22 1/2"
26 3/4"
1 3/4"
3 1/4"
4 1/4"
37 1/2"
Power Cord 4 1/2"
11 3/4"
Side View
Rear View
GE® Series 6.2 Cu. Ft. Capacity Aluminized
Alloy Drum Gas Dryer with HE Sensor Dry
DimEnsiOns anD installatiOn infOrmatiOn (in inchEs)
Exhaust OptiOn: When viewed from the
front of the unit, exhaust 3-way via rear, left
and bottom. Dryer is shipped exhausted to
the rear. Alternate exhausting knockouts are
Gas: An individual, properly-grounded branch
circuit, with a three-prong grounding-type
receptacle, protected by a 15 or 20 amp circuit
breaker or a time-delay fuse is required.
Gas DryEr ElEctric ratinG:
120V, 60Hz, 6A
Gas (Btu/hr): 22,000. Factory-equipped for
natural gas. Tested for LP gas. LP gas supply
requires a conversion kit. Check installation
instructions for correct kit and have a qualified
gas technician install a conversion kit. See dryer
ducting information for proper installation.
nOtE: Dryer wall outlet must be located within
36" of service cord entry and accessible when
dryer is mounted in position.
ins tall atiOn i nfO rmatiO n:
For complete information, see installation
instructions packed with your dryer.
spEcial installatiOn rEquirEmEnts
alcOvE Or clOsEt installatiOn:
- If your dryer is approved for installation in an alcove or closet, it will be stated on a label
on the dryer back.
- The dryer MUST be exhausted to the outside.
- Minimum clearances between dryer cabinet and adjacent walls or other surfaces are:
0" either side; 3" front and rear
- Minimum vertical space from floor to overhead cabinets, ceilings, etc. is 52”.
- Closet doors must be louvered or otherwise ventilated and must contain a minimum of 60 sq. in.
of open area equally distributed. If this closet contains both a washer and a dryer, doors must
contain a minimum of 120 sq. in. of open area equally distributed.
- No other fuel-burning appliance shall be installed in the same closet with a gas dryer.
BathrOOm Or BEDrOOm installatiOn:
- The dryer MUST be exhausted to the outdoors.
- The installation must conform with the local codes, or in the absence of local codes, with the
National Electric Code and National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223 for gas dryers.
minimum clEarancEs OthEr than alcOvE Or clOsEt installatiOn:
- Minimum clearances to combustible surfaces are: 0" both sides; 3" rear
DryEr ExhaustinG infOrmatiOn :
Use metal duct only, vertical and horizontal ducting.
For answers to your Monogram®, GE Profile™ Series or GE® Series appliance questions,
visit our website at geappliances.com or call GE Answer Center® service, 800.626.2000.
Specification Created 7/15

GE® Series 6.2 Cu. Ft. Capacity Aluminized
Alloy Drum Gas Dryer with HE Sensor Dry
fOr cOmplEtE infOrmatiOn, sEE installatiOn instructiOns packED
with yOur DryEr.
DuctinG matErials:
For best performance, this dryer should be vented with 4" diameter all rigid metal exhaust
duct. If rigid metal duct cannot be used, then UL-listed flexible metal (semi-rigid) ducting can
be used (Kit WX08X10077). In special installations, it may be necessary to connect the dryer
to the house vent using a flexible metal (foil-type) duct. A UL-listed flexible metal
(foil-type) duct may be used ONLY in installations where rigid metal or flexible metal (semirigid) ducting cannot be used AND where a 4” diameter can be maintained throughout the
entire length of the transition duct. Please see installation instruction packed with your dryer
for complete instructions when using flexible metal (foil type) ducting.
Exhaust lEnGth calculatiOn:
1. Determine the number of 90° turns needed for your installation. If you exhaust to the side
or bottom of dryer, add one turn.
2. The maximum length of 4" rigid (aluminum or galvanized) duct which can be tolerated
is shown in the table. A turn of 45° or less may be ignored. Two 45° turns within the duct
length should be treated as a 90° elbow. A turn over 45° should be treated as a 90° elbow.
Dryers must be exhausted to the outside.
cautiOn: For personal safety do not terminate exhaust into a chimney, under any enclosed
house floor (crawl space), or into an attic, since the accumulated lint could create a fire hazard
or moisture could cause damage. Never terminate the exhaust into a common duct or plenum
with a kitchen exhaust, since the combination of lint and grease could create a fire hazard.
Exhaust ducts should be terminated in a dampered wall cap to prevent back drafts, bird
nesting, etc. The wall cap must also be located at least 12" above the ground or any other
obstruction with the opening pointed down.
fOr mOrE infOrmatiOn On vEntinG kits anD accEssOriEs, plEasE
call 1-800-GE-carEs.
DryEr ExhaustinG infOrmatiOn—
usE mEtal Duct Only vErtical anD
hOrizOntal DuctinG
BEst pErfOrmancE
Maximum length
of 90°
Domestic dryer models
GE Frontload Long Vent 7.0
cu. ft. capacity electric dryer
Long Vent 6.0 - 8.0 cu. ft.
capacity electric & gas dryers
(GTDL and GT V)
Long Vent 6.1-7.4 cu. ft.
capacity electric & gas
(GTD42, GTD45, GTD65,
GTX42 and GTX65)
All 6.0 - 8 .3 cu. ft. capacity
models electric and gas dryers
All 3.6 cu. ft. (DSKS, DSKP)
electric dryers
Laundry Center GU D27
Laundry Center GU D24
of 4" dia rigid
metal duct
Exhaust hood type
0 200 ft. 175 ft.
1 185 f t. 165 ft.
2 175 ft. 155 ft.
3 165 ft. 145 ft.
4 155 ft. 135 ft.
5 145 ft. 125 ft.
0 150 ft. 125 ft.
1 135 ft. 115 ft.
2 125 ft. 105 ft.
3 115 f t. 95 ft.
4 105 ft. 85 ft.
5 95 f t. 75 ft.
0 120 ft. 90 ft.
1 100 ft. 75 f t.
2 85 f t. 65 ft.
3 70 ft. 55 ft.
4 60 ft. 45 ft.
5 55 f t. 35 ft.
0 90 ft. 60 ft.
1 60 ft. 45 ft.
2 45 ft. 35 ft.
3 35 f t. 25 ft.
4 25 ft. 15 ft.
0 90 ft. 60 ft.
1 60 ft. 45 ft.
2 45 ft. 35 ft.
3 35 f t. 25 ft.
0 46 ft. 37 ft.
1 37 ft. 30 ft.
2 30 ft. 22 ft.
3 23 f t. 15 ft.
0 56 ft. 42 ft.
1 48 ft. 34 ft.
2 40 ft. 26 ft.
3 32 f t. 18 ft.
0 43 ft. 36 ft.
1 33 ft. 26 f t.
2 24 f t. 16 ft.
For answers to your Monogram®, GE Profile™ Series or GE® Series appliance questions,
visit our website at geappliances.com or call GE Answer Center® service, 800.626.2000.
Specification Created 7/15