Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes & Upgrade Instructions
These release notes contain the most recent information and supersede previous publications, as of 18 October 2010. Check the Grass Valley website at for an u
pdated version that co ntains additi onal i mport ant
Copyright © Grass Valley, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the Un ited States of America. Porti ons of software © 2000 – 2010 , M icrosoft Cor pora ti on. All right s r eserve d. T his document may not be copied in whole or in part, or other wi se reproduce d except as specifica lly permitted under U.S. copyright law, without the prior written consen t of Grass Valley, Inc., P.O. Box 59900, Nevada City, California 95959-7900. This product may be covered by one or more U.S. and foreign patents.Product options and specifications subject to change without notice. The information in this manual is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Grass Valley, Inc. Grass Valley, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this publication.Grass Valley, K2, Aurora, Summit, Dyno, Solo, Infinity, Turbo, Profile, Profile XP, NetCentral, NewsBrowse, NewsEdit, NewsQ, NewsShare, NewsQ Pro, and Media Manager are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Grass Valley, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Grass Valley, Inc. products are covered by U.S. and foreign patents, issued and pending. Additio nal in form ation reg arding Gr ass V alley, Inc. trademarks and other p ropr ietar y r ights may be found at www.gra Other tradema rks and logos used in this document are either registered trademarks or trademarks of the manufacturers or vendors of the associated products, such as Microsoft® Windows® operating system, Windows Media® player, Internet Explorer® internet browser, and SQL Server™. QuickTime and the QuickTime logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., used under license therefrom.
Grass Valley Product Support.....................................................................................................4
Release Summary......................................................................................................................6
What's new in version 7.1.0.....................................................................................................6
Version 7.1.0........................................................................................................................6
Changes and features in previous releases............................................................................6
Version 6.5.........................................................................................................................10
Older versions....................................................................................................................11
Version compatibility.................................................................................................................12
System specifications............................................................................................................12
HP workstation board assignments.......................................................................................17
Compatible DSM components...............................................................................................20
Compatible Grass Valley products.........................................................................................20
Compatible third party products............................................................................................21
Upgrading Aurora Edit and Aurora Edit LD systems.................................................................23
Upgrading Aurora Edit and Edit LD devices with SiteConfig.................................................23
About upgrading Aurora Edit and Aurora Edit LD with SiteConfig.....................................23
Make recovery images.......................................................................................................24
Prepare for upgrade...........................................................................................................24
Upgrading Aurora Edit and Edit LD devices with SiteConfig.................................................25
Prepare SiteConfig for software deployment.....................................................................25
Install prerequisite files on the control point PC.................................................................26
Upgrade K2 systems.........................................................................................................26
Set up K2 Aurora FTP........................................................................................................26
Distribute devices into deployment groups........................................................................29
Install High Priority Windows updates (recommended).....................................................30
Manually upgrade systems................................................................................................30
Check all currently installed software on Aurora Edit devices............................................30
Add software package to deployment group for Aurora Edit devices.................................31
Setting deployment options................................................................................................33
Upgrade software on shared storage Aurora Edit workstations.........................................35
Upgrade software on Aurora Edit devices..........................................................................39
Upgrade NAS systems......................................................................................................42
Upgrade Browse and MediaFrame systems......................................................................42
Make recovery images.......................................................................................................42
Manually Installing Aurora Edit/Aurora Edit LD Software..........................................................44
Third Party Software Installation...............................................................................................46
Licensing Grass Valley products...............................................................................................47
About software licensing.......................................................................................................47
Requesting a license.............................................................................................................47
Adding a license....................................................................................................................49
Deleting licenses...................................................................................................................50
Archiving licenses..................................................................................................................50
New topics................................................................................................................................51
New Topics in 7.1..................................................................................................................51
New topics in 7.0.0................................................................................................................51
2 Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions 18 October 2010
Keyboard Overview...............................................................................................................51
Tool selection keys.............................................................................................................51
Transport command keys...................................................................................................52
Editing and clip/track selection keys..................................................................................53
Mark point keys..................................................................................................................54
Track selection keys...........................................................................................................56
Other Aurora Edit keys.......................................................................................................56
The Orad Graphics Tool .......................................................................................................58
Moving Orad MOS objects into Aurora Edit.......................................................................59
The VizRT Graphics Tool ......................................................................................................60
Moving VizRT MOS objects into Aurora Edit......................................................................60
Create VizRT Graphic within Aurora Edit...........................................................................62
Linking video MOS objects to the Timeline...........................................................................64
Editing using offline proxy media...........................................................................................66
Preserving ANC Data............................................................................................................67
Operation considerations..........................................................................................................69
Known Issues............................................................................................................................75
18 October 2010 Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions 3
Grass Valley Product Support
Grass Valley Product Support
T o get technical assistance, check on the status of a question, or to report a ne w issue, contact Grass Valley Product Support via e-mail, the Web, or by phone or fax.
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To access support information on the Web, visit the product support Web page on the Grass Valley Web site. You can download software or nd solutions to problems.
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4 Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions 18 October 2010
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18 October 2010 Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions 5
Release Summary
Release Summary
What's new in version 7.1.0
Version 7.1.0
Windows 7 support The Aurora Edit client supports the Windows 7 operating
system for 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
Installing or updating SNFS and Generic iSCSI SNFS and Generic iSCSI cab les no longer bundled together. Check the Version Compatibility section to determine the version compatible with your system.
Changes and features in previous releases
The following sections describe changes and features in past releases.
Version 7.0.0
New Look Like the rest of the Aurora Suite, Aurora Edit and Aurora Edit LD now have a new look, which matches the Grass Valley Alloy look and feel.
New terminology The MediaFrame server will now be referred to as K2 BaseCamp. (The scaled-down version of the Aurora Browse/MediaFrame system is still referred to as K2 BaseCamp Express.)
Improved Render and Transcode Performance Due to underlying changes to the playback architecture, this version of Aurora Edit will perform renders and transcodes faster than the previous version. Transferred sequences that require these functions will appear faster to the user, especially with the new class workstations. The Conform server performance is also improved.
Animated graphics now allowed on graphics track Aurora Edit 7.0 now allows for animated graphics to be placed on the graphics track. Due to this change, previously imported sequential .tga les will need to be reimported.
New Hot Keys and Keyboard Keycaps The keyboard layout for Aurora Edit functions has been modied. A set of color -coded ke ypad stickers is included with each Aurora Edit softw are disk. The keypad sticker set allo ws any standard ke yboard to be updated to an Aurora Edit k eyboard. Also use the stickers to update an existing Aurora Edit keyboard that already has permanent colored-coded keypads if necessary.
Along with the new sticker keycaps, some buttons functions have changed as described below:
The 9 key has changed from Input Tools to View Metadata.
6 Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions 18 October 2010
Release Summary
The M key has changed from Select Previous Clip to Match Frame to Bin. The < key has changed from Select Next Clip to Mark Area. The > key has changed from Select Previous Track to Show Search Results (local). The ? key has changed from Select Next track to Find (local). Refer to the following section for a complete description of the new ke yboard look
Keyboard Overview on page 51.
Orad Graphics Integration Aurora Edit and Aurora Edit LD have an end-to-end workow with the Orad graphics system. This includes integration from the journalists desktop directly to playout on air. From the journalist desktop, Orad has a standard plug-in that allows operators to access, add, or modify graphics that can be linked to scripts as MOS objects. From Aurora Edit or Aurora Edit LD, editors can link to scripts and copy graphics directly to the Timeline. The graphic can be previewed by double-clicking the graphic on the T imeline to open the Orad plug-in where the editor can make changes. Once a sequence has been sent with graphics from Orad in the Timeline, Aurora Edit will embed timing information for graphics triggering from Aurora Playout. Refer to The Or ad Gr aphics Tool on page 58 in New Topics for more information on using Orad.
VizRT Graphics Integration A new workow has been introduced with this release to provide integration with the VizRT graphics system. This includes integration from the journalist desktop directly to the T imeline in both Aurora Edit and Aurora Edit LD. From the journalist desktop, VizRT has a standard plug-in that allows operators to access, add, or modify graphics that can then be linked to scripts as MOS objects. From Aurora Edit, editors can link to scripts and copy graphics directly to the Timeline. The graphic can be previewed by double-clicking the object in the Timeline to launch the VizRT plug-in. Editors have the same add/modify capabilities as the journalist do within the VizRT plug-in. Once a graphic is ready on the Timeline, the operator retrieves the graphic to pull it from the VizRT graphics server as a video le with alpha. The editor can then transfer to playout with the burned in graphic already on the Timeline. Refer to The VizRT
Graphics Tool on page 60 in New Topics for more information on using VizRT.
Linking Video MOS objects to Timeline Within the Aurora Suite, both feed events and nished stories become MOS Objects within the newsroom computer system. The MOS Objects may be searched on and linked to stories for use within Aurora Edit. Once a feed has been started in the Aurora Ingest Scheduler application, the video become searchable within ENPS. This provides a fast method of nding feed and placing it into a news story as a MOS object that can easily be brought into Aurora Edit and edited as desired. Refer to Linking video MOS objects to the
Timeline on page 64 In New Topics for an overview of this feature.
Graphics import in Aurora LD As a basic addition to Aurora Edit LD, operators can access the File Import Graphic option for importing still graphics such as .tga and .bmp les. This is the same functionality as the high-resolution Aurora Edit, but Aurora Edit LD must import the le into a directory that it has access to. If it is not attached to the high-resolution directory (V), then it must import to a directory that it has access to. Note that only still graphics may be imported; animated sequential .tga les are not supported for Aurora Edit LD.
All Animations and .tga Sequences now on Graphics Track Due to graphics changes, all animations and .tga sequences will now be on the Graphics (G) track. They will no longer be on the FX and V2 tracks as the y were in previous releases.
18 October 2010 Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions 7
Release Summary
Previous animations and .tga sequences will need to be re-imported to the Graphics track.
24-Bit Audio Aurora Edit now has 24-bit audio support within the application. To congure the application for 24-bit audio, go to Tools | Options | Audio/Video. A new Audio Format pulldown allows for the selection of both 16- and 24-bit audio. The operator can mix and match 16- and 24- bit audio within the same Timeline. Records will take on the bit depth of the congured setting, but media import will preserve the current bit depth of the source media. Sending will atten audio to the bit depth of the sequence.
Ofine Proxy Support Aurora Edit and Aurora Edit LD can preview and edit with proxy media that is associated with ofine archived hi-resolution video. This feature allows editors to use archived ofine assets within a Timeline as if they were present in the online news database. The ofine assets become available in the bin by doing a MediaFrame search. Finding ofine assets can be accomplished by setting up lters in the Aurora search tool or by searching for a kno wn archi ved asset. Once the search is done, the asset search results are placed in the Aurora Edit or Aurora Edit LD bin, identied by an orange dot next to the name, and become available as editable material on the T imeline. Refer to Editing using ofine proxy
media on page 66 in New Topics for using this feature.
Preserve ANC Data Sequences created in Aurora Edit have a Preserve ANC Data checkbox that when selected will allow ancillary data in clips sent to a Smartbin from a K2 or Summit storage device to be preserved on the Timeline. The closed captioning present in the ancillary data of a clip can be displayed on the SDI output of an optional AJA Breakout Box (BOB) (LHi version only). When incoming feeds with closed captioned data are recorded to a K2 or Summit storage device, the K2 or Summit will put this data into an ancillary data track when the generate ancillary data option is turned on on the K2 or Summit device. This is done in Audio/Video conguration under Data Track Setup on the K2 or Summit. When clips with this data are fed to an Aurora Edit Smartbin, the ancillary data can be expected to be preserved in the clip (Preserve ANC Data checkbox must be selected for the sequence) and allow any closed captioning in the data track to be monitored on the SDI output of an AJA Breakout Box (BOB) option. Refer to
Preserving ANC Data on page 67 in New Topics for more detailed information
on this feature.
Real-Time Preview with AJA Breakout Box (BOB) Effects, transitions, and graphics can be previewed prior to rendering with the AJA Breakout Bos option. The SDI output of the Breakout Box is always av ailable, so no enabling is required.
Increased Maximum Long GOP Send Bit Rate When sending as MPEG2 Long GOP , the HD maximum bit rate has been increased from 80mbits to 100mbits.
XDCAM EX Support XDCAM EX les will show up in the removable media bin of Aurora Edit. These will be part of the supported XDCAM series from Son y. JVC also had the ability to encode in the XDCAM EX format. These les import correctly with both Aurora Edit and RMI. Not all forms of XDCAM EX are supported. For instance, 24fps is not supported and does not display in the removable media bin if found on disk. "View as Tape" will not mix and match XDCAM HD and XDCAM EX media. They are treated as different formats, even if the characteristics of the le formats are similar.
XDCAM 720 Support 720p is now part of the supported le formats for XDCAM HD.
8 Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions 18 October 2010
Release Summary
AVC-Intra Timeline As an addition to the playback support of AVC-Intra in
version 6.5, version 7.0 now has the option to create both AVCI-50 and AVCI-100 sequences, which completes the end-to-end support fo this format as it will transfer to the K2 Summit. To set this up, Tools | Options | Audio/Video includes an option for AVCI when the video format is set to an HD format. Due to the intensity of AVCI-100 playback, some lesser performing systems, such as laptops, may have a hard time playing this format.
Multi-tiered SmartBins SmartBins have been modied to detect and monitor
bins within bins in the new Summit/K2 database.
Elimination of Media Import SmartBins With the advent of the K2 hotbin,
the Aurora Edit Media Import Smartbins ha ve become redundant within the Aurora system, even for Final Cut Pro workows. Therefore there is no longer a Media Import SmartBin option within the bin properties dialog. Pre-existing Media Import SmartBins will continue to function, but support has been removed from the 7.0 system.
Elimination of Caching Although a cache service still exists for Aurora Edit
7.0, the process of caching les locally or trickling back to the shared volume has been removed. No changes to setup or conguration are required. In addition, cache directories may still be entered at the time of install, but this information will be ignored by the application.
Use Congured Web Proxy Setting A new setting to bypass the congured
web proxy has been added to each application within the Aurora Suite. This checkbox pertains to environments that have MediaFrame enabled. For Aurora Edit, the checkbox is found in Tools | Options | General and will become active only with MediaFrame turned on. When checked, the application will continue to go through the congured Web Proxy settings in order to communicate with MediaFrame services. When not selected, web calls through MediaFrame services will bypass the congured settings.
Updated SmartBins setup options -- The SmartBins setup tool has additional conguration options:
Congured Web Proxy -- If this option is selected, the application bypasses the congured web proxy. If not selected, the web calls through the MediaFrame service bypass the congured settings.
Ignore Subclips option -- If this option is selected, SmartBins do not act on subclips.
Wink K2 Generated Quicktime Files -- If this option is selected, SmartBins will wink K2 generated Quicktime les when clips are winked to the News system.
Version 6.5.2
SiteCong support Network conguration and software deployment across all Aurora products is supported by SiteCong, Grass Valley's system management tool.
Administrator password – The default administrator account on Aurora devices has credentials as follows:
Username: administrator
Password: adminGV!
18 October 2010 Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions 9
Release Summary
Version 6.5
SiteCong expects these credentials by default.
Hot keys There are modied or new keyboard shortcuts for Aurora Edit functionality, as specied in topics later in this document.
K2 Summit compatible The Aurora suite of software, including Aurora Edit,
is compatible with the K2 Summit software.
NOTE: Aurora Edit 6.5 now requires you to hav e an A urora Sys license running on the license manager , typically the DSM, for shared connectivity as well linking to story via Aurora Playout tools.
DV100 Support – Aurora Edit 6.5 includes support for DV100 media, either via record or removable media import from P2. Note that transfers of DV100 media to the Summit are supported, while transfers to K2 server are not.
MPEG Long GOP Support – XDCAM HD, as well as Long GOP K2 records, can be used natively within Aurora Edit timelines.
Agile Timeline – Users can mix and match various formats (e.g. HD/SD, 1080i/720p, DV/MPEG, etc.) in real time within the timeline without having to media convert up front.
Send as MPEG2 – As an enhancement to the previous Long GOP Send capability that was supported in previous versions of Aurora Edit, 6.5 now allows transfers to transcode to MPEG I-Frame as well as MPEG Long GOP and XDCAM HD formats.
More Audio Channels – Aurora Edit now supports 16 channels of audio within a le for playback, 8 channels of audio for recording, 16 tracks of audio within the timeline, and up to 16 channels of output when sending to a server.
MediaFrame Integration – New search and metadata tools have been embedded in numerous areas within the application. These changes represent practical improvements to the product as well as providing overarching workow enhancements to the workow.
Final Cut Pro Enhancements – Aurora Edit 6.5 has added special support for the Leopard OS for Apple. In addition to setup changes, DV100 and XDCAM HD workows are fully supported.
NOTE: Previous Apple operating systems are not supported in Aurora Edit 6.5.
System Information Utility – The Help->About box now includes a System Information Utility.
Render and Send via Conform Server – Aurora Edit can now of f load sequences to a conform server for rendering, transcoding, and sending jobs, just like Aurora Edit LD has supported in the past.
HDV – HDV media can be ingested with the Record to Bin feature of Aurora Edit.
Write-back to SD XDCAM – Sequences and clips can be exported to an XDCAM
disk in the SD format.
10 Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions 18 October 2010
Native Timecode Support – Media that is recorded on the K2 will have its
timecode preserved, even if discontinuous, with shared SmartBin environments.
Improved Aspect Ratio Conversion – Users can adjust aspect ratio settings in
real time prior to adding clips to the timeline. The resulting clip can be used on the timeline prior to the actual conversion process.
AVC-Intra Support – AVC-Intra clips can be imported and placed on the timeline
in its native format. These will be transcoded on sending to the K2 server.
JPEG2K Support – JPEG2K clips can be imported and placed on the timeline in
its native format. These will be transcoded on sending to the K2 server.
Online Help – Users can access online help from Aurora Edit, which is an
improvement upon the help manuals of the past.
Older versions
For information about older software versions not listed in these release notes, refer to the release notes for those versions.
Release Summary
18 October 2010 Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions 11
Version compatibility
Version compatibility
Versions qualied for compatibility with this release of software are summarized in the following sections.
System specifications
This section describes the hardware requirements that customers should use when purchasing equipment for this release. The minimum spec describes the bare minimum requirement for running Aurora, which may reduce the quality of user experience, depending on the task. The expected lifespan of minimum spec equipment is also less than that of recommended spec equipment, since it lacks head room for future growth.
NOTE: Minimum specs for SD congurations are provided only for existing SD customers upgrading to this release. New customers should use HD congurations.
Aurora Edit SD laptop
Media Drive(s)
Aurora Edit HD laptop
Intel Core 2 Dual Core 2.4 GHzProcessor 2 GBMemory Integrated or discrete graphics with 128 MB
of memory and support for Direct3D 9 and Shader Model 3.0
80 GB 7200 RPM SATASystem Drive 7200 RPM SATA if 2nd drive is available;
otherwise order a larger system drive CD/DVDOptical Drive Gigabit EthernetNetwork As neededFirewire/1394 Windows XP Pro 32 SP3 or Windows 7OS
12 Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions 18 October 2010
Intel Core 2 Dual Core 2.4 GHz
Intel Core 2 Quad Core 2.53 GHz
3 GB3 GBMemory
Version compatibility
Media Drive(s)
Integrated or discrete graphics with 256 MB of
Integrated or discrete graphics with 256 MB of
memory and support formemory and support for Direct3D 9 and Shader Model 3.0
Direct3D 9 and Shader
Model 3.0
80 GB 7200 RPM SATA80 GB 7200 RPM SATASystem Drive 7200 RPM SATA if 2
drive is available; otherwise order a larger system drive
7200 RPM SATA if 2
drive is available; otherwise
order a larger system drive
CD/DVDCD/DVDOptical Drive
Gigabit EthernetGigabit EthernetNetwork
As neededAs neededFirewire/1394 Windows XP Pro 32 SP3 or
Windows 7
Windows XP Pro 32 SP3 or
Windows 7 Editing HD on laptop systems may result in some
performance difculties compared to desktop systems. This includes potentially choppy playback, particularly during un-rendered effects or when playing multiple streams of video. In addition, render performance on a laptop is affected by inherently slower drive performance within laptops.
Aurora Edit SD desktop
Intel Core 2 Dual Core 2.33 GHz OR Intel Xeon 5140 Dual Core 2.33 GHz OR AMD Opteron 270 Dual Core 2.0 GHz
2 GBMemory Discrete graphics w/ 128 MB of dedicated
memory and support for Direct3D 9 and Shader Model 3.0
80 GB 7200 RPM SATASystem Drive 2 x 250 GB 7200 RPM SATA stripedMedia Drives CD/DVDOptical Drive Gigabit Ethernet (2)Network As neededFirewire/1394 Windows XP Pro 32 SP3 or Windows 7OS A Gigabit Ethernet card and a Firewire/1394
card shall NOT be installed on the same PCI
18 October 2010 Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions 13
Version compatibility
bus segment (e.g. adjacent PCI slots), since this can cause very poor performance.
Aurora Edit HD desktop
Media Drives
Intel Core 2 Quad Core 2.33 GHz OR Two Intel Xeon 5160 Dual Core 3.0 GHz
Discrete graphics w/ 256 MB of dedicated memory and support for Direct3D 9 and Shader Model 3.0
2 x 250 GB 7200 RPM SATA striped
Windows XP Pro 32 SP3 or Windows 7
A Gigabit Ethernet card and a Firewire/1394 card shall NO T be installed on the same PCI bus segment (e.g. adjacent PCI slots), since this can cause very poor performance. It is the customer's responsibility to insure that the system has sufcient number and type of expansion slots to meet the intended use. (For example, to accommodate network and/or FireWire cards.)
Two Intel Xeon 5410 Quad Core 2.33 GHz
3 GB3 GBMemory Discrete graphics w/ 384
MB of dedicated memory and support for Direct3D 9 + 10 and Shader Model 4.0
80 GB 7200 RPM SATA80 GB 7200 RPM SATASystem Drive 2 x 250 GB 7200 RPM
SATA striped CD/DVDCD/DVDOptical Drive Gigabit Ethernet (2)Gigabit Ethernet (2)Network As neededAs neededFirewire/1394 Windows XP Pro 32 SP3 or
Windows 7
Aurora Edit HDR (AJA) desktop / rackmount
14 Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions 18 October 2010
HP z800 workstation (850 W chassis)
Two Intel Xeon 5540 Quad Core 2.53 GHz
4 GB (4 x 1 GB)
Version compatibility
System Drive
Media Drives
Optical Drive
NVIDIA FX1800 768 MB graphics (Direct3D 10 and Shader Model 4.0)
250 GB 7200 RPM SATA
2 x 250 GB 7200 RPM SATA striped (RAID 0 Data Array)
Gigabit Ethernet (2) (built into motherboard)
(2) (built into motherboard)
Rack mount kit
Windows XP Pro 32 SP3 Windows 7 ( Only AJA based Aurora
Edit on the HP z800)
System shall be equipped EXACTLY as specied above, except as follows:
Customer may order faster quad core
CPUs if desired.
Customer may order larger/faster
system drive and/or larger/faster media drives if desired.
Customer may order additional
network interfaces as needed.
Customer may order additional 1394
card if needed.
Y ou might need to update the rmware on the AJ A LHi board, since some early boards from AJA might have shipped with an older rmware. Aurora Self Test should notify you if the wrong rmware is installed.
To update the rmware, follow these steps:
1. Open a command prompt with Administrator privileges
2. Type: cd "C:\Program Files\Grass Valley\Aurora\AJA Drivers\HD (for LH and LHi)"
3. Type: spiash top_pike_01_39.bit
4. Wait for it nish ashing (it can take upwards of a minute or so)
5. Restart.
18 October 2010 Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions 15
Version compatibility
Aurora Conform Server (SD)
Dell PowerEdge R610Model Intel Xeon 1.0 GHzProcessor(s) 2 GBMemory Integrated graphicsGraphics 36 GB 7200 RPM SATA or SASSystem Drive CD/DVDOptical Drive Gigabit Ethernet (2)Network Windows Server 2003 32 SP2OS
Aurora Conform Server (HD)
System Drive
Aurora Edit LD
2950 Intel Xeon Dual Core 1.0
GHz OR T wo Intel Xeon 1.0 GHz
36 GB 7200 RPM SATA or SAS
Windows Server 2003 32 SP2
Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz OR Intel Pentium Dual Core 1.6 GHz OR Intel Core 2 2.0 GHz OR Intel Core 2 Dual Core 1.6 GHz
Dell PowerEdge R610Dell PowerEdge 2850 or
Two Intel Xeon E5520 2.26 GHz
4 GB3 GBMemory Integrated graphicsIntegrated graphicsGraphics 160 GB 7200 RPM SATA
or SAS CD/DVDCD/DVDOptical Drive Gigabit Ethernet (2)Gigabit Ethernet (2)Network Windows Serv er 2003 R2 32
Intel Core 2 Dual Core 2.0 GHz
16 Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions 18 October 2010
Integrated or discrete graphics with 64 MB of
2 GB1 GBMemory Discrete graphics with 128
MB of memory and support
Version compatibility
memory and support for Direct3D 9 and Shader Model 3.0
Windows XP Pro 32 SP3 or Windows 7
Customers with legacy systems that do not meet the minimum specications should expect performance problems, including timeline disruptions on playback, sluggish edits for cuts, transitions, and effects, and delays while scrubbing video and audio.
HP workstation board assignments
This section lists the supported Aurora Edit workstations and the corresponding slot assignments.
HP xw8600 Workstation Board Assignment
for Direct3D 9 and Shader Model 3.0
80 GB 7200 RPM SATA80 GB 7200 RPM SATASystem Drive CD/DVDCD/DVDOptical Drive Gigabit EthernetGigabit EthernetNetwork Windows XP Pro 32 SP3 or
Windows 7
Slot TypeSlot #
PCI-e x162
HP xw8400 Single-CPU Workstation Board Assignment
Comtrol RS-422 (optional) OR
Comtrol RS-422 (optional) OR additional IEEE 1394 (optional)
NVIDIA Quadro FX3700 graphics
Empty (use as needed)PCI-e x8 (x4)3 Empty (use as needed)PCI-e x16 (x16 or x8)4 Empty (use as needed)PCI-e x8 (x1 or x8)5 Empty (use as needed)PCI-e x8 (x4)6 SDR/HDR I/O boardPCI-X7
SDFXSD/SDRSlot TypeSlot #
Comtrol RS-422 (optional) OR
18 October 2010 Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions 17
Version compatibility
SDFXSD/SDRSlot TypeSlot #
additional IEEE 1394 (optional)
NVIDIA Quadro FX1500 graphics
HP xw8400 Dual-CPU Workstation Board Assignment
Comtrol RS-422 (optional) OR additional IEEE 1394 (optional)
NVIDIA Quadro FX1500 graphics
additional IEEE 1394 (optional)
NVIDIA Quadro FX560 graphics
Network InterfaceNetwork InterfacePCI-e3 Network InterfaceNetwork InterfacePCI-e4 SDFX I/OSDR I/OPCI-X5 SDFX Audio
Adapter Fibre ChannelFibre ChannelPCI-X7
HDFXHD/HDRSlot TypeSlot #
Comtrol RS-422 (optional) OR additional IEEE 1394 (optional)
NVIDIA Quadro FX1500 graphics
HP xw9300 Workstation Single-CPU Board Assignment
SD/SDRSlot TypeSlot #
NVIDIA Quadro FX1400 graphics
Comtrol RS-422
additional IEEE 1394 (optional)
SDFX (Option
NVIDIA Quadro FX1500 graphics
Comtrol RS-422
additional IEEE 1394 (optional)
Network InterfaceNetwork InterfacePCI-e3 Network InterfaceNetwork InterfacePCI-e4 HDFX I/OHDR I/OPCI-X5 HDFX Audio
Adapter HDFX EffectsFibre ChannelPCI-X7
SDFX (Option
NVIDIA Quadro FX1400 graphics
Comtrol RS-422 (optional) OR(optional) OR(optional) OR additional IEEE 1394 (optional)
18 Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions 18 October 2010
Version compatibility
SD/SDRSlot TypeSlot #
SDFX (Option
Network Interface, Fibre
SDFX Audio
Adapter Channel, or RS422
HP xw9300 Dual-CPU Workstation Board Assignment
NVIDIA Quadro FX3450 graphics
Comtrol RS-422 (optional) OR additional IEEE 1394 (optional)
SDFX (Option
SDFX Audio Adapter
Network Interface
HDFXHD/HDRSlot TypeSlot #
NVIDIA Quadro FX3450 graphics
Comtrol RS-422 (optional) OR additional IEEE 1394 (optional)
HP z800 Workstation Board Assignment
PCI-e Gen2 x8 (x4)1
PCI-e Gen2 x162
PCI-e x8 (x4)3
PCI-e Gen 2 x165
Network Interface or Fibre Channel
Fibre Channel
UseSlot TypeSlot #
Empty (can be used as needed)
NVIDIA Quadro FX1800 graphics
Empty (can be used as needed)
HDR I/O board (optional)PCI-e Gen 2 x16 (x8)4 Empty (can be used as
Network InterfaceNetwork InterfacePCI-e3 HDFX Audio
Adapter HDFX I/ONetwork Interface or
18 October 2010 Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions 19
Version compatibility
UseSlot TypeSlot #
PCI-e Gen2 x16 (x8)7
Compatible DSM components
The following components reside on the DSM and are compatible with this release of software as listed in the following table. Compatible versions are pre-installed on the DSM when you receive it new from Grass Valley.
2005 SP3SQL
Compatible Grass Valley products
Grass Valley products are compatible with this release of software as follows:
Comtrol 422 (optional) OR 2 nd 1394 (optional)
Empty (can be used as needed)
(Matrox) Browse client Browse MediaFrame Ingest Playout
Windows XP SP3 and Windows 7
With compatible version of SQL
Windows Server 20037.1.0.15Aurora Proxy Encoder With compatible version of
SQL With compatible version of
SQL Windows Server 20037.1.0.273Aurora Conform Server SDR/HDR Driver
DSX.utils SDFX/HDFX Driver
Windows Server 20037.1.0.273Aurora SmartBins
20 Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions 18 October 2010
Version compatibility
Generic iSCSI Installer
GVG_MLib Installer
K2 system software for K2 Media
Client for K2 Summit Production Client for K2 Media
Client for K2 Summit Production Client for K2 Media
Client for K2 Summit Production Client FTP2.0.13.567M-Series system software1.4.0.451 or higherSiteConfig application
1.1.188SiteCong Discovery Agent File System
1.0.0Grass Valley prerequisite
Compatible third party products
Products by manufacturers other than Grass Valley are compatible with this release of software as follows:
5.21Chyron Lyric Software
Compatible with K2 version and K2 Summit version
The prerequisite les must be installed on the SiteCong control point PC.
18 October 2010 Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions 21
Version compatibility
1.18HP z800 BIOS
2.37HP xw8400 BIOS
1.35HP xw8600 BIOS
2.09HP xw9300 BIOS
1.0.2176.1JLCooper USB Driver
Microsoft Windows
XP with Service Pack 3, Windows 7
10 or greaterMicrosoft Windows Media
191.78NVIDIA driver FrameworkXP HASPdriver RenderEngine ReTalkXML PageBrowserAx
7.6 or greaterQuickTime
Windows 7 supported on the Edit client
Contact Panasonic for driver2.03.0002Panasonic P2 Driver
Contact Sony for driver2.04Sony XDCAM FAM Driver www.vizrt.comContact VizRTVizRT Requirements
22 Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions 18 October 2010
Upgrading Aurora Edit and Aurora Edit LD systems
This section contains the tasks necessary for the upgrade to this release of software using both the SiteCong application for an Aurora Edit or Aurora Edit LD system in a shared conguration or installing the application manually in Local mode.
Upgrading Aurora Edit and Edit LD devices with SiteConfig
This section contains the tasks for using SiteCong to upgrade Aurora Edit and Aurora Edit LD devices to this release of software. Work through the tasks sequentially to complete the upgrade.
NOTE: These upgrade instructions assume that current software is at version 6.5 or higher. If you have a lower version of software, contact Grass Valley Support before upgrading.
NOTE: When upgrading from a version lower than 6.5, the software installs with a 30 day trial license. You need a permanent license to operate beyond the trial period.
CAUTION: If you upgrade and then decide you do not want to stay with this version of software, you must use the recovery disk image process to do wngrade to your previous version.
About upgrading Aurora Edit and Aurora Edit LD with SiteConfig
With the upgrade instructions in this document, you use SiteCong from a network connected control point PC and remotely upgrade software simultaneously on your Aurora product devices. This is the recommended process for software upgrades.
NOTE: Do not use the upgrade instructions in this document if upgrading with SiteCong for the rst time.
If SiteCong was not used for your previous software upgrade, do not use the upgrade instructions in these release notes. Instead, use the SiteCong Migration Instructions. Before you upgrade software using SiteCong, each of your Aurora product devices must be migrated to become a SiteCong managed device. This includes installing SiteCong support on the device, manually uninstalling any and all Aurora components, and qualifying the device for communication with SiteCong. These instructions are in the SiteCong Migration Instructions. Also refer to the SiteCong User Manual or SiteCong Help Topics.
The upgrade instructions in this document apply to the following devices:
Aurora Edit workstation of any storage option: Shared storage, NAS storage, and
Aurora Edit LD computer
18 October 2010 Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions 23
Upgrading Aurora Edit and Aurora Edit LD systems
Conform Server
SmartBin Server
FTP Server
T o upgrade software using SiteCong, you must rst hav e SiteCong set up for system management and software deployment in your facility. These upgrade instructions assume that you have already done that for your K2 SAN. Then you add your Aurora product devices to the SiteCong system description that you are using for your K2 SAN.
NOTE: Do not attempt to upgrade software incrementally across the devices of a K2 SAN while media access is underway. Online software upgrading is not supported.
The following installation tasks provide information specically for the upgrade to this version of software. Read the information in these sections carefully before attempting any upgrade to software.
NOTE: If adding a new 64 bit Windows 7 device in SiteCong, select x64 as the platform type. This enables the 64 bit versions of iSCSI and SNFS to be installed instead of the default 32 bit versions. For Aurora Edit to work with Windows 7, the Windows 7 administrator account must be enabled.
Make recovery images
Do not do this task if:
You previously made a recovery image at the current software version for each
computer you are upgrading.
Do this task if:
You do not have a recovery image at the current software version for one or more
of the computers you are upgrading.
The recommended procedure is to make a recovery image immediately after a software upgrade. If you neglected to do this when you last upgraded software you should make the recovery image now, before upgrading to the new version.
CAUTION: If you upgrade and then decide you do not want to stay with this version of software, you must use the recovery disk image process to do wngrade to your previous version.
Prepare for upgrade
Before upgrading, do the following:
Procure the software installation les for this release via the appropriate distibution
method, such as download, CD-ROM, network drive, or external drive.
Start up the devices you are upgrading, if they are not already started.
Stop all media access on the devices you are upgrading.
24 Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions 18 October 2010
Upgrading Aurora Edit and Aurora Edit LD systems
Shut down all applications on the devices you are upgrading.
Upgrading Aurora Edit and Edit LD devices with SiteConfig
This section contains the tasks for using SiteCong to upgrade Aurora Edit and Aurora Edit LD devices to this release of software. Work through the tasks sequentially to complete the upgrade.
NOTE: These upgrade instructions assume that current software is at version 6.5 or higher. If you have a lower version of software, contact Grass Valley Support before upgrading.
NOTE: When upgrading from a version lower than 6.5, the software installs with a 30 day trial license. You need a permanent license to operate beyond the trial period.
CAUTION: If you upgrade and then decide you do not want to stay with this version of software, you must use the recovery disk image process to do wngrade to your previous version.
Prepare SiteConfig for software deployment
Do the following to prepare SiteCong for the software upgrade.
1. Make the following les accessible to the SiteCong control point PC:
AuroraSuite software installation (*.cab) le
AuroraEditLD software installation (*.cab) le
NewsShare software installation (*.cab) le
ConformServer software installation (*.cab) le
SNFS software installation *.cab le
(SNFS_nonK2_x86<versionnumber>.cab for the 32-bit and SNFS_nonK2_x64<versionnumber>.cab for the 64-bit.)
Generic iSCSI software installation (*.cab) les
(GenericiSCSI_x86<versionnumber>.cab for the 32-bit and GenericiSCSI_x64<versionnumber>.cab for the 64-bit.)
GVGMLib software installation (*.cab) le
PCmonitoring software installation (*.cab) le
2. If a newer version of SiteCong is available for upgrade and you have not yet upgraded SiteCong, do the following:
a) From Windows Add/Remove programs, uninstall the current version of
SiteCong from the control point PC.
b) Install the new version of SiteCong on the control point PC.
18 October 2010 Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions 25
Upgrading Aurora Edit and Aurora Edit LD systems
Install prerequisite files on the control point PC
Some software components, such as those for Aurora products, share common prerequisite software. Y ou must install a prerequisite softw are package on the control point PC to make the prerequisite software available for software deployment to devices.
1. Check release notes for the required version of prerequisite les, if any.
2. On the SiteCong control point PC, open Windows Add/Remove programs and
look for Grass Valley Prerequisite Files, then proceed as follows:
If the required version of prerequisite les is installed, do not proceed with this
If prerequisite les are not installed or are not at the required version, proceed
with this task.
3. Procure the required prerequisite software installation le. The le name is
Prerequisite Files.msi.
4. On the SiteCong control point PC, run the installation le. The installation program copies prerequisite les to C:\Program Files\Grass Valley\Prerequisite
Upgrade K2 systems
Prerequisites for this task are as follows:
If upgrading a K2 SAN, all SAN clients must be ofine (all media access stopped) or shut down. Depending on your system design, this could include devices such as K2 clients, K2 appliances, Aurora Proxy (Advanced) Encoders, MDI server, Aurora Edit clients, Aurora Ingest clients, Aurora Playout clients, and generic clients.
Upgrade your K2 systems to the compatible version of K2 system software. This includes K2 SAN systems and stand-alone K2 Media Client and K2 Summit Production Client systems. Refer to K2 Release Notes for procedures.
Set up K2 Aurora FTP
Do the following tasks if you use K2-Aurora FTP.
Adding K2-Aurora FTP software role to K2 Media Server
Use the following SiteCong procedure to add the K2-Aur ora FTP role to the K2 Media Server that you use as your K2-Aurora FTP server, if you have not already done so. The K2 Media Server that you use as your K2-Aurora FTP server must also have the role of K2 FTP Server.
26 Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions 18 October 2010
Upgrading Aurora Edit and Aurora Edit LD systems
1. In the Software Deployment | Devices tree view, right-click the device and select
Add Role.
The Add Role dialog box opens.
The Add Role dialog box displays only those roles that SiteCong allows for the selected device type.
2. Select the role or roles that you want to add to the device. Use Ctrl + Click or Shift + Click to add multiple roles.
3. Click OK to save settings and close. The new role or roles appear under the device in the tree view.
Install and configure K2-Aurora FTP
1. In SiteCong, check software on the the deployment group that contains your K2 Media Servers.
2. In SiteCong, add the le to the deployment group that contains your K2 Media Servers.
3. Proceed with next steps to set deployment options for K2-Aurora FTP software.
4. Do one of the following to set deployment options:
Double-click the task.
Select the task and click the Options button.
A wizard opens.
5. Work through the wizard and set deployment options as follows:
K2-Aurora FTP
18 October 2010 Aurora Edit and Edit LD Version 7.1.0 Release Notes and Upgrade Instructions 27
Deployment options
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