All other brand names, product names or trademarks belong to their respective holders.
Usage Agreement
Please read the following terms and conditions carefully. By using the Xplorer User Manual,
you agree to the following terms and conditions:
Miranda Technologies Inc. hereby grants permission and license to owners of Xplorer and
the Vertigo Suite to use their product manuals for their own internal business use. Manuals
for Miranda Technologies Inc. products may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any
purpose unless specifically authorized in writing by Miranda Technologies Inc.
Miranda Technologies Inc. makes no warranty, either expressed or implied, including but
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regarding these materials and makes such materials available solely on an “As-Is” basis.
In no event shall Miranda Technologies Inc. be liable to anyone for special, collateral,
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of these materials. The sole and exclusive liability to Miranda Technologies Inc., regardless
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Miranda Technologies Inc. reserves the right to revise and improve its products at any time
and without notice. This publication describes the state of this product at the time of its
publication, and may not reflect the product at all times in the future. Thus, different versions
of a manual may exist for any given product. Care should be taken to ensure that one
obtains the proper manual version for a specific product serial number.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
commitment on the part of Miranda Technologies Inc.
Government Use
The Software {and Documentation} is provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use,
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Software -- Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19 or the Commercial Computer
Software -- Licensing clause at NASA FAR Supplement 1852.227-86.
Printed in Canada
Document Identification
•Title: Xplorer User Manual
•Part number: M852-0400-480
•Software version: Vertigo Suite v.4.8
•Last revised: June 21, 2012
Document Revision History
After the original release date, this user manual may be updated with edits and then rereleased. The following table tracks the versions of this document.
Publication dateDescription
June 21, 2012Original release of this user manual for Vertigo Suite v.4.8
Appendix C - Creating and using work orders ................................................................. 8-1
Creating a new work order .................................................................................................................8-2
Viewing existing work orders and/or jobs ...........................................................................................8-4
Adding a job to an existing work order ...............................................................................................8-6
Removing a work order or job from the XMS .....................................................................................8-8
TOC-2Xplorer User Manual
Xplorer is a media management application that allows you to browse and manage the
media content stored on the Xmedia Server (XMS) and other devices.
More specifically, Xplorer allows you to:
•Quickly identify and monitor the status of the Xmedia Server and other devices that are
configured and/or connected to your system.
•Browse and manage the media content stored on the Xmedia Server and/or other
•Move content to and from the Xmedia Server and other devices, including ingesting
content from external storage devices and converting the imported files into Vertigo
compatible assets.
•Preview the playout of various asset types that are stored on the Xmedia Server or
•Create and manage work order requests for graphics elements that are required but do
not exist on the system.
The following sections provide information and instructions for using Xplorer:
•“Getting started with Xplorer” on page 2-1
•“Browsing and managing media on the Xmedia Server and other devices” on page 3-1
•“Moving assets to/from the Xmedia Server and other devices” on page 4-1
•“Previewing assets in Xplorer” on page 5-1
•“Appendix A - Quick reference to Xplorer’s commands and settings” on page 6-1
•“Appendix B - Searching for assets stored on the XMS” on page 7-1
•“Appendix C - Creating and using work orders” on page 8-1
Xplorer User Manual1-1
Introducing Xplorer
1-2Xplorer User Manual
To help get you started using Xplorer, this chapter provides you with information about
installing and licensing the Xplorer software. Once installed, you must configure Xplorer to
recognize and actively connect with the Xmedia Server and the other devices.
Information and instructions to help you set-up and familiarize yourself with Xplorer are
provided in the following sections:
•“Installation and licensing information” on page 2-2
•“Starting Xplorer and connecting to the Xmedia Server” on page 2-3
•“Overview of Xplorer’s interface” on page 2-5
•“Configuring Xplorer’s settings” on page 2-7
•“Adding devices to Xplorer’s Device Viewer” on page 2-8
•“Connecting a device to Xplorer” on page 2-12
Xplorer User Manual2-1
Getting started with Xplorer
Installation and licensing information
Xplorer is packaged with the Vertigo Suite software installation wizard. It can be installed as
part of the full installation or as an individual (standalone) component. In both cases, you
simply need to run the installation wizard on a workstation that is on the same network as
the Xmedia Server.
Information regarding the Vertigo Suite’s hardware and network requirements, as well as
instructions for installing and/or upgrading Xplorer, are available in the Vertigo Suite’s
Release Notes, which can be downloaded from the Miranda Technical Support Services
web site (
Xplorer requires that a software application license be installed and validated on the Xmedia
Server. Therefore, once Xplorer is installed, you must contact the Miranda Technical Support team (
apply and validate the license using the Vertigo Suite’s License Manager, which stores the
license on the Xmedia Server. Instructions for acquiring and validating an Xplorer
application license are provided in the Vertigo Suite’s Release Notes.
Xplorer will not operate properly unless its connection to the Xmedia Server is active and a
valid license is present. See page 2-3 for more information about resolving connection and
license errors.
) to request a license key for Xplorer. Then you must
2-2Xplorer User Manual
Getting started with Xplorer
Xplorer is actively
connected to the
Xmedia Server
Xplorer has been
disconnected from
the Xmedia Server
Starting Xplorer and connecting to the Xmedia Server
As a client application, Xplorer must always be connected to the Xmedia Server, which is
the centralized asset management server and license manager for Vertigo applications and
Each time Xplorer is opened, it verifies the connection to the Xmedia Server and the
availability of the Xplorer license. If both conditions are successful, then Xplorer opens and
is ready to be used. However, if either of these conditions is unsuccessful, an error message
appears and prompts you to remedy the situation (see below).
While using Xplorer, the connection to the Xmedia Server must always be maintained
(active). As such, Xplorer continuously verifies and reports the connection status using the
XMS icon in the Xmedia Server Viewer. Figure 2-1
icon’s connectivity status.
demonstrates the two states of the XMS
Xplorer User Manual2-3
Figure 2-1. Xplorer’s Xmedia Server connection status
If for any reason the connection to the Xmedia Server fails (disconnected), you must reestablish the connection before continuing to use Xplorer.
Common reasons for losing the connection are that the Xmedia Server or the machine
hosting Xplorer has lost its network connection (network is down, IP address has changed
or network cable disconnected), the Xmedia Server service has been stopped, or the
Xmedia Server machine has been shutdown or has crashed.
The following sections describe how to resolve situations in which Xplorer cannot connect
to the Xmedia Server or find a valid license on startup.
Resolving an Xmedia Server connection failure when opening Xplorer:
1.Open Xplorer by clicking VERTIGOXMEDIA>XPLORER from the Windows Start menu.
If Xplorer cannot successfully connect to the Xmedia Server, the following error
message appears.
Getting started with Xplorer
2.Click Yes and Xplorer’s SETTINGS window opens and displays the XMS page.
3.In the X
MEDIA SERVER IP ADDRESS field, type the IP address of the machine hosting the
Xmedia Server.
4.Unless the port number was changed when the Xmedia Server was installed, the default
in the X
MEDIASERVER PORT field will be correct. If it was changed, enter the new number.
5.Click OK.
Xplorer should now open. If Xplorer still cannot connect to the Xmedia Server, consult
your system administrator. The problem could be due to one of the following:
• The IP address or port was entered incorrectly.
• The machine hosting the Xmedia Server is down.
• The Xmedia Server is not running on the host machine.
• The machine is not connected to the network.
Figure 2-2. Xplorer’s Settings window
Resolving a license failure when opening Xplorer:
1.Open Xplorer by clicking VERTIGOXMEDIA>XPLORER from the Windows Start menu.
If Xplorer cannot successfully locate a valid Xplorer license on the Xmedia Server, the
following error message appears.
2.Evaluate and act according to the following:
• If you suspect that the cause of the license error is that the Xplorer license has not yet been
installed and validated on the Xmedia Server, click Enter License. The License Manager
opens and you can follow the instructions in the Release Notes for acquiring and installing
a software license.
• If you suspect that the cause of the license error is that Xplorer is connected to the wrong
Xmedia Server (the license resides on another Xmedia Server), click Change Server.
Xplorer’s S
ERVER IP ADDRESS field, type the IP address of the Xmedia Server that holds a valid
ETTINGS window opens and displays the XMS page (figure 2-2). In the XMEDIA
Xplorer license. Click OK.
2-4Xplorer User Manual
Overview of Xplorer’s interface
While further chapters provide full procedural instructions for using Xplorer, this section lists
Xplorer's main interface components and provides brief functional descriptions of each.
Getting started with Xplorer
Figure 2-3. Xplorer’s user interface components
1.Menu commands - The menu commands provide access to Xplorer's settings and
administrative functions. See “Xplorer’s menu commands” on page 6-2
of each command.
2.Toolbar buttons - The toolbar buttons offer easy access to the features and functions that
are most commonly needed when using Xplorer. Functional descriptions for each of these
buttons is described within the procedures for using Xplorer, as well as “Xplorer’s toolbar
buttons” on page 6-5.
Xplorer User Manual2-5
3.Asset Browser - Located along the left-side of the interface, the Asset Browser is a
collapsible panel that provides a hierarchical view of the root categories and sub-categories
in which assets are stored on either the Xmedia Server or the device that is currently
selected in the Device Viewer. Upon selecting a category, the assets are displayed in the
Asset Gallery.
4.Asset Gallery - Identifies the assets that are stored within the asset category selected
in the Asset Browser. When the Proxy View button is enabled in Xplorer’s toolbar,
the assets are displayed as labelled-thumbnail images. When the Detail View button
is enabled, the assets are displayed in a list that identifies the asset’s name along
with some of its current properties.
for a full description
Getting started with Xplorer
5.Xmedia Server Viewer - Identifies the Xmedia Server (hostname or IP address) and its
current connection status to Xplorer (see page 2-3). When you select the XMS icon, the
contents of the Xmedia Server are displayed in the Asset Browser and Asset Gallery.
6.Device Viewer - Displays an icon for each of the devices that are managed by the
Xmedia Server, as well as their current connection status to Xplorer (see page 2-12
When the View>Show Device Details menu command is enabled, some of the
devices’ statistics are displayed (i.e. the percentage of free space on their disk, as well
as the number of items left in the publish queue.) See page 4-17
When you select a device’s icon, the contents of that device are displayed in the Asset
Browser and Asset Gallery.
Figure 2-4
that you can use to launch various functions associated with the device (e.g. ping the
device, launch the device’s Publish Queue Monitor, launch the device’s Dashboard or
display the device’s properties).
demonstrates that right-clicking on the device’s icon exposes commands
for more information.
Figure 2-4. Right-clicking on the device exposes commands associated with the device
2-6Xplorer User Manual
Configuring Xplorer’s settings
While Xplorer’s default settings are appropriate for most operating circumstances, you may
want to customize the look and behavior of the application using Xplorer’s settings. Note
that modifying the settings is entirely optional.
Changes to Xplorer’s settings are made in the S
by selecting the T
OOLS>SETTINGS menu command.
Figure 2-5. Xplorer’s Settings window
Getting started with Xplorer
ETTINGS window, which can be accessed
ETTINGS window has six thematic tabs, which contain properties and settings that
The S
apply to Xplorer. A functional description of each setting is provided in a quick reference
format in the following sections of the appendix chapter:
•“XMS settings” on page 6-8
•“Work Order settings” on page 6-9
•“Layout settings” on page 6-10
•“Publish Monitoring settings” on page 6-11
•“General settings” on page 6-12
•“Logging settings” on page 6-13
Some settings will require you to restart Xplorer for the changes to be applied.
Xplorer User Manual2-7
Getting started with Xplorer
Xplorer’s Device Viewer
displays all of the devices
from the Xmedia Server.
Adding devices to Xplorer’s Device Viewer
Xplorer uses the Vertigo Suite’s Device Manager to identify the output devices that are
available and associated with the Xmedia Server. The Device Manager contains the userdefined device configuration profiles that allow Vertigo Suite applications (i.e. Xplorer,
Xstudio, Xplay...etc.) to connect to and communicate with specific output devices on the
Since several applications in the Vertigo Suite are capable of defining devices on the
Xmedia Server, it is possible that the device configuration profiles of some of the devices
on your network are already present in the Device Manager. As such, when you open
Xplorer and it is connected to the Xmedia Server, the devices that already exist in the
Xmedia Server will appear in Xplorer’s Device Viewer (figure 2-6
not contain an output device that you need, you must add the device’s configuration profile
to the Device Manager.
). If the Device Viewer does
Figure 2-6. Xplorer’s Device Viewer is populated with the devices from the Xmedia Server
To add a device to Xplorer’s Device Viewer:
1.Select the T
The DEVICE MANAGERwindow (Device Configuration) opens.
Note that the Device Manager will display the device profiles that were previously
added to the Xmedia Server.
2-8Xplorer User Manual
Getting started with Xplorer
2.Select the NEW button in the lower-left corner.
The Device Configuration section (lower portion) immediately changes to become the
New Device Information section, which features two tabs (G
which are a series of empty fields for specifying the new device’s configuration details.
3.Specify the appropriate General Device Configuration settings:
Device nameThe name of the device. Note that the name cannot be modified after the device
configuration profile has been added to the Device Manager.
Device aliasAn optional field that provides an alternative name for the device on your network.
DescriptionAn optional field that lets you identify the device using a meaningful label. This is
helpful for distinguishing similar devices at your facility.
Device TypeIdentifies the type of device that these settings apply to.
Choose from:
NOTE: Always select PREVIEW (OROTHERDEVICE) for Software CG devices.
Control IPThe network location (IP address) or hostname of the selected device. The host
must be available on the network.
OTE: The Control IP setting is not displayed when HMP is selected as the device
Control PortThe networking port that serves as a channel for sending commands to and from
the device.
OTE: The Control Port setting is not displayed when HMP is selected as the device
Xplorer User Manual2-9
Getting started with Xplorer
Publish IPThe network location (IP address) or hostname of the of the machine to which
assets are published when publishing to the selected device. This is usually set to
the same address as the Control IP. Note that the host must be available on the
OTE: The Publish IP setting is not displayed when VERTIGO XG, INTUITION XG or
NTUITION are selected as the device type.
Publish PortThe networking port that serves as a channel for publishing assets. Typically, this
value is set to 15000.
•The Control Port setting is only displayed when P
are selected as the device type.
•This value must correspond with the port used by the XpublishAgent on the
output device.
Publish as
The Publish as Export setting is only displayed if FTP is the selected device type.
This setting publishes the asset in the Vertigo Export (.vex) zip file format. The
VEX format is used by the File Ingest Service to import assets into the Xmedia
4.Specify the appropriate Advanced Device Configuration settings:
Clip TemplateTo take a clip to air in Xplay, the clip must be hosted in a template that contains a
clip object. This setting specifies the template that is used to host clips.
This is an optional field when using Xplorer. If this device profile is used by another
Vertigo Suite application in the future, you can always return to the Device Manager
and edit to profile to include this setting.
Cel Template
Tem pla te
To take a Cel animation or image to air in Xplay, the asset must be hosted in a
template that contains a cel animation or image object. This setting specifies the
template that is used to host cel animation or image.
This is an optional field when using Xplorer. If this device profile is used by another
Vertigo Suite application in the future, you can always return to the Device Manager
and edit to profile to include this setting.
External KeyerAllows you to associate another device with the current device. This setting is used
when the CG output is keyed over the output of an ImageStore device. This allows
specific commands to be sent to the external keyer through the CG.
OTE: The External Keyer setting is not displayed when FTP and HMP are selected
as the device type.
2-10Xplorer User Manual
Getting started with Xplorer
When a publish master device is specified, all items that are published to the
publish master are forwarded to the current device. This is a deprecated feature
that has been kept for backward compatibility.
OTE: The Publish Master setting is only displayed when PREVIEWand OTHERare
selected as the device type.
5.Click SAVE and the device configuration profile is added to the Xmedia Server and
displayed in the Device Manager.
6.Click Exit and the device is immediately added to Xplorer’s Device Viewer.
In most cases, the device is automatically connected to Xplorer and is ready for use. If it is
not connected (red box around the device), see “Connecting a device to Xplorer” on page
2-12 for instructions on how to establish the connection.
Xplorer User Manual2-11
Getting started with Xplorer
The red box around the device
indicates that Xplorer is not
currently connected to the device.
Connecting a device to Xplorer
In addition to being present in the Device Viewer, devices must also be actively connected
to Xplorer to ensure proper communication between the two. In most cases, a device’s
connection to Xplorer is automatic and maintained if the device is properly configured and
running on an active network.
If for any reason, the connection between Xplorer and the device fails or is dropped, the
Device Viewer alerts you of the failed connection by displaying a red box around the device.
You can also see the connection status by hovering your cursor over the device (O
Common reasons for losing the connection are that the output device or the machine
hosting Xplorer has lost its network connection (network is down, IP address has changed
or network cable disconnected) or the output device has been shutdown or has stopped.
To help you troubleshoot the connection failure, the Device Viewer contains the PING
EVICE menu command, which allows you to ping the device to verify the communication
path between the device and Xplorer.
To ping a device:
1.Right-click the device in Xplorer’s Device Viewer.
2.Select the PING DEVICE command.
ING window appears.
The P
3.Click the PING button.
Xplorer attempts to ping the device and then displays its results.
If pinging the device results in a failure, open the D
EVICE MANAGER window and verify the
device’s configuration settings. If the settings are correct, then continue troubleshooting by
verifying that the device is operating and that its cabling connections are proper.
Once the connection is re-established, Xplorer will automatically update the Device Viewer,
or you can right-click on a device and select the R
2-12Xplorer User Manual
Getting started with Xplorer
Launching a device’s Dashboard from Xplorer
Xplorer allows you to launch a device’s Dashboard, which contains the device’s
configuration settings. Figure 2-7
or Preview (Software CG) device in Xplorer’s Device view displays the L
Figure 2-7. Launching a device’s Dashboard from Xplorer
demonstrates that right-clicking a Vertigo XG, Intuition XG
When the L
and searches for the device on the specified machine and port. If the device is found, then
it is shown in the Dashboard’s device list and its properties are displayed for editing. In the
case of Intuition XG devices, the port specified in the device definition is the automation port
on Xplay rather than the port belonging to an XG instance. Because of this, all ports are
scanned on Intuition XG devices. If multiple XG instances are running they will all be shown
in the device list.
Only one instance of the XG Dashboard may be running at a time. If you attempt to open
an XG Dashboard when another instance is already running, Xplorer will display the
following error message.
A Dashboard launched from Xplorer only targets a specific machine and the port behaves
slightly differently from a dashboard launched from the XG control panel. The Device
Discovery settings are ignored and an automatic scan is performed on the requested
device. The device list is not saved on exit regardless of the value of the Auto-Save Device List on Exit setting. The Load Device List and S
also disabled.
AUNCH DASHBOARD command is selected, the device’s XG Dashboard opens
AVE DEVICE LIST commands/buttons are
Xplorer User Manual2-13
Getting started with Xplorer
2-14Xplorer User Manual
As a media management application, Xplorer allows you to browse and manage the media
content (assets) stored on the Xmedia Server, as well as the assets that have been
published to and reside on other output devices.
The following sections describe how to use Xplorer to access and browse the content of the
Xmedia Server and other devices. Also described are some of the administrative tasks that
you can perform to help organize and maintain the media set on the Xmedia Server and/or
•“Displaying the media contents of the XMS or a device” on page 3-2
•“Browsing the contents of the XMS or a device” on page 3-3
•“Searching for assets stored on the Xmedia Server” on page 3-5
•“Categorizing within the Xmedia Server” on page 3-6
•“Removing an asset from an XMS category or a device” on page 3-7
•“Deleting assets from the Xmedia Server or a device” on page 3-9
•“Renaming an asset” on page 3-10
•“Viewing and editing an asset’s properties” on page 3-11
•“Monitoring and managing a device’s disk space” on page 3-14
Xplorer User Manual3-1
Browsing and managing media on the Xmedia Server and other devices
Displaying the media contents of the XMS or a device
Despite being configured and connected to the Xmedia Server and several devices, Xplorer
can only display the media content and work from the perspective of the Xmedia Server or
one device at a time. As such, when you are working with Xplorer either the Xmedia Server
(XMS) is selected or the selected device becomes Xplorer's active device.
The XMS icon and device icons in Xplorer’s Viewers act as buttons that you can click to
determine whether to display and browse the contents of the Xmedia Server or a specific
device. Once selected, an orange outline appears around the icon to identify that its content
is currently being displayed in Xplorer.
When you select the XMS icon or a device’s icon, the Asset Browser immediately refreshes
the categories and the assets are displayed in Xplorer’s Asset Browser and Asset Gallery.
In addition to outlining the icon in the Viewers, the Asset Browser’s title bar also identifies
the XMS or device.
See page 3-3 for information and instructions on how to browse the content of the XMS and devices.
3-2Xplorer User Manual
Browsing and managing media on the Xmedia Server and other devices
Proxy View
Detail View
Browsing the contents of the XMS or a device
When you select the XMS icon or a device’s icon in Xplorer’s Viewers, the categories and
the assets displayed in Xplorer’s Asset Browser and Asset Gallery are immediately
refreshed (see page 3-2). You can now browse the content by navigating through the
hierarchical structure of root categories, subcategories and files.
Most asset types can be displayed in the Asset Gallery either as thumbnail images using
ROXY VIEW, or as detailed lists using DETAIL VIEW.
ETAIL VIEW lists the contents of the selected category/subcategory and provides
detailed information about your assets, including name, format, author, description,
and date modified.
ROXYVIEW displays the contents of the selected category/subcategory as thumbnail
images so you can quickly identify the individual assets.
The size at which the thumbnail images are displayed can be edited using the THUMBNAIL SIZE
setting (TOOLS>SETTINGS>LAYOUT). See “Layout settings” on page 6-10 for more information.
Not all assets can be viewed in proxy mode. Since proxy view displays the assets using
thumbnail images to preview the asset, the asset must have an image or visual component
associated to it.
Asset types that can be viewed as Proxies include:
Audio, Fonts, Scenes, Templates, Pages, Images, Cel Animations, Clips, Panels, Generic
and Xmedia Objects
Asset types that cannot
Jobs, Work Orders, Playlists, Rundowns, Segments, Scripts and Lookup Tables
Xplorer User Manual3-3
be viewed as Proxies include:
Browsing and managing media on the Xmedia Server and other devices
To display the contents of the XMS or a device:
1.Select the Xmedia Server or device by clicking the XMS icon or device’s icon in the
Upon selecting the icon, the Asset Browser refreshes and displays the Asset
categories for the XMS or the device.
If the desired device is not listed in the Device Viewer, or if the device is disconnected, see page
2-8 and page 2-12 for instructions on how to add, configure and connect a device to Xplorer.
2.Select the desired asset category icon and navigate through the subcategory folders
by selecting the + symbol to expand the category, or select a subcategory.
The contents of the category are immediately displayed in the Asset Gallery.
3.Select either the P
toolbar to select the view format of the Asset Gallery.
4.Repeat step 2 to browse through the contents of various asset types and categories.
5.To browse the contents of another device, repeat steps 1 to 4.
If you are not able to locate a particular asset or set of assets on the Xmedia Server by
simply browsing through the Asset Browser and Asset Gallery, you can use Xplorer’s
Search tool to find it. See “Appendix B - Searching for assets stored on the XMS” on page
7-1 for more information.
ROXY VIEW or the DETAIL VIEW buttons from Xplorer’s
3-4Xplorer User Manual
Browsing and managing media on the Xmedia Server and other devices
Searching for assets stored on the Xmedia Server
While Xplorer’s Asset Browser and Asset Gallery provide you with convenient access to the
assets on your Xmedia Server, you may also want to find or sort assets based on common
themes or characteristics. For this reason, Xplorer offers a Search tool, which allows you to
quickly search and find assets on the Xmedia Server by specifying search criteria based on
asset properties and meta data. When a query is performed, the Search tool returns a listing
of the assets that match the search criteria.
To open Xplorer’s Search Tool, simply click the S
Figure 3-1. Xplorer’s Search Tool
See “Appendix B - Searching for assets stored on the XMS” on page 7-1 for a full description
and instructions for using Xplorer’s Search Tool.
EARCH icon in the Xplorer toolbar.
Xplorer User Manual3-5
Browsing and managing media on the Xmedia Server and other devices
Categorizing within the Xmedia Server
An asset may be placed in one or more categories in the Xmedia Server. You can change
the set of categories where the asset resides using the C
While assets can be recategorized within the Xmedia Server, you cannot use Xplorer to
recategorize assets directly from within the device.
To move or add an asset to another category within the same Xmedia Server device:
1.Select the XMS device from the Device Viewer.
2.Select the root category in the Asset Browser and navigate to the asset that is to be
moved or added to another category.
3.Right-click on the asset in the Asset Gallery and select the C
The RECATEGORIZE window appears, which displays the current location(s) of the
asset, as well as all of the possible categories where the asset can reside.
ATEGORIZE command.
4.Select the category, or multiple categories, where you want the asset to be located.
Note that you can remove the asset from its current category by deselecting the
category (see note below).
You are not permitted to deselect all categories before committing to this change otherwise
the asset might be orphaned it would not have an assigned category to reside in and
therefore be invisible to the Asset Browser.
5.Click OK and the asset is immediately moved to the specified categories.
3-6Xplorer User Manual
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