Trabon® Modular MXP
Divider Valves
Modular MXP Divider Valves use a stackable subplate design.
The valve section containing the displacement piston is bolted
to an individual subplate. A complete divider valve assembly
consists of an inlet section, an end section, and a minimum of
three (3) to a maximum of ten (10) stacked subplates and valve
sections. These components are bolted together with three (3)
tie rods.
A complete divider valve assembly with a maximum of ten (10)
subplates and valve sections can serve up to 20 lubrication
Because outlet connections are made to the subplate, valve
sections may be changed without disturbing existing tubing.
More lubrication points may be added to an existing assembly by
installing additional subplates, valve sections, and outlet tubing.
A bypass is available allowing points of lubrication to be deleted
(installing a bypass section) or added (removing an installed
bypass section and replacing it with a valve section).
The amount of lubricant dispensed by each valve section is
determined by the size of the piston. A twin valve section
dispenses equal amounts of lubricant to two (2) outlets. A single
valve section combines the lubricant from both ends of the piston
and dispenses it to one outlet. Existing twin valve sections may
be converted to singles by installing an external singling kit. By
installing an external crossport kit, lubricant from adjacent valve
sections can be combined for larger output needs.
A cycle indicator pin, attached to the valve piston, is available
to visually check divider valve cycling. A cycle switch may be
added to produce an electrical signal for monitoring divider valve
functioning. Proximity switches are also available for monitoring
divider valve assemblies having high cycle rates.
Alternate outlet ports allow high pressure (performance)
indicators to be added to assist in locating crushed lines or
blocked lube points. These ports are sealed with plugs with
performance indicators are not used.
• Stackable subplate/valve design simplifi es system planning,
installation and maintenance; helps to minimize initial as well
as spare parts inventory costs.
• Series progressive operation provides added opportunities to
use feedback for local or remote monitoring.
• Modular valve section design permits adding valve sections
(maximum of ten (10) sections per assembly) to meet
changed lubrication requirements. Adding or bypassing of
lube points can be done without removing the assembly or
disturbing previously installed connections or lube lines.
Choice of SAE BSPP (ISO 1179) or NPSF inlet and outlet
• Built-in outlet check valves prevent the lubricant in the outlet
lines for reentering the valve section, help keep lines full to
assure lube delivery and help maintain system pressure for
more effective monitoring.
• Optional cycle indicator pin plus optional cycle switch provide
electric fault warning in case of faulty valve cycling and/or
lube line blockage.
• MXPO base sections (without check valves) are available for
circulating oil applications.

Trabon® Modular MXP Divider Valves
Modular MX Divider Valves are positive displacement, series
progressive types. Each valve piston must complete its stroke,
dispensing a measured amount of lubricant to the bearings it
serves before the inlet fl ow is ported to the next valve piston.
The valves will continue to operate in this manner as long as
fl uid is supplied to the inlet of the divider valve assembly. When
fl ow to the divider valve inlet ceases, the valve pistons will stop
their movement. When fl ow resumes, the valve pistons will
begin moving from the same point at which they stopped.
Because the valves are positive displacement, a blocked line
downstream of a valve piston will prevent piston movement and
create high pressure. When performance indicators are used,
the blocked line may be located by identifying which indicator
pin is extended. Pressure switches and relief type performance
indicators and broken line indicators are also available.
3 6.66 (169.21) 5.35 (135.89) 18.2 8.3
4 8.01 (203.45) 6.70 (170.13) 22.6 10.2
5 9.36 (237.69) 8.05 (204.37) 26.9 12.2
6 10.71 (271.93) 9.39 (238.61) 31.3 14.2
7 12.05 (306.17) 10.74 (272.85) 35.6 16.2
8 13.40 (340.41) 12.09 (307.09) 39.9 18.1
9 14.75 (374.65) 13.44 (341.33) 44.3 20.1
10 16.10 (408.89) 14.79 (375.57) 48.6 22.1
Inches (mm) Inches (mm) Lbs (Kg)
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