DisclaimerProduct options and specifications subject to change without notice. The information in this
manual is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should
not be construed as a commitment by Grass Valley, Inc. Grass Valley, Inc. assumes no
responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this publication.
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Valley, Inc., P.O. Box 59900, Nevada City, California 95959-7900 U.S.A.
Grass Valley, K2, Aurora, Summit, Dyno, Infinity, Turbo, M-Series, Profile, Profile XP,
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are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Grass Valley, Inc. in the United States and/
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Rev Date Description
September 14,
Initial release of the Aurora Ingest System Guide, 071-8514-00 for
Software Version 6.0. Updated from 071-8342-02, IngestStation
System Guide
January 18, 2007Release 071-8514-01 for Software Version 6.0b
May 23, 2007Release 071-8514-02 for Software Version 6.1
September 18,
November 19,
August 13, 2009Release 071-8514-05 for Software Version 6.5.2
Release 071-8514-03 for Software Version 6.3
Release 071-8514-04 for Software Version 6.5
2Aurora Ingest System GuideAugust 13, 2009
Grass Valley Product Support..................................................................................................7
T o get technical assistance, check on the status of a question, or to report a new issues,
contact Grass Valley Product Support via e-mail, the Web, or by phone or fax.
Web Technical Support
To access support information on the Web, visit the product support Web page on the
Grass Valley Web site. You can download software or find solutions to problems.
World Wide Web: http://www.grassvalley.com/support/
Technical Support E-mail Address: gvgtechsupport@grassvalley.com
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A local support representative may be available in your country. To locate a support
center during normal local business hours, refer to the following list. This list is
regularly updated on the website for Thomson Grass Valley Product Support
After–hours local phone support is also available for warranty and contract customers.
•Integration with Aurora Suite and third-party products
•Understanding Status Colors
13 August2009Aurora Ingest System Guide 9
Introducing Aurora Ingest
Introducing Aurora Ingest
Aurora Ingest is an automated media digitization system, made up of several integrated
applications, that allows you to ingest footage from VTRs, feeds from a router , or files
from multiple Digital Media Cameras and Digital Media Recorders, all directly to a
media server in your operation.
The Aurora Ingest system supports the K2 Media Server and Media Client system,
K2 Summit Production Client system and M-Series iVDR (Intelligent Video Disk
Recorder). You can configure your system to record clips into two servers in parallel.
If one server fails or has inadequate storage, only the recording on that server will be
stopped. When the system continues to the next clip, the storage capacity on both
servers is checked again, allowing parallel recording to resume if storage is made
Raw footage comes from a VTR connected directly to the Aurora Ingest workstation,
a CompuSat satellite dish control system, a router source or a removable media de vice.
While you connect the media servers to the Aurora Ingest workstation using AMP
Sockets, you need RS-422 connection from the VTR to the Aurora Ingest workstation
to have control of the VTR in the Aurora Ingest windows. For router sources, Aurora
Ingest supports the SMS 7000, Acappella, Encore control and Jupiter systems. For
removable media, Aurora Ingest supports devices such as Infinity, Panasonic P2 and
Sony XDCam.
The integration of MediaFrame with Aurora Ingest adds asset management feature
and metadata capabilities to the system. With MediaFrame asset management tools,
users can apply, add, edit and search metadata of assets created within the ingest
process. Users can also play low-resolution video versions of ingested assets. The
utilization of MediaFrame varies across Aurora Ingest components such as Scheduler ,
VTR Ingest and RMI. On the other hand, Aurora Ingest Serv er monitors the connection
10 Aurora Ingest System Guide13 August2009
to the MediaFrame server, displays the connection status and attempts to reconnect
when the connection is broken.
About Aurora Ingest workstations
Aurora Ingest has a client/server architecture that allows for multiple simultaneous
users. It supports simultaneous event creation, event modification, event deletion,
event monitoring, and resource viewing from multiple workstations.
Each workstation can control up to eight VTRs for batch list creation and batch ingest.
Y ou can w ork with either directly attached VTRs and dedicated server ports or through
a router.
You can trigger multiple channel records from disparate sources simultaneously and
schedule record events without reference to physical server port. Aurora Ingest
automatically allocates any available port as determined at the optimum time before
the record event is scheduled to begin. RS-422 router level control allows any
router-connected VTR to be controlled by any Aurora Ingest channel.
Introducing Aurora Ingest
About Aurora Ingest applications
Aurora Ingest consists of the following applications:
• Aurora Ingest Server, which lets you configure the other Aurora Ingest applications
for batch or feed events, as well as monitor the status of the media servers, database
server, MediaFrame server, routers, CompuSat satellite dish control system, and
channels. You can also access logs ang manage user accounts for Aurora Ingest
• VTR Controller, which lets you monitor and manage the VTRs you use with VTR
• VTR Ingest, which lets you ingest footage from VTRs and import or export Edit
Decision Lists (EDLs). Supporting up to eight channels, VTR Ingest can record
footage and configurable handle durations. It lets you set mark points using either
the VTR, the PC keyboard, or the mouse. You can ingest a single item or build a
batch list of items to capture from multiple tapes. You can also create a batch list
offline and then import the list into VTR Ingest as a common EDL. Once you create
a batch list, you can optimize the list by timecode, which allows the material to be
ingested in the shortest time possible, or manually arrange the batch list items in
order to prioritize immediately needed clips.
• Scheduler, which lets you schedule ingest feed events from a media server,
CompuSat satellite dish control system, VizuAll Inc.'s ScheduALL application,
router source or VTR. You can also schedule events to record, up to three years in
advance, on each server port, including recurring e vents. Schedule V iewer pro vides
an easily readable way to see all ports and more specifically the task assigned to
each port.
13 August2009Aurora Ingest System Guide 11
Introducing Aurora Ingest
• Removable Media Interface (RMI), which lets you ingest files from multiple Infinity
Digital Media Cameras and Digital Media Recorders, as well as Sony XDCam and
Panasonic P2 removable media devices.
If you use Aurora Playout as a playback system in your operation, you can ingest clips
directly to a Aurora Playout rundo wn by linking clips to a Aurora Playout placeholder
at the point of scheduling a record.
Integration with Aurora Suite and third-party products
Aurora Ingest is integrated with other applications in the Aurora Suite and third-party
In addition to serving as a metadata entry and transfer application for metadata created
in the newsroom computer system (NCS), it supports:
• Mark In/Out of incoming feed material, allowing direct assignment of field-edited
material to Aurora Playout placeholders.
• Add, apply, search, edit metadata of assets and play low-resolution video v ersions
of ingested assets via the MediaFrame plug-in, an asset management tool utilized
by all products within Aurora Suite.
• Simultaneous file transfer ingest, including MOS-ID matching, status updating,
and metadata import and transfer to Aurora Browse from multiple Rev Pro and
Professional Compact Flash removable media devices.
• Scheduling integration with V izuAll, Inc.'s ScheduALL application, enabling ev ents
scheduled on Aurora Ingest to appear on ScheduALL and vice versa.
Understanding Status Colors
Each entry in the batch list displays a certain color according to its status.
DescriptionRow Background Color
The entry is recording.Red
The entry is cued and is next to record.Gold
The entry has finished recording.Green
The Scheduler entry is ready to record.Blue
VTR Ingest has reserved this channel at this time.Black
The entry failed to record. See the Error Message field for
more information.
The entry time has elapsed, probably due to a conflict with
another recording.
12 Aurora Ingest System Guide13 August2009
Introducing Aurora Ingest
Users can customize status color of events in Aurora Ingest - Scheduler by changing
the color configuration in the Scheduler application.
13 August2009Aurora Ingest System Guide 13
Chapter 2
Installing Aurora Ingest
This section contains the following topics:
•Installing Aurora Ingest
•Installing RS-422 card for VTR Controller
•Installing video capture card (optional)
•Installing the X-keys Jog/Shuttle Controller
•Backing up Aurora Ingest Database
•Installing software
•Upgrading Aurora Ingest Software
•Migrating Aurora Ingest - Server
•Restoring Aurora Ingest Database
•Setting up the K2, Summit or M-Series iVDR server
•Installing ScheduALL for Aurora Ingest integration
13 August2009Aurora Ingest System Guide 15
Installing Aurora Ingest
Installing Aurora Ingest
Grass Valley supplies a CD containing Aurora Ingest software and documentation.
For some of the Aurora Ingest components, Grass Valley also supplies hardware.
The Aurora Ingest - Server is supplied with all the necessary hardware and software
installed. The software for the other Aurora Ingest components can be installed on
any PC which meets the system requirements for that component.
T o run Aurora Ingest, you need to install certain hardware if needed, install the Aurora
Ingest software, and obtain a software license number.
Installing RS-422 card for VTR Controller
For VTR Controller, Grass Valley supplies a RocketPort Plus Universal PCI 422
SMPTE 8 Port RoHS RS-422 card that must be installed.
1. If you are connecting one or more VTRs to VTR Controller, install the RS-422
card in your computer, making sure the dip switches are set to the down position
as shown, and install the card’s driver.
2. Connect the VTR(s) to the VTR Controller machine via RS-422.
3. If you are using LTC for timecode, connect a timecode cable from the timecode
source (VTR for VTR Ingest, Timecode Generator for Aurora Ingest - Scheduler)
to the media server.
4. Without the LTC physical connection, timecodes could still be polled via RS-422.
Check the option to enable RS-422 timecode mode within Tools|Options of VTR
Controller application.
Installing video capture card (optional)
Y ou can either install Hauppage WinTVGo V ideo Capture Card or Blackmagic Design
DeckLink Video Capture Card to view clips on Aurora Ingest clients. Check for
minimum system requirements needed before choosing and purchasing your video
capture card.
Both video capture cards are for SD (standard definition) video only. If you want to
ingest HD video and then view it, first downconvert from HD to SD.
16 Aurora Ingest System Guide13 August2009
Installing Aurora Ingest
For Hauppage WinTVGo video capture card, you have to then convert from digital
to analog. The video capture card accepts composite analog video only (NTSC or
For Blackmagic Design DeckLink video capture card, SDI input and output with
embedded audio are supported. For audio monitoring, you could also connect SPDIF
output to your audio peripheral.
1. Install the video capture card in your machine and install the card’s driver. Refer
to the manufacturer’s manual for installation instructions.
2. For Hauppage WinTVGo video capture card, connect the device you're using for
a video source (VTR, router or switch box) to the Hauppage composite video input
3. For Blackmagic Design DeckLink video capture card, connect SDI Output from
your media server or router to SDI Input connector of the video capture card.
4. If you have a video capture card installed in your machine and a router configured
in your system, select the router destination from the dropdown list within
Tools|Options|Video Viewer of the Scheduler or VTR Ingest.
After the video capture card has been successfully configured, it could be selected
from the Capture Device dropdown list within Tools|Options|Video Viewer of the
Scheduler or VTR Ingest.
Installing the X-keys Jog/Shuttle Controller
You can install the X-keys Jog/Shuttle controller if you want to use the device with
Aurora Ingest Scheduler.
Aurora Ingest has been designed to work with the X-keys Jog/Shuttle controller (model
XPS-08-USB) including devices with old and new MWII panels.
1. Plug the X-keys Jog/Shuttle controller into a USB connector on the Scheduler
2. On the Scheduler machine, insert the X-keys Macro Works installation CD and
follow the instructions. Do not check the box to put shortcuts on the desktop.
If AutoRun is not enabled on your CD-ROM drive, find the file "ainstall.exe"
on the installation CD and run it.
3. Reboot the computer when prompted.
4. When the installation has completed, the X-keys Macro Maker and Macro Manager
windows automatically pop up. Close these windows.
5. Start Aurora Ingest Server and Aurora Ingest Scheduler.
6. In the Scheduler Tools menu, select Options.
7. Select the X-keys tab.
8. Verify the “Enable X-keys” box is checked and click OK.
You can customize the X-keys to suit your needs.
13 August2009Aurora Ingest System Guide 17
Installing Aurora Ingest
Backing up Aurora Ingest Database
It is advisable for users to back-up the Aurora Ingest database before upgrading to the
latest version of the software. With a database back-up, you can av oid any lost of feed
schedules and the need to key-in everything again in case of a system crash. The
back-up could also be placed on another machine or an external drive for extra
The database back-up could be done easily using Microsoft SQL Server Management
Studio Express. Listed below are the steps to back-up your Aurora Ingest database:
1. Login to Windows XP as an administrator or as a user with administrative rights.
2. Go to Start>All Programs>Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and select SQL Server
3. Connect to your SQL Server by Windows Authentication.
4. Double-click on Databases and you could see the folder expands to show System
5. Right-click on IS and select Tasks>Back Up.
6. On the General page, select IS from the Database dropdown list or type “IS” if it’ s
7. Key in the backup name and select the backup destination.
Management Studio Express to launch the application.
Databases and IS.
not listed in the dropdown list, and select Full from the Backup type dropdown
18 Aurora Ingest System Guide13 August2009
Installing Aurora Ingest
8. In the Options page, select Back up to the existing media set and Overwrite all
existing backup sets.
9. Click OK.
NOTE: DO NOT delete Aurora Ingest folder in the registry key and 2 files (IS_Data.mdf
and IS_Log.ldf) in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn if you don’t have
a backup on another machine or an external drive. All data in the current database could
not be retrieved if those files were to be deleted and the system crashed.
Installing software
The software for Aurora Ingest components can be installed on any PC which meets
the system requirements for that component.
If you don't have SiteConfig within your operation, you can install or upgrade Aurora
Ingest with the procedure below.
To install the Aurora Ingest software on your computer, insert the Aurora Ingest
CD-ROM into the machine’s CD-ROM drive and follow these instructions:
Do this...On this screen...
Click Next.Welcome
13 August2009Aurora Ingest System Guide 19
Installing Aurora Ingest
Do this...On this screen...
Select I accept... and click Next.License Agreement
Select Features
Specify Server
Specify the Aurora Ingest applications to install: Server,
Scheduler, VTR Controller, VTR Ingest, or RMI. W ith Server
component, Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 and Microsoft
SQL Express will also be installed by default. If your system
has SQL Server already installed (e.g. if the system houses
the Aurora Edit database), choose to use the existing SQL
Server instance; if not, choose SQL Express.
Enter the host name of Aurora Ingest Serv er that will be used
by Aurora Ingest components. Select the SQL Server
configuration that will be used by Aurora Ingest Server. If
you choose SQL Server 2005, select the server instance from
the dropdown list.
Once the Aurora Ingest softw are is installed, you are provided with a 30-day temporary
license. You need to get a software license number from Thomson Grass Valley in
order to install the permanent license.
Obtaining the software license number is important because you cannot launch channels
or configure Aurora Ingest after your 30-day temporary license has expired.
1. Select Start | Programs | Grass Valley | Aurora | License Request.
The Aurora License wizard begins.
2. Fill out the License Request for your system.
3. Send the request to the email address stated in the License Request wizard.
You will be provided with a software license number from Thomson Grass Valley.
Upgrading Aurora Ingest Software
Before upgrading from one version of Aurora Ingest to another, you should close all
components in the current Aurora Ingest application.
Aurora Ingest 6.5 installer provides an option to install Microsoft SQL Express 2005
or attaching your Aurora Ingest database to the full version of Microsoft SQL Server
2005. The full version of SQL Server 2005 allo ws customers to run the Aurora Ingest
- Server database component on the same server as the NewsShare DSM.
1. Uninstall all components in the current version of Aurora Ingest by selecting Start
| Control Panel | Add or Remove Programs.
20 Aurora Ingest System Guide13 August2009
2. Run the Aurora Ingest 6.5 installer and follo w all steps as described in the Installing
Software section.
3. Reboot your machine after the installation is complete.
When installing onto a clean system, Aurora Ingest will embed the SQL Express 2005 install
into its installer. The full version of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 is available as an optional
Migrating Aurora Ingest - Server
Database migration should be done if you need to move Aurora Ingest database from
the current machine to a brand new machine, or to move your Aurora Ingest database
to the machine that runs your NewsShare DSM.
This means that both news database and ingest database will share the same SQL
processes. If you want to move your current Aurora Ingest database that runs on SQL
Express 2005 to your NewsShare DSM machine that runs the full version of SQL
Server 2005, you can do so by migrating your database.
Installing Aurora Ingest
1. Run the latest Aurora Ingest 6.5 installer on the existing machine to update the
Aurora Ingest database.
2. Export the Aurora Ingest Server registry key under “My
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Grass Valley\Aurora
Ingest\Server” from existing machine.
DO NOT launch the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express CTP
on both existing machine and new machine. If you do this, you cannot back up
the database.
3. Shut down the Aurora Ingest - Server application on the existing machine and cop y
two files (IS_Data.MDF and IS_Log.LDF) from C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
Server\90\T ools\Binn from existing machine to same directory path in ne w machine.
Make sure these two files are NON-READ ONLY.
4. Make sure the “SQLServer (or SQLEXPRESS)” service is running on new machine.
You can check the state of the service in the “Services” application.
5. Launch the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express CTP on new
6. Log on, using W indo w Authentication Mode, to attach the Aurora Ingest database.
7. Attach the Aurora Ingest database as shown in the following screenshot.
13 August2009Aurora Ingest System Guide 21
Installing Aurora Ingest
8. Select the IS_Data.MDF from the same directory (C:\Program Files\Microsoft
9. After the Aurora Ingest database had been attached successfully, you should be
10. Import the server registry key to new machine.
11. Run the latest Aurora Ingest installer on the new machine.
12. Reboot the machine after installation is complete.
13. License the Aurora Ingest software (Number of Channels, Scheduler, VTR Ingest
14. Remove the licenses from the existing machine.
15. Launch the Aurora Ingest - Server application on the new machine. Select Tools |
16. Edit settings of SDB Server, XMOS Server and SabreTooth Server according to
SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn).
able to view the Aurora Ingest database folder shown under the Databases root
and RMI).
Options and click on the System tab.
the new machine.
Restoring Aurora Ingest Database
In case of a system crash or a corrupted database, database restore could easily be
done using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express.
Before proceeding to restore, make sure that database back-up had been done and the
back-up location identified. Follow the steps below to restore your Aurora Ingest
1. Login to Windows XP as an administrator or as a user with administrative rights.
2. Shut down Aurora Ingest - Server if it’s currently running on your machine.
3. Go to Start | All Programs | Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and select SQL Server
Management Studio Express to launch the application.
4. Connect to your SQL Server by Windows Authentication.
22 Aurora Ingest System Guide13 August2009
Installing Aurora Ingest
5. Right-click on Databases and select Restore Database.
6. In the Destination for restore section, select IS from the database dropdown list.
Key in “IS” if it’s not in the dropdown list.
7. In the Source for restore section, select From device and click to browse to the
folder that you had stored your backup.
8. Click Add to get to the folder where you had saved the backup, select the backup
file and click OK twice.
13 August2009Aurora Ingest System Guide 23
Installing Aurora Ingest
9. Check the box under Restore column to select the backup database to be restored.
10. In the Options page, check Overwrite the existing database.
11. Click OK.
24 Aurora Ingest System Guide13 August2009
Setting up the K2, Summit or M-Series iVDR server
Once you’ve cabled Aurora Ingest and installed the software, you need to configure
your media server to work with Aurora Ingest.
1. See your K2 documentation and set up the record channels to use Adv anced Media
Protocol (AMP).
2. In Aurora Ingest, select Tools | Options | Feed and configure channels to use LTC,
VITC or RS-422 timecode mode.
For LTC or VITC timecode, connect your desired timecode source to the
timecode input on your media server.
Installing ScheduALL for Aurora Ingest integration
In order to use VizuAll, Inc.'s ScheduALL with Aurora Ingest, you need to install the
ScheduALL application. For a smooth scheduling integration, extra steps need to be
adhered to during the installation process. If technical assistance is needed from
ScheduALL, you can contact ScheduALL product support at (954)-334-5409.
Installing Aurora Ingest
These applications are the pre-requisites and must be installed on your machine before
proceeding to install ScheduALL.
• Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (For ScheduALL)
• Microsoft SQL Express 2005 (For Ingest)
• Aurora Ingest Server installed and configured
• Visual studio 2005 redistribute SP1 for SchedIngestAPI web service (to be installed
automatically by SchedIngestAPI installer)
The following list contains the minimum ScheduALL components required for
integration with Aurora Ingest.
1. ScheduALL for Windows v4.73.22 (4.74) or greater.
2. ScheduALL Authentication Server.
3. ScheduALL Ingest API license point.
4. Enabled ScheduALL Web Service APIs:
• WorkOrder Query
• WorkOrder Delete
• WorkOrder Modify
• Work Order Request Create
• Event Create
• Event Delete
• Event Details
• Event Modify
• Resource Booking Query
• Resource Query
• WorkOrder Details
13 August2009Aurora Ingest System Guide 25
Installing Aurora Ingest
5. Modules:
To install ScheduALL:
1. Install Sched4.exe which will install ScheduALL. Select the Network Client option.
2. Install SchedAuth.exe, which is the Authentication Server for ScheduALL web
3. Install SchedWebAPI.exe, which is the ScheduALL web service.
4. Install SchedIngestAPI (setup.exe), which is the Ingest integration web service.
• Client Query
• Scheduling
• Developer's Toolkit
• Client/Server
• WebServiceAPI
• Ingest Web Service API
The default login username is SUPERVISOR with a blank password.
You can now launch ScheduALL and continue with below steps:
1. At the login screen, enter SUPERVISOR and a blank password.
2. Deselect the "Use Sample Data" option.
3. When prompted to update the database, select "Yes".
4. Keep selecting "Yes" and "OK" for permission enquiries.
After completing above steps, ScheduALL should now be operational with Aurora
26 Aurora Ingest System Guide13 August2009
Chapter 3
Configuring Aurora Ingest
This section contains the following topics:
•Configuring Aurora Ingest
•Aurora Ingest - Server overview
•Configuring Aurora Ingest Server
•Configuring Scheduler application
•Configuring RMI application
•Configuring VTR Controller Application
•Configuring VTR Ingest application
•Configuring user administration
•Configuring Aurora Ingest for ScheduALL
•Configuring ScheduALL for Aurora Ingest
13 August2009Aurora Ingest System Guide 27
Configuring Aurora Ingest
Configuring Aurora Ingest
Once you have installed any hardware (if necessary) and the software components of
Aurora Ingest, you need to configure the Aurora Ingest options for your particular
newsroom equipment and workflow.
You can add and configure VTRs with the VTR Controller and VTR Ingest
applications. Scheduler and RMI clients are configured within their respective
applications. All other configurations can be performed in the Aurora Ingest - Server
Aurora Ingest - Server overview
The Aurora Ingest - Server user interface shows the status of the system components
and channels, as well as the system logs. The server machine name might be truncated,
however the full name is visible if you hover your mouse over the area.
Additional information regarding a channel can also be obtained if you hover on the
channel name. These information include channel name, server name, recording port,
remaining storage and status of the channel.
• A green indicator—the component or channel is connected.
• A red indicator—the component or channel is not connected.
• A grayed-out indicator—the component is not configured.
28 Aurora Ingest System Guide13 August2009
Configuring Aurora Ingest
Configuring Aurora Ingest Server
In Aurora Ingest - Server application, you can configure most of the Aurora Ingest
settings. Other configurations can be done in their respective applications.
The following table details the configurable options in the Aurora Ingest - Server
13 August2009Aurora Ingest System Guide 29
Allows you to specify servers, such as the SDB server , XMOS Server , SabreT ooth
server, MediaFrame server, CompuSat satellite dish control system, etc. You
can also specify the video reference standard, enable the option to switch aspect
ratio and set the default aspect ratio of feeds and VTR ingests.
Allows you to add, edit, or delete information about the media servers, including
the drive and record locations. Note: the record location is not machine dependent.
Configuring Aurora Ingest
Allows you to specify the type of router (Encore/SMS7000, Acappella or Jupiter)
and its IP address or COM port.
Allows you to specify the various channels and the media server they are
associated with, as well as the record location. (The record location is the router
destination, which is physically connected to the media server using the AV
Allows you to specify channel groups and channels to be included in those
groups. Channel groups are assigned to users in the User Administration setup.
Auto-assign would only be limited to channels that are available to the particular
For feed ingests performed using Aurora Ingest - Scheduler, this tab allows you
to specify default information about the clips, such as name, record duration,
expiration days, crash record location and duration, and timecode source (System
time, LTC or VITC).
For segment (batch) ingests performed using VTR Ingest, this tab allo ws you to
specify default information about the clips, such as name, record location, handle
and preroll times, and timecode source (Control track, LTC or VITC).
Allows you to specify the preview channel for Asset Viewer in Aurora Ingest Scheduler.
Configuring System
You need to configure the system in order to use Aurora Ingest.
System setting is the first setup that needs to be configured.
• To configure Aurora Ingest - Server, select Tools | Options.
Options dialog box appears with the System tab already selected.
30 Aurora Ingest System Guide13 August2009
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