Belden, Belden Sending All The Right Signals, and the Belden logo are trademarks or
registered trademarks of Belden Inc. or its affiliated companies in the United States and
other jurisdictions. Grass Valley USA, LLC, Miranda, Vertigo Suite, Vertigo XG and Xmedia
Server are trademarks or registered trademarks of Grass Valley USA, LLC. Belden Inc.,
Grass Valley USA, LLC, and other parties may also have trademark rights in other terms
used herein.
Terms and Conditions
Please read the following terms and conditions carefully. By using the Xplay documentation,
you agree to the following terms and conditions.
Grass Valley hereby grants permission and license to owners of the Vertigo Suite to use
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Belden Brand products may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
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Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a
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Warranty Policies
Warranty information is available in the Support section of the Grass Valley Web site
Document Identification
TitleXplay User Manual
Part numberM852-0800-500
SW versionVertigo Suite v5.0
Revision History
After the original release date, the Xplay User Manual may be updated with edits and then
re-released. The following table tracks the versions of this document.
Enabling and disabling GPI in Xplay.............................................................................................9-9
Xplay User Manual TOC-3
Table of Contents
TOC-4Xplay User Manual
Xplay is the Vertigo Suite’s application for controlling and previewing the playout of media
and graphics. The management and playout of the playlist can be either operator-controlled
using the Xplay user interface or through a external automation system. Xplay’s versatility
also allows you to control playout on multiple devices, multiple channels, and/or multiple
layers on a channel all from a single interface.
Figure 1-1. Xplay allows you to preview and control the playout of playlist elements
In situations where operator-control over the playlist is appropriate, Xplay allows you to:
•Create new playlists that contain pages, clips and/or templates
•Create new pages and add them to a playlist
•Edit existing playlists and pages either prior to playout, or on the fly during the
•Send completed playlists to air on one or more playout devices in real-time using
manual control techniques, or with the assistance of customizable run-time control
In newsroom environments, Xplay is the media event sequencer which controls the playout
of rundowns in a similar way that it controls the playout of traditional playlists. Using the
Xplay User Manual1-1
Introducing Xplay
NRCS & Xnews plugin
Asset management
Playout device
Station automation
(Serial or TCP/IP)
MOS protocol, the newsroom computer system (NRCS) sends the rundown information to
Xplay, which previews and plays out on Vertigo playout devices (figure 1-2).
Figure 1-2. Xplay also acts as the media event sequencer in newsroom environments
Upon receipt of the rundown, Xplay recalls the graphics pages from the Xmedia Server and
then plays out the dynamic news sequences with live data mapped to the appropriate
graphic template fields. Customized control panels at the top of the Xplay interface can be
used for manual operation. Since Xplay’s device views show a preview of the device’s
playout, you can also make last minute changes to the graphics. The Xnews User Manual
provides more information about the Vertigo news graphics workflow.
Xplay can also be used to allow third-party automation systems, like Pharos, Pebble Beach,
Harris (ADC), and Florical, to control Vertigo playout devices (i.e. Vertigo XG and Intuition
XG). Figure 1-3
automation controls protocols for graphics playback either through a serial or TCP/IP
connection. Xplay receives these commands from automation to control the device and the
device sends back status messages. See “
protocols” on page 5-1 for more information.
demonstrates that automation commands are sent using standard
Controlling Xplay devices using automation
Figure 1-3. Xplay allows third-party automation systems to control Vertigo playout devices
1-2Xplay User Manual
Xplay can be used to preview and control the playout of media and graphics on a single or
multiple devices and this can be done either manually or through automation. As such, the
procedures for installing and configuring Xplay are depend upon its intended use.
The following sections provide information and instructions for how to install, configure and
become familiar with Xplay’s user interface:
Installation and licensing information” on page 2-2
•“Starting Xplay and connecting to the Xmedia Server” on page 2-3
•“Overview of the Xplay interface” on page 2-4
•“Configuring Xplay’s settings” on page 2-7
•“Adding and connecting Xplay to playout devices” on page 2-8
Xplay User Manual2-1
Getting started with Xplay
Installation and licensing information
When playout is to be controlled manually by an operator, Xplay is typically installed and
configured on a client computer that is connected via a local-area network to the playout
devices. However, when the playout is to be controlled by an external automation system,
Xplay is installed and configured directly on the Vertigo playout device (i.e. Vertigo XG or
Intuition XG).
Regardless of where it is installed, Xplay is packaged with the Vertigo Suite software
installation wizard. It can be installed as part of the full installation or as an individual
(standalone) component. In both cases, you simply need to run the installation wizard on a
workstation that is on the same network as the Xmedia Server.
Information regarding the Vertigo Suite’s hardware and network requirements, as well as
instructions for installing and/or upgrading Xplay, are available in the Vertigo Suite’s
Release Notes, which can be downloaded from the Support Portal web site.
Unlike most other Vertigo Suite applications, Xplay does not require a software application
2-2Xplay User Manual
Getting started with Xplay
Starting Xplay and connecting to the Xmedia Server
When you initially launch Xplay, a dialog box appears and asks you to configure the server
location. As a client application, Xplay must be connected to the Xmedia Server, which is
the centralized asset management server for Vertigo applications and devices.
Since you have only just installed Xplay, the first task that you must do is to connect Xplay
to the Xmedia Server.
To start Xplay and connect to the Xmedia Server:
1.Click S
2.When the message asking you to configure the server location, click the Y
ES button.
The SETTINGS dialog box appears.
Figure 2-1. Settings dialog box
3.Click S
4.In the X
ERVERS in the tree view at left. This displays the settings related to the Xmedia
Server (see page 6-34
MEDIASERVER IP ADDRESS field, replace <server IP> with the IP address of
for more information about Xplay’s Server settings).
the machine hosting the Xmedia Server.
5.Unless the port number was changed when the Xmedia Server was installed, the
default in the X
MEDIASERVER PORT field will be correct. If it was changed, enter the new
6.Click OK.
Xplay launches. If the program does not launch, consult your system administrator. The
problem could be due to one of the following:
• The IP address or port was entered incorrectly.
• The machine hosting the Xmedia Server is down.
• The Xmedia Server is not running on the host machine.
• The machine is not connected to the network.
Xplay User Manual2-3
Getting started with Xplay
Overview of the Xplay interface
While some of the Xplay interface components remain constant, others are customizable
using Xplay’s settings. Figures 2-2
interface components and provide a brief functional description of each.
and the following descriptions identify the Xplay’s main
Figure 2-2. Xplay set to Manual playout mode and On-Air Preview layout mode
1.Main menus: Located along the top of the interface, these menu commands provide
access to most of Xplay’s settings and administrative functions. See “Xplay’s menu
commands” on page 6-2 for more information.
2.Asset Browser: The Asset Browser, which is located within a collapsible panel, provides
a tree view of assets stored on the Xmedia Server. You can use the Asset Browser to
locate and load a rundown into Xplay, as well as to add pages, clips, templates and/or
scenes to an open playlist.
3.Playlist Editor: The Playlist Editor is the workspace where an opened playlist is displayed.
Playlist elements (segment headings, pages, clips, comments...etc.) are organized in a
2-4Xplay User Manual
sequential list.
• The buttons along the top of the window are used for loading and managing playlists.
These buttons allow you to open a new playlist, as well as save, reload, loop... the
playlist and its elements.
•The Q
• The Playlist Editor’s global C
UICK RECALL field, which can be hidden/exposed using the VIEW>QUICK RECALL
command, allows you to quickly locate and insert a page, clip, template and/or scene
into the playlist using the asset’s Recall ID property.
the playlist elements appear on air.
UE and TAKE buttons allow you to control the timing of when
Getting started with Xplay
4.Message Log: Xplay’s Message Log window alerts you to possible errors or operational
events that may impede or adversely affect your playout. For example, the Message Log
will alert you if Xplay’s connection to the Xmedia Server (XMS) or to an output device is
disconnected or re-connected.
The Message Log window is conveniently displayed as a floating window upon start up
and each time a new message is added to the Message Log.
You can hide the Message Log window by clicking the window’s C
reopen the Message Log window at anytime, select the V
command or press C
TRL + M.
LOSE button . To
Rather than a floating window, the Message Log window can be set as an embedded
window in the Xplay interface (figure 2-3
Figure 2-3. Xplay’s Message Log window can be floating or embedded
5.EAS Status bar: When Xplay is configured to support the Emergency Alert System
(EAS), the EAS Status bar provides operators with a quick visual of the EAS receiver’s
status and any current event messages. See “
Appendix C - Using Xplay to support the
Emergency Alert System (EAS)” on page 8-1 for more information.
6.Xplay’s Status bar: Xplay’s status bar identifies the name and status of the currently
loaded playlist, as well as Xplay’s connection status to the Xmedia Server.
The following table describes the possible status information that is displayed in each
of the categories:
The X logo indicates that a basic Vertigo Suite playlist
is loaded in the Playlist Editor. The logo is followed by
the playlist’s name.
The asterisks beside the playlist’s name indicates that
unsaved edits have been made to the playlist.
Xplay User Manual2-5
Getting started with Xplay
Xplay’s F
ILTERPAGESBYDEVICE setting is enabled and
some playlist elements were removed because they
were not assigned to a device.
The MOS logo indicates a rundown (playlist) is
currently loaded in Xplay. Rundowns are a type of
playlist normally used for MOS news broadcasts.
Xplay is properly connected to the Xmedia Server
whose name or IP address is indicated.
When this section of the Status bar turns red, Xplay is
has lost its connection to the Xmedia Server whose
name or IP address is indicated.
Alerts or warns you that the Xplay.ini file, which is
located in C:\Program Files\VertigoXmedia\Apps, is
currently in an unwritable state. This means that Xplay
is currently not able to save any of the Xplay settings
upon shutdown.
7.Toolbar Panel: Any panel opened for use with the playlist will be displayed in a panel
directly under Xplay’s menu bar. When a panel is open, you can display or hide the entire
control panel area by selecting or deselecting V
IEW>TOOLBARPANEL. The panel area can
be resized by dragging from its bottom borders downwards. You can also zoom in/out of the
panel by using the mouse wheel. See “
Using a panel to control an additional keyer level on
a device” on page 4-20 for more information.
8.Device Views: Xplay’s G
ENERAL settings (TOOLS>SETTINGS) allow you to set the LAYOUT
setting to either MULTI-DEVICE or ONAIR-PREVIEW, which affects the appearance of Xplay’s
Device Views. The Device Views allow you to see a visual representation of the playlist
element that is either being cued or currently being played out on a device.
ULTI-DEVICE: When Xplay is configured to playout to multiple devices or on different
• M
keyers of the same device, a display pane appears according to the number of devices
specified in the N
UMBEROFDEVICES setting. Each device’s display view has indicators
that informs of the device’s connection status, as well as override buttons for controlling
the playout of the playlist elements on that device (e.g. C
UE, TAKE CLEAR). The override
buttons allow you to take selected playlist elements to air on the channel of your choice.
The layout of the device’s display views can also be customized using the
AYOUT>MULTIDEVICE LAYOUT setting, which can be set to ONAIR, PREVIEW, or
REVIEWONAIR. See “Configuring Xplay for multi-device playout” on page 2-14 for more
NAIR-PREVIEW: This mode is used when Xplay is connected to only a single playout
• O
device (1 keyer channel) and an optional preview device (i.e. Software CG). One display
pane shows the playlist element that is currently on air, while the pane previews the
element that has been cued as next-to-air. See “
Configuring Xplay for single device
playout (OnAir-Preview)” on page 2-12 for more information.
2-6Xplay User Manual
Configuring Xplay’s settings
While Xplay’s default settings are appropriate for most operating circumstances, you may
want to customize the look and behavior of the application using Xplay’s settings. Note that
modifying these settings is entirely optional.
Getting started with Xplay
Changes to Xplay’s settings are made within the S
accessed by selecting the T
Some settings will require you to restart Xplay for the changes to be applied.
This SETTINGS dialog box contains a tree-structure of thematic settings. Each of the settings
is defined in the following sections:
General settings” on page 6-14
•“Layout settings” on page 6-16
•“Playout settings” on page 6-17
•“AFD settings” on page 6-20
•“Display settings” on page 6-21
•“Template Favorites settings” on page 6-23
•“Panel Events settings” on page 6-24
•“Automation settings” on page 6-25
•“As Run Logging settings” on page 6-27
•“Logging settings” on page 6-30
•“Plugins settings” on page 6-32
•“Servers settings” on page 6-34
•“Playlist > Basic settings” on page 6-35
•“Playlist > Status settings” on page 6-36
•“Playlist > Highlight settings” on page 6-37
OOLS>SETTINGS menu command.
ETTINGS dialog box, which can be
Xplay User Manual2-7
Getting started with Xplay
Xplay’s Device Views
Adding and connecting Xplay to playout devices
Xplay allows you to preview and control the playout of media and graphics on various types of
rendering and playout devices (e.g. Software CG, Vertigo XG or Intuition XG). Xplay can be
configured to preview and control playout on a single device, or to managed the playout on
multiple devices, multiple channels, and/or multiple layers on a channel all from a single interface.
Figure 2-4. Xplay’s Device Views allow you to control the playout on specific devices, channels and/or keyers
The following sections describe how to configure Xplay’s Device Manager and Device
Views to connect to your output device(s):
Adding output devices to Xplay’s Device Manager” on page 2-9
2.“Configuring Xplay for single or multi-device playout control” on page 2-12
3.“Connecting output devices to Xplay” on page 2-16
Xplay supports playout on several different device types, including the Software CG, Vertigo XG,
Intuition XG, as well as other Grass Valley and 3rd party devices. Please refer to the latest Vertigo
Suite Release Notes for the complete list of supported devices.
2-8Xplay User Manual
Getting started with Xplay
Adding output devices to Xplay’s Device Manager
Before Xplay can connect and playout media and graphics content to an output device,
each instance of the output device must be defined in Xplay’s Device Manager.
The Device Manager maintains a list of output device profiles that have been configured to
work with Xplay. You can add several devices to the Device Manager, as well as add a
separate device for each channel of the same device (i.e. XG1 for channel A and XG2 for
channel B of a dual-channel Vertigo XG device).
Note that adding a device to the Device Manager does not automatically associate the
device with an Xplay Device View (keyer) nor does it automatically connect the device to
Xplay (these tasks are performed in a separate step described on page 2-12
Adding devices to the Device Manager simply means that these devices are already
configured and available to Xplay whenever they may be needed.
To add an output device to Xplay’s Device Manager:
1.Open the Device Configuration window by selecting TOOLS>DEVICE MANAGER.
2.In the D
EVICE CONFIGURATION window, select the ADD button:
and page 2-16.
Figure 2-5. Device Configuration dialog box
3.The DEVICE CONFIGURATION windows expands to reveal two tabs (GENERAL and ADVANCED)
with settings for identifying the device’s configuration.
Figure 2-6. Add Device Configuration section
Xplay User Manual2-9
Getting started with Xplay
4.Specify the appropriate General Device Configuration settings:
Device nameThe name of the selected device. This can only be modified when adding a device.
Device aliasAn alternative name for the selected device on your network.
DescriptionAn optional field that lets you label the device to distinguish it from other similar
devices at your facility (for example).
Device TypeIdentifies the type of device that these settings apply to.
Choose from:
NOTE: Always select PREVIEW (or other device) for Software CG devices.
Control IPThe network location (IP address) or hostname of the selected device. The host
must be available on the network.
OTE: The Control IP setting is not displayed when HMP is selected as the device
Control PortThe networking port that serves as a channel for sending commands to and from
the device.
OTE: The Control Port setting is not displayed when HMP is selected as the device
Publish IPThe network location (IP address) or hostname of the selected device. The host
must be available on the network.
OTE: The Publish IP setting is not displayed when VERTIGO XG, INTUITION XG or
INTUITION are selected as the device type.
Publish PortThe networking port that serves as a channel for publishing assets. Typically, this
value is set to 15000.
•The Control Port setting is only displayed when PREVIEW, FTP, HMP or OTHER
are selected as the device type.
•This value must correspond with the port used by the XpublishAgent on the
output device.
2-10Xplay User Manual
Getting started with Xplay
Publish as
The Publish as Export setting is only displayed if FTP is the selected device type.
This setting publishes the asset in the Vertigo Export (.vex) zip file format. The
VEX format is used by the File Ingest Service to import assets into the Xmedia
Server and/or device.
5.Specify the appropriate Advanced Device Configuration settings:
Clip TemplateWhen a “stand-alone” clip asset played out (either from the playlist or from an
automation command), Xplay will use this system template to determine the clip’s
playout format, position and behavior.
Click the button to navigate to and select a Clip template.
Valid clip templates for various scene formats are included with the Vertigo Suite’s
system templates. Once imported into the Xmedia Server, the templates are stored
in the T
If you choose to create your own clip template, remember that the clip template’s
control-side must have a texture linked to a scene-side clip object.
Cel Template
Tem pla te
The name of the template that is used to play “stand-alone” cel animations or
images when they are taken to air using an automation command.
Click the button to navigate to and select a cel template or image template.
Valid templates for various scene formats are included with the Vertigo Suite’s
system templates. Once imported into the Xmedia Server, the templates are stored
in the T
If you choose to create your own template, remember that the template’s controlside must have a texture linked to a scene-side cel animation or image object.
External KeyerAllows you to associate another device with the current device. This setting is
specifically used when the Software CG output is keyed over the ImageStore
output. In this way, specific commands can be sent to the ImageStore (the External
keyer) when specific things are done on the Software CG.
OTE: The External Keyer setting is not displayed when FTP and HMP are selected
as the device type.
Lets you select a master device.
OTE: The Publish Master setting is only displayed when PREVIEWand OTHERare
selected as the device type.
6.Click A
After a device has been added to the Device Manager, you can edit a device’s configuration
settings (except for the Device Name) or delete the device from the Device Manager. However,
the device must not be actively assigned to a Device View in Xplay.
Xplay User Manual2-11
Getting started with Xplay
Toolbar Panel
On Air
Device View
Device View
Configuring Xplay for single or multi-device playout control
The Device Views along the right-side of the Xplay interface allow you to view and control
the playlist items that are either being cued or currently being played out on a device.
Taking into consideration your intended use and output device configurations, you must set
Xplay’s Layout setting (T
ULTI-DEVICE, which determines the appearance of Xplay’s device views. You must also
associate Xplay’s Device Views with the device channels and keyers that the playlist items
will be played out on. Both of these tasks are explained in the following sections:
Configuring Xplay for single device playout (OnAir-Preview)” on page 2-12
•“Configuring Xplay for multi-device playout” on page 2-14
Configuring Xplay for single device playout (OnAir-Preview)
When Xplay is to be connected to only a single playout device, we recommend that you set
Xplay’s Layout setting to ONAIR-PREVIEW. Figure 2-7 demonstrates that the OnAir-Preview
layout provides you with two Device View windows (On Air and Preview) and the Toolbar
Panel. See page 4-2
for a detailed description of the OnAir-Preview layout.
Figure 2-7. On Air - Preview layout’s device views and Toolbar Panel
Once a playout device and a preview device (optional) have been added to Xplay’s Device
Manager (page 2-9
) and the layout is set to ONAIR-PREVIEW, you can assign a device
(channel and/or keyer) to each of the On Air and Preview Device Views using the Active
Device table in the Device Manager.
To configure Xplay for single device playout using the OnAir-Preview layout:
1.Select TOOLS>SETTINGS>GENERAL and set the LAYOUT setting to ONAIR-PREVIEW and
click OK.
2.Restart Xplay.
2-12Xplay User Manual
Getting started with Xplay
Step B
Steps A & D
Step C
3.Open Xplay’s Device Manager by selecting TOOLS>DEVICE MANAGER.
The D
EVICE CONFIGURATION window appears with the available output devices already
listed in the device table. If the desired device is not listed, refer to page 2-9
instructions on how to add a device to the Device Manager.
4.To associate the On Air Device View with a playout device and keyer.
a.In the Active Device table, click O
N AIR to select the row.
b.In the Device Configuration table, select the device that you want to playout on.
c.Click the right-arrow button to establish the association.
The device is immediately added to the Active Device table. It is also added to the
On Air Device View on the Xplay interface.
d.Click the device’s K
EYER column and assign a keyer value.
The keyer value tells Xplay on which layer of the output device to playout the
playlist element (0 is the bottom-most level).
Figure 2-8. Connecting Xplay to an output device
5.Optional - If you want to preview and/or edit playlist items before they are taken to air,
you can associate the Preview row in the Active Device table with an output device.
a.In the Active Device table, click P
REVIEW to select the row.
b.In the Device Configuration table, select the device that you want to preview the
playout on.
c.Click the right-arrow button to establish the association.
The device is immediately added to the Active Device table. It is also added to the
Preview Device View on the Xplay interface.
d.Click the device’s K
EYER column and assign a keyer value.
0 is the bottom-most level.
6.Optional: To configure Xplay to use a control panel asset to control and playout
graphics on a different device or on a different keyer on the On Air device:
a.In the Active Device table, click P
ANEL to select the row.
b.In the Device Configuration table, select the device that you want to control the
playout on.
c.Click the right-arrow button to establish the association.
The device is immediately added to the Active Device table.
d.Click the device’s K
EYER column and assign a keyer value.
0 is the bottom-most level.
Xplay User Manual2-13
Getting started with Xplay
Toolbar Panel
Device Views
Configuring Xplay for multi-device playout
When you want to use Xplay to control the playout on more than one output device or
control more than one keyer on the same device, we recommend that you set Xplay’s
Layout setting to M
Figure 2-9. Multi-Device layout’s device views and Toolbar Panel
The Multi-Device layout allows you to specify the number of playout devices or keyers to be
controlled and then produces one Device View window in Xplay for each device channel or
keyer. For example, if I intend for Xplay to control and playout on one dual-channel Vertigo
XG with both channels having two keyer levels; I would set the N
to 4. Consequently, this produces 4 device view windows in Xplay, which would be assigned
to these device channels/keyers. See page 4-7
for more information about the Multi-Device
Once playout devices have been added to Xplay’s Device Manager (page 2-9
layout is set to M
ULTI-DEVICE, you can assign a device (channel and/or keyer) to each of the
) and the
On Air and Preview Device Views using the Active Device table in the Device Manager.
To configure Xplay to control and playout on multiple devices and/or keyers:
2.On the same page, specify the number of devices and/or keyers to be controlled in the
3.Select T
4.Click OK and then restart Xplay.
When Xplay reopens it displays multiple Device View windows along the right-side in
the format specified by the M
2-14Xplay User Manual
Getting started with Xplay
Step B
Step A
Step C
5.Open Xplay’s Device Manager by selecting TOOLS>DEVICE MANAGER.
The D
EVICE CONFIGURATION window appears with the available output devices already
listed in the device table. If the desired device is not listed, refer to page 2-9
instructions on how to add a device to the Device Manager.
6.To assign an output device with a Device View:
a.In the Active Device table, click the <Device#> in the N
AME column to select the row.
b.In the Device Configuration table, select the device that you want to assign to the
Device View selected in the Active Device table.
c.Click the right-arrow button to establish the association.
The device is immediately added to the Active Device table. It is also added to the
Device View on the Xplay interface.
d.Repeat the above steps for each of the device views in the Active Device table.
Figure 2-10. Associating a device with one of Xplay’s Device Views
By default, the device views in Multi-Device layout are named DEVICE1, DEVICE2, DEVICE3...etc. You are not obligated to keep these default names. To personalize the device
views by assigning them a new name, right-click on the K
EYER STATE button (the device’s
name in the Device View’s toolbar) and select the RENAME command. The Keyer State button
will now display the new name, as does the Active Device table in the Device Manager
7.Once a device is added to the Active Device table, you can complete the remaining
properties associated with each of the Device Views:
EYER: The keyer value tells Xplay on which layer of the output device to playout the
• K
playlist element (0 is the bottom-most level).
• Preview: (Optional) Assigns a device from the Device Configuration table to be a
preview device. This allows you to preview the playout of a playlist item when it is cued
and then playout on the assigned device when it is taken to air. Like an output device,
the preview device’s name and connection status LED are displayed in the Device
View’s toolbar.
Xplay User Manual2-15
Getting started with Xplay
Output Device
Device View
Connection LED
Green = Connected
Red = Disconnected
• Show View: Determines whether or not the Device View window is appears (TRUE) or
is hidden (FALSE) in the Xplay interface. When an abundance of devices are active,
hiding certain devices from view provides more space on the Xplay interface for those
devices that are of greater interest.
UMBEROF ADDITIONAL KEYERS: You can associate a number of additional keyers with
• N
a particular device. This is useful if Xplay is configured with many devices, for example
20 devices with 16 keyers on each device. Xplay is not capable of displaying this many
views simultaneously. So, you can decide to show only the keyer specified in the
EYER column of each device for control/interaction purposes and the rest will remain
hidden, but be controllable by automation. Note that the additional keyers are
accessible to all External Control functions and they can be referred to by name using
the following format:
Although the output devices may be properly configure and associated to the Device Views
in Xplay’s Device Manager, you must also ensure that the Device View is actively connected
to the output device. An active connection means that the output device is up and running
and that Xplay is able to communicate with it.
Figure 2-11
Device View’s toolbar.
Figure 2-11. Whether or not a device is actively connected to a Device View is indicated by the LED
shows that the device’s connection status is reported using an LED on the
2-16Xplay User Manual
Getting started with Xplay
To reconnect Xplay to a device:
If Xplay is not connected or disconnects from an output device, the LED next to the device name
turns red. You can reconnect Xplay to the output device without having to access the Device
Manager; simply double-click the red LED. The LED turns green if a connection to the device
is established. If the LED remains red, it means one of the following:
•The information describing the device has been entered incorrectly.
•The desired device is down.
•The network connection has been lost.
To disconnect Xplay from a device:
If desired, you can disconnect from a device and run your playlist in Xplay to ensure that all
page information is correct. You can temporarily disconnect a device from Xplay, without
removing the device from the Device Manager; simply right-click on the device’s LED and
select the D
You can change the default name of the Device View (i.e. Device1) to something more
descriptive by right-clicking on the Device View’s name in the toolbar and selecting the Rename
command. When the name becomes editable, type the new name and press Enter. The name
change will also be automatically be applied to the Device Manager’s Active Device table.
ISCONNECT command (the green LED turns red).
Xplay User Manual2-17
Getting started with Xplay
2-18Xplay User Manual
Xplay’s Playlist Editor allows you to build and edit playlists by adding playlist elements (i.e.
pages, templates and clips) to the tabular list and organizing them into the order in which
they are intended to be taken to air. Playlists built in Xplay are typically designed to be
manually played back sequentially by operator control using Xplay.
Figure 3-1. Xplay’s Playlist Editor in Standard playlist view
Each row in playlist represents a single playlist element, while the columns display
properties associated with the playlist item (some of which can be edited directly in the
Playlist Editor). Since some playlists can get quite long, you can also organize playlist
elements into thematic segments, as well as insert comment rows to provide information or
instructions to the operator controlling the playout of the playlist.
Xplay User Manual3-1
Creating and editing playlists in Xplay
The following sections provide information and instructions for how to create and edit
playlists in Xplay:
Setting the Playlist Editor’s Playlist View” on page 3-3
•“Creating a new playlist” on page 3-5
•“Loading an existing playlist” on page 3-6
•“Navigating and selecting elements within the playlist” on page 3-9
•“Adding playlist elements to a playlist” on page 3-10
•“Grouping elements into playlist segments” on page 3-19
•“Adding comment rows to the playlist” on page 3-25
•“Repositioning playlist elements within the playlist” on page 3-27
•“Configuring and editing the playlist columns” on page 3-29
•“Deleting playlist elements” on page 3-36
•“Reloading the playlist” on page 3-37
•“Saving the playlist” on page 3-38
3-2Xplay User Manual
Creating and editing playlists in Xplay
Playlist elements are
ordered sequentially
Playout controls
Setting the Playlist Editor’s Playlist View
The appearance and functionality of Xplay’s Playlist Editor differs depending upon the
Playlist View setting (T
new playlist or load an existing playlist in the Playlist Editor, we recommend that you first
select an appropriate playlist view.
When Xplay’s Playlist view setting is set to NONE, the Playlist Editor is not displayed in the
Xplay window and playlists cannot be manually loaded or displayed. This setting is used
primarily when Xplay is controlled through automation. See page 5-1
about controlling Xplay using automation protocols.
When Xplay’s PLAYLISTVIEW setting is set to STANDARD, the loaded playlist is displayed in
the Playlist Editor as a single list, showing all of its elements in the order in which they were
saved, positioned, or are intended to be sequentially played out.
The Playlist Editor’s global Cue and Take buttons are available in Standard view and let you
to manually control the timing of when the playlist elements appear on air.
Unlike the ByDevice view, Standard view can be used to control the playout on a single
device, or on multiple devices. See page 4-1
operator controlled playout techniques.
for information and instructions on using
for more information
Figure 3-2. The Playlist Editor in Standard playlist view
Xplay User Manual3-3
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