Thank you for purchasing the Goldmund Epilogue Speaker.
You have acquired the best Speaker ever made for pr of essiona l and domestic uses.
Please take some time to read this manual. It may provide yo u with useful
information to make your pleasure of listening to the Epilogue even higher.
This extremely high quality speaker possess new technical features which are a
necessity for an accurate sound reproduction in the best audio systems.
Only careful installation and use ca n provide the satisfaction you are exp ecting.
The installation instructions must be scrupulously carried out and the mentioned
precautions taken to get the expected result an d to avoid to deteriorate the speaker.
If the unused input is not short-circuited properly as
indicated below, warranty does not apply.
Nevertheless, if the instructions are perfectly carried out, you will notice that the
sound quality of your Goldmund Epilogue system is incredibly dynamic, precise and
NOTE : The speaker has been assembled for a full testing at the factory with the
associated other speakers. It is perfectly normal that some metallic parts show some
slight marking from this preliminary assembly pro cess.

The Goldmund Epilogue 3/4 uses the same very innovative technology than the
Epilogue 2 to achieve a level of definition and neu trality never found before in a subĀbass speaker system.
Please read very carefully the following instructions. This high-precision speaker is
extremely revealing and can provide the best soun d on ly if it is used properly.
The Epilogue 3/4 is never used as a stand-alone speaker . Its most usual
configuration is associated to a pair of Epilogue 1 Sa te llite Speakers or by 2 units
included in a pair of Full Epilogue Speaker. See below the assembly instructions for
the Full Epilogue Speaker System.
ATTENTION : Do not unpack the Epiframe cartons yet. The parts are much easier
to recognize by the indication we provide in th e following instructions giving their
provenance from the Epiframe 1 or Epiframe 2 assemblies.
ATTENTION : If you need to return the speaker to the factory or to your local
representative for a warran ty r e pair , please note that it must be repacked in th e
original packing. Otherwise new packing will be char ge d as we ll as th e r ep air of
damages occurred due to poor packing con dit ions.
SPECIAL NOTICE : The dealer who sold you the Epilogue also received a very
practical tool to install the Epilogue 3. Called the Ep ilogue "Helm", this rolling device
allows the Epilogue 3 to be rolled by a single perso n wit h pe r f e ct safety. The
Epilogue "Helm" may also be used for small moves when the full Epilogue has been
assembled if enough care is taken about vertical stability.
If you want to keep this accessory for yourself, it can also be purchased separately.
It is necessary to be four people to install the EPILOGUE 3/4, because t he spea ker
is extremely heavy and some handling steps necessitat e a lo t of care. Do not try to
do any assembly without the necessary help.
Cut the Epilogue 3/4 box attachments and remo ve th e cover of the box.
Do not move the speaker now.

To manipulate safely the Epilogue 3/4, you need to use accessories located in the
separate accessory box that your deale r has r ec eive d, called the "Helm" box.
Open the "Helm" box. Locate the front panel attachment block ( th e heavy steel block)
and plug it on the two steel bars protruding f r om the lower part of the speaker front
panel (the large circular hole must be directed toward the floor).
Secure the block by the left and right screws.
Take from the same "Helm" box the 4 handling steel bars. The two thr e ade d ba r s
must be locked tightly inside the front stee l block (one on each side).
Insert the two other bars in the lo dg ing under the speaker (on the rollers supports).
The bar must be inserted fully inside the three aligned holes on each side. Tighten
the back screw to avoid the bar to move when the speaker will be carried.
You have now 4 handles to lift and move the speaker safely. After the Epilogue 3/4 is
on the floor at the selected position you will remove these handles and the fr o nt ste el
block and return it to your dealer.
After unpacking, and despite it s ext reme weight, the Epilogue 3/4 may still b e move d
easily with the provided rolling accessory, the "Helm" roller. However, when fully
assembled, especially in the Full Epilogue configuration , t he weight make s th e
movement quite delicate, especially on thick carpete d floor s .
For these reasons, it is best to locate the Epilogue 3/4 in its final position before
starting assembling the full system.
A very rigid floor is very important for t he opt imal son ic r esu lt of your Epilogue
speakers. Select a position of the speaker to have the most rigid possible coupling
with the floor. Solid coupling is essential, and if your suppor t is sta nding on a
suspended floor, optimal result requires that you arrange the support to have at least
the pointed foot above a supporting beam or close enough from a supporting wall.
ATTENTION : The pointed foot supporting the fr o nt of the Epilogue 3/4 is very hard.
It is designed to go through a carpeted floor. If your floor is made of wood or tile, be
careful not to scratch it by moving a speaker without lifting the point.
If you have a thick carpet, the pointe d ba r may go t o o de ep insid e t he car pe ting and
the speaker will not raise high enough for the pr op er ad justment of its feet. You can
make the pointed bar longer by ins er ting a provided steel washer between the bar
and the enclosure.