Genius NS Hardware Manual

Hardware Installation
Hardware Installation
Note: Before installing or removing the mouse to or from your computer, always re member to turn off your computer. Installing or removing the mouse when your com puter is running will cause permanent damage to the mouse or your computer.
1. For PS/2 model, you can connect the mouse to the PS/2 port.
2. For the USB model, connect your mouse to the USB port on your computer.
3. For the USB & PS/2 model, you need to use the 6-pin PS/2 adapter.
Turn on your computer.
Warning: Please do not use this optical mouse on a desk which is made of glass, mir­ror, iron, or black velvet. Also, a flat surface is necessary or the Optical Sensor will not work properly.
Software Installation
Installing the MouseMate software
1. For PCs, start Windows, insert the software CD into the computer’s CD-ROM
drive, then follow the on-screen instructions. (If Autorun is not enabled, select Run from the Start Menu on the Taskbar. Next, type D:\Setup.exe, where D: is the designation of the CD-ROM drive.)
2. For the Macintosh, start the Macintosh operating system, insert the software CD into the computer’s CD-ROM drive, find the Installer icon in the appropriate language folder, double-click the icon, then follow the on-screen instructions.
Factory Settings
MouseMate Software Features
Magic-Roller Press the “Magic-Roller” to surf the Internet and Windows docu
Left Button Provides traditional mouse functions such as click, double click
and drag.
Right Button You can assign this button frequently used keyboard and mouse
functions in addition to features like EasyJump, Auto-Panning, Zoom, etc.
Roller Button You can assign this button frequently used keyboard and mouse
functions in addition to features like EasyJump, Auto-Panning, Zoom, etc.
Side Buttons You can assign certain functions to the upper or lower side button
with the roller.
Horizontal Scrolling
Hold the Shift key while pressing the Magic-Roller in the direc­tion you want to go or move the cursor over the horizontal scroll bar and press the Magic-Roller.
Button Assignments
The Button Assignment feature lets you work in a more efficient way because you can assign the most frequently used commands in Windows to the mouse but­tons.
Side Buttons: You can assign the following functions (Applica
­tion/Document, Horizontal Scroll, Last/Next Page, and Zoom In/Out) to the upper or lower side button with the roller.
MouseMate Software Features
Browsing Speed You can adjust the browsing speed when you surf the
Internet or Windows documents.
Browsing Direction
Move the “Magic-Roller” forward and the screen will browse to the top of the document. Move it in reverse and the document will go in the opposite direction
MouseMate Software Features
Button Find Automatically positions the cursor on the default button,
usually the OK button, when the dialog box appears on your screen.
Trails This option makes it easier to find the cursor when using
an LCD monitor. This option cannot be used if your monitor does not support it.
Loop When you move the cursor to the top (or bottom) of the
screen, it will automatically move the cursor to the bot tom (or top) of the screen.
Mouse Speed This function lets you adjust the speed at which the
pointer moves across the screen.
Double Click Speed
Swap Left/ Right
Pointers Folders This lets you change the shape of the cursor.
Office 97 Mode Only supports Microsoft Office 97 along with some new
Genius Mode Supports all applications that use scrollbars, including Of-
About Click here to open the Genius website “www.genius
Orientation This function lets you set the angle when you move the
Use this function to set the double click speed of the mouse.
Select this option if you want to have the mouse operate with the right mouse button as the primary button.
applications. Features include zoom, scrolling and Auto­scrolling features. It’s similar to Microsoft’s IntelliMouse.
fice97, with zoom, Auto-panning, and scrolling functions.”
mouse upward. It gives you a more comfortable angle when holding the mouse. This function works best with a portable trackball.
“EasyJump” now has two working modes: Office EasyJump mode and Traditional EasyJump mode.
“Office EasyJump” lets you use eight commonly used appli cations and 16 Cyber functions more easily and quickly.
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