Geonautics 30 0710 User Manual

User Guide
Version 1.0.7
Geonautics International Pty Ltd
TAG-T3 Wombat – User Guide, 1.0.7 Copyright & Information

Copyright & Information

© Copyright 2004 – 2006 Geonautics International Pty Ltd - All rights reserved.
No part of this publication or associated software may be copied without the written permission of Geonautics International Pty Ltd. You may not modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, disassemble or create derivative works based on the hardware, firmware, software or documentation.
Geonautics International and its partner organizations wish to acknowledge Australia’s Law Enforcement groups for their support and ongoing commitment to the development of the
TAG-T3 Wombat
Condition of Use
The user undertakes that,
They are a bona fide law enforcement agency with technical capabilities.
Precautions will be undertaken to keep details restricted to members of
TAG-T3 Wombat TAG-T3 Wombat
is being used to fulfill official requirements. will be used with discretion.
their organization requiring such information.
The user acknowledges that,
The users will be responsible for satisfying themselves that the
TAG-T3 Wombat TAG-T3 Wombat
may be legally operated in the district where the user intends to
is for use by law enforcement agencies. may not comply with government type approval.
deploy it.
Care has been taken in assuring the quality of the developers, Geonautics International Pty Ltd and any associated company, distributor or reseller do not accept responsibility for errors. In no event shall the aforementioned parties be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage including, but not limited to, special, incidental, consequential or other damages arising from the provision of the
or associated software or peripherals to the user.
TAG-T3 Wombat
but the
© Geonautics iii Law Enforcement ONLY

TAG-T3 Wombat – User Guide, 1.0.7 Version History

Version By Description Date
1.0.0 SDE Initial Draft September 04
1.0.1 SDE Rewrote command sections January 05
1.0.2 SDE
1.0.3 SDE Changed structure… May 05
1.0.4 BL
1.0.5 BL
1.0.6 BL
1.0.7 SDE Reformatting and Content changes May 06
Added TAG Comms and USB Sections
Rewritten and reformatted some of the structure
Added Remote Downloader guide and removed other references.
Changes made to the downloader guide and external wiring chart
January 05
October 05
January 06
March 06
© Geonautics iv Law Enforcement ONLY
TAG-T3 Wombat – User Guide, 1.0.7 Table of Contents


TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................... 5
TABLE OF TABLES..................................................................... 7
TABLE OF FIGURES ................................................................... 7
1. INTRODUCTION........................................................... 8
1.1 FEATURES ................................................................... 8
2. THE TAG-T3 WOMBAT KIT ........................................... 9
2.1 TAG-T3 WOMBAT......................................................... 9
2.1.1 Box................................................................................. 9
2.1.2 Vehicle Mounting ............................................................. 9
2.1.3 GPS Antenna ..................................................................10
2.1.4 TRX Antenna ..................................................................10
2.2 DL1 REMOTE DOWNLOADER..................................... 11
2.2.1 Getting Started...............................................................11
2.2.2 Initiating the DL1 Downloader .........................................12
2.2.3 Monitoring Progress ........................................................12
2.2.4 External Power Connector ...............................................13
2.2.5 External LED Indicator ....................................................13
2.3 ACCESSORIES ............................................................. 14
2.3.1 GPS Antenna ..................................................................14
2.3.2 External Power Cable ......................................................14
2.4 TAG COMMS SOFTWARE ............................................... 15
3. GETTING STARTED .................................................... 16
3.1 FIRST TIME ............................................................... 16
3.2 COMMUNICATING WITH YOUR TAG-T3.............................. 16
3.2.1 RF Communication..........................................................16
3.2.2 Direct Connect Mode.......................................................17
3.3 CONCEALMENT AND TACTICAL ISSUES ............................... 17
4. COMMANDS................................................................ 18
4.1 COMMAND SET NOTATION ............................................. 18
4.2 STANDARD POSITION STRING ......................................... 19
4.3 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION............................................... 20
4.3.1 Vehicle (Identification) ....................................................20
4.3.2 Clock .............................................................................21
4.3.3 Motion ...........................................................................22
4.3.4 Voltage ..........................................................................23
4.3.5 Power (Configuration).....................................................24
4.3.6 Backdoor........................................................................24
4.4 POSITIONS ................................................................ 25
4.4.1 Position (Live Track) .......................................................25
© Geonautics 5 Law Enforcement ONLY
TAG-T3 Wombat – User Guide, 1.0.7 Table of Contents
4.4.2 Position (Last) ................................................................26
4.5 MEMORY ................................................................... 27
4.5.1 Memory (New) ...............................................................27
4.5.2 Memory (All) ..................................................................28
4.5.3 Memory (Delete) ............................................................28
4.5.4 Memory (Fix)..................................................................29
4.5.5 Memory (Format) ...........................................................30
4.5.6 Memory (Raw) ...............................................................31
4.6 ALARMS .................................................................... 32
4.6.1 Movement......................................................................32
4.6.2 Region (GeoFence) .........................................................33
4.6.3 Input Triggering .............................................................34
4.7 TRX ........................................................................ 35
4.7.1 TRX (Configuration) ........................................................35
4.7.2 TRX (Echo).....................................................................36
4.8 GPS ........................................................................ 37
4.8.1 GPS (Configuration) ........................................................37
4.8.2 GPS (Reset) ...................................................................38
4.8.3 GPS (Echo).....................................................................38
4.8.4 GPS (Sats) .....................................................................39
4.8.5 GPS (Health) ..................................................................40
4.9 MISCELLANEOUS.......................................................... 41
4.9.1 Relay Triggering .............................................................41
4.9.2 Parameters ....................................................................42
4.9.3 Debug (Live) ..................................................................43
4.9.4 Debug (Last) ..................................................................44
4.9.5 Power (Query)................................................................45
4.9.6 Shutdown ......................................................................45
4.9.7 Shutdown (Reset)...........................................................46
4.9.8 SuperReset ....................................................................46
5. TROUBLESHOOTING AND FAQ................................... 47
APPENDIX B SPECIFICATIONS ......................................... 50
B.1 TAG-T3 SPECIFICATION ............................................... 50
B.2 TAG-T3 KIT.............................................................. 50
APPENDIX C COMMAND REFERENCE................................ 51
© Geonautics 6 Law Enforcement ONLY
TAG-T3 Wombat – User Guide, 1.0.7 Table of Contents

Table of Tables

Table 1, GPS Connector .................................................................14
Table 2, External Power Cable ........................................................ 14
Table 3, Standard Position String.................................................... 19
Table 4, Vehicle (Identification) Command ......................................20
Table 5, Clock parameters.............................................................. 21
Table 6, Motion Command .............................................................22
Table 7, Voltage Command ............................................................ 23
Table 8, Power (Configuration) Command ....................................... 24
Table 9, Backdoor Command.......................................................... 24
Table 10, Position (Live Track) Command ....................................... 25
Table 11, Memory Fix Command .................................................... 29
Table 12, Movement (Alarm) Command ..........................................32
Table 13, Region (Alarm) Command ............................................... 33
Table 14, Input Trigger Command .................................................. 34
Table 15, TRX Command ............................................................... 35
Table 16, TRX (Echo) Command..................................................... 36
Table 17, GPS (Configuration) Command ........................................ 37
Table 18, GPS (Echo) Command..................................................... 38
Table 19, SATS Command.............................................................. 39
Table 20, GPS Health Command .....................................................40
Table 21, Relay Command ............................................................. 41
Table 22, Parameters..................................................................... 42
Table 23, Debug String .................................................................. 43
Table 24, Power (Configuration) Command ..................................... 45
Table 25, 6 Pin Data Connector ...................................................... 49
Table 26, TAG-T3 Specifications ..................................................... 50
Table 27, TAG-T3 Kit .....................................................................50
Table 28, Commands .....................................................................51
1, TAG-T3 ............................................................................. 8
Figure 2, Magnetic plate................................................................. 10
Figure 3, TRX Antenna................................................................... 10
Figure 4, DL1 – External Power Configuration.................................. 13
Figure 6, Externally Powered TAG-T3.............................................. 14
Figure 7, TAG Comms Main Window ............................................... 15
Figure 8, DL1 Remote Downloader ................................................. 17
Figure 10, Direct Connect Cable Connector location ......................... 17
Figure 11, To DISABLE External Devices using the TAG-T3............... 48
© Geonautics 7 Law Enforcement ONLY
Figure 13, 6 Pin I/O Connector ....................................................... 49

Table of Figures

Figure 5, External GPS Antenna ...................................................... 14
Figure 9, USB Direct Connect Cable ................................................ 17
Figure 12, To ENABLE External Devices using the TAG-T3................ 48

TAG-T3 Wombat – User Guide, 1.0.7 Introduction

Geonautics International’s TAG-T3 W as a GPS logger with law enforcement tracking requirements in mind.
The TAG-T3 W
OMBAT functions as a self contained unit with
Local RF communications and downloading capabilities.
Being designed to operate from a single internal 9v (PP3) battery, the unit can log positions for up to a month without user intervention. Coupling this with the water and dust resistant seals the unit is perfectly suited to “slap on” applications.
The device can also be used with external power, allowing the user the flexibility of operating from an external power source, be it multiple battery packs or vehicular power. This feature makes the unit suitable for longer term deployments.
While remaining compatible with SNETLiteM3 and GeoPoint the
OMBAT with low power consumption, compact size and
rugged design has it all covered for your tracking needs.

1.1 Features

Features of the TAG-T3 W
50,000 logged positions Up to 200’ Local RF Communications Link Internal RF Link Antenna RF Frequency - 916 or 868 MHz Case meets the IP67 standard Can be configured to trigger an external relay 5 to 24v DC Operating Voltage Less than 700µA sleep current High-speed USB interface for faster data transfers via “Direct Connect” Compatible with SNETLiteM3 and GeoPoint software packages
OMBAT include;
OMBAT has been developed
Figure 1, TAG-T3
© Geonautics 8 Law Enforcement ONLY

TAG-T3 Wombat – User Guide, 1.0.7 The TAG-T3 Wombat Kit


2.1 TAG-T3 Wombat

The TAG-T3 W configuration, and should be configured to the users particular operational parameters before deployment.
Installation and operational procedures are beyond the scope of this manual. However a few things to consider include:
2.1.1 Box
TAG-T3 is an environmentally sealed unit which meets the IP67
The device is protected from dust and temporary water immersion for up to 30 minutes at a depth of 15cm. IP67 indicates the seals will not protect against water jets that are higher in pressure than a running kitchen faucet.
It is recommended to apply a small amount of Silicon Grease to the seals (both battery and top covers) each time it is opened.
2.1.2 Vehicle Mounting
Always avoid mounting the TAG-T3 near surfaces that may become hot, either because of the engine or through sunlight heating the vehicle.
If using a magnetic plate to mount the unit ensure the mounting surface is clean and free from grease and dirt. 75% of the magnets should be in direct contact to ensure an adequate hold.
The magnetic plate is built into the lid of the TAG-T3. It is affixed to the unit via the mounting holes and M2.5 screws provided. The magnets are extremely strong and should not be placed near electrical equipment – particularly computer monitors.
OMBAT is designed to be used in a stand alone
© Geonautics 9 Law Enforcement ONLY
TAG-T3 Wombat – User Guide, 1.0.7 The TAG-T3 Wombat Kit
The magnetic plate is shipped with a keeper plate covering the magnets. This reduces the effects to the outside surroundings and to help protect the plate.
Figure 2, Magnetic plate
2.1.3 GPS Antenna
The GPS antenna connector is located on the end of the TAG-T3 unit. GPS signals require “line of sight”, thus the GPS antenna (see 2.3.1) should be installed in a place where it has the best view of the sky available. As a rule of thumb, materials that are not electrically conductive, glass, cardboard, plastic, rubber etc, will not affect the GPS signals. Materials that are conductive will totally block the signals.
Remember that metallic paints, window tinting, demister elements and “in glass” antennas may all have an effect.
2.1.4 TRX Antenna
The TRX antenna used to communicate with the unit is located next to the GPS antenna connector. It should be positioned with as little metal
around it as possible. Placement of the TAG-T3 should allow the TRX antenna to be in as good a position as achievable, allowing as near to line of sight as possible. Also keep in mind that metallic paints and metal vehicle components can all affect the TRX signal.
Figure 3, TRX Antenna
© Geonautics 10 L
aw Enforcement ONLY
TAG-T3 Wombat – User Guide, 1.0.7 The TAG-T3 Wombat Kit


The Geonautics DL1 Remote Downloader allows for easy deployments with its inbuilt storage, external antenna connector and battery holders. It allows for the user to load “scripts” to configure and
interrogate their TAG-T3 while being used in a stand alone mode. The DL1 can also be used while connected directly to a PC.
2.2.1 Getting Started
Before the unit can be used for remote downloading, it must be configured with the commands that are to be sent to the target unit. The package is used to perform this “scripting” configuration. In this mode, the DL1 Remote Downloader must be connected to a PC via the USB plug. No batteries are required at this stage. Please consult your user guide for more information.
In stand alone Remote mode, the device is powered by three, v389 or similar, Silver Oxide batteries. These batteries will enable the device to perform field communications for approximately 7 hrs.
Open the battery door and insert 3 batteries in the DL1 Remote Downloader’s battery holders. The orientation for the batteries is shown on the device housing.
An antenna connector is located on the rear of the device, opposite the USB connector. An antenna must be connected to communicate via the RF link.
Once the unit is configured, batteries have been inserted and an antenna has been connected, the device is then ready to begin communicating.
TAG Comms
TAG Comms
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TAG-T3 Wombat – User Guide, 1.0.7 The TAG-T3 Wombat Kit
2.2.2 Initiating the DL1 Downloader
Slide the switch found on the side of the device towards the USB connector. This will commence the command sequence (e.g. Download, reconfigure, etc).
2.2.3 Monitoring Progress
The DL1 Remote Downloader will give an initial ‘triple buzz’ from its internal vibration motor. This indicates that it is ON and ready to find its programmed target.
Once the unit is ready, it will indicate one of three states:
If DL1 has nothing to do (e.g. not programmed with a
script), then it will give a triple ‘buzz’, pause for 2 seconds, then give a final triple ‘buzz’.
If the DL1 Remote Downloader is not within range of its
target, it will give a single ‘buzz’ once every ten (10) seconds.
If the Remote Downloader is within range and
communicating with its programmed target, it will give a single ‘buzz’ once every two (2) seconds.
Once the Remote Downloader has received all necessary information, it gives a ‘triple buzz’, and then will cease any further indications.
Slide the switch found on the side of the device away from the USB connector. This will turn the device OFF.
Each time power is applied to the DL1 Remote Downloader, it will run through its programmed “script”, storing any and all responses it receives from its target.
Please consult your responses from the TAG-T3, which were stored on the DL1 Remote
Downloader during its operation.
TAG Comms
user guide on retrieving the
© Geonautics 12 Law Enforcement ONLY
TAG-T3 Wombat – User Guide, 1.0.7 The TAG-T3 Wombat Kit
2.2.4 External Power Connector
External power can be fed to the Remote Downloader via the three pin connector located at the front of the device. This allows the unit to be powered externally to enable longer download times. A spare three pin Datamate connector and pins are provided for this connector. 4V to 10V can be fed through this connector. Pin out configuration is described in the following picture.
Figure 4, DL1 – External Power Configuration
2.2.5 External LED Indicator
An LED connected to the external Datamate connector (as shown in
Figure 4 above) enables the visual indication of:
The start (triple flash) and end (on constantly) of the remote
download process.
Each time the packet receive process has been started,
whereby a single flash will occur at a rapid rate during normal RF communications.
© Geonautics 13 Law Enforcement ONLY
TAG-T3 Wombat – User Guide, 1.0.7 The TAG-T3 Wombat Kit

2.3 Accessories

2.3.1 GPS Antenna
The TAG-T3 is fitted with a SMA Connector for connection to the External GPS antenna.
Figure 5, External GPS Antenna
SMA GPS Connector
Pin Connection
Centre Pin Antenna Active (3v3)
Outside Antenna Ground
Table 1, GPS Connector
2.3.2 External Power Cable
The TAG-T3 can also be powered using the external power cable attached instead of the 9V battery cover.
Figure 6, Externally Powered TAG-T3

External Power Cable

Cable Connection
Red Striped V+ (5v to 24v DC)
Plain Black GND
Table 2, External Power Cable
© Geonautics 14 Law Enforcement ONLY
TAG-T3 Wombat – User Guide, 1.0.7 The TAG-T3 Wombat Kit

2.4 TAG Comms Software

TAG Comms
for Geonautics’ range of positioning products.
Features of
Communications via standard modems Accept SMSs from cell phones Provides control of Geonautics’ tracking devices Live updates of positions for real-time tracking Ability to accept incoming calls for automatic downloads Simple interface to minimize training requirements
provides a zero-cost, basic command and display system
TAG Comms
Figure 7, TAG Comms Main Window
Please consult your
TAG Comms
user guide for more information.
© Geonautics 15 Law Enforcement ONLY
TAG-T3 Wombat – User Guide, 1.0.7 Getting Started


The TAG-T3 can be controlled using commands sent via an RF Data connection. Through the RF connection and a PC using the supplied
TAG Comms
interrogated. Please consult your information on setting up your DL1 Remote Downloader.

3.1 First Time

Before deploying a TAG-T3, or if problems are encountered in using the device, it is recommended that the following steps be taken.
1. Ensure the 9V battery is correctly installed within the TAG-T3.
2. Reset the TAG-T3 by ,
3. Make sure the DL1 Remote Downloader is plugged into the USB
port and the appropriate drivers are installed correctly.
4. Configure the DL1 to communicate with your TAG-T3, see
and controlling your DL1 Remote Downloader.

3.2 Communicating with your TAG-T3

3.2.1 RF Communication
Once configured, the TAG-T3 will remember and use that configuration each and every time power is applied to the unit. The unit can be interrogated as well as configured using the DL1 Remote Downloader.
© Geonautics 16 Law Enforcement ONLY
software, the TAG-T3 can be fully configured and
TAG Comms
user guide for more
sending $GO0,,RST to the unit via Direct Connect Mode
This ensures you have a known starting point, the unit will respond with a $GOA,<Unit_Id>,RST.
User Guide for more detailed information on configuring
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