Pro Xp™ Auto
Electrostatic Spray Guns That Deliver Expert Performance

Stay Running Longer
Durable components give you extra peace
of mind knowing that you’ll spend less
time fixing and more time spraying.
Lower Cost of Ownership
3-Year Warranty, ease of repair and durable
components reduce ownership cost.
Made in the USA
Your Profits
Save Money
Higher transfer efficiency equals less
waste – saving you money on material.
Save on Energy Costs
New aircaps use less air and help lower
your energy bill.
More Flexibility
Versatile product line gives you more
models to choose from and greater
spraying flexibility with air spray, air assist
and waterborne guns.
Faster Setup
You’ll be spraying parts faster with
the easy modular installation. Choice of
manifold style allows for system flexibility.

Excellent Finish Quality And Performance
Get the spray performance and transfer efficiency of our manual Pro Xp guns in an automatic version.
They’re smaller, lighter and designed to maximize your profits. Every automatic Pro Xp gun is tested
and delivered with a certificate indicating it meets all of Graco’s requirements for spray pattern,
mechanical performance and electrical performance so you know you’re getting a quality product.
Control Module
The Pro Xp Auto smart gun models connect right to the control module so you can see exactly how
your gun is performing 24/7. With our control module, you can easily change the kV setting to
optimize spray parameters for less touch up and a better finish quality on your parts.
System flexibility
One control module can be
connected to one or two smart
guns via a fiber optic cable
Displays spray performance
Know how your gun is performing
with one screen that shows kV,
current and alternator speed
Eliminate maintenance guesswork
Set reminders for servicing key spray
components including aircap, alternator
and tip or nozzle
Adapt to your voltage needs
Select between 4 profiles to spray at the
best kV for your production process
Communicate with your system
I/O connection allows for monitoring
the alarm for low kV and changing
profiles through a PLC or Switchbox