Genius Blizzard 900 C, Blizzard 500 C Instruction Manual

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BLIZZARD 500-900 C 2 532103 - Rev.B
1.1 Meaning of Symbols Used ....................................... 4
2. SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................5
2.1 Installer safety .................................................... 5
2.2 Transport and storage ............................................ 5
2.3 Unpacking and handling ........................................ 6
2.4 Disposal of the product .......................................... 6
3. BLIZZARD 500-900 C .............................................. 6
3.1 Intended use ...................................................... 6
3.2 Limitations of use ................................................. 6
3.3 Prohibited uses ................................................... 6
3.4 Emergency Use ................................................... 7
3.5 Product Warnings ................................................. 7
3.6 Product Identification ............................................ 7
3.7 Technical Characteristics ......................................... 7
3.8 Component Identification ....................................... 8
3.9 Dimensions ........................................................ 8
4. INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS ................................ 9
4.1 Mechanical Requirements ....................................... 9
4.2 Electrical System .................................................. 9
4.3 Example System .................................................10
5. INSTALLATION ................................................... 10
5.1 Tools Required ...................................................10
5.2 Installation Dimensions .........................................11
5.3 Base plate .........................................................12
5.4 Fastening the Gear Motor.......................................12
5.5 Manual Operation ...............................................13
5.6 Installing the Rack ...............................................13
5.7 Adjustments and Checks .......................................16
6. ELECTRONIC BOARD ............................................ 17
6.1 Terminal boards and connectors ...............................18
6.2 Photocells and safety devices ..................................19
7. START-UP.......................................................... 20
7.1 Power supply and earthing .....................................20
7.2 LEDs Check .......................................................20
7.3 Installation of the Limit Switches ..............................21
7.4 Programming ....................................................22
7.5 Direction of movement check ..................................24
7.6 Final Operations .................................................24
8. MAINTENANCE ................................................... 25
8.1 Scheduled Maintenance ........................................25
9. OPERATING LOGICS ............................................. 27
10. INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE ..................................... 30
10.1 Safety recommendations......................................30
10.2 Product Warnings ..............................................30
10.3 Emergency Use .................................................30
10.4 Manual Operation ..............................................30
The Manufacturer
Company name: FAAC S.p.A. Soc. Unipersonale
Address: Via Calari, 10 - 40069 Zola Predosa BOLOGNA - ITALY
hereby declares under his sole responsibility that the following product:
Description: Gear motor for sliding gates
Model: BLIZZARD 500 C; BLIZZARD 900 C.
Complies with the following relevant Union harmonization legislations:
2014/30/EU 2011/65/EU
Furthermore, the following harmonised standards have been applied:
EN61000-6-2:2005 EN61000-6-3:2007 + A1:2011
Bologna, Italy, 30-09-2016 CEO
(2006/42/EC ANNEX II P.1, B)
Manufacturer and person authorised to draft the applicable technical documentation
Company name: FAAC S.p.A. Soc. Unipersonale
Address: Via Calari, 10 - 40069 Zola Predosa BOLOGNA - ITALY
Hereby declares that the partly completed machinery:
Description: Gear motor for sliding gates
Model: BLIZZARD 500 C; BLIZZARD 900 C.
the following essential requirements of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC (including all applicable amendments) have been applied and fulfilled:
1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.5, 1.1.6, 1.2.1, 1.2.3, 1.2.5, 1.2.6, 1.3.1,
1.3.2, 1.3.4, 1.3.6, 1.3.9, 1.4.1,, 1.5.1, 1.5.2,
1.5.5, 1.5.6, 1.5.7, 1.5.8, 1.5.10, 1.5.11, 1.6.1, 1.6.4,
1.7.1, 1.7.2, 1.7.3,,
and that the relevant technical documentation has been compiled in compliance with part B of Annex VII.
Furthermore, the following harmonised standards have been applied:
EN12100:2010 EN13849-1:2015 EN13849-2:2012
Other applied standards:
Undertakes to transmit by mail or by e-mail, in response to a reasoned request by the national authorities, relevant information on the partly completed machinery.
It is also declared that the partly completed machinery identified above may not be com­missioned until the final machine - into which it will be incorporated - has been declared complaint with the provisions of the above mentioned Machine Directive 2006/42/EC.
Bologna, Italy, 30-09-2016 CEO
Translation of the original instructions
Translation of the original instructions
BLIZZARD 500-900 C 3 532103 - Rev.B
This manual provides the correct procedures and requirements for installing BLIZZARD 500-900 C and maintaining it in a safe condition.
When drafting the manual, the results of the risk assessment con­ducted by FAAC S.p.A. on the entire product life cycle have been taken into account in order to implement effective risk reduction measures.
The following stages of the life cycle of the product have been con­sidered:
- Delivery/handling
- Assembly and installation
- Set-up and commissioning
- Operation
- Maintenance/troubleshooting
- Disposal at the end of the product’s life cycle
Risks arising from installation and using the product have been taken into consideration; these include:
- Risks for the installation/maintenance technician (technical
Translation of the original instructions
Translation of the original instructions
- Risks for the user of the automation system
- Risks to product integrity (damage)
In Europe, the automation of a gate falls under the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC and the corresponding harmonised standards. Anyone automating a gate (new or existing) is classified as the Manufacturer of the Machine. They are therefore required by law, among other things, to carry out a risk analysis of the machine (automatic gate in its entirety) and take protective measures to fulfil the essential safety requirements specified in Annex I of the Machinery Directive.
This manual also contains general information and guidelines, which are purely illustrative and not exhaustive, in order to facilitate the activities carried out by the Manufacturer of the Machine in all respects with regard to carrying out the risk analysis and drafting the instructions for use and maintenance of the machine. It should be clearly understood that FAAC S.p.A. accepts no liability for the reliability and/ or completeness of the above instructions. As such, the manufacturer of the machine must carry out all the activities re­quired by the Machinery Directive and the corresponding harmonised standards on the basis of the actual condition of the locations and structures where the product BLIZZARD 500-900 C will be installed, prior to commissioning the machine. These activities include the analysis of all the risks associated with the machine and subsequent implementation of all safety measures intended to fulfil the essential safety requirements.
This manual contains references to European standards. The auto­mation of a gate must fully comply with any laws, standards and regulations applicable in the country where installation will take place.
FIGURE E.g.: 1-3 see Figure 1 - detail 3.
TABLE E.g.: 1 see Table 1.
CHAPTER/SECTION E.g.: §1.1 see section 1.1.
2 Symbols: safety indications (ISO 7010)
GENERAL HAZARD Personal injury hazard or risk of damage to components.
ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD Risk of electric shock from live parts.
CRUSHING HAZARD, DANGER TO THE MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM Risk of musculoskeletal crushing - Personal injury hazard when manually
lifting heavy loads.
BURN HAZARD Risk of burns due to the presence of high-temperature parts.
CRUSHING HAZARD Risk of crushing to the hands/feet due to the presence of heavy parts.
CUTTING/AMPUTATION/PUNCTURE HAZARD Cutting hazard due to the presence of sharp components or the use of
pointed/sharp tools (drill).
SHEARING HAZARD Risk of shearing from moving parts.
IMPACT/CRUSHING HAZARD Risk of impact or crushing due to moving parts.
FORKLIFT TRUCK IMPACT HAZARD Risk of collision/impact with forklift trucks.
Unless otherwise specified, the measurements provided in the instruc-
tions are in mm.
1 Symbols: notes and warnings on the instructions
WARNING ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD - The operation or stage described must be performed following the supplied instructions and applicable safety
regulations. WARNING, PERSONAL INJURY HAZARD OR RISK OF DAMAGE TO COMPO NENTS - The operation or stage described must be performed following the
supplied instructions and applicable safety regulations. WARNING - Details and specifications which must be respected in order to
ensure that the system operates correctly.
RECYCLING AND DISPOSAL - The materials used in manufacturing, the batteries and any electronic components must not be sent to landfill. They must be taken to authorised recycling and disposal centres.
BLIZZARD 500-900 C 4 532103 - Rev.B
3 Symbols: personal protective equipment
Personal protective equipment must be worn to protect against hazards (e.g. crushing, cutting, shearing etc.):
Obligatory use of mask/goggles to protect the eyes from the risk of shards produced when using drills or welding equipment.
Obligatory use of work gloves.
Obligatory use of safety footwear.
This product is placed onto the market as “partly completed machin­ery”, therefore it cannot be commissioned until the machine in which it will be incorporated has been identified and declared to conform to the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC by the actual Manufacturer.
Incorrect installation and/or incorrect use of the product might cause
serious harm to people. Read and comply with all the instructions before starting any activity on the product. Keep these instructions for future reference.
Perform installation and other activities adhering to the sequences provided in the instructions manual.
Always comply with all the requirements contained in the instructions and warning tables at the beginning of the paragraphs. Always comply with the safety recommendations.
Only the installer and/or maintenance technician is authorised to work on the automation components. Do not modify the original components in any way.
Close off the work site (even temporarily) and prevent access/tran­sit. EC countries must comply with the legislation that transposes the European Construction Site Directive 92/57/EC.
The installer is responsible for the installation/testing of the automa­tion and for completing the Register of the system.
The installer must prove or declare to possess technical and profes­sional proficiency to perform installation, testing and maintenance activities according to the requirements in these instructions.
Up indication.
Keep away from water and moisture.
Maximum number of stacked packages.
CE marking.
Follow the instructions on the packag-
ing during handling. Use a forklift or pallet truck, following
safety regulations to avoid the risk of impacts or collisions.
Installation activities require special work conditions to reduce to the minimum the risks of accidents and serious damage. Furthermore, the suitable precautions must be taken to prevent risks of injury to persons or damage.
The installer must be in good physical and mental condition, aware
of and responsible for the hazards that may be generated when using the product.
The work area must be kept tidy and must not be left unattended. Do not wear clothes or accessories (scarves, bracelets, etc.) that may
get caught in moving parts. Always wear the personal protective equipment recommended for the
type of activity to be carried out. The required level of workplace lighting must be equal to at least
200 lux. Operate CE marked machinery and equipment in compliance with
the manufacturer's instructions. Use work instruments in good conditions.
Use the transport and lifting equipment recommended in the instruc­tions manual.
Use safety-compliant portable ladders of adequate size, fitted with anti-slip devices at the top and bottom, equipped with retainer hooks.
4 Symbols: warnings on packaging.
Follow the instructions on the packag-
ing during handling.
Store the product in its original packaging, in closed and dry premises, protected from the sun and free from dust and aggressive substances. Protect from mechanical stress. If stored for more than 3 months, regularly check the condition of the components and the packaging.
- Storage temperature: 5°C to 30°C.
- Percentage of humidity: 30% to 70%.
Translation of the original instructions
Translation of the original instructions
Read the instructions.
Handle with care. Fragile parts.
BLIZZARD 500-900 C 5 532103 - Rev.B
1. Open the package.
The gear motor casing is not fixed.
2. Remove the magnetic limit switches and the bag of accessories.
3. Remove the casing.
Do not lift the gear motor by the electronic board.
4. Lift the gear motor, holding it by the base.
Check that all components are present and intact 2.
5. Dispose of the packaging materials.
3. BLIZZARD 500900 C
The packaging materials (plastic, polystyrene etc.) must not be left
within reach of children, as they are potential hazards. When you have finished with them, dispose of the packaging in the
appropriate containers, as per applicable waste disposal regulations.
After dismantling the product, dispose of it in compliance with Standards in force.
The constructive components and materials, batteries and electronic components must not be disposed of with household waste but deli­vered to authorised disposal and recycling facilities.
GENIUS BLIZZARD 500-900 C series gear motors are designed to operate horizontal sliding gates for residential use (including in apartment complexes).
One gear motor must be installed for each sliding gate section. The gate must be moved via a rack.
Installations of BLIZZARD 500-900 C must be used for vehicular traffic. To operate the gate manually, follow the instructions in § 5.5.
Translation of the original instructions
Translation of the original instructions
Any other use which is not expressly specified in these instructions is
prohibited and could affect the integrity of the product and/or represent a source of danger.
The gate must fall within the dimensional and weight limitations indicated in the technical data section. Obey the limitations on frequency of use listed in the technical data section.
Using the product in any configuration other than that provided for by FAAC S.p.A. is prohibited. It is prohibited to modify any product component.
The presence of weather conditions such as snow, ice and strong wind, even when occasional, could compromise correct automation, affect the integrity of the components and represent a potential source of danger.
If a pedestrian access gate is integrated in the sliding gate section, motorised movement must be disabled when the pedestrian gate is not closed.
BLIZZARD 500-900 C is not designed as a security (break-in protec­tion) system.
Implementing automation requires the installation of the necessary safety devices, identified by the installer through an appropriate risk assessment of the installation site.
- Uses other than the intended use are prohibited.
- It is prohibited to install the automation system outside of the limits specified in the Technical Data and Installation Require­ments sections.
- It is prohibited to install the automation system on escape routes.
- It is prohibited to install the automation system to create fire doors.
- It is prohibited to install the automation system in environments which represent an explosion or fire hazard: the presence of flammable gases or fumes represents a serious safety hazard (the product is not 94/9/EC ATEX certified).
- It is prohibited to power the system with energy sources other than those specified.
- It is prohibited to integrate commercial systems and/or equip- ment other than those specified, or use them for purposes not envisaged and authorised by the corresponding manufacturers.
- It is prohibited to use and/or install accessories which have not been specifically authorised by FAAC S.p.A.
- It is prohibited to use the automation system before performing commissioning.
- It is prohibited to use the automation system in the presence of faults which could compromise safety.
- It is prohibited to use the automation system with the fixed and/ or mobile guards removed or altered.
- Do not allow water jets of any type or size to come into direct contact with the gear motor.
- Do not expose the gear motor to corrosive chemical or atmos- pheric agents.
- Do not use the automation system unless the area of operation is free of persons, animals or objects.
- Do not remain in or walk/drive through the area of operation of the automation system while it is moving.
- Do not try to prevent the movement of the automation system.
- Do not climb on, hold onto or let yourself be pulled by the gate. Do not climb onto or sit on the gear motor.
- Do not allow children to approach or play in the area of operation of the automation system.
- Do not allow the control devices to be used by anyone who is not specifically authorised and trained to do so.
- Do not allow the control devices to be used by children or persons with mental and physical deficiencies unless they are supervised by an adult who is responsible for their safety.
During manual operation, gently guide the gate the whole way, do not
push it and let it slide freely.
BLIZZARD 500-900 C 6 532103 - Rev.B
In any malfunction, emergency or fault, disconnect the power sup­ply of the automation. If the conditions allow the leaf to be safely moved manually, use the MANUAL OPERATION; otherwise, keep the automation out of service until it is restored/repaired.
In case of a fault, the automation must be restored/repaired must only be carried out by the INSTALLER/MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN.
FAAC S.p.A. Soc. Unipersonale Via Calari, 10 - 40069 Zola Predosa BOLOGNA Italy
Risk of fingers and hands being trapped between the rack, pinion and casing (2).
Sales code
Product name
Month/year of production + progressive number for the month of production
E.g.: 0115 0001
The GENIUS BLIZZARD 500 C and BLIZZARD 900 C series gear motors are equipped with an electronic board that controls their automatic operation (§ 6). The travel of the gate is determined by two magnetic limit switches. Movement cannot be reversed: To operate the gate manually, follow the instructions in § 5.5. The board may be equipped with optional accessories:
- obstacle recognition encoder (optional accessory in some mo- dels);
- GENIUS 5-pin radio receiver.
Translation of the original instructions
Translation of the original instructions
5 Technical Data
BLIZZARD 500 C BLIZZARD 900 C Supply voltage 230 V~ (+6%…-10%) 50 Hz 115 V~ (+6%…-10%) 60 Hz 230 V~ (+6%…-10%) 50 Hz 115 V~ (+6%…-10%) 60 Hz Electric motor Asynchronous single phase Asynchronous single phase Asynchronous single phase Asynchronous single phase Start-up capacitor 10 µF 40 µF 12.5 µF 50 µF Max power 360 W 350 W 540 W 610 W Thermal protection 140 °C (automatic rearming) 140 °C (automatic rearming) 140 °C (automatic rearming) 140 °C (automatic rearming) Max thrust force 390 N 250 N 590 N 540 N Starting thrust force 300 N 220 N 410 N 380 N Pinion Z16 Module 4 Z16 Module 4 Z16 Module 4 Z16 Module 4 Max sliding gate section length 15 m 15 m 15 m 15 m Max. sliding gate section weight* 500 kg 500 kg 900 kg 900 kg Sliding gate section speed 12 m/min 14 m/min 12 m/min 14 m/min Ambient operating temperature -20 °C - +55 °C -20 °C - +55 °C -20 °C - +55 °C -20 °C - +55 °C Type of use Residential/Condominium Residential/Condominium Residential/Condominium Residential/Condominium Continuous use time (ROT)** 22 min 37 min 23 min 23 min Ingress Protection IP44 IP44 IP44 IP44 Dimensions (LxDxH) 297x170x256 297x170x256 297x170x256 297x170x256 Gear motor weight 9.2 kg 9.2 kg 10 kg 10 kg Electronic board SPRINT 382 SPRINT 383 SPRINT 382 SPRINT 383
* In the case of a cantilever gate, the maximum weight of the sliding gate section is reduced by 30% ** 20°C, FO=20 (§ 7.4).
BLIZZARD 500-900 C 7 532103 - Rev.B
Translation of the original instructions
Translation of the original instructions
6 Components
1 Case and danger symbol 2 Hardware/accessories 3 Electric motor 4 Magnetic limit stop sensor 5 Electronic board 6 Magnetic limit switches 7 Release device 8 Start-up capacitor 9 Earth connection 10 Power cable clamp 11 Z16 Module 4 pinion
7 Installation Accessories
1 Base plate with mounting hardware 2 Steel rack 3 Spacers for steel rack (to be screwed or welded) 4 Nylon rack 5 Mounting hardware for nylon rack
BLIZZARD 500-900 C 8 532103 - Rev.B
The mechanical structural components must comply with the require­ments of EN 12604
Before installing the automation system, the suitability of the me­chanical requirements must be established, and the necessary work to reach them performed.
The essential mechanical requirements are as follows:
Solid ground to support the weight of the gate, the structures present
and the gear motor. There must be no chance of water accumulating in the installation area. Flat, horizontal paving in the area of move­ment of the sliding gate section.
Structure (columns, guides, mechanical strikers, sliding gate section) must be solid and there must be no risk of detachment or collapse, taking into consideration the weight of the sliding gate section, force applied by wind and the forces generated by the gear motor. Perform structural calculations where necessary.
No signs of corrosion or cracking in the structure. Sliding gate section perfectly vertical in all movement positions with
regular, uniform movement without friction. Appropriate devices must be installed to prevent the gate from falling. There must be a lower horizontal sliding guide in good condition; this
must be straight, with no deformations, and must be solidly fastened to the ground and free of obstacles along its entire length. The sliding gate section must remain in any position in which it is placed without moving. Presence of guide wheels on the ground, with diameter appropriate for the size and length of the sliding gate section and profile section matching the sliding guide. The number and position of the wheels must ensure adequate and constant distribution of the weight at all times.
Presence of upper containing guide to prevent vertical oscillation of the sliding gate section. The sliding gate section must not under any circumstances come out from its guides and fall. Wheels, rollers and bearings in good condition, lubricated and free from play or friction.
External mechanical limit stops to limit the travel of the sliding gate section when opening and closing. The stops must be suitably sized and solidly fastened so that they resist any impact of the sliding gate section in the event of improper use (gate pushed and left to slide freely). The mechanical limit stops must be positioned at 50 mm beyond the stop position of the sliding gate section, and must ensure that the sliding gate section remains inside its sliding guides.
The thresholds and protrusions of the paving must be appropriately shaped in order to prevent the risk of sliding or slipping.
Safety precaution between the wall (or other fixed element) and the furthest protruding part of the open gate to protect against the risk of persons becoming trapped/crushed. Alternatively, check that the opening force required falls within the maximum permissible limits according to applicable standards and legislation.
Safety devices installed between the fixed and moving parts to prevent against the risk of hands being trapped. Alternatively, apply protec­tive elements preventing the introduction of fingers.
Safety element between the paving and lower edge of the sliding gate section, along its entire path, providing protection from the risk of feet becoming caught in and crushed beneath the wheels. Alternatively, apply protective elements preventing the introduction of feet.
No sharp edges or protruding parts should be present to ensure there is no cutting, hooking or perforation hazard. Alternatively, eliminate or protect any sharp edges and protruding parts.
No slots or openings should be present on the sliding gate section or the fencing to prevent the creation of a shearing hazard. Alternatively, apply protective mesh to any such openings. The mesh should be sufficiently fine to prevent introduction of body parts requiring protec­tion, in relation to the distance between the fixed and moving parts.
and EN 12605.
For the minimum dimensions to prevent crushing/shearing of body
parts, refer to EN 349. For the safety distances required to prevent danger zones being reached, refer to ISO 13857.
There should be a solid surface on the sliding gate section sufficiently large to attach the rack to.
If the area of installation gives rise to the risk of impact by vehicles, pro­vide for an appropriate protective structure to protect the gear motor.
Always shut off the power supply before performing any work. If the
disconnect switch is not in view, apply a warning sign stating “WARN­ING - Maintenance in Progress”.
The electrical system must comply with applicable legislation in the
country of installation. Use components and materials with CE marking which are compli-
ant with the Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU and EMC Directive 2014/30/EU. The power supply line for the automation system must be fitted with a 6 A omnipolar circuit breaker with a contact opening distance of at least 3 mm, with breaking capacity which meets code.
The power supply for the automation system must be fitted with a 30 mA RCD.
The metal parts of the structure must be earthed. Check that the protective earthing system complies with applicable regulations in the country of installation.
The electrical cables of the automation system must be laid in appropri­ate conduits, which may be rigid or flexible, above or below ground; the size and insulation class must conform with applicable legislation.
Use separate conduits for power supply and low-voltage control cables. Check buried cable plans to ensure that there are no other electrical
cables in proximity to the planned digging/drilling locations to prevent the risk of electrocution.
Check that there are no pipes in the vicinity as well. It is recommended to install a flashing light in a visible position to warn
when the gate is moving. The control accessories must be positioned in a location which is not
hazardous to the user and is also accessible with the gate open. It is advisable to position the control accessories within the field of view of the automation system; this is obligatory when operator presence is required for the controls.
If an emergency stop button has been installed, it must be EN13850 compliant.
The following limits apply with regard to the height from the ground:
- Control accessories = minimum 150 cm
- Emergency button = maximum 120 cm
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Translation of the original instructions
BLIZZARD 500-900 C 9 532103 - Rev.B
The example system is a purely illustrative and not exhaustive representation of BLIZZARD 500-900 C.
Translation of the original instructions
Translation of the original instructions
Use appropriate tools and equipment in working environments which
comply with applicable legislation.
8 Symbols: work tools
HEX SPANNER of size indicated
2x17; 13; 10; 8
TORQUE WRENCH - if necessary for safety, a torque wrench and the TIGHTENING TORQUE will be specified E.g. 6 mm hex spanner set to 2.5 Nm
x.x Nm
2.5 Nm
1 Mains power supply 3 x 1.5mm 2 Circuit breaker 3 Junction box 4 Blizzard gear motor 5 Photocell TX 6 Photocell RX 7 Key switch 8 Flashing Light
WELDING EQUIPMENT (for steel rack to be welded on)
HSS DRILL BIT of specified sizes
6.5; 5.5; 3.6
THREAD CUTTER of specified sizes (for steel rack to be screwed on)
BLIZZARD 500-900 C 10 532103 - Rev.B
FLAT SCREWDRIVER of the size(s) indicated
TORX SCREWDRIVER of the size(s) indicated (electronic board)
T20; T15
+ 22 hidden pages