GoPro UKI-CHDHX-401-EU Instruction manual

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/ Table of Contents
/ Table of Contents
The Ba sics
Getting Started
Camera Status Screen
Camera Icons
Camera Menus
Camera Modes
Navigating Settings Menus
Video Mode
Photo Mode
Multi-Shot Mode
Playback Mode
Setup Mode
Conn ecting to the GoPro App
Transferring Files to a Computer
Important Messages
Camera Housing
4 5
Using the Mounts
Customer Support
Regulatory Information
/ The Basic s
/ The Basic s
1. Camera Status Light (red)
2. Shutter/Select Button [ ]
3. Wireless Status Light (blue)
4. Camera Status Screen
5. Power/Mode But ton [ ]
6. Micro HDMI Por t (cable not included)
6 7
7. microSD Card Slot (microSD card not included)
8. Mini-USB Port (supp orts composite A /V cable/3.5mm stereo mic adapter, not included)
9. Audio Alert
10. Microphone
11. HERO Port
12. Settings/Tag Button [ ]
13. Battery Door
Slim housing surfboard mount installation
Slim housing remove camera
Slim housing insert camera
Slim housing closed Swapping housing doors
Quick Release Buckle + Thumb Screw + Slim housing = Complete Unit
/ Getting Started/ Getting Started
1. Remove the cam era from its housing.
4. Charge the b attery by conne cting the c amera to a com puter or other USB charging a dapter usin g the includ ed USB cable. The came ra status light tur ns on durin g charging a nd turns off when charging is complete.
NOTICE: Using a wall charger other than a GoPro Wa ll Charger c an damage the GoPro batter y. Only use charger s marked: output 5 V
2. Remove the ca mera side door and i nsert a mic roSD card (so ld separately). The card must have a C lass 10 or UHS-1 rating and a capa city up to 64 GB. Visit for the li st of recommended SD cards.
1A. If you do n ot know the voltage a nd current o f your charge r, use the in cluded USB c able to charge the camer a from your com puter.
When c harging with a comp uter, be sure that t he computer i s connecte d to a power sour ce. If the camera status li ght does not turn o n, use a different USB po rt.
The in cluded lit hium-ion batter y comes par tially charged. No damage occurs to the came ra or batter y if used pri or to a full charge.
PRO TIP: With the Dual Battery Charger, you can charge your b attery
3. Open the bottom door, insert the battery and then close the bo tto m do or.
8 9
outside of the cam era. For details , visit
For more batte ry information, see Battery.
WARNING: Us e cautio n when usin g your GoPr o as part o f your active l ifest yle. Alway s be aware of yo ur surro undings t o avoid injury t o yoursel f and other s. Abid e by all loca l laws when u sing your GoPr o and relat ed mounts a nd access ories.
/ Getting Started
To get the latest features and be st perfor mance from your HERO4 came ra, make sure you are using th e most curre nt camera so ware. You can update your cam era soware via th e GoPro App or GoPro sow are. For more information , visit
The HER O4 Black ca mera powers up with the fol lowing default settings:
Video 1080p30 SuperView
Photo 12MP, Wide Field of View (FOV)
Multi-Shot Burs t option (set to 3 0 photos in 1 sec ond)
QuikCapture Off
Wireless Off
PRO TIP: To open th e settings m enu for the current mode, p ress the Settings/Tag button [
10 11
To Power On:
Press the Power/Mode button [ ] once. T he camera s tatus light s (red) fl ash three ti mes and the sound indic ator emits three beeps. When the ca mera statu s screen display s informati on, your cam era is on.
To Power Off:
Press and ho ld the Power/Mode button [ ] for t wo seconds. The came ra status lights (r ed) flash several times a nd the sound indicator emits seven beeps.
PRO TIP: When the camer a is off and QuikC apture is en abled, you c an turn t he camera on and immediately begin captur ing video or T ime Laps e photos just by press ing the Shutter/Select but ton [ once for video, press and h old for Time Lapse photos. Press again t o stop re cording and power off the c amera. For d etails, see QuikCapture in Setup Mod e.
/ Getting Started
]. Press
/ Getting Started
/ Camera Status Screen
The HER O4 Black ca mera is comp atible with 4 GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB and 64GB capacity microSD, microSDHC and microSDXC memory card s (sold separately). You must us e a microSD ca rd with a Class 10 or a UHS-1 ratin g. (For a list of t he recomme nded SD car ds, visit GoP ro recommends using brand na me memor y cards fo r maximum rel iability i n high-vibr ation activities.
To Insert th e microSD Card: To Remove the microSD Card:
Your HERO4 Black features a status screen that dis plays the followi ng infor mation abo ut modes and setti ngs
1. Camera Modes/FOV (field of view)
2. Camera Settings
3. Resolution/fps (frames per s econd)
4. Protune
5. Number of Files Captured
6. Time/Storage/Files
7. Wireless
8. Battery Life
Slide the memor y card into the card slot with the la bel facing the front of the ca mera.
When fully inserted, the card clicks into place.
Place your fingernail ag ainst the ed ge of the memory card and lightly press it f urther into the camera.
The card spr ings out far enoug h
Note: The ico ns that appear o n the camera stat us screen var y by mode.
to be rem oved.
NOTICE: Use care wh en handlin g memory c ards. Avoid liquids, dus t and debris. As a precaution, power off the ca mera before inser ting or re moving the ca rd. Check manuf acturer gu idelines regard ing use in acceptable temperature ranges.
12 13
/ Camera Icons
/ Camera Icons
Auto Low L ight
Auto Off
Burst Photos
Continuous Photos
Default Mod e
Exposure Value Compensation
Field of View
Frame s Per Second
ISO Limit
14 15
Multi-Shot Mode
Night Lapse
Night Photo
On-Screen Display
Photo Mode
Playback Mode
Setup Mode
Single Photo
Spot Meter
Time Lapse
Touch Display
Vide o + Photo
Video Format
Video Mode
Video Resolution
White Balance
/ Camera Menus/ Camera Menus
*Playba ck appears on ly if the camera is co nnected to a T V or LCD Touch BacPac (sold sep arately).
16 17
/ Camera Modes
/ Navigating Settings Menus
The HER O4 Black fea tures sever al camera modes . To c ycle through the modes, p ress the
These modes appear:
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Power/Mode button [
Video Record video
Photo Capture a single ph oto
Playback Play b ack videos and ph otos
Setup Adjust general camera settings
Capt ure a series of p hotos (Ti me Lapse, Burst, et c.)
] repeatedly
Each camera mod e has its own settings menu.
1. Verif y that the cam era is in the desired came ra mode. If an icon for that mo de does not appear o n the camer a status scr een, press t he Power/Mode button [ ] repea tedly until it appears.
2. Press the Settings/Tag button [ ] to open the settings menu for that mode.
3. Use the Power/Mode button [
4. Press the Shutter/Select button [ withi n a setting. To select a n option, leave the option hi ghlighted when you move to a nother screen.
5. To g o back to the pr evious screen or ex it the settings menu, pre ss the Settings/Tag button [
] to cyc le through the settings .
] to cyc le through the options
/ Video Mode / Video Mode
Video mode contains fou r capture modes: Video, T ime Lapse Video, Vide o + Photo and Video Looping .
Capture Mode Description
Video (default) Captures video.
Creates video from frames captured at specific intervals. Time Lapse Video is
Time Lapse V ideo
available o nly in 4K and 2.7K 4:3 resolutions. Time Lapse Video is captured without audio.
, Auto Low L ight, and Spot Meter a re
Protune not availab le in this capture mode.
Simultane ously captu res both video and photos. You can set the camera to capt ure a
Vide o + Photo
photo at selec ted inter vals while you record vide o. For detail s, see Video + Photo Interva ls in this section.
Lets yo u continuou sly record and save only the be st moments , which hel ps to conser ve
space on your microSD card. You must select an in terval. P rotune i s not available in this capture mode.
Note: Loopin g is not availab le in high-per formance vid eo modes.
1. Press the
Power/Mode button [ ] repea tedly until yo u get to
Video mode.
2. If necessa ry, select a differ ent video ca pture mode ( Video, Ti me Laps e Video, Vid eo + Photo, or Vi deo Looping):
a. Press the Settings/ Tag button [
] to open t he settin gs menu.
b. Press the Shutter/Select butto n [ ] repeatedly until you get
to the desired capture mod e.
c. Press the Settings/Tag button [
] to close the settings menu. The ic on for the sele cted capt ure mode app ears in the upper le on your camera st atus screen.
3. Press the Shutter/Select butto n [
]. The c amera beeps once
and th e camera st atus lights flash w hile the cam era is recor ding.
4. To stop ca pturing, p ress the Shutter/Select butto n [
]. The c amera
status lights fla sh three times and the cam era beeps three ti mes.
If the memor y card is ful l or the battery is out of power, your camera autom atically stops re cording. Your v ideo is save d before the camera pow ers off.
PRO TIP: When the camer a is off and QuikC apture is en abled, you can tu rn the came ra on and immediately beg in capturi ng video jus t by pres sing the Shutter/Select bu tton [
]. Pres s again to stop
recording a nd power off th e camera. Fo r details, see Setu p Mode.
20 21
/ Video Mode / Video Mode
Four ca pture modes are ava ilable for Video mode: Video, Time Laps e Video, Vid eo + Photo and V ideo Looping. Th e capture mode that you select determines the Video settings that appear in t he rest of t he menu.
For instructions on how to change the following settings, se e Navigating Settings Menus.
You can mark spe cific moments in your video dur ing recording wit h HiLight Tags. HiLight Tags make it easy to find th e best highl ights to share. You can al so add HiLight Tags whe n playing ba ck content using an LCD Touch BacP ac.
You can ad d tags with yo ur camera, the GoP ro App, or the S mart Remote (s old separa tely). Tags are visi ble during p layback i n the GoPro A pp or GoPro so ware.
To Add a HiLight Tag with Your Camera: While recording or playing ba ck video, press the Settings/Tag button [
PRO TIP: In the app, tap the s creen during playba ck to displa y the HiLight Tags on the p rogress bar.
22 23
PRO TIP: To open th e settings m enu for the current mode, p ress the Settings/Tag button [
/ Video Mode
/ Video Mode
The Interv al setting a pplies to Time Lapse Vid eo, Video + Ph oto and Loopi ng. Interv al determines the amount of time t hat passes between each captured frame.
Time Lapse Video Intervals Availa ble intervals for Time Laps e Video range from 0.5 seconds (default) to 60 s econds.
Interval Examples
0.5-2 seconds Surfing, biking o r other spor t
2 seconds Busy s treet corner
5-10 seconds Sunset
10-60 seconds
Video + Photo Intervals Availa ble intervals for Vid eo + Photo range from 5-60 se conds. Th e quality of the photo depe nds on the selected vid eo resolution and FOV.
24 25
Lengthy activities, such as construction projects
Looping Intervals Availa ble intervals for Looping are 5, 20, 60 and 120 minutes. For examp le, if you sele ct a 5-minut e interval , only the pr evious 5 minu tes is save d when you sto p recordin g. If you recor d for 5 minutes and do not press the Shutter/Select butt on [ the ca mera begin s a new 5-minu te interval by recordin g over your previ ous 5 minutes of footage.
You can al so selec t max video a s the inter val. Wit h this option , the came ra records unt il the memor y card is full, then over writes th e content.
Note: To use Loopin g, be sure that you r microSD card has s ufficient space.
PRO TIP: Multiple chapter files are w ritten to your memory card so that small segments of content c an be overw ritten dur ing loop recording . When viewing thi s content on a compute r, y ou see separ ate files for each time seg ment. Use GoP ro soware to comb ine the files into a longer vi deo.
] to stop recording a nd save,
/ Video Mode / Video Mode
The HER O4 Black in cludes the v ideo resolution s listed below.
Video Resolution
4K SuperView 24/24 Ultra Wide 3 840 x216 0, 16:9
2.7K SuperView 30/25 Ultra Wide 2704x1520, 16:9
2.7K 4:3 30/25 Ultra W ide 2704x2028, 4:3
144 0p
108 0p
26 27
30/25 24/24
60/50 48/48 30/25 24/24
80/80 60/50 48/48 30/25 24/24
120/120 90/90
FOV Screen Resolution
Ultra W ide 38 40 x2160 , 16: 9
Ultra W ide, Medium
Ultra W ide 1920x1440, 4:3
Ultra W ide, Narrow
2704x1520, 16:9
192 0x1080 , 16:9
Video Resolution
108 0p
1080p SuperView
720p 240/240 Narrow 1280x720, 16:9
720p SuperView
WVGA 240/240 Ultra Wide 848x480, 16:9
PRO TIP: To open th e settings m enu for the current mode, p ress the
Settings/Tag button [
60/50 48/48 30/25 24/24
80/80 60/50 48/48 30/25 24/24
120/120 60/50
120/120 60/50 30/25
120/120 60/50
FOV Screen Resolution
Ultra W ide, Medium, Narrow
Ultra W ide 192 0x1080 , 16:9
Ultra W ide 1280x960, 4:3
Ultra W ide, Medium, Narrow
Ultra W ide 1280x720, 16:9
192 0x1080 , 16:9
1280x720, 16:9
+ 31 hidden pages