Aurora Browse 7
Aurora Browse is a workflow
management tool that provides
desktop access to low-resolution
media for searching, browsing, logging,
archiving, restoring, and simple content
The Grass Valley™ Aurora™ production
solution integrates with the entire
tapeless production process, from
acquisition, ingest, and media browsing,
to quick-turn editing, craft editing , and
automated playout.
A key component of this solution
is the Aurora Browse system, a
workflow management tool for media
production environments. It provides
desktop access to low-resolution
media for searching , browsing, logging,
archiving, restoring, and simple content
The Aurora Browse system is based on
Grass Valley’s K2 BaseCamp Express
content management architecture. The
K2 BaseCamp Express server platform
provides the functionality for all Aurora
applications to access Aurora Browse
features directly, and provides an IT
industry-standard extensible stylesheet
language template (XSLT) interface for
the integration of third-party applications.
Supporting the K2 media server/media
client system and the K2 Summit™ HD
production client—as well as the Aurora
Ingest, Aurora Edit, and Aurora Playout
applications—the Aurora Browse system
delivers fast, easy access to feeds,
centralized and archived media—all from
the desktop.
The Aurora Browse platform also
provides a number of important
production workflow benefits. Using
it, you can access, review, and modify
shared media. Multiple users can
browse, log , and make selections from
a single piece of media simultaneously,
even while the media is being recorded
into the system.
For archived material, the Aurora Browse
platform can quickly search and retrieve
proxy content linked to archived, highresolution media. It also greatly reduces
wasted time and valuable storage
resources by eliminating unnecessary
restores; you can initiate a restore from
an archive of related high-resolution
media and get visual confirmation right
at your desktop.
For centrally managing your content, the
Aurora Browse system lets you locate
assets easily to manage the logging of
rich metadata, archive interactions, and
asset transfers and deletions within the
By leveraging modular, scalable
components, the Aurora Browse system
provides expandability without increasing
latency or compromising performance.
Speeding Story Creation
The Aurora Browse system helps speed
stor y creation. Instead of waiting for an
edit room to become available, you can
work right from the desktop. Operators
can preview media and mark keywords
or keyframes frame accurately. These
metadata pointers are then immediately
selectable within each of the Aurora
applications throughout the workflow.
Frame-accurate, 800 kb/s to 1.5 Mb/s, •
MPEG-1 browsing of high-resolution
Format support:•
DV 25, DV 50, DV 100, and MPEG-2 —
HD: 1080i/720p 50/60 Hz —
AVC-Intra —
Ingest, archive, and restore enabled •
asset management tools
Software encoding creates exact •
copies from shared storage or
SmartBin FTP transfers from
standalone K2 or K2 Summit servers
Assign keywords to important clips •
that can be seen throughout the
Add clips and sequences into virtual •
collections for asset management
View scene detection storyboards for •
rapid shot selection
Supports Aurora Ingest, Edit, and •
Playout interface
User authentication and rights •
management to control access for
asset protection

Embedded SDI
Incoming Feeds
RAID Shared Storage
Automatic Scene
Detection Thumbnails
Web Pages
and Metadata
Aurora Browse
Archivist/Journalist/Producer Workstations
Aurora Browse
Browse Edit System
Servers and Encoders
K2 Shared Storage
Combine K2 with
RAID Shared Storage
Aurora Edit
High Resolution Editing
K2 Playout Client
Aurora Playout
K2 Ingest Client
Aurora Ingest
100Base-T or Gigabit Ethernet Newsroom LAN
100/1000Base-T Ethernet Facility LAN
Gigabit Ethernet or Fiber Channel
Streamlining workflows further is the
system’s storyboard-creation feature that
creates a thumbnail image for each scene
change or keyword. Whether viewing
media through Aurora Browse, Aurora
Edit, or Aurora Edit LD, users can select a
picon image and the application will bring
the operator directly to that location.
Robust Asset-Access Tools
For asset access, the Aurora Browse
system includes a sophisticated query
engine and media database. They keep
track of media assets and preserve
the important links between the low-
resolution versions used for browsing
and initial editing and the high-resolution
versions used for finish editing and
The Aurora Browse system also lets
you add wide-ranging descriptive
information about media assets—and
features advanced search technologies
to quickly retrieve them. For example,
you can add, modify, or delete metadata
and annotations, and review and
delete individual keywords for clips
or frames. You can also annotate and
enter information in custom metadata
fields before, during, and after clips are
ingested. An administrator can even
create predefined metadata fields, or pick
lists, to speed selection and avoid errors.
Text entered into the Aurora Browse
system is indexed and searchable. You
can also retrieve low-resolution versions
of high-resolution media from both online
and offline media storage systems.
To keep assets secure, the Aurora
Browse system lets administrators set
functional and media-access permissions
on a user-by-user basis, including the
ability to assign read-only versus create
metadata, archive/restore privileges.