GFI MailSecurity User Guide

GFI MailSecurity 10.1 for Exchange/SMTP User Guide
Document Version: MSEC-UM-EN-1.00.002 Last updated: July 20, 2010
1 About GFI MailSecurity 1
1.1 Introduction to GFI MailSecurity .................................................................. 1
1.2 Key features of GFI MailSecurity ................................................................ 1
1.3 GFI MailSecurity components ..................................................................... 2
1.4 GFI MailSecurity from a user's perspective ................................................. 3
1.5 Add-ons - GFI MailEssentials...................................................................... 3
2 Installing GFI MailSecurity 5
2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Typical deployment scenarios ..................................................................... 5
2.3 Which installation mode should I use? ........................................................ 9
2.4 Hardware requirements ............................................................................ 10
2.5 Software requirements .............................................................................. 10
2.6 Important installation notes ....................................................................... 11
2.7 Preparing to install GFI MailSecurity on an IIS mail relay server ............... 12
2.8 Preparing to install GFI MailSecurity on your mail server .......................... 19
2.9 Installing GFI MailSecurity ........................................................................ 19
2.10 GFI MailSecurity Post-Installation Wizard ................................................. 23
2.11 Adding GFI MailSecurity to the Windows DEP Exception List ................... 27
2.12 Securing access to the GFI MailSecurity configuration/quarantine ............ 28
2.13 Securing access to the GFI MailSecurity Quarantine RSS feeds .............. 32
2.14 Accessing the GFI MailSecurity Configuration and Quarantine Store........ 34
2.15 Upgrading from GFI MailSecurity 8 to GFI MailSecurity 10.1 .................... 36
2.16 Upgrading from GFI MailSecurity 9 to GFI MailSecurity 10.1 .................... 39
2.17 Quarantine Upgrade tool ........................................................................... 39
3 General settings 41
3.1 Introduction to settings .............................................................................. 41
3.2 Define the administrator‟s email address .................................................. 41
3.3 Configuring proxy server settings for automatic updates ........................... 41
3.4 Adding Local Domains .............................................................................. 43
3.5 SMTP server bindings .............................................................................. 43
3.6 Managing local users in SMTP mode ........................................................ 44
4 Configuring virus checking 47
4.1 Configuring Virus Scanning Engines ......................................................... 47
4.2 AVG configuration ..................................................................................... 48
4.3 Kaspersky configuration ............................................................................ 50
4.4 BitDefender configuration ......................................................................... 51
4.5 McAfee configuration ................................................................................ 52
4.6 Norman configuration ............................................................................... 54
4.7 Virus scanner actions ............................................................................... 55
4.8 Virus scanner updates .............................................................................. 57
4.9 Setting the Virus Scanning Engines scan priority ...................................... 58
4.10 Configuring Virus Scanning optimizations ................................................. 58
4.11 Configuring Information Store Scanning ................................................... 59
5 Configuring Content Filtering 63
5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................... 63
5.2 Creating a Content Filtering rule ............................................................... 63
5.3 Enabling/disabling rules ............................................................................ 70
5.4 Removing content filtering rules ................................................................ 70
5.5 Modifying an existing rule ......................................................................... 70
5.6 Changing the rule priority .......................................................................... 71
6 Configuring Attachment Filtering 73
6.1 Introduction to Attachment Filtering .......................................................... 73
6.2 Creating an Attachment Filtering rule ........................................................ 73
6.3 Removing attachment rules ...................................................................... 78
6.4 Make changes to an existing rule .............................................................. 79
6.5 Enabling/disabling rules ............................................................................ 79
6.6 Changing the rule priority .......................................................................... 79
7 Decompression engine 81
7.1 Introduction to the Decompression engine ................................................ 81
7.2 Configuring the decompression engine filters ........................................... 82
7.3 Configuring decompression filter actions .................................................. 86
7.4 Enable/disable decompression filters ........................................................ 87
8 The Trojan & Executable Scanner 89
8.1 Introduction to the Trojan & Executable Scanner ...................................... 89
8.2 Configuring the Trojan & Executable Scanner .......................................... 89
8.3 Trojan & Executable Scanner updates ...................................................... 91
9 The Email Exploit Engine 95
9.1 Introduction to e-mail exploits ................................................................... 95
9.2 Configuring the Email Exploit Engine ........................................................ 95
9.3 Email Exploit Engine updates ................................................................... 98
10 The HTML Sanitizer 101
10.1 Introduction to the HTML Sanitizer .......................................................... 101
10.2 Configuring the HTML Sanitizer .............................................................. 101
11 Patch Checking 103
11.1 Introduction to Patch Checking ............................................................... 103
11.2 Downloading and installing software patches .......................................... 103
12 Quarantine 105
12.1 Introduction to the Quarantine Store ....................................................... 105
12.2 The Quarantine Store ............................................................................. 105
12.3 Search Folders ....................................................................................... 107
12.4 Approving emails from the Quarantine Store .......................................... 112
12.5 Deleting emails from the Quarantine Store ............................................. 113
12.6 Rescanning emails from the Quarantine Store ........................................ 114
12.7 View the full security threat report of an email ......................................... 115
12.8 Enable email approval via HTML approval forms .................................... 117
12.9 Quarantined mail from the user point of view .......................................... 118
12.10 Enable quarantine RSS feeds ................................................................. 119
12.11 Enable the Directory Harvesting filter on quarantined emails .................. 122
13 Reporting 127
13.1 Introduction to GFI MailSecurity Reporting.............................................. 127
14 Realtime Monitor 137
14.1 About the Realtime Monitor .................................................................... 137
14.2 Monitoring email activity .......................................................................... 137
15 Miscellaneous 139
15.1 Version Information ................................................................................. 139
16 Advanced topics 141
16.1 Customizing the notification templates .................................................... 141
16.2 Setting Virus Scanning API Performance Monitor Counters .................... 144
17 Troubleshooting 148
17.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 148
17.2 Knowledge Base ..................................................................................... 148
17.3 Web Forum ............................................................................................. 148
17.4 Request technical support ...................................................................... 148
17.5 Build notifications .................................................................................... 148
18 Index 149

1 About GFI MailSecurity

1.1 Introduction to GFI MailSecurity

The need to monitor email messages for dangerous, offensive or confidential content has never been more evident. The most deadly viruses, able to cripple your email system and corporate network in minutes, are being distributed worldwide via email in a matter of hours (for example, the MyDoom worm). Products that perform single vendor anti-virus scanning do not provide sufficient protection. Worse still, email is likely to become the means for installing backdoors (Trojans) and other harmful programs to help potential intruders break into your network. Products restricted to a single anti-virus engine will not protect against email exploits and attacks of this kind.
Your only defense is to install a comprehensive email content checking and anti-virus solution to safeguard your mail server and network. GFI MailSecurity acts as an email firewall and protects you from email viruses, exploits and threats, as well as email attacks targeted at your organization.
GFI MailSecurity is totally transparent to your users and does not require additional user training.

1.2 Key features of GFI MailSecurity

Virus checking using multiple virus engines

GFI MailSecurity scans email for viruses using multiple anti-virus engines. Scanning email at the gateway and at mail server level prevents viruses from entering and/or spreading within your network. Furthermore, you can avoid the embarrassment of sending infected emails to customers as GFI MailSecurity also checks outgoing mail for viruses. GFI MailSecurity includes the industrial strength Norman and BitDefender anti-virus engines that have received various awards. You also have the option to add the AVG, McAfee and Kaspersky anti-virus engines. Multiple anti-virus engines give you a higher level of security since anti-virus engines complement each other and lower the average response time to a virus outbreak. GFI MailSecurity also includes an auto-update facility that allows you to configure the anti-virus engines so that they automatically check and download any available updates without administrator intervention.

Email attachment checking/filtering

GFI MailSecurity's key feature is the ability to check all inbound and outbound email. It can quarantine all email with dangerous attachments, such as *.exe, *.vbs and other files. Such attachments are more likely to carry a virus, worm or email attack. Since email viruses can spread so quickly and cause immense damage, it is best to quarantine such emails before they are distributed to your email users. When GFI MailSecurity quarantines an email, the administrator can review it and then delete or approve the message.
Furthermore, you might choose to quarantine mails carrying *.mp3 or *.mpg files, as these hog bandwidth and can needlessly burden a mail server's disk space.
Installing GFI MailSecurity GFI MailSecurity 10.1 1
The Attachment Checking module has effectively saved thousands of companies from the LoveLetter virus.

Trojan and Executable Scanner

GFI MailSecurity is able to analyze incoming executables and rate the risk­level of an executable through a GFI patented process. Through the Trojan and Executable Scanner, GFI MailSecurity can detect and block potentially dangerous and unknown Trojans before they enter your network.

HTML Sanitizer

The advent of HTML email has made it possible for hackers/virus writers to trigger commands by embedding them in HTML mail. GFI MailSecurity scans the email body parts and any .htm/.html attachments for scripting code, and cleans up the HTML by removing all the scripting code. The HTML Sanitizer thus protects you from potentially malicious HTML email, containing HTML viruses and attacks launched via HTML email.

Decompression filter

The decompression filter is used to decompress and analyze compressed files (archives) attached to emails. This filter is able to check for and block password-protected archives, corrupted archives and recursive archives. Furthermore, this engine can also monitor the size and amount of the files included in an archive. You can configure this filter to quarantine or delete archives that exceed the specified file count or file size.

1.3 GFI MailSecurity components

GFI MailSecurity scan engine

The GFI MailSecurity scan engine analyzes the con tent of all inbound and outbound email. If you install GFI MailSecurity on the Microsoft Exchange machine, it will also scan the information store. If installed on a Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010 machine, GFI MailSecurity will scan the information store only if the Mailbox Server Role is installed. If you install GFI MailSecurity on a Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010 machine with the Hub Transport Server Role, it will also analyze internal email. When GFI MailSecurity quarantines an email, it informs the appropriate supervisor/administrator via Email/RSS feed, depending on the options you configure.

GFI MailSecurity configuration

Through the GFI MailSecurity configuration, you can configure GFI MailSecurity to fit your needs.
2 GFI MailSecurity 10.1 Installing GFI MailSecurity
Screenshot 1 - GFI MailSecurity Configuration

1.4 GFI MailSecurity from a user's perspective

GFI MailSecurity is totally transparent to the user. This means that the user will not notice that GFI MailSecurity is active until it blocks an email that triggers a rule, for example, an email that contains a forbidden attachment or a virus.
In the case of a suspicious attachment, GFI MailSecurity will quarantine the email for review by the administrator. Optionally, the recipient will receive a message indicating that the mail is awaiting administrator review. As soon as the administrator approves the email, GFI MailSecurity will forward the email to the recipient.

1.5 Add-ons - GFI MailEssentials

A companion product to GFI MailSecurity is GFI MailEssentials. GFI MailEssentials adds a number of corporate email features to your mail server, notably:
Anti-spam, using a variety of methods including Bayesian analysis
Installing GFI MailSecurity GFI MailSecurity 10.1 3
Email management, including disclaimers, POP3 downloader and server-
based auto replies and more.
For more information, please visit the GFI website at NOTE: GFI MailEssentials is available at a bundle price if purchased in
combination with GFI MailSecurity.
4 GFI MailSecurity 10.1 Installing GFI MailSecurity

2 Installing GFI MailSecurity

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Typical deployment scenarios

Installing GFI MailSecurity on your mail server

Figure 1 - Installing GFI MailSecurity on your mail server
Edge Server Role Hub Transport Role (and any other Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010 server
roles which are irrelevant to GFI MailSecurity)
Exchange 2007/2010 server roles which are irrelevant to GFI MailSecurity)
Installing GFI MailSecurity GFI MailSecurity 10.1 5

Installing GFI MailSecurity on a mail relay server

Figure 2 - Installing GFI MailSecurity on a mail gateway/relay server
6 GFI MailSecurity 10.1 Installing GFI MailSecurity

Installing GFI MailSecurity in front of your firewall

Figure 3 - Installing GFI MailSecurity on a separate machine on a DMZ
When GFI MailSecurity is not installed on your mail server: You can perform maintenance on your mail server whilst still receiving
email from the Internet.
Fewer resources are used on your mail server. Additional fault tolerance - if anything happens to your mail server, you
can still receive email. This email is then queued on the GFI MailSecurity machine.

Installing GFI MailSecurity on an Active/Passive Cluster

2007/2010 cluster environment is currently not supported.
Installing GFI MailSecurity GFI MailSecurity 10.1 7
On each node, you have to do the following: Install GFI MailSecurity on the node local hard drive.
NOTE: Do not install GFI MailSecurity on the shared drive.
Web Site.
to the Clustered SMTP Virtual Server instance.
1. Using the Cluster Administrator console make Node1 active.
address of the MAILCLUSTER machine.
4. From the Cluster Administrator console, make Node2 active.
MailSecurity WWW virtual directory.
address of the MAILCLUSTER machine.
8 GFI MailSecurity 10.1 Installing GFI MailSecurity
Article 885440.
Base Article 867624.
1. Using the Cluster Administrator console make Node1 active.
2. Uninstall GFI MailSecurity from Node2.
3. Using the Cluster Administrator console make Node2 active.
4. Uninstall GFI MailSecurity from Node1.

Installing GFI MailSecurity on an Active/Active Cluster

2.3 Which installation mode should I use?

Active Directory mode

Installing GFI MailSecurity GFI MailSecurity 10.1 9

SMTP mode

2.4 Hardware requirements

The hardware requirements for GFI MailSecurity are:
Pentium 4 (or equivalent) - 2Ghz 512MB RAM 1.5 GB of physical disk space

2.5 Software requirements

2.5.1 Supported Operating Systems
Windows Server 2008 Standard or Enterprise (x86 or x64) (R1 or R2) Windows Server 2003 Standard or Enterprise (x86 or x64)
Windows 2000 Server/Advanced Server (Service Pack 1 or higher) Windows XP professional Windows Small Business Server 2000 Windows Small Business Server 2003 Windows Small Business Server 2008
2.5.2 Supported Mail Servers
Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, 2007, 2003, 2000 (SP1) Lotus Notes 5.5, 5.0, 4.5, 4 Any SMTP/POP3 mail server
2.5.3 Other components
Microsoft .Net framework 2.0 MSMQ - Microsoft Messaging Queuing Service Internet Information Services (IIS) - SMTP and World Wide Web services Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8
10 GFI MailSecurity 10.1 Installing GFI MailSecurity

2.6 Important installation notes

Windows XP

Windows Server 2008

Web Server (IIS) role ASP.NET Windows Authentication Services Microsoft SMTP Services
For more information, refer to:

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007/2010

If you are installing on Microsoft Exchange Server 2007/2010, you need to install one of the following roles;
Edge Server Role, Hub Transport Role or, Mail Server and Hub Transport roles.

Windows Small Business Server

Other installation configurations
Installing GFI MailSecurity GFI MailSecurity 10.1 11

2.7 Preparing to install GFI MailSecurity on an IIS mail relay server

About Windows 2000/2003 IIS SMTP & World Wide Web services

Step 1: Verify installation of IIS SMTP and WWW services

Step 2: Specify mail relay server name and assign an IP

12 GFI MailSecurity 10.1 Installing GFI MailSecurity
Screenshot 2 - Assign an IP address to the mail relay server

Step 3: Configure the SMTP service to relay mail to your mail server

Start by creating a local domain in IIS to route mail:
3. Configure the domain for inbound message relaying as follows: a) Right-click the Domains node, and then click New Domain.
Installing GFI MailSecurity GFI MailSecurity 10.1 13
Screenshot 3 - SMTP Domain Wizard - Selecting domain type
b) Select Remote and then click Next. c) Type the domain name in the Name box and then click Finish. NOTE: Upon installation, GFI MailSecurity will import Local Domains from the
Configure the domain to relay email to your mail server:
3. Click OK.
14 GFI MailSecurity 10.1 Installing GFI MailSecurity
Screenshot 4 - Configure the new domain

Step 4: Secure your mail relay server

Screenshot 5 - Relay Restrictions dialog
Installing GFI MailSecurity GFI MailSecurity 10.1 15
Screenshot 6 - Specify machines which may relay email via virtual server
relay email via this server. If you want to look up the IP address of a specific host, click DNS Lookup.
for the computers that you want to relay.
domain. This means that the domain controller will openly relay emails via this server. Please note that this option adds processing overhead, and may reduce SMTP service performance because it includes reverse DNS Lookups to verify the domain name of all IP addresses that try to relay.

Step 5: Configure your mail server to relay email via the Gateway server

If you have Microsoft Exchange Server 4/5/5.5:

16 GFI MailSecurity 10.1 Installing GFI MailSecurity
Screenshot 7 - The Microsoft Internet mail connector
machine running GFI MailSecurity.

If you have Microsoft Exchange Server 2000/2003:

1. Start the Exchange System Manager.
Installing GFI MailSecurity GFI MailSecurity 10.1 17

If you have Lotus Notes:

1. Double-click the Address Book in Lotus Notes.
2. Click on Server item to expand its sub-items.
3. Click Domains and then click Add Domains.
6. Save the settings and restart the Lotus Notes server.

If you have an SMTP/POP3 mail server:

1. Start the configuration program of your mail server.
3. Save the new settings and restart your mail server.

Step 6: The MX record of your domain must point to the mail relay server

you. Since the new mail relay server must receive all inbound email first, you must

Verify the MX record of your DNS server as follows:

1. Open the command prompt, type nslookup and press Enter.
2. Type set type=mx and press Enter.
3. Type your mail domain and press Enter.
18 GFI MailSecurity 10.1 Installing GFI MailSecurity
Screenshot 8 - Checking the MX record of your domain

Step 7: Test your new mail relay server
Step 8: Install GFI MailSecurity on the mail relay server
MailSecurity section in this chapter.

2.8 Preparing to install GFI MailSecurity on your mail server

2.9 Installing GFI MailSecurity
Before you install GFI MailSecurity, check the points below:
2. Save any pending work and close all open applications on the machine.
To install GFI MailSecurity follow these steps:
Installing GFI MailSecurity GFI MailSecurity 10.1 19
Screenshot 9 - Define if the server has access to all email users in the Active Directory
option to continue installing GFI MailSecurity in Active Directory mode. In
20 GFI MailSecurity 10.1 Installing GFI MailSecurity
this mode, GFI MailSecurity creates user-based rules, for example Attachment Checking rules, based on the list of users available in the Active Directory. This means that the machine on which GFI MailSecurity is being installed must be behind your firewall (for example, Mail Server) and must have access to the Active Directory containing all your email users (i.e., the machine on which GFI MailSecurity is being installed must be part of the Active Directory domain).
access to Active Directory (DMZ) - Select this option to continue
installing GFI MailSecurity in SMTP mode. In this mode, GFI MailSecurity will create user-based rules, for example Attachment Checking rules, based on the list of email users/addresses imported from your mail server. You must select this mode if you are installing GFI MailSecurity on a machine that does not have access to the Active Directory containing the complete list of all your email users. This includes machines on a DMZ or machines that are not part of the Active Directory Domain. However, you can still choose this mode to install GFI MailSecurity on machines that do have access to the Active Directory containing all your email users.
Click Next to proceed with the installation.
Screenshot 10 - Define your SMTP server and GFI MailSecurity virtual folder details.
Installing GFI MailSecurity GFI MailSecurity 10.1 21
server bindings section in this manual.
Click Next to continue the installation.
22 GFI MailSecurity 10.1 Installing GFI MailSecurity
2.10 GFI MailSecurity Post-Installation Wizard
Microsoft Exchange Server 2007/2010 machine. IMPORTANT: You need to complete this wizard for GFI MailSecurity to work
with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007/2010. The GFI MailSecurity installation wizard launches the GFI MailSecurity Post-
Installation Wizard when you click Finish. The GFI MailSecurity Post­Installation Wizard registers GFI MailSecurity with the local installation of Microsoft Exchange Server 2007/2010 so that it can process and scan the emails passing through the server.
To complete the GFI MailSecurity Post-Installation Wizard, follow these steps:
1. Click Next in the welcome page.
Screenshot 11 - GFI MailSecurity Post-Installation Wizard welcome page
Installing GFI MailSecurity GFI MailSecurity 10.1 23
Screenshot 12 - Collecting information from Microsoft Exchange Server 2007/2010
Remove. NOTE: The local domains you add from this page affect the GFI MailSecurity
24 GFI MailSecurity 10.1 Installing GFI MailSecurity
+ 125 hidden pages