specifically permitted under U.S. copyright law, without the prior written consent of Grass
Valley, Inc., P.O. Box 59900, Nevada City, California 95959-7900
This product may be covered by one or more U.S. and foreign patents.
NewsQ, NewsShare, NewsQ Pro, Aurora, and Media Manager are either registered
trademarks or trademarks of Grass Valley, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
Other trademarks used in this document are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the
manufacturers or vendors of the associated products. QuickTime and the QuickTime logo are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., used under license therefrom.
Grass Valley, Inc. products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending.
Additional information regarding Grass Valley, Inc. trademarks and other proprietary rights may
be found at www.thomsongrassvalley.com.
DisclaimerProduct options and specifications subject to change without notice. The information in this
manual is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should
not be construed as a commitment by Grass Valley, Inc. Grass Valley, Inc. assumes no
responsibility or liability for any errors or inacc uracies that may appear in this publication.
U.S. Government
Restricted Rights
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the United States Government is subject to restrictions as set
forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause
at DFARS 252.277-7013 or in subparagraph c(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer
Software Restricted Rights clause at FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. Manufacturer is Grass
Valley, Inc., P.O. Box 59900, Nevada City, California 95959-7900 U.S.A.
Revision Status
Rev Date Description
September 14,
January 18, 2007Release 071-8514-01 for Software Version 6.0b
May 23, 2007Release 071-8514-02 for Software Version 6.1
September 18,
Initial release of the Aurora Ingest System Guide, 071-8514-00 for
Software Version 6.0. Updated from 071-8342-02, IngestStation
System Guide
T o get technica l assistance, che ck on the status of a question, or to repo rt new issue, contac t
Grass Valley Product Support via e-mail, the Web, or by phone or fax. Contact Grass Valley
first regarding problems with third party software on Grass Valley products, such as the
internet browser, SQL Server™ and QuickTime™.
Web Technical Support
Phone Support
Windows® operating system, Windows Media® player, Internet Explorer
To access support infor mation on the Web, v isit the pro duct support Web p age on the
Grass Valley Web site. Yo u ca n down loa d software or find solutions to problems by
searching our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) database.
World Wide Web: http://www.thomsongrassvalley.com/support/
Technical Support E-mail Address: gvgtechsupport@thomson.net.
Use the following information to contact product support by phone during business
hours. Afterhours phone support is available for warranty and contract customers.
A local authoriz ed support repres entative may be av ailable in you r country. To locat e the
support represent ative for your c ountry, visit the product support Web p age on the Grass
Valley Web site.
Safety Summaries
General Safety Summary
Review the following safety precautions to avoid injury and prevent damage to this
product or any products connected to it.
Only qualified personnel should perform service procedures.
While using this product , you may need t o acces s other parts of the sy stem. Read t he
General Safety Summary in other system manua ls fo r warn ing s and cauti ons re la ted
to operating the system.
Review all system operator manuals, including manuals in electronic format on the
system hard drive.
Injury Precautions
Use Proper Power
Ground the ProductThis product is ground ed t hrough the grounding conductor of the power
Do Not Operate
Without Covers
Do Not Operate in
Do Not Operate in
an Explosive
Avoid Expo sed
To avoid fire hazard, use only the power cord specified for this product.
cord. To avoid electric shock, the grounding conductor must be
connected to earth ground. Before making connections to the input or
output terminals of the p roduct, ensure that the product is properly
To avoid electric shock or fire hazard, do not operate this product with
covers or panels removed.
To avoid electric shock, do not operate this product in wet or damp
To avoid injury or fire ha zard, do not operate this pr oduct in an explosive
To avoid injury, remove jewelry such as rings, watches, and other
metallic objects. Do not touch exposed connections and components
when power is present.
Product Damage Precautions
Use Proper Power
6Aurora Ingest System GuideSeptember 2007
Do not operate this product from a power source that applies more than
the voltage specified.
Safety Terms and Symbols
Provide Proper
Do Not Operate With
Suspected Failures
To prevent product overheating, provide proper ventilation.
If you suspect there is damage to this product, have it inspected by
qualified service personnel.
To avoid damage, replace only with the same or equivalent type
recommended by the circu it board manufactu rer. Dispose of used bat tery
according to the circuit board manufacturer’s instructions.
Safety Terms and Symbols
Terms in This
Terms on the
These terms may appear in this and other product manuals:
WARNING: Warning stat ements ide ntify con ditio ns or prac tices t hat ca n
result in personal injury or loss of life.
CAUTION: Caution statements identify conditions or practices that can
result in damage to the equipment or other property.
These terms may appear on the product:
DANGER indicates a personal injury hazard immediately accessible as
one reads the marking.
WARNING indicates a persona l injury hazard no t immediately acces sible as
you read the marking.
CAUTION indicates a hazard to property including the product.
September 2007Aurora Ingest System Guide7
Symbols on the
The following symbols may appear on the product:
DANGER high voltage
Protective ground (earth) terminal
ATTENTION – refer to manual
Service Safety Summary
Do Not Service
No Power SwitchTo avoid electric shock, disconnect the main power by means of the
Use Care When
Servicing With
Power On
Do not perform internal service or adjustment of this product unless
another person capab le of rendering first aid a nd re sus citation is present.
power cord. The power cord is the main power disconnect. Ensure that
the power cord is easily accessible at the rear of the product or at the
power receptacle.
Dangerous voltages or currents may exist in this product. Disco nnect power
and remove battery (if applicable) before removing protective panels,
soldering, or replacing components.
To avoid electric shock, do not touch exposed connections.
Certifications and Compliances
Canadian Certified
Power Cords
Canadian approval includes the products and power cords appropriate for
use in the North America power network. All other power co rds supplied are
approved for the country of use.
FCC Emission
Canadian EMC
Notice of
This equipment has been te sted and fou nd to comply with the limits for a
Class A digital d evice, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial
environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is
likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be
required to correct the interference at his own expense. Changes or
modifications not expressly approved by Grass Valley can affect
emission compliance and could void the user’s authority to operate this
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limi ts for radi o noi se
emissions from digital ap paratus set out in the Radio Interferenc e
Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques
dépassant les l imites appl icables a ux apparei ls numérique s de la cl asse A
préscrites dans le Règlement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicté par
le ministère des Communications du Canada.
8Aurora Ingest System GuideSeptember 2007
Certifications and Compliances
Canadian Certified
AC Adapter
EN55022 Class A
Laser Compliance
Laser Safety
Laser SafetyLaser safety in the United States is regulated by the Center for Devices
Canadian approval includes the AC adapters appropriate for use in the
North America power network. All other AC adapters supplied are
approved for the country of use.
For products that comply with Class A. In a domestic environment this
product may cause r adio interference i n which case the use r may be required
to take adequate measures.
The device used in this product is a Class 1 certified laser product.
Operating this product outside specifications or altering its original
design may result in hazardous radiation exposure, and may be
considered an act of modifying or new manufa ctu ri ng of a la ser product
under U.S. regulations contained in 21CFR Chapter 1, subchapter J or
CENELEC regulations in HD 482 S1. People performing such an ac t are
required by law to recertify and reidentify this product in accordance with
provisions of 21CFR subchapter J for distribut ion wit hin the U.S.A., and
in accordance with CENELEC HD 482 S1 for distribution within
countries using the IEC 825 standard.
and Radiological Health (CDRH). The laser safety regulations are
published in the “Laser Product Performance Sta ndard,” Code of Federa l
Regulation (CFR), Title 21, Subchapter J.
FCC Emission
The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Standard 825,
“Radiation of Laser Products, Equipment Classification, Requirements
and User’s Guide,” governs laser products outside the United States.
Europe and member nations of the Europe an Free Tra de Associat ion fall
under the jurisdiction of the Comité Européen de Normalization
Electrotechnique (CENELEC).
This device complies with Pa rt 15 of the FCC Rules. Opera tion is subject
to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful
interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesirable operation.
September 2007Aurora Ingest System Guide9
Environmental Criteria
SafetyDesigned/tested for compliance with:
ANSI/UL60950-2000 - Safety of Information Technology Equipment
IEC 60950 - Safety of Information Technology Equipment (3rd edition, 1999)
CAN/CSA C22.2, No. 60950-00 - Safety of Information Technology Equipment
EN60950:2000 - Safety of Information Technology Equipment (3rd edition)
The following table lists the environmental criteria for Aurora Ingest.
Operating TemperatureRequirement:10° to 40°C
Storage TemperatureRequirement:-40° to 65°C
Operating AltitudeRequirement: To 10,000 feet
Supplemental Data:IEC 60950 compli ant to
2000 meters
Storage AltitudeRequirement: To 40,000 feet
Mechanical ShockSupplemental Data: Class 5 (30G) Grass Valley
Random VibrationRequirement:Operational: Class 6 Grass
Valley 001131500
Requirement: Non-Operational: Class 5
Grass Valley 001131500
TransportationRequirement: Grass Valley 001131500
Equipment TypeSupplemental Data: Information Technology
Equipment ClassSupplemental Data: Class 1
Installation CategoryRequirement:Category II Local level
mains, appliances,
portable equipment, etc.
Pollution DegreeRequirement:Level 2 operating
environment, indoor use only.
Relative HumidityRequirement: Operating 80% from +30° to
Non-Operating 90% from
+30° to +60°C
Do not operate with visible
moisture on the circuit boards.
10Aurora Ingest System GuideSeptember 2007
Chapter 1
Introducing Aurora Ingest
Aurora Ingest is an automated media digitization system, made up of several
integrated applications, that allows you to ingest footage from VTRs, feeds from a
router, or files from multi ple Digital Media Cameras and Digital Media Recorders, all
directly to a Media Server in your operation.
This manual shows you how to install and con figure the Aurora Ing est applications in
your newsroom, and how to use Aurora Ingest to capture and record clips for l ater use
in a newscast.
This chapter is divided into the following sections:
• “What is Aurora Ingest ?”
• “Aurora Ingest applications”
• “Aurora Ingest workstations”
• “Integration with Aurora Suite and third-party products”
• “Understanding Status Colors”
What is Aurora Ingest?
Aurora Ingest lets you get footage from VTRs and from router feeds and ingest it
directly to your Media Server. With Aurora Ingest applications, you can select clips
from multiple VTR tapes, create a batch (also known as a segment) list, and record it
to the serve r . You can also ingest feeds from a router source directly to the same
server. Up to eight VTRs are supported at any time. You can select the supported
VTRs from an unlimited number of VTRs or RS-422-connected routers. Batch jobs
can be saved as Edit Decision Lists (EDLs).
The Aurora Ingest system supports the K2 Media Server and M-Series iVDR media
server or servers. You can configure your system to record clips into two servers in
parallel. If one server fails or has inadequat e storage, only the recording on that server
will be stopped. When the system continues to the next clip, the storage capacity on
both servers is che cked again, allowing parallel recordin g to resume if storage is made
Raw footage comes from a VTR connected directly to the Aurora Ingest workstation,
a CompuSat satellite dish control system, or a router sou r ce. While you connect the
media servers to the Aurora Ingest workstation using AMP Sockets, you need RS-422
connection from the VTR t o the Aurora Ingest workstation to have co ntrol of the VTR
in the Aurora Ingest windows. For router sources, Aurora Ingest supports the Grass
Valley SMS 7000, Grass Valley Acapella, Encore control and Jupiter systems, and
allows source selection and renaming.
September 2007Aurora Ingest System Guide11
Chapter 1 Introducing Aurora Ingest
Aurora Ingest applications
Aurora Ingest consists of the following applications:
• Aurora Ingest - Server, which lets you configure the other Aurora Ingest
applications for batch or feed events, as well as monitor the status of the media
servers, d atabase servers, routers, CompuS at satellite d ish control system, and
channels. You can also access the logs . For mo re i nfor mat ion, see “Aurora Ingest
- Server” on page 27.
• VTR Controller, which lets you monit or and manage the VT Rs you use with VTR
Ingest. For more information, see Chapter 4, Using VTR Controller on page 97.
• VTR Ingest, which lets you ingest footage from VTRs and import or export Edit
Decision Lists (EDLs). Supporting up to eight channels, VTR Ingest can record
footage and confi gur abl e handle durations. It lets you set mark poi nt s using either
the VTR, the PC keyboard, or the mouse. You can ingest a single item or build a
batch list o f items to capture from multiple tapes. You can also create a batch list
offline and then import th e list into VTR Ingest as a common EDL. Once you create
a batch list, you can o ptimiz e the l ist by timeco de, which allows the mate rial to be
ingested in the shortest time possible, or manually arrange the batch list items in
order to prioritize immediately needed clips. For more information, see Chapter 5,
Using VTR Ingest on page 101.
• Aurora Ingest - Scheduler, which lets you schedule i ngest feed events from a medi a
server, CompuSat satellite dish control system, router source and VTRs. You c an
also schedule events to record, up to one year in advance, on each server port,
including recurr ing events. Schedule Vie wer provides an easi ly readable way to see
all ports and more specifically the task assigned to each port. For more information,
see Chapter 3, Using Aurora Ingest - Scheduler on page 65.
• Removable Media Interfa ce (RMI), which lets you ingest files from multiple
Infinity Digital Media Cameras and Digital Media Recorders, as well as Sony
XDCam and Panasonic P2 removable media devices. For more information, see
Chapter 6, Using Aurora Ingest - RMI on page 111.
For information on installing and configuring the Aurora Ingest applications, see
Chapter 2, Installing and Configuring Aurora Ingest on page 15.
If you use Aurora Playout as a playback system in your ope ration, you can ingest clips
directly to a Aurora Playout rundown by linki ng clips to a Aurora Playout placeholder
at the point of record. For more information, se e Chapter 7, Linking Clips to Aurora
Playout Placeholders on page 113.
Aurora Ingest workstations
Aurora Inge st has a client/server architecture th at allows for multiple simultaneous
users. It supports simultaneous event creation, event modification, event deletion,
event monitoring, and resource viewing from multiple workstations.
Each workstation can control up to ei ght VTRs for batch li st creation and b atch ingest.
You can work with either directly attached VTRs and dedicated server ports or
through a router.
12Aurora Ingest System GuideSeptember 2007
You can trigger multipl e ch annel records from disparate sources simult ane ous ly and
schedule record events without reference to physical server port. Aurora Ingest
automatically allocates any available port as determined at the o ptimum time b efore
the record event is scheduled to begin. RS-422 router level control allows any
router-connected VTR to be controlled by any Aurora Ingest channel.
Aurora Ingest - Server
This application has the following functionality:
• control of all Media Servers for all types of ingest
• stores the ingest schedule
• switches the Encore/SMS7000/Acapella/Jupiter router
• interfaces to ENPS
• interfaces to CompuSat satellite dish control system
• user account administration
Aurora Ingest - VTR Controller
Aurora Ingest - Server
This application has the following functionality:
• controls up to eight VTRs for VTR Ingest (AI server controls media server ports)
Aurora Ingest - VTR Ingest
This application has the following functionality:
• provides a user interface for playing tapes and marking in and out points
• creates batch (segment) lists
• provides a user interface for ingested clips to be recorded to Media Servers
Aurora Ingest - Scheduler Client
This application has the following functionality:
• schedules ingests f rom router sources, CompuSat sat ellite dish control system, and
• displays schedule status
• asset viewer if optional video card installed on the system
Aurora Ingest - RMI Client
This application has the following functionality:
• Ingests material from P2/XDCAM/Infinity removable media devices
September 2007Aurora Ingest System Guide13
Chapter 1 Introducing Aurora Ingest
Integration with Aurora Suite and third-party
Aurora Inge st is integrated with the other applications in the Au rora Suite and
third-party removable media devices. In addition to serving as a metadata entry and
transfer application fo r metadata cr eated in the newsroom computer system (NRCS),
it supports:
• Mark In/Out of inco ming feed mate rial, allowi ng direct assignment of field -edited
material to Aurora Playout placehol ders.
• Simultaneous file transfer ingest, including MOS-ID matching, status updating,
and metadata import and transfer to Au rora Browse from multiple Rev Pro and
Professional Compact Flash removable media devices.
Understanding Status Colors
Each entry in th e batch l ist, sc hedule vi ewer and s cheduler window di splays a certai n
color according to its status. The defau lt colors are:
Event Background ColorDescription
RedThe entry is recording.
GoldThe entry is cued and is next to record.
GreenThe entry has finished recording.
BlueThe Scheduler entry is ready to record.
BlackVTR Ingest has reserved this channe l at t hi s t ime.
PurpleThe entry failed to record. See the Error Message field for
more information.
GreyThe entry time has elapsed, probably due to a conflict with
another recording.
Users can change status colors in Aurora Ingest - Scheduler by changing the
configuration as shown in “Configuring Scheduler in the Aurora Ingest - Scheduler
application” on page 19.
14Aurora Ingest System GuideSeptember 2007
Chapter 2
Serial hub
VTR Ingest /
Ethernet LAN
Aurora Ingest Server
Logging Workstation
CompuSat satellite
dish control system
Aurora Ingest Server
Media Server
Media Server
Media Server
VTR Ingest /
Logging Workstation
AI Client
AI Client
Innity Client
Innity Client
Installing and Configuring Aurora Ingest
The Aurora Ingest system consists of an Aurora Ingest Server, one or more Aurora
Ingest Scheduling Clients, K2 Media Server or M-Series iVDR media server or
servers, VTRs, router or CompuSat satellite dish control system sources.
This chapter is divided into the following sections:
• “System Requirements”
• “Installing Aurora Ingest”
• “Setting Up Your Media Server”
• “Configuring Aurora Ingest”
• “User Administration for Aurora Ingest”
System Requirements
Grass Valley supplies a CD containing the Aurora Ingest software and
documentation. For some of the Aurora Ingest components, Grass Valley also
supplies hardware. The following section details the software and hardware
requirements for each Aurora Ingest component.
September 2007Aurora Ingest System Guide15
Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring Aurora Ingest
Aurora Ingest - Server
The Aurora Ingest - Server ap plication coul d be installed on the Aurora Inges t Server
or Aurora Ingest Base Workstation on any regular office machine. The application
must be running for an Aurora Inges t client to conne ct to it. All Aurora Inge st Clients
should have their system time synced to the Aurora Ingest Server.
NOTE: Grass Valley recommends that the Scheduler, VTR Ingest and Aurora
Ingest - Server applications are not installed in the same machine as K2 AppCenter
application or its remote Control Point software.
Grass Valley supplies the Aurora Ingest - Server software/hardware configuration:
• Dell Server with Windows 2003 Server (two units if redundant option selected)
• Additional Windows 2003 license and Marathon Ftvirtual Server license (if
redundant option selected)
• DIGI One SP 1 Port RS 422 Serial to Ethernet Device Server (RoHS Compliant)
• Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
• Microsoft Visual C++ 2005
• Microsoft SQL Express 2005
• Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express
Aurora Ingest - VTR Ingest/VTR Controller
VTR Ingest and VTR Controll er can be i nstalled on th e same machine. I f VTR Ingest
and VTR Controller are on two separate machines, the two machines need to be
connected via Ethernet. For your VTR Controller client, Grass Valley supplies an
RS-422 card. (See “Installing Hardware” on page 18.)
NOTE: Grass Valley recommends that the Scheduler, VTR Ingest and Aurora
Ingest - Server applications are not installed in the same machine as K2 AppCenter
application or its remote Control Point software.
The PC you use to run VTR Ingest/VTR Controller should conform to these
• Windows XP Pro, with the Intel P4 CPU and a minimum of 512 MB RAM
• 10 GB HDD
• Minimum 1024x768 SVGA display adapter (Preferred: 1280 x 1024)
• CD-ROM drive for installation
• Two available PCI slots for the video capture and RS-422 boards (for VTR
• 100BaseTX Ethernet interface
• Hauppage WinTVGo Video Capture Card (optional)
• Blackmagic Design DeckLi nk Video Capture Card (optional)
16Aurora Ingest System GuideSeptember 2007
Aurora Ingest - Scheduler
NOTE: Grass Valley recommends that the Scheduler, VTR Ingest and Aurora
Ingest - Server applications are not installed in the same machine as K2 AppCenter
application or its remote Control Point software.
The PC you use to run Aurora Ingest - Scheduler should conform to these
• Windows XP Pro, with the Intel P4 CPU and a minimum of 512 MB RAM
• 10 GB HDD
• Minimum 1024x768 SVGA display adapter (Preferred: 1280 x 1024)
• CD-ROM drive for installation
• 100BaseTX Ethernet interface
• Hauppage WinTVGo Video Capture Card (optional)
• Blackmagic Design DeckLi nk Video Capture Card (optional)
Aurora Ingest - RMI
Aurora Ingest - Scheduler
Do not install the Aurora Ingest - RMI client on a machine that already has Aurora
Edit installed. You need to install the Aurora Core software instead.
(SetupAuroraCore.exe on the Aurora Ingest software CD.)
The PC you use to run RMI Client should con form to these require ments (minim um):
• Windows XP Pro, with the Intel P4 CPU and a minimum of 512 MB RAM
• 10 GB HDD
• Minimum 1024x768 SVGA display adapter
• CD-ROM drive for installation
• USB Port
• Aurora Core software
For HD ingests, Grass Valley recommends the following configuration:
• Windows XP Pro
• HP Workstation xw8400, with Xeon 51 60/3.0GHz 4MB/1333 dual co re processor
and 2GB (2x1GB) 667MHz DDR2 RAM
• 80GB SATA 3Gb/s 7200 HDD
• NVIDIA Quadro FX3450 256MB PCI-Express
• 1280 x 1024 SVGA display adapter
• 16X DVD-ROM/CDRW Combo
• Xeon 5160/3.0GHz 4MB/1333 dual core processor
• Intel Pro/1000 GT Gigabit PCI NIC desktop adapter
September 2007Aurora Ingest System Guide17
Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring Aurora Ingest
• USB Port
• Aurora Core software
Installing Aurora Ingest
To install Aurora In gest, you need to install the ha rdware in your computer, ins tall the
Aurora Ingest software, and obtain a software license number.
This section is divided into the following topics:
Grass Valley supplies the Aurora Ingest Server with all the necessary hardware and
software installed. The software for the other Aurora Ingest components can be
installed on any PC which meets the “System Requi re me nt s” for that component.
Installing RS-422 card (VTR Controller)
For VTR Controller, Grass Valley supplies a RocketPort Plus Universal PCI 422
SMPTE 8 Port RoHS RS-422 card that must be installed.
1. If you are connecting one or more VTRs to VTR Controller, instal l the RS-422 card
in your computer, making sure the dip switches are set to the down position
shown, and install the card’s driver.
2. Connect the VTR(s) to the VTR Controller machine via RS-422.
3. If you are using LTC for timecode, connect a timecode cable from the timecode
source (VTR for VTR Inge st , Ti mecode Generator for Aurora Ingest - Schedul er )
to the Media Server.
4. Without the LTC physical connection, timecodes could stil l be polled via RS-422.
Check the option to enable RS-422 timecode mode within
Controlle r application as described in “Configuring VTR Controller” on page 51.
Installing Video Capture card (optional)
You can install either Hauppage WinTVGo Video Capture Card or Blackmagic
Design DeckLink Video Capt ure Car d to v iew cl ips on Aurora Ing est Clien ts. Check
for minimum system require ments needed before choosi ng and purchasing your video
capture card.
, as
Tools|Options of VTR
Both video capture cards are for SD (standard definition) video only. If you want to
ingest HD video and then view it, first downconvert from HD to SD.
18Aurora Ingest System GuideSeptember 2007
Installing Software
For Hauppage WinTVGo video capture card, you have to then convert from digital to
analog. The video capt ure card accepts c omposite a nalog vide o only (NTSC o r PAL).
For Blackmagic Design DeckLink Video Capture Card, SDI input and output with
embedded audio are support ed. For audio moni toring, yo u could also connect SPDIF
output to your audio peripheral.
Follow the steps below to install your video capture card:
1. Install the video capture card in your machine and install the card’s driver. Refer
to the manufacturer’s m anual for installation in structions.
2. For Hauppage WinTVGo video capture card, connect the video capture board’s
S-Video Input connector to the device you’re using for on-screen video di splay
(VTR, router, or switch box).
3. For Blackmagic Design DeckLink Video Captu re Card , connect SDI Outpu t from
your media server or router to SDI Input connector of the video capture card.
4. If you have a video capture c ard i nstal led i n y our machi ne and a rou ter c onfigu red
in your system, select the router destination from the dropdown list within
Tools|Options|Video Viewer of Aurora Ingest Scheduler or VTR Ingest.
5. After the video capture ca rd has b een su cce ssful ly co nfigur ed, it coul d be select ed
from the Capture Device dropdown list within
Aurora Ingest Scheduler or VTR Ingest.
Tools|Options|Video Viewer of
Installing Software
If you are upgrading Aurora Ingest from an existing installation to a new software
release, refer to “Backing up Aurora Ingest Database” on page 20 and “Upgrading
Aurora Ingest Software” on page 21.
If you are migrating Aurora Ingest - Server from an existing installation to a new
machine, refer to “ Migr at ing Aurora Ingest - Server” on page 22.
To install the Aurora Ingest software on your computer, insert the Aurora Ingest
CD-ROM into the machine’s CD-ROM drive and follow these instructions:
On this screen...Do this...
WelcomeClick Next.
License AgreementSelect I Agree and click Next.
Choose Destination LocationClick Next.
Select ComponentsSpecify the Aurora Ingest applications to install: Server,
Scheduler, VTR Controller, VTR Ingest, or RMI.
With Server component, Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 and
Microsoft SQL Express 2005 will also be installed by defaul t.
[Note: RMI cannot be installed on a machine that already has
Aurora Edit installed. You nee d to install the Aurora Core software
(SetupAuroraCore.exeison the Aurora Ingest software
September 2007Aurora Ingest System Guide19
Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring Aurora Ingest
On this screen...Do this...
Specify Server NameEnter host name of Aurora Ingest Server.
Select the SQL Server configuration th at will be used by Aurora
Ingest Server.
If you choose SQL Server 2005, select the server instance from the
dropdown list.
Then, click the Test Connection button to ensure that the SQL
Server is accessible.
Once the Aurora Ingest software is installed, you are provided with a 3 0-day demo
license. You need to get a license nu mber from Grass Valley in order to install the
permanent license. Obtaining the software license number is important because you
cannot launch channel s or configure Aurora Ingest aft er your 30-day demo license has
When you install the Aurora Ingest - Server application, the SabreTooth License
Manager is installed as well. To get a license number, follow these steps:
1. Click on the License Manager icon on the desktop. The SabreTooth License
Manager opens.
2. Select
File|Generate Unique ID and License Manager will generate a unique ID (a
unique string of characters).
3. Email this unique ID to BVTN-Auroralicenses@thomson.net and you will be
provided with the software license number.
Backing up Aurora Ingest Database
It is advisable for use rs to back-up the Aurora Ing est database before upgrading to the
latest version of t he software. With a dat abase back-up, you can av oid any lost of fe ed
schedules and the need to key-in everything again in case of a system crash. The
back-up could also be placed on another machine or an external drive for extra
The database back-up coul d be done easily us ing Microsoft SQL Serv er Management
Studio Express. Listed below are the steps to back-up your Aurora Ingest database:
1. Login to Windows XP as an administrator or as a user with administrative rights.
2. Go to Start>All Programs> Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and select SQL Server
Management Studio Express to launch the application.
3. Connect to your SQL Server by Windows Authentication.
4. Double-click on Databases and you could see the folder expands to show System
Databases and IS.
5. Right-click on IS and select Tasks>Back Up.
20Aurora Ingest System GuideSeptember 2007
Upgrading Aurora Ingest Software
6. In the General page, select IS from the Data bas e dro pdown l ist or t ype “I S” if it ’s
not listed in the drop down list , and select Full f rom the Ba ckup type dropdown li st.
7. Key in the backup name and select the backup destination.
8. In the Options page, select Back up to the existing media set and Overwrite all
existing backup sets.
9. Click OK.
NOTE: DO NOT dele te Aurora In gest folder in the registr y key and 2 files
(IS_Data.mdf and IS_Log.ldf ) in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
Server\90\Tools\Binn if you don't have a backup on another machine or an external
drive. All data in the curren t databas e could n ot be retr ieved if those fi les were to be
deleted and the system crashed.
Upgrading Aurora Ingest Software
Before upgrading from one ver si on of Aurora Ingest to another, you shou ld c los e al l
components in the current Aurora Ingest application.
Aurora Ingest 6.3 installer provid es an option to insta ll Microsoft SQL Express 2005
or attaching your Auro ra Inge st dat abase to the full versi on of Micr osoft SQL Server
2005. The full version of SQL Server 2005 al lows customers to r un the Aurora In gest
- Server database component on the same server as the NewsShare DSM.
This means that both news database and ingest database will share the same SQL
processes. If you want to move your cu rrent Aurora Ingest database that runs on SQL
Express 2005 to your NewsShar e DSM machine that runs the full version of SQL
Server 2005, refer to “Migrating Aurora Ingest - Server” on page 22.
September 2007Aurora Ingest System Guide21
Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring Aurora Ingest
To upgrade Aurora Ingest, follow the steps below:
1. Uninstall all components in the current version of Aurora Ingest by selecting
Start>Control Panel> Add or Remove Programs.
2. Run the Aurora Ingest 6.3 installer and follow the steps described in “Installing
Software” on page 19.
3. Reboot your machine after the installation is complete.
NOTE: When installing onto a clean system, Aurora Ingest will embed the SQL
Express 2005 ins tal l into its installer. The full version of Microsoft SQL Server 2005
is available as an optional item.
Migrating Aurora Ingest - Server
Database migration shoul d be done if you need to move Aurora In gest datab ase from
the current machi ne to a b rand new mach ine, or t o move yo ur Aurora Ingest da tabase
to the machine that runs yo ur NewsShare DSM.
Follow the steps below for migration process of the Aurora Ingest database:
1. Run the latest Aurora Ingest 6.3 installer on the existing machine to update the
Aurora Ingest database.
2. Export the Aurora Ingest Server regi stry key under “My
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Grass Valley\Aurora
Ingest\Server” from exis ting machine.
CAUTION: DO NOT launch the Microsoft SQL Server Management
Studio Express on both existing machine and new machine. If you do
this, you cannot back up the database.
3. Shut down the Aurora Ingest - Server application on the existing machine and cop y
two files (IS_Data.mdf and IS_Log.ldf) from C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
Server\90\Tools\Binn from existing machine to same directory path in new
machine. Make sure these two files are NON-READ ONLY.
4. Make sure the “SQLServer (or SQLEXPRESS)” service is running on new
machine. You can chec k the state of the service in the “Services” application.
5. Launch the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express on new machine.
6. Log on, using Window Authentication Mode, to attach the Aurora Inge st databas e.
7. Attach the Aurora Ingest database as shown in the following screenshot.
22Aurora Ingest System GuideSeptember 2007
Restoring Aurora Ingest Database
8. Select the IS_Data.mdf from the same di rectory (C:\ Program Files\Mic rosoft SQL
9. After the Aurora Ingest database had been attached successfully, you should be
able to view Aurora Ingest database folder shown under the Dat abases root folder.
10.Import the server registry key to new machine.
11.Run the Aurora Ingest 6.3 installer on new machine.
12.Reboot the machine after installation is complete.
13.License the Aurora Ingest sof twa re (Number of Channels, Scheduler, VTR Ingest
and RMI). For more information on lice nsi ng, se e “Obtaining a Software License
Number” on page 20.
14.Remove the licenses from the existing machine.
15.Launch the Aurora Ingest - Server application on the new machine. Select
and click on the System tab.
16. Edit settings of SDB Server, XMOS Serve r and SabreTooth Server according to
the new machine.
Restoring Aurora Ingest Database
In case of a system crash or a corrupted database, database restore could easily be
done using Microsof t SQL Server Manag ement Studio Expre ss. Before proceed ing to
restore, make sure that database back-up had been done and the back-up location
identified. Follow the steps below to restore your Aurora Ingest database:
1. Login to Windows XP as an administrator or as a user with administrative rights.
2. Shut down Aurora Ingest - Server if it’s currently running on your machine.
Tools |
3. Go to Start>All Programs> Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and select SQL Server
Management Studio Express to launch the application.
4. Connect to your SQL Server by Windows Authentication.
5. Right-click on Databases and select Restore Database.
September 2007Aurora Ingest System Guide23
Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring Aurora Ingest
6. In the Destination for restore section, select IS from the database dropdown list.
Key in “IS” if it’s not in the dropdown list.
7. In the Source for restor e section, select Fr om device and c lick to browse to the
folder that you had stored your backup.
8. Click Add to get to the folder where you had saved the backup, select the backup
24Aurora Ingest System GuideSeptember 2007
Restoring Aurora Ingest Database
file and click OK twice.
9. Check the box under Restore column to select the backup database to be restored.
10.In Options page, check Overwrite the existing database.
11.Click OK.
September 2007Aurora Ingest System Guide25
Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring Aurora Ingest
Setting Up Your Media Server
Once you’ve cabled Aurora Ing est and installe d software, you nee d to configure your
Media Server to work with Aurora Ingest.
K2 Media Server
To configure the K2 system for Aurora Ingest:
• See your K2 documentation; set up the record channels to use Advanced Media
Protocol (AMP).
• Configure channels to use LTC or VITC input.
M-Series iVDR
The configuration of M-Series iVDR for Aurora Ingest depends on the type of
communication you’re using for the server—DCOM or RS-422.
If you are using DCOM, see your M-Series iVDR documentation and set up the
record channels to use Advanced Media Protocol (AMP).
If you are usin g RS-422, see y our M-Series iVDR documen tation and set up the server
as follows:
• Make sure you configure the record channels to the correct RS-422 port.
• Set up record channels to use Advanced Media Protocol (AMP).
• Configure channels to use LTC or VITC input.
26Aurora Ingest System GuideSeptember 2007
Configuring Aurora Ingest
Once you have installed any ha rdware (if necess ary) and th e software c omponents of
Aurora Ingest, you need to configure the Aurora Ingest options for your particular
newsroom equipment and workflow.
You can add and configure VTRs with the VTR Controller and VTR Ingest
applications. The Aurora Ingest - RMI client is configured through the Aurora
Ingest - RMI application and Aurora Ingest - Sch eduler is c onfigured th rough Aurora
Ingest - Scheduler application. All other configurations can be performed in the
Aurora Ingest - Server application.
This section is divided into the following topics:
“Aurora Ingest - Server”
“Configuration Overview”
“Configuring System Settings”
“Configuring Media Servers”
“Configuring Routers”
The Aurora Ingest - Server application shows the status of the system components and
channels, as well as the system logs. The server machine name might be truncated,
however the full name is visible if you hover your mouse over the area.
Additional information regarding a channel can also be obtained if you hover on the
channel name. These informa tion include channel na me, server name, recordi ng port,
September 2007Aurora Ingest System Guide27
Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring Aurora Ingest
remaining storage and status of the channel.
• A green indicator—the component or channel is connected.
• A red indicator—the component or channel is not connected.
• A grayed-out indicator—the component is not configured.
To configure Aurora Ingest, select
overview of the process of configuring Aurora Ingest.
Configuration Overview
In Aurora Ingest - Server application, you can configure most of the Aurora Ingest
settings. (Configur e VTR controller settings in VTR Controller and VTR Ingest.) The
following table details the configurable options in the Aurora Ingest - Server
application. The fol lowing s ecti ons desc ribe the Aurora Ingest confi gurat ion pro ces s
in detail.
SystemAllows you to specify servers, such as the SDB server, XMOS Server, SabreTooth server,
CompuSat satellite dish control system , etc. You can also specify the Video standard , enable
the option to switch aspect ratio and set the default aspect ratio of feeds and VTR ingests.
RouterAll ows you to specify the type of r outer (Encore/SMS7000, Acapella or Jupiter) and its IP
ChannelAllows you to specify the various channels and the media server they are associated with, as
Allows you to add, edit, or delete information about th e media servers, including the drive
and record locations. Note: the record location is not machine dependent.
address or COM port.
well as the record loca tion. (The r ecord loc ation is th e router desti nation, whi ch is physica lly
connected to the media server using the AV cable.)
Allows you to specify channel groups and channels to be included in those groups. Channel
groups are assigned to users in the User Administration setup. Auto-assign would only be
limited to channels that are av ailable to the particular user.
Tools | Options. The following section gives an
28Aurora Ingest System GuideSeptember 2007
FeedFor feed ingests performed using Aurora Ingest - Scheduler, this tab allows you to specify
default information ab out the clips, such as name, r ecord durat ion, cra sh record lo cation a nd
duration, and tim ecode source (System ti me, LTC or VITC).
VTRFor segment (batch) ingests performed using VTR Ingest, this tab allows you to specify
default information about th e cl ips, su c h as na m e, re cord loc a tio n, ha ndle a nd pre ro ll tim e s,
and timecode source (Control track, LTC or VITC).
PreviewAllows you to specify the preview channel for Asset Viewer in Aurora Ingest - Scheduler.
Configuring System Settings
Configuring System Settings
SDB ServerEnter the IP address or computer name of the server where t he
Aurora Playout database resides (primary SDB Server is running).
Backup SDB ServerIf you are using a backup database server, enter the IP address or
computer name of the server where the backup Aurora Playout
database resides (hot -standby SDB Server is running).
XMOS ServerEnter t he name of the computer hosting the XMOS server.
NetCentral ServerIf your system uses NetCentral to monitor equipment, enter its
name or IP address.
September 2007Aurora Ingest System Guide29
Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring Aurora Ingest
CompuSatIf you are using CompuSat satellite dish control system, enter the
location where the CompuSat application is running.
SabreTooth ServerEnter the name of the server where the SabreTooth license is
Reference Standard
Enable option to
switch aspect ratio
Default aspect ratio
NTSC drop frame
NTSC non-drop
Click the check box if you want to enable the option to switch
video aspect ratio of feeds and VTR ingest s. This feature is
currently supported for SD K2 media clie nt version 3.2 only.
Configuring Media Servers
Select the video reference standard used in
your operation.
Select the default aspect ratio for your ingest
Setting Recording Locations in Media Servers
You can also specify where schedu led recordings will resid e on each server. Once you
configure them, select which folder to record to when recording clips and feeds.
To set a reco rd location:
30Aurora Ingest System GuideSeptember 2007
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