Generac 13 kW NG, 9 kW NG, 8 kW LP, 16 kW NG, 14 kW LP User Manual

Air-Cooled Product
7 kW NG, 8 kW LP
9 kW NG, 10 kW LP 13 kW NG, 14 kW LP 16 kW NG, 17 kW LP 18 kW NG, 20 kW LP

ElEctrical formulas

kW (required for Motor)
Volts, Current, Power Factor
Volts, Current
kW, Volts, Power Factor
Volts, Amps, Power Factor Volts x Amps E x I x 1.73 x PF
Frequency, RPM
RPM, No. of Rotor Poles
Frequency, No. of Rotor Poles
Motor Horsepower, Efficiency
E x I 1000
E x I 1000
kW x 1000
2 x 60 x Frequency
RPM x Poles
2 x 60
2 x 60 x Frequency
Rotor Poles
HP x 0.746
E x I x 1.73 x PF
E x I x 1.73
kW x 1000
E x 1.73 x PF
2 x 60 x Frequency
RPM x Poles
2 x 60
2 x 60 x Frequency
Rotor Poles
HP x 0.746
Volts, Amperes
Ohm, Amperes I x R I x R
Ohms, Volts


specifications ..........................................................4
Generator ................................................................ 4
Engine ..................................................................... 5
Fuel Consumption ................................................... 5
Mounting Dimensions .............................................. 6
Mounting Dimensions .............................................. 7
Major Features ........................................................ 8
Part 1 - GENEral iNformatioN .......................9
1.1 Generator Identification ................................... 10
Introduction ......................................................10
1.2 Installation Basics ............................................11
Introduction ......................................................11
Selecting A Location ........................................11
Grounding The Generator ................................11
The Fuel Supply ...............................................11
The Transfer Switch / Load Center ...................11
Power Source And Load Lines .........................13
System Control Interconnections .....................13
Natural Gas Fuel Interconnections ..................13
1.3 Non-prepackaged Interconnections ................14
Connect a Pre-2008 Load Center Switch To a Current or Future
Air-Cooled Generator. ..................................14
Connect a 2008 And Later Load Center Switch to a Pre-2008
Air-Cooled Generator. ..................................15
1.4 Preparation Before Use ................................... 16
General ............................................................16
Fuel Requirements...........................................16
Fuel Consumption ............................................16
Reconfiguring The Fuel System .......................16
Engine Oil Recommendations .........................18
1.5 Testing, Cleaning and Drying........................... 19
Meters ............................................................19
The Vom ...........................................................19
Measuring AC Voltage .....................................19
Measuring DC Voltage .....................................19
Measuring AC Frequency ................................19
Measuring Current ...........................................20
Measuring Resistance .....................................20
Electrical Units .................................................21
Ohm’s Law .......................................................21
Visual Inspection ..............................................22
Insulation Resistance .......................................22
The Megohmmeter...........................................22
Stator Insulation Resistance Test (12-20 kW) .....23
Stator Insulation Resistance Test (8-10 kW) .......23
Rotor Insulation Resistance Test (8-10 kW) ........24
Rotor Insulation Resistance Test (12-20 kW) ......24
Cleaning The Generator...................................24
Drying The Generator ......................................24
1.6 Engine-Generator Protective Devices ............. 25
General ............................................................25
Low Battery ......................................................25
Low Oil Pressure Shutdown .............................25
High Temperature Switch .................................25
Overspeed Shutdown ......................................25
Rpm Sensor Failure .........................................25
Overcrank Shutdown .......................................26
1.7 Operating Instructions ..................................... 27
Control Panel ...................................................27
To Select Automatic Operation ........................28
Manual Transfer To “Standby”
and Manual Startup .....................................28
Manual Shutdown And
Retransfer Back To “Utility” ..........................28
1.8 Automatic Operating Parameters ....................29
Introduction ......................................................29
Automatic Operating Sequences .....................29
Part 2 - ac GENErators ..................................31
2.1 Description and Components .......................... 32
Introduction ......................................................32
Engine-Generator Drive System ......................32
The AC Generator ............................................32
Rotor Assembly ................................................32
Stator Assembly ...............................................33
Brush Holder And Brushes (12-20 kW) ...........34
Other AC Generator Components ...................34
2.2 Operational Analysis .......................................35
Rotor Residual Magnetism...............................35
Field Boost (12-20 kW) ....................................35
Operation (8/10 kW) .........................................36
Operation (12-20 kW) ......................................36
2.3 Troubleshooting Flowcharts ............................. 37
Problem 1 – Generator Produces Zero Voltage or Residual Voltage (12-20 kW) ...37-38
Problem 2 – Generator Produces Zero
Voltage or Residual Voltage (8/10 kW) ........38
Problem 3 – Generator Produces
Low Voltage at No-Load...............................39
Problem 4 – Generator Produces
High Voltage at No-Load ..............................39
Problem 5 – Voltage and Frequency Drop
Excessively When Loads are Applied ..........40
2.4 Diagnostic Tests .............................................. 41
Introduction ......................................................41
Safety ............................................................41
Test 1 – Check Main Circuit Breaker ................41
Test 2 – Check AC Output Voltage ...................41
Test 4 – Fixed Excitation Test/Rotor
Amp Draw Test ....................................42
Test 5 – Wire Continuity (12-20 kW) ................43
Test 6 – Check Field Boost (12-20 kW) ...........44
Page 1
Test 7 – Testing The Stator With A Vom
(12-20 kW)...........................................44
Test 8 – Test Brushless Stator..........................45
Test 9 – Check Capacitor .................................46
Test 10 – Test DPE Winding on
Brushless units ....................................47
Test 11 – Resistance Check Of Rotor Circuit
(12-20 kW)...........................................48
Test 12 – Check Brushes And Slip Rings
(12-20 kW)...........................................48
Test 13 – Test Rotor Assembly(12-20 kW) .......49
Test 14 – Check AC Output Frequency ............49
Test 15 – Check and Adjust Engine Governor
(Single Cylinder Units) .........................49
Test 16 – Check Stepper Motor Control
(V-twin Engine Units) ...........................50
Test 17 – Check And Adjust Voltage
Regulator (12-20 kW) ..........................51
Test 18 – Check Voltage And Frequency
Under Load..........................................52
Test 19 – Check F or Overload Condition ...........52
Test 20 – Check Engine Condition ...................52
Test 21 – Field Flash Alternator (8-10 kW) ......52
Part 3 - traNsfEr sWitcH ...............................55
3.1 Description and Components .......................... 56
General ............................................................56
Enclosure .........................................................56
Transfer Mechanism .........................................57
Transfer Relay ..................................................57
Neutral Lug ......................................................58
Manual Transfer Handle ..................................58
Terminal Block .................................................58
Fuse Holder .....................................................59
3.2 Operational Analysis .......................................60
Operational Analysis ........................................60
Utility Source Voltage Available .......................62
Utility Source Voltage Failure ..........................63
Transfer To Standby .........................................64
Transfer To Standby .........................................65
Utility Restored.................................................66
Utility Restored, Transfer Switch De-energized ...67
Utility Restored, Retransfer Back To Utility .......68
Transfer Switch In Utility ...................................69
3.3 – Troubleshooting Flowcharts .......................... 70
Introduction To Troubleshooting .......................70
Problem 7 – In Automatic Mode,
No Transfer to Standby ................................70
Problem 8 – In Automatic Mode, Generator Starts When Loss of Utility Occurs, Generator Shuts Down When Utility Returns But There Is No Retransfer To Utility Power / or Generator Transfers to Standby
During Exercise Or In Manual Mode............71
Problem 9 – Blown F1 or F2 Fuse ...............71
Problem 10 – Units Starts And Transfer
Occurs When Utility Power Is On .................72
Problem 11 – No Battery Charge
(Pre-Packed Load Center) ...........................73
Problem 12 – No Battery Charge
(RTSN & RTSE Transfer Switch) .................73
Problem 13 – No Battery Charge
(Gen-Ready Load Center) ...........................73
Problem 14 – No Battery Charge
(Load Shed Transfer Switch) ........................73
3.4 Diagnostic Tests .............................................. 74
General ............................................................74
Test 26 – Check Voltage at
Terminal Lugs E1, E2 ..........................74
Test 27 – Check Manual Transfer Switch
Operation .............................................75
Test 28 – Check 23 And 15B
Wiring/Connections .............................76
Test 29 – Test Transfer Relay TR ......................77
Test 30 – Standby Control Circuit ....................78
Test 31 – Check Wire 23 ..................................78
Test 32 – Utility Control Circuit .........................80
Test 33 – Test Limit Switch SW2 and SW3 ......82
Test 34 – Check Fuses F1 and F2 ...................82
Test 35 – Check N1 and N2 Wiring ..................83
Test 36 – Check N1 and N2 Voltage ................83
Test 37 – Check Utility Sensing Voltage
at the Circuit Board..............................84
Test 38 – Check Utility Sense Voltage .............84
Test 39 – Check Voltage at
Terminal Lugs N1, N2 ..........................84
Test 40 – Check Battery Charger Supply
Voltage “Pre-Wire Load Center” ..........86
Test 41 – Check Battery Charger Output
Voltage “Pre-Wire Load Center” ..........86
Test 42 – Check Wire 0 and Wire15B
“Pre-Wire Load Center” .......................86
Test 43 – Check Battery Charger
Supply Voltage
“RTSN & RTSE Transfer Switch” .........87
Test 44 – Check Battery Charger
Output Voltage
“RTSN & RTSE Transfer Switch” .........87
Test 45 – Check Wire 0/
“RTSN & RTSE Transfer Switch” ........87
Test 46 – Check Battery Charger
Supply Voltage
“GenReady Load Center” ....................90
Test 47 – Check Battery Charger
Output Voltage
“GenReady Load Center” ....................90
Test 48 – Check Wire 0/15B
“GenReady Load Center” ....................90
Test 49 – Check Battery Charger
Supply Voltage
“Load Shed Transfer Switch” ...............92
Test 50 – Check Battery Charger
Output Voltage
“Load Shed Transfer Switch” ...............92
Test 51 – Check Wire 0 and Wire 15B
“Load Shed Transfer Switch” ...............94
Page 2
Part 4 - Dc coNtrol ......................................... 95
4.1 Description and Components .......................... 96
General ............................................................96
Terminal Strip / Interconnection Terminal .........96
Circuit Board ....................................................96
Auto-Off-Manual Switch ...................................96
7.5 Amp Fuse...................................................96
Menu System Navigation ...............................102
4.2 Operational Analysis .....................................104
Introduction ....................................................104
Utility Source Voltage Available ......................104
Initial Dropout of Utility Source Voltage ..........106
Utility Voltage Dropout and
Engine Cranking ................................108
Engine Startup and Running ..........................110
Initial Transfer to the “Standby” Source ..........112
Utility Voltage Restored /
Re-transfer to Utility ...........................114
Engine Shutdown ...........................................116
4.3 Troubleshooting Flowcharts ........................... 118
Problem 15 – Engine Will Not Crank
When Utility Power Source Fails ................118
Problem 16 – Engine Will Not Crank When AUTO-OFF-MANUAL Switch
is Set to “MANUAL .....................................118
Problem 17 – Engine Cranks
but Won’t Start ...........................................119
Problem 18 – Engine Starts Hard and
Runs Rough / Lacks Power / Backfires ......120
Problem 19 – Shutdown Alarm /
Fault Occurred ...........................................121
Problem 20 – 7.5 Amp Fuse (F1) Blown ..... 122
Problem 21 – Generator Will Not Exercise ...122
Problem 22 – No Low Speed Exercise ........122
4.4 Diagnostic Tests ............................................ 123
Introduction ...................................................123
Test 56 – Check Position Of
Auto-Off- Manual Switch ..................123
Test 57 – Try a Manual Start .........................123
Test 58 – Auto-Off-Manual Switch
(V-Twin Only) .....................................123
Test 59 – Test Auto Operations ......................124
Test 60 – Check 7.5 Amp Fuse ......................124
Test 61 – Check Battery .................................124
Test 62 – Check Wire 56 Voltage ...................126
Test 63 – Test Starter Contactor Relay
(V-twin Only) ......................................126
Test 64 – Test Starter Contactor
(Single Cylinder Engine)....................127
Test 65 – Test Starter Motor ...........................128
Test 66 – Check Fuel Supply and Pressure ...130 Test 67 – Check Circuit Board
Wire 14 Output ..................................131
Test 68 – Check Fuel Solenoid ......................132
Test 69 – Check Choke Solenoid ...................132
Test 70 – Check for Ignition Spark .................134
Test 71 – Check Spark Plugs .........................136
Test 72 – Check Engine / Cylinder Leak
Down Test / Compression Test ..........136
Test 73 – Check Shutdown Wire ....................137
Test 74 – Check and Adjust
Ignition Magnetos ..............................138
Test 75 – Check Oil Pressure Switch
and Wire 86 .......................................141
Test 76 – Check High Oil
Temperature Switch ...........................142
Test 77 – Check and Adjust Valves ................142
Test 78 – Check Wire 18 Continuity ...............143
Test 79 – Test Exercise Function ...................144
Test 80 – Check Cranking and
Running Circuits ................................144
Test 81 – Check to see if Low Speed
Function is enabled ...........................146
Test 82 – Check operation of the
Choke Solenoid .................................146
Part 5 - oPEratioNal tEsts ........................147
5.1 System Functional Tests ................................ 148
Introduction ....................................................148
Manual Transfer Switch Operation .................148
Electrical Checks ...........................................148
Generator Tests Under Load ..........................149
Checking Automatic Operation ......................150
Setting The Exercise Timer ............................150
Part 6 - DisassEmBlY ..................................... 151
6.1 Major Disassembly ........................................ 152
Front Engine Access ......................................152
Major Disassembly .........................................156
Torque Requirements
(Unless Otherwise Specified) ............162
Part 7 - ElEctrical Data ..............................163
Wiring Diagram, 8 kW Home Standby ................. 164
Schematic, 8 kW Home Standby ......................... 166
Wiring Diagram, 10 kW Home Standby ............... 168
Schematic, 10 kW Home Standby ....................... 170
Wiring Diagram, 14 kW Home Standby ............... 172
Schematic, 14 kW Home Standby ....................... 174
Wiring Diagram, 17 kW Home Standby ............... 176
Schematic, 17 kW Home Standby ....................... 178
Wiring Diagram, 20 kW Home Standby ............... 180
Schematic, 20 kW Home Standby ....................... 182
Wiring Diagram, Home Standby Transfer Switch,
9/10/12/16 Circuit ................................................ 184
Schematic, Home Standby Transfer Switch,
9/10/12/16 Circuit ................................................ 186
Page 3



Rated Max. Continuous
Power Capacity (Watts*)
Rated Voltage 120/240
Rated Voltage at No-Load (NG) 220-235 247-249
Rated Max. Continuous Load
Current (Amps)
120 Volts** (NG/LP) 240 Volts (NG/LP)
Main Line Circuit Breaker
Circuits*** 50A, 240V - - - 1 1 1 -
40A, 240V - - 1 1 1 1 -
30A, 240V 1 1 1 - - - -
20A, 240V - 1 - 1 1 1 -
20A, 120V 1 3 3 4 5 5 -
15A, 120V 5 3 5 4 5 5 -
Phase 1
Number of Rotor Poles 2
Rated AC Frequency 60 Hz
Power Factor 1
Battery Requirement Group 26R, 12
Weight (unit only in lbs.)
Enclosure Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel/Aluminum Aluminum
Normal Operating Range -20° F (-28.8° C) to 77° F (25° C)
* Maximum wattage and current are subject to and limited by such factors as fuel Btu content, ambient temperature, altitude, engine power and condition, etc.
Maximum power decreases about 3.5 percent for each 1,000 feet above sea level; and also will decrease about 1 percent for each 6 C (10 F) above 16 C (60 F) ambient temperature.
** Load current values shown for 120 volts are maximum TOTAL values for two separate circuits. The maximum current in each circuit must not exceed the value
stated for the 240 volts.
*** Circuits to be moved must be protected by same size breaker. For example, a 15 amp circuit in the main panel must be a 15 amp circuit in the transfer switch.
8 kW 10 kW 12 kW 14 kW 16 kW 17 kW 20 kW
7,000 NG
8,000 LP
35 Amp 45 Amp 50 Amp 60 Amp 65 Amp 65 Amp 100 Amp
Volts and 350 CCA
340 387 439 439 455 455/421 450
9,000 NG
10,000 LP
12,000 NG
12,000 LP
13,000 NG
14,000 LP
Group 26R, 12 Volts and 525 CCA Minimum
16,000 NG
16,000 LP
16,000 NG
17,000 LP
18,000 NG
20,000 LP
Power Winding: Across 11 & 22
Power Winding: Across 33 & 44
Excitation Winding: Across 2 & 6
Rotor Resistance
Page 4
Stator WindinG reSiStance ValueS / rotor reSiStance
8 kW 10 kW 12 kW 14 kW 16 kW 17 kW 20 kW
0.090-0.105 0.100-0.116 0.100-0.116 0.074-0.086 0.074-0.086 0.0415-0.0483
0.090-0.105 0.100-0.116 0.100-0.116 0.074-0.086 0.074-0.086 0.0415-0.0483
0.511-0.594 0.876-1.018 0.876-1.018 0.780-0.906 0.780-0.906 0.731-0.850
3.22-3.74 7.96-9.25 7.96-9.25 8.79-10.21 8.79-10.21 10.02-11.65


Type of Engine GH-410 GT-530 GT-990 GT-999
Number of Cylinders 1 2 2 2
Rated Horsepower @ 3,600 rpm 14.8 18 32 34
Displacement 407cc 530cc 992cc 999cc
Cylinder Block Aluminum w/Cast Iron Sleeve
Valve Arrangement Overhead Valves
Ignition System Solid-state w/Magneto
Recommended Spark Plug RC14YC BPR6HS RC14YCA RC12YC
Spark Plug Gap 0.76 mm (0.030 inch) 0.76 mm (0.030 inch) 1.02 mm (0.040 inch) 1.02 mm (0.040 inch)
Compression Ratio 9.4:1 9.5:1 9.5:1 9.5:1
Starter 12 VDC
Oil Capacity Including Filter Approx. 1.5 Qts Approx. 1.8 Qts Approx. 1.9 Qts Approx. 1.9 Qts
8 kW 10 kW 12/14/16/17 kW 20 kW
Recommended Oil Filter Part # 070185F
Recommended Air Filter Part # 0G3332 Part # 0E9581 Part # 0C8127 Part # 0G5894
Operating RPM 3,600

Fuel Consumption

Model # Natural Gas* LP Vapor**
1/2 Load Full Load 1/2 Load Full Load
7/8 kW 77 140 0.94/34 1.68/62
9/10 kW 102 156 1.25/46 1.93/70
12/12 kW 152 215 1.53/56 2.08/76
13/14 kW 156 220 1.56/58 2.30/84
16/16 kW 183 261 1.59/58 2.51/91
16/17 kW 183 261 1.61/59 2.57/94
18/20 kW 206 294 1.89/69 2.90/106
* Natural gas is in cubic feet per hour.
**LP is in gallons per hour/cubic feet per hour.
Values given are approximate.
Page 5
Ø30.2 [Ø1.2]
642 [25.3]
731.9 [28.8]
637.6 [25.1]
1226 [48.3]
76.2 [3.0]
1218 [47.9]
1079.5 [42.5]
747 [29.4]
698 [27.5]
8KW - 17KW
299 [11.8]
997 [39.3]
508 [20.0]

mountinG dimenSionS

Page 6
mountinG dimenSionS
250.0 [9.8]
446.6 [17.6]
378.7 [14.9]
44.8 [1.8]
530.0 [20.9]
575.3 [22.7]
FUEL INLET - 12-20KW (1/2" NPT) 8 & 10KW (3/4" NPT) - USE SUPPLIED ADAPTER
244.4 [9.6]
178.9 [7.0]
457.2 [18.0]
914 [36.0]
Page 7
Data Label
(see sample)
Composite Base Oil Filter Battery Compartment
Fuel Inlet
Air Filter
Data Label
(see sample)
Composite Base Oil Filter Battery Compartment
Fuel Inlet
Air Filter
Circuit Breakers
GFCI Outlet
(All 17 & 20kW)
Data Label
(see sample)
Composite Base Oil Filter Battery Compartment
Fuel Inlet

major FeatureS

8kW, Single Cylinder, GH-410 Engine
(door removed)
10kW, V-twin, GT-530 Engine
(door removed)
Figure 1.3 – 12, 14, 16, 17 and 20kW, V-twin,
GT-990/GT-999 Engine (door removed)
Page 8
Part 1
air-cooled, automatic
standby Generators
taBlE of coNtENts
Part titlE PaGE
1.1 Generator identification 10
1.2 installation Basics 11
1.3 Non-Prepackaged interconnections
1.3 Preparation Before use 16
1.4 testing, cleaning and Drying 18
1.5 Engine-Generator Protective
1.6 operating instructions 27
1.7 automatic operating
1.1 Generator Identification ................................... 10
Introduction ......................................................10
1.2 Installation Basics ............................................ 11
Introduction ......................................................11
Selecting A Location ........................................11
Grounding The Generator ................................11
The Fuel Supply ...............................................11
The Transfer Switch / Load Center ...................11
Power Source And Load Lines .........................13
System Control Interconnections .....................13
Natural Gas Fuel Interconnections ..................13
1.3 Non-prepackaged Interconnections ................14
Connect a Pre-2008 Load Center Switch To a Current or Future
Air-Cooled Generator. ..................................14
Connect a 2008 And Later Load Center Switch to a Pre-2008
Air-Cooled Generator. ..................................15
1.4 Preparation Before Use ................................... 16
General ............................................................16
Fuel Requirements...........................................16
Fuel Consumption ............................................16
Reconfiguring The Fuel System .......................16
Engine Oil Recommendations .........................18
1.5 Testing, Cleaning and Drying........................... 19
Meters ............................................................19
The Vom ...........................................................19
Measuring AC Voltage .....................................19
Measuring DC Voltage .....................................19
Measuring AC Frequency ................................19
Measuring Current ...........................................20
Measuring Resistance .....................................20
Electrical Units .................................................21
Ohm’s Law .......................................................21
Visual Inspection ..............................................22
Insulation Resistance .......................................22
The Megohmmeter...........................................22
Stator Insulation Resistance Test (12-20kW) ...23
Stator Insulation Resistance Test (8-10kW) .....23
Rotor Insulation Resistance Test (8-10kW) ......24
Rotor Insulation Resistance Test (12-20kW) ....24
Cleaning The Generator...................................24
Drying The Generator ......................................24
1.6 Engine-Generator Protective Devices ............. 25
General ............................................................25
Low Battery ......................................................25
Low Oil Pressure Shutdown .............................25
High Temperature Switch .................................25
Overspeed Shutdown ......................................25
Rpm Sensor Failure .........................................25
Overcrank Shutdown .......................................26
1.7 Operating Instructions ..................................... 27
Control Panel ...................................................27
To Select Automatic Operation ........................28
Manual Transfer To “Standby”
and Manual Startup .....................................28
Manual Shutdown And
Retransfer Back To “Utility” ..........................28
1.8 Automatic Operating Parameters ....................29
Introduction ......................................................29
Automatic Operating Sequences .....................29
Page 9
sEctioN 1.1
Item # 0055555
1234567 120/240 AC
108.3/108.3 13000
1 PH, 60 HZ, RPM 3600
TEMP - 120F/49C
0055555 1234567 120/240 AC
Model Number - Serial Number -

GENErator iDENtificatioN

Part 1
This Diagnostic Repair Manual has been prepared especially for the purpose of familiarizing service per­sonnel with the testing, troubleshooting and repair of air-cooled, automatic standby generators. Every effort has been expended to ensure that information and instructions in the manual are both accurate and cur­rent. However, changes, alterations or other improve­ments may be made to the product at any time with­out prior notification.
The manual has been divided into PARTS. Each PART has been divided into SECTIONS. Each SECTION consists of two or more SUBSECTIONS.
It is not our intent to provide detailed disassembly and reassemble instructions in this manual. It is our intent to (a) provide the service technician with an under­standing of how the various assemblies and systems work, (b) assist the technician in finding the cause of malfunctions, and (c) effect the expeditious repair of the equipment.
ITEM NUMBER: Many home standby generators are manufactured
to the unique specifications of the buyer. The Model Number identifies the specific generator set and its unique design specifications.
SERIAL NUMBER: Used for warranty tracking purposes.
Page 10
Figure 1. Typical Data Plates
Part 1
sEctioN 1.2

iNstallatioN Basics


Information in this section is provided so that the service technician will have a basic knowledge of installation requirements for home standby systems. Problems that arise are often related to poor or unau­thorized installation practices.
A typical home standby electric system is shown in Figure 1 (next page). Installation of such a system includes the following:
• SelectingaLocation
• Groundingthegenerator.
• Providingafuelsupply.
• Mountingtheloadcenter.
• Connectingpowersourceandloadlines.
• Connectingsystemcontrolwiring.
• Postinstallationtestsandadjustments.

SelectinG a location

Install the generator set as close as possible to the electrical load distribution panel(s) that will be pow­ered by the unit, ensuring that there is proper ventila­tion for cooling air and exhaust gases. This will reduce wiring and conduit lengths. Wiring and conduit not only add to the cost of the installation, but excessively long wiring runs can result in a voltage drop.
Control system interconnections between the transfer switch and generator consist of N1 and N2, and leads 23, 15B and 0. Control system interconnection leads must be run in a conduit that is separate from the AC power leads. Recommended wire gauge size depends on the length of the wire:
max. cable length recommended Wire size
35 feet (10.67m) No. 16 AWG.
60 feet (I8.29m) No. 14 AWG.
90 feet (27.43m) No. 12 AWG.
LP (propane) gas is usually supplied as a liquid in pressure tanks. Both the air-cooled and the liquid cooled units require a “vapor withdrawal” type of fuel supply system when LP (propane) gas is used. The vapor withdrawal system utilizes the gaseous fuel vapors that form at the top of the supply tank.
The pressure at which LP gas is delivered to the generator fuel solenoid valve may vary considerably, depending on ambient temperatures. In cold weather, supply pressures may drop to “zero”. In warm weath­er, extremely high gas pressures may be encountered. A primary regulator is required to maintain correct gas supply pressures.
Current recommended gaseous fuel pressure at the inlet side of the generator fuel solenoid valve is as follows:
Minimum water column 10 inches 5 inches Maximum water column 12 inches 7 inches
A primary regulator is required to ensure that proper fuel supply pressures are maintained.
DaNGEr: lP aND Na tural Gas arE BotH
HiGHlY EXPlosiVE. GasEous fuEl liNEs
must BE ProPErlY PurGED aND tEstED for lEaKs BEforE tHis EQuiPmENt is PlacED iNt o sErVicE aND PErioDicallY tHErEaftEr. ProcEDurEs usED iN GasEous fuEl lEaKaGE tEsts must comPlY strictlY WitH aPPlicaBlE fuEl Gas coDEs. Do No t usE flamE or aNY sourcE of HEat to tEst for Gas lEaKs. No Gas lEaKaGE is PErmittED . lP Gas is HEa ViEr tHaN air aND tENDs to sEttlE iN loW arEas. Na tural Gas is liGHtEr tHaN air aND tENDs to sEttlE iN HiGH Pla cEs. EVEN tHE sliGHtEst sParK caN iGNitE tHEsE fuEls aND causE aN EXPlosioN.

GroundinG the Generator

The National Electric Code requires that the frame and external electrically conductive parts of the gen­erator be property connected to an approved earth ground. Local electrical codes may also require prop­er grounding of the unit. For that purpose, a ground­ing lug is attached to the unit. Grounding may be accomplished by attaching a stranded copper wire of the proper size to the generator grounding lug and to an earth-driven copper or brass grounding-rod (elec­trode). Consult with a local electrician for grounding requirements in your area.

the Fuel Supply

Units with air-cooled engines were operated, tested and adjusted at the factory using natural gas as a fuel. These air-cooled engine units can be converted to use LP (propane) gas by making a few adjustments for best operation and power.
Use of a flexible length of hose between the genera­tor fuel line connection and rigid fuel lines is required. This will help prevent line breakage that might be caused by vibration or if the generator shifts or settles. The flexible fuel line must be approved for use with gaseous fuels.
Flexible fuel line should be kept as straight as possi­ble between connections. The bend radius for flexible fuel line is nine (9) inches. Exceeding the bend radius can cause the fittings to crack.

the tranSFer SWitch / load center

A transfer switch is required by electrical code, to pre­vent electrical feedback between the utility and stand­by power sources, and to transfer electrical loads from one power supply to another safely.
TRANSFER SWITCHES: Instructions and information on transfer switches may
be found in Part 3 of this manual.
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sEctioN 1.2
iNstallatioN Basics
Part 1
Page 12
Figure 1. Typical Installation
2-5 PSI
140,000 (7 kW) 156,000 (9 kW) 215,000 (12 kW) 220,000 (13 kW) 261,000 (16 kW) 294,000 (18 kW)
Part 1
sEctioN 1.2
iNstallatioN Basics

poWer Source and load lineS

The utility power supply lines, the standby (genera­tor) supply lines, and electrical load lines must all be connected to the proper terminal lugs in the transfer switch. The following rules apply: In 1-phase systems with a 2-pole transfer switch, connect the two utility source hot lines to Transfer Switch Terminal Lugs N1 and N2. Connect the standby source hot lines (E1, E2) to Transfer Switch Terminal Lugs E1 and E2. Connect the load lines from Transfer Switch Terminal Lugs T1 and T2 to the electrical load circuit. Connect UTILITY, STANDBY and LOAD neutral lines to the neutral block in the transfer switch.

natural GaS Fuel interconnectionS

SyStem control interconnectionS

Home standby generators are equipped with a termi­nal board identified with the following terminals: (a) UTILITY 1, (b) UTILITY 2, (c) 23, and (d) 15B. Load centers house an identically marked terminal board. When these four terminals are properly interconnect­ed, dropout of utility source voltage below a preset value will result in automatic generator startup and transfer of electrical loads to the “Standby” source. On restoration of utility source voltage above a preset value will result in retransfer back to that source and generator shutdown.
Figure 2. Proper Fuel Installation
Page 13
Section 1.3
N1 (BLU)
N2 (YEL)
23 (BRN)
194 (ORG)
N1 (YEL)
N2 (YEL)
23 (WHT)
15B (RED)
0 (BLK)
N1 (BLU)
N2 (YEL)
23 (BRN)
194 (ORG)
N1 (YEL)
N2 (YEL)
23 (WHT)
15B (RED)
0 (BLK)

non-PrePackaged interconnectionS

Part 1
General information
Discussion: on the current model air-cooled generators Wire 194
was changed to 15B. Wire 15B is still utilized for posi­tive voltage for the transfer relay and Wire 23 is still the control ground for transferring the generator. By follow­ing the procedures below it is possible to connect new product with Wire 15B to old or current product that still utilize Wire 194, such as an rts switch.
ConneCt a pre-2008 load Center switCh to a
Current or Future air-Cooled generator.
1. Follow all instructions located in the Installation Manual that was supplied with the unit regarding mounting of the switch, junction box, and generator.
note: when installing a standalone 5500 series generator, the battery charger will be located in the generator on the side of the control assembly.
2. Inside the Junction box between the generator and the transfer switch there will be 5 wires coming from the generator and 4 wires from the transfer switch.
3. Using the following diagram and UL approved wire nuts connect the following wires together. Wire 0 will not be utilized for this setup.
Figure 1. Wire Connections
Page 14
Figure 2. Post 2008 HSB Interconnections
N1 (BLU)
N2 (YEL)
23 (BRN)
194 (ORG)
N1 (YEL)
N2 (YEL)
23 (WHT)
15B (RED)
0 (BLK)
N1 (BLU)
N2 (YEL)
23 (BRN)
194 (ORG)
N1 (YEL)
N2 (YEL)
23 (WHT)
15B (RED)
0 (BLK)
Part 1
connect a 2008 and later load center SWitch
to a pre-2008 air-cooled Generator.
1. Follow all instructions located in the Installation Manual that was supplied with the unit regarding mounting of the switch, junction box, and generator.
note: When installing a standalone pre-2008 gen­erator, the battery charger will be located in the generator utilizing the 12 Vdc trickle charger.
2. Inside the Junction box between the generator and the transfer switch there will be 4 wires coming from the generator and 5 wires from the transfer switch.
3. Using the following diagram and UL approved wire nuts connect the following wires together. Wire 0 will not be utilized for this setup.
note: remove the battery charger from the trans­fer switch; it will not be utilized in the operation of the generator.
sEctioN 1.3
NoN-PrEPacKaGED iNtErcoNNEctioNs
Figure 3. Wire Connections
Figure 4. Pre-2008 HSB Interconnections
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sEctioN 1.4

PrEParatioN BEforE usE

Part 1
The installer must ensure that the home standby gen­erator has been properly installed. The system must be inspected carefully following installation. All appli­cable codes, standards and regulations pertaining to such installations must be strictly complied with. In addition, regulations established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) must be complied with.
Prior to initial startup of the unit, the installer must ensure that the engine-generator has been properly prepared for use. This includes the following:
• An adequate supply of the correct fuel must be
available for generator operation.
• Theengine mustbeproperlyserviced with therec­ommended oil.

Fuel requirementS

With LP gas, use only the vapor withdrawal system. This type of system uses the vapors formed above the liquid fuel in the storage tank.
The engine has been fitted with a fuel carburetion system that meets the specifications of the 1997 California Air Resources Board for tamper-proof dual fuel systems. The unit will run on natural gas or LP gas, but it has been factory set to run on natural gas. Should the primary fuel need to be changed to LP gas, the fuel system needs to be reconfigured. See the Reconfiguring the Fuel System section for instruc­tions on reconfiguration of the fuel system.
Recommended fuels should have a Btu content of at least 1,000 Btus per cubic foot for natural gas; or at least 2,520 Btus per cubic foot for LP gas. Ask the fuel supplier for the Btu content of the fuel.
Required fuel pressure for natural gas is 5 inches to 7 inches water column (0.18 to 0.25 psi); and for liq­uid propane, 10 inches to 12 inches of water column (0.36 to 0.43 psi).
note: all pipe sizing, construction and layout must comply with nFpa 54 for natural gas applica­tions and nFpa 58 for liquid propane applications. once the generator is installed, verify that the fuel pressure neVer drops below four (4) inches water column for natural gas or 10 inches water column for liquid propane.
Prior to installation of the generator, the installer should consult local fuel suppliers or the fire marshal to check codes and regulations for proper installation. Local codes will mandate correct routing of gaseous fuel line piping around gardens, shrubs and other landscaping to prevent any damage.
Special considerations should be given when install­ing the unit where local conditions include flood­ing, tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes and unstable ground for the flexibility and strength of piping and their connections.
Use an approved pipe sealant or joint compound on all threaded fitting.
Page 16
All installed gaseous fuel piping must be purged and leak tested prior to initial start-up in accordance with local codes, standards and regulations.

Fuel conSumption

The fuel consumption rates are listed in the SPECIFICATIONS section at the front of this manual.
BTU FLOW REqUIREMENTS - NATURAL GAS: BTU flow required for each unit based on 1000 BTU
per cubic foot.
7 kW - 140,000 BTU/Hour 9 kW - 156,000 BTU/Hour 12 kW - 215,000 BTU/Hour 13 kW - 220,000 BTU/Hour 16 kW - 261,000 BTU/Hour 18 kW - 294,000 BTU/Hour
Gaseous fuels such as natural gas and liquid
propane (lP) gas are highly explosive. Even
the slightest spark can ignite such fuels and cause an explosion. No leakage of fuel is per­mitted. Natural gas, which is lighter than air, tends to collect in high areas. lP gas is heavi­er than air and tends to settle in low areas.
note: a minimum of one approved manual shut­off valve must be installed in the gaseous fuel supply line. the valve must be easily accessible. local codes determine the proper location.

reconFiGurinG the Fuel SyStem

8 kW, 410CC ENGINE: To reconfigure the fuel system from NG to LP, follow
these steps (Figure 1):
note: the primary regulator for the propane sup­ply is not included with the generator. a fuel pressure of 10 to 12 inches of water column (0.36 to 0.43 psi) to the fuel inlet of the generator must be supplied.
1. Turn off the main gas supply (if connected).
2. Open the roof and remove the door.
3. Remove the battery (if installed).
4. Locate the plastic T-handle fuel selector in the poly bag supplied with the generator.
5. Locate the selector knob on the air box cover, behind the yellow air filter door and power bulge. The unit comes from the factory in the NG (Natural Gas) position. Grasping the T-handle, insert the pin end into the hole
Part 1
in the selector knob and pull out to overcome spring pressure and then twist clockwise 90 degrees and allow the selector to return in once aligned with the LP (Liquid Propane) position.
6. Save this tool with the Owner's Manual.
7. Install the battery, door and close the roof.
8. Reverse the procedure to convert back to natural gas.
Figure 1. Demand Regulator
10, 12, 14, 16, 17 AND 20 kW, V-TWIN ENGINES: To reconfigure the fuel system from NG to LP, follow
these steps:
note: the primary regulator for the propane sup­ply is not included with the generator. a fuel pressure of 10 to 12 inches of water column (0.36 to 0.43 psi) to the fuel inlet of the generator muSt Be Supplied.
sEctioN 1.4
PrEParatioN BEforE usE
Figure 3. 10 kW, GT-530 (Inlet Hose Slid Back)
1. Open the roof.
2. for 10 kW units: Loosen clamp and slide back the
air inlet hose.
• Slide fuel selector on carburetor out towards the
back of the enclosure (Figures 2 and 3).
• Returntheinlethoseandtightenclampsecurely.
for 12, 14, 16, 17 and 20 kW units: remove the air
cleaner cover.
• Slidetheselectorleverouttowardsthebackofthe
enclosure (Figures 4 and 5).
• Return the air cleaner cover and tighten the two
thumb screws.
3. Close the roof.
4. Reverse the procedure to convert back to natural gas.
Figure 2. 10 kW, GT-530 (Inlet Hose Slid Back)
Figure 4. 12/14/16/17/20 kW, GT-990/GT-999
(Airbox Cover Removed)
Page 17
SAE 30
Synthetic 5W-30
sEctioN 1.4
PrEParatioN BEforE usE
Figure 5. 12/14/16/17/20 kW, GT-990/GT-999
(Airbox Cover Removed)
Part 1

enGine oil recommendationS

All oil should meet minimum American Petroleum Institute (API) Service Class SJ, SL or better. Use no special additives. Select the oil's viscosity grade according to the expected operating temperature.
• SAE30è Above 32° F
• 10W-30è Between 40° F and -10° F
• Synthetic5W-30è 10° F and below
Engine crankcase oil capacities for the engines cov­ered in this manual can be found in the specifications section at the beginning of the book.
any attempt to crank or start the engine before it has been properly serviced with
the recommended oil may result in an engine failure.
Page 18
Part 1
sEctioN 1.5

tEstiNG, clEaNiNG aND DrYiNG


Devices used to measure electrical properties are called meters. Meters are available that allow one to measure (a) AC voltage, (b) DC voltage, (c) AC frequency, and (d) resistance In ohms. The following apply:
• TomeasureACvoltage,useanACvoltmeter.
• TomeasureDCvoltage,useaDCvoltmeter.
• UseafrequencymetertomeasureACfrequencyIn
“Hertz” or “cycles per second”.
• Useanohmmetertoreadcircuitresistance,in“ohms”.

the Vom

A meter that will permit both voltage and resistance to be read is the “volt-ohm-milliammeter” or “VOM”.
Some VOMs are of the “analog” type (not shown). These meters display the value being measured by physically deflecting a needle across a graduated scale. The scale used must be Interpreted by the user.
“Digital” VOM’s (Figure 1) are also available and are generally very accurate. Digital meters display the measured values directly by converting the values to numbers.
note: Standard ac voltmeters react to the aVeraGe value of alternating current. When working with ac, the effective value is used. For that reason a different scale is used on an ac voltmeter. the scale is marked with the effective or “rms” value even though the meter actually reacts to the average value. that is why the ac voltmeter will give an incorrect reading if used to measure direct current (dc).

meaSurinG ac VoltaGe

An accurate AC voltmeter or a VOM may be used to read the generator’s AC output voltage. The following apply:
1. Always read the generator’s AC output voltage only at the unit’s rated operating speed and AC frequency.
2. The generator’s Voltage Regulator can be adjusted for correct output voltage only while the unit is operating at its correct rated speed and frequency.
3. Only an AC voltmeter may be used to measure AC voltage. DO NOT USE A DC VOLTMETER FOR THIS PURPOSE.
DaNGEr!: GENErators ProDucE HiGH
aND DaNGErous VoltaGEs. coNtact WitH HiGH VoltaGE tErmiNals Will rEsult iN DaNGErous aND PossiBlY lEtHal ElEctrical sHocK.

meaSurinG dc VoltaGe

A DC voltmeter or a VOM may be used to measure DC voltages. Always observe the following rules:
1. Always observe correct DC polarity.
a. Some VOM’s may be equipped with a polarity
b. On meters that do not have a polarity switch,
DC polarity must be reversed by reversing the test leads.
2. Before reading a DC voltage, always set the meter to a higher voltage scale than the anticipated reading. If in doubt, start at the highest scale and adjust the scale downward until correct readings are obtained.
Figure 1. Digital VOM
3. The design of some meters is based on the “current flow” theory while others are based on the “electron flow” theory.
a. The “current flow” theory assumes that direct
current flows from the positive (+) to the nega­tive (-).
b. The “electron flow” theory assumes that current
flows from negative (-) to positive (+).
note: When testing generators, the “current flow” theory is applied. that is, current is assumed to flow from positive (+) to negative (-).

meaSurinG ac Frequency

The generator’s AC output frequency is proportional to Rotor speed. Generators equipped with a 2-pole Rotor must operate at 3600 rpm to supply a frequency of 60 Hertz. Units with 4-pole Rotor must run at 1800 rpm to deliver 60 Hertz.
Page 19
1.00 A
sEctioN 1.5
tEstiNG, clEaNiNG aND DrYiNG
Part 1

meaSurinG current

CLAMP-ON: To read the current flow, in AMPERES, a clamp-on
ammeter may be used. This type of meter indicates current flow through a conductor by measuring the strength of the magnetic field around that conductor. The meter consists essentially of a current trans­former with a split core and a rectifier type instrument connected to the secondary. The primary of the cur­rent transformer is the conductor through which the current to be measured flows. The split core allows the Instrument to be clamped around the conductor without disconnecting it.
Current flowing through a conductor may be mea­sured safely and easily. A line-splitter can be used to measure current in a cord without separating the conductors.
IN-LINE: Alternatively, to read the current flow in AMPERES, an
in-line ammeter may be used. Most Digital Volt Ohm Meters (VOM) will have the capability to measure amperes.
This usually requires the positive meter test lead to be connected to the correct amperes plug, and the meter to be set to the amperes position. Once the meter is properly set up to measure amperes the circuit being measured must be physically broken. The meter will be in-line or in series with the component being measured.
In Figure 4 the control wire to a relay has been removed. The meter is used to connect and supply voltage to the relay to energize it and measure the amperes going to it.
Figure 2. Clamp-On Ammeter
Figure 3. A Line-Splitter
note: if the physical size of the conductor or ammeter capacity does not permit all lines to be measured simultaneously, measure current flow in each individual line. then, add the individual readings.
Page 20
Figure 4. A VOM as an In-line meter

meaSurinG reSiStance

The volt-ohm-milliammeter may be used to measure the resistance in a circuit. Resistance values can be very valuable when testing coils or windings, such as the Stator and Rotor windings.
When testing Stator windings, keep in mind that the resistance of these windings is very low. Some meters are not capable of reading such a low resistance and will simply read CONTINUITY.
If proper procedures are used, the following condi­tions can be detected using a VOM:
• A“short-to-ground”conditioninanyStatororRotor
• ShortingtogetherofanytwoparallelStatorwindings.
• ShortingtogetherofanytwoisolatedStatorwindings.
• AnopenconditioninanyStatororRotorwinding.
amPErE - Unit measuring rate of
current flow (number of electrons past a given point)
oHm - Unit measuring resistance
or opposition to flow
Volt - Unit measuring force or
difference in potential causing current flow
Conductor of a Circuit
Part 1
sEctioN 1.5
tEstiNG, clEaNiNG aND DrYiNG
Component testing may require a specific resis­tance value or a test for INFINITY or CONTINUITY. Infinity is an OPEN condition between two electrical points, which would read as no resistance on a VOM. Continuity is a closed condition between two electrical points, which would be indicated as very low resis­tance or “ZERO” on a VOM.

electrical unitS

AMPERE: The rate of electron flow in a circuit is represented
by the AMPERE. The ampere is the number of elec­trons flowing past a given point at a given time. One AMPERE is equal to just slightly more than six thou­sand million billion electrons per second.
With alternating current (AC), the electrons flow first in one direction, then reverse and move in the oppo­site direction. They will repeat this cycle at regular intervals. A wave diagram, called a “sine wave” shows that current goes from zero to maximum positive value, then reverses and goes from zero to maximum negative value. Two reversals of current flow is called a cycle. The number of cycles per second is called frequency and is usually stated in “Hertz”.
VOLT: The VOLT is the unit used to measure electrical
PRESSURE, or the difference in electrical potential that causes electrons to flow. Very few electrons will flow when voltage is weak. More electrons will flow as voltage becomes stronger. VOLTAGE may be consid­ered to be a state of unbalance and current flow as an attempt to regain balance. One volt is the amount of EMF that will cause a current of 1 ampere to flow through 1 ohm of resistance.
OHM: The OHM is the unit of RESISTANCE. In every circuit
there is a natural resistance or opposition to the flow of electrons. When an EMF is applied to a complete circuit, the electrons are forced to flow in a single direction rather than their free or orbiting pattern. The resistance of a conductor depends on (a) its physical makeup, (b) its cross-sectional area, (c) its length, and (d) its temperature. As the conductor’s tempera­ture increases, its resistance increases in direct pro­portion. One (1) ohm of resistance will permit one (1) ampere of current to flow when one (1) volt of electro­motive force (EMF) is applied.

ohm’S laW

A definite and exact relationship exists between VOLTS, OHMS and AMPERES. The value of one can be calculated when the value of the other two are known. Ohm’s Law states that in any circuit the current will increase when voltage increases but resistance remains the same, and current will decrease when resistance Increases and voltage remains the same.
Figure 5. Electrical Units
Figure 6. Ohm’s Law
If AMPERES is unknown while VOLTS and OHMS are known, use the following formula:
If VOLTS is unknown while AMPERES and OHMS are known, use the following formula:
If OHMS is unknown but VOLTS and AMPERES are known, use the following:
ampereS =
VoltS = ampereS x ohmS
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sEctioN 1.5
tEstiNG, clEaNiNG aND DrYiNG
Part 1

ViSual inSpection

When it becomes necessary to test or troubleshoot a generator, it is a good practice to complete a thorough visual inspection. Remove the access covers and look closely for any obvious problems. Look for the following:
• Burned or broken wires, broken wire connectors,
damaged mounting brackets, etc.
• Loose or frayed wiring insulation, loose or dirty
• Checkthatallwiringiswellclearofrotatingparts.
• VerifythattheGeneratorproperlyconnectedforthe
correct rated voltage. This is especially important on new installations. See Section 1.2, “AC Connection Systems”.
• Lookforforeignobjects,loosenuts,boltsandother
• Cleanthearea aroundthe Generator.Clear away
paper, leaves, snow, and other objects that might blow against the generator and obstr uct its air openings.

inSulation reSiStance

The insulation resistance of stator and rotor windings is a measurement of the integrity of the insulating materials that separate the electrical windings from the generator steel core. This resistance can degrade over time or due to such contaminants as dust, dirt, oil, grease and especially moisture. In most cases, failures of stator and rotor windings is due to a break­down in the insulation. And, in man y cases, a low insu­lation resistance is caused by moisture that collects while the generator is shut down. When problems are caused by moisture buildup on the windings, they can usually be corrected by drying the windings. Cleaning and drying the windings can usually eliminate dirt and moisture built up in the generator windings.

the meGohmmeter

The MINIMUM acceptable megger reading for stators may be calculated using the following formula:
eXample: Generator is rated at 120 volts ac. divide “120” by “1000” to obtain “0.12”. then add “1” to obtain “1.12” megohms. minimum insulation resistance for a 120 Vac stator is 1.12 megohms.
If the stator insulation resistance is less than the cal­culated minimum resistance, clean and dry the stator. Then, repeat the test. If resistance is still low, replace the stator.
Use the Megger to test for shorts between isolated windings as outlined “Stator Insulation Tests”.
Also test between parallel windings. See “Test Between Windings” on next page.
TESTING ROTOR INSULATION (12-20kW): Apply a voltage of 500 volts across the rotor posi -
tive (+) slip ring (nearest the rotor bearing), and a clean frame ground (i.e. the rotor shaft). DO NOT EXCEED 500 VOLTS AND DO NOT APPLY VOLTAGE LONGER THAN 1 SECOND. FOLLOW THE MEGGER MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY.
rotor miNimum iNsulatioN rEsistaNcE:
No test available.
cautioN: Before attempting to measure insu-
lation resistance, first disconnect and isolate all leads of the winding to be tested. Electronic components, diodes, surge protectors, relays, voltage regulators, etc., can be destroy ed if subjected to high megger voltages.
1.5 megohms
GENERAL: A megohmmeter, often called a “megger”, consists of
a meter calibrated in megohms and a power supply. Use a power supply of 500 volts when testing stators or rotors. DO NOT APPLY VOLTAGE LONGER THAN ONE (1) SECOND.
TESTING STATOR INSULATION: All parts that might be damaged by the high meg-
ger voltages must be disconnected before testing. Isolate all stator leads (Figure 8) and connect all of the stator leads together. FOLLOW THE MEGGER MANUFACTURER’S INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY.
Use a megger power setting of 500 volts. Connect one megger test lead to the junction of all stator leads, the other test lead to frame ground on the sta­tor can. Read the number of megohms on the meter.
Page 22
Figure 7. One Type of Hi-Pot Tester
22S (12-20 kW)
(12-20 kW)
Part 1
sEctioN 1.5
tEstiNG, clEaNiNG aND DrYiNG
HI-POT TESTER: A “Hi-Pot” tester is shown in Figure 7. The model
shown is only one of many that are commercially available. The tester shown is equipped with a voltage selector switch that permits the power supply voltage to be selected. It also mounts a breakdown lamp that will illuminate to indicate an insulation breakdown dur­ing the test.
Stator inSulation reSiStance teSt
(12-20 kW)
GENERAL: Units with air-cooled engine are equipped with (a)
dual stator AC power windings, and (b) excitation or DPE winding. Insulation tests of the stator consist of (a) testing all windings to ground, (b) testing between isolated windings, and (c) testing between parallel windings. Figure 8 is a pictorial representation of the various stator leads on units with air-cooled engines.
1. Disconnect stator output leads 11 and 44 from the gen­erator main line circuit breaker.
2. Remove stator output leads 22 and 33 from the neutral connection and separate the two leads.
3. Disconnect Wires 11 and 22 from Voltage Regulator. Ensure these wires are not touching any other compo­nents on the generator.
b. Plug the tester cord into a 120 volt AC wall
socket and set its voltage selector switch to “1500 volts”.
c. Turn the tester switch ON and observe the
breakdown lamp on tester. DO NOT APPLY VOLTAGE LONGER THAN 1 SECOND. After one (1) second, turn the tester switch OFF.
If the breakdown lamp comes on during the one-sec­ond test, the stator should be cleaned and dried. After cleaning and drying, repeat the insulation test. If, after cleaning and drying, the stator fails the second test, the stator assembly should be replaced.
6. Proceed to the Voltage Regulator. Each winding will be individually tested for a short to ground. Refer to Steps 5a-5c and perform the same test on the following wires:
22S Sense Lead Power 11S Sense Lead Power
6 Excitation 2 Excitation 0 Ground 4 Positive to Brush Ground
1. Disconnect Stator Output Leads 11 and 44 from the generator main line circuit breaker.
2. Remove Stator Output Leads 22 and 33 from the neutral connection and separate the two leads.
Figure 8. Stator Winding Leads
4. Connect the terminal ends of Wires 11, 22, 33 and 44 together. Make sure the wire ends are not touching any part of the generator frame or any terminal.
5. Connect the red test probe of the Hi-Pot tester to the joined terminal ends of stator leads 11, 22, 33 and 44. Connect the black tester lead to a clean frame ground on the stator can. With tester leads connected in this manner, proceed as follows:
a. Turn the Hi-Pot tester switch OFF.
3. Disc onne ct Wir es 11, 22, 2, an d 6 from Volta ge Regulator. Ensure these wires are not touching any other components on the generator.
4. Connect the red tester probe to Wire 2. Connect the black tester probe to Stator Lead 11. Refer to Steps 5a through 5c of “TESTING ALL STATOR WINDINGS TO GROUND” on previous page.
5. Repeat Step 4 between Wire 2 and Stator Lead 33.
6. Repeat Step 4 between Stator Lead 11 and Stator Lead 33.
Stator inSulation reSiStance teSt
(8-10 kW)
GENERAL: Units with air-cooled engine are equipped with (a)
dual stator AC power windings, and (b) excitation or DPE winding. Insulation tests of the stator consist of (a) testing all windings to ground, (b) testing between isolated windings, and (c) testing between parallel windings. Figure 8 is a pictorial representation of the various stator leads on units with air-cooled engines.
Page 23
sEctioN 1.5
tEstiNG, clEaNiNG aND DrYiNG
Part 1
1. Disconnect Stator Output Leads 11 and 44 from the generator main line circuit breaker.
2. Disconnect Stator Output Leads 2 and 6 from the capacitor located on the end of the stator assembly.
3. Remove Stator Output Leads 22 and 33 from the neutral connection and separate the two leads.
4. Connect the terminal ends of Wires 11, 22, 33, and 44 together. Make sure the wire ends are not touching any part of the generator frame or any terminal.
5. Connect the red test probe of the Hi-Pot tester to the joined terminal ends of Stator Leads 11, 22, 33, and 44. Connect the black tester lead to a clean frame ground on the stator can. With tester leads connected in this manner, proceed as follows:
a. Turn the Hi-Pot tester switch OFF. b. Plug the tester cord into a 120 volt AC wall
socket and set its voltage selector switch to “1500 volts”.
c. Turn the tester switch ON and observe the
breakdown lamp on tester. DO NOT APPLY VOLTAGE LONGER THAN 1 SECOND. After one (1) second, turn the tester switch OFF.
6. Connect the terminal ends of Wires 2 and 6 together. Make sure the wire ends are not touching any part of the generator frame or any terminal.
4. Plug the tester into a 120 volts AC wall socket and set the voltage switch to “1500 volts”.
5. Turn the tester switch “On” and make sure the pilot light has turned on.
6. Observe the breakdown lamp, then turn the tester switch OFF. DO NOT APPLY VOLTAGE LONGER THAN ONE (1) SECOND.
If the breakdown lamp came on during the one (1) second test, cleaning and drying of the rotor may be necessary. After cleaning and drying, repeat the insu­lation breakdown test. If breakdown lamp comes on during the second test, replace the rotor assembly.
Figure 9. Testing Rotor Insulation (12-20kW)
7. Repeat Step 5.
If the breakdown lamp came on during the one (1) second test, cleaning and drying of the rotor may be necessary. After cleaning and drying, repeat the insu­lation breakdown test. If breakdown lamp comes on during the second test, replace the rotor assembly.
rotor inSulation reSiStance teSt
(8-10 kW)
No test available.
rotor inSulation reSiStance teSt
(12-20 kW)
Before attempting to test rotor insulation, the brush holder must be completely removed. The rotor must be completely isolated from other components before starting the test. Attach all leads of all stator windings to ground.
1. Connect the red tester lead to the positive (+) slip ring (nearest the rotor bearing).
2. Connect the black tester probe to a clean frame ground, such as a clean metal part of the rotor shaft.
3. Turn the tester switch OFF.
Page 24

cleaninG the Generator

Caked or greasy dirt may be loosened with a soft brush or a damp cloth. A vacuum system may be used to clean up loosened dirt. Dust and dirt may also be removed using dry, low-pressure air (25 psi maximum).
cautioN: Do not use sprayed water to clean
the generator. some of the water will be
retained on generator windings and terminals, and may cause very serious problems.

dryinG the Generator

To dry a generator, proceed as follows:
1. O p e n t h e g e ne r a to r m a i n c i rc u it b r e ak e r. N O ELECTRICAL LOADS MUST BE APPLIED TO THE GENERATOR WHILE DRYING.
2. Disconnect all Wires 6 from the voltage regulator.
3. Provide an external source to blow warm, dry air through the generator interior (around the rotor and stator wind­ings. DO NOT EXCEED 185° F. (85° C.).
4. Start the generator and let it run for 2 or 3 hours.
5. Shut the generator down and repeat the stator and rotor insulation resistance tests.
Part 1
sEctioN 1.6

ENGiNE-GENErator ProtEctiVE DEVicEs

Standby electric power generators will often run unattended for long periods of time. Such operating parameters as (a) battery voltage, (b) engine oil pres­sure, (c) engine temperature, (d) engine operating speed, and (e) engine cranking and startup are not monitored by an operator during automatic operation. Because engine operation will not be monitored, the use of engine protective safety devices is required to prevent engine damage in the event of a problem.
Generator engines mount several engine protec­tive devices. These devices work in conjunction with a circuit board, to protect the engine against such operating faults as (a) low battery, (b) low engine oil pressure, (c) high temperature, (d) overspeed, and (e) overcrank. On occurrence of any one or more of those operating faults, circuit board action will effect an engine shutdown.

loW Battery

The microprocessor will continually monitor the bat­tery voltage and turn on the Low Battery Warning if the battery voltage falls below 10.8 volts for one (1) minute. No other action is taken on a low battery condition. Low battery voltage is a non-latching alarm which will automatically clear if the battery voltage rises above 11.0 volts. Battery voltage is NOT moni­tored during the crank cycle.

loW oil preSSure ShutdoWn

oVerSpeed ShutdoWn

During engine cranking and operation, the circuit board receives AC voltage and frequency signals from the ignition magneto, via Wire 18. Should the speed exceed approximately 72 Hz (4320 rpm), circuit board action will de-energize a “run relay” (mounted on the circuit board). The relay’s contacts will open, to terminate engine ignition and close a fuel shutoff solenoid. The engine will then shut down. This feature protects the engine-generator against damaging overspeeds.
note: the circuit board also uses rpm sensing to terminate engine cranking.

rpm SenSor Failure

During cranking, if the board does not see a valid RPM signal within three (3) seconds, it will shut down and latch out on RPM sensor loss.
During running, if the RPM signal is lost for one full second the board will shut down the engine, wait 15 seconds, then re-crank the engine.
• IfanRPMsignalisnotdetectedwithinthefirstthree
(3) seconds of cranking, the control board will shut the engine down and latch out on RPM sensor loss.
• If the RPM signal is detected the engine will start
and run normally. If the RPM signal is subsequently lost again, the control board will tr y one more re­crank attempt before latching out and flashing the overspeed LED or RPM Sensor Failure.
See Figure 1. An oil pressure switch is mounted on the engine oil filter adapter. This switch has normally closed contacts that are held open by engine oil pres­sure during cranking and startup. Should oil pressure drop below approximately 5 psi, the switch contacts will close. On closure of the switch contacts, a Wire 86 circuit from the circuit board will be connected to ground. Circuit board action will then de-energize a “run relay” (on the circuit board). The run relay’s normally open contacts will then open and a 12 volts DC power supply to a Wire 14 circuit will then be terminated. This will result in closure of a fuel shutoff solenoid and loss of engine ignition.

hiGh temperature SWitch

This switch’s contacts (Figure 1) close if the tempera­ture should exceed approximately 144° C (293° F), initiating an engine shutdown. The generator will auto­matically restart and the fault on the generator control panel will reset once the temperature has returned to a safe operating level.
Figure 1. Engine Protective Switches on an
Air-Cooled Engine
Page 25
sEctioN 1.6
ENGiNE-GENErator ProtEctiVE DEVicEs
Part 1

oVercrank ShutdoWn

This feature prevents the generator from damaging itself when it continually attempts to start and another problem, such as no fuel supply, prevents it from start­ing. The unit will crank and rest for a preset time limit. Then, it will stop cranking, and the LCD screen or the LED on the generator control panel will light indicating an overcrank failure. The AUTO-OFF-MANUAL switch will need to be set to OFF and then back to AUTO to reset the generator control board.
note: if the fault is not repaired, the overcrank feature will continue to activate.
The system will control the cyclic cranking as follows: 16 second crank, seven (7) second rest, 16 second crank, seven (7) second rest followed by three (3) additional cycles of seven (7) second cranks followed by seven (7) second rests.
1. The 990/999cc engines have an electric choke in the air box that is automatically controlled by the electronic control board.
2. The 530cc engines have an electric choke on the divider panel air inlet hose that is automatically controlled by the electronic control board.
3. The 410cc engines have a choke behind the air box that is automatically controlled by the electronic control board.
FAILURE TO START: This is defined as any of the following occurrences
during cranking.
1. Not reaching starter dropout within the specified crank cycle. Starter dropout is defined as four (4) cycles at 1,500 RPM (1,800 RPM for 8 kW units).
2. Reaching starter dropout, but then not reaching 2200 RPM within 15 seconds. In this case the control board will go into a rest cycle for seven (7) seconds, then con­tinue the rest of the crank cycle.
During a rest cycle the start and fuel outputs are de­energized and the magneto output is shorted to ground.
CRANkING CONDITIONS: The following notes apply during cranking cycle.
1. Starter motor will not engage within five (5) seconds of the engine shutting down.
2. The fuel output will not be energized with the starter.
3. The starter and magneto outputs will be energized together.
4. Once the starter is energized the control board will begin looking for engine rotation. If it does not see an RPM signal within three (3) seconds it will shut down and latch out on RPM sensor loss.
5. Once the control board sees an RPM signal it will energize the fuel solenoid, drive the throttle open and continue the crank sequence.
6. Star ter motor will disengage when speed reaches starter dropout.
7. If the generator does not reach 2200 RPM within 15 seconds, re-crank cycle will occur.
8. If engine stops turning between starter dropout and 2200 RPM, the board will go into a rest cycle for seven (7) seconds then re-crank (if additional crank cycles exist).
9. Once started, the generator will wait for a hold-off period before starting to monitor oil pressure and oil temperature (refer to the Alarm Messages section for hold-off times).
10. During Manual start cranking, if the Mode switch is moved from the Manual position, the cranking stops immediately.
11. During Auto mode cranking, if the Utility returns, the cranking cycle does NOT abort but continues until complete. Once the engine starts, it will run for one (1) minute, then shut down.
Page 26
8 kW UNITS 10-20 kW UNITS
Part 1
sEctioN 1.7

oPEratiNG iNstructioNs

control panel

Figure 1. Generator Control Panel
AUTO-OFF-MANUAL SWITCH: Use this switch to (a) select fully automatic operation,
(b) to crank and start the engine manually, and (c) to shut the unit down or to prevent automatic startup.
1. AUTO position:
a. Select AUTO for fully automatic operation. b. When AUTO is selected, circuit board will moni-
tor utility power source voltage.
c. Should utility voltage drop below a preset level
and remain at such a low level for a preset time, circuit board action will initiate engine cranking and startup.
d. Following engine startup, circuit board action
will initiate transfer of electrical loads to the “Standby” source side.
e. On restoration of utility source voltage above
a preset level, circuit board action will initiate retransfer back to the “Utility Source” side.
f. Following retransfer, circuit board will shut the
engine down and will then continue to monitor utility source voltage.
2. OFF Position:
a. Set the switch to OFF to stop an operating engine. b. To prevent an automatic startup from occurring,
set the switch to OFF.
3. MANUAL Position:
a. Set switch to MANUAL to crank and start unit
b. Engine will crank cyclically and start (same as
automatic startup, but without transfer). The unit will transfer if utility voltage is not available.
DaNGEr: WHEN tHE GENErator is
iNstallED iN coNJuNctioN WitH aN
automatic traNsfEr sWitcH, ENGiNE craNKiNG aND startuP caN occur at aNY timE WitHout WarNiNG (ProViDiNG tHE auto-off-maNual sWitcH is sEt to auto). to PrEVENt automatic startuP aND PossiBlE iNJurY tHat miGHt BE causED BY sucH startuP, alWaYs sEt tHE auto-off-maNual sWitcH to its off PositioN BEforE WorKiNG oN or arouND tHis EQuiPmENt.
7.5 AMP FUSE: This fuse protects the DC control circuit (including the
circuit board) against overload. If the fuse element has melted open due to an overload, engine cranking or running will not be possible. Should fuse replace­ment become necessary, use only an identical 7.5 amp replacement fuse.
SETTING THE EXERCISE TIMER: This generator is equipped with an exercise timer.
Once it is set, the generator will start and exercise every seven days, on the day of the week and at the time of day specified. During this exercise period, the unit runs for approximately 12 minutes and then shuts down. Transfer of loads to the generator output does not occur during the exercise cycle unless utility power is lost.
8kW: A switch on the control panel (see Figure1) permits
selection of the day and time f or the system to exercise. At the chosen time, perform the following sequence to select the desired day and time of day the system will exercise. Remember seasonal time changes affect the exercise settings .
1. Verify that the AUTO-OFF-MANUAL switch is set to AUTO.
2. Press and hold the “Set Exercise” switch for several seconds. All the red LED’s will stop flashing immediately and the generator will start.
3. The generator will start and run for approximately 12 minutes and then shut down. The exerciser is now set to run at this time of day each week.
Example: If the “Set Exercise” pressed on Saturday afternoon at 2:00 p.m., the generator will start and exercise for approximately 12 minutes every Saturday at 2:00 p.m.
note: the exerciser will only work in the auto mode and will not work unless this procedure is performed. the exerciser will need to be reset every time the 12 Volt battery is disconnected and then reconnected, and when the fuse is removed and/or replaced.
Page 27
sEctioN 1.7
oPEratiNG iNstructioNs
Part 1
10-20 kW – INSTALLATION ASSISTANT: Upon first power up of the generator, the display inter-
face will begin an installation assistant. The assistant will prompt the user to set the minimum settings to operate. These settings are simply: Current Date/Time and Exercise Day/Time. The maintenance intervals will be initialized when the exercise time is entered for the first time (Figure 3.2).
The exercise settings can be changed at any time via the "EDIT" menu (see Appendix, "Menu System").
If the 12 Volt battery is disconnected or the fuse removed, the Installation Assistant will operate upon power restoration. The only difference is the display will only prompt the customer for the current Time and Date.
if the installer tests the generator prior to instal­lation, press the “enter” key to avoid setting up the exercise time. this will ensure that when the customer powers up the unit, he will still be prompted to enter an exercise time.
note: the e x erciser will only work in the auto mode and will not work unless this procedure is performed. the current date/time will need to be reset every time the 12 Volt battery is disconnected and then recon­nected, and/or when the fuse is removed.

to Select automatic operation

The following procedure applies only to those instal­lations in which the air-cooled, automatic standby generator is installed in conjunction with a transfer switch. Transfer switches do not have an intelligence circuit of their own. Automatic operation on transfer switch and generator combinations is controlled by circuit board action.
To select automatic operation when a transfer switch is installed along with a home standby generator, proceed as follows:
1. Check that the transfer switch main contacts are at their UTILITY position, i.e., the load is connected to the power supply. If necessary, manually actuate the switch main contacts to their UTILITY source side. See Part 3 of this manual, as appropriate, for instructions.
2. Check that utility source voltage is available to transfer switch terminal lugs N1 and N2 (2-pole, 1-phase transfer switches).
3. Set the generator AUTO-OFF-MANUAL switch to its AUTO position.
4. Actuate the generator main line circuit breaker to its “On” or “Closed” position. With the preceding Steps 1 through 4 completed, a dropout in utility supply voltage below a preset level will result in automatic generator cranking and start-up. Following startup, the transfer switch will be actuated to its “Standby” source side, i.e., loads powered
by the standby generator.
manual tranSFer to “StandBy” and
manual Startup
To transfer electrical loads to the “Standby” (generator) source and start the generator manually, proceed as follows:
1. On the generator panel, set the AUTO-OFF-MANUAL switch to OFF.
2. On the generator, set the main line circuit breaker to it’s OFF or “Open” position.
3. Turn OFF the power supply to the transfer switch, using whatever means provided (such as a utility source line circuit breaker).
4. Manually actuate the transfer switch main contacts to their “Standby” position, i.e., loads connected to the “Standby” power source side.
note: For instructions on manual operation of transfer switches, see part 3.
5. On the generator panel, set the AUTO-OFF-MANUAL switch to MANUAL. The engine should crank and start.
6. Let the engine warm up and stabilize for a minute or two at no-load.
7. Set the generator main line circuit breaker to its “On” or “Closed” position. The generator now powers the electrical loads.
manual ShutdoWn and retranSFer
Back to “utility”
To shut the generator down and retransfer electrical loads back to the UTILITY position, proceed as follows:
1. Set the generator main line circuit breaker to its OFF or “Open” position.
2. Let the generator run at no-load for a few minutes, to cool.
3. Set the generator AUTO-OFF-MANUAL switch to OFF. Wait for the engine to come to a complete stop.
4. Turn off the utility power supply to the transfer switch using whatever means provided (such as a utility source main line circuit breaker)
5. Manually actuate the transfer switch to its UTILITY source side, i.e., load connected to the utility source.
6. Turn on the utility power supply to the transfer switch, using whatever means provided.
7. Set the generator AUTO-OFF-MANUAL switch to AUTO.
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