Gossen MetraWatt mavolog pro Operating Instructions Manual

CONTENTS MAVOLOG PRO – Waveform and Transient Recorder
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
POWER QUALITY ANALYZER MAVOLOG PRO ..................................................................... 1
BEFORE SWITCHING THE DEVICE ON ................................................................................. 3
DEVICE SWITCH OFF WARNING ......................................................................................... 3
HEALTH AND SAFETY ......................................................................................................... 4
REAL TIME CLOCK .............................................................................................................. 4
DISPOSAL .......................................................................................................................... 5
OPENING OF EQUIPMENT / REPAIR ................................................................................... 5
BASIC DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION ............................................................................... 6
Contents ......................................................................................................................... 6
Description of the MAVOLOG PRO Power Quality Analyzer .......................................... 7
Abbreviation/Glossary .................................................................................................... 8
Purpose and use of the MAVOLOG PRO Power Quality Analyzer ................................ 10
Device application and benefits ................................................................................... 11
Main Features, supported options and functionality of MAVOLOG PRO Power
Quality analyzer ............................................................................................................ 12
Mounting ...................................................................................................................... 18
Electrical connection for MAVOLOG PRO Power Quality Analyzer .............................. 19
Connection of input/output modules .......................................................................... 21
Communication connection ......................................................................................... 24
Connection of Real Time Synchronization module C ................................................... 24
Connection of aux. Power supply ................................................................................. 26
Installation wizard ........................................................................................................ 27
Notification icons .......................................................................................................... 29
LCD Navigation ............................................................................................................. 30
MAVO-View software ................................................................................................... 31
Devices management ...................................................................................................... 32
Device settings ................................................................................................................ 34
Real time measurements ................................................................................................ 35
MAVOLOG PRO Waveform and Transient Recorder CONTENTS
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Data analysis ................................................................................................................... 37
My Devices ...................................................................................................................... 37
Upgrade .......................................................................................................................... 37
Software upgrading ........................................................................................................ 38
Setting procedure ............................................................................................................ 40
General Settings ........................................................................................................... 41
Description & Location .................................................................................................... 41
Average interval .............................................................................................................. 41
Language ......................................................................................................................... 41
Currency .......................................................................................................................... 41
Temperature unit ............................................................................................................ 41
Date format ..................................................................................................................... 42
Date and time ................................................................................................................. 42
Real Time Synchronization Source .................................................................................. 42
Time zone ........................................................................................................................ 42
Auto Summer/Winter time .............................................................................................. 42
Maximum demand calculation (MD mode) .................................................................... 43
Thermal function ............................................................................................................. 43
Fixed window .................................................................................................................. 43
Sliding windows ............................................................................................................... 44
MD Time constant (min) ................................................................................................. 45
Maximum demand reset mode ....................................................................................... 46
Min/Max reset mode ...................................................................................................... 46
Starting current for PF and PA (mA) ................................................................................ 46
Starting current for all powers (mA) ............................................................................... 46
Starting voltage for SYNC ................................................................................................ 46
Harmonics calculation ..................................................................................................... 46
Reactive power & energy calculation .............................................................................. 46
LCD navigation ................................................................................................................ 47
Connection ................................................................................................................... 48
Connection mode ............................................................................................................ 48
Setting of current and voltage ratios .............................................................................. 48
Neutral line Primary/Secondary current (A) .................................................................... 48
Used voltage/current range (V/A) ................................................................................... 48
Frequency nominal value (Hz) ......................................................................................... 48
Max. demand current for TDD (A) ................................................................................... 48
Wrong connection warning ............................................................................................. 48
Energy flow direction ...................................................................................................... 49
CT connection .................................................................................................................. 49
LCD navigation ................................................................................................................ 49
Communication ............................................................................................................ 50
Push Data Format ........................................................................................................... 50
Push Response Time (sec)................................................................................................ 50
(Push) Time Synchronization ........................................................................................... 50
USB Communication ........................................................................................................ 50
Ethernet communication ................................................................................................. 50
Device Address ................................................................................................................ 51
IP Address ........................................................................................................................ 51
IP Hostname .................................................................................................................... 51
Local port ........................................................................................................................ 51
Subnet Mask .................................................................................................................... 52
Gateway Address ............................................................................................................ 52
NTP Server ....................................................................................................................... 52
Push communication settings ......................................................................................... 52
MAC Address ................................................................................................................... 53
Firmware version ............................................................................................................. 53
Communication modes ................................................................................................... 53
CONTENTS MAVOLOG PRO – Waveform and Transient Recorder
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
LCD navigation ................................................................................................................ 55
Display .......................................................................................................................... 56
Contrast/Black light intensity .......................................................................................... 56
Saving mode (min) .......................................................................................................... 56
Demo cycling period (sec) ............................................................................................... 56
Custom screen 1/2/3 ....................................................................................................... 56
LCD navigation ................................................................................................................ 57
Security ......................................................................................................................... 57
Password - Level 0 >PL0) ................................................................................................. 57
Password - Level 1 >PL1) ................................................................................................. 57
Password - Level 2 >PL2) ................................................................................................. 57
A Backup Password->BP)................................................................................................. 57
Password locks time >min) .............................................................................................. 58
Password setting ............................................................................................................. 58
Password modification .................................................................................................... 58
Password disabling .......................................................................................................... 58
Password and language .................................................................................................. 58
LCD navigation ................................................................................................................ 58
Energy ........................................................................................................................... 59
Active Tariff ..................................................................................................................... 59
Common Energy Counter Resolution............................................................................... 59
Common Energy Cost Exponent ...................................................................................... 59
Counter divider ................................................................................................................ 59
Common Tariff Price Exponent ........................................................................................ 59
1 kWh Price in Tariff (1,2,3,4) .......................................................................................... 60
1 kvarh Price in Tariff (1,2,3,4) ........................................................................................ 60
1 kVAh Price in Tariff (1,2,3,4) ......................................................................................... 60
LED Energy Counter ......................................................................................................... 60
LED Number of pulses ..................................................................................................... 60
LED Pulse Length (ms) ..................................................................................................... 60
Measured Energy ............................................................................................................ 60
Individual counter Resolution .......................................................................................... 60
Tariff Selector .................................................................................................................. 60
Tariff Clock ...................................................................................................................... 61
Holidays/Holiday date 1-20 ............................................................................................. 62
LCD navigation ................................................................................................................ 62
Inputs and outputs ....................................................................................................... 63
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 63
I/O Modules options ........................................................................................................ 63
I/O Modules..................................................................................................................... 63
Analogue output module ................................................................................................ 63
Analogue input module ................................................................................................... 64
Pulse output module ....................................................................................................... 65
Digital input module ........................................................................................................ 65
Pulse input module .......................................................................................................... 65
Tariff input module.......................................................................................................... 65
Bistable alarm output module......................................................................................... 65
Alarm Output .................................................................................................................. 66
Status (Watchdog) and Relay output module ................................................................. 66
Auxiliary I/O Modules A & B ............................................................................................ 66
RTC Synchronization module C ........................................................................................ 67
LCD navigation ................................................................................................................ 68
Alarms ........................................................................................................................... 69
Alarms PUSH functionality .............................................................................................. 69
Push data to link .............................................................................................................. 69
Pushing period ................................................................................................................. 69
MAVOLOG PRO Waveform and Transient Recorder CONTENTS
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Pushing time delay .......................................................................................................... 70
Alarms group settings ..................................................................................................... 70
Alarm statistics reset ....................................................................................................... 70
MD Time constant (min) ................................................................................................. 70
Compare time delay (sec) ................................................................................................ 70
Hysteresis (%) .................................................................................................................. 70
Response time ................................................................................................................. 71
Individual alarm settings ................................................................................................. 71
Advanced recorders ...................................................................................................... 72
Logical Inputs and Logical Functions ............................................................................... 73
Triggers ........................................................................................................................... 74
Recorders ........................................................................................................................ 93
Conformity of voltage with EN 50160 standard ......................................................... 104
General PQ settings ....................................................................................................... 104
Monitoring mode .......................................................................................................... 104
Electro energetic system ............................................................................................... 104
Monitoring voltage connection ..................................................................................... 105
Nominal supply voltage ................................................................................................. 105
Nominal power frequency ............................................................................................. 105
Flicker calculation function ........................................................................................... 105
Monitoring period (weeks) ............................................................................................ 105
Monitoring start day ..................................................................................................... 105
Flagged events setting .................................................................................................. 105
Sending Reports and Report Details .............................................................................. 106
EN 50160 parameters settings ...................................................................................... 107
Reset ........................................................................................................................... 108
Reset energy counter .................................................................................................... 108
Reset energy counter Cost ............................................................................................. 108
Reset MD values ............................................................................................................ 108
Reset last period MD ..................................................................................................... 108
Synchronize MD ............................................................................................................. 108
Alarm relay [1/2/3/4] Off .............................................................................................. 109
Reset Min/Max values ................................................................................................... 109
Reset alarm statistic ...................................................................................................... 109
LCD navigation .............................................................................................................. 109
Online measurements ................................................................................................ 110
Interactive instrument ................................................................................................ 111
Supported measurements .......................................................................................... 112
Available connections ................................................................................................. 112
Selection of available quantities ................................................................................. 112
Explanation of basic concepts .................................................................................... 117
Sample factor MV .......................................................................................................... 117
Average interval MP ...................................................................................................... 117
Sample frequency .......................................................................................................... 117
Average interval ............................................................................................................ 117
Average interval for measurements and display........................................................... 117
Average interval for min/max values ............................................................................ 117
Average (storage) interval for recorders ....................................................................... 117
Average (aggregation) interval for PQ parameters ...................................................... 117
Power and energy flow ................................................................................................. 118
Calculation and display of measurements ................................................................. 119
Keyboard and LCD display presentation ..................................................................... 119
Measurements menu organization ............................................................................ 120
CONTENTS MAVOLOG PRO – Waveform and Transient Recorder
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Measurements menu MAVOLOG PRO ....................................................................... 120
Present values ............................................................................................................ 121
Present values on LCD and TFT display ...................................................................... 121
Voltage .......................................................................................................................... 121
Current .......................................................................................................................... 122
Active, reactive and apparent power ............................................................................ 122
Power factor and power angle ...................................................................................... 122
Frequency ...................................................................................................................... 123
Energy counters ............................................................................................................. 123
MD values ..................................................................................................................... 123
Harmonic distortion ...................................................................................................... 123
Harmonic distortion parameters ................................................................................... 124
Flickers evaluation ......................................................................................................... 124
Flickers .......................................................................................................................... 124
Customized screens ....................................................................................................... 124
Min/Max values .......................................................................................................... 125
Average interval for min/max values ............................................................................ 125
Display of min/max values on MAVOLOG PRO ............................................................. 125
Display of min/max values – MAVO-View software...................................................... 126
Alarms ......................................................................................................................... 127
Survey of alarms ......................................................................................................... 128
Demo cycling .............................................................................................................. 129
Harmonic analysis ....................................................................................................... 129
Display of harmonic parameters ................................................................................... 130
Harmonic analasis – MAVO-View ................................................................................. 131
PQ Analysis ................................................................................................................. 134
LCD navigation .............................................................................................................. 142
PQDIF and COMTRADE files on MAVOLOG PRO – concept description ..................... 143
Working with PQDIF and COMTRADE files on the device .......................................... 143
Accessing PQDIF files ..................................................................................................... 143
Accessing COMTRADE files ............................................................................................ 149
PQDiffractor - PQDIF and COMTRADE file viewer ......................................................... 150
Accuracy ..................................................................................................................... 153
Measurement inputs .................................................................................................. 155
Connection ................................................................................................................. 156
Communication .......................................................................................................... 156
Input/Output modules ............................................................................................... 157
Safety .......................................................................................................................... 160
Time synchronization input ........................................................................................ 160
Universal Power Supply .............................................................................................. 161
Mechanical ................................................................................................................. 161
Ambient conditions .................................................................................................... 161
Real time clock ............................................................................................................ 162
Operating conditions .................................................................................................. 162
Dimensions ................................................................................................................. 163
APPENDIX A: MODBUS communication protocol....................................................... 165
APPENDIX B: DNP3 communication protocol ............................................................. 174
APPENDIX C: Equations............................................................................................... 182
APPENDIX D: XML Data format ................................................................................... 186
MAVOLOG PRO Waveform and Transient Recorder CONTENTS
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
APPENDIX E: PQDIF and COMTRADE recorder data storage organization ................. 188
APPENDIX F: IEC61850 protocol support overview .................................................... 191
MAVOLOG PRO Waveform and Transient Recorder
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
- Waveform and Transient Recorder (Feature H01)
MAVOLOG PRO with Feature H01
MAVOLOG PRO – Waveform and Transient Recorder
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Used symbols:
See product documentation.
Double insulation in compliance with the EN 61010−1 standard.
Functional ground potential. Note: This symbol is also used for marking a terminal for protective ground potential if it is used as a part of connection terminal or auxiliary supply terminals.
Compliance of the product with directive 2012/19/EU, as first priority, the prevention of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), and in addition, the reuse, recycling and other forms of recovery of such wastes so as to reduce the disposal of waste. It also seeks to improve the environmental performance of all operators involved in the life cycle of electrical and electronic equipment.
Compliance of the product with European CE directives.
MAVOLOG PRO Waveform and Transient Recorder
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Check the following before switching on the device:
Nominal voltage, Supply voltage, Nominal frequency, Voltage ratio and phase sequence, Current transformer ratio and terminals integrity, Protection fuse for voltage inputs (recommended maximal external fuse size is 6 A) External switch or circuit-breaker must be included in the installation for disconnection of the devices’
aux. power supply. It must be suitably located and properly marked for reliable disconnection of the device when needed.
Integrity of earth terminal Proper connection and voltage level of I/O modules
Important: A current transformer secondary should be short circuited before connecting the device.
Feature A01 only (no more available): Auxiliary power supply can be LOW range (19-70VDC, 48-77VAC). Connecting device
with LOW power supply to higher voltage will cause device malfunction. Check devices’ specification before power on!
Auxiliary supply circuits for (external) relays can include capacitors between supply and ground. In order to prevent electrical shock hazard, the capacitors should be discharged via external terminals after having completely disconnected auxiliary supply (both poles of any DC supply).
MAVOLOG PRO Waveform and Transient Recorder
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
The purpose of this chapter is to provide a user with information on safe installation and handling with the product in order to assure its correct use and continuous operation. We expect that everyone using the product will be familiar with the contents of chapter »Security Advices and Warnings«.
If equipment is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.
As a backup power supply for Real time clock super-cap is built in. Support time is up to 2 days (after each power supply down).
MAVOLOG PRO Waveform and Transient Recorder
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
It is strongly recommended that electrical and electronic equipment is not deposit as municipal waste. The manufacturer or provider shall take waste electrical and electronic equipment free of charge. The complete procedure after lifetime should comply with the Directive 2012/19/EU about restriction on the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment.
The equipment may be opened only by authorized service personnel to ensure the safe and correct operation of the equipment and to keep the warranty valid. Even original spare parts may be installed only by authorized service personnel. In case the equipment was opened by unauthorized personnel, no warranty regarding personal safety, measurement accuracy, conformity with applicable safety measures or any consequential damage is granted by the manufacturer.
MAVOLOG PRO Waveform and Transient Recorder
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
This chapter presents all relevant information about the instrument required to understand its purpose, applicability and basic features related to its operation.
Apart from this, it also contains navigational tips, description of used symbols and other useful information for understandable navigation through this manual.
Regarding the options of this instrument, different chapters should be considered since a particular sub variant might vary in functionality. More detailed description of device functions is given in chapters Main Features, Supported options and Functionality.
The MAVOLOG PRO Advanced Power Quality Analyzer is available in 144 mmx144 mm panel mounting enclosure. Specifications of housing and panel cut out for housing is specified in chapter
Contents and size of a packaging box can slightly vary depending on type of consignment. Single device shipment or a very small quantity of devices is shipped in a larger cardboard box, which offers better physical protection during transport. This type of packaging contains the following items:
Measuring instrument Fixation screws Pluggable terminals for connection of inputs, aux. Power supply and I/O modules Short installation manual
When larger quantities of devices are sent they are shipped in smaller cardboard boxes for saving space and thus reducing shipment costs. This type of packaging contains:
Measuring instrument Fixation screws Pluggable terminals for connection of inputs, aux. power supply and I/O modules Short installation manual
All related documentation on this product can be found at www.gossenmetrawatt.com. The instrument desktop based setting software – MAVO-View, together with accompanying drivers can be found on our web page www.gossenmetrawatt.com. Due to environmental reasons, all this information is longer provided on a separate CD.
Please examine the equipment carefully for potential damage which might have occurred during transport!
MAVOLOG PRO Waveform and Transient Recorder
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Description of the MAVOLOG PRO Power Quality Analyzer
The MAVOLOG PRO Advanced Power Quality Analyzer is a comprehensive device intended for permanent monitoring of power quality from its production, transmission, distribution all the way to the final consumers, who are most affected by inadequate voltage quality. It is mostly applicable in medium and low voltage applications.
Lack of information regarding supplied voltage quality can lead to unexplained production problems and malfunction or can even damage equipment being used during factory production process. Therefore, this device can be used for the needs of electrical utilities (evaluation against standards) as well as for industrial purposes (e.g. for monitoring the level of supplied power quality).
MAVOLOG PRO Waveform and Transient Recorder
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
1 – Graphical LCD 2 – Navigation keyboard 3 – General operation LED indicators
(clock synchro./comm./alarm)
4 – I/O status LED indicators
Graphical LCD:
A graphical LCD with back-light is used for displaying measuring quantities and for a display of selected functions when setting the device.
Navigation keyboard:
The "OK" key is used for confirming the settings, selecting and exiting the display. Direction keys are used for shifting between screens and menus.
LED indicators:
There are two types of LED indicators positioned on the front panel. General operation LED indicators and I/O status LED indicators. General operation LED indicators warn on certain device status. The left-most (red) indicator indicates that the device internal clock is synchronized (via GPS, IRIG-B or NTP protocol). The middle (green) one is blinking when transmitting MC data via communication to the server. The right-most (red) one is blinking when any of the alarm conditions is fulfilled. I/O state LED indicators are in operation when additional Modules A and/or B are built-in. These modules can have the functionality of Digital input or Relay output. They are indicating the state of a single I/O. Red LED is lit in either of the following conditions:
Relay output is activated Signal is present on Digital input
Abbreviations are explained within the text where they appear the first time. Most common abbreviations and expressions are explained in the following table:
Root Mean Square value
Type of a memory module that keeps its content in case of power supply failure
IEEE 802.3 data layer protocol
Industrial protocol for data transmission
Memory card
Multimedia memory card. Type MMC and SD supported.
Setting Software for GOSSEN METRAWATT
PA total
Power Angle calculated from total active and apparent power
Angle between fundamental phase voltage and phase current
Power factor, calculated from apparent and active power (affected
MAVOLOG PRO Waveform and Transient Recorder
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
by harmonics)
THD (U, I)
Total harmonic distortion
Total demand distortion (according to IEEE Std. 519-1992). Indicates harmonic distortion at full load.
K factor (I)
Indicates a weighting of the harmonic load currents according to their effects on transformer heating. (according to IEEE C57.110)
CREST factor (I)
Indicates a ratio between the peak amplitude of the waveform and the RMS value of the waveform.
Max. Demand; Measurement of average values in time interval
FFT graphs
Graphical display of presence of harmonics
Harmonic voltage −
Sine voltage with frequency equal to integer multiple of basic frequency
Sine voltage with frequency NOT equal to integer multiple of basic frequency
Voltage fluctuation causes changes of luminous intensity of lamps, which causes the so-called flicker
Real Time Clock
Sample factor
Defines a number of periods for measuring calculation on the basis of measured frequency
Mp − Average interval
Defines frequency of refreshing displayed measurements
Hysteresis [%]
Percentage specifies increase or decrease of a measurement from a certain limit after exceeding it.
Serial Inter-range instrumentation group time code
Satellite navigation and time synchronization system
Pulse output module
Tariff input module
Relay output module
Bistable alarm output module
Analogue output module
Digital input module
Pulse input module
Analogue input module
Status (watchdog) module – for supervision of proper operation
Power Quality Data Interchange Format, which is a binary file format (according to IEEE Std 1159.3-2003) that is used to exchange power quality data among different SW products.
Common format for Transient Data Exchange for power systems is a file format for storing oscillography and status data related to transient power system disturbances.
Represents the detailed time-dependent shape and form of a voltage, current or logical input signal
Represents power quality disturbances that involve destructive high magnitudes of current and voltage or even both. They exist in a very short duration from less than 50 nanoseconds to as long as 50 milliseconds.
These are used for monitoring long-term disturbances. Every half/full cycle, RMS value is calculated, based on the previous cycle.
Power Quality
List of common abbreviations and expressions
MAVOLOG PRO Waveform and Transient Recorder
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Purpose and use of the MAVOLOG PRO Power Quality Analyzer
This instrument performs measurements in compliance with regulatory requested standard EN 61000-4-30 and evaluates recorded parameters for analysis according to parameters defined in European power quality standard EN50160. It enables storage of a wide variety of highly detailed oscillography data in 8GB of internal flash memory based on a sophisticated trigger settings mechanism. Data can be stored in standardized PQDIF (IEEE 1159-3) and COMTRADE (IEEE C37.111) file formats which can easily be exchanged with third party PQ analysis SW systems. Moreover the MAVOLOG PRO stores measurements and quality reports in internal memory for further analysis. By accessing recorded or real time values from multiple instruments installed on different locations it is possible to gain the overall picture of the complete systems’ behavior. This can be achieved with regard to MAVOLOG PRO accurate internal real time clock and wide range of synchronization sources support, which assure accurate, time-stamped measurements from dislocated units. Stored data can then be transferred to a PC or server for post analysis. The simplest way this is done is by directly connecting a PC with installed MAVO-View Setting Studio SW via USB cable. In cases where multiple devices are used the MAVO-Database system server usage is recommended where all relevant data from all system connected instruments is always available from a centralized database through the push XML communication mechanism. To save server space high precision data can also be transferred from a selected device on-demand using FTP.
The following characteristics are measured and recorded: Monitored Power Quality indices as defined by EN 50160
PQ Parameters
Frequency variations
Frequency distortion
Voltage variations
Voltage fluctuation
Voltage unbalance
Voltage changes
Rapid voltage changes
Voltage events
Voltage dips
Voltage interruptions
Voltage swells
Harmonics & THD
Signaling voltage
MAVOLOG PRO Waveform and Transient Recorder
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Device application and benefits
The MAVOLOG PRO Quality Analyzer can be used as a standalone PQ monitoring device for detection and analysis of local PQ deviations, transients, alarms and periodic measurements. For this purpose it is normally positioned at the point-of-common-coupling (PCC) of industrial and commercial energy consumers to monitor quality of delivered electric energy or at medium or low voltage feeders to monitor, detect and record possible disturbances caused by operation of consumers. Identifying relevant fixed measuring points is the most important task prior to complete system installation. The implementation of a PQ system itself will not prevent disturbances in network but rather help diagnose their origins and effects by comparing and scrutinizing data from multiple time synchronized measurement points. Therefore the most extensive benefits are achieved when the MAVOLOG PRO is used as a part of a PQ monitoring system comprising of strategically positioned meters connected to the MAVO-Database software solution. This three-tier middleware software represents a perfect tool for utility companies, energy suppliers and other parties on both ends of supply-demand chain. MAVO-Database data collector with “push” communication system allows automatic recording of all predefined measured parameters in the device. All sent data are stored in the MAVO-Database, while leaving a copy of the same parameters stored locally in device memory of each device as a backup copy. Database records can be analyzed, searched as well as viewed in tabelaric and graphic form using the native MAVO-Database web client application or other third-party
software. (e.g. SCADA systems, OPC server, PQ analysis established software…) At the same time device data
can also be visualized and analyzed on-demand by means of the powerful freely-downloadable MAVO-View setting studio SW. Server database records (with a copy in device memory) include numerous parameters of three-phase systems, which have been setup in the device (PQ parameters, over 700 evaluated electrical quantities, I/O module
related physical parameters (e.g. temp., pressure, wind speed…). On the other hand the database also holds
data on alarms and detailed time-stamped transient, waveform, disturbance PQ data and fast trend trigger records with complete oscillography data in standardized PQDIF/COMTRADE file formats.
MAVOLOG PRO Waveform and Transient Recorder
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Main Features, supported options and functionality of MAVOLOG PRO Power Quality analyzer
MAVOLOG PRO Advanced Power Quality Analyzer is a perfect tool for monitoring and analyzing medium or low voltage systems in power distribution and industrial segments. It can be used as a standalone PQ monitoring device for detection of local PQ deviations. For this purpose it is normally positioned at the point-of-common­coupling (PCC) of small and medium industrial and commercial energy consumers to monitor quality of delivered electric energy or at medium or low voltage feeders to monitor, detect and record possible disturbances caused by (unauthorized) operation of consumers. User can select different hardware modules that can be implemented in device. Wide range of variants can cover practically every user’s requirements. MAVOLOG PRO Advanced Power Quality Analyzer is a compact, user friendly and cost effective device that offers various features to suit most of the requirements for a demanding power system management:
o Evaluation of the electricity supply quality in compliance with EN50160 with automatic report generation o Instantaneous evaluation of over 700 electrical measurement quantities values including PQ related
parameters, harmonics (voltage/current THDs, TDDs, up to 63rd current voltage/current harmonics, voltage phase-phase and inter-harmonics)
o Class A (0.1%) accuracy in compliance with EN61000-4-30 o Oscillography capability for recording waveforms with up to 625 samples/cycle sampling frequency o Recording of disturbance, trend and Power Quality (PQ) events in trigger related recorders o All trigger related recorder data available on-demand through FTP and automatically on the MAVO-
Database server via autonomous push communication or on demand
o A sophisticated triggering mechanism to register and record events of various nature:
Transient event generated triggers based on hold-off time (in ms), absolute peak value (%) and fast
change (in %Un/µs)
PQ event generated triggers based on the following events: voltage dip, voltage swell, voltage
interruption, end of voltage interruption, rapid voltage change and inrush current
External Ethernet triggers enabling trigger events with up to 8 different devices within the network External digital triggers based on logical/digital inputs Up to 16 combined triggers enabling logical operation on previously configured triggers of various
o Recording a wide variety of data in the internal device 8GB flash memory based on trigger settings:
All activated triggers together with timestamp, duration, condition as well as a reference to an
(optionally) generated transient, waveform, disturbance and fast trend record
Waveform recorder with PQDIF/COMTRADE data format selection, selectable recorded channels
(4×Voltage, 4×Current, 16×Digital input), 19 samp./cycle to 625 samp./cycle resolution, pretrigger time from 0,01s up to 1s, posttrigger time from 0,01s up to 40s (20s for 625 samp./cycle)
Disturbance recorder with PQDIF/COMTRADE data format selection, selectable recorded channels
(4×P-N Voltage, 3×P-P Voltage, 4×Current, 8×Logical inputs), half/full cycle averaging interval, pre­trigger time up to 3000 cycles, post trigger time up to 60000 cycles
Periodic measurements in 4 standard trend recorders A through D each containing up to 32 arbitrarily
evaluated (maximum, minimum, average, maximum demand, minimum demand, actual) quantities with periods ranging from 1min to 60min
Periodic measurements in advanced fast trend recorders 1 through 4 each containing over 700
arbitrarily evaluated (maximum, minimum, average, actual) quantities with periods ranging from 1s to 60min. The recorder can be set to PQDIF data format selection
32 adjustable alarms in 4 alarm groups each containing up to 8 alarms. Alarms relate to a particular
quantity over/under threshold and serve the purpose of controlling on-device relay outputs as well as informing the server about the occurrence of alarm events
Recording and on-board evaluation of PQ anomalies and PQ reports based on EN50160
MAVOLOG PRO Waveform and Transient Recorder
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
o Four quadrant energy measurement in 8 programmable counters with class 0.2S accuracy with up to four
tariffs and an advanced tariff clock. Every Counters’ resolution and range can be defined. The counter content can be configured as:
Active energy (Wh) import Active energy (Wh) export Reactive energy (varh) import Reactive energy (varh) export Total absolute active energy (Wh) Total absolute reactive energy (varh) Total absolute apparent energy (VAh) Custom settings (phase dependent, four quadrant – P/Q/import/export selection)
o Automatic range selection of 4 current and 4 voltage channels (max. 12.5 A and 1000 VRMS) with 32 kHz
sampling rate
o Measurements of 40 minimal and maximal values in different time intervals (from 1 to 256 periods) o Frequency range from 16 Hz to 400 Hz o Ethernet and USB 2.0 communication support o Communication - MODBUS, DNP3, FTP, upgradeable to EN 61850 (optionally – see Appendix F) o Support for GPS, IRIG-B (modulated and digital) and NTP real time clock synchronization o Up to 20 inputs/outputs (analogue inputs/outputs, digital inputs/outputs, alarm/watchdog outputs, pulse
input/outputs, tariff inputs, bistable outputs)
o MAVO-View Setting studio User-friendly setting and analysis software with FTP communication feasibility
for seamless device settings and single device advanced analysis
o MAVO-Database system SW support for automatic (via autonomous push XML communication) as well as
on demand data transfer (via FTP) from multiple instruments to the server through which relevant recorder data from each device in the system is available
o On-board Web server support for basic measurement overview o Multilingual support o Universal power supply (two voltage ranges) o 144 mm square panel mounting o Available with:
128x64 pixel display
o USB memory stick slot (optional)
MAVOLOG PRO – Waveform and Transient Recorder
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
General hardware Features
Default / Optional
Class A measuring accuracy (0.1%) according to EN 61000-4-30 Ed.3
Voltage auto range up to 1000Vp-p
Current auto range up to 12.5 A
4 voltage and 4 current channels with 32 us sampling time
Universal power supply type High / Low
Two independent communication ports (see data below)
Support for GPS / IRIG-B / NTP real time synchronization
/ /
Up to 20 additional inputs and outputs (see data below)
Internal flash memory (8MB+8GB)
Real time clock (RTC)
standard 144 mm DIN square panel mounting
Front panel
Graphical LCD display with back light
LED indicator (sync/com./alarm)
I/O status LED indicator
Control keys on front panel (5 keys)
COM1: Ethernet +USB
COM2: Serial (RS232/ RS485 on slot C if other synchronization modes are in use)
− Function is supported (default) − Optional (to be specified with an order)
MAVOLOG PRO Waveform and Transient Recorder
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
General hardware Features
Default / Optional
Input and output modules
Input / output module 1
2×AO / 2×AI / 2×RO / 2×PO / 2×PI / 2×TI / 1×BO / 2×DI / WO+RO
Input / output module 2
2×AO / 2×AI / 2×RO / 2×PO / 2×PI / 2×TI / 1×BO / 2×DI / WO+RO
Auxiliary input / output module A
(1-8) DI / RO
○ / ○
Auxiliary input / output module B
(1-8) DI
Synchronization module C
GPS + 1pps / IRIG-B / COM2
● / ● / ●
Function is supported (default)
Optional (to be specified with an order) PO
Pulse output module
Tariff input module
Relay output module
Bistable relay output module
Analogue output module
Digital input module
Pulse input module
Analogue input module – U, I or R (PT100/1000)
Status (watchdog) module – for supervision of proper operation
MAVOLOG PRO Waveform and Transient Recorder
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
General software Features
Default / Optional
EN 50160 power quality evaluation
Automatic PQ report generation
Disturbance, trend & PQ event recording
Waveform recorder with programmable sampling time (max 625 samples / period)
Standardized PQDIF and COMTRADE format support
MAVO-View user friendly setting & analysis software
Setup wizard
Wrong connection warning
Custom screen settings (3 user defined screens on LCD)
Demonstration screen cycling
Programmable refresh time
MODBUS and DNP3 communication protocols
Tariff clock
MD calculation (TF, FW, SW)
Wide frequency measurement range 16 – 400 Hz
Programmable alarms (32 alarms)
Alarms recording
Measurements recording (128 quantities)
Measurements graphs (time / FFT)
Evaluation of voltage quality in compliance with EN 50160
Real time clock synchronization (GPS/IRIG-B/NTP)
EN61850 Server
− Function is supported (default) − Optional (to be specified with an order)
MAVOLOG PRO Waveform and Transient Recorder
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
This chapter deals with the instructions for measuring instrument connection. Both the use and connection of the device includes handling with dangerous currents and voltages. Connection shall therefore be performed ONLY a by a qualified person using an appropriate equipment. GOSSEN METRAWATT d.d. does not take any responsibility regarding the use and connection. If any doubt occurs regarding connection and use in the system which device is intended for, please contact a person who is responsible for such installations. A person qualified for installation and connection of a device should be familiar with all necessary precaution measures described in this document prior to its connection.
Before use:
Before use please check the following:
Nominal voltage (U
= 1000 V
; U
= 600 V
Supply voltage (rated value), Nominal frequency, Voltage ratio and phase sequence, Current transformer ratio and terminals integrity, Protection fuse for voltage inputs (recommended maximal external fuse size is 6 A) External switch or circuit-breaker must be included in the installation for disconnection of the devices’ aux. power
supply. It must be suitably located and properly marked for reliable disconnection of the device when needed. See CAUTION below.
Integrity of earth terminal Proper connection and voltage level of I/O modules
Wrong or incomplete connection of voltage or other terminals can cause non-operation or damage to the device.
It is imperative that terminal 12 which represents fourth voltage measurement channel is connected to earth pole ONLY. This terminal should be connected to EARTH potential at all times! This input channel is used only for measuring voltage between neutral end earth line.
Aux. Supply inrush current can be as high as 20A for short period of time (<1 ms). Please choose an appropriate MCB for disconnection of aux. supply.
After connection, settings have to be performed via a keyboard on the front side of the device that reflect connection of
device to voltage network (connection mode, current and voltage transformers ratio …). Settings can also be done via
communication or a memory card (where available).
MAVOLOG PRO Waveform and Transient Recorder
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
MAVOLOG PRO Advanced Power Quality Analyzer is intended only for panel mounting. Pluggable connection terminals allow easier installation and quick replacement should that be required. This device is not intended for usage as portable equipment and should be used only as a fixed panel mounted device.
Dimensional drawing and rear connection terminals position
Recommended panel cut out is: 138 x 138 mm + 0.8 Please remove protection foil from the screen.
MAVOLOG PRO Waveform and Transient Recorder
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Electrical connection for MAVOLOG PRO Power Quality Analyzer
Voltage inputs of a device can be connected directly to low-voltage network or via a voltage measuring transformer to a high-voltage network. Current inputs of a device are led through a hole in current transformers to allow uninterrupted current connection. Connection to network is performed via a corresponding current transformer. Choose corresponding connection from the figures below and connect corresponding voltages and currents. Information on electrical consumption of current and voltage inputs is given in a chapter
For accurate operation and to avoid measuring signal crosstalk it is important to avoid driving voltage measuring wires close to current measuring transformers.
System/ connection Terminal assignment
Connection 1b (1W) Single-phase connection
Connection 3b (1W3) Three-phase – three-wire connection with balanced load
MAVOLOG PRO Waveform and Transient Recorder
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Connection 3u (2W3) Three-phase – three-wire connection with unbalanced load
Connection 4b (1W4) Three-phase – four-wire connection with balanced load
Connection 4u (3W4) Three-phase – four-wire connection with unbalanced load
With all connection schemes must be terminal 12 (PE) ALWAYS connected. Fourth voltage channel is dedicated for measuring voltage between EARTH (PE, terminal 12) and NEUTRAL (N, terminal 11).
MAVOLOG PRO Waveform and Transient Recorder
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Connection of input/output modules
Check the module features that are specified on the label, before connecting module contacts. Wrong connection can cause damage or destruction of module and/or device.
Examples of connections are given for device with built in two input/output modules and Ethernet/USB communication. Connection does not depend on a number of built-in modules and communication, and is shown on the devices’ label.
Connect module contacts as specified on the label. Examples of labels are given below and describe modules built in the device. Information on electrical properties of modules is given in a chapter Technical Data – Input/output modules.
I/O module 1 and 2 (terminal numbers 15-20) – output options
Alarm (relay) output module with two outputs.
Bistable alarm output module; keeps the state also in case of device power supply failure.
Pulse output (solid state) module with two pulse outputs for energy counters.
Status (watchdog) output module enables proper device operation supervision on one output (WD) and alarm output functionality on the other.
Analogue output module with two analogue
outputs (0…20mA), proportional to measured
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