Handheld Airless Sprayer
Delivers the
available on the market today!

Graco TrueCoat II is the Best Choice
for Small Painting Projects
The TrueCoat II sprayer is the fastest and
easiest way to complete your 1-2 gallon
painting projects. You will get the same
Pro Quality Finish as Graco's professional
airless sprayers with the ultimate
portability to move around on the job.
Sprays Variety of Materials
Stains, acrylics, enamels, oil-based
primers and latex*
No Thinning Required
Pour material directly into cup without the
need to add water or mineral spirits
One Pass Coverage
Finish fast with one coat to achieve the
best quality finish
10X Faster than Brushing or Rolling
Saves you time and money!
* Compatible with most materials that can be cleaned with mineral spirits or water.
Do not use materials which state “flammable” on the packaging.
For patent information, see www.graco.com/patents.

Professional Finish.
The TrueCoat II sprayer includes the patented,
ProSpray Technology, similar to Graco’s
professional contractor-grade paint sprayers.
This sprayer deliver a consistent material flow
for an even spray pattern producing a higher
quality, uniform finish.
Faster. Easier.
You only need one coat to get
Pro Quality Finish!
Competitive handheld sprayers have a heavy
build-up in the middle that causes noticeable
lines in the pattern and finish.
You will need to spray multiple coats to
fill-in the noticeable voids in the pattern.
Other Sprayers
The TrueCoat II sprayer allows
you to finish your projects fast,
10 times faster than brushing
or rolling.
Spray a 8 ft by 8 ft room
with latex paint in just
1 minute!
8' x 8'
2.6m x 2.6m
Spray Latex = 1 min Spray Stain = 30 sec
Ready to spray within seconds!
Insert optional liner and
fill the cup with paint.
Clean-up is easy with disposable cup liners.
Throw away disposable
cup liner.
Attach the cup to sprayer.
Fill the cup with water.
Spray a 6 ft x 8 ft fence with
stain in just 30 seconds!
6' x 8'
1.6m x 2.6m
Prime** the sprayer and
you’re ready to spray!
** Lift lever and pull trigger
to prime.
Reverse the tip and
pull the trigger to flush.