the scene on an output device, you must publish the project
(Template + Scene or panel + Scene) to the output device. Publishing gathers the project's
assets from the Xmedia Server and copies them into your output device.
•“Publishing assets to output devices” on page 11-3
9Preview the playout in Xstudio’s Production mode
Xstudio allows you to preview and/or playout the scene to the connected playout device.
•“Playing out a scene using Xstudio’s Production mode” on page 12-1
1-8Xstudio User Manual
Procedural overview for creating Pages
While Xstudio is the Vertigo Suite’s application for authoring template-based graphics, it can
also be used to create Pages, which are built from templates. A template is a master copy
that determines the layout and contents of graphics that will be taken to air in sequential
order (see page 1-6
already done and all you have to do is enter text, images, clips, and/or animations specific
to the broadcast. Pages are then loaded into playlists and taken to air in a pre-determined
order using Xplay.
While you can certainly create pages in Xstudio, Xbuilder is the recommended application
within the Vertigo Suite that allows you to populate the templates and convert them into
graphic pages. Xbuilder can also be used to create playlists, rundowns, and automated
interstitial promotions, which can then be played out on-air using Xplay.
To create a page from an existing template:
1.Select the F
2.In the C
3.In the S
stored in the Templates category on the Xmedia Server.
• Double-click the template asset listed.
• Select the template and click OK.
The template opens as a page in a project-type window. Note that you cannot change
any of the formatting or add/remove objects. You can only edit the fields (i.e. textboxes,
images, drop-down list selections...etc.) that were configured on the template.
4.Set or edit the variable fields in the template as required. Depending upon the type of
object/field, this may involve typing text in a textbox, making a selection from a dropdown list, right-clicking on an image, cel animation, or clip to choose another one.
5.Once you are satisfied with the content of the page, select the F
save the page to the Xmedia Server.
The S
the author’s name, enter a short description and determine where within the Pages root
category the page will be stored.
6.Click OK to save the page and exit the dialog box.
7.In order to preview and playout the page in Xstudio’s Production mode, you must first
publish the page to the connected playout device. See “Publishing assets to output
devices” on page 11-3.
8.Once the page has been published, switch to Production mode and take the page to
air. See “Playing out a scene using Xstudio’s Production mode” on page 12-1
). A page is an instance of a template which means that the layout is
menu command to open the C
dialog box, select the A
dialog box, navigate through the templates
dialog box appears and allows you to specify the page’s name, specify
dialog box.
and then click OK.
Introducing Xstudio
command to
Xstudio User Manual1-9
Introducing Xstudio
1-10Xstudio User Manual
Getting started with Xstudio
2 G
This chapter provides you with information about installing and licensing the Xstudio
software on a client workstation. Additional information and instructions are provided for
performing a basic setup and configuration of the Xstudio software.
Once you have completed the installation and quick setup, Xstudio will be properly
configured to create and save projects (i.e. templates, control panels, and scenes) to the
Xmedia Server, as well as preview a scene’s playout on an output device using Xstudio’s
Production mode.
This chapter is organized into the following topics:
•“Installation and licensing information” on page 2-2
•“Starting Xstudio and connecting to the Xmedia Server” on page 2-3
•“Configuring Xstudio’s settings” on page 2-4
•“Connecting Xstudio to an output device” on page 2-12
•“Verifying Xstudio’s installation and setup” on page 2-16
Xstudio User Manual2-1
Getting started with Xstudio
Installation and licensing information
Xstudio is packaged with the Vertigo Suite software installation wizard. It can be installed
as part of the full installation or as an individual (standalone) component. In both cases, you
simply need to run the installation wizard on a workstation that is on the same network as
the Xmedia Server.
Information regarding the Vertigo Suite’s hardware and network requirements, as well as
instructions for installing and/or upgrading Xstudio, are available in the Vertigo Suite’s
Release Notes, which can be downloaded from the Support Portal web site
To operate in its full capacities, Xstudio requires that a software application license be
installed and validated on the Xmedia Server. Therefore, once Xstudio is installed, you must
contact our Technical Support team (
Xstudio. Then you must apply and validate the licenses using the XmediaServer Control Panel. Instructions for acquiring and validating an Xstudio application license are also
provided in the Vertigo Suite’s Release Notes.
) to request a license key for
2-2Xstudio User Manual
Getting started with Xstudio
Starting Xstudio and connecting to the Xmedia Server
When you initially launch Xstudio, a dialog box appears and asks you to configure the
server location. As a client application, Xstudio must be connected to the Xmedia Server,
which is the centralized asset management server for Vertigo applications and devices.
Since you have only just installed Xstudio, the first task that you must do is to connect
Xstudio to the Xmedia Server.
To start Xstudio and connect to the Xmedia Server:
1.Click S
2.When the message asking you to configure the server location, click the Y
The S
dialog box appears.
Figure 2-1. Settings dialog box
3.Click S
4.In the X
in the tree view at left. This displays the settings related to the Xmedia
Server (see page 2-5
for more information about Xstudio’s Server settings).
field, replace <server IP> with the IP address of
the machine hosting the Xmedia Server.
5.Unless the port number was changed when the Xmedia Server was installed, the
default in the X
field will be correct. If it was changed, enter the new
6.Click OK.
Xstudio launches. If the program does not launch, consult your system administrator.
The problem could be due to one of the following:
• The IP address or port was entered incorrectly.
• The machine hosting the Xmedia Server is down.
• The XmediaServer is not running on the host machine.
• The machine is not connected to the network.
Xstudio User Manual2-3
Getting started with Xstudio
Configuring Xstudio’s settings
Although Xstudio’s default settings are appropriate for most operating circumstances, you
may want to customize the look and behavior of the application using Xstudio’s settings.
Note that modifying these settings is entirely optional.
To access Xstudio’s settings:
1.From the T
This displays the S
settings. Each of the settings is defined in the following sections:
• “Servers settings” on page 2-5
• “Logging settings” on page 2-6
• “Workspace settings” on page 2-7
• “Asset Defaults settings” on page 2-9
• “Device settings” on page 2-10
• “Browsers settings” on page 2-11
menu, select S
dialog box, which contains a tree-structure of thematic
Figure 2-2. Settings dialog box
2.After making changes anywhere in the dialog box, click the OK button to register the
information and close the dialog box.
Click the A
button to register the information and keep the dialog box open to work
on other settings.
Click the C
the A
button to ensure that no changes made since the last time you clicked
button take effect.
2-4Xstudio User Manual
Servers settings
Servers settings specify the locations of the Xmedia Server and the Data Server. The Xmedia
Server contains all assets (all building blocks used in the creation of broadcast graphics).
This is where templates, control panels, images...etc., are stored. The Data Server is an
application that manages all data coming in from sources specified in control panels. The
Data Server distributes the data and provides live updates of data values when requested.
•XmediaServer IP Address - The IP address of the machine running the Xmedia Server.
•XmediaServer Port - The port on which the Xmedia Server is listening.
•Backup XMedia Server IP Address - Backup server’s IP address used in case of failure
of the primary Xmedia Server.
•Backup XMedia Server Port - Backup server’s port used in case of failure of the primary
Xmedia Server.
•Data Server IP Address - The IP address of the Data Server.
•Data Server Port - The port on which the Data Server is listening.
•Backup Data Server IP Address - Backup data server’s IP address used in case of
failure of the primary data server.
•Backup Data Server Port - Backup data server’s port used in case of failure of the
primary data server.
•Data Server Event Port Min Value - The lowest UDP port value in a range of ports
used for communication between the Data Server and Xstudio.
•Data Server Event Port Max Value - The highest UDP port value in a range of ports
used for communication between the Data Server and Xstudio.
•Data Server Path - If the Data Server IP Address is local (e.g., then enter
the file name and path of the Data Server’s location on the PC. This will prompt Xstudio
to start the Data Server when it launches.
Getting started with Xstudio
Figure 2-3. Servers Settings dialog box
Xstudio User Manual2-5
Getting started with Xstudio
Logging settings
Xstudio offers several logging options that you can use for observing Xstudio’s behavior and/or
troubleshooting unexpected problems. The Xstudio log files are saved in the following directory:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\VertigoXmedia\Logs
Figure 2-4. Logging settings
•Show Debug Console - When enabled, this setting opens the D
which is used for debugging plug-ins, scripts and the like.
•Save Local XML File - When enabled, an XML file containing the error log is written upon
•Log Level - Xstudio can be set to provide the following levels of logging events:
• Error – A major failure that impacts the end-user.
• Warn – An important but non-fatal error.
• Info – A useful notification message to help users troubleshoot/track issues.
•Max File Size (MB) - The maximum size of a log file before rotating.
•Max File Count - How many log files to keep.
•Debug Categories – The list of categories that will emit DEBUG level logs.
2-6Xstudio User Manual
Workspace settings
The Workspace settings allow you to configure various appearance and behavior settings
that affect Xstudio’s workspaces in design and production mode.
Getting started with Xstudio
Figure 2-5. Workspace settings
•Production Mode Zoom - Xstudio lets you determine how your control screens will
appear when you switch to Production mode to take to air. The default is F
, which
scales up the control screen to fit the window. The other option is 100%. This keeps
objects at their actual size.
You can also zoom in and out on objects when in Production mode to make them
appear larger or smaller. Either move the mouse wheel up and down or (if you don’t
have a mouse wheel) press ALT and the up or down key on your keyboard.
•Show New Dialog on Startup - Selected by default, this setting makes the C
dialog box display when you launch Xstudio in Design mode (it will not appear if launching
in Production mode). Deselecting it makes Xstudio open with a blank screen in default
mode (specified by the Initial mode setting, explained below), although you can always
access the C
dialog box by selecting the NEW>F
menu command.
•Fit Gallery Objects to Extents - Applicable to Xmedia objects. When this setting is
selected, anytime an Xmedia object is opened for editing, the window automatically zooms
into the space occupied by the Xmedia object rather than displaying the whole scene.
•Auto Load Driver - When enabled, this setting makes the output driver automatically
launch when you launch Xstudio.
•Driver - If the Auto Load Driver check box has been selected, you must provide the location
of the driver on your PC (e.g. C:\Program Files\VertigoXmedia\VxCG2000). The
driver will be in the location specified during the driver installation.
Xstudio User Manual2-7
Getting started with Xstudio
•Always Overwrite On Publish - When enabled, this option forces an update by rewriting
the scene on publish regardless of whether or not it has been modified.
•Show Publish Dialog - Sets the interface to automatically open and display the
dialog box keeps track of which assets have been recently published and the status of
the publication process for each.
•Initial mode - This setting determines whether Xstudio opens in D
when launched.
•Panel to load on startup - This settings loads a specific control panel whenever you
launch Xstudio. Click the ellipsis button to display a dialog box that lets you select the
control panel.
•Spell Check On - Identifies possible spelling errors in text box objects on the control
side by underlining the misspelled word.
•Spell Check Color - The color of the line under a misspelled word when the S
setting is enabled.
•Confirm Clear Device - When enabled, this setting displays the C
box in production mode and prompts you to clear the device (equivalent to
mistakenly clearing all your keyers on the device by hitting the F4 shortcut key.
dialog box when an asset is published. The Publish Progress
or P
). When this setting is disabled, you get no prompt and you risk
2-8Xstudio User Manual
Asset Defaults settings
The Asset Defaults settings allow you to set the formatting and behavior defaults for the
certain assets types.
Figure 2-6. Asset defaults settings
Getting started with Xstudio
•Default Scene Format - Sets the scene format (e.g. NTSC, PAL, HDTV_1080_30) that
Xstudio use as a default when opening a new scene project.
•Default Font Name - Sets the font value for the F
toolbar, and is automatically
applied whenever you work with text. You are not bound to your selection, however.
You can select new font information at any time using the F
toolbar. This applies to
all other default font settings (size, bold, italic).
•Default Font Size - Sets the font pixel size value for the F
•Default Font Bold - Sets the weight value for the F
•Default Font Italic - Sets the angle value for the F
•Default Text Direction - Sets the default direction for the text when new instances of
text boxes and text objects are created.
•Default Text Justification - Sets the default justification for the text when new
instances of text boxes and text objects are created.
•Default Device Type - Indicates the type of device that the system typically uses and
is set up for.
•Auto Load Scene Default - Indicates whether or not the scene will automatically be
loaded when the template or panel is cued.
•Ingest Loop Default - Sets the default looping value for .j2k and .oxi files that are
ingested into the system using Xstudio.
Xstudio User Manual2-9
Getting started with Xstudio
•Clip Object Loop Default - Sets the default looping value for clip objects that are
added to the scene.
•Cel Object Loop Default - Sets the default looping value for cel animation objects that
are added to the scene.
•Default Safe Title Area (90) % - Sets the default value (percentage) for the Safe Title
area on the scene side. The default value is 90%.
•Default Safe Action Area (93)% - Sets the default value (percentage) for the Safe
Action area on the scene side. The default value is 93%.
Device settings
Device settings specify the keyers that the panels and templates will be loaded to on the CG.
Figure 2-7. Device settings
•Panel Keyer - Specifies which CG keyer the panel is loaded when a Cue, Take, or
Clear is executed on the CG.
•Program Keyer - Specifies which CG keyer the template is loaded when a Cue, Take
or Clear is executed on the CG.
2-10Xstudio User Manual
Browsers settings
These settings control how items display in the Gallery Browser and Asset Browser. They
also let you determine whether the Gallery Browser and Asset Browser will be automatically
hidden after an item has been opened from it (i.e. double-clicked), and whether the Action
Editor will display when you launch the application.
Getting started with Xstudio
Figure 2-8. Browsers settings
•Tile Width - This determines the width in pixels of proxy tiles (the title below each
thumbnail image) in the Gallery Browser.
•Tile Height - This determines the height in pixels of proxy’s tiles in the Gallery Browser.
•Image Width - This determines the width in pixels of a proxy in the Gallery Browser.
•Image Height - This determines the height in pixels of a proxy in the Gallery Browser.
•Show Assets in Asset Browser - This determines whether or not assets are listed in
the Asset Browser (at left). If your asset lists get too long you may want to deactivate
the setting in order to prevent them from taking over the browser completely. Then if
you want to see what a category contains, right-click on it and from the pop-up menu
select O
•Auto Hide Asset Browser - This determines whether or not the Asset Browser will be
hidden after you open (i.e. double-click) one of its listed assets.
•Auto Hide Gallery - This determines whether or not the Gallery Browser will be hidden
after you open (i.e. double-click) one of its listed assets.
•Auto Hide Action Editor - This determines whether or not the Action Editor will be
hidden when you launch Xstudio.
•VEX Export Path - Specifies the directory path where the Vertigo Export file (.vex) file
will be saved to when the Export as vex command is selected in the Asset Browser.
Xstudio User Manual2-11
to make its full contents display in the Gallery Browser (at right).
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