Grandstream Networks GXV3240, LDAP User Manual

GXV3240 LDAP User Guide
Grandstream Networks, Inc.
GXV3240 IP Multimedia Phone for AndroidTM LDAP User Guide
GXV3240 LDAP User Guide
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GXV3240 LDAP User Guide
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 3
REQUIREMENT ............................................................................................ 4
LDAP CONFIGURATION ON GXV3240 ...................................................... 5
CONFIGURE LDAP VIA WEB UI ......................................................................................................... 5
CONFIGURE LDAP VIA LCD .............................................................................................................. 8
CONFIGURE LDAP VIA CONFIGURATION FILE .............................................................................. 11
USE GXV3240 LDAP BOOK ...................................................................... 13
SEARCH CONTACTS IN LDAP BOOK ............................................................................................. 13
ADD LDAP CONTACTS TO LOCAL PHONEBOOK .......................................................................... 16
USE LDAP WITH UCM6100 SERIES IPPBX ............................................ 18
UCM6100 SERIES IPPBX LDAP SERVER ....................................................................................... 18
GXV3240 LDAP User Guide
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Table of Figures
GXV3240 LDAP User Guide
Figure 1: GXV3240 Web UI LDAP Settings ................................................................................................ 8
Figure 2: GXV3240 Idle Screen .................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 3: GXV3240 Menu ........................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 4: GXV3240 LDAP Book - Settings ............................................................................................... 10
Figure 5: GXV3240 LDAP Settings via LCD ............................................................................................. 10
Figure 6: GXV3240 LDAP Settings - Configure Server Address ................................................................11
Figure 7: GXV3240 Idle Screen ................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 8: GXV3240 Menu ......................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 9: GXV3240 LDAP Book - Search ................................................................................................. 14
Figure 10: GXV3240 LDAP Book - Search Contacts Using Onscreen Keyboard ..................................... 15
Figure 11: GXV3240 LDAP Book - Search Result..................................................................................... 15
Figure 12: GXV3240 LDAP Book - Add Single LDAP Contact to Local Phonebook ................................. 16
Figure 13: GXV3240 LDAP Book - Add Multiple LDAP Contacts to Local Phonebook ............................. 17
Figure 14: UCM6100 LDAP Server ........................................................................................................... 18
Figure 15: UCM6100 LDAP Phonebook ................................................................................................... 19
Figure 16: UCM6100 LDAP Default Phonebook Entries ........................................................................... 19
Figure 17: Configure GXV3240 LDAP With UCM6100 LDAP Default Phonebook .................................... 20
Figure 18: LDAP Client Configuration Sample From UCM6100 ................................................................ 21
GXV3240 LDAP User Guide
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LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is an industry standard application for accessing and maintaining a distributed directory information via the Internet Protocol network. LDAP is specified in a series of RFCs (Request for Comments) from IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force).
LDAP is a client-server protocol and the GXV3240 can be used as LDAP client to access the directory and search contacts remotely from the LDAP server. This User Guide describes how to use the LDAP directory on the GXV3240 and a sample configuration is provided with the built-in LDAP server on the Grandstream UCM6100 series IPPBX. The audience are administrators or who maintains the GXV3240 configurations. It is expected that the audience are familiar with basic knowledge of LDAP and tasks involved with configuring LDAP client.
To learn more about GXV3240's basic functions and advanced features, please visit link to download the latest "GXV3240 User Guide" and "GXV3240
Administration Guide".
GXV3240 LDAP User Guide
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The following equipment and services are required in order to use the GXV3240 LDAP directory:
A properly installed and configured LDAP server
The LDAP configuration on the GXV3240 relies on the LDAP server setup in order to retrieve the stored contacts information. Therefore, before starting using the LDAP directory on the GXV3240, please make sure the LDAP server is properly installed and configured.
LDAP is an open and vendor-neutral standard. There are different LDAP servers that users can choose to install to host the cooperate directory. For example, OpenLDAP is commonly used on Linux operating system and can be downloaded here: OpenLDAP software for Windows operating system can also be found online with easy setup wizard. Besides OpenLDAP, the GXV3240 LDAP client works with Microsoft Active Directory server as well. The system administrators could choose the LDAP server to install based on the business needs and preference.
GXV3240 with firmware version or higher
Please visit to download the latest GXV3240 firmware and release note.
Functional network environment where the GXV3240 and the LDAP server are connected.
The LDAP server can be located on the Internet or corporate intranet and the LDAP protocol runs over TCP/IP. Therefore, please keep the network access working between the GXV3240 and the LDAP server for the GXV3240 to retrieve information from the server.
GXV3240 LDAP User Guide
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In the LDAP server, the information is stored as "entry" which is a collection of attributes under a globally­unique DN. The LDAP client needs to be properly configured to access the LDAP server, perform search within the DN and retrieve the result. On the GXV3240, LDAP configurations can be done via web UI, LCD or configuration file provisioning. This section describes how to configure LDAP settings on the GXV3240 via these three methods.
1. Log in the GXV3240 web UI from your computer's web browser as administrator or end user.
2. Navigate to Maintenance->LDAP Book page.
3. Fill out the LDAP server address, attributes and filter information. See [Table 1: LDAP Configuration
Options] below for detailed information of each option.
4. Once the configuration is done, click on "Save" on the bottom of the page.
Table 1: LDAP Configuration Options
Server Address
Configure the IP address or domain name of the LDAP server. 
Configure the LDAP server port. The default LDAP server port number is 389.
Base DN
Base DN refers to the location in the directory where the search is requested to begin. The LDAP search will be performed within this directory.
dc=grandstream,dc=com  ou=Boston,dc=grandstream,dc=com
User Name
Enter the login "Username" to access and query the LDAP server. Some LDAP servers allow anonymous binds in which case this setting can be left blank.
Enter the login "Password" for the username to access and query the LDAP server. Some LDAP servers allow anonymous binds in which case this setting can be left blank.
GXV3240 LDAP User Guide
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LDAP Name Attributes
Specify the "name" attributes of each record which are returned in the LDAP search result. This field allows users to configure multiple name attributes separated by space.
cn sn  CallerIDName FirstName LastName
LDAP Number Attributes
Specify the "number" attributes of each record which are returned in the LDAP search result. It allows the users to configure multiple number attributes separated by space.
telephoneNumber  telephoneNumber Mobile sipAccount
LDAP Mail Attributes
Specify the "mail" attributes of each record which are returned in the LDAP search result.
LDAP Name Filter
This is the filter used for name lookups. Special characters:
* - Any characters  % - The entered string is used as prefix
This returns all the records which have the "cn" or "sn" field starting with the entered searching key words.
(&(cn=%) (telephoneNumber=*))
This returns all the records with the "cn" field starting with the entered searching key words and "telephoneNumber" field set.
This returns all the records which do not have the "sn" field starting with the entered searching key words.
This returns all the records which have the "CallerIDName" field starting with the entered searching key words.
LDAP Number Filter
This is the filter used for number lookups.
Special characters:
* - Any characters  % - The entered string is used as prefix
This returns all the records which have the "telephoneNumber" or "Mobile" field starting with the entered searching number.
(&(telephoneNumber=%) (Mobile=*))
This returns all the records which have the "telephoneNumber" field starting with the entered searching number and "Mobile" field set.
This returns all the records which have the "sipAccount" field starting with the entered searching number.
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