GMC ACADIA - BROCHURE 2010, 2010 ACADIA Brochure

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You insist on great capabilitY coupled with exceptional safetY. You require seating for up to eight in a vehicle that can travel over 500 highwaY miles
on a tank of gas — a n d bette r h i g hw aY fu e l e c on omY t h a n a nY othe r 8-passenger suv.
You value advanced technologY and th o u ght f u l e r g o nom i c s. i n oth e r wo r d s , Y o u wa n t a premium utilitY that rejects compromise. Yo u w a n t t h e gmc a c a d ia : t h e r e al izati o n o f w hat h a p p e n s when Y o u engineer to exceed expectations.
AW D models 16 city/2 3 hwy. EPA- estimated mpg. 2Excludes o ther GM vehicles.
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17City 24 Hwy.
EpA-Est. Mpg fwd ModEls
RE AR vi Ew C AM ER A stA nd AR d on s lE And slt ModEls
7- o R 8 -pAs sE ngE R s EAti ng
ACAdiA slt in Quicksilver metallic
shown with available eQuipment
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tABlE of ContEnts
02 _ capabilities
04 _ comfort zone
06 _ seamless technology
08 _ configurations
10 _ smart seats
12 _ sophisticated style
14 _ power
16 _ ride and handling
18 _ safety
20 _ features and options
22 _ gmc accessories
The first thing you’ll notice about Acadia is how its low stance creates an easy step up for effort­less entry. A low liftover height means easy loading and unloading of cargo. Choose the optional power liftgate with remote operation for convenient hands-free access to the rear cargo area. Moving inside, Acadia’s SmartSlide technology
means one hand is all it takes to slide second-row seats for ward for easy access to the third row. With its impressive shoulder and leg room — plus a host of premium amenities—Acadia truly responds to the way you live your life, satis­fying your desire for both comfort and personal space.
the CROssOVeR With the CARgO CApACitY OF A FULL-siZe sUV
Unles s otherwise note d, all competitive claims based o n 2009 GM Mid-Utilit y Crossover segmen t and latest available information a t the time of printing. Excludes other G M vehicles.
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18.9" LOW step-in height FOR eAsY entRY
19.8" LOW step-in height FOR eAsY entRY
Cargo and load capaci ty limited by weight and distrib ution.
fwd /awd _ Crossover suv
Best-in-Class interior spaCe
Co mm and in g vi e w of t he r oad
fold-flat 2nd- and 3rd-row seats
7- or 8-passenger seating
power liftgate
Remote operations make loading and unloading even easier with the power liftgate (standard on SLE and SLT models). It can be operated remotely with the key fob, or with a button just inside the liftgate — or, if you’re in a front seat, with a switch in the center console. A built-in sensor stops the liftgate from opening or closing if it encounters resistance.
30.75" low liftover height fo r easY loading
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04 _ comfort zone
acadia SLT-2 in Light titanium shown with avaiLabLe touch-screen n avigation1 and other avaiLabLe equipment
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Acadia’s interior is comfortable and quiet. Thanks to the strategic application of acoustic foam, refined engine dynamics—and even wiper blades designed for quiet operation—noise is kept to a minimum. Driver and front passenger benefit from available heated and cooled perforated leather-appointed seating
interior solitude
surfaces, while tri-zone climate control (standard on SLT, avail­able on SLE models) allows for passenger comfort in all three rows. Steering-wheel-mounted controls mean one- touch opera­tion of the audio system and activation of hands-free calling, putting driving enhancements right at your fingertips.
touch-screen navigation
All Acadia sound systems include AM, FM and standard XM Radio with 3 trial months of service. Other choices include available Touch-Screen Navigation
a rearview camera display on the
provides superb mapping capa­bilities with routes in 2-D or 3-D views on a 6.5-inch diagonal display with touch-screen control. It also features 3 trial months of XM NavTraffic service.
navigation screen. The system
available 10-speaker bose® sound system with 5.1 surround sound audio
available heated and cooled seats
available real-time navtraFFic
available rear-seat entertainment system
Map coverage for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands available on separate disc. Coverage not available for portions of Canada. 2XM Rad io requires a subscrip tion, sold separately b y XM after the first 9 0 days. XM Radio U.S. service only available in the 48 contiguous United States and the District of Columbia. For more information, visit period. XM NavTraffic only available in select markets.
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3Required XM Radio and XM NavTraffic monthly subscriptions sold separately by XM after trial
Acadia’s technology allows you to integrate your own
Bluetooth phone for in-vehicle hands -free operation. Standard on SLE and SLT models, steering-wheel-mounted controls let you start a call and control volume, then dial by voice and listen to your call through Acadia’s audio sys­tem. After a quick setup, connection and disconnection occur automatically each time you enter or exit the vehicle.
Available on SLE and standard on SLT models are sound systems featuring an integrated USB port. The port recharges your iPod
/MP3 player while it plays audio from the device through the sound system. Your play lists and folders show up on the sound system display, and you can operate the device with the sound system controls, includ­ing those on the steering wheel. Speaking of connectivity, a one-year OnStar Directions & Connections
plan is stan-
dard on Acadia as well (see page 24).
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remote start rearview camera system
xm radio
rear-seat entertainment system
Remote start (standard on SLE and SLT models) lets you start both the engine and climate control system from outside Acadia so it’s ready to go when you are — helping you stay cool as the mercury climbs and warm as it drops. Activation is by the key fob that also controls the remote keyless entry function and available power liftgate.
XM Radio3 is standard with 3 trial months of service. XM turns your drive on with commercial-free music channels from virtually every genre, artist-dedicated channels, live performances and more. Tune in to live play-by-play from the biggest sports, exclusive entertainment from top personalities, compelling talk, hilarious comedy, world-class news, local traffic and weather and family-friendly programming. Everything worth listening to is now on XM.
The available Rear-Seat Entertain­ment System (shown on page 21) includes a rear-seat DVD player with remote control, overhead display, two sets of two-channel wireless infrared headphones (batteries included) and auxiliary audio/ video input jacks, plus the 10- speaker Bose sound system with 5.1 Surround Sound audio.
Acadia’s available rearview camera is designed to help you navigate a driveway or a parking space more effectively. Shift into reverse, and a view of what’s behind the vehicle is displayed in a portion of the rearview mirror. On SLT models, when Touch-Screen Navigation
is ordered, the camera display is integrated into the NAV screen.
Go to bluetooth to find out which Bluetooth phones are compatible with the vehicle. 2Call 1-888-4ONSTAR (466-7827) or visit for details and system limitations.
XM Radio requires a subscription, sold separately by XM after the first 90 days. XM Radio U.S. service only available in the 48 contiguous United States and the District of Columbia. For more information, visit 4Map coverage for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands available on separate disc. Coverage not available for portions of Canada.
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