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Please read the following terms and conditions carefully. By using SSP-3801
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TitleSSP-3801 Installation and Configuration Guide
The Densité SSP-3801is a single card, solid state HD/SD playout server that is housed in the
Densité 3RU frame. It is fully integrated with the GV STRATUS Playout cloud-based
automation and schedule management service and is equally suitable for deployment at a
regional site or within a network operation center. The SSP-3801 card uses solid state
storage and broadcast hardware technology, with no reliance on external databases,
resulting in low cost of ownership, rock solid reliability, total frame accuracy, simple
installation and very low power consumption.
In addition to clip playback, the SSP-3801 card can display still and animated logos, highquality, pre-rendered graphical sequences and incorporate the output of external graphics
devices using a fill and key input.
The card features media storage that uses a unified file format (MXF Op1A) which is
compatible with an XDCAM HD or Sony IMX profile, and supports a bit rate of up to 100
Key Hardware Features
The SSP-3801 is a “broadcast ready” playout solution, it has been designed to include all the
functionality to create a rich featured broadcast channel within in single package.
• All inputs and outputs support HD and SD (625, 525, 1080i and 720p at 50 and 59.94
frame rates)
• Frame accurate playback of clip media including video, multichannel audio and
ancillary data
• Fully configurable over a network interface and supports backup of configuration data
to Densité controller for hot swap functionality
• Solid State disks provide high performance, high reliability storage of HD material and
are available in three sizes: 375 GB, 775 GB and 1550 GB
• With its advanced embedded operating system allows the device will boot and can be
ready to take to air within 45 seconds
Key Software Features
The SSP-3801 card is designed to function as a part of the larger GV STRATUS Playout
solution and can be deployed in a number of configurations. Its key software features are:
• Full integration with GV STRATUS Playout using secure, open-standard web service
protocols to provide playlist input, status updates, thumbnails and alerts
• Provides full web interface for local control
• Supports live events including transitions and pass-through of video, audio and
ancillary data
• J2K graphics support
• Built-in voice-over playback support
• Seamless integration with supporting Grass Valley products such as Densité HCO
change-over card for main and backup playout applications, plus iControl
Key Operational Features
One of the design goals of this device was to lower operational costs and allow it to be
deployed in remote sites where local support is at a premium. To achieve this goal the
following features are available:
• All configuration and management can be provided by the network
Carriage of ancillary data in clips
• Configuring a new device can be as simple as inserting it into the Densité chassis with
all setup information being loaded based on the device location, which can be useful
for both new channels and replacing defective ones
• Provisioning and repair operations can be easily be performed with staff without
broadcast specific training
• Device will robustly continue to operate during temporary loss of connection to GV
STRATUS Playout using previously downloaded playlists or “evergreen” material
• SSP-3801 cards can pull broadcast media from a number of configured locations for
maximum resilience and flexibility
Carriage of ancillary data in clips
The SSP-3801 card can insert vertical ancillary (VANC) data from clips so that data such as
closed captions can be played out in sync with the video. VANC data can be carried in clips
in one of three ways:
• As a SMPTE 436M data track within the MXF
• As VBI lines encoded in the MPEG2 data (SD only - all Sony IMX files carry 16 lines of VBI)
• As ATSC A/53 closed captions within the MPEG2 elementary stream
The card operates with an “outside-in” model for handling vertical ancillary data. All SD
clips must be in the Sony IMX format and will therefore insert the first 16 lines of the MPEG
picture into the VBI space on the output. If ATSC A/53 closed captions are present in the
MPEG2 elementary stream, these will override 608 closed captions carried in the VBI lines in
the MPEG2 picture. If VBI lines are present in SMPTE 436M, this will overwrite the entire line
on the output and will consequently override both the MPEG A/53 closed captions and the
VBI lines in the MPEG2 Picture.
Supported media file formats
The SSP-3801 card supports the following formats. If the media files that you want to use
are not in a supported format, you can use the GV STRATUS Playout File Processing Node to
convert the files and the GV STRATUS Playout Media Import Application to register the
media files as assets in the GV STRATUS Playout service. For more information, see the
“Managing Assets” chapter of the GV STRATUS Playout Operator Guide.
Off Air slideOXTOxtel Still format
StillOXTOxtel Still format
Voice-overWAV48kHz multi-channel WAV file (8, 16, 24 or 32 bit)
GraphicGMJTranscoded by the
Logo• OXT
Note: Floating point PCM data is not supported.
GV STRATUS Playout File
Processing Node
• Oxtel Still format
• Oxtel Animation format
Installation and Configuration Guide
VANCVANCCreated by csvanccreate.exe tool. For more
information, see VANC Packet Creation Tool in the SSP-
3801 User Guide.
Clip formats
XDCAM HD and Sony IMX are the only officially supported clip formats. Formats outside of
these profiles may function correctly; however, it is recommended that you validate the
media you wish to use. The following are the encoding parameters supported by the SSP3801 card.
Clip wrapper format
•OP1a MXF wrapper
Essence types
• Video - MPEG2
• Any bit rate up to 100Mbits/sec
• Long GOP or I-Frame only
• Full frame (SD or HD)
• Full frame plus 16 lines VBI (as per Sony IMX), SD only
• Frame coded only (field coded essence is not supported)
• A/53 MPEG closed captions
• Audio - PCM
• Up to 16 channels of audio
• Audio can be presented as any number of multi-channel tracks (1 track of 16
channels, 16 tracks of 1 channel, 8 tracks of 2 channels, and so on)
• 8-, 16-, 24-, or 32-bit PCM (big endian and little endian supported)
• Floating point PCM data is not supported
• Ancillary - SMPTE-436M
•8-bit VBI lines
•In luma plane (HD)
•In chroma plane (HD)
• Across both luma and chroma (SD)
• 1-bit and 10-bit VBI lines are not supported
• 8-bit ancillary packets
•In luma plane (HD)
•In chroma plane (HD)
• Across both luma and chroma (SD)
• 10-bit ancillary packets are not supported
What’s included with your product
Supported clip frame sizes
62572057625SD/Interlaced, no VBI in picture
62572060825SD/Interlaced, VBI encoded in first 16 lines
52572048029.97SD/Interlaced, no VBI in picture
52572051229.97SD/Interlaced, VBI encoded in first 16 lines
What’s included with your product
Each SSP-3801 package consists of two separate hardware components:
• One HD/SD SSP-3801 card
• One SSP-3801 rear connector panel
of picture (per field)
of picture (per field)
HD/SD SolidState Playout
SSP-3801 rear
connector panel
You can also access and download the complete SSP-3801 documentation by entering SSP3801 in the Search support files field on the Support Portal:
Overview of the SSP-3801 card
This chapter provides an overview to the SSP-3801 hardware and software components,
including functional descriptions.
The SSP-3801 is a playout server card that consists of two circuit boards assembled
• The main board carries the bulk of the electronics with connectors that interface with
the SSP-3801 rear connector and Densité 3 frame mid-plane.
• The second board is a solid state drive (SSD) carrier board, which features up to two
SSDs for application and media storage.
Figure 2-1. The SSP-3801 card consists of two circuit boards
The SSP-3801 card has a connector which plugs into a mid-frame motherboard for
distribution of power and for connection to the controller card, with a second connector
which plugs directly into the rear connector panel for input and output.
Figure 2-2. SSP-3801 card connectors
Installation and Configuration Guide
Figure 2-3. Functional block diagram of the SSP-3801
Overview of the SSP-3801 card
Genlock LED
Status LED
SSP-3801 front card-edge components
SSP-3801 front card-edge components
The front card-edge features a series of LEDs that indicate card status and operations, as
well as provides an interface for testing and button to launch the control panel.
Figure 2-4. SSP-3801 card’s front edge components
Select buttonPushing this button enables or disables the Densité 3 frame’s local control
panel to control the SSP-3801 card.
When the local control panel has control of the card, the Status LED flashes
yellow. See page 13 for more information.
Status LEDThis multi-color LED indicates the status of the SSP-3801 by color, and by
flashing or steady illumination.
• Green indicates no errors are occurring.
• Steady red indicates a major error.
• Flashing red indicates a critical error.
• Steady yellow indicates a minor error.
• Flashing yellow indicates that the card is selected for local control using
Densité 3 frame’s control panel.
SSD LEDThis blue LED indicates SSD activity.
Genlock LEDThis two-state LED indicates one of two states:
• Green indicates the SSP-3801 has locked to its configured reference.
• Red indicates that the reference could not be locked.
Features a three-pin connector reserved for testing.
SSP-3801 rear connector panel
Serial Ports
GigE Ethernet
& Key
Ref In
AES IN 110 ohms
AES IN 75 ohms
Ref Loop
Like other Densité 3 cards, the SSP-3801 card interfaces with a separate rear connector
panel that must be fixed to the rear of the Densité 3 frame. Figure 2-5
input/output connectors featured on the rear connector panel.
Installation and Configuration Guide
lists the required
Figure 2-5. SSP-3801 rear connector panel
The following table provides a brief description of each input/output socket on the rear
connector panel:
SDI Video I/OThree video inputs:
• HD/SD SDI In A (main program input)
• HD/SD SDI In - Fill & Key
Two video outputs:
• HD/SD SDI Out - Mon (video monitoring & configurable as clean feed)
Note: The SSP-3801 is equipped with a mechanical bypass relay, which
sends the SDI IN A signal directly to the SDI Out (PGM) in cases of power
loss, card failure or a manual bypass command. The relay is not timed to
the same reference as the card and, therefore, it may not be a clean
switch. The timing of the switch and the time it takes to complete are not
guaranteed, which may cause some disturbance on the PGM output.
Overview of the SSP-3801 card
SSP-3801 rear connector panel
ReferenceContains two reference connectors: Ref In and Ref Loop.
The analog reference input can be a black burst or tri-level sync (in both
50Hz and 59.94Hz formats) signal.
Note that the SSP-3801 also supports the internal
Densité 3 digital
reference (URS) provided by the REF-1801 card located in slot 10.
The SSP-3801 can also be configured to lock to the SDI A input signal.
The following chart identifies which reference format can be used with
which video format:
The Reference should be connected to Ref In, while Ref Loop should be
terminated if unused.
Audio I/OOne discrete AES input available through two connectors:
• AES 110 - balanced
• AES 75- unbalanced
The AES inputs are switchable and are mostly used for external audio or
voice-over applications.
Ethernet PortsTwo 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet ports, which may be bonded to
support network redundancy or used in a dual homed configuration:
• ETH 1
• ETH 2
Serial COM PortsTwo serial COM ports in the form of RJ-45 connectors:
• COM 1
• COM 2
These serial ports can be configured as RS-232 or RS-422. Each port’s
parameters can be set from the
Densité 3 frame local control panel.
Note: Not in use.
GPIOTwo GPIO connectors offering up to four GPIOs, which can be
configured as general purpose inputs or outputs.
The pinouts are 1|G|2
the General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) triggers in the SSP-3801 User
LTCOne Linear Timecode (LTC I n) connector to support time
Densité 3 frame’s local control panel
Like all other cards installed in a Densité 3 frame, the SSP-3801 is connected to the frame’s
controller card, which handles all interaction between the cards and the outside world. The
controller also supports remote operation via its Ethernet ports, and local operation using
its integrated control panel (figure 2-6
Installation and Configuration Guide
and 3|G|4. For more information, see Configuring
Figure 2-6. The Densité 3 frame local control panel
With no operating controls located on the SSP-3801 card itself, you can use the Densité 3
frame’s local control panel to perform basic SSP-3801 configuration and control tasks. The
local control panel and its push-buttons provide you with a menu of parameters and allows
you to adjust parameter values. See Densité 3 Control Panel Menus on page 47 for a listing
of all the available parameters.
To gain control of the SSP-3801 card and browse the available parameters:
1Push the
Select button on the SSP-3801 card edge (see figure 2-4) to assign the local
control panel to operate the SSP-3801.
The SSP-3801 card’s
Status LED flashes yellow to indicated that it is the card currently
being controlled by the frame’s local control panel.
2 Use the following control panel buttons to navigate through the menu, as well as to
configure and adjust the SSP-3801 parameters and settings:
Overview of the SSP-3801 card
SSP-3801 web interface
[+] [–]Used for menu navigation and value modification.
[SELECT]Gives access to the next menu level. When a parameter value
[ESC]Cancels the effect of parameter value changes that have not been
[CONTROLLER]Pushing the Controller button on the control panel selects the
SSP-3801 web interface
The SSP-3801 provides its own web-based user interface, which allows you to remotely
perform configuration, maintenance and control tasks, as well as monitor the state and
health of the card.
appears, pushing this button once enables modification of the
value using the [+] and [–] buttons; a second push confirms the
new value.
confirmed; pushing [ESC] causes the parameter to revert to its
former value.
Pushing [ESC] moves the user back up to the previous menu level.
At the main menu, [ESC] does not exit the menu system. To exit,
re-push the [SELECT] button for the card being controlled.
Controller card itself.
Some of the specific tasks that you may perform using the SSP-3801 web interface are:
• Device configuration
•Software upgrades
• Status monitoring
• Playlist view / emergency controls
• Advanced diagnostics / logging for in-field support
• H264 Confidence Monitor and audio meters
+ 39 hidden pages
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