Goodman AWUF18, AWUF30, AWUF36, AWUF24, AWUF37 Installation Instructions Manual

Important Safety Instructions
As a professional installer, you have an obligation to know the product better than the customer. This includes all safety pre­cautions and related items. Prior to actual installation, thor­oughly familiarize yourself with this Instruction Manual. Pay special attention to all safety warnings. Remember, it is your responsibility to install the product safely and to know it well enough to be able to instruct a customer in its safe use.
The precautions listed in this Installation Manual are intended as supplemental to existing practices. However, if there is a direct conflict between existing practices and the content of this manual, the precautions listed here take precedence.
© 2005-2009 Goodman Manufacturing Company, L.P. 5151 San Felipe, Suite 500, Houston, TX 77056 -or- P/N: IO-281J Date: December 2009
Installations and re pair of this un it should be performed by individuals meeting the
ONLY require ment s of an “En try Level Techn ician” as specified by the Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (A HRI). Attemptin g to install or repair this unit without such background may result in product damage, personal injury , or death.
This unit should not be connected to, or used in con­junction with, any devices that are not design certified for use wi th this uni t or h ave not b ee n tes ted an d approved by Goodm an. Se rious pro perty damage or personal injury, reduced unit performance and/or hazardous conditions may result from the use of devices that ha v e no t be en ap pr o ve d o r c e rt ifi e d b y G o od man .
Disconnect ALL power before servicing or installing this unit. Multiple power sources may be present.
Failure to do so may cause property
damage, personal injury or death.
Special Warning for Installation of Furnace or Air Handling Units in Enclosed Areas such as Garages, Utility Rooms or Parking Areas
Carbon monoxide producing devices (such as an automobile, space heater, gas water heater, etc.) should not be operated in enclosed areas such as unventilated gar a ges, utility rooms or parking areas bec ause o f the danger of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning resulting from the exhaust emissions. If a furnace or air handler is installed in an enclosed area such as a garage, utility room or parki ng area a nd a carbon m onox i de producing device is operated therein, there must be adequate, direct outside ventilation.
This ventilation is necessary to avoid the danger of CO poisoning which can occur if a carbon monoxide prod uc ing device continues to operate in the enclosed area. Carb on monoxi de emi ss io ns can be (re) c irculated throughout the structure if the furnace or air handle r is operat ing in any mode.
CO can cause serious illness including permanent brain damage or death.
To prevent the risk of property damage, personal injury, or death, do not store combustible materials or use gasoline or other flammable liquids or vapors in the vicinity of this appliance.
Have your contractor identify all the various cutoff switch es and devices that service this unit. Know wher e the switc h is that will cut off ener gy t o the heating sys t e m in the event of overheating.
Shipping Inspection
Upon receiving the product, inspect it for damage from ship­ment. Shipping damage, and subsequent investigation is the responsibility of the carrier. Verify the model number, specifi­cations, electrical characteristics, and accessories are cor­rect prior to installation. The distributor or manufacturer will not accept claims from dealers for transportation damage or in-
stallation of incorrectly shipped units.
Codes & Regulations
This product is designed and manufactured to comply with national codes. Installation in accordance with such codes and/ or prevailing local codes/regulations is the responsibility of the installer. The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for equip­ment installed in violation of any codes or regulations.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has issued various regulations regarding the introduc­tion and disposal of refrigerants. Failure to follow these regulations may harm the environment and can lead to the imposition of substantial fines. These regulations may vary by jurisdiction. A certified technician must perform the installation and service of this product. Should you
have any questions please contact the local office of the EPA.
Replacement Parts
When reporting shortages or damages, or ordering repair parts, give the complete product model and serial numbers as stamped on the product. Replacement parts for this product are avail­able through your contractor or local distributor. For the loca­tion of your nearest distributor consult the white business pages, the yellow page section of the local telephone book or contact:
(713) 861 – 2500
Installer’s Note:
Replacement air filters can be ordered directly from the sup­plier:
United Air Filter Charlotte, NC Phone: 704-334-5311
AWUF18-24 - Part #BT1369604,14” x 18” x 1” AWUF36 - Part #BT1369606,16” x 20” x 1” AWUF31-37 - Part #BT1369608,18” x 20” x 1”
Pre-Installation Instructions
Carefully read all instructions for the installation prior to install­ing product. Make sure each step or procedure is understood and any special considerations are taken into account before starting installation. Assemble all tools, hardware and sup­plies needed to complete the installation. Some items may need to be purchased locally. Make sure everything needed to install the product is on hand before starting.
Before attempting any installation, the following points should be considered:
Your warranty certificate is supplied as a separate document with the unit installed by your contractor. Read the limited warranty certificate carefully to determine what is and is not covered and keep the warranty certificate in a safe place. If you are unable to locate the warranty certificate please contact your installing contractor or contact customer service (877­254-4729) to obtain a copy.
IMPORTANT: To receive the 10-year Parts Limited Warranty, online registration must be completed within 60 days of instal­lation. Online registration is not required in California or Que­bec.
To register your Goodman brand unit, go to Click on the word “Warranty” located on the left side of the home page. Next, click on the word “Product Registration” located on the left side of the Warranty page and complete the forms in the manner indicated on the Product Registration page.
Product limited warranty certificates can be viewed at or Each prod­uct
overview page contains a Product Warranty link; by clicking on it you will be able to view the limited warranty coverage for that specific product. To view warranty registration information, click on the Product Warranty text on the left navigation panel on the home page of each website. The Online Product Registra­tion pages are located in this same section.
Before using this manual, check the serial plate for proper model identification.
The installation and servicing of this equipment must be per­formed by qualified, experienced technicians only.
Structural strength of supporting members
Clearances and provision for servicing
Power supply and wiring
Air duct connections
Drain facilities and connections
Application Information
The unit is designed to be installed either recessed into a wall or hanging in a vertical “upflow” position. If units are recessed in a wall, use the holes along the inside of the front flange to attach units to the framing studs. The vertical airhandler comes equipped with an offset hanging bracket attached to the rear of the cabinet for hanging applications.
The airhandler also has a bottom and front return. Large chas- sis installations should be installed as front return only. If the small chassis airhandler is to be installed in a bottom re­turn application, discard the drain access panel in the bottom of the unit. If the airhandler is to be installed in a front return application, remove and discard the front access panel with insulation. The unit is shipped with a filter rack and filter. Re­member to inspect, clean and/or replace the filter monthly.
Units are equipped with both a bottom primary and secondary drain. Both drains must be trapped. Failure to install a trap could result in condensation overflowing the drain pan resulting in substantial water damage to the nearby area.
To prevent potential sweating and dripping on to finished space, it may be necessary to insulate the condensate drain line lo­cated inside the building. Use Armaflex® or similar material.
NOTE: If you intend to install this unit with a “WAD” door
it must be mounted 1/4” behind front edge of stud.
Electrical Supply Wire and MOP
Maximum Allowable Length in Feet
to Limit Volta g e D ro p to 2%*
HIGH VOLTAGE To avoid the risk of fir e or eq u ipment dama ge, use only co pp er conducto r s . Disconnect ALL power before servicing or insta lling this u nit. Multip le power sou r ces may be present. Th e ele ctrical power to this unit MUST be in the OFF position and all power supplies disconnec t ed. Fail ure to do so may cause pro p e rty damage, personal injury or death.
The unit MUST have an unin te rru pt ed , un bro ke n electrical ground to minimize the possibility of personal injury if an electrical fault should occur. The electrical ground circuit may consist of an appropri­ately sized electrical wire connecting the ground lug in the unit and contro l box wi r e to the bui ldin g’s electrical service panel. Other methods of grounding are per mitted if performed in accordance with the “National Electric Code” (N E C) /”Ameri c an N at ional Standards Institute” (ANSI)/”National Fire Protection Association” (NFPA) 70 and local/state codes. In Canada, elec trical grounding is to be in accordance with the Canadian Elec tric Code CSA C22.1. Failure to observe this warning can result in electrical shock that can cause personal injury or death.
Inspection of the Building Electrical Service
This unit is designed for single-phase electrical supply. DO NOT OPERATE ON A THREE-PHASE POWER SUPPLY. Measure the power supply to the unit. The supply voltage must be in agreement with the unit nameplate power require­ments and within the range shown in Table 1.
Wire Size
14 75 50 37 NR NR NR NR NR 12 118 79 59 47 NR NR NR NR 10 188 125 95 75 63 54 NR NR
8 301 201 150 120 100 86 75 68 6 471 314 235 188 157 134 118 110
*Based on NEC 1996
Minimum Circuit Ampacity (M CA)
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Table 2
Maximum Overcurrent Protection (MOP)
Every installation must include an NEC (USA) or CEC (Canada) approved overcurrent protection device. Also, check with local or state codes for any special regional requirements.
Protection can be in the form of fusing or HACR style circuit breakers. The Series and Rating Plate can be used as a guide for selecting the MAXIMUM overcurrent device.
NOTE: Fuses or circuit breakers are to be sized larger than the equipment MCA but not to exceed the MOP.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Torch heat required to braze tubes of various sizes is proportional to the size of the tube. Tubes of smaller size require less heat to bring the tube to brazing temperature before adding brazing alloy. Applying too much heat to any tube can melt the tube. Service personnel must use the appropriate heat level for the size of the tube being brazed.
NOTE: The use of a heat shield when brazing is recommended to avoid burning the serial plate or the finish on the unit. Heat trap or wet rags should be used to protect heat sensitive components such as service valves and TXV valves.
Nominal Input Minimum Voltage M aximum Voltage
208/230 187 253
Table 1
Wire Sizing
Wire size is important to the operation of your equipment. Use the following check list when selecting the appropriate wire size for your unit.
Wire size must carry the Minimum Circuit Ampacity (MCA).
Wire size allows for no more than a 2% voltage drop from the building breaker/fuse panel to the unit.
Refer to the latest edition of the National Electric Code or in Canada the Canadian Electric Code when determining the cor­rect wire size. The following table shows the current carrying capabilities for copper conductors rated at 75oC with a 2% voltage drop. Use Table 2 to determine the voltage drop per foot of various conductors.
Electrical Connections – Supply Voltage
A knockout is provided on the air handler top panel or side to allow for the entry of the supply voltage conductors. If the knock­outs on the cabinet sides are used for electrical conduit, an adapter ring must be used in order to meet UL1995 safety requirements. An NEC or CEC approved strain relief is to be used at this entry point. The wire is to be sized in accordance with the “Electrical Wire and MOP” section of this manual. Some areas require the supply wire to be enclosed in conduit. Consult your local codes.
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