No other camera has the “look” of an LDK camera. And no other live
production camera has the pedigree of an LDK camera.
Grass Valley™ LDK camera systems are the world’s leading high-end
acquisition systems with a history of more than 50 years of innovative
developments and the recipient of six Emmy® Awards. A tribute to our
design and engineering excellence.
For over half a century, Grass Valley cameras have captured the world’s highest-
profile, most prestigious events all over the world. The reason is simple:
The unique LDK look. Picture quality that is unmatched by any other camera.
LDK cameras are designed with the absolute highest-quality mechanical,
electrical, and signal processing systems. We developed our own proprietary
imagers—the Emmy Award-winning HD-DPM+™ sensor and the all new Xensium
imager—the most critical part of any camera, to give you the format and
image flexibility that you need and expect.
We invite you to discover why LDK camera systems are the first and only
choice for high-end acquisition.

At Grass Valley, we have a history of technological
design and engineering which has changed how the
industry acquires images.
Each LDK camera is expertly and painstakingly
assembled by hand—a process unheard of in today’s
mechanized world—in a facility that has been responsible
for the development of some of the most important
camera and optical revolutions used in almost every
broadcast camera in the world today.
From imager development to optical front-end assembly
and calibration in a special clean room environment,
Grass Valley guarantees full quality control of all camera
systems with absolute attention to ergonomic excellence.
In addition to extensive and rigorous quality and
reliability testing during development, all critical
components are selected on an individual, one-on-one
basis and carefully matched to each other for each
camera during the assembly process.
At final assembly, full camera system specifications
are verified for the entire camera system: the camera
head, adapter back, base station, viewfinder, and
operational control panel (OCP), all working together to
insure that you are getting the best camera in the world.
Finally, the full camera system is subjected to a
24 hour burn-in with extensive heat testing at 45°C
(113°F) and vibration tests.
Our unique 9.2 million pixel FT CCD imagers in combination with our 14-bit A/D converters and 34 bits of
digital signal processing (DSP) power offers outstanding image quality combined with extremely high levels of
production flexibility, giving you the LDK look demanded the world over.
Elite signal processing gives you the most convenient operational features:
Switchable matrix positions• for the best possible
flexibility in camera matching to other LDK cameras
or any camera system on the market, regardless of
limited resolution of other cameras.
Multi-vector secondary color corrector• which enables
precise color rendition of up to six corrections per
scene, which can be stored and recalled as needed.
Grass Valley’s Emmy Award-winning • Dual Skin Tone, for
the best possible look of any talent in front of the camera.
For 3D productions, image rotation within the camera •
head allows you to flip the image when using special
optics, shooting through mirrors, or upside down camera
mounting systems, without introducing any latency or
having to use any additional equipment.
K2 Dyno Replay System
The Grass Valley K2 Dyno™ Replay System
is a powerful, cost-effective, and easy to
learn compliment to the LDK 8300. The
K2 Dyno Replay System works without costly
software and hardware add-ons to manage
and move content throughout production
environments. The K2 Dyno Replay System
and the LDK 8300 bring high-performance
and affordable super slow-motion to any
production, studio, or outside broadcast.