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Systems Management Application
User Manual
Software Version 2.1
October 2011
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4SiteConfig — User Manual
Chapter 1: Getting started with SiteConfig...............................................................................9
About SiteConfig.....................................................................................................................................10
SiteConfig main window.........................................................................................................................13
Icons in SiteConfig..................................................................................................................................14
Terminology used in SiteConfig..............................................................................................................16
Taskflow checklist for using SiteConfig...................................................................................................18
Chapter 2: Working with network configuration....................................................................21
Working with sites and groups................................................................................................................22
About sites..........................................................................................................................................22
About site hierarchy.............................................................................................................................22
About deployment groups...................................................................................................................70
About managed software and tasks....................................................................................................70
Requirements for software managed by SiteConfig............................................................................72
About managed and unmanaged software.........................................................................................72
About the package store.....................................................................................................................72
About roles..........................................................................................................................................72
About managing deployment tasks.....................................................................................................73
About software deployment tasks.......................................................................................................73
About the Discovery Agent..................................................................................................................74
About deployment options...................................................................................................................75
Workflow for software deployment......................................................................................................75
Working with devices and software deployment groups.........................................................................76
•System requirements for SiteConfig control point PC
•Installing/upgrading SiteConfig
•Install prerequisite files on the SiteConfig PC
•Opening SiteConfig
•SiteConfig main window
•Icons in SiteConfig
•Terminology used in SiteConfig
•Taskflow checklist for using SiteConfig
11 October 2011 SiteConfig 2.1 User Manual 9
Getting started with SiteConfig
About SiteConfig
SiteConfig is Grass Valley's tool for network configuration and software deployment. SiteConfig
is a ProductFrame application. ProductFrame is an integrated platform of tools and product
distribution processes for system installation and configuration.
You can use SiteConfig as a stand-alone tool for planning and system design, even before you have
any devices installed or cabled. You can define networks, IP addresses, hostnames, interfaces, and
other network parameters. You can add devices, group devices, and modify device roles in the
As you install and commission systems, SiteConfig runs on a designated PC. It discovers devices,
configures their network settings, and manages host files. SiteConfig also manages software
installations and upgrades and provides a unified software package with compatible versions for
deployment across multi-product systems.
You should use SiteConfig for network configuration and software deployment at installation and
throughout the life of the system in your facility. This enforces consistent policy and allows
SiteConfig to keep a record of changes, which makes the system easier to maintain and aids in
troubleshooting should a problem arise.
SiteConfig displays information from a system description file, which is an XML file.
SiteConfig features
SiteConfig provides features for network configuration and software deployment.
Network Configuration
•Creating a description of a customer facility including the networks and devices that comprise
the system
•Remote hostname and IP address configuration and validation
•Remote device discovery and identification
•Host file generation and distribution
•Remote Desktop access to devices from the SiteConfig UI
•Reboot or shutdown devices remotely
Software Deployment
•Software packaging to ensure compatibility
•Remote detection and verification of installed software
•Remote installation and uninstallation of software
About installing SiteConfig
SiteConfig uses a protocol that involves sending Ethernet broadcast messages to discover and
configure devices. To enable this protocol to work correctly, there must be unrestricted network
access between the PC that hosts SiteConfig and the devices to be discovered.
10SiteConfig 2.1 User Manual 11 October 2011
Getting started with SiteConfig
This is achieved if control network interfaces are all connected to the same switch or to multiple
switches interconnected with ISLs/trunks. If your site requires that other switches and/or routers be
in the network path, you must make sure that no restrictions are in place that block SiteConfig
Also, do not install SiteConfig on a PC on which a drive from a managed device is mapped as an
administrative share (C$). For example, if you have a PC set up to run anti-virus software and for
this purpose you have network drives set up on the PC mapped to C$ shares on devices, then do not
use that PC to host SiteConfig and manage those devices.
For a given system, there should be just one instance of SiteConfig managing the system.
System requirements for SiteConfig control point PC
The PC on which SiteConfig is installed must meet the following requirements:
Operating system
Java JRE
Installing/upgrading SiteConfig
•The PC on which you are installing SiteConfg meets system requirements.
•The PC is connected to the LAN on which all the devices to be managed are connected.
•There are no routed paths to the devices to be managed.
Microsoft Windows (Must be a U.S. version):
XP Professional Service Pack 2, Server 2003, or
Vista Enterprise Service Pack 1.
Minimum 512 MB, 1 GB recommendedRAM
Must have at least 128 MB memoryGraphics acceleration
Pentium 4 or higher class, 2 GHz or greaterProcessor
400 MBHard disk space
Version 4.0Microsoft .NET Framework
1.3.1_12 and 1.4.2_05 or higher. Required for
the HP Ethernet Switch configuration interface,
which is used for K2 Storage Systems (shared
Microsoft XML 4 Service Pack 2 is required.XML
1. Procure SiteConfig installation files from the Grass Valley website or via other distribution
The following directory and files are required to install SiteConfig:
•DotNetFx directory
11 October 2011 SiteConfig 2.1 User Manual 11
Getting started with SiteConfig
2. If you already have a version of SiteConfig installed, go to Windows Add/Remove Programs and
uninstall it.
3. Double-click setup.exe.
The installation wizard opens.
4. Work through the wizard pages, clicking Next and Finish.
If the PC does not have the appropriate version of Microsoft .NET, the SiteConfig installation
programs installs it.
5. Open the Windows operating system Services control panel on the PC and look for an entry
called " ProductFrame Discovery Agent".
The Discovery Agent must be installed on the SiteConfig PC so that the PC can be discovered
by SiteConfig and added to the system description as a managed device. This is necessary to
ensure name resolution in SiteConfig's hosts file.
The Discovery Agent is also known as the Network Configuration Connect Kit. For example,
in Windows Add/Remove Programs, it can be displayed as either Network Configuration Connect
Kit or SiteConfig Discovery Agent.
6. Proceed as follows:
•If the Discovery Agent is not installed, navigate to the SiteConfig install location's Discovery
Agent Setup subdirectory and double-click the DiscoveryAgentServiceSetup.msifile. This
launches the setup program and installs the Discovery Agent. Follow the setup wizard to
complete installation. A restart is required after installation. Then continue with the next step
in this procedure.
•If the Discovery Agent is already installed, continue with the next step in this procedure.
12SiteConfig 2.1 User Manual 11 October 2011
7. If not already configured, configure the SiteConfig PC with a valid Ethernet IP address for the
LAN using Windows Network Connections.
8. If you are not going to be using SiteConfig to manage system hosts files, put the system hosts
file on the SiteConfig PC.
Related Links
About installing SiteConfig on page 10
Install prerequisite files on the SiteConfig PC
Some software components share common prerequisite software. You must install a prerequisite
software package on the SiteConfig PC to make the prerequisite software available for software
deployment to devices.
1. Check release notes for the required version of prerequisite files, if any.
2. On the SiteConfig PC, open Windows Add/Remove programs and look for Grass Valley
Prerequisite Files, then proceed as follows:
•If the required version of prerequisite files is installed, do not proceed with this task.
•If prerequisite files are not installed or are not at the required version, proceed with this task.
Getting started with SiteConfig
3. Procure the required prerequisite software installation file. The file name is Prerequisite
4. On the SiteConfig PC, run the installation file. The installation program copies prerequisite files
to C:\Program Files\Grass Valley\Prerequisite Files.
Opening SiteConfig
1. Use the SiteConfig shortcut on the Windows desktop or in the Start menu to open SiteConfig.
2. SiteConfig opens as follows:
•If you have previously opened SiteConfig, the SiteConfig main window opens with the most
recently used system description loaded.
•If you have not previously used SiteConfig or if SiteConfig does not have access to a system
description file, you are prompted to create a new system description or to import an existing
system description.
3. Respond as appropriate.
SiteConfig main window
The SiteConfig main window is as follows:
11 October 2011 SiteConfig 2.1 User Manual 13
Getting started with SiteConfig
The left side of the screen shows the tree view of the currently loaded system description. The
Network Configuration and Software Deployment buttons at the bottom of the tree view activate
either the network configuration workspace or the software deployment workspace.
The network configuration workspace on the left has two tabs: a Devices tab to display the tree of
devices in the system and a Networks tab to show the hierarchy of networks defined in the system.
The software deployment workspace also has two tabs: a Devices tab that displays the same tree
view of devices but provides information about the software roles assigned to the devices and the
software currently installed on devices. The Deployment Groups tab provides the interface to manage
software deployment tasks.
Select an item in the tree and the view on the right side of the screen shows details about the item
selected. Select a site or group to show information about all the items that fall under the selected
Right-click an item to access a context menu of operations.
Icon overlays on items and tooltips provide status and warning feedback.
Icons in SiteConfig
SiteConfig object icons
The following icons identify a graphical user interface object.
14SiteConfig 2.1 User Manual 11 October 2011
Getting started with SiteConfig
Site. A site is a container for networks and groups of devices and may also contain sub
System. A system is also a site but it is the top most site in the hierarchy
Group. An arbitrary collection of devices
Default device icon. Represents a single device. Icons for specific device types look
Unknown device. If there is no specific icon provided for a particular device type, this
icon is displayed by default
Software package. Represents a cab file that contains software installer files
Role. A single software component representing a piece of functionality
Managed Network Interface. The green tinge represents a "managed" network interface
that SiteConfig can manage IP assignments
Unmanaged Network Interface. Represents a NIC whose IP assignments are not currently
being managed by SiteConfig either due to lack of connectivity OR that IP assignments
are managed by an external entity such as DHCP
Icon overlay indicators
Configuration and connection status is indicated by overlay graphics on object icons. Unless specified
otherwise, the indicators appear in the Network Configuration | Devices view, as follows:
MeaningOverlay descriptionOverlay graphic
Green star
Connected, configured, and communicating correctly
in SiteConfig.
Yellow star
Discovered and assigned, but SiteConfig is unable to
establish direct IP communication yet is able to detect
it via the NetConfig protocol
Red circle with white bar
User attention required. Hover over the icon to view a
tooltip with more information
Yellow warning triangle
Warning. Hover over icon to see tooltip information
about the warning. In the Network Configuration view,
the warning could be restart required or awaiting restart.
In the Software Deployment view, the warning could
be deployment tasks pending, restart required, or
awaiting restart.
Gray lock
Locked. Network configuration and deployment tasks
are disabled unless you unlock the item. You must
provide administrator credentials to unlock.
11 October 2011 SiteConfig 2.1 User Manual 15
Getting started with SiteConfig
MeaningOverlay descriptionOverlay graphic
Red lock
Terminology used in SiteConfig
System Description
The system description is an XML file that describes a complete system. Almost all of the information
displayed in SiteConfig is saved to the system description file. The file has a .scsd extension.
A site is a logical collection of groups of devices and the networks to which those devices connect.
A K2 SAN is an example of a site.
A group is an arbitrary collection of devices that can be defined in SiteConfig to categorize sets of
devices. For example, a group called "Infrastructure" can be created to contain devices like Ethernet
switches, Fibre Channels switches, and Control Point PCs.
Managed Networks
Unlocked. Network configuration and deployment tasks
are fully enabled
Managed IP Networks are Networks on which the allocation of IP Addresses is managed by the
SiteConfig application. The term "managed" is also applied to network interfaces on devices to
imply that their IP addresses can be managed by the SiteConfig application. Prior to a device being
discovered, all network interfaces on a device are unmanaged. When discovered, any interface that
is used to connect to a managed network can be configured and set on the device via SiteConfig.
Unmanaged Networks
Unmanaged Networks are Networks on which allocation of IP Addresses is externally managed by
DNS\host files or DHCP. The term "unmanaged" is also applied to network interfaces on devices
to imply that their IP addresses are not managed by the SiteConfig application. All network interfaces
prior to discovery of devices are unmanaged.
NetConfig protocol
The NetConfig protocol is an Ethernet based protocol that is used by SiteConfig to discover devices
on the network via broadcasts. The protocol is also used to configure networking properties like
hostnames and IP addresses on individual devices.
Discovery Agent
The Discovery Agent is a Windows service that must be installed on all managed devices to allow
for discovery and configuration by SiteConfig. The service is listed in Windows as the "ProductFrame
Discovery Agent". The Discovery Agent is installed by the SiteConfig Network Configuration
Connect Kit.
16SiteConfig 2.1 User Manual 11 October 2011
Getting started with SiteConfig
Software package
A managed software package is a collection of software installation files. The collection can include
software for multiple devices and products. The software package is distributed as a *.cab file.
SiteConfig requires that a valid software package be available in its software package store in order
to deploy software.
Package store
A single instance of SiteConfig as it runs on a control point PC has a single package store. You
must specify the location of the package store as a directory on a local or network connected drive.
A software package must be in the package store in order to be available to SiteConfig software
deployment features.
Deployment group
A deployment group is a group of devices to which SiteConfig can deploy software. You group the
devices together based on your software deployment tasks. For example, devices that all get the
same software can be combined in a deployment group. You define software deployment groups in
the SiteConfig Software Deployment | Deployment Groups tree view.
Administrator credentials are required in order to install software on a device. SiteConfig remembers
a username and password and passes those credentials to the device in order to get permission to
install software. If all your devices have the same administrator username and password, you can
enter them in SiteConfig as global credentials and then SiteConfig uses those credentials to install
software on all devices. If some devices have a different username and password than those used
for global credentials, you can specify in SiteConfig the credentials for individual devices. SiteConfig
then uses those credentials to install software on the individual device, rather than using the global
A role is a grouping of software functionality. A device can have one or more software roles. A
software role is typically provided by one or more programs or services running on the device. For
some products, a single device-type can be configured to have several different combinations of
software roles, depending on the functionality that device provides to the system or systems to which
it belongs.
Depending on a device’s family, type, and configuration, SiteConfig automatically assigns the
appropriate software roles to a device when the device is added to the system description. You can
also manually modify a device’s software roles.
SiteConfig knows what software should be installed for each software role, and deploys the software
from a software package accordingly.
Deployment Tasks
A deployment task is a mapping between a particular software package that is part of a deployment
group and a device that is part of the same deployment group.
Managed Package and Managed Software
A managed package, or managed software, consists of software that can be installed and/or uninstalled
and/or reinstalled by SiteConfig.
11 October 2011 SiteConfig 2.1 User Manual 17
Getting started with SiteConfig
Taskflow checklist for using SiteConfig
Use the following sequence of tasks as a guideline as you install, configure, and manage your system
with SiteConfig. This checklist outlines a typical commissioning workflow for a new system.
Create a new system description
Create a hierarchy of sites adding networks,
groups and device placeholders
Set the properties of each network specified
for the system
Modify or add device placeholders, edit each
network interface and specify the IP address
to use
Discover devices
Match each discovered device to an existing
placeholder or create a new device from the
discovered device
For each device, edit each network interface
specifying the necessary network information
required and apply to the device
Add your Control Point PC to the system
Deploy hosts files
Use the site wizard to add sites based on
models or import a system description (
.scsd) file
Specify IP address ranges and other network
details for managed and unmanaged networks
If you discover a device for which you do
not yet have a placeholder device prepared,
you can add the device directly to the
appropriate site\group without a placeholder.
Set the control interface IP address first, then
the others
Repeat steps for all devicesSet the hostname of the device
Make sure you have completed network
configuration of all network interfaces across
all devices before deploying the host file to
ensure completeness and validity. Deploy to
the control point PC as well as to managed
Create a deployment group
Perform a software check on every device in
the deployment group
Add one or more software packages
Run deployment tasks on devices
You must control which deployment tasks
run on what devices and in what order. For
example, on a K2 SAN you must deploy to
servers first, then clients. If your system
requires a specific sequence of software
deployment and restarts, you must manage
the sequence yourself. SiteConfig does not
enforce this type of deployment sequence.
18SiteConfig 2.1 User Manual 11 October 2011
If you have one or more K2 SAN sites
defined, import the system description file
into the K2 System Configuration application
and configure every device.
Getting started with SiteConfig
11 October 2011 SiteConfig 2.1 User Manual 19
Chapter 2
Working with network configuration
This section contains the following topics:
•Working with sites and groups
•Working with networks
•Working with devices
11 October 2011 SiteConfig 2.1 User Manual 21
Working with network configuration
Working with sites and groups
About sites
Sites are containers for networks and groups of devices and may also contain subsites. When you
start with a new system description, you add one or more sites in the tree view under the System
node. SiteConfig provides you with a wizard to help create a site based on a model.
A site model is a template to enable simplified creation of sites. Each model specifies a set of
networks that devices under that site connect to, for example, a control network, a streaming network,
a storage network. The model also specifies a set of device models that typically comprise such a
site, including attributes like the specific number of devices of a particular model.
You can choose to start with a site model and then add more sites to the system as appropriate. You
can also choose to create a site which is entirely custom; where you specify networks, groups,
devices without starting with predefined models.
When you create multiple sites, their placement in the tree view tells SiteConfig how the devices
under them connect together.
Related Links
Network configuration hierarchy on page 24
About site hierarchy
Sites are containers for networks and groups of devices and may also contain sub sites. When you
build a tree view of sites and subsites, it is important to understand that you are also defining a
hierarchy of networks.
When you add a network to a particular site, it means that every item that you add under that site
is connected to the network(s) defined at that site and its parent site(s). However, if you have peer
sites in the tree (at the same level) and they each define one or more networks, SiteConfig does not
allow the devices in one peer site to connect to a network in another peer site. SiteConfig interprets
any device you add to a peer site as not being connected to the networks defined at another peer
site. The exception to this are networks defined at a mutual parent site(s). If peer sites have a mutual
parent site, the devices in any peer site can connect to the network in the mutual parent site. This is
illustrated in the following examples:
The SiteConfig tree view of sites and devices under the System node (which is also a site) appears
as follows:
22SiteConfig 2.1 User Manual 11 October 2011
Working with network configuration
The SiteConfig tree view of some networks defined at different sites within the tree view appears
as follows:
The interpretation of this hierarchy is as follows:
•All devices that are under SITEA or SITEB connect to the networks defined at those sites
(NetworkA and NetworkB respectively) and to the network "NetworkRoot" defined at their
parent - System.
•All devices under SITEC connect to NetworkC and NetworkRoot only - not to networks defined
under SITEA or SITEB.
•When you edit the network interface IP addresses on devices, the network options presented will
be limited to the networks that are "in scope".
When creating sites and networks, consider the following:
•Put your control network in the top level site since there is likely just one control network for
the entire system. Then when you add child sites, only add other networks that are intended for
devices within that site. An example of this is a storage networking network for a K2 SAN.
•Create peer sites to isolate networks from one another. For example, on mirrored storage SANs
the storage networking networks are typically isolated.
Related Links
Network configuration hierarchy on page 24
11 October 2011 SiteConfig 2.1 User Manual 23
Working with network configuration
Rules for networks on page 37
Network configuration hierarchy
The following table describes the various items that can be defined in the SiteConfig tree view and
what each can contain
Is contained byContainsDescriptionHierarchy
The top level container.
The name is free form.
An association of
networks and devices.
Typically used for
major sub-systems,
such as the K2 SAN.
Can be free form, but
predefined models are
A category of devices.
Can be free form or can
have specific properties
and constraints relative
to functionality in the
site or system. A site
must have at least one
group in which to
contain devices.
A physical device,
predefined by Family,
Type, and
NoneSites: multiple, free
System, SiteSites: multiple, free
form. Nesting is
constrained; Groups:
multiple, free form
or group of components
that reside in a device,
such as a LUN or
device, predefined by
Family, Type, and
DeviceNoneA physical connection
point, usually a network
adapter, predefined by
Related Links
About sites on page 22
24SiteConfig 2.1 User Manual 11 October 2011
About site hierarchy on page 22
About system descriptions
You have several options for starting and developing a SiteConfig system description, as follows:
Start with an existing system description
You can obtain a system description for a system similar to the one you are installing. Some system
descriptions are provided with SiteConfig as templates for specific system types. You can import
the system description into SiteConfig, and then modify it until it matches your specific system.
You can define the entire system including defining sites, groups, networks, devices and even the
planned IP assignments before you arrive at the installation site.
You can save your work as a system description file (.scsd) file and when onsite at the installation
site, you can import the file into SiteConfig as your starting point.
Once you import the system description you can make changes as appropriate and proceed to discover
the connected physical devices.
Working with network configuration
About the mirrored SAN system description template
Mirrored K2 SANs introduce an additional level to the network hierarchy in the SiteConfig system
description. Because of the rules for networks, the placement of networks in a mirrored SAN system
is critical for device connectivity. Therefore it is recommended that you start by importing a
SiteConfig system description template designed specifically for a mirrored K2 SAN system to
achieve the required network hierarchy.
The mirrored SAN system description template provides a Site node for the X SAN and a Site node
for the Y SAN. The K2 clients (K2 Media Clients and/or K2 Summit Production Clients) and K2
Media Servers for each SAN must be under their Site node. For your existing mirrored SANs, you
add groups and devices to the appropriate Site node. As you modify the system description template
to match your specific K2 SAN mirrored system, do not change the position of the SAN Site nodes
or the networks in the tree view hierarchy.
Start with a new system description
You can create new system description using SiteConfig on your PC before you arrive at the
installation site, or as part of the commissioning process at the installation site.
Typically, if you are starting with a new system description, you use the site wizard to add one or
more sites based on appropriate site models, define networks and their IP ranges, and add device
placeholders. Then you discover devices and perform appropriate network configuration, followed
by software deployment.
About saving system descriptions
When you make a change to a system description, SiteConfig saves the change within three seconds
and updates the system description file. There is no need to save changes when you close a system
description or to manually save changes while you are working on a system description.
11 October 2011 SiteConfig 2.1 User Manual 25
Working with network configuration
Creating a new system description
1. Open SiteConfig and proceed as follows:
•If a dialog box opens that gives you the choice of creating or importing a system description,it means SiteConfig does not have access to a system description file. Click Create.
•If the SiteConfig main window opens, click File | New.
The Create New System Description dialog box opens.
2. In the Create New System Description dialog box, enter the name of the file for the system
description you are creating.
It is recommended that you store the system description file in the default location, rather than
browsing to store the file in a different location. SiteConfig always accesses the default location.
3. Click OK.
A blank system description loads, which displays just the top-level System node in the tree view.
4. In the Network Configuration | Devices tree view, right-click the System node or a Site node and
select Add Site.
In this context, "Site" is a distinct system, such as a K2 SAN or an Aurora Browse system.
The New Site Wizard opens.
26SiteConfig 2.1 User Manual 11 October 2011
Working with network configuration
5. Enter a name for the site you are creating, considering the following:
•Keep the site name short, as it becomes the root identifier that is the default prefix for device
and network names.
•Sites in the tree view are automatically sorted alphabetically.
6. Select a model on which to base your site.
7. Click Next.
The Networks page opens.
The Networks page displays a list of networks that are defined for the selected site model. Each
of these networks is based on a network model that defines the type, usage and redundancy of
the network. When the New Site Wizard creates a network, it is based on this model.
8. If a network is not necessary for the site you are creating, select the network and click Remove.
Since child sites inherit the networks defined at their parent(s), if the site you are creating has a
parent site that already contains one of the displayed networks, then it is not necessary to include
that network here.
11 October 2011 SiteConfig 2.1 User Manual 27
Working with network configuration
9. Click Next.
The second Networks page opens.
The second Networks page shows the network models you chose to be created for this site.
10. Select each network and specify the base IP address, subnet mask and number of addresses for
the IP address range for the network.
You can assign an IP address from this network for any device you add to this site.
When you complete the wizard, SiteConfig creates new networks based on the values you specify
28SiteConfig 2.1 User Manual 11 October 2011
11. Click Next.
The Devices page opens.
Working with network configuration
The Devices page shows you the device models that typically comprise a site based on the model
you chose in the first page of the New Site Wizard. The New Site Wizard creates these devices
as part of the site. You can then modify, remove, or you add devices, including device models
that are not shown on this page.
12. You can select a device model and do one or more of the following:
•Specify the number of devices of that model for the site. If the control is disabled, it means
that the number of devices is constrained by the site model. For example, a site model might
be constrained to have one Ethernet switch only.
•Specify the starting IP address of a set of devices of that model. SiteConfig automatically
assigns IP addresses from this range. If you require a different sequence of IP addresses, you
can modify them on each device after the New Site Wizard completes.
13. Click Next.
The "...Site will be created..." page opens.
This is the last page and summarizes what the New Site Wizard adds to the tree view.
14. Click Finish to create the site.
The site is displayed in SiteConfig in the tree view with groups and device placeholders displayed
under the site node. New networks are displayed in the tree view of networks in the Networks tab.
11 October 2011 SiteConfig 2.1 User Manual 29
Working with network configuration
Location of SiteConfig files
SiteConfig uses the user profile directory, as currently configured in the Windows operating system,
to store and access files. The user profile directory can be different on different control point PCs,
depending on the Windows operating system installation. In the user profile directory you can find
the Application Data\GrassValley directory, which is where SiteConfig stores its files. The
complete path for a typical control point PC is as follows:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\GrassValley
In this directory you can find system descriptions files, which have the scsd extension. You can
also find other SiteConfig directories and files.
Importing a system description
Prerequisites for this task are as follows:
•The SiteConfig PC has access to the system description file you are importing.
1. Open SiteConfig and proceed as follows:
•If a dialog box opens that gives you the choice of creating or importing a system description,
it means SiteConfig does not have access to a system description file. Click Import.
•If the SiteConfig main window opens, click File | Import.
The Import System Description dialog box opens.
2. Browse to and select a system description file (*.scsd) and click Open.
The current system description is closed and the system description you are importing is displayed
in SiteConfig.
Importing a K2 System Configuration file
If you are using SiteConfig for the first time at a system that has already been commissioned and
if the system has a K2 SAN, you can import the K2 System Configuration application's XML file
into your system description.
1. Open SiteConfig and proceed as follows:
•Click the File | Import menu item.
The Import System Description dialog box opens.
2. From the Files of type drop-down list select K2 SAN Config (.xml), browse to the location of the
XML file, select the file, and click Open.
SiteConfig creates new sites in the system description representing each K2 SAN it finds in the
XML file. SiteConfig adds placeholder devices for each device in the K2 SAN. SiteConfig might
popup windows asking you to resolve devices to equivalent device models in SiteConfig. Choose
the appropriate device model.
30SiteConfig 2.1 User Manual 11 October 2011
+ 72 hidden pages
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