The instruction manual is part of the product and is an important element of the safety
Read and follow the instruction manual.
Always keep the instruction manual available with the product.
Pass on the instruction manual to all subsequent users of the product.
Original instruction manual ............................................................................................................ 3
There is a risk of fatal or serious physical injury if warnings are ignored!
Danger of personal injury!
Failure to comply leads to a risk of personal injury!
Risk of damage to property!
Failure to comply leads to a risk of damage to property (loss of time, loss of data, device
fault etc.)!
1 Intended use
The GF type 2290 non-contact microwave level transmitters provide the most advanced, new
generation measurement technique of the industrial process automation field. The 2290 is an
ideal solution for high precision level transmitting of liquids, slurries, emulsions and other
chemicals in a wide range of applications, such as food, energy, pharmaceutical and the
chemical industry, and even in naval applications with mm accuracy range and high
measuring stability.
2290 is able to provide an excellent non-contact level measurement for those substances
which tend to steam, or for liquids with a gas layer. Since microwaves do not need a defined
propagation media, the 2290 is applicable in a vacuum.
2 About this document
2.1 Warnings
This instruction manual contains warning notices that alert you to the possibility of injuries or
damage to property. Always read and pay attention to these warnings!
3 Safety and responsibility
Only use the product for the intended purpose, see Intended Use.
Do not use any damaged or faulty product. Sort out any damaged product immediately.
Have the product and accessories installed only by persons who have the required
training, knowledge or experience.
Regularly train personnel on all questions regarding the local regulations applying to
occupational safety and environmental protection, especially for pressurized tanks.
Instruction manual Transport and storage
The reflection of the emitted microwave varies in quality depending on the relative dielectric
constant of the measured medium. The ideal condition of microwave level measurement is
that the relative dielectric constant (εr) for the medium should be greater than 1.9.
4 Transport and storage
Protect the product against external forces during transport (impacts, knocks, vibrations
Transport and / or store the product unopened in its original packaging.
Protect the product from dust, dirt, moisture as well as heat and ultraviolet radiation.
Ensure that the product is not damaged either by mechanical or thermal influences.
Before assembling, check the product for damage during transport.
5 Design and function
5.1 Function
5.2 Principle of operation
The operation of the non-contact microwave level transmitters is based on the measurement
of the time of flight of the reflected signals, so-called Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR)
The propagation speed of microwave impulses is practically the same in air, gases and in
vacuum, independently from the process temperature and pressure, so the measured
distance is not affected by the physical parameters of medium to be measured.
Design and function Instruction manual
The 2290 level transmitter is a Pulse Burst Radar operating at 25 GHz (K-band) microwave
The 25 GHz models’ most noticeable advantage over the lower frequency (5-12 GHz) radars
are the smaller antenna size, the better focusing, lower dead-band and smaller transmission
The level transmitter emits nanosecond length impulses from the antenna, and part of the
emitted energy reflects back from the measurement surface, the strength of the reflect
varies on the medium being measured. The time of flight of the reflected signal is measured
and processed by the electronics, and then this is converted to distance, level or volume
proportional data.
Instruction manual Technical data
Kv value
Measured values
Level, Distance; Calculated values: Volume, Mass
Frequency of the measuring signal
~25 GHz (K-band)
Measuring range
0.2 m – 18 m (0.65 ft – 59 ft) (depending on r of the process
The maximum measuring distance is illustrated in the above diagram for various Dielectric
Constants. This diagram is based upon the following conditions, liquids with still surface, no
foam, vapors, and ideally a slow (<5m/h, 16.4 ft/h) rate of level change.
Process Condition
Reflection reduction
in Amplitude
Max. measuring distance
decrease by
Slow mixing or slightly
2…6 dB
2…6 dB
Fast mixing, vortex
8…10 dB
60-70% (the measurement
might be completely terminated)
Vapors, Steam,
3…10 dB
30-70% (the measurement
might be completely terminated)
PP antenna enclosure
2 dB
PTFE antenna enclosure
1 dB
6.2 Determining the maximum measuring range
The maximum measuring range of the 2290 radar is dependent upon the circumstances of
the application environment and on the selected type of antenna enclosure. Depending on the
relative dielectric constant of the measuring medium and the process conditions the
maximum measurement range (achievable under the reference conditions) may decrease by
even 85%.
Depending on the process conditions or the plastic antenna enclosure the following typical
reducing factors are recommended to be considered in order to calculate the maximum
measuring range. When more than one reducing factors occur at the same time then all the
factors should be included for the calculation:
Conditions of safe operation Instruction manual
The ideal position for the 2290 is on = (0.3 … 0.5) xR
(in case of cylindrical tank). It is highly
recommended to consider the beam cone of 19°.
The distance between the sensor and the tank wall
should be at least 200 mm (7.9 inch). If the unit is
installed into dome top or spherical tank,
unwanted multiple reflections may appear, which
can cancel each other and the measuring signal
out, this way it can interfere the measurement.
7 Conditions of safe operation
To avoid the danger of electrostatic charge accumulation, in case of the type 2290 (with plastic
electronic housing or plastic antenna enclosure) the following safety rule shall be observed:
The measured medium should be an electrostatic conductor and the electrical resistivity
of the measured medium cannot exceed 104 .
The speed and the method of the filling and emptying process should be chosen properly
according to the measured medium.
The plastic antenna enclosure should only be wiped cleaned with a wet cloth.
Meeting the requirements of the technological process
Please carefully consider that all parts of the instrument which can possibly to come into
contact with the measured medium – including the transducer, the sealing and any other
mechanical parts – should meet all requirements of the applied technological process, such
as the process pressure, temperature and chemical effects of the used technologies.
FCC Radio license
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the manufacturer could void the
warranty and user's authority to operate the equipment.
8 Installation
8.1 Mounting
When choosing the installation place please ensure proper space for accessing the unit for
calibration, verification, and or maintenance service.
Instruction manual Installation
Moving liquid surface
Waving, vortex or strong vibration effects can have
negative influence on the measurement accuracy
and the maximum measuring range. To avoid
these effects, the mounting placement should be
as far as possible from the sources of these
disturbing effects. According to measurement
experiences the maximum measuring distance
may decrease by 60-70% when the liquid surface
is vortexing. For this reason the device should be
mounted as far as possible from the filling stream
or the tank outlet.
Filling, stirring or any other
processes in the tank can generate
dense foams on the liquid surface,
which may considerably damp the
reflected signals. According to
measurement experiences, in these
cases the maximum measuring
distance can decrease by as much
as 50%.
Fumes, Vapours
If the measured medium or its
foam can reach the antenna or
the measured medium is highly
fuming, these cases build-ups
can form on the sensor, which
may result unreliable level
Sensor alignment
The antenna face should be
parallel to the medium
surface within 2-3°.
To avoid overheating
the instrument should
be protected against
direct sunshine.
Prior to the installation make sure
that no objects (cooling pipes,
bracing elements, mixer shaft,
other sensors such as pH,
Temperature, et cetera) cross the
microwave signals. Especially in
case of extraordinary large silos
bracing elements and other
structural obstacles may cause
false reflections which can be
damped in most cases: a small bent
metal deflector plate mounted
above the obstacle can disperse the
microwave signals and eliminates
the false reflections which disturb
the reliable measurement.
If there is no possible mechanical
solution to avoid these kinds of false
reflections, the programming of the
instrument allows blocking out the
Polarization plane
The emitted radar impulses of
2290 are electromagnetic
waves. The orientation of the
polarization plane is the same
as for the electric wave
component of the electromagnetic wave. The rotation of
the polarization plane
compared to the tank position
could be useful (for example to
avoid disturbing reflections) in
certain applications. To rotate
the polarization plane loosen
the M6 hex socket set screw
above the process connection
and rotate the instrument.
Then tighten the unit by the
Installation Instruction manual
Empty tank
Especially in case of standing tanks
with hemispherical bottom and in
case of tanks which have any
equipment inside at the bottom (e.g.
heating element, mixer) wrong level
measurement may happen when
the tank is totally emptied. The
reason for this measurement error
is that the tank bottom or the
objects at the bottom disperse or
reflect the emitted microwave
signals. Furthermore these weak
and dispersed signals may interfere
with Transmitter performance.In
order to perform reliable level
measurement there should be at
least 100 mm liquid level above the
disturbing objects at the bottom or
above the hemispherical tank
Socket, nozzle
The process connection should be implemented
that the antenna end should protrude at least
10 mm out of the socket.
8.2 Wiring
The instrument operates from 20 … 36 V galvanic isolated and not grounded DC power supply
in two-wire system. The voltage value measured on the terminal of the instrument should be
minimum 20 V (in case of 4mA)! In case of using HART interface a minimal 250 Ohm
resistance should be maintained within the network. The instrument should be wired with
shielded cable led through the cable gland. The wiring of the cables can be done after
removing the cover of the instrument and the display unit.
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