Magnitude™ Magnetic Bearing Centrifugal Chillers Catalog 602-2
Model WMC, B Vintage • 145 to 400 tons • 500 to 1400 kW • R-134a
Cutaway View of Magnetic Bearing Compressor
Compressor Major Running Gear Components
MicroTech II®Controller Operator Interface, Home Screen
Table of Contents
Manufactured in an ISO Certified Facility
Document: Catalog 602-2
Applies to 60 HZ only
The New Compressor Technology ........................................................................................................................ 4
Unit Control Features ..................................................................................................................................... 7
MicroTech II ® Control Features and Benefits ................................................................................................ 8
Unit Design Features ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Sound Data ........................................................................................................................................................... 17
One-Third Octave Band ................................................................................................................................ 17
Marine Water Box Dimensions ..................................................................................................................... 25
Physical Data and Weights ................................................................................................................................. 27
Physical Data ................................................................................................................................................ 28
Electrical Data ..................................................................................................................................................... 30
Power Factor Correction ............................................................................................................................... 40
VFD Line Harmonics ................................................................................................................................... 40
Optimum Water Temperatures and Flow ...................................................................................................... 42
System Water Volume ................................................................................................................................... 44
Pump Control ................................................................................................................................................ 44
Pressure Drop Curves ................................................................................................................................... 46
Options and Accessories...................................................................................................................................... 49
Refrigerant Recovery Units ................................................................................................................................ 51
For Magnitude™ Model WME information see Catalog 604
Next Generation Centrifugal -
Here Today
The industry’s next generation of centrifugal chillers
is here today with Daikin Magnitude chillers. The new
technology begins with centrifugal compressors
utilizing frictionless magnetic bearings for oil-free
operation, integral variable-frequency drives, and
high-speed direct drive technology. The high
efficiency compressor is matched with highly efficient
heat exchanges to make an impressive chiller. The
control system is based on Daikin’s MicroTech II
family to provide the optimum chiller control system.
We invite you to look at how the features and benefits
compare to older compressor technologies.
Benefit Summary
•Highest Efficiency- in its size range; as low as
0.328 kW/ton.
Increased Reliability This frictionless
magnetic bearing design needs no oil. With no
oil to coat the heat transfer surfaces, a gain in
heat exchanger efficiency can be realized.
Ultra Quiet A compressor sound level as low
as 76 dBA, with virtually no structure-borne
vibration, eliminates the need for expensive sound
attenuation accessories.
•Sustainable Performance All oil-lubricated
chillers will deposit oil on heat transfer surfaces
and eventually lose some efficiency. Since the
Magnitude chiller uses a positive pressure
refrigerant and has no oil, its industry-leading
efficiency is maintained for the life of the
chiller. Additionally, over time negative
pressure chillers may draw air and moisture into
the system, which can significantly increase
energy consumption.
Smart refrigerant choice The compressor is
optimized for HFC 134a, the positive pressure
refrigerant with no phase-out schedule and no
ozone depletion.
Smart controls. The compressor is self-
correcting and incorporates a system of
sophisticated self-diagnostics, monitoring and
event of a power failure, the compressor motor
acts as a generator, providing power for the
bearing control system during coast down. It
also has a system to gently de-levitate the shaft.
Safe power interruption In the
4 Catalog 602-2
Oil-Free Design Benefits
Totally Oil-Free Operation = Greater Efficiency
With no oil to coat the heat tr ansfer surfaces, a gain in
heat exchanger efficiency can be realized.
No Oil Loss = Sustainable Performance
With no possibility of oil loss at light loads or due to worn
seals, the original energy saving efficiency can be
maintained for the life of the chiller.
No Oil Handling Equipment = Greater Reliability
With magnetic bearings operating in a magnetic electrical
field instead of oil-lubricated bearings, the oil handling
equipment is removed. No need for:
oil pumps
oil reservoi rs
oil coolers
oil filters
water r egulating valves
oil relief valves
oil system controls, starter, piping, heaters, etc...
that are needed to maintain oil quality. These devices can
be a fault source in tr aditional chillers, and removing
them significantly increases unit and system reliability.
No Oil System = Reduced Maintenance Costs
With oil removed from the system, oil samples, oil
changes, oil system maintenance, oil f ilter changes and
leaks are eliminated.
The Compressor Technology
The advanced, magnetic bearing, permanent
magnet synchronous motor technology used in
Magnitude chillers offers many owner benefits.
Figure 1, Compressor Cutaway
Magnetic Bearings and
Bearing Sensors
Permanent Magnet
Synchronous Motor
Touchdown Bearings
Shaft and Impellers
Compressor Cooling
VFD = Ultra-Low IPLV
The well-proven energy performance advantages
of large central plant type variable-speed
centrifugal chiller compressors now benefit
mainstream, middle-market applications through
the use of high-speed, centrifugal compression
with integral variable-speed drive.
The compressor speed reduces as the condensing
temperature and/or cooling load reduces,
optimizing energy performance through the entire
operating range. Movable inlet guide vanes
redirect gas flow into the first stage impeller
during low loads, after the compressor has reached
minimum speed.
Ultra-Smart Controls
The chillers utilize digital control electronics to
proactively manage unit operation and providing
control of external chilled water and cooling tower
Greater Reliability
Oil Handling Equipment Removed
With magnetic bearings operating in a magnetic
electrical field instead of oil lubricated ball or roller
friction type bearings as the basis of design, the oil
handling equipment is removed.
Catalog 602-2 5
Exceptional Control
User-Friendly Touch Screen Panel
Every Magnitude chiller is provided with the userfriendly operator interface touch screen panel
mounted on the moveable positioning arm for easy
viewing and operation.
View chiller status, clear faults and change
parameters by merely touching the screen.
For added convenience, the unit operating and
maintenance manual is viewable on the screen and
can be downloaded and printed via the USB port
located in the control panel.
Low Operating Costs
Shrink Your Utility Costs with Ultra
Efficient Part-Load Performance
The Magnitude chiller Integrated
Part Load Value (IPLV) is as low
as 0.328 kW/Ton. Compare this
with most screw compressor
chillers - approximately 0.575
kW/Ton. There is a potential for
up to 40% energy savings at part
load compared to other chillers.
Virtually Eliminate Maintenance Costs
l samples, oil change-outs, oil
system maintenance, oil filter
changes are eliminated. The
bearing system, shafting and
impellers are shown here.
Flexible BAS Interface Modules
Every Magnitude chiller with MicroTech®II
controls and the Open Choices™ feature can be
provided with L
Modbus communications modules for an easy, low
cost connection to the building automation system of
your choice. Expensive and complex interface
gateways are not required.
Modules can also be easily retrofitted after
Variable Frequency Drives
Compressor unloading and subsequent chiller
capacity reduction is accomplished by a
compressor-mounted variable frequency drive. It
operates in conjunction with the inlet guide vanes.
The VFDs are a key factor in providing the
tremendous energy savings at part load operation.
Seismic Certification Option
WMC units are OSHPD Pre-Approved and so
labeled. (California only).
WMC units are certified to IBC 2009
nvironmental Responsibility
Long Term Refrigerant Solution
The Magnitude chiller uses R-134a refrigerant,
which does not have a phase-out date and does not
attack the ozone layer.
Ultra Quiet Sound Levels
The Magnitude chiller is the quietest chiller in the
industry for its size range. It is perfect for sound
sensitive applications. See ratings on page 17.
The best way to appreciate how quiet these units are
is to hear one operate. It is important to compare the
sound data in this catalog to other offerings.
Remember that a sound pressure difference of only
two to three dBA is a very noticeable difference. A
number of owners have asked for a large indicating
light on the unit so they can tell when it’s on!
6 Catalog 602-2
Extremely Low Vibration Levels
As a result of the magnetic bearings and low
inertia design, the compressor vibration levels are
extremely low, minimizing vibration that could be
transmitted to the structure.
The unit is shipped with rubber mounting pads and
spring vibration isolators are not required.
Unit Control Features
Magnitude Chillers Feature MicroTech
It is only fitting that the world’s most
revolutionary chiller design be matched with
the advanced Daikin MicroTech control
technology to give you the ultimate in chiller
performance and control. The control includes
many energy-saving features and interface
enhancements not found in any other unit controller
system on the market today. MicroTech controller's
innovative design will help keep your chiller
running efficiently . . . day in, day out, for years to
Control Architecture
The Magnitude chiller takes advantage of Daikin
International’s 30 years of experience in designing
and manufacturing the highly regarded WDC line of
The operator interface panel is a 15-inch Super
VGA touch-screen, utilizing graphics to provide
clear and concise information on the chiller status,
(see page 9) alarms, trends, and setpoint
adjustment. Should the touch-screen become
inoperable, the unit controller will continue
uninterrupted operation of the chiller.
The controller minds those functions that are
common to the chiller as a whole (pumps, cooling
tower, valves, etc.) and is the interface point for
BAS connection and other control inputs to the
chiller, as well as outputs such as operation of the
electronic expansion valve.
The control panel contains a USB port for
downloading the unit’s fault history, major
parameter trends, and the unit operating manual that
is stored in the microprocessor.
Catalog 602-2 7
energy conservation
MicroTech II ® Control Features and Benefits
Easy integration into Building Automation System
(BAS) via the exclusive Open Choice™
communication module
Easy to read, adjustable, 15 inch, Super VGA color
touch screen operator interface
Historic trend data-downloadable
Precise ± 0.2 °F chilled water control
Proactive pre-shutdown correction of “unusual
conditions” allows chiller to stay online
Automatic control of chilled water and condenser
water pumps
Controls up to four stages of tower fans and
modulation of tower fan and/or bypass valve
Twenty-five previous alarm descriptions are stored
in memory
Up to four WMC chillers* can be interconnected
for coordinated operation
Designed with the Operator in Mind
Reliable, economic use of any chiller depends
largely on an easy operator interface. That’s why
operation simplicity was one of the main
considerations in the development of the
MicroTech controller. The operator’s interface
with the chiller is through a 15-inch, Super VGA
color monitor with touch-screen capability. The
operator can clearly see the entire chiller
graphically displayed with the key operating
parameters viewable on the screen. Pressing a
single on-screen button will access the set screens
where setpoints can be reviewed and changed, if
necessary. Other screens, such as alarm history,
are easily accessed through touch screen buttons.
See the following page for some typical screens.
By constantly monitoring chiller status, the
MicroTech controller will automatically take
proactive measures to relieve abnormal conditions
or shut the unit down if a fault occurs. For
example, if a problem occurs in the cooling tower
and discharge pressure starts to rise, the controller
will automatically hold the load point and activate
an alarm signal. A further rise in pressure will
initiate compressor unloading in an effort to
maintain the setpoint pressure and stay online. If
the pressure continues to rise, the unit will shut off
at the cutout pressure setting.
Designer can select any BAS supplier using standard
open protocols and know the MicroTech II control will
interface with it.
Provides stability in chilled water system
Valuable asset for trouble shooting
Simplifies multi-chiller installations
Operators can observe chiller operation and easily
select various data screens and change setpoints
Water temperatures, refrigerant pressures, and motor
load plots can provide valuable information for
Activates alarm and modifies chiller operation to
provide maximum possible cooling
Integrated lead/lag and automatic engagement of
backup pump
Optimum integrated, efficient, control of cooling tower
water based on system conditions
The MicroTech controller's memory retains a
record of faults and the time/date stamp. The
controller's memory (no batteries required) can
retain and display the cause of the current fault and
the last twenty-five fault conditions. This method
for retaining the fault is extremely useful for
trouble shooting and maintaining an accurate
record of unit performance and history. The
controller features a two-level password security
system to provide protection against unauthorized
The Home Screen shown in Figure 2 is usually
used as the primary viewing screen. It provides real
time data on unit status, water temperatures, chilled
water set point and motor amp draw. In other
words, it very clearly answers the vital question: is
the chiller doing what it is supposed to do?
*Note: WMC B-vintage chillers may not be interconnected with any
other model, including WMC A-vintage models. See IM 10292 for more information.
8 Catalog 602-2
Figure 2, MicroTech II Home Screen
an alarm occurs, a red button appears on the
screen (a remote signal is also available). Pressing
this button immediately accesses the Active Fault
Screen that gives complete fault information. The
problem can be fixed and the fault can be quickly
and easily cleared at this point.
Changing Setpoints
The mystery of changing set points is a thing of
the past. Look at how easy the job becomes with
the Daikin MicroTech. For example, to change the
chilled water set point, press SET from any screen,
then press the WATER button and this screen
appears, press button #1, Leaving Water
Temperature, and you are ready to input a new
value. Selected setpoints can also be changed by
the BAS.
gure 3, MicroTech II Setpoints Screen
The Daikin MicroTech controller can record and
plot water temperatures, refrigerant pressures, and
motor load in order to trend performance. These
values can also be downloaded through a
convenient USB port in the control panel, and
exported into a spreadsheet for further evaluation
and record purposes.
Many standard features have been incorporated
into MicroTech control in order to maintain the
operating economy of Daikin centrifugal chillers.
In addition to replacing normal relay logic
circuits, we’ve enhanced the controller's energy
saving capabilities with the following features:
•Direct control of water pumps. Optically
isolated, digital output relays provide automatic
lead-lag of the evaporator and condenser
pumps, permitting pump operation only when
•User-programmable compressor soft loading.
Prevents excessive power draw during pull
down from high unoccupied chilled water
temperature conditions.
•Chilled-water reset. Accomplished directly on
he unit by resetting the leaving water
temperature based on the return water
temperature. A remote 4-20 ma or 1-5 VDC
BAS signal can also be used to reset th
eaving water. Raising the chilled water
Trend Logging
Ever wonder how your chiller performed last
week? Were you holding the required chilled water
temperature? What kind of cooling load did the
chiller have?
Catalog 602-2 9
setpoint during periods of light loads
dramatically reduces electrical consumption.
• Demand limit control. Maximum motor current
draw can be set on the panel, or can be adjusted
from a remote 4-20 ma or 1-5 VDC BAS
signal. This feature controls maximum demand
charges during high usage periods.
• Condenser water temperature control. Capable
of four stages of tower fan control plus an
optional analog control of either a three-way
tower-bypass valve or variable speed tower-fan
motor. Stages are controlled from condenserwater temperature. The three-way valve can be
controlled to a different water temperature or
track the current tower stage. This allows
optimum chilled water plant performance
based upon specific job requirements.
• Staging Options (Multiple Chiller
Installations). Lead-lag and load-balance: the
MicroTech II controller is capable of
compressor lead-lag decisions and balancing
compressor loads between two compressors on
one unit or two separate Magnitude chillers,
using defaults or operator defined staging. For
example, in the 30 to 60 percent load segment,
one compressor running on each of two chillers
will provide better efficiency than two
compressors running on one chiller.
• Plotting Historic Trends. Past operation of the
chiller can be plotted as trend lines and even
downloaded to spread sheets for evaluation - a
valuable tool for optimizing efficiency.
Versatile Communications Capabilities
Give You Even More Control
For complete flexibility there are four ways to
interface with the MicroTech II controller:
1. Direct entry and readout locally at the operator
interface panel on the unit.
2. Direct entry as above plus digital and analog
input/output signals for certain functions such
as: enable run input, alarm signal output, 4-20
ma or 0-5 VDC inputs for chilled water reset
and load limiting, pump and tower fan control,
analog output for variable speed fan and tower
3. Interface with BACnet, L
4. Direct communication between three
Magnitude WMC chillers (not compatible with
WME models).
Building Automation Systems
All MicroTech II controllers are capable of
communications providing seamless integration
and comprehensive monitoring, control, and twoway data exchange with industry standard
protocols Lon Talk
Open Choice Benefits
• Easy to integrate into your building automation
system supplier of choice
• Factory- or field-installed communications
• Provides efficient equipment operation
• Integrated control logic for factory options
• Easy-to-use local user interface
• Owner/designer can select the BAS that best
meets building requirements
• Comprehensive data exchange
or BACnet or Modbus.
10 Catalog 602-2
Capacity Limit Output
Cond EWT
Evap Water Pump Status
Chiller Enable
Cond LWT
Run Enabled
Chiller Local/Remote
Cond Refrigerant Pressure
Liquid Line Refrigerant Temp
Chiller Mode Setpoint
Cond Water Pump Status
Minimum Send Time
Chiller Status
Evap Flow Switch Status
Cool Setpoint
Compressor Percent RLA
Evap LWT for Compressor
Default Values
Compressor Select
Evap Refrigerant Pressure
Actual Capacity
LonTalk (FTT-10A)
Modbus RTU
BACnet Ethernet
Figure 5, Sample System Architecture
Table 1, Typical Data Point Availability
Typical Data Points
Capacity Limit Setpoint W Cond Flow Switch Status R Pump Select W
Chiller Limited R Cond Pump Run Hours R Liquid Line Refrigerant Pressure R
Chiller Mode Output R Cond Sat. Refrigerant Temp R Maximum Send Time W
Chiller On/Off R Evap EWT R Network Clear Alarm W
Compressor Discharge Temp R Evap LWT for Unit R Current Alarm R
Compressor Run Hours R Evap Pump Run Hours R Active Setpoint R
Compressor Starts R Evap Sat. Refrigerant Temp R Compressor Suction Line Temp R
Notes: Data points available are dependent upon options selected
(W = Write, R = Read)
Network Protocol Options
Catalog 602-2 11
Unit Design Features
Variable Frequency Drive
Efficiency: The standard variable frequency drive
is a technology that has been used for decades to
control motor speed on a wide variety of motordrive applications. When applied to centrifugal
compressor motors, significant gains in part load
performance can be realized. The improvement in
efficiency and reduction of annual energy cost is
maximized when there are long periods of part
load operation, combined with low compressor lift
(lower condenser water temperatures).
The attributes of VFD and the compressor
technology produces one of the industry's most
efficient chiller based on the all-important IPLV
value. See “IPLV/NPLV Defined” on page 14 for
details on the AHRI IPLV efficiency rating.
Starting Inrush: The use of a VFD on centrifugal
chillers also provides an excellent method of
reducing motor starting inrush-even better than
"solid state" starters. Starting current can be
closely controlled since both the frequency and
voltage are regulated. This can be an important
benefit to a building's electrical distribution
system. The low inrush feature, combined with two
one-half size compressors having a staggered start,
is particularly attractive where chillers will be
asked to operate on emergency generators. Since
inrush has much to do with sizing the generators,
much smaller generators can be used.
Optional Harmonic Filter
An optional field-mounted harmonic filter is
available. See page 40 for details.
Daikin Positive Pressure Design:
•No Vacuum Prevention System
•No Contaminants
HFC-134a operates above atmospheric pressure in
the entire refrigerant circuit and at normal
temperatures. All Daikin centrifugal chillers use a
positive pressure refrigerant, with the following
•No breakdown of motor insulation, refrigerant
or lubricant
•No increase in operating cost due t
o absorption of impurities into the refrigerant
isplacement of heat transfer surface by non-
•No crevice corrosion and tube failure due t
oisture in the system
•No annual service expense to maintain a
rebuild purge unit
•No abnormal annual service expense for oil
ilter, and refrigerant replacement
•No periodic emissions of refrigerant into the
Heat Exchangers
Daikin Magnitude chillers are equipped with
high performance heat exchangers. The unique
design greatly increases heat transfer and
reduces unit footprint and refrigerant charge.
Vessels are designed, constructed and tested in
accordance with ASME Section VIII, ASHRAE
Standard 15 requirements and TEMA
he replaceable water tubes are internally rifled
and externally enhanced copper, and are
mechanically bonded to steel tube sheets. Standard
tubes are 0.025-inch wall thickness. Consult
factory for other options.
Vessels are available for 1, 2 or 3 pass water flow.
A 3/4" or 1-1/2 thick layer of vinyl/nitrate polymer
evaporator insulation is optional. All seams are
glued to form an effective vapor barrier. Detailed
information on the insulation can be found under
“Physical Data” on page 27.
Pumpout systems provide a means to collect and
contain the refrigerant charge without loss when
access to internal chiller components is required
for service.
Daikin condensers and evaporators are sized to
hold the entire unit refrigerant charge when not
more than 90% full and at 90°F (32°C) ambient
temperature. They are equipped with valves in
the compressor discharge lines, suction lines, and
in the liquid line. These valves, coupled with the
vessel design, satisfy the stringent requirements
of the U.S. Department of Transportation for
refrigerant shipping containers, as well as ASME
vessel codes. When service is required, the
refrigerant charge can be pumped down into
either the condenser or evaporator by compressor
operation and use of a refrigerant transfer unit.
12 Catalog 602-2
Elimination of the cost and space requirements of
an external pumpout system on most jobs is a
major Daikin advantage.
Electronic Expansion Valve
Controlled refrigerant flow over the entire capacity
range saves energy and dollars. Cooling loads and
condenser water temperatures can change
constantly. On Magnitude chillers, a modern
electronic expansion valve meters refrigerant flow
in direct response to the unit controller input,
which looks at unit kW and lift (discharge minus
suction pressure) to set the valve position. The
controller then balances suction superheat and
liquid subcooling to reach the optimum efficienc y,
regardless of changing load or condensing
temperatures. In doing so, full utilization of
compressor, evaporator, and condenser efficiency
over the entire operating range is achieved.
Flow Switch
All chiller units must be provided with flow
switches for the evaporator and condenser.
Daikin furnishes factory-installed and wired,
thermal dispersion-type flow switches as standard
equipment on Magnitude chillers. This eliminates
the expense of field mounting and wiring
conventional paddle or differential pressure
e flow switches
prevent the unit
from starting
without sufficient
water flow through
the vessels. They
also serve to shut
down the unit in
the event that
water flow is
interrupted to
guard against evaporator freeze-up or excessive
discharge pressure.
Optional Witness Test
A factory engineer oversees the testing in the
presence of the customer or their designate and
translates the test data onto an easy-to-read
spreadsheet. Tests are run to AHRI tolerances of
capacity and power. 50 Hertz units are tested using
an on-site 50 Hertz generator.
Daikin Factory Service Startup
All Daikin centrifugal chillers are commissioned
by local Daikin Factory Service personnel or by
authorized Daikin startup technicians. This
procedure helps assure that proper starting and
checkout procedures are employed and helps speed
up the commissioning process.
Part Load Efficiency
According to ASHRAE, chillers usually spend
99% of their operating hours under part load
conditions and most of this time at less than 60%
of design capacity. One compressor of a dual
chiller operates with the full heat transfer surface
of the entire unit. For example, one 75-ton
compressor on a 150-ton dual chiller utilizes 150
tons of evaporator and condenser surface. This
results in very high unit efficiency and also
increases the compressor’s capacity.
The inclusion of VFDs, as standard, to the dual
compressor chiller can produce astonishing AHRI
Certified IPLVs,
selections can vary from this example.
as low as 0.328 kW/ton. Specific
Compliance with ASHRAE Std. 90.1
With the Magnitude chiller capacity range of 145
to 400 tons, they fall into three ASHRAE Std. 90.1
efficiency groups and revisions.
Additionally, for a higher margin of protection,
normally open auxiliary contacts in the pump
starters can be wired in series with the flow switches
as shown in the Field Wiring Diagram.
Optional Certified Test
A factory engineer oversees the testing, certifies the
accuracy of the computerized results, and translates
the test data onto an easy-to-read spreadsheet. The
tests are run to AHRI tolerance of capacity and
power. 50 Hertz units are tested using an on-site 50
Hertz generator.
Catalog 602-2 13
Table 2, ASHRAE 90.1 Requirements (kW/ton)
Path A
Path B
150 Tons
< 300 Tons
300 Tons
600 Tons
Std. 90.1
< 150 Tons 0.703 0.669
NOTE: Beginning in 2010, the 90.1 efficiency
requirements have been divided into two groups,
designated as Path A and Path B. Path B is a new
category created for units with VFD compressor drives
that by nature have superior part-load efficiencies. WMC
Pre 2010 Starting in 2010
0.634 0.596 0.634 0.596 0.639 0.450
0.576 0.549 0.576 0.549 0.600 0.400
0.634 0.596
0.639 0.450
Magnitude chillers, with their built-in VFDs, fall into
Path B.
The Path B IPLV values for 2010 are about 30 percent
less than the 2007 equivalent values. Also beginning in
2010, the minimum efficiency values are formula derived
instead tabular so that they can take flows and
temperatures other than AHRI standard into account.
AHRI Certification
Daikin has an on-going commitment to supply
chillers that perform as specified. To this extent,
Daikin centrifugal chillers are part of the AHRI
Certification Program. On-going performance
verification of chiller capacity and power input
plus AHRI certified computerized selection
output provide the owner with specified
performance in accordance with the latest version
of AHRI Standard 550/590.
All c
hillers that fall within the scope of the
certification program have an AHRI certification
label at no cost to the owner. Equipment covered
by the AHRI certification program includes all
water-cooled centrifugal and screw water chilling
packages rated up to 2500 tons (8800 kW) at AHRI
standard rating conditions, hermetic or open drive,
with electric driven motor not exceeding 5000
volts, and cooling water (not glycol).
Published certified ratings verified through testing
by AHRI include:
and performance tolerances of all units that fall
within the application rating conditions.
Leaving chilled water temp.: 40°F to 48°F (44°F
Entering condenser water temp.: 60°F to 95°F
Leaving chilled water temp.: 44°F
Evap. waterside field fouling allowance: 0.0001
Chilled water flow rate: 2.4 gpm/ton
Entering condenser water temp.: 85°F
Condenser waterside field fouling allowance:
Condenser water flow rate: 3.0 gpm/ton
Part load performance can be presented in terms of
Integrated Part Load Value (IPLV), which is based
on AHRI standard rating conditions (listed above),
or Non-Standard Part Load Values (NPLV), which
is based on specified or job site conditions. IPLV
and NPLV are based on the following weighting
equation from AHRI 550/590:
ing kW/ton:
A = kW/ton at 100%
B = kW/ton at 75%
C = kW/ton at 50%
D = kW/ton at 25%
, using COP values:
A = COP at 100%
B = COP at 75%
C = COP at 50%
D = COP at 25%
The AHRI Standard 550/590 for Centrifugal or
Screw Water-Chilling Packages and associated
manuals define certification and testing procedures
14 Catalog 602-2
•Capacity, tons (kW)
•Power, kW/ton (COP)
•Pressure drops, ft. of water (kPa)
•Integrated Part Load Value (IPLV) or Non-
Standard Part Load Value (NPLV)
%.( .%)
Tolerancex FL
10 50 07
The percent of annual hours of operation at the
four load points are as follows:
ton (kW/ton), and heat balance is:
100% Load at 1%
75% Load at 42%
50% Load at 45%
25% Load at 12%
Note that the vast majority of hours are at the operating
range where dual compressor chillers excel.
The AHRI test tolerance, per AHRI Standard
550/590-98, for capacity (tons), power input per
FL = Full Load
DTFL = Chilled Water Delta-T at Full Load
This formula results in a ±5% tolerance on tons
and kW/ton at the 100% load point and AHRI
Catalog 602-2 15
Packaged Water Cooled
M = Magnetic
Centrifugal Compressor Model
Unit Model Code
Motor/Voltage Code
Evaporator Shell Description
Tube Count Code
Tube Type Code
Number of Passes (1, 2, 3)
Water Inlet Location (R = Right Inlet; L = Left Inlet)
r Inlet Location (R = Right Inlet; L = Left Inlet)
Connection Type
Number of Passes (Heat Recovery Condenser)
Water Inlet Location (Heat Recovery Condenser)
Motor Manufacturer
Chiller Identification
Magnitude centrifugal chillers are selected by computer and identified by their components on the selection
printout as a Model #. The unit model code is as follows:
Figure 6, Chiller Identification
Vintage/Single Refrigerant Circuit
[Diameter (in.), Length (ft.)]
W M C - 150D - BS - 13R / E2212 - B E - 2 RA / C2012 - B L Y Y - 2 R A Y Y Y R 134
Connection Type (Heat Recovery Condenser)
Refrigeration Type (134 = HFC-134a)
16 Catalog 602-2
63 Hz
125 Hz
250 Hz
500 Hz
1 kHz
2 kHz
4 kHz
8 kHz
Octave Band
63 Hz
125 Hz
250 Hz
500 Hz
1 kHz
2 kHz
4 kHz
8 kHz
Octave Band
63 Hz
125 Hz
250 Hz
500 Hz
1 kHz
2 kHz
4 kHz
8 kHz
Octave Band
63 Hz
125 Hz
250 Hz
500 Hz
1 kHz
2 kHz
4 kHz
8 kHz
Sound Data
The following sound pressure ratings are for
measurements one meter from the unit and in
accordance with ANSI/AHRI Standard 575. The
ratings are for the various part loads shown and at
lowering of sound level as the units unload.
Ratings are “A” weighted measured at one-meter
from the unit. The 25 percent values are with one
compressor running.
the center bands. Note that there is a considerable