DTC P0117
DTC P0118
2013 Chevrolet Silverado - 4WD | Cheyenne, Sierra, Silverado VIN C/K Service Manual 3087 | Engine |
Engine Controls/Fuel - 6.6L LGH or LML | Diagnostic Information and Procedures | Document ID: 2442645
DTC P0117 or P0118
Diagnostic Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
Review Strategy Based Diagnosis for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
Diagnostic Procedure Instructions provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
DTC Descriptors
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor Circuit Low Voltage
Engine Coolant Temperature (ECT) Sensor Circuit High Voltage
Diagnostic Fault Information
Short to
Short to
ECT Sensor Signal P0117 P0118 P0118 P0128
Low Reference — P0118 P0118 P0128
Typical Scan Tool Data
ECT Sensor Temperature
Short to
Ground Open
Short to
Operating Conditions: Engine Running
Parameter Normal Range: −39 to 149°C (−38 to 300°F)
ECT Sensor Signal 150°C (302°F) −40°C (−40°F) −40°C (−40°F)
Low Reference — −40°C (−40°F) −40°C (−40°F)
Circuit/System Description
The engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor is a variable resistor that measures the temperature of
the engine coolant. The engine control module (ECM) supplies 5 V to the ECT sensor signal circuit
and a ground for the low reference circuit. This diagnostic checks for an open, short to ground or an
intermittent circuit condition between the ECM and ECT sensor.
Conditions for Running the DTC
P0117 or P0118
DTCs P0106, P0191, P0234, P0263, P0266, P0269, P0272, P0275, P0278, P0281, P0284,
P0299, P0300, P0301, P0302, P0303, P0304, P0305, P0306, P0307, P0308, P0401, P0402,