Button to power
on yourEcoDrift
Smart Device
onlyforthe originalownerwho purchasesthe
unitfrom an authorizeddealer.Transfersdo not
qualify for warranty protection. G race Digital
reservesthe rightto replaceanyout-of-stock
ordiscontinued produc twith a comparable
product.Discontinuedproduct smaynot
beavailableforwarrantyreplace ment.Any
contentsare NOT coveredbythe lim ited
manufacturer’s warran ty. Warranty terms may
berevisedwithout noti ficationatthe discretion
ofthe manufacturer.Pl easevisit
www.ecoxgear.com f or additional product &
warranty information .
NOTE:Productregistrationdoes not
constituteproofofpurchaseforthe warranty
process.Please keepallreceiptand purchase
records as your evidence of the date and
place of purchase.
EcoDrift by ECOXGE AR, a division of Grace
Digital Inc., San Diego, California.
Designed and Engineered in the USA.
Madein China.
Patent Pending.
6) AVOID prolonged exposure to ultraviolet
radiation(UVsunlight)andstro ng magnetic
7)Periodically check the rubber
8) Periodicallyclean the rubber with a soft
moist cloth and ensure no objects such
as dirt, hair, or sand are on the rubber
seal ring. Do NOT use any oily solvent or
chemicals for cleaning.
9) Rinse off the unit with tap water after
use in saltwaterorswimmingpool.
10)Power and / or charge the built-in
connecting the USB cord to a computer
USB connection or to an AC outlet using
the AC-to-USB cord 5V, 1A power
adapter intendedforuse with the unit.
11) Noiseand audio distortion may
occurwhen thebatteriesarenearing
12)Do NOT remove the built-in battery. Do
NOT remove the grill covers.
The EcoDrift is covered by a 3 year l imited
warrantythatcoversdefectsin workmanship and
/ or materials for a period of 3 years from
original purchase date. This warra nty does not
apply to any pro ducts which hav e been abused,
neglected, modified, or used fo ra purpose
otherthan the o ne forwhich
theyweremanufactured. Please referto the
abovecareand maintenanc einstructions for
suggestedcaredetails.Thewa rrantyisvalid
LED Status Indicators
Power, Battery Indicator,
Bluetooth, EcoConnect
Press the Standby Power
Button onceto power On/Off.
IMPORTANT: Standby Power
function will NOT operate when
the Master Power is set OFF.
cap onthe side panel must
be set ON for Standby &
your EcoDrift to operate.
to Set Up Recommendations
1-2-3 part 3 fordetails.
Functionality is only available
betweentwounits. Referto
EcoConnect - Wireless
Stereo ConnectionofTwo
Speakers fordetails.
2) Never use your ECOXGEAR if you have
droppedit orthrown it against a hard
surfacewhich may have destroyed the
integrity of the speakers, housing s, or
gaskets. In the event of a severe impact to
your unit please returnthe unit to Grace
Digitaltoreviewforpotentiald amage.
3) Neveropen the auxiliary door in awate r
environment. Thiscoul dcause waterto
ingressintothe unitwhich couldpotentially be
hazardous and cause a fireor a spark.
4) Neverconn ecta deviceto the auxiliary input
jackwhen in a waterenvironment.The auxiliary
jackshould onlybe usedin a
dry environment.
5) Never attempt to fix, repair your ECOXGEAR
unit. Ple ase send it back to Grace Digital for
any assessments and repairs.
1)The unit is waterproofonly whe n the
2) Close the cap p roperlybeforeuse.
Ifthe unit is placed in waterwithout
the cap properly void your warranty.
3) Dryunitcompletelybeforeopening the cap.
Do NOTopen thecapifwetorin
a wet environment.
4) Do NOT apply excessive force
to any surfacesofthe unitwhen
wetor in a wet environment.
5) Do NOT use or storethe unit in
placeswith high temperature.
1)Use the ECOXGEAR speaker in
accordancewith anymusic or
noiserules and regulations.
2) Use the proper ECOXGEAR mounts
if you intend to mountthe unit.
3) Properly seal the E COXGEAR prior and
after each use when in humid or water
environmentsto avoid water damage to
the internal components. Salt water/ air
is particularly corrosive. Always make
sure that the gaskets aresealed when in
salt water environmentand the unit
properlyrinsed off after use.
4) Properly clean the ECOXGEAR and
ensure the gasketsh aveno sand, dirt,
orwateron them priorto
storageorremovingthe back cover.
5) Storeyourunitwith all caps
properlysealed to avoidlong term
internalmoisture damageinsideyourunit.
6) Completely dry and clean your ECOXGEAR
priortoattemptingtochargetheu nit.
7) Return the ECOXGEAR to Grace Digital if
you suspectwateringressintothe unitor
if the unit has experienceda
severeimpact that may have affected
the integrity of the unitto takeon water.
Youshould never
1) Never charge your ECOXGEAR if you
suspectwaterhas enteredthe device.
Chargingadevicewith waterinsidecould
be potentiallyhazardousand causefire
or a spark.
Press todecreaseor to
increase Speaker Volume.
NOTE: Some Bluetooth devices
mayrequiretobemanually set for
maximum audio level.
Your EcoDrift will beep to
indicate when maximum
volume setting is reached.
Track Selection
Pressbutton onceto select
Previous Song track
& Next Song track .
Press button once to pause &
mobilecalls(MUST bepaired with