Pressure Washer Owner's Manual
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Model No. 1675-0 (2,400 PSiPressure Washer) Manual No. 190164GS Revision2 (08/27/2002)

SafetyRules.................................. 2-3
Know Your PressureWasher ...................... 4
Assembly.................................... 5-8
Operation .................................. 8-II
Product Specifications........................... I I
Maintenance ............................... 12-14
Storage...................................... 14
Troubleshooting ............................... 15
Replacement Parts........................... 16-19
Warranty ............................... Last Page
Read this manual carefully and become familiar
with your pressure washer. Know its applications,
its limitations and any hazards involved.
Everyeffort hasbeen madeto ensure that informationin
this manualisaccurateand current However, Generac
reservesthe right to change,alter or otherwise improve the
)roduct andthis document at anytime without prior notice.
The engine exhaust from this product contains
chemicals known to the State of California to cause
cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.
the State of California a spark arrester isrequired by law
Section 4442 of the California PublicResourcesCode).
)ther states may havesimilar laws.Federal lawsapplyon
Federallands.If you equip the muffler with a sparkarrestel
t must be maintained ineffective working order.
Turnpressure washer OFF and let it cool at [east2 minutes
before removing gascap.
Fillfuel tank outdoors.
Do not overfill tank. Allow spacefor fuel expansion.
Keep gasoline awayfrom sparks, open flames, pilot lights, heat,
and other ignitionsources.
Do not lighta cigarette or smoke.
Do not tip engine or equipment at anglewhich causes
gasolineto spill
Do not sprayflammable liquids.
Transport/repair with fuel tank EMPTY or with fuel shutoff
valve OrE
Store awayfrom furnaces, stoves, water heaters, clothes
dryers or other appliancesthat have pilot lightor other
ignitionsource becausethey can ignite gasolinevapors.
The safetyalert symbol (_.) is used with a signalword
(DANGER, CAUTION, WARNING), a pictorial and/or a
safety messageto alert you to hazards. DANGER
indicates a hazardwhich, ifnot avoided,will result in death
or serious injury.WARNING indicatesa hazardwhich, if
not avoided,couldresult in death or serious injury.
CAUTION indicates ahazard which, if not avoided, might
result in minor or moderate injury.CAUTION, when
used without the alert symbol, indicates a situation that
could result in equipment damage.Follow safety messages
to avoid or reduce the risk of injuryor death.
Keepwater sprayawayfrom electricwiringor fatalelectric
Never aim the spraygun at people, animalsor plants.
Do not allow CHILDREN to operate the pressure washer.
Never repair high pressure hose. Replace it.

Keepspray nozzle between 8 to 24 inchesawayfrom cleaning
Beextremely careful if you must usethe pressure washer from
a [adder,scaffolding or any other relatively unstable location.
The cleaning area should haveadequate slopes and drainage to
reduce the possibility of afail due to slippery surfaces.
Operate this unit on a stable surface.
Do not wear loose clothing, jewelry or anything that may be
caught in the starter or other rotating parts.
Tie up long hair and remove jewelry.
Always wear eye protection when you usethis equipment or
when you are in the vicinity where the equipment is in use.
Operate pressure washer ONLY outdoors.
Use a respirator or mask whenever there is a chance that
vapors may be inhaled.
Readall instructions with maskso you are certain the maskwi[[
provide the necessaryprotection againstinhaling harmful vapors.
Disconnect the spark plug wire from the spark plug and place
the wire where it cannot contact spark plug.
Do not tamper with governed speed.
Do not operate the pressure washer abovethe rated pressure.
Do not touch hot surfaces.
Allow equipment to cool before touching.
Do not point spray gun at glasswhen in the jet spray mode.
Never aim the spray gun at plants.

Read this owner's manual and safety rules before operating your high pressure washer.
Compare the illustrations with your high pressure washer to familiarize yourself with the locations of various controls and
adjustments. Savethis manualfor future reference.
Pump equippedwith
SprayNozzles Automatic Coot Down System
Accessory Tray
Air Filter
Throttle Lever
Choke Rod
(on front of engine)
Nozzle Extension
with Quick
Fill Cap
Chemical Injection Siphon/Filter
Accessory Tray _ Provides convenient storage for
standard and optional accessories, such as brushes, turbo
wands, ect.
Air Filter -- Protects engine by filtering dust and debris out
of intake air.
Automatic Cool Down System -- Cycles water through
pump when water reaches 125%i 55°E Warm water will
discharge from pump onto ground. This system prevents
internal pump damage.
Chemical Injection Siphon/Filter -- Use to siphon
detergent or other pressure washer chemicals into the low
pressure stream.
Choke Rod -- Prepares a cold engine for starting.
Fuel Tank -- Fill tank with regular unleaded gasoline. Always
leave room for fuel expansion.
High Pressure Hose (not shown) -- Connect one end to
the water pump and the other end to the spray gun.
High Pressure Outlet
High Pressure Outlet -- To connect high pressure hose.
Nozzle Extension with Quick Connect -- Allows you to
switch between four different spray nozzles.
Oil Fill Cap -- Fill engine with oil here.
Pump -- Develops high pressure.
Recoil Starter -- Use for starting the engine manually.
Safety Goggles (not shown) -- Always use the enclosed
goggles or other eye protection when running your
pressure washer.
Spray Gun -- Controls the application of water onto
cleaning surface with trigger device, includes safety latch.
Spray Nozzles -- Chemical injection, 0°, 15°, 25°, and 40°:
for various high pressure cleaning applications.
Throttle Lever_Sets engine in starting mode for recoil
starter and stops a running engine.
Water Inlet -- Connect garden hose here.

IMPORTANT: Readentire owner's manualbefore you
attempt to assembleor operate your new pressure washer.
• Removethe parts bag packedwith pressure washer.
• Slicetwo corners at the end of carton from top to
bottom so the panelcan be folded down fiat, then
remove all packing material.
• Roll pressure washer out of carton.
Carton Contents
Items in the carton include:
• Main Unit
PlasticAccessory Tray
High PressureHose
Nozzle Extension with Quick Connect Fitting
Oit Bottle
Parts Bag(which includesthe following):
Owner's Manual
EngineWarranty Card
EmissionsControl Warranty Card
Owner's Registration Card
Bagcontaining5 mult_olored Quick Connect Nozzles
Handle FasteningHardware Kit (which includes):
Carriage Bott
"L" Bolt
PlasticKnobs (2)
"J" Hook
Chemical Hose Clip
If any of the above parts are missingor damaged,catl the
pressure washer helpline at 1-800-270-1408.
If you haveany problems with the assemblyof your
pressure washer or if parts are missingor damaged,call the
pressure washer helpline at 1-800-270-1408.
To prepare your pressure washer for operation, you
will need to perform these tasks:
• Fitl out and sendin registration card.
• Attach accessory tray to handle, then attach handle to
main unit.
Add oil to engine crankcase.
Add fuel to fuel tank.
Connect high pressure hose to spraygun and pump.
Connect water supplyto pump.
Attach nozzte extension to spray gun.
Select/attach quick connect nozzle to nozzle extension.
Attach Handle and Accessory Tray
NOTE: AIt assemblyoperations given in this section will
be described from the perspective of assemblingthe
pressure washer from the rear.
• Slide the plastic accessory tray onto the handle and align
the holes in the accessorytray with the holes on the
handle (Figure I).

• Secure tray to handle with selftapping screws using a
#2 phillips screwdriver. Ensurescrews are tight but not
crushing the plastic accessory tray.
• Placethe handle assembly onto the handle supports
connected to the main unit. Make sure the holes in the
handle alignwith the holes on the handle supports
(Figure 2).
• Pinchthe chemical hose and slide it into the metal clip as
shown in Figure5.
NOTE: It may be necessaryto move the handle supports
from sideto side in order to align the handle so it will slide
over the handle supports.
• Insert the "L" bolt through the hole on the right side of
the handle(viewing from rear of unit) and attach the
plastic knob. Tighten the knob by hand(Figure 3).
: .
• Insertthe carriage bolt through the left side hole from
the outside of the unit and attach a plastic knob from the
inside of the unit (viewing unit from the rear). Tighten by
hand (Figure 3).
• Insert the "J"hook into the second from the left slot in
the accessorytray (Figure 4).
• Tilt the unit up by the handle and attach the metal clip to
the rib on the center undersideof the accessory tray
(Figure 6). Slide the chemical hosethrough the metal clip
so that it is tight but not kinked.
Add Engine Oil
IMPORTANT: Any attempt to crank or start the engine
before it hasbeen properly serviced with the
recommended oil mayresult in an engine failure.
• Placepressure washer on a levelsurface.
• Refer to the engine owners manual to add recommended
oil to engine.
NOTE: Check oil often during engine break-in. Refer to
engine owner's manualfor recommendations.
Add Gasoline
_IL WARNING! Never fill fuel tank indoors. Never
fillfuel tank when engine is running or hot. Do Not
smoke whenfilling fuel tank.

A ARNING! Never fill fuel tank completely full.
Provide spacefor fuel expansion.Wipe awayanyfuel
spillagefrom engine and equipment before starting.
• Use fresh, clean unleadedautomotive gasolineand store in
approved, clean, covered containers. Use cleanfill
funnels. Never use"stale" gasoline leftover from last
season or gasolinestored for longperiods.
• Clean area around fuel flit cap, remove cap.
• Slowly add gasoline to fuel tank. Use a funnel to prevent
spillage. Fitl tank to "Fuel Level Mark", asshown in
• Attach the high pressure hose to the high pressure outlet
on the pump (Figure 9). Pulldown on the collar of the
quick connect, slide fitting intothe pump andlet go of
collar. Pull on hose to be sure of a tight connection.
[] !
NOTE: The quick connect is shown connecting the high
pressure hose to the pump. Ifyou choose to use the quick
connect for the gun to hose connection, follow the same
directions to attach quick connect from gun to hose.
• Attach the other end of the hose to the base of the
spray gun (Figure 10). Tighten by hand.
• Install fuel cap and wipe up any spilled gasoline.
Connect Hose and Water Supply to
IMPORTANT: You must assemblethe nozzleextension
and attach alt hoses before you start the engine. Starting
engine without alt hoses connected and water supplied will
damagethe pump.
NOTE: Your pressure washer comes with a quick connect
that you can useto attach the high pressure hose to either
the pump or spraygun.
• Uncoil the highpressure hoseand attachthe femalequick
connect to one end of the hose. Attach the malequick
connect to the high pressurefitting on the pump (Figure 8).
• Before you connect your garden hose to the water inlet,
inspectthe inlet screen (Figure I I). Clean the screen if it
contains debris, replace it if it isdamaged. DO NOT
• Run water through the garden hose for 30 secondsto
cleanout any debris. Turn off water.
• Connect the garden hose to the water inlet. Tighten by
hand (Figure II).

CAUTION! There MUST be at least ten feet of
unrestrictedgarden hose between the pressure washer
inlet and any flow shut off device, such as a 'Y' shut-off
connector or other convenience-type water shut-ofF valve.
Damage to pressure washer resulting from disregarding this
caution will not be covered by the warranty.
• Turn ON the water and squeeze the trigger on the spray
gun to purge the pump system of air and impurities.
_ AUTION! Before starting the pressure washer,
be sure you are wearingadequate eye protection.
Checklist Before Starting Engine
Reviewthe unit'sassemblyto confirm you have performed
alt of the following:
• Make sure the handle is in place and secure.
• Check that oit has been added to the proper levelinthe
engine crankcase.
• Add the proper gasolineto fuel tank.
• Check for properly attached hose connections.
• Check to make sure that there are no kinks, cuts, or
damageto the highpressure hose.
• Provide a proper water supply at an adequate flow.
• Be sure to read "Safety Rules" and "How To Use Your
PressureWasher" before usingthe pressure washer.
• Connect the garden hose to the water inleton the
pressure washer pump.Turn ON the water.
CAUTION! Do Not run the pump without the water
supply connected and turned on. You must follow this
caution or the pump will be damaged.
• Squeezethe trigger on the gun until you havea steady
stream of water. This purgesthe pump of air and
• Attach the nozzle extension to the spray gun (Figure 12).
Tighten by hand.
Choose the nozzleyou want to useand insertit intothe
nozzle extension. See "How to Usethe Nozzles" on
page I0.
• Engagethe safetylatchto the spray gun trigger
(Figure 13).
If you haveanyproblems operating your pressurewasher,
pleasecatl the pressure washer helpline at 1-800-270-1408.
To Start Your Pressure Washer
To start your pressure washer for the first time, follow
these instructionsstep-by-step.This starting information
also applies ifyou havelet the pressurewasher sit idle for
at leasta day.
• Placethe pressure washer in an area close enough to an
outside water source capable of supplying water at a flow
rate greater than 2.8gallons per minute.
• Check that the high pressure hose isconnected to the
spray gun andto the pump. See"Preparing Pressure
Washer for Use" for illustrations.
• Make sure unit is in a level position.
• Putlthe Choke rod to the CLOSED position (all the way
out, Figure 14).
Choke Rod
_' /' j_ Closed
NOTE: For a warm engine, be sure the choke is in the
OPEN position (no choke).
• Move the Throttle Control leverto the "On" position
(Figure 15).

Throttle Lever
• Grasp starter grip and pull slowly until you feel some
resistance.Then pull cord out with rapid full arm stroke.
Let rope return slowly. Do Not let rope "snap back"
• If the enginefails to start repeat above steps or refer to
the engine owner's manual.
• If the choke was pulled to the CLOSED position to start
the engine, slowly push it to the OPEN position as the
engine runs smoother.
NOTE: If the recoil starter is hard to pull, it may be
necessaryto squeezethe guntrigger to relieve internal
pump pressure.
How to use Accessory Tray
The unit is equipped with an accessory tray with placesto
store your nozzle extension and quick connect nozzles,and
slots to hold the cleaningsolution bottle and the detergent
siphoning filter. There are also two hooks at the ends of
the handle to hold your spray gun and high pressure hose.
NOTE: The extra holes in the tray are for storing a brush
and a turbo wand. The brush and turbo wand are NOT
included with your pressure washer. You can buy these
items as optional accessories.
• Placethe nozzle extension through the hole on the
accessory tray, asshown in Figure 16.
How to Stop Pressure Washer
• Move Throttle Control lever to the 'Stop' position.
• Simply shutting off the enginewill not release pressure in
the system. Squeeze trigger on the spray gun to
relieve pressure in the hose.
NOTE: A small amount of water will squirt out when you
squeezethe trigger.
• Hang your chemical solution bottle on the "J"hook and
place the detergent siphoning filter inthe lastslot on the
left (Figure 16).
• Placethe spray gun on the hook attached to the
accessory tray on the right side of the unit (Figure 16).
• Hang the high pressure hose on the hook attached to
the accessory tray on the left side of the unit asshown
on page4.

How to Use the Nozzles
_ AUTION! Never exchange nozzleswithout
lockingthe safety latch on the trigger.
The quick-connect on the nozzle extension allows you to
switch between five different nozzles.The nozzlesvary the
spray pattern as shown below (Figure 17).
Follow these instructions to change nozzles:
• Engagethe safety latch on the spray gun.
• Pull back the collar on the quick-connect and pull the
current nozzle off. Store the nozzle in the space
provided on the handles storage panel.
NOTE: For a more gentle rinse, select the white 40° or
green 25° nozzle. To scour the surface, select the yellow
15° or red 0° nozzle. To apply chemical, select the black
• Pull back on the collar,insertthe new nozzle and release
the collar.Tugon the nozzle to make sure it is securely
in place.
• For most effective cleaning, keepthe spraynozzle
between 8 to 24 inchesawayfrom the cleaningsurface. If
you get the spray nozzle too close, you may damagethe
Cleaning and Applying Chemical
CAUTION! You must attach all hoses before you
start the engine. Starting the engine without all the hoses
connected andwithout the water turned ON willdamage
the pump.
IMPORTANT: Use soaps designed specifically for
pressure washers. Household detergents could damage
the pump.
To apply detergent follow these steps:
• Reviewthe useof the nozzles.
• Prepare the detergent solution as required by the
• Hangthe detergent solution on the "J" hook attached to
the accessory tray, asshown in Figure 18.
Low Pressure
High Pressure
White Green Yellow Red
40° 25° 15° 0°

• Placethe small filter end of the detergent siphoning tube
into the detergent container.
CAUTION! Keep the chemical injection tube from
coming in contact with the hot muffler.
• Make sure the blacknozzle is installed.
NOTE: Detergent cannot be applied with the high
pressure nozzles(White, Green, Yellow, or Red).
• Make sure the garden hose is connected to the water
inlet. Check that the highpressure hose is connected to
the spraygun andthe pump and start the engine.
• Apply the detergent to a dry surface, starting at lower
portion of area to be washed andwork upward, using
long, even, overlapping strokes.
• Allow the detergent to soak in between 3-5 minutes
before washing and rinsing. Reapplyas needed to prevent
surface from drying. Do Not allow the detergent to dry
on (prevents streaking).
IMPORTANT: You must flush the chemical injection
system after each use by placingthe filter into abucket of
clean water, then run the pressure washer in low pressure
for I-2 minutes.
• Remove the black chemical nozzle from the nozzle
• Select and installthe desired high pressure nozzle
following the instructions "How to Use the Nozzles" on
page 10.
• Keep the spray gun a safedistance from the area you
plan to spray.
• Apply ahigh pressure spray to a small area and then
check the surface for damage.If no damageis found, you
can assumeit isokay to continue rinsing.
• Start at the top of the area to be rinsed, working down
with same overlapping strokes as you usedfor cleaning.
Automatic Cool Down System
(Thermal Relief)
If you run the engine on your pressure washer for
3-5 minutes without pressingthe trigger on the spray gun,
circulating water in the pump can reach a temperature
between 125°-155°E At this temperature, the system
engagesand cools the pump by discharging the warm
water onto the ground. This system prevents internal
damageto the pump.
Pressure Washer Rinsing
_ ARNING! Be extremely careful if you must
use the pressure washer from a ladder,scaffolding
or anyother relatively unstable location. Hose
water pressure builds as you climb. When you press
the trigger, the recoil from the initial spraycanbe
very strong. The high pressure spray could cause
you to fall if you are too close to the cleaning
After you have applied detergent, scour the surface
and rinse it clean asfollows:
• Apply safetylatchto spray gun.
Rated Pressure ..... 2,400 psi
Flow Rate .......... 2.5 gallons per minute (gpm)
Detergent .......... Use detergent approved for
pressure washers
Water Supply Temp. Not to Exceed 100°F
Automatic Cool .... Will cycle when water
Down System ....... reaches 1250-155°F
Shipping Weight .... 83 lbs.