States of America.
This do cument m ay not be copied i n whole o r in part , or other wise repr oduced
except as sp ec ifi ca ll y permit ted under U. S. copyri gh t law , wi th out the prior writ ten
consent of Grass Valley Group Inc., P.O. Box 59900, Nevada City, California
TrademarksGrass Valley, GRASS VALLEY GROUP, Profile and Profile XP are either
registe red trad em arks or trad ema rk s of Gras s Va ll ey Gr oup in the Uni ted Stat es
and/or other countries. Other trademarks used in this document are either
registered trademarks or trademarks of the manufacturers or vendors of the
associated products. Grass Valley Group products are covered by U.S. and foreign
patents, issued and pending. Additional infor m ation regarding
Grass Valley Grou p's tradem arks and oth er propri etary right s may be fou nd at
DisclaimerProduct options and specifications subject to change without notice. The
informati on in this manual is furnished fo r informat ional use only, is subject to
chang e witho ut notic e, an d shou ld not b e cons trued as a com mitme nt by G rass
Valley Group. Grass Valley Group as sumes no res ponsibility or liability f or any
errors or inaccu racies that may appear in this publication.
U.S. Government
Restricted Rights
Revision Status
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the United States Government is subject to
restrictions as set forth in s ubparagraph (c )(1)(ii) of t he Rights in Tech nical Data
and Comp ut er So ftwa re clau se at DFA RS 25 2.277 -7 013 or in su bpara gra ph c(1 )
and (2) of the Comm ercial Co mputer So ftware Re stricte d Rights cl ause at FAR
52.227-19, as applicable. Manufacturer is Grass Valley Group Inc., P.O. Box
59900, Nevada City, California 95959-7900 U.S.A.
Rev Date Description
March, 1999Original issue. Manual Part Number 071-0516-00.
October, 1999Revised to include two-codec board.
Manual Part Numbe r 071-0516-01.
March, 2000Revised to include DVCPRO 50.
Manual Part Numbe r 071-0516-02.
Grass Valley Group Product Support ............................................................ ............ .. 5
General Safe ty Su mm ary .......................... ........................ ................. ....................... .. 6
Certifications and Compliances................................................................................... 9
Before You Begin ........................................................................................................ 11
24-hour Emergency Hotline (530) 478-4148 (Contract and warranty
W orld Wide Web
DVCPRO Upgrade Installation5
General Safety Summary
General Safety Summary
WARNING: These instructions are for use by qualified
service personnel only. To avoid personal injury, do not
perform any servicing unless you are qualifie d to do so.
Refer to all safety summaries before performing service.
Review the following safety precautions to avoid personal
injury and prevent damage to this product or any products
connected to it.
While using this product, you may need to a ccess other parts
of the system. Read the general safety summary in other
system manuals for warnings and cautions related to
operating the system.
Injury Precautions
Do Not Service
Disconnect PowerTo avoid electric shock while servi cing, disconne ct the main
Use Care W h en
Ser vicing W ith
Power On
Do not perform inte rnal se rvice or a dju stment of this product
unless another person capable of render ing first aid and
resuscitation is pres ent.
power by means of the power cord.
Dangerous voltages or currents may exist in this product.
Disconnect power and remove battery (if applicable) before
removing protective panels, soldering, or replacing
Avoid Exposed
Do Not Operate
Without Product
Covers in Place
6DVCPRO Upgrade Installation
To avoid injury while servicing, remove jewelry such as
rings, watches, and other metallic objects. Do not touch
exposed connections a nd compone nts when p ower is pres ent.
To avoid electric shock or fire hazard, do not operate this
product with covers or panels removed.
Product Damage Precautions
Do Not Operate in
Do Not Opera te i n an
To avoid electric shock, do not op erate this pr oduct in we t or
damp conditions.
To avoid injury or fire hazard, do not operate this product in
an explosive atmosphere .
Product Damage Precautions
Use the Proper
Voltage Setting
Provide Proper
Do Not O p er ate If
You Suspect
Product Failures
Ensure that the line selec tor is in the proper position for the
power source before applying power.
Prevent product overhea ting by providing proper vent ilation.
If you suspect there is damage to this product, have it
inspected by qualifie d servic e personnel.
Safety Terms and Symbols
Terms in This
These terms may appear in this manual:
WARNING: Warning statements identify conditions or
practices that can result in personal injury or loss of life.
CAUTION: Caution statements identify conditions or
practices tha t can result in damage to the equipment or other
DVCPRO Upgrade Installation7
General Safety Summary
Terms on the
Symbols on the
These terms may appear on the product:
DANGER indicates a personal injury hazard imme diately
accessible as you read the marking.
WARNING indicates a personal injury hazard not
immediately accessible as you read the marking.
CAUTION indicates a hazard to property, including the
The following symbols may appear on the product:
DANGER high voltage
Protective ground (eart h) ter minal
ATTENTION – refer to manual
8DVCPRO Upgrade Installation
Certifications and Compliances
Certifications and Compliances
FCC Emission
Canadian EMC
Notice of
This equipment has bee n tested and found to co mply with the
limits for a Class A digital de vice, pursuant to Part 15 of the
FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against ha rmful interference when the equipment
is operated in a comm ercial environ m en t . This eq uip m en t
generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and,
if not installed and used in accordance with this installation
manual, may cause harmful interf erence to radio
communications. Oper ation of t his equipment in a residential
area is lik ely to cause harmful interference in which case the
user will be requi red t o corr ect the interference at his or her
own expense. Changes or modifications not expressly
approved by Grass Valley Group can affect emission
compliance and could void the user’s author ity to operate this
This digital appar atus does not exceed the Class A limits for
radio noise emissions from a digital apparatus set out in the
Radio Interferenc e Regulations of the Canadian Department
of Communications.
Le présent appareil num érique n’émet pas de bruit s
radioélectriques dépassant les li mites applicables aux appareils
numériques de la classe A préscrites dans le Règlement sur le
brouillage radioélectrique édicté par le ministère des
Communications du Canada.
EN55022 Class A
For products that comply with Class A. In a domestic
environment, this product may cause radio interference, in
which case the user may be required to take adequate
DVCPRO Upgrade Installation9
Certifications and Compliances
SafetyDesigned /te sted for co m p liance w it h:
UL1950– Safe ty of Info rmation Technolo gy Equipme nt, inclu ding Ele ctrica l
Business Equipment (Thir d Edition, 1995)
IEC 950 – Safety of Information Technology Equipment, including
Electrical Business Equipment (Second edition, 1991)
CAN/CSA C22.2, No. 950-95 – Safety of Information Tec hnology
Equipment , including Electrical Busin ess Equipment
EN60950 – Safety of Information Tec hnology Equipment, including
Electrical Business E quipment (includes Appendix ZB)
10DVCPRO Upgrade Installation
Before You Begin
NOTE: Profile System S oftware version 3.2 or higher must be installe d before
you install any DVCPRO boards. For more information, see “Upgrading
Profile System Software” on page 12.
This installation manual explains how to install the DVCPRO boards in the
PDR200 Video File Server. Included are procedure s for installing the DVCPRO
boards in both a DVCPRO-ready (Option DV) PDR200 and a
non-DVCPRO-ready PDR200.
There are two DVCPRO upgrade kits for the PDR200 as shown in Table 1.
The PDFDV04 upgrade kit inc ludes o ne DVCPRO CODEC board whi ch featu res
four DVCPRO 25 codecs. Each codec can be used for DVCPRO 25 record and
playback. Each pair of DVCPRO 25 codecs can be u sed as a single DVCPRO 50
codec for DVCPRO 50 record and playback.
The PDFDV02 upgrade kit inc ludes o ne DVCPRO CODEC board whi ch featu res
two DVCPRO 25 Codecs. Each codec can be used for DVCPRO 25 record and
playback. The pair of DVCPRO 25 codecs can be used as a single DVCPRO 50
codec for DVCPRO 50 record and playback.
Before You Begin
To install an additiona l two-codec DVCPRO CODEC board in a PDR400, you
can use the instru cti ons fo r ins tal ling boar d s in a DVCPRO-rea dy s ystem . The
PDFDV02 two-codec board must be installe d in slot J12.
NOTE: Grass Valley Group s upports a to tal of six DVCPRO 25 codecs i n th e
Profile syste m. Gras s Valley Group doe s not support the DVCPRO B oards in
systems with MPEG boards installed.
The following l ists the tasks for c ompleting the DVCPRO upgrade . You may not
have to perform all the tasks listed, depending on your unit’s serial number and
previous upgrades, if any, you have performed.
To install the DVCPRO upgrade you must:
1. Upgrade Profile system software to version 3.2 or higher.
2. Update Profile circuit board firmware.
3. Install additional Master and Slave EDR board memory if required.
4. Install the DVCPRO board and verify perfor mance.
5. Update Windows NT 4.0 Emergency Repair Disk.
The following sec tions give more information on completing each of these tasks.
The procedure starts on page 18.
Upgrading Profile System Software
The Profile system soft ware installed in the PDR200 must be version 3.2 or higher
to support the DVCPRO boards. This software should have been ordered and
received along with this DVCPRO upgrade kit. To chec k the softwa re version
installed in your Prof ile sys tem, open the Vrd Panel applic ation a nd choose
About VdrPanel
displayed wi ndow. I f you do not ha ve s oftware v ersion 3. 2 or hi gher, c ont act your
Grass Valley Group represen tative.
Help |
. The software version is listed as the product version in the
NOTE: Complete software upgrade instr uctions are located in the Profile
System Software Release Notes inclu ded with your software kit. Be sure to
thoroughly read the release notes before upgrading your Profile system
Updating Profile Circuit Board Firmware
After you install the corr ect version of Profile system software, you may need to
update the firmware of some Profile circuit boards. Profile system software
provides the software utilities for doing this. The procedures are described in the
release notes and in the Profile Utilities chapter of the Profile Family User Manual.
12DVCPRO Upgrade Installation
Installation Summary
Master and Slave EDR Memory Requirements
The DVCPRO upgrade requires 64-megabyte s of memory on both the Master and
the Slave Enhanced Disk Recorder (EDR) Boards. If you order ed your PDR200
recently, the Master and Slave EDR boards already have 64 megabytes of
memory. If you have an earlier model (seri al number B029999 or below), you
must install additional memo ry if you have not done s o already. To see the amount
of memory you have on the Master and Slave EDR boards, check in the Profile
Log for messages regarding memory size. To vie w the Profile Log, double click
the Profile Log shortcut on the Windows NT 4.0 desktop . If your Profile system
has been running for a long time, the text regar ding memory size may have
scrolled out of th e Profile Log . In this ca se, you can re boot the Profi le sy stem and
check the Profile Log again.
If your system does not have the required memory, you will need two service
kits— one kit for the Master and one for the Slave—each with two 32-megabyte
If you normally opera te with a large video file system (greater than 2500 clips as
might be the case in commercial cache applications) Grass Valley Group
recommends that you have 32 megabytes of local memory installed for the i960
real-time system (RTS) proc essor on the Master EDR board to enhance system
performance. If you ordered your PDR200 recently, you already have
32 megabytes of i960 local memory i nstalle d. If you ha ve an earli er model (ser ial
number B039999 or below), you should install ad ditional memory if you have not
done so already. Check the Profile Log for messages r egarding RTS memory size.
If your system does not have 32-megabytes of real time system (RTS) processor
memory, you will need one kit for this upgrade, c ontaining one 32-megabyte
SIMM, replacing the existing 16-megabyte SIMM.
NOTE: You should have obtained service kits for these memor y upgrades at
the same time yo u received the DV CPR O up grad e k it. If you ne ed to insta l l
these memory upgrades, do so before installing the DVCPRO boards. Refer
to the procedures in the memory kits for speci fic instructions. If for some
reason you have not obtained the kits, contact your Grass Valley Group
DVCPRO Upgrade Installation13
DVCPRO Board Installation
Installing Additional Upgrade Kits
If you ordered both DVCPRO upgrade kits (PDFDV04 and PDFDV02), you can
install them both at the same time using the procedur es in this manual.
If you have ordered other upgrade kits, such as a video I/O board upgrade or the
Audio Signal Proces sor Board (ASPB) upgrade, you can install them at the sa me
time while the Prof ile ch assis is open .
Kit Contents
The DVCPRO upgrade kit includes all the items listed in Table 2
Table 2. List of kit co ntents
1 D V C PRO Board (two or four codecs)
15 Slot PCI Interconnect
1Board i d entifica tion label st rip
4Sharcnet cable
4Replacement tie wraps for bundling cables
1Disposable ESD ground strap
5Anti-static bags for board storage
1This Installation Manual
Tools Required
Tools required to install the board are (not supplied in this kit):
• A Torx tool with T10 and T15 tips.
14DVCPRO Upgrade Installation
Electrostatic Precautions
CAUTION: All Profile system circuit boards h ave components that are h ighly
sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). To protect these components from
damage and to maintain product reliability, take the following precaut ions
when handling the circuit board:
• Handle all circuit boards in a static- prote cted area capable of controlling
static charge on conductiv e materials, people, and nonconductive
materials. Stat ic-protect ed areas inclu de nonstatic table tops a nd nonstatic
floor mats.
• While out of the chassis, place boards in the ESD static-s hielded bags
(provided with this kit) until you install them.
• Wear ESD grounding straps when handling boards outside of their ESD
static-shielded bags.
• H andle the circuit boards only by the ed ges and avoid touching the printed
wires on the back of the circuit board as much as possible.
Electrostatic Precautions
DVCPRO Upgrade Installation15
DVCPRO Board Installation
DVCPRO Operational Considerations
This section describes DVCPRO operational issues which you need to consider
when placing your Profile syst em back into ope ration after completing the
upgrade. These include:
• DVCPRO System Timing Considerations
• Restrictions When Using JPEG and DVCPRO
DVCPRO System Timing Considerations
The DVCPRO 25 co decs used in Pr ofile syst ems are a ctually pai rs of codecs.
Because of t his paired codec archite cture, so me restric tions apply to the DVCPRO
codecs which require the following system timing limitations:
1. You must supply a Reference In signal to the Profile system.
2. All video signals that you want to record with a DVCPRO codec must be
synchronous with the Reference In signal.
3. If you want to use the DVCPRO 2 5 codecs a s indepe ndent codecs, all of your
video inputs must be auto-timed to the Refer ence input. In Configuration
Manager, se le ct Enab l e Au to-T im ing fo r each i npu t. Y ou must en s ure that
each input actual ly auto-tim es by checking that the Auto-Tim ed indic ator in
the Video Input dialog box is lit. Refer to “Using the Profile Configuration
Manager” in the Profile Family User Manual for more information on
4. If you are unable to auto-time an input , or if you wish to use the DVCPRO
codecs for BVW Insert/Edit operations , you may onl y use one of the codec s
from each pair, DVCPRO25 #1, DVCPRO25 #3, and DVCPRO25 #5. Note
that the second DVCPRO25 codec from each pair must not be used
(DVCPRO25 #2, DVCPRO25 #4, and DVCPRO25 #6).
16DVCPRO Upgrade Installation
Restrictions When Using JPEG and DVCPRO
Restrictions When Using JPEG and DVCPRO
After completing the DVCPRO upgrade, the JPEG Codecs on the Master and
Slave Enhan ce d Di sk Re co rder boards remai n availab l e as res ou rces for
record/play channels or for transcoding clips between JPEG and DVCPRO. In
some configurati ons, the operation of one of the JPEG codecs may be restr icted as
- When both JPEG #2 and DVCPRO25 #4 are used, they must both be
connected to the sa me video input vi a the internal vi deo crosspoint r outer,
otherwise, the wrong video input may be recorded.
When you are using DVCPRO25 #4 and you need to configure a JPEG channel,
use one of the other three JPEG codecs available to avoid any restrictions.
DVCPRO Upgrade Installation17
DVCPRO Board Installation
Removing the Profile Unit from the Rack
You can inst all the boa rds with the Profi le chassis fully e xtended on the rack s lides
if the instrument rack is adequately anchored to prevent tipping, and if the re is
sufficient slac k in the cabl es connected to the rear panel to allow the chassis to
fully extend on the slides. If you decide to keep the c hassis in the rack during the
installati on, it is a good idea to loosen any screws that need to be removed from
the back of the Profile unit before s lidi ng it forwa rd on the r acks. You wi ll have to
read the appropriate installation procedure first to determine which screws must
be loosened.
WARNING: Unless the instrument rack is adequately anchored, the rack
could tip when the chassis is extended on the rack slides. To avoid possible
injury, make sure the rack is secured firmly before extending the Profile
chassis on the rack slides.
If you cannot or do not want to install DVCPRO boards with the Profile chassis
extended on the rack slide s, use the following procedure to remove the unit f r om
the instrument rack:
1. Remove all cables connected to the rear of the Profile unit. If you have not
done so already, label all cable s before removing them to make it easier to
reconnect them later.
2. Loosen the front-panel r etaining screw (Êin Figure 1).
3. Grasp the handles and pull the chassis out (Ë in Figure 1) until the slides
latch. This holds the Profile chassis firmly in position.
WARNING: To avoid personal injury, at least two people must remove the
Profile chassis from the rack—it is too heavy for one person to lift.
4. With a person on each side of the unit, press in both track stop latch buttons
(Ì in Figure 1) and care fully s lide the Prof ile c hassis free of the tr acks (Í in
Figure 1).
5. Place the Pro f ile u nit on an ESD -p rot ect e d wo rk surface.
NOTE: Now is probably a good time to clean the front filter of your Profile
unit. With a strong vacuum, you can clean the filter through the front cover.
18DVCPRO Upgrade Installation
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