DisclaimerProduct options and specifications subject to change without notice. The information in this
manual is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should
not be construed as a commitment by Grass Valley, Inc. Grass Valley, Inc. assumes no
responsibility or liability for any errors or inacc uracies that may appear in this publication.
U.S. Government
Restricted Rights
Trademarks and
Revision Status
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the United States Government is subject to restrictions as set
forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause
at DFARS 252.277-7013 or in subparagraph c(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer
Software Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. Manufacturer is Grass
Valley, Inc., P.O. Box 59900, Nevada City, California 95959-7900 U.S.A.
Grass Valley, K2, Aurora, Turbo, M-Series, Profile, Profile XP, NewsBrowse, NewsEdit,
NewsQ, NewsShare, NewsQ Pro, and Media Manager are either registered trademarks o r
trademarks of Grass Valley, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Grass Valley, Inc.
products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Additional information
regarding Grass Valley, Inc. trademarks and other proprietary rights may be found at
Other trademarks and logos used in this document are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of the manufacturers or vendors of the associated products, such as Microsoft®
Windows® operating system, Windows Media® play er, Internet Explorer® internet browser,
and SQL Server™. QuickTime and the QuickTime logo are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., used under license therefrom.
Rev Date Description
March 15, 2004Initial release of the UIM Instruction Manual 071-8282-00.
20 November
27 January 2005Addition of the Dell 2850 platform. 071-8282-02.
27 May 2005New product naming, addition of UIM-SAN-FCIP, MXF Op1a
19 July 2006Changes for version Update disk image procedures.
05 February 2008Changes for version 2.1.1. Addition of Dell 1950 platform.
Addition of UIM-Gigabit-SCSI support, HD, and Ancillary Data
This user manual describes the Universal Interface Module (UIM) and provides
instructions for installing and operating the product in a variety of applications.
How this manual is organized
This manual is organized around the tasks required to install, configure, and operate
the Universal In terface Modul e. The following describes t he chapters included i n this
Chapter 1, Version 2 .1.1 Release I nformation — Contains the latest information about
the Universal Interface Module software Version 2.x.x. The information includes
software upgrade instructions, software specifications and requirements, feature
changes from previous releases, and any known problems.
Chapter 2, Product Descript ion — Provi des an i ntrodu ction to t he UIM pr oduct line .
This chapter describes both the IP UIM and SCSI UIM functional descriptions.
Chapter 3, UIM-DIS-GEIP Insta ll at ion : Sta ndal one Profile Storage — Contains the
procedure for connec ting and configur ing the UIM for oper ation with a Profi le system
using locally connected storage.
Chapter 4, UIM-SAN-GEIP Instal lation: Grass Valle y Open SAN System — Cont ains
the procedure fo r connecting an d configuring t he UIM for operat ion in a Grass Val ley
Open SAN S hared Stor age system .
Chapter 5, UIM-SAN-FCIP Install ation: Gras s Valley Ope n SAN System — Contains
the procedure fo r connecting an d configuring t he UIM for operat ion in a Grass Val ley
Open SAN Shared Storage system with an existing FC IP infrastructu re.
Chapter 7, Information for application developers — Contains information that
developers of third party applications can use to manage transfers through the UIM.
Chapter 6, Service Infor mation — Contains info rmation for maintai ning and servicing
the UIM. Included are service procedures for backing up and restoring the UIM
system disk image.
Appendix A, Upgrading Existing Prof il e Syst ems for Deployme nt wit h the
UIM-DIS-GEIP— Provides instructions for upgrading previously installed
standalone Profile systems for redeployment with the IP UIM.
February 5, 2008UIM Instruction Man ual7
Finding Information
Using the Dell Server documentation
This manua l contains all of the information you need to install the UIM, however, a
full set of Dell server documentation has been provided on the Dell Product Documentation CD-ROM. Refer to the documents on thi s CD-ROM only as requir ed
by procedures in this manual.
Information referenced on the Dell Product Documentation CD-ROM includes, but
is not limited to:
• Unpacking and rack-mounting the server
• Important safety and regulatory information
• Server Status indicators, messages, and error codes
• Troubleshooting help for the Dell server hardware.
CAUTION: Do not use the Dell Quick Instal lation Guide provided with
the Dell CD-ROM package. Thi s g u id e i ncl ude s i nst ructions for using
the OpenManage software CD-ROM to install an operating system.
The UIM comes fully configure d and is ready for in stallation. To begin
installation, refer to one of the installation chapters in this manual.
8UIM Instruction ManualFebruary 5, 2008
Getting more information
In addition to this manual, information is available in the following locations.
Thomson Grass Valley web site
The Thomson Grass Valley web site provides the following:
Online User Documentation
Current versions of product catalogs, brochures, data sheets, manuals, and release
notes in .pdf format can be downloaded.
FAQ Database
Solutions to problems and troubleshooting efforts can be found by searching our
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) database.
Dell web site
This public Web site contains all the latest manuals and documentation, and
additional support information for the Dell Server used to implement the Universal
Interface Module. Use the following URL.
Getting more information
February 5, 2008UIM Instruction Man ual9
Finding Information
Grass Valley Product Support
T o get technica l assistance, che ck on the status of a ques tion, or to report new issue, contact
Grass Valley Product Support via e-mail, the Web, or by phone or fax.
Web Technical Support
To access support infor mation on t he Web, visit the pr oduct support Web page on the
Grass Valley Web site. You can download software or find solutions to probl ems by
searching our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) database.
World Wide Web: http://www.thomsongrassvalley.com/support/
Technical Support E-mail Address: gvgtechsupport@thomson.net.
Phone Support
Use the following information to contact product support by phone during business
hours. Afterhours phone support is available for warranty and contract customers.
A local authoriz ed support repres entative may be av ailable in your country. To locate the
support representat ive for your count ry, visit the pro duct support Web page o n the Grass
Valley Web site.
10UIM Instruction ManualFebruary 5, 2008
Grass Valley Product Support
February 5, 2008UIM Instruction Man ual11
Finding Information
12UIM Instruction ManualFebruary 5, 2008
Safety Summaries
General Safety Summary
Review the following saf ety precautions to avoid injury and prevent damage
to this product or any products connected to it.
Only qualified personnel should perform service procedures.
While using this pr oduc t, you may need to acce ss oth er par ts o f the syste m.
Read the General Safety summary in other syst em manuals for warnings and
cautions related to operating the system.
Injury Precautions
Use Proper Power Cord
To avoid fire hazard, use only the power cord specified for this product.
Ground the Product
This product is grounded through the grounding conductor of the power
cord. To avoid electric shock, the grounding conductor must be connected
to earth ground. Before maki ng connections to the input or outpu t terminals
of the product, ensure that the product is properly grounded.
Do Not Operate Without Covers
To avoid electric shock or fire hazard, do not operate this product with
covers or panels removed.
Do Not operate in Wet/Damp Conditions
To avoid electric shock, do not operate this product in wet or damp
Do Not Operate in an Explosive Atmosphere
To avoid injury or fire hazard, do not operate this product in an explosive
Avoid Exposed Circuitry
To avoid injury, remove jewelr y such as ring s, wa tc hes , and othe r meta ll ic
objects. Do not touch ex posed conn ectio ns and compone nts when power is
Product Damage Precautions
Use Proper Power Source
Do not operate this product f rom a power sour ce that applie s more than the
voltage specified.
Provide Proper Ventilation
To prevent product overheating, provide proper ventilation.
February 5, 2008UIM Instruction Man ual13
Safety Summaries
Do Not Operate With Suspected Failures
If you suspect there is da mage to this product, have it in spected by q ualified
service personnel.
Battery Replacement
To avoid damage, replace only wit h the same or equivalen t type. Dispose of
used batte ry according to the circuit board manufacturer’s instruc tions.
Safety Terms and Symbols
Terms in This Manual
These terms may appear in this manual:
WARNING: Warning statements identify conditions or practices that
can result in personal injury or loss of life.
CAUTION: Caution statements identify conditions or practices that
may result in damage to equipment or other property, or which may
cause equipment crucial to your business environment to become
temporarily non-operational.
Service Safety Summary
Do Not Service Alone
Disconnect Power
WARNING: The service instructions in this manual are intended for
use by qualified service personnel only. To avoid personal injury, do
not perform any servicing unless you are qual ified to do so. Ref er to all
safety summaries before performing service.
Do not perform interna l service or adj ustment of this pro duct unless anoth er
person capable of rendering first aid and resuscitation is present.
To avoid electric shock, discon nect the main power by means of the power
cord or, if provided, the power switch.
Use Care When Servicing With Power On
Dangerous voltages or currents may exist in this product. Disco nnect power
and remove battery (if applicable) before removing protective panels,
soldering, or replacing components.
To avoid electric shock, do not touch exposed connections
Certifications and Compliances
Refer to the vendor’s System Information document provided with the
server for important safety and regulatory information.
14UIM Instruction ManualFebruary 5, 2008
Chapter 1
Version 2.1.1 Release Information
Information in the chapter includes:
• “What’s new”
• “Operational consider ations”
• “Software requirements”
• “Installing UIM System Software”
• “Virus software support”
• “Performing critical Windows updates”
• “Known problems”
February 5, 2008UIM Instruction Man ual15
Chapter 1 Version 2.1.1 Release Information
What’s new
This release supports the following improvements to the UIM:
• Dell 1950. UIMs are supp orted on the Dell 1950 PowerEdge server . Later sections
of this manual illustrate connections for this type of system. If you must replace
your UIM server as part of a service procedure, be sure to use the appropriate
CD-ROM to restore the system drive image. On the Dell 1950, do not use a
CD-ROM labeled for a p revio us Dell PowerEdg e ser ver, s uch as a 2650 or a 2 850.
• MXF enhancement. MXF now supports D10 user data.
• Windows operating system upda te. Windows Server 2003 is supported on the
Dell 1950.
Operational considerations
Use the following information in planning the operation and installation of the UIM.
Profile system and UIM-DIS-GEIP power-on sequence
When a point to point (private) connection is used between the Profile XP Media
Platform and the UIM-DIS-GEIP, you must always power-on the UIM before the
Profile XP platform. The Profile Fibre Channel adapter must detect a valid Fibre
Channel signal at boot time, otherwise, streaming will be disabled and attempts to
transfer files will fail. These errors will be reported to the profile.log file.
Enable Fibre Channel network TCP checksums
When configuring Profile XP Media Platform or Profile PDR Series Video Servers,
you must enable TCP checksums on the Fibre Channel Network adapter. For
instructions, refer to the Fibre Channel Networking chapter in the Profile XP Media Platform System Guide or Profile Family User Manual.
1000BT Ethernet port settings
The four port 1000BT Ethernet adapter provides the option of redundant Ethernet
connections. The four port s are configured as two faul t tolerant teams for fa ilover, two
ports per team. One t eam named Contr ol Team is use d to connect t o the LAN used by
Profile storage f or command and control. The other team, named Streaming Team is
used to connect to the 1000BT Ethernet infrastructure for streaming media to other
The following table describes some of the key settings for the ports that make up the
fault tolerance teams.
Settings for each port in the teamIntel Port A and Port BIntel Port C and Port D
Link Speed and Duplex100Mbps/Full DuplexAuto Detect
Offload Receive IP ChecksumOffOn
Offload Receive TCP ChecksumOffOn
Offload Transmit IP ChecksumOffOn
16UIM Instruction ManualFebruary 5, 2008
Redundant Ethernet network requirements
Settings for each port in the teamIntel Port A and Port BIntel Port C and Port D
Offload Transmit TCP ChecksumOffOn
Redundant Ethernet network requirements
The UIM supports automatic redundancy for the Ethernet connections by providing
two adapter fault tol erance (AFT) teams for fa ilover. Two Ethernet adapte rs comprise
each AFT team. If the primary Eth ernet port in a team loses network connectiv ity, the
secondary port connected to the redundant network is used.
When redundant Ethernet net work topolo gies are used, yo u must ensure eac h adapter
in the team is connected to a different switch. Also, the Ethernet switches must
support Spanning Tree Protocol (STP). Check with your network administrator to
verify the following STP requirements are met to support teaming for failover.
Ethernet switch Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) setup:
• Enable
STP on all inter- switch links, that is, th e ports connecting the primary and
redundant switch fabr ic. This pre vents unwanted network loops whi le maintaini ng
path redundancy.
• Enable
FAST Port STP, on all switch ports connected to teamed ports, e.g. the
teamed ports on UIMs o r Profile sy stems. In some switche s, this may be called
Rapid STP. This prevents application time-outs during a failover event.
NOTE: The adapter fault tolerance software supplied with the UIM network
adapters includes a switch diagnostic to test STP setup on the Ethernet switc h.
Refer to “Step 7: Check Ethernet switch status” on page 114 to run the test.
Profile XP Platform 100BT network option
Read the following considerations regarding the Profile XP Media Platform 100BT
Video Network option:
• The optional 100BT video net wor k adapter must be removed from the Profile XP
Media Platform before deployment with an IP UIM-DIS-GEIP or
UIM-SAN-GEIP. Refer to the Profi le XP Servi ce Manual for instructions on
removing the adapter.
• If the facility has stan dalone Profi le XP Pl atfo rms with t he rea l-tim e 100BT vi deo
network board installed, and that are not connected to a UIM, the 100BT adapter
IP addresses (t he Profile XP “ _le0” ports) should belong t o a different subnet in the
facility than the UIM 1000BT LAN (“_he0” ports).
February 5, 2008UIM Instruction Man ual17
Chapter 1 Version 2.1.1 Release Information
UIM Windows user accounts
The following user accounts are setup on the UIM.
User NamePasswordGroup membershipNotes
AdministratortritonAdministratorsUsed for software updates,
ProfileprofilePower UsersUsed for day to day operation and
Operating the UIM in unattended mode
UIM software does not require a Windows user account to run. Once you have
configured network settings using the administrator account, you can log off the
Windows operating system and run the UIM in an unattended mode.
High definition video transfers
High definition video transfers have been qualified on the UIM-SAN-GEIP for this
release. HD clips and their associated Ancillary Date can be transferred with all
versions of the UIM product (UIM-SAN-GEIP, UIM-SAN-FCIP, and
UIM-Gigabit-IP). However, HD or ancillary data transfers are not supported in the
MXF format.
maintenance, and installation tasks.
Transfers with K2 systems
The rules for K2 host name ali ases in t he hosts file are similar to those for Profile XP
systems. The primar y di ff erence is that for a K2 Storage System (SAN), transfers go
to/from the K2 Media Serv er, rather tha n the K2 Media Clients. This results in th e
following ru les:
• For stand-alone (internal storage) K2 Media Clie nts, add the “_he0” suffix to the
hostname and associate that hostname with the K2 Media Client’s FTP/strea ming
network IP address.
• For K2 Media Servers, add the “_he0” suffix to the hostname and associate that
hostname with the K2 Media Server’s FTP/streaming network IP address.
• For each SAN (external st orage) K2 Media Client, add the “_he0” suffix to the
hostname but then associate that hostnam e with the K2 Media Server’s FTP/
streaming network IP address, not the K2 Media Client’s IP address.
Aliasing K2 Media Client hostnames in this way would not be required if the
transfer source/destination was always correctly specified as the K2 Media Server.
However, a common mistake is to at tempt a transfer in which the source/
destination is incorrectly specified as the K2 Media Client. The host file aliasing
corrects this mistake and redirects to the K2 Media Server, which is the correct
transfer source/destination.
• Do not put a SAN K2 Media Client directly on the FTP/s treaming network. A SAN
K2 Media Client does not send or receive transfers directly.
18UIM Instruction ManualFebruary 5, 2008
Refer to the following examples of host file entries:
In addition, on both stand-alone and SAN K2 Media Clients, you must open
Configuration Manager and add Profile XPs as Remote Hosts. Enter the Profile XP
actual hostname, wi thout any adde d suff ix es. Als o, if y ou are using remote protoc ols
to perform transfers, add a unique Controller ID for each Remote Host.
Refer to the K2 Media Client System Guide for complete explanations of FTP/
streaming transfers on K2 systems.
February 5, 2008UIM Instruction Man ual19
Chapter 1 Version 2.1.1 Release Information
Software requirements
The following table describes the software requirements for devices deployed with
UIM software version 2.x.x. Check the softwar e version on your d evice, and upgr ade
the software if neede d. Refer to the soft ware release not es for your devic e for upgrade
ProductModelSoftware Versions Required
Profile XP Media PlatformPVS1000, PVS1100,
PVS2000, PV S3000
Profile Video ServerPDR300Profile System Software 2.5.25 or higher
PDR400Profile System Software 3.2.10 or higher
Open SAN Shared StorageNAOpen SAN Software 5.4. 8 or higher
Refer to the Profile System Software Release Notes or Open SAN Software Release Notes for software
upgrade instructions on these systems.
Profile Syst em Sof tware 5.4.8 or higher
20UIM Instruction ManualFebruary 5, 2008
Installing UIM System Software
Installing UIM System Software
System Software 2.x .x is installe d on all UIMs at the factory. In nor mal operation, you
should not need to i nstal l UI M System Softwar e 2.x.x. If you r UIM is opera ting wit h
an earlier version of system software, you should update to the current version.
NOTE: If you are upgrading your UIM from a System Software version earlier
than, please contact your Grass Valley repres entative for instructions
specific to that upgrade.
This software installation procedure includes:
• “Part 1: Install UIM system software version 2.x.x”
• “Part 2: Create a system disk imag e file”
NOTE: Make sure you have your Micros oft Windows CD on hand. If not already
installed, the UIM system software upgrade prompts you to install Management
and Monitoring components, which are on the Microsoft Windows CD.
Part 1: Install UIM system software version 2. x.x
To install UIM system software version 2.x.x:
1. Power on the UIM and log on to the Windows operating system as administrator
(default password: triton).
2. Remove the previous version of UIM software using
s, then restart the system.
Control Panel | Add/Remove
3. Insert the UIM System Software CD-ROM in the CD-ROM reader or co nnec t t o a
network drive containing the downloaded software.
The software installation will start automatically. (You may choose to run the
setup.exe program by choosing
4. Click
Next in the Welcome screen, and accept the terms of the license agreement.
5. On the UIM Configuration page, select
option, then click Next and follow onscreen instruction s.
Start | Run and specifying the appropriate drive.).
IP Installation or SCSI (Open SAN)
Refer to “Install UIM-SAN-GEIP System Software for Open SAN” on page 54 for
instructions on the remaining screens for the Open SAN installation option.
February 5, 2008UIM Instruction Man ual21
Chapter 1 Version 2.1.1 Release Information
6. When the UIM System Software installation process is complete, click Finish.
7. Proceed to “Part 2: Cr eate a syst em disk imag e file” of this procedure.
Part 2: Create a system disk image file
After updating UIM System Software, create a system disk image as described in
“Creating a system disk image” on page 126. This backup image can be used to
restore the system disk in the event of a severe software problem. The procedure
requires the Restore Program CD-ROM that you received with your UIM.
This completes the UIM system software installation proced ure.
Virus software support
Thomson Grass Valley does not recommend installing third party software on your
UIM. If you must install virus scanning software, configure it for manual virus scan
only. Automatic virus scanning could disrupt UIM opera ti on and shoul d not be used.
Performing critical Windo ws updates
From the factory, Automatic Windows Updates are disabled. This prevents updates
from being performed in a manner that c ould harm the ope ration of ne tworked UIMs.
Do not modi fy the Automatic Update s etting.
If your UIM has internet access, you can use the Windows operating system Update
feature to scan your UIM to d etermine if an y critical u pdates are req uired. Afterwa rd,
you can download and install those updates manually.
22UIM Instruction ManualFebruary 5, 2008
CAUTION: Only critical Windows updates should be installed. Do not
install other Windows operating system or driver updates on your UIM
unless instructed by procedures in these release notes. “Critical” updates
must be installed manually using the Windows Update program.
To scan and install critical updates:
Performing critical Windows updates
1. In the Windows taskbar, click
Start, then Windows Update.
Internet Explorer opens and connects to the Windows update web site.
2. Click
Scan for updates. Wait for the scan t o complete.
3. If there are critical updates required for your UIM, follow the instructions on the
web page to install them.
February 5, 2008UIM Instruction Man ual23
Chapter 1 Version 2.1.1 Release Information
Known problem s
The following limitations are present in this UIM System Software version 2.x.x. If
you wish to obtain more information about these limitations, please mention the
reference numbers that follow the description of each limitation. These known
problems will be resolve d in future rele ases.
ProblemUIM software does not install, even though the previous versions of
UIM software was removed.
Workaround Delete the contents of the c:\profile directory. T he UIM inst allation
program tests for the presence of sp ecified files in that dire ctory.
UIM-Gigabit-IP Only
No known problems.
ProblemClips recorded with odd-numbered offset s are not corr ectly trans ferred.
Workaround Clips must be recorde d with frame- based o ffset s wit h even values only.
ProblemDrop-frame clips transf erred from NewsEdit systems report an incor rect
length on the Open SAN because the drop-fra me attribute is cha nged to
non-drop frame. (CR50021)
Workaround The clip transf ers i n its entirety, and th e duration of the material on the
Open SAN is correct, although it is incorrectly displayed.
ProblemIn the event of an FSM failover, clips that were queued to transfer in
Media Manager may not transfer after the failover. (CR42772)
Workaround Remove the transfer requests from Media Manager, then add them
again. Correct transfer operations resume about one minute after the
FSM failover event.
ProblemRunning Windows Disk Administrator while the UIM-SAN-GEIP or
switch fabric may cause the Open SAN to fail. Windows Disk
Administrator may inadvertently relabel the disks in the O pen SAN.
Workaround Do not run Windows Disk Administrate, or disconnect the
while Windows Disk Administrator is in use.
is connected to the Open SAN Fibre Channel (SCSI)
from the Fibre Channel Switch
24UIM Instruction ManualFebruary 5, 2008
ProblemUIM fails to transfer some long GOP clips. (CR67074)
Workaround None. The problem occurs only for clips with an MPEG frame of less
than 512 bytes. Clips of this nature are rejected on import.
February 5, 2008UIM Instruction Man ual25
Chapter 1 Version 2.1.1 Release Information
26UIM Instruction ManualFebruary 5, 2008
Chapter 2
Product Description
This chapter includes:
• “Product overview”
• “Hardware platform configuration”
• “Software configurations available”
• “Ethernet redundancy”
February 5, 2008UIM Instruction Man ual27
Chapter 2 Product Description
Product overview
The Grass Valley Universal Interface Module (UIM) provides a 1000BaseT Ethernet
network interface for streaming media file s in Profile stor age environments inc luding
standalone storage an d Open SAN shared st orage. UIM transf ers are compat ible with
other devices th at supp ort importing and exporting files using t he General Exchange
Format (GXF) as described in SMPTE 360M. The UIM system software design
makes the UIM transparent to the streaming devices.
The UIM can also provide additional Fibre Channel IP bandwidth in and out of an
existing Open SAN, allowing expansion of legacy Fibre Channel IP infrastructures
without the cost of converting to a different technology.
The UIM also supports MXF streaming f ormats based on the SMPTE 377M standard.
This allows the exchange of data between a variety of Grass Valley prod ucts and other
third party MXF-based production, editing, and stor age tools.
Hardware platform configuration
The UIM is implemented using a Dell Server running a Windows operating system
and UIM system software pre-i nstalled by Grass Valle y. Your Dell Server model may
be different than the one shown in the diagrams in this manual.
UIM hardware configuration
• Dell Server PC, dual power supply, mirrored system drive
• Four Ethernet NICs and a single Fibre Channel port; or
• Two Ethernet NICs and two Fibre Channel ports
• VGA monitor, mouse, and keyboard
The Ethernet NICs provi de the r edunda nt Ethe rnet c onnect io ns. Port s are confi gured
as two fault tolerant t eams for fai lover , two port s per te am. One te am named Con trol
Team is used to conn ect to the LAN used by Profil e storage for command and contr ol.
The other team, named Streaming Team, is used to connect to the 1000BT Ethernet
infrastructure for the streaming of media to other devices.
Some models of UIM re place the Gigabi t Ethern et strea ming te am with an a dditiona l
Fibre Channel port that i s used fo r stran ge transf ers over a Fibre Channel IP networ k.
This configuration is only supported when connected to an Open SAN.
28UIM Instruction ManualFebruary 5, 2008
Rear panel view, Dell 2650
Rear panel view, Dell 2650
Fibre Channel
(Not Used)
Control T eam
Intel Ports A/B
(Control LAN)
Rear panel view, Dell 2850, 1000 BaseT
B & A
Control T eam
(Control LAN)
Fibre Channel
Rear panel view, Dell 2850, Fibre Channel IP
Streaming Team
Intel Ports C/D
(Streaming LAN)
Streaming Team
(Streaming LAN)
B & A
Control Team
(Control LAN)
February 5, 2008UIM Instruction Man ual29
Fibre Channel
Chapter 2 Product Description
Rear panel view, Dell 1950, 1000 BaseT
Fibre Channel Port
A & B
Control Team
C & D
Streaming Team Ports
(Streaming LAN)
(Control LAN)
Rear panel view, Dell 1950, Fibre Channel IP
Fibre Channel Ports
A & B
Control Team
(Control LAN)
Software configurations available
There are three UIM conf igurations which share a common platform, but var y i n t he
installed cards and software:
• UIM-DIS-GEIP — configured for operation with standalone Profile storage
• UIM-SAN-GEIP — configured for integration into a Grass Valley Open SAN
shared storage system and provides Gigabit Ethernet streaming
• UIM-SAN-FCIP — configured for integration into a Grass Valley O pen SAN
shared storage system and provides Fibre Channel IP streaming
A UIM-SAN-GEIP is built as a UIM-SAN-GEIP, but requires additional software
installs an d setup for i ntegration in a Grass Valley Open SAN system. This is done
onsite or at the factory where the Open SAN shared storage system is assembled.
A UIM-SAN-FCIP is similar to a UIM-SAN-GEIP, with a extra Fibre Channel port
added, and the streaming Gigabit Ethernet ports removed.
The following sections describe each UIM product in more detail.
30UIM Instruction ManualFebruary 5, 2008
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