Genius ColorPage HR8 User Manual

User’s Guide
Genius Scanner
All trademarks and brand names mentioned in this publication are property of their respective owners.
document may be reproduced without permission.
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 1
How to Use This Guide...............................................................................................1
Conventions of this Guide...........................................................................................2
A Note about Icons.....................................................................................................2
System Requirements ................................................................................................2
Package Contents ......................................................................................................3
CHAPTER I. INSTALLING GENIUS SCANNER............................................................. 4
Software Requirements .............................................................................................. 4
Hardware Requirements.............................................................................................4
Installing and Setting up the Scanner.........................................................................5
Step 1. Hassle-Free Lock Mechanism ................................................................................ 5
Step 2. Connecting the Genius Scanner to Your Computer ............................................... 6
Step 3. Installing the Software.............................................................................................6
Software Setup Troubleshooting ................................................................................7
Installing Additional Software......................................................................................8
Uninstalling the Scanner.............................................................................................8
Uninstall from the “Start Menu” (Uninstall Wizard)...............................................................8
Scanner Setup After Windows XP Upgrade ............................................................... 8
CHAPTER II. USAGE AND MAINTENANCE............................................................... 10
Operating the Scanner..............................................................................................10
Testing the Scanner..................................................................................................11
Scan and Image Editing............................................................................................11
Scanning the Films...................................................................................................12
Installing the Transparency Adapter................................................................................... 13
Using the Negative and Positive Film Holders................................................................... 13
Important Notes about Scanning Film................................................................................ 15
Sound Settings .........................................................................................................15
Scanner Utility Program............................................................................................16
Connection Status ..............................................................................................................17
Aligning the Scanner ..........................................................................................................18
Lamp Control...................................................................................................................... 18
Removing the Document Cover................................................................................ 19
CHAPTER III. HOW TO USE QUICK FUNCTION BUTTONS......................................... 20
"SCAN" Button..........................................................................................................20
To Set up the Default Application Program........................................................................ 20
To Use the “SCAN” Button.................................................................................................21
"E-MAIL/WEB" Button...............................................................................................21
To Set a Default Simple MAPI Client (i.e. Outlook Express).............................................. 22
To Set Up the " E-MAIL/WEB " Button...............................................................................22
To Use the " E-MAIL/WEB " Button....................................................................................23
"TEXT/OCT" Button..................................................................................................24
To Set Up Editor.................................................................................................................24
To Use the “TEXT/OCT” Button ......................................................................................... 25
"PRINT/COPY" Button..............................................................................................25
To Set Up Printer................................................................................................................25
To use “PRINT/COPY” Button............................................................................................26
"FILE/FAX" Button .................................................................................................... 27
To Set Up the Software for “FILE/FAX” button...................................................................27
To use “FILE/FAX” Button..................................................................................................28
APPENDIX A: SPECIFICATIONS............................................................................. 30
APPENDIX B: CUSTOMER SERVICE AND WARRANTY.............................................. 31
Statement of Limited Warranty ................................................................................. 31
FCC Radio Frequency Statement............................................................................. 32
CONTACTING GENIUS.......................................................................................... 34
Welcome to the world of Genius scanners, the ultimate in imaging. Your new scanner will improve the professionalism of your day-to-day computing tasks by allowing you to input images and electronic text into your computer system.
Like all of our products, your new scanner is thoroughly tested and backed by our reputation for unsurpassed dependability and customer satisfaction.
The last page of this user’s manual provides more information for contacting Genius Service Center. Please feel free to contact us or visit GeniusLife Homepage (
) for getting better service.
Thank you for choosing Genius Product. We hope you will continue to turn to us for additional quality products as your computing needs and interests grow.
How to Use This Guide
This User’s Guide provides instructions and illustrations on how to install and operate your scanner. This guide assumes the user is familiar with the Microsoft Windows XP/Me/2000/98. If this is not the case, we suggest you learn more about Microsoft Windows by referring to your Microsoft Windows manual before using your scanner.
The Introduction
section of this manual describes the box contents and minimum computer requirements to use this scanner. Before you start installing your Genius scanner, check the box contents to make sure all parts are included. If any items are damaged or missing, please contact the vendor where you purchased your scanner or Genius’ customer service directly at one of the locations listed at the back of this manual.
Chapter I
describes how to install scanner’s software and connect the scanner to
your computer.
Note: The scanner connects to your computer through the Universal Serial Bus (USB). If your computer does not support USB technology, you will need to purchase a USB interface card to add USB capabilities to your computer, or buy and install USB connectors if your motherboard has USB capabilities. This guide assumes that your computer is USB-ready and has a free USB port.
Chapter II
describes how to test, maintain and clean your scanner. It also describes how to use the Scanner Utility Program which helps you troubleshoot and fix connection problems which may have occurred during the scanner installation.
Chapter III
contains some basic descriptions on how to use your scanner. More detailed descriptions can be found by using the Help function in the relevant scanner programs.
Genius Scanner
Appendix A contains the Specifications of this Genius scanner. Appendix B
contains Genius’ limited warranty agreement and FCC statement
concerning the product.
Conventions of this Guide
Bold Important note or first use of an important term in a chapter. ALL CAPS — Represents commands or contents on your computer screen.
A Note about Icons
This guide uses the following icons to point out information that deserves special
Danger: A procedure that must be followed carefully to prevent injury,
or accidents.
Caution: Information that, if not followed, may result in data loss or
damage to the product.
Pay Special Attention: Instructions that are important to remember
and may prevent mistakes.
System Requirements1
Windows/Intel Compatible Personal Computer Pentium III or above CD-ROM Drive Minimum 128 MB RAM 300 Free Hard Disk Space USB 2.0 Port Microsoft™ Windows XP/Me/2000/98
NOTE: Windows NT 4.0 does not support Universal Serial Bus (USB) connectivity.
Video card that supports 16-bit color or greater
Higher requirements might be needed when you scan or edit a large quantity of image data. The system requirements herein are only a guideline, as in general the better the computer (motherboard, processor, hard disk, RAM, video graphic card), the better the results.
Genius Scanner
Package Contents
The Scanner3
2. Power Adapter (15V, 1A)
3. USB Cable
4. Quick Installation Guide
5. Setup / Application CD-ROM includes the following software applications
Scanner Setup Program
Genius TWAIN Program
NewSoft Presto! PageManager (Photo Management Software)
NewSoft Presto! ImageFolio (Imaging Editing Software)
NewSoft Presto! Mr. Photo (Web Photo Software)
Bridgewell Page abc (Web Editing Software)
ABBYY FineReader 5.0 Sprint (Text Recognition Software)
Adobe Acrobat Reader (PDF Product Manuals Reading Program)
Cardiris 2.51LE (Trial Version)
This User’s Guide (Electronic Version)
6. Reflective Document Mat
7. Negative and Positive Film Holder
8. Base Stand
Save the box and packing materials in case you need to transport this scanner in the future.
The scanner illustration(s) may appear different than from the actual scanner itself.
The bundled software may change at any time without prior notice.
Genius Scanner
Chapter I.
Installing Genius Scanner
Before installing your scanner, please verify that you have all of the proper components.
A list of the package contents is provided in this guide.
Software Requirements
Your scanner comes with the software of NewSoft Presto! ImageFolio, ABBYY FineReader, NewSoft Presto! PageManager, NewSoft Mr. Photo, Bridgewell Page abc, Adobe Acrobat Reader, the scanner’s driver, Scanner Utility, and Genius TWAIN Program. All of these software applications use approximately 160 megabytes of hard disk space after they are installed into your computer. To ensure ample room for the installation, as well as for scanning and saving images, a minimum of 250 megabytes of hard disk space is recommended.
Hardware Requirements
This scanner connects to your computer through the Universal Serial Bus (USB) which supports hot Plug and Play. To determine whether your computer is USB­capable, you must check the rear of your PC to locate a USB jack that looks the same as the one pictured below. Note that on some computers, the USB port at the rear of the computer may be occupied and additional ports may be found on the monitor or keyboard. If you are having trouble in locating the USB port on your computer, please refer to the hardware manual that came with your computer.
Upon examination, you should find one or two rectangular USB ports, which usually appear as shown below.
Genius Scanner
USB Connector(s)
If you don’t find such USB ports on your computer, then you need to purchase a certified USB interface card to add USB capabilities to your computer.
Installing and Setting up the Scanner
SStteepp 11.. HHaassssllee--FFrreeee LLoocckk MMeecchhaanniissmm
This scanner has an automatic locking mechanism to hold the scanning head in place during transportation. When the locking switch (located on the scanner’s underside) is pressed, it automatically unlocks the scanning head; when not pressed, it automatically locks up the scanning head again.
Always place your scanner on a flat and smooth surface before proceeding the scanner setup or any scanning task.
Note: When you need to move the scanner, do keep the locking switch NOT PRESSED to ensure accurate and problem-free use of your scanner.
Genius Scanner
SStteepp 22.. CCoonnnneeccttiinngg tthhee GGeenniiuuss SSccaannnneerr ttoo YYoouurr CCoommppuutteerr
1. Plug the power adapter into the scanner’s power receptor.
2. Plug the other end of the power adapter into a standard AC power outlet.
3. Plug the square end of the included USB cable to the USB port at the rear of the scanner.
4. Plug the rectangular end of the USB cable to the USB port on the back of your computer.
Note: If there is another USB device connected to the computer, connect the scanner to an available USB port.
5. If you plan to connect your scanner to a USB hub
, make sure that the hub is connected to the USB port in your computer. Next, connect the scanner to the USB hub.
Note: If you do not have a USB port available, you might need to buy a USB port.
SStteepp 33.. IInnssttaalllliinngg tthhee SSooffttwwaarree
1. If the USB components on your computer are functioning correctly, they will automatically detect the scanner causing the “Add New Hardware Wizard” or “Found New Hardware Wizard” to be launched.
2. For Windows 98 & 2000
a. Click on the NEXT button when the “Add New Hardware Wizard”
window is displayed.
[RECOMMENDED]” and click on the NEXT button.
The USB hub is not included with the scanner.
Genius Scanner
c. The next window will ask you where to search to find the drive. Select
“CD-ROM drive”, and deselect “Floppy disk drives” if it is checked.
d. Insert the Setup/Application CD-ROM, included with your scanner, into
your CD-ROM drive and then click on the NEXT button.
e. Click on the “NEXT” button in the window that appears. Afterwards, for
Windows 98 users, please skip to Step 5.
3. For Windows XP & Me
a. Insert the Setup/Application CD-ROM, included with your scanner, into
your CD-ROM drive.
[RECOMMENDED]” and click on the NEXT button.
c. Click on the “NEXT” button in the window that appears. Afterwards,
for Windows Me users, please skip to Step 5.
4. Windows XP & 2000 users –During the process of the installation, a message “Windows Logo authorization required” or “Digital Signature required” might be prompted. Please ignore it, and click on “CONTINUE ANYWAY” to continue the installation without any misgiving at your scanner functioning.
5. When the system completes the installation, click on the “FINISH” button.
6. Follow the on-screen instructions to install all software that your new USB scanner requires.
7. After the software is installed, close all open applications and click on the FINISH button to restart your computer.
If the scanner installation is not started and displayed automatically on the screen, click START, select RUN and type in “d:install” (where d: is the drive letter assigned to the CD-ROM drive of your computer)
Software Setup Troubleshooting
Carefully review the steps outlined in this guide and the Quick Installation Guide
that accompanied your scanner.
If you are still having problems, please check that:
You have 250MB of free space on your hard disk drive.
The scanner is plugged in and has power.
You are using the USB cable supplied with the scanner.
The square end of the USB cable is plugged into the rear of the scanner.
Genius Scanner
The rectangular end of the USB cable is plugged into the back of your
If you deviated from the installation procedures defined in this manual, please unplug the USB cable from the scanner and reinstall the software from the CD-ROM. To reinstall your scanner’s software, click START, RUN, then type D:\Install (where D represents the letter of your CD-ROM drive). Carefully follow all the installation instructions presented in the Setup Wizard. Reboot your computer when prompted, and plug the USB cable back into the scanner while your computer is still turned on.
If you still need support, you can contact Genius at any office listed on the last page of this guide during normal business hours in that area.
Installing Additional Software
Your scanner is TWAIN compliant and functions with virtually all available TWAIN compatible program. If you purchase additional program to be used with your scanner, please make sure that it conforms to the T
WAIN standard.
Uninstalling the Scanner
Windows XP/Me/2000/98 provides an Uninstall Wizard for uninstalling your scanner software driver and application programs:
UUnniinnssttaallll ffrroomm tthhee ““SSttaarrtt MMeennuu”” ((UUnniinnssttaallll WWiizzaarrdd))
1. From the Windows Start menu, select Programs, and then the model name of the scanner you have installed.
2. From the drop-down menu, select Uninstall.
3. A window will pop up, asking you to confirm the deletion of the selected application and all of its components. Click OK and the UninstallShield program will run automatically and delete the scanner software driver.
4. Once completed, restart Windows.
Scanner Setup After Windows XP Upgrade
If you plan to upgrade your operating system from Windows 98 or Me to Windows
XP after having installed the scanner software, please follow the instructions below:
1. Unplug the scanner’s AC power adapter from the electrical outlet.
2. Unplug the scanner’s USB cable from the rear of the computer.
Genius Scanner
3. From the Windows START menu, click on “Programs” and then “COLORPAGE-XXXX” (your scanner model name). In the pop-up menu that opens, click on “Uninstall Genius Scanner”. Follow the on-screen instructions to remove all the scanner software.
4. After uninstallation completes, close all open applications and click the “Finish” button to restart your computer.
5. Start installing your Windows XP upgrade software by following Microsoft’s related procedures.
6. When the Windows XP upgrade is done, re-install the scanner’s hardware and software. Refer to the scanner setup quick guide for details.
Genius Scanner
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