Certificate Number: 510040.001
The Quality System of:
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This Certificate is valid until: June 14, 2012
This Certificate is valid as of: June 14, 2009
Certified for the first time: June 14, 2000
H. Pierre Sallé
KEMA-Registered Quality
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Rev Date Description
June 30, 2006Release 071-8500-00 for Software Version 6.0
October 26, 2006Release 071-8500-01 for Software Version 6.0a
May 3, 2007Release 071-8500-02 for Software Version 6.1
September 7, 2007Release 071-8500-03 for Software Version 6.3
November 21, 2008Release 071-8500-04 for Software Version 6.5A
April 21, 2010Release 071-8500-05 for Software Version 7.0
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Chapter 1
Introducing Aurora Edit
This section contains the following topics:
•What is Aurora Edit?
•Quick overview of editing with Aurora Edit
•Supported formats
•Tour of the Aurora Edit window
•Aurora Edit tools
•The Aurora Edit keyboard
•Command pulldown menu
•Keyboard shortcuts
08 April 2010 Aurora Edit User Guide 15
Introducing Aurora Edit
What is Aurora Edit?
Aurora Edit is a digital nonlinear editing solution designed specifically for editing
news stories. It replaces record decks and effects switchers by displaying edits in real
Nonlinear editing systems provide greater efficiency, accuracy, and flexibility than
analog tape-based systems. For instance, you do not need to edit chronologically--you
can edit shots in any order without re-recording all of your edits after a change.
Breaking stories can be edited quickly, saved, and then different versions can be cut.
Re-editing stories, fixing mistakes, and adding shots in a tape-to-tape environment
can require valuable time in a business where time isn't always available. With
nonlinear editing, however, changes can be made at anytime during the editing process.
Aurora Edit's unique dynamic display updates automatically to provide you, the editor,
with the tools necessary for every edit. Because the audio and video are stored digitally,
you can repeatedly use media without duplication or degradation.
Quick overview of editing with Aurora Edit
You create a news or sports story with Aurora Edit in three stages: record footage,
edit and fine-tune the story, send the story for playout to air.
1. Record your raw footage or feed directly to the Aurora Edit Timeline or Bin.
You can also import clips and sequences from other third-party sources or other
Aurora Edit workstations.
2. Edit the story and fine tune it.
Use basic editing procedures to create simple cuts. Add dissolve, wipe, or slide
transitions. Add video effects such as blurs, color effects, or Picture-in-Picture.
Adjust the audio or add new audio. Add graphics or titles.
3. Save your final story to a network server, record it to tape for airing, play it directly
to air with an Aurora Edit playlist or a playback system like Aurora Playout.
Supported formats
Aurora Edit supports a large variety of audio, video and media formats you can use
to create sequences.
Aurora Edit supports these media formats for both NTSC and PAL video standards:
•DVCPRO (25/50/100)
16Aurora Edit User Guide 08 April 2010
•JPEG 2000
Aurora Edit supports these video formats:
Introducing Aurora Edit
Aurora Edit supports these audio formats:
Aurora Edit
Aurora Edit
Aurora Edit
Aurora Edit
Aurora Edit
XXFireWire, AVC and RMI
XXFireWire (IEEE 1394)
Aurora Edit
8SDI Embedded
8SDI Embedded
08 April 2010 Aurora Edit User Guide 17
Introducing Aurora Edit
Tour of the Aurora Edit window
The Aurora Edit window consists of a main toolbar, a Bin to hold files, a
record/playback monitor, an audio mixer, an editing Timeline, and a dynamic window
that changes depending on the tool selected.
If you are using MediaFrame, you also have a storyboard that display scene detection
Main toolbar
The main toolbar provides access to common Aurora Edit functions.
Conform Manager
Transfer Manager
Story View
Render Effects
Sends a clip or sequence to another destinationSend To File
Opens the Conform Manager where you can
monitor sends using a Conformance Server
Opens the Transfer Manager window to show
status of restored media being transferred between
an archive location and the current timeline
Displays the script for the selected sequence, if
there is one
Records clips directly into your BinRecord to Bin
Records the selected clip or sequence to tapePlay to Tape
Renders the currently selected transitions or other
selected effects
18Aurora Edit User Guide 08 April 2010
Introducing Aurora Edit
Render All
Mix Down
Restore Sequence
Restored Assets
Unlink Restored
Second Monitor
Renders all unrendered transitions and effects in
the current sequence
Collapses a video effect into the video track below
it, allowing you to apply another effect to the same
Invokes a hi-res restore in a sequence where offline
lo-res media from archived assets has been added
to the active timeline and edited
A syncronization button that allows the user to
manually replace the lo-res media with the hi-res
version making the story ready to render or be sent
to playout
Unlinks restored assets on the timeline back to
proxy references while preserving the timeline for
preview, future restore
Allows you to view the video window on a second
computer monitor
The Bin is a database where clips and sequences are stored and organized.
The top-level Bin appears by default when you start Aurora Edit. You create additional
bins to organize your media. You can also customize the information about each clip
and then search specific fields in the database.
If you are using MediaFrame, you have more searching and organizing capabilities.
08 April 2010 Aurora Edit User Guide 19
Introducing Aurora Edit
Bin toolbar
The Bin toolbar lets you view and organize the folders in your database, as well as
search for clips.
Bin contents toolbar
Lets you toggle between seeing the entire Bin structure and
seeing contents of a selected Bin
Allows you to search your database for clips and metadata assetsSearch
Allows you to browse your network and save network locationsExplore
Lets you organize and sort clips in the Bin for easy accessCollections
The Bin contents toolbar lets you access common Bin functions.
20Aurora Edit User Guide 08 April 2010
Introducing Aurora Edit
Search Results
View Thumbnails
Column Manager
View the content of the selected Bin, not all Bins in
tree view
View the bins at the next highest levelUp One Level
Opens the bin Find in View search functionFind in View
Shows bin search results in bin contents as list or
thumbnail view
Toggle between displaying your clips and sequences
as text or as thumbnails
Create a new sequence in your binNew Sequence
Create a new binNew Bin
Select the columns to view in your bin; only
available when viewing bin contents as text, not as
The Aurora Edit Timeline is an all-purpose editing window that replaces a record deck
in the editing process.
The Timeline provides a graphic representation of your sequence in a single window,
displaying its tracks, the name of each clip, and the current frame's location.
Timeline toolbar
The Timeline has its own toolbar, which provides access to each of the Aurora Edit
tools, lets you select your editing mode, and other common Timeline functions.
08 April 2010 Aurora Edit User Guide 21
Introducing Aurora Edit
Saves your sequence in the BinSave
Timeline Auto-Scale is on
Auto-Scale On/Off
Timeline Auto-Scale is off
Selects the Timeline ToolTimeline Tool
Selects the Source ToolSource Tool
Selects the Trim ToolTrim Tool
Selects the Cut Point Edit ToolCut Point Edit Tool
Selects the Transition ToolTransition Tool
Selects the Audio Mixer ToolAudio Mixer Tool
Cut Mark In
Cut Mark Out
Selects the Audio Effects ToolAudio Effects Tool
Selects the Video Effects ToolVideo Effects Tool
Selects the Title Tool (option)Title Tool
Selects Overwrite Edit ModeOverwrite Mode
Selects Splice ModeSplice Mode
Activates Fit To FillFit To Fill
Splits a clip at the cursor pointSplit Clip
Trims the top of the selected clip on the
Trims the tail of the selected clip on the
Deletes selected clipsDelete Selected
Lifts selected clips off the TimelineLift
Zooms in on the view in the TimelineZoom In
Zooms out on the view in the TimelineZoom Out
Undoes the latest actionUndo
22Aurora Edit User Guide 08 April 2010
Dynamic tool window
The dynamic tool window changes functionality based on the Aurora Edit tool you
Each Aurora Edit tool lets you create, edit, refine, and enhance your sequences as you
create stories for playing to air.
Introducing Aurora Edit
Redoes the latest actionRedo
Opens the Sequence Properties windowSequence Properties
Toggles the display of the StoryboardShow/Hide Storyboard
08 April 2010 Aurora Edit User Guide 23
Introducing Aurora Edit
Viewing monitor
The viewing monitor is where you view your media, play through a clip to find footage,
and play your sequence.
The storyboard displays video thumbnails of scene changes in your media, providing
an easy way to see what the clip includes.
You can have the storyboard display in your Aurora Edit timeline or you can hide it
by clicking the Show/Hide Storyboard button in the Timeline toolbar.
24Aurora Edit User Guide 08 April 2010
Audio mixer
The audio mixer lets you adjust audio output levels, gang audio tracks, and mute
Six of Aurora Edit's tools contain the audio mixer:
•Timeline Tool
•Source Tool
•Trim Tool
•Transition Tool
•Audio Mixer Tool
•Audio Effects Tool
For further audio editing capabilities, use the Audio Mixer Tool or the Audio Effects
Introducing Aurora Edit
The Assignment List Manager
The Assignment List Manager is for editors to receive assignments from the producer,
to create additional placeholders for clips, and to reassign placeholders to other editors.
The Assignment List Manager runs on the Aurora Edit workstation and integrates
with Aurora Edit. The Aurora Edit toolbar displays part of the Assignment List so
editors can see at a glance how many stories need video.
08 April 2010 Aurora Edit User Guide 25
Introducing Aurora Edit
Aurora Edit tools
Each of the nine Aurora Edit tools displays in the dynamic window, leaving the
Timeline unchanged. You select the tools from the Timeline toolbar.
Timeline Tool
The Timeline Tool opens by default when you first create a sequence. You can
select and move clips or audio tracks, play sequences, mark in and out points, and
adjust master output audio sliders.
26Aurora Edit User Guide 08 April 2010
Introducing Aurora Edit
Source Tool
The Source Tool digitizes raw material directly to the Timeline.
This is the fastest and most efficient way to generate clips from a source tape. You
can also use other sources for your footage, such as video feeds or microphones.
08 April 2010 Aurora Edit User Guide 27
Introducing Aurora Edit
Trim Tool
The Trim Tool changes the head or tail of a clip to change its duration.
28Aurora Edit User Guide 08 April 2010
Introducing Aurora Edit
Cut Point Edit Tool
The Cut Point Edit Tool changes the edit points between clips in the Timeline.
You can easily create split edits by only selecting audio or video. If you have handles
on your clips, you can access unused portions of a clip without returning to the source
tape and redoing the edit.
08 April 2010 Aurora Edit User Guide 29
Introducing Aurora Edit
Transition Tool
The Transition Tool creates transition effects between clips in a sequence.
You can create dissolves or wipes between any two edits by selecting the transition
you want and clicking at the point you want the effect to appear.
Audio Mixer Tool
The Audio Mixer Tool adjusts the audio settings in a sequence, including the level,
the pan, and output channel routing.
You can raise or lower the audio on each audio track, or ride the audio on the fly using
the Write Automation option.
30Aurora Edit User Guide 08 April 2010
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