Grass Valley Jupiter Control System User Manual

GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtteedd GGuuiidde
Jupiter Facility Control System Version 6.2 Getting Started Guide Manual part no. 04-045707-003 Rev E
March 16, 2004
(c) 1996,1998, 2001, 2004 Thomson Broadcast and Media Solutions, Inc.
All rights reserved. All specifications subject to change without notice. For customer service, please call (800) concerning this manual, please contact: Technical Publications Department, P.O. Box 30816, Salt Lake City, Utah 84130-0816. Phone: (801) 972-8000. Fax: (801) 977-1602. Email:
Trademark notice
Jupiter and Venus are trademarks of THOMSON. WINDOWS is a trademark of Microsoft, Inc.
comments or questions
Power, flexibility, and reliability— These words describe the Jupiter Control System best. Unfortunately, such features make for a somewhat intimidating and lengthy manual. This document is designed to simplify the set up process—adding ease-of-use to the long list of Jupiter’s state-of-the-art features.
GGeettttiinngg SSttaarrtteedd wwiitthh HHaarrddwwaarre
To the customer:
Someone once said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Concerning the Jupiter set up, this statement is certainly true. The diagrams below should make the hardware set up quite simple.

Figure 1. Connection to Philips/Thomson routing switchers

For jumper and switch setting information, refer to the hardware manual supplied with the switcher.
15-pin CC 2010 Matrix (crosspoint bus) data cable
Binary protocol
Crosspoint bus port
SDR 400 Mars Venus Trinix
VM 3000 Control Processor
House T/C (Optional)
House sync required for vertical interval switching.
Figure 2. Control panel installation
Each port on a VM/SI 3000 has a recommended maximum quantity of control
panels. Refer to section 2 of the Installation and Operating Manual.
CP 3830 Control Panel
CP 3808 with CP 3809 expansion panel
CP 3800 Control Panel
CP 300 Series Control Panel
MC 3010/2 Dual 4-Machine Control Panel
CP 3020 Pushbutton Control Panel
12 in. ribbon cable supplied with CP 3021
“Input" connector
CP 3021 Pushbutton Expansion Panel
“Output" connector
“Input" connector
CP 3021 Pushbutton Expansion Panel
Maximum of 4 CP 3021s
CP 3000 Switcher Control with expansion panel
MC 3000 Machine Control with expansion panel
CP 3824 Control Panel
CP 3810 Control Panel
CP 3832 Control Panel
Serial (MPK) Cables
CP 3864 Control Panel
VM/SI 3000 (VM 3000 shown)
Port connections are defined in the MPK Devices table. Refer to step 10.
Sync Reference
9-pin Serial data cable
LAN cable

Figure 3. PC-to-VM connections

JNS File Server with network card
10baseT LAN Cable
10base2 LAN Cable
VM/SI 3000 Control Processor
Jupiter Network Hub with BNC and RJ45 connections
JNS Remote PC with network card
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