Grandstream Networks UCM6208 Users Manual

In the UCM6200, an outgoing calling rule pairs an extension pattern with a trunk used to dial the pattern. This allows different patterns to be dialed through different trunks (e.g., "Local" 7-digit dials through a FXO while "Long distance" 10-digit dials through a low-cost SIP trunk). Users can also set up a failover trunk to be used when the primary trunk fails.
Go to Web GUI->PBX->Basic/Call Routes->Outbound Routes to add and edit outbound rules.
Click on "Create New Outbound Rule" to add a new outbound route.
Click on
Click on
On the UCM6200, the outbound route priority is based on “Best matching pattern”. For example, the
UCM6200 has outbound route A with pattern 1xxx and outbound route B with pattern 10xx configured. When dialing 1000 for outbound call, outbound route B will always be used first. This is because pattern 10xx is a better match than pattern 1xxx. Only when there are multiple outbound routes with
the same pattern configured, users can click on
arrange the priority among those outbound routes.
Calling Rule Name
to edit the outbound route.
to delete the outbound route.
to move the outbound route up/down to
Table 56: Outbound Route Configuration Parameters
Configure the name of the calling rule (e.g., local, long_distance, and etc). Letters, digits, _ and - are allowed.
All patterns are prefixed with the "_".  Special characters:
X: Any Digit from 0-9. Z: Any Digit from 1-9. N: Any Digit from 2-9. ".": Wildcard. Match one or more characters. "!": Wildcard. Match zero or more characters immediately. Example: [12345-9] - Any digit from 1 to 9.
Call Duration Limit
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Configure the password for users to use this rule when making outbound calls.
Enable to configure the maximum duration for the call using this outbound route.
Maximum Call Duration
Warning Time
Warning Repeat Interval
Privilege Level
Configure the maximum duration of the call (in seconds). The default setting is 0, which means no limit.
Configure the warning time for the call using this outbound route. If set to x seconds, the warning tone will be played to the caller when x seconds are left to end the call.
Configure the warning repeat interval for the call using this outbound route. If set to x seconds, the warning tone will be played every x seconds after the first warning.
Select privilege level for the outbound rule.
Internal: The lowest level required. All users can use this rule. Local: Users with Local, National, or International level are allowed to
use this rule.
National: Users with National or International level are allowed to use
this rule.
International: The highest level required. Only users with international
level can use this rule.
Disable: The default setting is "Disable". If selected, only the matched
source caller ID will be allowed to use this outbound route.
Please be aware of the potential security risks when using "Internal" level, which means all users can use this outbound rule to dial out from the trunk.
Enable Filter on Source Caller ID
When enabled, users could specify extensions allowed to use this outbound route. "Privilege Level" is automatically disabled if using "Enable Filter on Source Caller ID". The following two methods can be used at the same time to define the extensions as the source caller ID.
1. Select available extensions/extension groups from the left to the right. This allows users to specify arbitrary single extensions available in the PBX.
2. Custom Dynamic Route: define the pattern for the source caller ID. This allows users to define extension range instead of selecting them one by one.
All patterns are prefixed with the "_".  Special characters:
X: Any Digit from 0-9. Z: Any Digit from 1-9. N: Any Digit from 2-9. ".": Wildcard. Match one or more characters. "!": Wildcard. Match zero or more characters immediately.
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Send This Call Through Trunk
Example: [12345-9] - Any digit from 1 to 9.
Use Trunk
Use Failover Trunk
Failover Trunk
Select the trunk for this outbound rule.
Allows the user to specify the number of digits that will be stripped from the beginning of the dialed string before the call is placed via the selected trunk. Example: The users will dial 9 as the first digit of a long distance calls. However, 9 should not be sent out via analog lines and the PSTN line. In this case, 1 digit should be stripped before the call is placed.
Specify the digits to be prepended before the call is placed via the trunk. Those digits will be prepended after the dialing number is stripped.
Failover trunks can be used to make sure that a call goes through an alternate route, when the primary trunk is busy or down. If "Use Failover Trunk" is enabled and "Failover trunk" is defined, the calls that cannot be placed via the regular trunk may have a secondary trunk to go through. Example: The user's primary trunk is a VoIP trunk and the user would like to use the PSTN when the VoIP trunk is not available. The PSTN trunk can be configured as the failover trunk of the VoIP trunk.
Allows the user to specify the number of digits that will be stripped from the beginning of the dialed string before the call is placed via the selected trunk.
Example: The users will dial 9 as the first digit of a long distance calls. However, 9 should not be sent out via analog lines and the PSTN line. In this case, 1 digit should be stripped before the call is placed.
Specify the digits to be prepended before the call is placed via the trunk. Those digits will be prepended after the dialing number is stripped.
Inbound routes can be configured via Web GUI->PBX->Basic/Call Routes->Inbound Routes.
Click on "Create New Inbound Rule" to add a new inbound route.  Click on "Blacklist" to configure blacklist for all inbound routes.
Click on
to edit the inbound route.
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Click on to delete the inbound route.
Table 57: Inbound Rule Configuration Parameters
DID Pattern
Prepend Trunk Name
Inbound Multiple Mode
Select the trunk to configure the inbound rule.
All patterns are prefixed with the "_".  Special characters:
X: Any Digit from 0-9. Z: Any Digit from 1-9. N: Any Digit from 2-9. ".": Wildcard. Match one or more characters. "!": Wildcard. Match zero or more characters immediately. Example: [12345-9] - Any digit from 1 to 9.
The pattern can be composed of two parts, divided by a ‘/’ character.
The first part is used to specify the dialed number the second part is used to specify the caller ID and it is optional, if set it means only the extension with the specific caller ID is allowed to call in or call out. For example, patter '_2XXX/1234' means the only extension with the caller ID '1234' is allowed to use this rule.
Prepend trunk name to display
Configure the Alert-Info, when UCM6200 receives an INVITE request, the Alert-Info header field specifies an alternative ring tone to the UAS.
Multiple mode allows user to switch between destinations of the inbound rule by feature codes. Configure related feature codes in the “Feature Codes” page. If this option is enabled, user can use feature code to switch between different destinations.
Select the default destination for the inbound call.
Extension Voicemail Conference Room Queue
Default Destination
Ring Group Paging/Intercom Voicemail Group Fax DISA IVR Dial By Name
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External Number By DID
When "By DID" is used, the UCM6200 will look for the destination based on the number dialed, which could be local extensions, conference, call queue, ring group, paging/intercom group, IVR, voicemail groups and Fax extension as configured in "DID destination". If the dialed number matches the DID pattern, the call will be allowed to go through.
Dial Trunk
DID Destination
Configure the number of digits to be stripped from the beginning of the DID. This option shows up only when "By DID" is selected.
Configure the number of digits to be prepended to an inbound DID pattern, with strip taking precedence over prepend.
This option shows up only when "By DID" is selected. If enabled, the external users dialing in to the trunk via this inbound route can dial outbound call using the UCM6200’s trunk.
This option shows up only when "By DID" is selected. This controls the destination that can be reached by the external caller via the inbound route. The DID destination are:
Extension Conference Call Queue Ring Group Paging/Intercom Groups IVR Voicemail Groups Fax Extension Dial By Name All
Time Condition
Time Conditions
Select the time condition for the inbound rule.
Select the destination for the inbound call during the specified time condition.
UCM6200 now allows user to prepend digits to an inbound DID pattern, with strip taking precedence over prepend. With the ability to prepend digits in inbound route DID pattern, user no longer needs to create multiple routes for the same trunk in order to route calls to different extensions.
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Figure 104: Inbound Route feature: Prepend
The following example demonstrates the process,
1. If Trunk provides a DID pattern of 18005251163.
2. If Strip is set to 8, UCM6200 will strip the first 8 digits.
3. If Prepend is set to 2, UCM6200 will then prepend a 2 to the stripped number, now the number
become 2163.
4. UCM6200 will now forward the incoming call to extension 2163.
In the UCM6200, the user can configure inbound route to enable multiple mode to switch between different destinations. The inbound multiple mode can be enabled under Inbound Route settings.
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Figure 105: Inbound Route - Multiple Mode
When Multiple Mode is enabled for the inbound route, the user can configure a “Default Destination” and a “Mode 1” destination for this route. By default, the call coming into this inbound route will be routed to the default destination.
SIP end devices that have registered on the UCM6200 can dial feature code *62 to switch to inbound route “Mode 1” and dial feature code *61 to switch back to “Default Destination”. Switching between different mode can be easily done without web UI login.
For example, the customer service hotline destination has to be set to a different IVR after 7PM. The user can dial *62 to switch to “Mode 1” with that IVR set as the destination before off work.
The UCM6200 can automatically detect Fax and phone signal coming from the FXO port, and then forward Fax or phone signal to the right destination. For example, when a regular phone call is coming, the UCM6200 will be able to detect the phone signal and forward it through the correct inbound route to the destination; if Fax signal is coming, the UCM6200 will be able to forward it to the FXS extension where the Fax machine is connected.
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The UCM6200 supports Fax re-invite with multiple codec negotiation. If a Fax re-invite contains both T.38 and PCMA/PCMU codec, UCM6200 will choose T.38 codec over PCMA/PCMU.
In the UCM6200, Blacklist is supported for all inbound routes. Users could enable the Blacklist feature and manage the Blacklist by clicking on "Blacklist".
Select the checkbox for "Blacklist Enable" to turn on Blacklist feature for all inbound routes. Blacklist is
disabled by default.
Enter a number in "Add Blacklist Number" field and then click
to add to the list.
To remove a number from the Blacklist, select the number in "Blacklist list" and click on
Figure 106: Blacklist Configuration Parameters
To add blacklist number in batch, click on
to upload blacklist file in csv format. The supported csv
format is as below.
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Figure 107: Blacklist csv File
Users could also add a number to the Blacklist or remove a number from the Blacklist by dialing the feature code for "Blacklist Add' (default: *40) and "Blacklist Remove" (default: *41) from an extension. The feature code can be configured under Web GUI->PBX->Internal Options->Feature Codes.
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The UCM6200 supports conference bridge allowing multiple bridges used at the same time:
UCM6202/6204 supports up to 3 conference bridges allowing up to 25 simultaneous PSTN or IP
UCM6208 supports up to 6 conference bridges allowing up to 32 simultaneous PSTN or IP participants.
The conference bridge configurations can be accessed under Web GUI->PBX->Call Features->Conference. In this page, users could create, edit, view, invite, manage the participants and delete conference bridges. The conference bridge status and conference call recordings (if recording is enabled) will be displayed in this web page as well.
Click on "Create New Conference Room" to add a new conference bridge.
Click on
Click on
Admin Password
to edit the conference bridge.
to delete the conference bridge.
Table 58: Conference Bridge Configuration Parameters
Configure the conference number for the users to dial into the conference.
When configured, the users who would like to join the conference call must enter this password before accessing the conference bridge.
If "Public Mode" is enabled, the password is not required to join the
conference bridge thus this field is invalid.
The password has to be at least 4 characters.
Configure the password to join the conference bridge as administrator. Conference administrator can manage the conference call via IVR (if "Enable Caller Menu" is enabled) as well as invite other parties to join the conference by dialing "0" (permission required from the invited party) or "1" (permission not required from the invited party) during the conference call.
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Enable Caller Menu
Record Conference
Quiet Mode
Wait For Admin
If "Public Mode" is enabled, the password is not required to join the
conference bridge thus this field is invalid.
The password has to be at least 4 characters.
If enabled, conference participant could press the * key to access the conference bridge menu. The default setting is "No".
If enabled, the calls in this conference bridge will be recorded automatically in a .wav format file. All the recording files will be displayed and can be downloaded in the conference web page. The default setting is "No".
If enabled, if there are users joining or leaving the conference, voice prompt or notification tone won't be played. The default setting is "No".
Note: "Quiet Mode" and "Announce Callers" cannot be enabled at the same time.
If enabled, the participants will not hear each other until the conference administrator joins the conference. The default setting is "No".
Note: If "Quiet Mode" is enabled, the voice prompt for "Wait For Admin" will not be announced.
Enable User Invite
Announce Callers
Public Mode
Play Hold Music
If enabled, users could press 0 to invite other users (with the users' permission) or press 1 to invite other users (without the user's permission) to join the conference. The default setting is "No".
Note: Conference administrator can always invite other users without enabling this option.
If enabled, the caller will be announced to all conference participants when there the caller joins the conference. The default setting is "No".
Note: "Quiet Mode" and "Announce Callers" cannot be enabled at the same time.
If enabled, no authentication will be required when joining the conference call. The default setting is "Yes".
If enabled, the UCM6200 will play Hold music when there is only one user in the conference. The default setting is "No".
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Music On Hold
Select the music on hold class to be played in conference call. Music On Hold class can be set up under web UI->PBX->Internal Options->Music
On Hold.
Skip Authentication When Inviting User via Trunk from Web GUI
If enabled, the invitation from Web GUI for a conference bridge with password will skip the authentication for the invited users. The default setting is "No".
Users could dial the conference bridge extension to join the conference. If password is required, enter the password to join the conference as a normal user, or enter the admin password to join the conference as administrator.
When using the UCM6200 conference bridge, there are two ways to invite other parties to join the conference.
Invite from Web GUI.
For each conference bridge in UCM6200 Web GUI->PBX->Call Features->Conference, there is an icon
for option "Invite a participant". Click on it and enter the number of the party you would like to invite.
Then click on "Add". A call will be sent to this number to join it into the conference.
Figure 108: Conference Invitation From Web GUI
Invite by dialing 0 or 1 during conference call.
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A conference participant can invite other parties to the conference by dialing from the phone during the conference call. Please make sure option "Enable User Invite" is turned on for the conference bridge first. Enter 0 or 1 during the conference call. Follow the voice prompt to input the number of the party you would like to invite. A call will be sent to this number to join it into the conference.
0: If 0 is entered to invite other party, once the invited party picks up the invitation call, a permission will be asked to "accept" or "reject" the invitation before joining the conference. 1: If 1 is entered to invite other party, no permission will be required from the invited party.
Conference administrator can always invite other parties from the phone during the call by entering 0 or 1. To join a conference bridge as administrator, enter the admin password when joining the conference. A conference bridge can have multiple administrators.
During the conference call, users can manage the conference from web GUI or IVR.
Manage the conference call from Web GUI.
Log in UCM6200 web GUI during the conference call, the participants in each conference bridge will be listed.
1. Click on
2. Click on
3. Click on
4. Click on
to kick a participant from the conference.
to mute the participant.
to lock this conference bridge so that other users cannot join it anymore.
to invite other users into the conference bridge.
Manage the conference call from IVR.
If "Enable Caller Menu" is enabled, conference participant can input * to enter the IVR menu for the conference. Please see options listed in the table below.
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Table 59: Conference Caller IVR Menu
Conference Administrator IVR Menu
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 4 5 6
Mute/unmute yourself.
Lock/unlock the conference bridge.
Kick the last joined user from the conference.
Decrease the volume of the conference call.
Decrease your volume.
Increase the volume of the conference call.
Increase your volume.
More options.
1: List all users currently in the conference call.  2: Kick all non-Administrator participants from the conference call.  3: Mute/Unmute all non-Administrator participants from the conference call.  4: Record the conference call.  8: Exit the caller menu and return to the conference.
Conference User IVR Menu
Mute/unmute yourself.
Decrease the volume of the conference call.
Decrease your volume.
Increase the volume of the conference call.
7 8
Increase your volume.
Exit the caller menu and return to the conference.
When there is participant in the conference, the conference bridge configuration cannot be modified.
The UCM6200 allows users to record the conference call and retrieve the recording from web GUI->PBX->Call Features->Conference.
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To record the conference call, when the conference bridge is in idle, enable "Record Conference" from the conference bridge configuration dialog. Save the setting and apply the change. When the conference call starts, the call will be automatically recorded in .wav format.
The recording files will be listed as below once available. Users could click on
recording or click on
to delete the recording. Users could also delete all recording files by clicking on
to download the
“Delate All Recording Files”, or delete multiple recording files at once by clicking on “Delete Selected Recording Files” after selecting the recording files.
Figure 109: Conference Recording
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Conference Schedule can be found under UCM6200 web UI->PBX->Call Features->Conference Schedule. Users can create, edit, view and delete a Conference Schedule.
Click on “Create New Conference Schedule” to add a new Conference Schedule.  Click on the scheduled conference to edit or delete the event.
After the user configures UCM6200 with Google Service Settings [GOOGLE SERVICE SETTINGS SUPPORT] and enables Google Calendar for Conference Schedule, the conference schedule on the UCM6200 can be synchronized with Google Calendar for authorized Google account.
Table 60: Conference Schedule Parameters
Schedule Options
Conference Topic
Conference Room
Kick Time(m)
Schedule Time
Enable Google Calendar
Configure the name of the scheduled conference. Letters, digits, _ and ­are allowed.
Select a conference room for this scheduled conference.
Set kick time before conference starts. When kick time is reached, a warning prompt will be played for all attendees in the conference room. After 5 minutes, this conference room will be cleared and locked for the scheduled conference to begin.
Note: Kick Time cannot be less than 6 minutes in order to clear the conference room.
The description of scheduled conference.
Repeat interval of scheduled conference. By default it’s set to single event.
Configure the beginning date and duration of scheduled conference.
Note: Please pay attention to avoid time conflict on schedules in the same conference room.
Select this option to sync scheduled conference with Google Calendar.
Note: Google Service Setting OAuth2.0 must be configured on the UCM6200. Please refer to section [GOOGLE SERVICE SETTINGS SUPPORT].
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Conference Administrator
Select the administrator of scheduled conference from selected extensions.
Note: “Public Mode” must be disabled from Conference Room Options tab.
Local Extension
Remote Extension
Special Extension
Remote Conference
Conference Room Options
Admin Password
Enable Caller Menu
Record Conference
Select available extensions from the list to attend scheduled conference.
Select available extensions from the remote peer PBX.
Note: “LDAP Sync” must be enabled on the UCM6200 in order to view remote extensions here.
Add extensions that are not in the list (both local and remote list). If the user wishes to add the special extension, please match the pattern on the outbound route.
Invite a remote conference.
Configure conference room password. Please note that if “Public Mode” is enabled, this option is automatically disabled.
Configure the password to join as conference administrator. Please note that if “Public Mode” is enabled, this option is automatically disabled.
If this option is enabled, conference participants will be able to access conference bridge menu by pressing the * key.
If this option is enabled, conference call will be recorded in .wav format. The recorded file can be found from Conference page.
If this option is enabled, the notification tone or voice prompt for joining or leaving the conference won’t be played.
Quiet Mode
Note: Option “Quiet Mode” and option “Announce Caller” cannot be
enabled at the same time.
If this option is enabled, the participants in the conference won’t be able to hear each other until conference administrator joins the conference.
Wait For Admin
Note: If “Quiet Mode” is enabled, voice prompt for this option won’t be
If this option is enabled, the user can:
Press ‘0’ to invite others to join the conference with invited party’s
Enable User Invite
Press ‘1’ to invite without invited party’s permission  Press ‘2’ to create a multi-conference bridge to another conference
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Announce Callers
Public Mode
Play Hold Music
Press ‘3’ to drop all current multi-conference bridges
Note: Conference Administrator is always allowed to access this menu.
If this option is enabled, when a participant joins the conference room, participant’s name will be announced to all members in the conference room.
Note: Option “Quiet Mode” and option “Announce Caller” cannot be enabled at the same time.
If this option is enabled, no authentication is required for entering the conference room.
Note: Please be aware of the potential security risks when turning on this option.
If this option is enabled, UCM6200 will play Hold Music while there is only one participant in the conference room or the conference is not yet started.
If this option is enabled, the invitation from Web GUI via a trunk with
Skip Authentication When Inviting Users via Trunk from Web GUI
password won’t require authentication.
Note: Please be aware of the potential security risks when turning on this option.
Cleaner Options
Cleaner Options
Enable Conference Schedules Cleaner
Conference Schedules Clean Time
Clean Interval
If this option is enabled, conference schedules will be automatically cleaned as configured.
Enter the clean time (in hours). The valid range is from 0 to 23.
Enter the clean interval (in days). The valid range is from 1 to 30.
Show/hide Conference Schedule Table
Enable this option will allow web UI to display scheduled conference in Conference Schedule Table. Please see figure below.
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Figure 110: Conference Schedule
Once the conference room is scheduled, at the kick time, all users will be removed from conference room and no extension is allowed to join the conference room anymore. At the scheduled conference time, UCM6200 will send INVITE to the extensions that have been selected for conference.
Please make sure that outbound route is properly configured for remote extensions to join the
Once Kick Time is reached, Conference Schedule is locked and cannot be modified.
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IVR configurations can be accessed under the UCM6200 Web GUI->PBX->Call Features->IVR. Users could create, edit, view and delete an IVR.
Click on "Create New IVR" to add a new IVR.
Click on
Click on
Basic Settings
Name Extension
DID Destination
to edit the IVR configuration.
to delete the IVR.
Table 61: IVR Configuration Parameters
Configure the name of the IVR. Letters, digits, _ and - are allowed.
Enter the extension number for users to access the IVR.
This option shows up only when "By DID" is selected. This controls the destination that can be reached by the external caller via the inbound route. The DID destination are:
Extension Conference Call Queue Ring Group Paging/Intercom Groups Voicemail Groups Fax Extension Dial By Name All
If enabled, all callers to the IVR is allowed to use trunk. The permission
Dial Trunk
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must be configured for the users to use the trunk first. The default setting is "No".
Assign permission level for outbound calls if "Dial Trunk" is enabled. The available permissions are "Internal", "Local", "National" and "International" from the lowest level to the highest level. The default setting is "Internal". If the user tries to dial outbound calls after dialing into the IVR, the UCM6200 will compared the IVR's permission level with the outbound route's privilege level. If the IVR's permission level is higher than (or equal to) the outbound route's privilege level, the call will be
Welcome Prompt
Digit Timeout
Response Timeout
allowed to go through.
Select an audio file to play as the welcome prompt for the IVR. Click on "Prompt" to add additional audio file under web GUI->Internal Options->IVR Prompt.
Configure the timeout between digit entries. After the user enters a digit, the user needs to enter the next digit within the timeout. If no digit is detected within the timeout, the UCM6200 will consider the entries complete. The default timeout is 3 seconds.
After playing the prompts in the IVR, the UCM6200 will wait for the DTMF entry within the timeout (in seconds). If no DTMF entry is detected within the timeout, a timeout prompt will be played. The default setting is 10 seconds.
Response Timeout Prompt
Invalid Prompt
Response Timeout Repeat Loops
Invalid Repeat Loops
Key Pressing Events
Key Press Event: Press 0 Press 1 Press 2 Press 3 Press 4 Press 5 Press 6 Press 7 Press 8
Select the prompt message to be played when timeout occurs.
Select the prompt message to be played when an invalid extension is pressed.
Configure the number of times to repeat the prompt if no DTMF input is detected. When the loop ends, it will go to the timeout destination if configured, or hang up. The default setting is 3.
Configure the number of times to repeat the prompt if the DTMF input is invalid. When the loop ends, it will go to the invalid destination if configured, or hang up. The default setting is 3.
Select the voice prompt language to be used for this IVR. The default setting is "Default" which is the selected voice prompt language under web GUI->PBX->Internal Options->Language. The dropdown list shows all the current available voice prompt languages on the UCM6200. To add more languages in the list, please download voice prompt package by selecting "Check Prompt List" under web GUI->PBX->Internal Options->Language.
Select the event for each key pressing for 0-9, *, Timeout and Invalid. The event options are:
Extension Voicemail Conference Rooms Voicemail Group IVR Ring Group Queues Page Group
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Press 9 Press * Timeout Invalid
Fax Custom Prompt Hangup DISA Dial By Name External Number Callback
To record new IVR prompt or upload IVR prompt to be used in IVR, click on “Prompt” next to the “Welcome Prompt” option and the users will be redirected to Custom Prompt page. Or users could go to Web GUI->PBX->Internal Options->Custom Prompt page directly.
Figure 111: Click on Prompt to Create IVR Prompt
Once the IVR prompt file is successfully added to the UCM6200, it will be added into the prompt list options for users to select in different IVR scenarios.
In the UCM6200 web UI->PBX->Internal Options->Custom Prompt page, click on “Record New Custom Prompt” and follow the steps below to record new IVR prompt.
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Figure 112: Record New Custom Prompt
Specify the IVR file name.  Select the format (GSM or WAV) for the IVR prompt file to be recorded.  Select the extension to receive the call from the UCM6200 to record the IVR prompt.  Click the “Record” button. A request will be sent to the UCM6200. The UCM6200 will then call the
extension for recording the IVR prompt from the phone.
Pick up the call from the extension and start the recording following the voice prompt.  The recorded file will be listed in the IVR Prompt web page. Users could select to re-record, play or
delete the recording.
If the user has a pre-recorded IVR prompt file, click on “Upload Custom Prompt” in Web GUI->PBX->Internal Options->Custom Prompt page to upload the file to the UCM6200. The following are required for the IVR prompt file to be successfully uploaded and used by the UCM6200:
 PCM encoded.  16 bits.  8000Hz mono.  In .mp3 or .wav format; or raw/ulaw/alaw/gsm file with .ulaw or .alaw suffix.  File size under 5M.
Figure 113: Upload Custom Prompt
Click on to select audio file from local PC and click on to start uploading. Once uploaded, the file
will appear in the Custom Prompt web page.
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The UCM6200 supports multiple languages in web GUI as well as system voice prompt. Currently, there are 16 languages supported in system voice prompt: English (United States), Arabic, Chinese, Dutch,
English (United Kingdom), French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.
English (United States) and Chinese voice prompts are built in with the UCM6200 already. The other languages provided by Grandstream can be downloaded and installed from the UCM6200 web GUI directly. Additionally, users could customize their own voice prompts, package them and upload to the UCM6200.
Language settings for voice prompt can be accessed under Web GUI->PBX->Internal Options->Language.
To download and install voice prompt package in different languages from UCM6200 web GUI, click on "Check Prompt List" button.
Figure 114: Language Settings for Voice Prompt
A new dialog window of voice prompt package list will be displayed. Users can see the version number (latest version available V.S. current installed version), package size and options to upgrade or download the language.
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Figure 115: Voice Prompt Package List
Click on
to download the language to the UCM6200. The installation will be automatically started
once the downloading is finished.
Figure 116: New Voice Prompt Language Added
A new language option will be displayed after successfully installed. Users then could select it to apply in the UCM6200 system voice prompt or delete it from the UCM6200.
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On the UCM6200, if the user needs to replace some specific customized prompt, the user can upload a single specific customized prompt from web UI->PBX->Internal Options->Language instead of the entire language pack.
Figure 117: Upload Single Voice Prompt for Entire Language Pack
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If the voicemail is enabled for UCM6200 extensions, the configurations of the voicemail can be globally set up and managed under Web GUI->PBX->Call Features->Voicemail.
Table 62: Voicemail Settings
Max Greeting
Dial ‘0’ For Operator
Max Messages Per Folder
Max Message Time
Min Effective Message Time
Configure the maximum number of seconds for the voicemail greeting. The default setting is 60 seconds.
If enabled, the caller can press 0 to exit the voicemail application and connect to the configured operator’s extension. The operator extension can be configured under web GUI->PBX->Internal Options->General.
Configure the maximum number of messages per folder in users’ voicemail. The valid range 10 to 1000. The default setting is 50.
Select the maximum duration of the voicemail message. The message will not be recorded if the duration exceeds the max message time. The default setting is 15 minutes. The available options are:
1 minute 2 minutes 5 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes Unlimited
Configure the minimum duration (in seconds) of a voicemail message. Messages will be automatically deleted if the duration is shorter than the Min Message Time. The default setting is 3 seconds. The available options are:
No minimum 1 second 2 seconds 3 seconds 4 seconds 5 seconds
Note: Silence and noise duration are not counted in message time.
Announce Message Caller-ID
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If enabled, the caller ID of the user who has left the message will be announced at the beginning of the voicemail message. The default setting
is "No".
Announce Message Duration
If enabled, the message duration will be announced at the beginning of the voicemail message. The default setting is "No".
If enabled, a brief introduction (received time, received from, and etc) of
Play Envelope
each message will be played when accessed from the voicemail application. The default setting is "Yes".
Play from Last
Allow User Review
If enabled, UCM will play from the voice message left most recently; if disabled, UCM will play from the earliest left voice message
If enabled, users can review the message following the IVR before sending the message out. The default setting is "No".
If the voicemail is enabled for UCM6200 extensions, the users can dial the voicemail access feature code (by default *98 or *97) to access the extension’s voicemail. The users will be prompt to enter the voicemail password and then can enter digits from the phone keypad to navigate in the IVR menu for different options.
Table 63: Voicemail IVR Menu
Main Menu Sub Menu 1 Sub Menu 2
1 - New messages
2 - Change folders
3 - Advanced options
5 - Repeat the current message
7 - Delete this message
8 - Forward the message to another user
9 – Save
* - Help
# - Exit
0 - New messages
1 - Old messages
2 - Work messages
3 - Family messages
4 - Friend messages
# - Cancel
1 - Send a reply
2 - Call the person who sent this message
3 - Hear the message envelop
4 - Leave a message
* - Return to the main menu
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