specifically permitted under U.S. copyright law, without the prior written consent of Grass
Valley, Inc., P.O. Box 59900, Nevada City, California 95959-7900
This product may be covered by one or more U.S. and foreign patents.
NewsQ, NewsShare, NewsQ Pro, Aurora, and Media Manager are either registered
trademarks or trademarks of Grass Valley, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
Other trademarks used in this document are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the
manufacturers or vendors of the associated products. Grass Valley, Inc. products are covered
by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Additional information regarding Grass
Valley, Inc. trademarks and other proprietary rights may be found at
DisclaimerProduct options and specifications subject to change without notice. The information in this
manual is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should
not be construed as a commitment by Grass Valley, Inc. Grass Valley, Inc. assumes no
responsibility or liability for any errors or inacc uracies that may appear in this publication.
U.S. Government
Restricted Rights
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the United States Government is subject to restrictions as set
forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause
at DFARS 252.277-7013 or in subparagraph c(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer
Software Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. Manufacturer is Grass
Valley, Inc., P.O. Box 59900, Nevada City, California 95959-7900 U.S.A.
Revision Status
Rev Date Description
April 27, 2006Initial release of Transfer Instruction Manual. Part number
September 11,
Updates for version 6.
0b software. Part number 071-8486-01.
2Aurora Trans fer Instruction ManualSeptember 11, 2006
4Aurora Trans fer Instruction ManualSeptember 11, 2006
This Aurora Transfer Instruc tion Manual is part of a full set of support document ation
for the Aurora Transfer product, described as follows:
Aurora Transfer Instruction Manual — Provides explanations and procedures for
installing, configuring, and using the Aurora Transfer Server and the Aurora
Transfer application at a customer site. This document is available in printed form
as part of the product bundle when you receive your new system. It is also available
in electronic form (PDF fi le) on the Aurora Transfer Application CD-ROM.
Aurora Transfer Online Help — Provides i nstruct ions fo r using the Aurora Trans fer
application. This documen t is available f rom the Aurora Tran sfer applicati on Help
Aurora Transfer Release Notes — Contains the latest information about the
product’s hardware and the software. The information in this document includes
upgrade instructions, feature changes from the previous releases, helpful system
administrative information, and any known problems.
September 11, 2006Aurora Transfer Instruction Manual5
Using the Dell Server documentation
This manual contains all of the information you need to in stall the Tr ansfer syst em,
however, a full set of Dell server documentation has been provided on the Dell Product Documentation CD-ROM. The Dell server documentation applies to the
Transfer Server. Refer to the documents on this CD-ROM only as required by
procedures in this manual.
Information referenced on the Dell Product Documentation CD-ROM includes, but
is not limited to:
• Unpacking and rack-mounting the Transfer Server
• Important safety and regulatory information
• Transfer Server stat us indicators, messages, and error codes
• Troubleshooting help for the Transfer Server hardware.
CAUTION: Do not use the Dell Quick Instal lation Guide provided with
the Dell CD-ROM package. Thi s g u id e i ncl ude s i n st ruc ti ons fo r using
the OpenManage software CD-ROM to install an operating system.
The Transfer Server comes fully configured and is ready for
installation. To begin installation, refer to one of the installation
chapters in this manual.
6Aurora Trans fer Instruction ManualSeptember 11, 2006
Grass Valley Product Support
To get technical as sista nce, ch eck on the stat us of proble ms, or r eport new prob lems,
contact Grass Valley Product Support via e-mail, the Web, phone, or fax. Contact
Grass Valley first regarding problems with third party software on Grass Valley
products, such as the Microsoft
Web Technical Support
To access support infor mation on the Web, v isit the pro duct support Web p age on the
Grass Valley Web site. Yo u ca n down loa d software or find solut ions to problems by
searching our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) database.
World Wide Web: http://www.thomsongrassvalley.com/support/
Technical Support E-mail Address: gvgtechsupport@thomson.net.
Phone Support
Use the following information to contact product support by phone during business
hours. Afterhours phone support is available for warranty and contract customers.
A local authorize d support re presentati ve may be avail able in your country. To loc ate
the support repr esentative for your country, vi sit the pro duct support Web pag e on the
Grass Valley Web site.
September 11, 2006Aurora Transfer Instruction Manual7
8Aurora Trans fer Instruction ManualSeptember 11, 2006
Chapter 1
System Overview
This chapter includes the following topics:
• “Functional description” on page 9
• “System diagram” on page 11
Functional description
The Transfer product provides the ability to navigate, find, organize, move, and
manage high-resolution media asset s, regar dless of the ir physi cal lo catio n or type. A
wide range of devices is supported, includ ing storage devices, archive devices, serv ers
and news editing stations.
The Transfer product is made up of two components:
• The Transfer Server — This is a d edicated ser ver that pr ovides the co re processi ng
mechanism for Transfer functionality. It come from the factory with software
pre-installed. For a description of the Aurora Transfer Server, refer to “About the
Transfer Server” on page 14.
• The Transfer application — This software component provides the user interface
for controlling the movement of media from source to destination. The software
can be installed on a network-connected Windows PC. For a description of the
Transfer application, refer to Chapter 4, Using the Transfer application.
Transfer functions are built on the Grass Valley MediaFrame platform. This allows
the Transfer product to share MediaFrame components with other Gr ass Valley
products, such as Aurora Browse. The underlying protocol for file transfers is FTP.
Product Features
The Transfer product includes the following features:
• Explore and selec t a sse ts on source and destina ti on d evi ces by browsing or with a
simple search.
• Dynamic discovery of new assets.
• Manual Transfer — Select desired asset(s), drag and drop single file or in
highlighted blocks from source to desired destination.
• Batch Transfer — Drag and drop selected assets (designated folder, designated
EDL, playlist) to create a transfer list.
• Abort or cancel a transfer in progress.
• Displays transfer status from each device, including progress, estimated to
complete, and errors.
• Displays asset proper ties, including size , creation date, timecode, dur ation, original
file format, current file format, data rate, and l ocation of co pies of the sam e asset.
• Supports asset management on K2 Medi a Clients , K2 Storage Sys tem, NewShare,
September 11, 2006Aurora Transfer Instruction Manual9
Chapter 1 System Overview
M-Series iVDR, Profile XP Media Platform (with and without UI M), Grass Valley
Open SAN, EMC (Avalon) Archive, SGL FlashNet Archive, and Front Porch
Digital DIVArchive.
10Aurora Transfe r Instruction ManualSeptember 11, 2006
System diagram
This diagram illustrates an example network architecture for a Transfe r system.
System diagram
Aurora Edit
Aurora FTP server
M-Series iVDR
Profile XP Media Platform
Transfer Server
K2 Media Client
(internal storage)
K2 Media
Transfer Clients
The Transfer system can also be integrated as part of the Aurora Browse system, in
which case Aurora Browse platforms, such as the Aurora Browse Server and the MDI
Server, provide the functionality of a Transfer Server. If you have a Aurora Browse
system, you need only install the Trans fer application on a network connec ted PC and
connect to the machine t hat hosts the ASK software comp onent. Refer to “Add Aurora
Transfer clients” on page 44.
September 11, 2006Aurora Transfer Instruction Manual11
Chapter 1 System Overview
12Aurora Transfe r Instruction ManualSeptember 11, 2006
Chapter 2
Installing the Aurora Transfer system
This chapter provides instructions for installing the hardware and software
components that support the Aurora Transfer system.
The instructions in this chapter are as follows:
• “Rack-mount the Transfer Server” on page 14
• “About the Transfer Server” on page 14
• “Cable the Transfer Server” on page 14
• “Install Aurora Transfer Serv er software” on page 15
When you are done installing the hardware and software, continue with Chapter 3,
Configuring the Aurora Transfer System and Chapter 5, Recovery Planning to
complete the installation of your Aurora Transfer system.
September 11, 2006Aurora Transfer Instruction Manual13
Chapter 2 Installing the Aurora Transfer system
Rack-mount the Transfer Server
Follow the instructions you received with the rack-mount hardware to install the
Transfer Server. One rack-unit spacing is recommended between components for
About the Transfer Server
The central hardware c omponent of the Aurora Transf er system is the Aurora Trans fer
server. It hosts the following software components:
• A web server, which delivers the Transfer system configuration pages
• The MediaFrame datab ase and Manage d Device Int erface se rvices for ho lding and
relating assets in the sys tem.
The server connects via the network to source devices, destination devices, and PCs
running the Transfer application. Refer to the system diagrams in Chapter 1, System
Cable the Transfer Server
Cable as illustrated and as follows:
• Connect Gigabit port 1 to the network.
port to pigtail
to KVM
VGA cable
to KVM
Gigabit port 1
Gigabit port 2
14Aurora Transfe r Instruction ManualSeptember 11, 2006
Install Aurora Transfer Server software
Install Aurora Transfer Server software
This sectio n is for inst alling software on the Transfer Server. To install Transfer
application software on client PCs, refer t o “Add Aurora Transfer cli ents” on page 44.
Do not inst all software on new a Transfer Server. In a new Aurora Transfer system,
the Transfer Server co mes from the factory wit h software pre-inst alled, so you shoul d
not need to install the software.
If you need to install Transfer Server software, refer to the instructions listed below.
For version-specific instructions, check Aurora Transfer Release Notes. Also refer
“Other software installation considerations” on page 16.
To install Transfer Server software, use the following installation program on the
Aurora Transfer Application CD:
• …\Server\Setup.exe — Use this setup file to install Aurora Transfer software on the
Aurora Transfer server. This is the same installation file as that used for Aurora
Browse systems. The following table indicates the software components installed
for a Transfer Server.
Install ComponentsTransfer Server
Core Services
Managed Devic e s :
FlashNet Archive
Avalon Network Archive
Router Gateway
The News MDI must be installed on the DSM.
September 11, 2006Aurora Transfer Instruction Manual15
Chapter 2 Installing the Aurora Transfer system
To install the software components listed in the preceding table, run the installation
program and when you arrive at the Custom Setup screen, do the following:
If a component that you want to install displays a red X, click the component and
This feature will be installed on local hard drive.
If a component that you do not want to install does not display a red X, click the
component and select
This feature will not be available.
To upgrade software from a previ ous version, ref er to Auro ra Transfe r Release Note s
for version-specif ic inst ructions.
NOTE: When upgrading Aurora Transfer Server software, read messages and
respond carefully. Do not accept the default “Yes” when prompted to delete
Other software installation considerations
• Before installing the Profile MDI, i nstall Profile client software.
• To support archive functionality for Aurora Transfer on a AuroraShare NAS
system, you must install a unique Aurora FTP on a platform somewhere in the
16Aurora Transfe r Instruction ManualSeptember 11, 2006
Chapter 3
Configuring the Aurora Transfer System
The topics in this chapter include the following:
• “Establish conventions” on page 18
• “Configure network” on page 21
• “Prepare for core configuration stages” on page 23
• “Configure MediaFrame components” on page 25
• “Configure Archive” on page 35
• “Add Aurora Transfer clients” on page 44
September 11, 2006Aurora Transfer Instruction Manual17
Chapter 3 Configuring the Aurora Transfer System
Establish conventions
The following conventions are recommended to make your Aurora Transfer system
easier to work on and understand. Refer to these sections as necessary as you
configure your system.
MDI logical names convention
The Aurora Transfer system uses a Managed Device Interface (MDI) to manage a
device that stores media as sets. Typically the se are the source and dest ination devices
on which media resides, such as Media Servers and archive devices. Each type of
device has its own MDI. The MDI software component is hosted on a MDI server,
rather than being hosted on the same machine that it manages. In the case of the
Transfer system, t he Transf er serve r takes the r ole of MDI s erver for all MDIs ex cept
the News MDI. For the News MDI, the DSM must be the MDI serv er.
As you configure your Aurora Transfer system you must create and enter logical
names for the MDIs that pro vid e Aurora Trans fe r funct ionalit y. Thes e logic al names
provide a mapping of the func tionality of the standard Aurora Transf er services to the
specific machines in your particular system. For this reason you should take care to
create logical names that are easy to identify and interpret as they appear in the
various configuration pages.
It is especiall y importa nt that you dist inguish between t he logic al name o f a MDI an d
the hostname of the machine to which the software component relates. In the
conventions suggested in this manual, machine names are lower case and logical
names are upper case to make this distinction.
Also refer to “Ports and services mapping” on page 20.
The following table demonstrates how logical names for MDIs are mapped to the
machines of your Aurora Transfer system and provides a suggested naming
archive MDI—of the appropriate type for the
archive product—that manages their entire
archive system.
One logical name is required for each
M-Series iVDR that integrates with the
Aurora Transfer system.
18Aurora Transfe r Instruction ManualSeptember 11, 2006
Establish conventions
Machine typeService that manages
the machine
K2Thomson K2 MDIK2-Storage1When this MDI accesses a K2 Storag e
NewsThomson News MDINEWS1There is but on News MDI in the system. It
NTFSThomson NTFS MDINTFS1There is but one NTFS MDI in the system. It
ProfileThomson Profile MDISAN1When this MDI manages an Open SAN
MDI/logical name(s)Comments
System, it manages one of the connected K2
Media Clients. The MDI should be named for
the K2 Storage System.
K2-1, K2-2, K2-3,…When this MDI manages a stand-alone K2
Media Client, there is one MDI for each K2
Media Client. One logical name is required
for each stand-alone K2 Media Client system
that integrates with the Aurora Transfer
manages the AuroraShare NAS. The News
MDI must reside on the DSM.
manages NTFS storage on one or more
machines—typically the server and the NAS
system, it manages one designated Profile on
an Open SAN. One logical name per Open
SAN system is required.
When this MDI ma nages a stand- alone
Profile XP system, there is one MDI for each
Profile XP. One logical name is required for
each stand-alone Profile XP system that
integrates with the Aurora Transfer system.
September 11, 2006Aurora Transfer Instruction Manual19
Chapter 3 Configuring the Aurora Transfer System
Ports and services mapping
Aurora Transfer soft ware components run as Windows ser vices, which c ommunicate
over designated ports. As you configure the Aurora Transfer system, you must
correctly designate port numbers. Topics later in this manual provide specific
instructions for entering port numbers on each configuration page. These are the
default port numbers. Do not modify or create your own convention for port usage
without consulting Grass Valley. Designate ports as specified in the following table:
Thomson Ask9010—
Thomson Asset Manager9022 and 9023—
Thomson Avalon Archive
Thomson DIVA MD I9122—
Thomson FlashNet MDI9124—
Thomson Metadata9014Not visible on a configuration pa ge
Thomson MSeries MDI9140The service manages a number of host processes, one for each M-Series
Thomson K2 MDI9160The service manages a n umber of host processes, one f or each K2
Thomson News MDI9150—
Thomson NTFS MDI9115—
Thomson Profile MDI9130The service manages a number of host processes, one for each Profile
Thomson Proxy MDI9110—
Thomson Resolver9016Not visible on a configuration page
iVDR that is being managed. These host processes require ports 9140 -
9149. Stopping/starting the service stops/starts all of the host processes.
system that is bein g m anage d. Th es e ho st proce sse s requ ire po rts 9 160
- 9169. Stopping/starting the service stops/starts all of the host
that is being managed. These host processes require ports 9130 - 9139.
Stopping/starting the service stops/starts all of the host processes. The
version 1.5 defau lt p or t number for thes e p r oc e s ses wa s 80 22, with no
The Aurora Transfer system also depends upon Microsoft Internet Information
Services (IIS) and SQL services, which are installed on the Transfer Server.
20Aurora Transfe r Instruction ManualSeptember 11, 2006
Configure network
Recommended networking strategies are explained in the following sections.
Strategies that use host table files are also com patible with the Tran sfer system. Refer
to “Host table files” on page 21.
Set up IP addresses and name resolution
It is recommended that Aurora Transfer systems use Micr osoft DNS for name
resolution and hav e a DNS server. The do main contro ller should p rovide this s ervice.
If the Aurora Transfer system does not have a domain controller, another machine
may be configured to provi de this service. Pr operly configuring all network interface s
is extremely important to make DNS name resolution work correctly.
The network should be set to use dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) to
assign network IP addresses. All interfaces on this network should be configured to
register connections with DNS automatically.
If necessary, the Transfer system will work with a network set up with host tables.
Refer to “Host table files” later in this sect ion. Howe ver , you must use c are t o ensure
that all host tables are identical and names are resolved correctly for all devices.
Configure network
Configure network settings
Use the instructions in this s ectio n to confi gure networ k machines, whi ch includ e the
following types:
• Aurora Transfer Server
• Transfer client PCs
You will need the following information from the customer's IT department:
• Verify that the subnet mask for the Aurora Transfer machines should be
• Extra IP ad dresses for fu ture growth
• The IP address for the DNS server and alternate
• The name of the Domain connected (i.e. mycorp.com) if used
• The IP address for the WINS server if applicable
The Transfer system is similar to ContentShare, on the Production network only.
Host table files
If you can not use Microsoft DNS for name resolution, you can use host table files.
These files must be on all network machines. Find host table files at
The following is an example of host table entries. Not sho wn are entries for Profile
systems, UIMs, and other machines on the network. Refer to the documentation for
these other m achines for h ost table req uirements.
• The Transfer Server IP address need to be reso lved using the Cli ent side IP address
via DNS lookup, not the host table.
• If the server has a canonical name, the host table for any machine that runs MDIs
that are subscrib ed to by the se rver must mat ch case for t he enti re canoni cal name.
E.g., if the server ’s canonical n ame is “TRANSFER-SERVER1.myco rp.net”, the n
the host table entry in the MDI server(s ) must match; if the entry is
“TRANSFER-SERVER1.MYCORP.NET”, then it will not work. Pinging will not
show the problem. The probl em doe sn’ t s how up until the MDIs attempt to notify
the server.
22Aurora Transfe r Instruction ManualSeptember 11, 2006
Prepare for core configuration stages
***** Contact Grass Valley
Support for password.
Prepare for core configuration stages
Do the following tasks in preparation for the configuration of core system
Accessing services
The Transfer Server software components run as Windows services. When you
change the configuration for a particular software component through the
configuration pages, you must restart that software component’s service to put the
changes into effect. Click
group together in the services list.
to access the services. All service names start with “Thomson…”, so they
Start | Settings | Control Panel | Administrative Tools |
Refer to “Ports and services mapping” on page 20 for a list of services.
Accessing system configuration pages
Use Internet Explorer to browse to port 280 of a machine to access its configuration
You must have administrator permissions on the machine. For example, to log on to
the configuratio n pages on the Aurora Transfer se rver with administrator permissions,
use the following:
Username: root-transfer-svr\nbadmin
You can access the Transfer Server configuration pages as follows:
• From the local computer, use the following URL:
• From a network-connected computer, in the URL replace “localhost” with the
network name of the computer hosting the configuration pages. For example, to
access the configuration pages on a server named iron-transfer-svr, use the
following URLs:
You must have network access to open configuration pages.
September 11, 2006Aurora Transfer Instruction Manual23
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