Trabon® MSP
Modular Divider Valves
Your key to maximum design fl exibility with series-progressive reliability.

MSP Modular Divider Valves
Match lubricant fl ow to the exact needs of
each point.
Precise monitoring, positive feedback•
Simple to install and operate•
Modular design for total fl exibility•
The fl exible, modular MSP Divider Valve
For grease or oil systems up to 3,500 psi (241 bar)•
Lubricate up to 16 points per valve assembly•
Choice of SAE, NPSF or BSPP inlet/outlet connections•
O-Ring sealing prevents leaks, reduces maintenance•
Individual valve outputs vary by a maximum ratio of •
Built-in check valves prevent lube re-entry and help •
keep lines full
Stackable design simplifi es installation, adds fl exibility•
Match lubricant fl ow to the exact needs of
each point.
Each assembly includes: (1) valve sections with working
pistons (3 minimum), (2) subplates with outlet ports, (3) inlet
section, and (4) end sections.
Twin piston sections are ported to create separate outputs for
two lube points. Single sections combine the output from both
ends of the piston and send it to a single lube point.
Field-installable crossport or singling plates (5) may be used
to increase the fl ow to a single point or accommodate an odd
number of lube points.
A bypass section is available to eliminate a piston section or
provide for added lube points in the future.
NOTE: When bypass sections are used, the Divider Valve
assembly must have a minimum of 3 working sections in
addition to one or more bypass sections.
Available in carbon steel with corrosion-resistant •
plating. Contact Graco's factory regarding 316
stainless steel for corrosive applications
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MSP Modular Divider Valves
Improve matchup of lube delivery and
machine usage.
Special Inlet Sections
Allow zoning of large systems served by single pump •
and reservoir
Choice of inlet port activation: electric or pneumatic•
Simpler to install, add or remove points•
Choice of SAE, NPSF, BSPP (ISO 1179) or •
metric (ISO 6149) connection
These versatile inlets provide positive, series-progressive
lubrication for extended lines and systems. You easily match
lube delivery to machine usage, bypass machinery that's not
currently in use, and get reliable start-up testing, monitoring,
and fault detection.
Zero-Leak Inlet Shut-Off
A two-way valve that can be used with either continuous or
intermittent pressurized harder systems. Replaces a standard
inlet section or mounts in-line with a remote manifold kit.
Refer to bulletin L10104 for additional details. Refer to bulletin
L10105 for modular zero-leak.
Shunt Inlet Section
A three-function valve, either electric or pneumatic: allows
lubricant to enter divider valve, bypasses it to another divider
valve, or diverts it back to tank. Replace standard inlet or mount
in-line with remote manifold kit.
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MSP Modular Divider Valves
A wide variety of safeguards monitor and
verify lube cycles
Track valve-piston action•
Easily interfaced to system controller•
Cycle Indicators
These mechanical and electrical units sense the divider valve
piston’s action for accurate control and monitoring of lube
Cycle Indicator Pin:• Valve sections are available with
a factory-installed indicator pin which moves in and
out as lubricant passes through the valve.
Universal Cycle Counter:• Six-digit counter displays
each complete cycle of the divider valve. Requires
divider valve section with indicator pin (described
above). Part number: 563444 (527-002-410).
Magnetic Visual Indicator:• Six steel balls in a
clear sleeve follow a magnet which moves with the
cycling piston, providing a clear visual indication
of lube cycles. Part number: with O-Ring, 563251
Cycle Indicator Switch (SPDT):• Used in conjunction
with the cycle indicator pin at cycle rates not
exceeding 60 cpm, it provides an electrical signal
to the system controller which counts cycles to
monitor and verify completion of the lube cycle.
Part number: 563272 (510-599-000). A moistureresistant switch, 563273 (510-599-200), is also
Field-sensitive Proximity Switch:• A ceramic-magnet
switch for grease or oil systems up to 200 cpm at
pressure up to 3,500 psi (241 bar), accurately signals
piston cycles, and is ideal for high-cycle applications.
Part numbers: 3-pin with O-Ring, 557741 (527-003-
251); 5-pin with O-Ring, 557746 (527-004-111).
LED Field-sensitive Proximity Switch:• This 24 VDC
device magnetically senses the movement of the
piston, triggering the switch and illuminating the LED.
Part numbers: 3-pin with O-Ring, 563478 (527-005-
690); 5-pin with O-Ring, 563477 (527-005-670);
Explosion proof with O-Ring; 563485 (527-006-060).
Connecting Cables:• Brad Harrison mating cables
with either 3- or 5-pin connectors are available in 12ft. (3.65 m) lengths for the F/S proximity switches and
other devices. Refer to bulletin 15600 for complete
listing of proximity cycle switches.
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