everyday operation
While using the GDB4 receiver to the full there are great many keys to use in different
situations. Many of the menu screens displayed by the receiver have reminders as to
which keys do what, at the base of the screen. In addition, many screens have further
help available which is displayed when the [i] key is pressed, as prompted at the bottom
right of the screen.
Providing your TV set SCART socket has switch control, pressing the [TV/DTV] key at
any time while watching television programmes will switch the TV set between displaying
the digital terrestrial television programme and its normal analogue television reception.
You can select the channel you wish to watch in one of four ways - stepping through
the channel list, selection by number, from the on-screen channel list, and using the
electronic programme guide (EPG).
To move through the channel list, press the [P+] or [P-] keys on the remote control.
Pressing the [P+] key will select the channel next in the channel list. Pressing the
[P-] key will select the previous channel in the list.
Pressing the [P+] key when the last channel in the list is being viewed will select the
first channel. Similarly, pressing the [P-] key when the first channel is displayed will
select the last channel in the channel list.
You can also select the required channel using its channel list number. Channel
numbers are entered using the number keys on the remote control handset and can
be up to three digits long.
The channel list numbers are assigned
by the broadcasters. Because not all
channels are broadcast free-to-air and
stored by the receiver, the channel list
numbers do not run continuously.
The fifteenth channel in the list, for
example, may not be channel number
15 but channel number 17.
When you press a number key on the
remote control, a small box appears in
the top left of the screen to show the
entered number. After each digit is
entered, the receiver will wait up to two
seconds for the next digit to be pressed
until either three digits have been entered
or you do not press a digit in time.
The channel corresponding to the
entered number in the box will then be
If you enter a number which does not
correspond to a stored channel, the next
valid channel number is selected instead.
If you enter a number greater than the
highest numbered channel in the channel
list, the receiver will select the last channel
in the list.