Gossen MetraWatt MAVOLOG BP Operating Instructions Manual

Operating Instructions
Uninterruptible Power Supply for MAVOLOG 10

1 Applications

The MAVOLOG BP (BP = battery pack) is an uninterru pti b le DC b ac k - u p power supply which auto matically supplies powe r to in t erconn e ct e d MAVOLOG 10 instruments in combination with the MAVOLOG PS/C in the event of a power failure.
If the batteries are fully charged, the uninterruptible power supply is capa­ble of supplying power for 1.5 to 10 hours depending upon the number of interconnected MAVOLOG 10 instruments.
The MAVOLO GBP supplies power to the interconnected MAVOLOG 10 instruments when mains power to the MAVOLOGPS/C has been inte rrupt ed. Ope ratio n in th e int erfac e mode is not possible in such cases. Mains power must be restored to the MAV OLOG PS/C before, for examp le, data can be read out from the MAVOLOG 10 instruments, or before their parameters can be configured.

2 Safety Features and Precautions

The MAVOLOG BP has been manu factured and tested in ac co rda n ce with safety regulations IEC 61 010-1 / EN 61010-1 / VDE 0411-1. If used for its intended purpose, the safety of the user, as well as that of the device, is assured.
Read the operating ins tructions caref ully and completely before using your uninterruptible power supply, and observe all points included therein.
The device may not be used:
If the housing is open
If it demonstrates visible damage
If it no longer functions flawlessly
After extrem e st resses due to transport
After lengthy periods of storage under unfavorable conditions (e.g. moisture, d us t , ex cessive temperature)
Meanings of symbols on the device:
The symbols on the device have the following meanings:
When installing t he MA VOLOGBP, a clearance of 1 to 2cm must be left between the MAVOLOG PS/C and the MAVOLOG BP, so that heat generated within the devices can be adequately dis­persed.
4 Working with the MAVOLOG BP

4.1 Charging and Discharging of the Battery

The MAVOLOG BP is delivered from the factory with a pre-charged battery in the deactivated condition. Activation takes place automatically as soon as a correctly poled supply voltage of 20 V DC to 30 V DC is applied. The LEDs “ACTIVE” and “CHARGE” light up and the internal, rechargeab le battery is charged. Charging is always initiated w h en mains power has been rest ored after a power failure, and the MAVOLOG PS/C is once again capable of supplying charge current. After rapid charging for a duration o f ap proximately three h our s , tr ickle charging en s u es w i th greatly reduced charge current. If the MAVOLOG PS/C power supply fails, e.g. due to mains failure, the MAVOLOG BP supplies power to the interconnected MAVOLOG 10 instruments in an uninterrupted fashion from the internal, rechargeable battery. The “DISCH” LED (discharge) lights up in such cases. The “emer­gency power phase” is ended when mains power is restored, or when the capacity of the rechargeable battery has b een depleted. T h e MAVOLOG BP is s hu t down au t o ma tically in such cases , in order t o p ro­tect the rechargeable battery from exhaustive discharge.
If mains failure occurs frequently within a short period of time, recharging of the battery is started each time failure occurs. The temperatu re of the battery is monitored in order to prevent overcharging in such cases. If a limit tempera ture is exceeded, t he “ TEMP” LE D l ight s up and r api d char g­ing is interru pted (“CHARGE” LED is exti ng uished).
Neither the fact that the “TEMP” LED lights up nor conspicuous warming of the devi ce indicates a device ma lfunction, bu t is rather the result of a frequently, repeatedly started charging cyc le.
Warning concerning a point of danger. (Attention: observe documentatio n! )
Indicates EC confor mity
3 Connecting the MAVOLOGBP
The MAVOLOG BP is used ex clusively in com b in ation with the MAVOLOG PS/C power supply. In addition to a charge voltage of approx­imately 24 V DC, the power supply also generates a charge control signal at the “SYSCLK” terminal, which is required for correct functioning of the MAVOLOGBP. If the “SYSCLK” terminal is no t co nnected, only trickle­charge operation is possible.
Correct poling of the supply voltage must be assured when the MAVOLOG BP is connected to the MAVOLOGPS/C.
Use only insulated cable (e.g. H07V-U), or insu lated wires with con-
nector sleeves for connecting the power supply. Wires without con­nector sleeves may be pulled out of the connector terminals at the MAVOLOGBP and cause short-circuiting.
Connect the “+24 V DC” and “–24 V DC” terminals to the terminals
with the same designations at the MAVOLOG PS/C.
The “SYSCLK” terminal at the MAVOLOG BP must be connected to
the terminal with the same designation at the MAVOLOG PS/C, in order to assure correct functioning of both units.
No other connections are required.

4.2 Switching the Device Off

If the MAVOLOG BP is removed from a system, or if the system is shut down, and if backup power from t he MAVOLOG BP is thus no longer required, it can be switched off (i.e. deactivated) with the “OFF” key. The MAVOLOG BP is deactivated automatically in order to protect the rechargeable battery if a short-circuit occurs, or if power consumption form the interconnected MAVOLOG 10 instruments is too great. The next time supply power is switched on, the MAVOLOG BP is auto­matically reactivated.
The “OFF” key can be used to prevent unnecessary discharging of the device’s rechargeable battery during periods of non-use. Do not press the “OFF” key if the device has been installed to a system and is being supplied with power from a MAVOLOG PS/C. The “OFF” key is disabled in such cases.

5 Replacing the Rechargeable Battery

Depending upon the operating cycle, the service life of the rechargeable battery amounts to app roximately 1000 charging and discharging cycles, or approximately 3 to 5 years in the standby mode. The rechargeabl e b attery must be replaced if:
The duration for which the MAVOLOG 10 instruments can be operated is substantially reduced
The MAVOLOG BP is automatically deactivated when a mains failure occurs
Charging and discharging of the battery no longer function properly
The rechargeable battery has been in operation for more than 5 years
A new rechargeable battery is available as a replacement part (see chapter 8).
Use only original rechargeable batteries, because only these allow for appropriate temperature monitoring. Rechargeable batteries without tem­perature monitoring may be destroyed due to overcharging. Proceed as foll o ws in o rder to replace th e rechargeable batte ry:
Disconnect the terminals at the MAVOLOG BP from all o ther devices,
remove it from the top-hat rail and deactivate.
Carefully open the housing by inserting the blade of an appropriate
screw driver from the side into the indentation at the transition be­tween the cover and the housing base, and gently lifting the cover. In­dentations are located in the middle of both the right and left-hand sides of the housing.
Carefully pull t he r echar geab le b atte ry p lug fr om the PCB an d r em ove
the cover along with the electronics.
In order to remove the hold-down plate from above the battery,
slightly press the housing base in an outward direction at its upper edge until the hold-down plate is released and can be removed.
The rechargeable battery can now be remove d and recycled.Follow the above instructions in the reverse in order to install the new
rechargeable battery.
Make sure that the hold-down plate snaps into position when is it
Insert the rechar geable battery plug back into the PCB and carefully
snap the housing cover back onto the housing base.
Your MAVOLOGBP can now be reactivated.

6 Characteristic Values

Electrical Data
Charge Voltage Discharge Voltage Charge Current, “CHARGE” Charge Current, “STANDBY” Overall Consumption, “CHARGE” Overall Consumption, “STANDBY”
20 V DC ... 30 V DC 18 V DC ... 21 V DC 120 mA 20 mA 150 mA 50 mA
Ambient Conditions
Storage Temperat ure –20° C ... +60 ° C Operating Temperature –10° C ... +50° C Deployment indoor use only Climatic Category 3z/-20/50/60/75%
(in compliance with VDI/VDE3540)
Altitude max. 2000 m above sea level
Electrical Safety
Operating Voltage s afety low-voltage Contamination Factor 2 Interference Emission EN 50081-1 Interference Immunity EN 50082-2
Mechanical Design
Housing plastic housing for snap mounting to standard
top-hat rail per DIN EN 50 022/35 x 15, or for wall mounting
Terminals screw terminals,
max. conductor cross-section: 2.5 square mm Protection terminals: IP20, housing: IP40 Dimensions 75 mm x 55 mm x 109 mm (HxWxD) Weight approx. 480 gr.

7 Housing Maintenance

Use a dry or slightly dampened clo t h to cle an the housing. Avoi d the use of cleansers, abrasives or solvents. No moisture may be allowed to enter the housing!

8 Repair, Replacement Parts and Rental Device Services

When you need s ervice, please co n t act:
GOSSEN-METRAWATT GMBH Service Cent er Thomas-Mann-Strasse 20 90471 Nuremberg, Germany Phone +49 911 86 02 - 410 / 256 Fax +49 911 86 02 - 2 53 e-mail fr1.info@gmc-in struments.com
This address is for G ermany only. Abroad, our represe n tatives or establishments are at y o ur d is posal.

9 Product Support

When you need s ervice, please co n t act:
Rechargeable Battery Characteristic Values
Charge Time, “CHARGE” Max. Discharge Current
Type Nominal Capacity
Service Life
Short-circuit protection by means of automatic shut-down. Protection against exhaustive discharge by means of automatic shut­down. Overload protection by means of temperature monitoring.
Printed in Germany • Subject to change without notice
approx. 3 hours approx. 2 A,
depending upon battery condition 15 ea. round cells,
1.2 V, NiCd sinter battery 700 mAh approx. 1000 charging
and discharging cycles approx. 3 to 5 years in standby mode
GOSSEN-METRAWATT GMBH Thomas-Mann-Str. 16-20 90471 Nuremberg, Germany Phone +49 911 8602-0 Fax +49 911 8602-669 e-mail: info@gmc-instruments.com http://www.gmc-instruments.com
GOSSEN-METRAWATT GMBH Product Support Hotline Phone +49 911 86 02 - 112 Fax +49 911 86 02 - 709