Generac 1642-2 Owner’s Manual

Portable Generator Owner's Manual
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Model No. 1642-2 (5,500WattAC Generator) Manual No. 189439GS Revision I (10/15/2002)
_Read this manual carefully and become
This generator isanengine-driven, revolving field,alternating current (AC) generator. It was designedto supply electrical power for operating compatible electrical lighting,appliances, tools and motor loads.The generator's revolvingfield is driven at about 3,600rpm by a single-cylinder engine.
CAUTION! DO NOT exceed the generator's wattage/amperage capacity.See"Don't Overload the
Generator" on page 10.
Everyeffort has beenmadeto ensure that information inthis
manualisaccurate and current However,Generac reserves the right to change,alter or otherwise improvethe product
and this document at anytime without prior notice. The EmissionControl Systemfor this generator iswarranted
for standardsset by the EnvironmentalProtection Agency.For warranty informationrefer to the engineowner's manual.
Operate generator ONLY outdoors. Keep at least 2 feet of clearance on all sidesof generator for
adequateventilation. DO NOT operategeneratorinsideanybuildingor enclosure,
includingthe generator compartment of a recreationalvehicle(RV).
National ElectricCode requires generator to be properly grounded to an approved earth ground. Call an electrician for local grounding requirements.
The safetyalert symbol (_.) isusedwith a signalword (DANGER, CAUTION,WARNING), a pictorial and/or a
safety messageto alert you to hazards.DANGER indicates a hazardwhich, ifnot avoided,will result in death or serious
injury. WARNING indicatesa hazardwhich, if not avoided,
couldresult in death or serious injury.CAUTION indicatesa hazard which, ifnot avoided,might result in
minor or moderate injury. CAUTION, when used without the alert symbol, indicates a situation that could
result in equipment damage.Follow safety messagesto
avoid or reduce the risk of injury or death.
In the State of California a spark arrester is required by lawI (Section 4442 of the California Public ResourcesCode).
Other states may havesimilar laws.Federal laws applyon federal lands.Ifyou equip the muffler with a spark arrester,
it must be maintained in effective working order.
The engine exhaust from this product contains I
chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer, b rth defects, or other reproduct ve harm.
When usinggenerator for backup power, notify utility company.Use approved transfer equipment to isolate
generator from electric utility. Use a ground circuit fault interrupter (GFCI) in any damp or
highly conductive area,such as metal decking or steel work. DO NOT touch bare wires or receptacles.
DO NOT use generator with electrical cords which are worn frayed,bare or otherwise damaged.
DO NOT operate generator in the rain. DO NOT handle generator or electrical cords while standing
in water, while barefoot, or while handsor feet are wet. DO NOT allow unqualified persons or children to operate or
service generator.
Disconnect the spark plug wire from the spark plug and place the wire where it cannot contact spark plug.
Turn generator OFF and let it cool at least2 minutes before
removing gascap.Loosencap slowly to relieve pressure in tank_ Fill fuel tank outdoors.
DO NOT overfill tank.Allow space for fuel expansion. Keepgasoline awayfrom sparks,open flames,pilot lights, heat,
and other ignition sources.
DO NOT light a cigarette or smoke.
DO NOT tip engine or equipment at angle which causes
gasoline to spill.
Transport/repair with fuel tank EMPTY or with fuel shutoff valve OFE
Disconnect spark plug wire.
Store awayfrom furnaces,stoves,water heaters, clothes dryers or other appliancesthat havepilot light or other
ignition source becausethey can ignite gasoline vapors.
DO NOT touch hot surfaces. Allow equipment to cool before touching.
DO NOT tamper with governed speed.Generator supplies correct rated frequency and voltage when running at governed speed.
DO NOT modify generator in any way.
See"Don't Overload Your Generator" on page IO. Start generator and let engine stabilize before connecting
electrical loads. Connect electrical loads in OFF position, then turn ON for
operation. Turn electrical loads OFF and disconnect from generator
before stopping generator.
DO NOT allow any open flame,spark, heat,or lit cigarette
during and for several minutes after charging a battery. Wear protective goggles,rubber apron, and rubber gloves.
Use generator only for intended uses. if you have questions about intended use,askdealer or
contact Generac. Operate generator only on level surfaces.
DO NOT expose generator to excessive moisture, dust, dirt, or corrosive vapors.
DO NOT insert any obiects through cooling slots. if connected devices overheat, turn them off and disconnect
them from generato_ Shut off generator if.'
-electrical output is lost;
-equipment sparks,smokes,or emits flames;
-unit vibrates excessively.
Read this owner's manual and safety rules before operating your generator.
Compare the illustrationswith your generator, to familiarize yourself with the locationsof variouscontrols and adjustments.Savethis manualfor future reference.
SparkArrester Muffler
Choke Lever
Air Cleaner
Recoil Starter
Breakers (AC)
120/240Volt AC,
30 Amp Receptacle
Rocker Switch (on engine shroud)
120Volt AC, 20 Amp, Duplex Receptacles -- Maybe
usedto supply electrical power for the operation of
120Volt AC, 20 Amp, singlephase,60 Hz electrical, lighting,
appliance,toot and motor loads.
120/240 Volt AC, 30 Amp Locking Receptacle -- May
be usedto supply electrical power for the operation of
120and/or 240Volt AC, 30Amp, singlephase,60 Hz
electrical, lighting, appliance,tool and motor loads. Air Cleaner -- Uses a dry type filter element to limit the
amount of dirt and dust suckedinto the engine. Choke Lever -- Used when starting a cold engine.
Grounding Wing Nut
120Volt AC, 20 Amp
Duplex Receptacles
Oil Fill
Circuit Breakers (AC) -- Pushto reset circuit breakers are provided to protect the generator againstelectrical
Fuel Tank -- Capacity of five (5) U.S.gallons. GroundingWing Nut -- Used for proper grounding of
unit (seepage 7). Oil Fill --Add engine oil here.
Recoil starter -- Used to start the engine. Rocker Switch -- Set this switch to "On" before using
recoil starter. Set switch to "Off" to switch off engine. Spark Arrester Muffler -- Exhaust muffler lowers
engine noise and is equipped with a spark arrester screen.
Install Wheel Kit
Your generator requires some assembly and isready for use after it hasbeen properly serviced with the
recommended oil and fuel.
If you have any problems with the assembly of your
generator, please call the generator helpline at
IMPORTANT: Any attempt to run the unit before it has
been serviced with the recommended oil will result in an engine failure.
Remove Generator From Carton
Set the carton on arigid fiat surfacewith "This SideUp"
arrows pointing upward.
Carefully open the top flaps of the shippingcarton.
Cut down corners at one end of carton from top to bottom andlaythat side of carton down fiat
Removeall packing material, carton fillers, etc.
Removethe generator from the shipping carton.
IMPORTANT:This wheel kit is not intended for over-the-road use.
To installyour wheel kit you need the followingtools:
Two 13mm box,open end,or socket wrenches Install Wheel Kit as follows:
I. Placethe bottom of the generator cradle on a fiat,
even surface.Temporarily place unit on blocks to ease assembly.
2. Slide axle through both axle mounting brackets on cradle frame, as shown in Figure I.
3. Slide a wheel over the axle.
NOTE: Besure to install both wheels with the air pressure valve on the outboard side.
4. Placethe e-ring onto the groove in the axle.You may add the fiat washer if desired.
NOTE: Use retaining pins instead of e-ctip, if applicable.
5. Placeone end of the needle nose pliers on the bottom of the axle and the other end of the pliers on top of
the e-ring. Seatthe e-ring by pressingthe pliers closed.
Handle Assembly
Cap Screw
Hex Nut _
Cap Screw
6. Repeatstep3through5tosecuresecondwheel.
7. Removethetemporaryblocks.
8. Toaidsupportlegassembly,restgeneratoroncradle, engineenddown.Attachthesupportlegwithtwo
M8x 16mmcapscrewsandtwolockinghexnutsas
9. Usetwo13mmwrenchesto tightenleghardware.
II. AttachhandlebracketwithtwoM8x45mmcap
12.Checkthatallfastenersaretightandthetiresare inflatedbetween15-40PSI.
Add Oil
CAUTION! Any attempt to crank or start the engine
before it hasbeen properly filled with the recommended oil may result in an engine failure.
To fill your engine with oil:
Place generator on a level surface.
Follow the oil grade recommendations and oil fill instructions given in the engine owner's manual.
NOTE:The generator's revolving field rides on a prelubricated and sealed ball bearing that requires no additional lubrication for the life of the bearing.
Add Gasoline
_ ARNING! NEVER fill fuel tank indoors. NEVER
fill fuel tank when engine is running or hot.Allow
unit to cool for two minutes before refueling. DO NOT light a cigarette or smoke when filling the fuel
_ WARNING! DO NOT overfill the fuel tank.
Always allow room for fuel expansion.
Use regular UNLEADED gasolinewith the generator engine.DO NOT use premium gasoline.DO NOT mix oil with gasoline.
Clean area around fuel fill cap,remove cap.
Slowly add unleaded regular gasoline to fuel tank. Be careful not to overfill.Allow about 1.5"of tank spacefor fuel expansion (Figure 2).
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Install fuel capand wipe up any spilled gasoline.
IMPORTANT: It is important to prevent gum deposits from forming in essential fuel system parts,such asthe carburetor, fuel filter, fuel hose or tank during storage.Also, experience indicates that alcohol-blended fuels (called gasohol,ethanol or methanol) can attract moisture, which leadsto separation and formation of acids during storage. Acidic gascan damagethe fuel system of an engine while in
storage. Be sure to review the precautions given in "Storage" on
page 12.NEVER use engineor carburetor cleaner products in the fuel tank or permanent damagemayoccur.
The National Electrical Code requires that the frame and external electrically conductive parts of this generator be properly connected to an approved earth ground. Local electrical codes mayalso require proper grounding of the unit. For that purpose, a GROUNDING WING NUT is
)rovided on the generator end (Figure 3).
Grounding Wing Nut
Generally,connecting a No. 12AWG (American Wire Gauge) stranded copper wire to the grounding wing nut
and to an earth-driven copper or brass grounding rod (electrode) provides adequate protection against electrical
shock. Be careful to keepthe grounding wire attached after connecting the stranded copper wire. However, local codes
may vary widely.Consult with a localelectrician for grounding requirements in your area.
Properly grounding the generator helps prevent electrical shock if aground fault condition exists in the generator or in connected electrical devices,especiallywhen the unit is equipped with a wheel kit. Proper grounding also helps dissipate static electricity, which often builds up in ungrounded devices.
A AUTION! NEVER start or stop the engine
with electrical loadsconnected to the receptacles AND with the connected devicesturned ON.
Starting the Engine
Disconnect all electrical loadsfrom the generator. Use the following start instructionsteps by numerical order:
I. Turn the fuel valve to the "On" position (Figure 4).
Fuel Valve is shown in the On position
2. Placethe choke lever in the "Choke" position (Figure5).
3. Settherockerswitchto"On"position(Figure6).
4. Grasp the recoil handle and pull slowly until slight resistance is felt.Then putl rapidly to start engine.
5. Move choke lever to "Run" position a short distanceat
a time over severalsecondsin warm weather or minutes incold weather.Let engine run smoothly before
eachchange.Operate with choke in"Run" position.
NOTE: If engine stilt fails to start after 3 pulls,check for proper oil levet in crankcase.This unit is equipped with a low oit device which prevents the engine from being started. Seeengine manual
Refer to the engine owner's manual for more detailed starting instructions.
Connecting Electrical Loads
Let engine stabilize and warm up for a few minutes after
Pluginand turn on the desired 120and/or 240VottAC,
single phase,60 Hz electrical loads.
DO NOT connect 240VoIt loads to the 120Volt duplex
DO NOT connect 3-phase loads to the generator.
DO NOT connect 50 Hz loadsto the generator.
"Don't Overload the Generator" on page 10.
Stopping the Engine
Unplug all electrical loads from generator panel
receptacles.NEVER start or stop engine with electrical
devices plugged in and turned ON.
Let engine run at no-load for several minutes to stabilize
the internal temperatures of engine and generator.
Move rocker switch to "Off' position.
Movethe fuel valve to the "Off' position.
120/240 Volt AC, 30 Amp, Locking
Use a NEMA LI4-30 plug with this receptacle. Connect a 4-wire cord set rated for 250Volt AC loads at 30 Amps (or greater) (Figure7).You can use the same4-wire cord if you
)lan to run a 120Volt load.
4-Wire Cord Set
Y (Hot) X (Hot)
NEMA L14-30 Ground(Green)
This receptacle powers 120/240Volt AC, 60 Hz, single phaseloads requiring up to 5,500 watts of power (5.5 kW) at 30Amps for 120Volts or 240Volts.The outlet is protected by a push-to-reset circuit breaker.
_ CAUTION! Although this outlet states it hasa
120/240Volt 22.9Amp rating (up to 7,200 watts),
the generator isonly rated for 5,500 watts.
Powering loads that exceed the wattage/amperage
capacity of the generator candamageit or cause
serIOUS injuries.
120 Volt AC, 20 Amp, Duplex
Eachduplex receptacle (Figure 8) isprotected against overload by a push-to-reset circuit breaker.
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Use each receptacle to operate 120Volt AC, single-phase, 60 Hz electrical loadsrequiring up to 2,400 watts (2.4 kW)
at 20Amps of current. Use cord sets that are rated for
125Volt AC loads at 20 Amps (or greater).
Under certain weather conditions (temperatures below 40°F [4°C] and a high dew point), your generator may experience icingof the carburetor and/or the crankcase breather system.
Build a structure that wilt enclose three sides and the top of the generator:
Make sure entire muffler-side of generator is exposed. Note that your generator may appear different from that shown in Figure 9.
_ CAUTION!These outlets are rated at 120Volt
20 Amp each (up to 80 Amps).The generator isonly rated for up to 45.8Amps. Powering loadsthat
exceed the wattage/amperagecapacity of the generator can damageit or cause serious injuries.
Ensure a minimum of two feet clearance between open side of box and nearest object.
Face exposed end away from wind and elements.
Enclosure should hold enough heat created by the generator to prevent problems.
_ AUTION! NEVER run unit indoors. DO NOT
enclose generator any more than shown. Remove generator from shelter when temperature is above 40°F [4°C].
You must make sure your generator cansupply enough
rated (running) and surge (starting) watts for the itemsyou
will power at the sametime. Follow these simple steps:
I. Select the itemsyou wilt power at the same time.
2. Total the rated (running) watts of these items.Thisis the amount of power your generator must produce to keep your items running. SeeFigure I0.
3. Estimate how many surge (starting) watts you wilt need.Surge wattage isthe short burst of power
needed to start electric motor-driven tools or appliancessuch as acircular saw or refrigerator.
Becausenot all motors start at the sametime, total
surge watts can be estimated by addingonly the item(s)with the highest additional surge watts to the total rated watts from step 2.
Tool or Appliance
Window Air Conditioner
Refrigerator Deep Freezer
Television Light(75 Watts)
Total Rated (Running)Watts = 3075
Highest Additional SurgeWatts = 1800
Total Generator Output Required = 4875
Rated (Running)
800 500
3075 Total
Running Watts
Power Management
To prolong the life of your generator and attached devices, it is important to take care when addingelectrical loads to your generator.There should be nothing connected to the generator outlets before starting it's engine.The correct and safewayto managegenerator power is to sequentially
add loads as follows:
I. With nothing connected to the generator, start the
engine asdescribed in this manual.
2. Plugin and turn on the first load,preferably the largest load you have.
3. Permit the generator output to stabilize (engine runs smoothly and attached device operates properly.
Additional Surge
(Starting) Watts
1600 500
1800 Highest SurgeWatts
4. Plug in and turn on the next load.
5. Again,permit the generator to stabilize.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each additional load. NEVER add more loads than the generator capacity.Take
specialcare to consider surgeloads in generator capacity, asdescribed above.
Tool or Appliance
Light Bulb - 75 watt Deep Freezer SumpPump Refrigerator/Freezer - 18 Cu. Ft.
Water Well Pump - I/3 HP
Window AC - I0,000 BTU Window Fan
FurnaceFanBlower - 112HP
Microwave Oven - 1000Watt Coffee Maker
Electric Stove - SingleElement Hot Plate
Family Room DVD/CD Player
Stereo Receiver Color Television - 27"
Personal Computer w/I 7" monitor Other
AM/FM Clock Radio
GarageDoor Opener - 1/2 HP Electric Water Heater - 40 Gallon
DIY/Job Site
Quartz Halogen Work Light
Airless Sprayer - I/3 HP
Reciprocating Saw Electric Drill - 1/2 HP
Circular Saw- 7 I/4"
Miter Saw - I0" Table Planer - 6" Table Saw/RadialArm Saw- I0"
Air Compressor - I-I/2 HP
*Wattages listed are approximate only. Check toot or appliance for actual wattage.
500 8O0
3OO 8O0
1000 1500
100 100
450 5o0
3O0 480 520
600 1200
960 960 1000 1000 1500 1500 1800 1800 1800 1800
2000 2000 2500 2500
1200 1600
Maximum SurgeWatts ................. 8,500 watts
Continuous Wattage Capacity ........... 5,500 watts
Power Factor .............................. 1.0
Rated Maximum Continuous AC Load Current:
At 120 Volts ....................... 45.8 Amps
At 240 Volts ....................... 22.9 Amps
Phase ................................. I-phase
Rated Frequency ....................... 60 Hertz
Fuel Tank Capacity ................... 5 U.S.gallons
Shipping Weight ......................... 163 Ibs.
The Owner/Operator is responsible for making sure that all periodic maintenance tasks are completed on atimely basis;that all discrepancies are corrected; and that the unit is kept clean and properly stored. NEVER operate a
damaged or defective generator.
Engine Maintenance
See engine owner's manual for instructions.
If you need service for your engine, you need to determine
the engine identification number.To do so, remove the
rocker arm cover hood, item number 55 shown on
page 16, by removing the four nuts and washers holding it in place.The engine model-type-trim number is stamped on the side of the inner cover attached to the engine. Have this number in hand when you call the engine service
center for assistance.
Generator Maintenance
Generator maintenance consists of keeping the unit clean and dry. Operate and store the unit in a clean dry environment where it will not be exposed to excessive dust, dirt, moisture or any corrosive vapors. Cooling air slots in the generator must not become clogged with snow, leaves or any other foreign material.
NOTE: DO NOT use a garden hose to clean generator. Water can enter engine fuel system and cause problems. In
addition, if water enters generator through cooling air slots, some of the water wilt be retained in voids and cracks of
the rotor and stator winding insulation.Water and dirt buildup on the generator internal windings will eventually
decrease the insulation resistance of these windings.
To Clean the Generator
A AUTION! NEVER insert any object or tool
through the air cooling slots, even if the engine is
not running.
Use a damp cloth to wipe exterior surfaces clean.
A soft bristle brush may be used to loosen caked on dirt or oil.
A vacuum cleaner may be used to pick up loose dirt and debris.
Low pressure air (not to exceed 25 psi) may be used to blow awaydirt. Inspect cooling air slots and opening on
generator.These openings must be kept clean and unobstructed.
A AUTION! Avoid prolonged or repeated skincontact with used motor oil. Used motor oil has
been shown to causeskin cancer in certain laboratory animals.Thoroughly wash exposed areas
with soap and water. KEEPOUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. DON'T
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