Goodman WME0500S User Manual

Catalog 604-9 Magnitude
Magnetic Bearing Centrifugal Chillers
Model WME 400 to 1500 Tons (1400 to 5300 kW) HFC-134a Refrigerant
Technology That Just Makes Sense .............3
Features and Benets Summary ................3
Features and Benets .........................4
The Compressor Technology ...................4
Integrated Variable Frequency Drive .............5
The Control Technology .......................5
Certications and Standards....................6
Factory Testing ..............................7
Dimensions and Weights.......................8
Unit Dimensions and Shipping Weight ............8
Drawing Notes ..............................9
Options and Accessories .....................10
Unit Options ...............................10
Vessel Options .............................10
Controls Options ............................10
Electrical Options ...........................11
Special Order Options........................11
Table of ConTenTs
Table of ConTenTs
Refrigeration Diagram ........................12
Application Considerations....................14
Location Requirements.......................14
Vibration Mounting ..........................14
System Design .............................14
Optimizing Efciency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Evaporator ................................15
Condenser ................................15
Retrot Knockdown .........................18
Engineering Guide Specications ..............20
Manufactured in an ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 certied facility
©2015 Daikin Applied. Illustrations and data cover the Daikin Applied product at the time of publication and we reserve the right to make changes in design and construction at any time without notice.


WMC 100 - 400 Tons
Magnitude® Magnetic Bearing Chillers
Model WMC 145-400D
WME 400 - 1500 Tons
Model WME 500-700S
100 300 500 700 900 1100 15001300

Technology That Just Makes Sense

The industry’s next generation of centrifugal chillers is here today with Daikin Magnitude® chillers. The new technology begins with centrifugal compressors utilizing magnetic bearings for oil-free operation, integral variable-frequency
drives, and direct drive technology. The high efciency compressor is matched with highly efcient heat exchanges
to make an impressive chiller. Magnitude® chillers have many important features:
State-of-the-art magnetic bearing compressor with oil-free technology
Unit-mounted Variable Frequency Drive
Positive pressure design
Hermetic, permanent magnet, direct-drive motor
User-friendly MicroTech® controls
Open Choices™ feature for BAS of your choice
HFC-134a refrigerant (Zero ozone depletion and no refrigerant phase out)
AHRI cer tication
Features and Benets Summary
The Compressor Technology
Magnetic bearing system that results in greater efciency and reliability, more sustainable performance, reduced operating and maintenance costs, and low vibration and sound levels compared to traditional oil centrifugals.
Integrated Variable Frequency Drive (VFD)
• Unit-mounted VFD modulates compressor speed to
obtain optimum efciency at all load and lift conditions.
The Control Technology
• Onboard digital electronics provide smart controls and include a regenerative power system, user-friendly operator interface, RapidRestore® and RideThrough options, and Open Choices™ BAS exibility.
Certications and Standards
• Meets ASHR AE Std. 90.1, AHRI 550/590 and IBC/ OSHPD Seismic, and contributes to LEED® credits.
Factory Testing
• Ensures trouble free startup and reliable operation.
Model WME 1000-1500D

The Compressor Technology

Model WME’s exceptional efciency and reliability is due
to its cutting-edge permanent magnet motor and magnetic bearing compressor technology. A digitally-controlled magnetic bearing system replaces conventional oil lubricated bearings and a direct drive motor eliminates the need for a lubricated gear box. The compressor shaft, shown in Figure
Figure 1: Magnetic Bearing Compressor Shaft

feaTures and benefITs

feaTures and benefITs
1, levitates on a magnetic cushion and is the compressor’s only major moving component. Sensors at each magnetic bearing provide real-time feedback to the bearing control system. As a result of this sophisticated design, model WME has many advantages over chillers with traditional centrifugal compressors.
3 4
Oil-Free Compressor Design Benets
No Oil Management System = Greater Reliability
With magnetic bearings operating in a magnetic eld
instead of oil-lubricated bearings, the oil handling equipment is removed. No need for:
oil pumps
oil reservoirs
oil coolers
oil lters
water regulating valves
oil relief valves
oil storage and disposal
oil system controls, starter, piping, heaters, etc.
that are needed to maintain oil quality. These devices can
be a fault source in traditional chillers, and removing them
signicantly increases unit and system reliability.
1. Impeller
2. Front Radial Bearing
3. Permanent Magnet Direct Drive Motor
4. Rear Radial Bearing
5. Thrust Bearing
Totally Oil-Free Operation = Greater Efciency
The use of oil-free magnetic bearing technology
signicantly increases chiller efciency by reducing
frictional losses within the bearing system.
In addition, efciency improvements can be realized since
there is no oil to coat the heat transfer surfaces.
No Oil Loss = Sustainable Performance
With no possibility of oil loss at light loads or due to
worn seals, the original energy saving efciency can be
maintained for the life of the chiller.
No Oil System = Low Vibration & Sound Levels
With the use of magnetic bearings, the compressor vibration levels are extremely low, minimizing vibration that could be transmitted to the structure.
With low vibration levels, sound levels are lower compared to traditional centrifugal chillers.
No Oil System = Reduced Maintenance Costs
With oil removed from the system, oil samples, oil changes,
oil system maintenance, oil lter changes, and leaks are
feaTures and benefITs
Additional Compressor Design Benets
Model WME’s magnetic bearing compressor design offers
many benets not only because of its oil free design but also
because of its use of a positive pressure refrigerant and a variable frequency drive.
Environmentally Friendly
Over time negative pressure chillers (such as those using HCFC-123) may draw air and moisture into the system, which
can signicantly increase energy consumption. Since the
Magnitude® WME chiller uses a positive pressure refrigerant
(HFC-134a), the industry-leading efciency can be maintained
for the life of the chiller. In addition, HFC-134a has no ozone depletion potential and no phase-out schedule per the Montreal protocol unlike HCFC type refrigerants used in low pressure designs.
Low Operating Costs
Model WME offers world-class full and part load efciency
due to its advanced permanent magnet motor and magnetic
bearing VFD compressor design. This allows for signicant energy savings at off-design conditions compared to xed-
speed chillers. See AHRI Certication on page 6 for more information on part load performance.

Integrated Variable Frequency Drive

A Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) modulates compressor speed in response to load and evaporator/condenser pressure. When minimum speed is reached, moveable inlet
guide vanes redirect the gas ow into the impeller. VFD’s have the following benets:
• Reduced annual energy costs when there are long periods of part load operation and/or low compressor lift (lower condenser water temperature)
• Reduced motor starting inrush current
• Reduced size of backup generators used to provide emergency power to chillers used on mission critical applications
• Increased power factor to reduce utility surcharges
WME Reduced Harmonic Options
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
has developed a standard (IEEE519) that denes acceptable limits of site specic system current and voltage distortion.
The designer may wish to consult this standard to ensure acceptable levels of harmonic distortion are maintained. The harmonic characteristics of the standard VFD drive (Motor Code M2) will be acceptable in the vast majority of applications without the use of additional costly harmonic
lters or low harmonic drives.
The low harmonic drives (Motor Codes M3 and M4) are guaranteed to meet the IEEE519 Total Demand Distortion limits if the Isc/IL ratio is greater than 20.
An optional harmonic lter for the WME500 and WME1000
M2 VFD drive is available as a factory mounted option or as
an accessory to be eld mounting and wired. This harmonic lter is also guaranteed to meet the IEEE519 Total Demand
Distortion limits.

The Control Technology

It is only tting that this revolutionary chiller design be
matched with the advanced control technology to give you the ultimate chiller performance. Our control design includes many unique energy-saving features and interface enhancements.
MicroTech® E Controller
The model WME chiller utilizes MicroTech® E digital control electronics to proactively manage unit operation and provide control of external chilled water and cooling tower pumps. The compressor runs at the minimum speed necessary to maintain cooling capacity and lift (which decreases with lower condenser water temperatures), thus minimizing energy usage over the entire range of operating conditions. By constantly monitoring chiller status and real time data, the MicroTech® E controller will automatically take proactive measures to relieve abnormal conditions or shut the unit down if a fault occurs.
The WME chiller includes a regenerative power system that is used to provide power to the controls and bearings during a power loss event. When power is lost, the system extracts energy from the spinning motor. The power extracted from the rotor is fed back into the controls and bearings. As the power is extracted from the rotor, the shaft naturally slows down. Once the rotor is exhausted of its kinetic energy, and the shaft has reached a near zero speed, it gently touches down onto the backup bearings. The backup bearings maintain shaft position when the compressor is in an idle state and serve as a failsafe for the primary magnetic bearing system.
Additional smart features that optimize operating efciency
have been incorporated into our MicroTech® E controls:
• Cooling tower control including on/off, staging, and VFD
• Direct control of water pumps
• Chilled water rest
• Demand limit control
• Staging of multiple WME chillers (for WME 500 and 700)
Operator Interface
Operation simplicity was one of the main considerations in the development of the MicroTech® E control system. The operator interface is a 15-inch, color touch-screen monitor that
is mounted on an adjustable arm. Key operating parameters
and setpoints are easily accessible. For added convenience, the unit Operating and Maintenance Manual is also viewable on the touch-screen panel.
In order to track chiller performance, the MicroTech® E 5 CAT 604-9 • MAGNITUDE® MODEL WME CHILLERS
1 P ercent
42 Percent
45 Percent
12 Percent
Percent Ton-Hour Weighting
Percent Load
feaTures and benefITs
controller can record and plot water temperatures, refrigerant pressures, and motor load. These values can be downloaded through a convenient USB port in the interface and exported into a spreadsheet for further evaluation and record purposes. The trend history screen is shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Operator Interface Trend History Screen
Table 1: RapidRestore
Compressor Start
less than 60 sec
after power failure*
* Require s Uninter ruptible Power Su pply (UP S) to the WME c ontrol panel.
** Time i s based on u nit operating at AH RI conditions .
and RideThrough
Fast Loading to 80%
75 sec* 5 sec**
Open Choices™ BAS Flexibility
The exclusive Open Choices™ feature provides seamless integration and comprehensive monitoring, control, and two­way data exchange using industry standard protocols such as LonTalk®, BACnet® or Modbus®. Open Choices™ offers simple
and inexpensive exibility to use the Building Automation
System of your choice without an expensive gateway panel. Open Choices™ benets include:
• Easy to integrate into your BAS of choice
Factory- or eld-installed communications module
• Integrated control logic for factory options
• Easy-to-use local user interface
• Comprehensive data exchange
The controller memory (no batteries required) also retains the fault history for troubleshooting and monitoring unit performance. A time/date stamp is associated with each fault. The fault history can be downloaded through the USB port.
RapidRestore® and RideThrough
Mission critical facilities such as data centers and hospitals are demanding stringent capabilities for chillers to restart and reach full load operation quickly in the event of a power loss. With both RapidRestore® and RideThrough® capabilties, model WME chillers are engineered to meet those needs.
RapidRestore® – Quickly restores cooling capacity when power is restored after a power failure
Compressor Star t – Amount of time required for
the chiller to restart
Fast Loading – Amount of time required for the
chiller to reach a certain load condition
– The ability to maintain operation during
a momentary power loss event. When RideThrough is enabled and a power loss occurs, the compressor motor maintains rotation and the VFD catches and re-synchronizes with the spinning rotor. This permits the chiller to return to its pre-power loss capacity within seconds of power being restored.
Certications and Standards
As with many other Daikin Applied chiller products, the Magnitude® model WME meets all necessary certications and standards.
AHRI Certication
Part load performance can be presented in terms of Integrated
Part Load Value (IPLV), which is dened by AHRI Standard
550/590. Based on AHRI Standard 550/590, and as shown in Figure 3, a typical chiller can operate up to 99% of the time at off-peak conditions and usually spends most of this time at less than 60% of design capacity.
Figure 3: IPLV Dened by AHRI Standard 550/590
RapidRestore® is available for models WME 500 and 700. RideThrough® is available for all WME models. See Table 1 for
WME chillers are rated and certied to AHRI Standard
550/590. The ability of the WME chillers to achieve very high
part load efciencies, as evidenced by their world-class IPLV
ratings, is due primarily to the use of a variable frequency drive and the low friction of the magnetic bearing system. For more information on variable frequency drives, see Integrated Variable Frequency Drive on page 5.
Compliance with ASHRAE Std. 90.1
ASHRAE Standard 90.1 was developed to assist owners and designers make informed choices on a building’s design, systems, and equipment selection. Model WME
can signicantly exceed ASHRAE 90.1 minimum efciency
IBC/OSHPD Seismic Certication
Daikin Magnitude® WME chillers have been tested and
certied by an independent agency, experts in seismic
analysis and design to meet IBC seismic and OSHPD pre­approval. Find more information about seismic requirements and HVAC systems at
For building owners who wish to pursue Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) Green Building
Certication, the performance of the WME may contribute
points towards Energy and Atmosphere (EA) Credits 1 and 4.
Points earned for EA Credit 1 are awarded based on overall
building efciency. The high efciency of the WME will
contribute to the total points earned for this credit.
EA Credit 4 qualication is partially determined by tonnage
and refrigerant quantity. Vessel stack and tube count selections will affect the quantity of refrigerant in the chiller. Consult with your Daikin Applied sales representative for more information.
feaTures and benefITs

Factory Testing

All of our centrifugal chillers (50 or 60 hertz) are factory­tested prior to shipment. Operating and safety controls are checked for correct settings and operation. This testing helps
reduce eld start-up issues and maintain critical construction

Unit Dimensions and Shipping Weight

Figure 4: WME0500-0700S (2-pass, right-hand conguration, with grooved connections)

dImensIons and WeIghTs

dImensIons and WeIghTs
Figure 5: WME1000-1500D (2-pass, right-hand conguration, with grooved connections)
Table 2: WME0500-1500 Dimensions and Shipping Weights
Model Heat Exchanger
E3012 / C2612 168.5 (4280)
E3012 / C3012 168.5 (4280) 71.3 (1811) 96.8 (2459) 14163 (6424)
in (mm)
E3612 / C3012 170.0 (4318) 77.3 (1963) 96.8 (2459) 16329 (7407)
E3612 / C3012 170.0 (4318) 77.3 (1963) 96.3 (2446) 17726 (8040)
E3612 / C3612 170.0 (4318) 83.0 (2108) 102.3 (2598) 20094 (9115)
WME1000D E4216 / C3616 218.3 (5545) 89.0 (2261) 102.8 (2611) 28172 (12779)
WME1500D E4816 / C4216 230.0 (5842) 101.0 (2565) 109.8 (2789) 38114 (17288)
* Shipping weight is ba sed on unit w ith standard tub e cong uratio n.
** Uni t height does not inc lude hei ght of removable eye bolt.
*** Dimens ion for un it with M2 s tandar d motor (60 Hz 440 /460/4 80V).
*** * Dimens ion for unit with M2 standard motor (50 Hz 380/400/415V, 60Hz 380/575V), M2 st andard m otor (60 Hz 380 /460V) with factory- mounte d harmon ic lter, or M3 l ow THD mot or
(50Hz 380/440/460/480/575V).
in (mm)
68.4 (1737) ***
70.7 (1796) ****
Height **
in (mm)
92.8 (2357) 12864 (5835)
Shipping Weight *
lb (kg)
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