Gigabyte G-MAX Flex ATX Series User Manual

G-MAXTM Flex ATX Series Us er’s Manual
P. E1
Co p yr ight No ti ce
Copyright 2002 Gigabyt e Technology. All Rights Reserved. No part of this doc umentation, including but not limited t o the products and software described in it, may be reproduced, trans mit ted, transcribed, stored in a
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The author assum es no responsibility for any errors or omissions t hat may appear in this document nor does the aut hor make a comm itm ent to updat e the informat ion c ont ained herein. Third-party brands and names are the property of their respective owners.
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The information cont ained in this documentation is subject to chan ge without notice. Gigabyte Technology makes no representations or warranties of any kind, either exp ress or implied, with respect to the cont ents hereof, including but not limite d to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Gigabyt e Technology. Be liable for any loss of profits, loss of business, loss of data, interruption of business, or indirect, special, incident al, or consequential dama ges of any kind arising from the use of this product or documentat ion. Gigabyt e Technology reserves the right to revise or change this product or document at ion at any time without obligation of Gigabyte Technology. To not ify any person of such revision or c hanges.
May/ 2002
G-MAXTM Flex ATX Series Us er’s Manual
P. E2
Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replac ed.
Replace only with the sam e or equivalent type
recommen ded by the manufacture.
Dispose of used batteries according
t o the m anufact urer’s instructions.
Pr e fa ce
This system un it is designed to be st able, safe, and easy to use. The sys tem can be upgraded and exp anded in function easily if c orrect procedure is followed.
For your own safety and t o avoid accidental damage to your system, please ensure you follow the following precautions:
Follow all the warnings and instructions m arked on the products. To rem ove or c lean t he product, remember to unplug the power cord.
Place your system unit in a cool, clean space, to be far away from water, heat and dust.
Before connect ing any peripheral equipment, please unplug the power cord from t he
system unit to prevent unexpected damage.
The AC input supplies power to the system unit. Check your dealer if you can not
recognize the t ype of the power s upply.
I n tr od u c tion
series product , to adopt main board of design & development by GIGABYTE that is Flex ATX mechanical design in advance, let you work smoot hly in Windows environment . Flex ATX adopt dexterous mechanic al des ign, so it is ease by assem bly & safeguard.
Specification Overview
Flex ATX chassis Flex ATX m ain board of GIGABYTE
Power supply DV D- R O M / CD-ROM
1.44 “FDD Power cord
Keyboard (option)
Multi I/O card (option)
P4 CPU cooler (option)
Assembly Box Content
Main board user’s manu al User’s manual Driver CD HDD IDE cable
Cable tie
Foot s tand Screw bag
Mouse (option) SPDIF cable (For those models with SPDIF only)
DVD Media Player (Fo r those models with DVD-ROM only)
G-MAXTM Flex ATX Series Us er’s Manual
P. E3
Sof tware and Manuals
Ca bl e
Pow er Cord
Foot St an d
Mo us e ( O pt ion)
Keyb oard (Option)
P4 CPU c oo ler (Option)
Ite ms included in the pa cka ge
G-MAXTM Flex ATX Series Us er’s Manual
P. E4
I . Cha ssi s
ŜDimension 410(D)mm x 89(W)mm x 305(H)mm
This chassis is made with material complied wit h UL specificat ion and designed for
s pace saving and easy open wit h thum bscrew. There are one 5.25” and two 3. 5” drive bays. This chassis com plies with corresponding EMC and safet y regulations.
II. Motherboard
See M otherboard Manual for det ails.
III. Power Supply
The ATX swit ching power supply included with this pro duct s upports soft off function. Hence, th e syst em can be shut down autom atically. Default input voltage setting is 230V.
Note : Please check the voltage requirements in the country y ou reside before
turning on the PC.
IV. System Component Installation
HDD As sem bl y
1. Unscrew each side of the chassis and push the panel t ogether with t he uppercase toward the front.
2. Take both t he screws on the front end off and pull the HDD supporting frame out.
HDD fr a m e
G-MAXTM Flex ATX Series Us er’s Manual
P. E5
Install cooler on top of CPU
Click cooler lock on the pin at sides of CPU socket.
3. CPU In this section you will find the gis t of CPU installation.
3-1. Insert CPU into the CPU socket. Before inst allation, lift up t he lever and align
th e cut of the CPU with the marking on the socket.
3-2. Pull down t he lever to lock the CPU on th e s ocket after installation.
3-3. Apply t hermal grease to the t op of the CPU. Thermal grease should cover the
entire s urface of t he integrat ed heat spreader. Make sure that you should keep
the cooler tight against the CPU to obtain th e best cooling performance.
3-4. Connec t fan power connector to CPU FAN on t he motherboard.
A. Fo r Intel
Pe ntium
and Intel Ce l e r on processors
B. Fo r Intel
Pe n ti u m 4 processors
pply thermal grease to the top
of the CPU properly.
CP U Pi n
pply thermal grease to the top
of the CPU properly.
G-MAXTM Flex ATX Series Us er’s Manual
P. E6
Set CPU clock frequency in BIOS Setup if needed, see Motherboard Manual for details.
4. Memory
Click cooler lock on t he pin at sides
of CPU socket.
Install cooler on top of CPU
Power Supply
Notches at sides
of module
Position not ches. Make sure that the notches should align the pin on m emory slot on the m otherboard
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