Voltex™ Dispense Valve
Rotary Static Mix Valve for Two-Component Foaming Urethanes and
Voltex Dynamic Mix Valve
Capable of dispensing foaming urethanes and silicones with ease and control, the Voltex Dynamic Mix Valve is the
final component to complete your two-component dispensing solution. In order to mix with confidence, this rotary
static dynamic mix valve is engineered with reliable servo motor, innovative error detection technology, and fully
integrated precision controls. These features, along with the valve’s flexibility, make it an attractive technology for
a wide variety of dispensing applications.
Application Flexibility
Independent A/B component
control, front/back mounting
capability, and plumbing options
to optimize applications.
Precision Repeatability
Servo electric motor delivers
reliable mix due to the
advanced RPM and torque
Versatile Design
Multiple accessory fluid ports
for pressure sensors, cleaning/
flushing, or air nucleation assist.
Long lasting rotary seal and sturdy
mixer shroud stand up to tough-toblend materials.
Process Control
Built with orifice inserts for
pressure balancing and check
valves that prevent downtime.
Minimize DowntimeDurable Components
Easy maintenance and
cleaning with disposable
mixing elements.
Voltex Dynamic Mix Valve
Markets and Applications
Built with independent A/B component controls, flexible mounting, and seamless metering system integration, the Voltex
Dynamic Mix Valve fits the demands of the most challenging potting, gasketing, bonding, and sealing applications.
Dispense and Dispose Mixers
• Spiral mixing action thoroughly mixes two-component materials
• No solvent flushing means less mess and reduced disposal expenses
• Rugged, chemical-resistant mixer housing and mixing elements
Controller Options
• Choose from wall or table mounting styles to fit your production setup
Tabletop without ADM
Wall mount with ADM