Generac 006023-0 Owner’s Manual

Safety Rules...........................................................1
SafetySymbols and Meanings.......................................1
Add EngineOil..........................................................................7
Add Fuel...................................................................................7
ConnectHoseand WaterSupplyto Pump.................................8
How to Use Nozzles..................................................................9
CleaningandApplying Detergent..................................10
ChecklistBefore StartingEngine..............................................12
How to Start YourPowerWasher............................................12
AutomaticCoolDown System (ThermalRelief).......................14
How to Stop YourPowerWasher.............................................14
Checkand CleanInletScreen..................................................15
CheckHigh PressureHoses....................................................15
CheckSpray Gun....................................................................15
EngineOil Recommendations..................................................16
CheckOil Level............................................................17
ServiceAir Cleaner.................................................................18
InspectMufflerand SparkArrestor..........................................18
After EachUse........................................................................19
Protectingthe Pump.....................................................20
Transporting/Tippingofthe Unit..............................................20
Thank you for purchasing this power washer manufactured by GeneracPower Systems, Inc.This modelis a high performance, air-cooled, engine-driven power washer that operates between 2500 and 3100 psi dependingon which model you purchased.
The units feature custom designed wheels, axial cam pump with stainless steel pistons, automatic cool down system, quick
connect nozzles,high pressure hose, detergentsiphoning hose and chemicaltank(s) dependingon unit model.
are essentialto preventingaccidents. The operatormust read
this manual and thoroughly understand all of the instructions
and warnings before usingthe equipment.If any portion of the manualis not understood,contact the nearestAuthorizedDealer
for starting, operating and servicing procedures.The owner is
responsiblefor properandsafe use of the equipment. Thepowerwashercanoperatesafely,efficientlyandreliablyonly if
it is properlylocated,operatedand maintained. Beforeoperating, servicingor storing:
Studyall warnings in this manualand on the productcarefully.
Becomefamiliar with this manual andthe unit beforeuse.
Referto theAssemblysection of the manualfor instructionson
final assembly procedures.Followthe instructions completely.
Themanufacturercannot anticipateevery possible circumstance that might involvea hazard.The warnings in this manual,and on tags and decals affixedto the unit are,therefore,not all inclusive.
If usingaprocedure,workmethodoroperatingtechniquethat the
manufacturerdoes not specifically recommend,ensurethat it is
safe for others. Also makesure the procedure,work methodor
operatingtechnique utilized does not renderthe power washer
Save these instructionsfor future reference. If you loan this
device to someone,ALWAYSloan these instructionsAND the
Owner's Manualto the individualas well.
You can contact GeneracCustomerService by phoneat 1-888-
436-3722, or on the internet at the
important information of the unit in the following chart for future
referenceand/orservice inquiries.
Throughout this publication, and on tags and decals affixed to the power washer, DANGER,WARNING,CAUTIONand NOTE
blocks are used to alert personnelto special instructions about a particular operation that may be hazardous if performed
incorrectly or carelessly.Observethemcarefully.Theirdefinitions areas follows:
Indicatesa hazardoussituationor action which,if notavoided, will resultin death or seriousinjury.
Indicatesa hazardoussituationor actionwhich, if not avoided, couldresultin deathor seriousinjury.
Indicatesa hazardoussituationor actionwhich, if not avoided, couldresultin minoror moderateinjury.
Notescontainadditional informationimportanttoa procedure and will be found withinthe regulartextbody of thismanual.
These safety warnings cannot eliminate the hazardsthat they indicate. Common sense and strict compliancewith the special instructionswhile performingtheaction or serviceareessentialto preventingaccidents.
ToxicFumes Kickback ElectricalShock
Slippery Surface Fall Fluid injection
Explosion Operator's Manual
ModelNumber Serial Number
Flying Objects Hot Surface
,_ DANGER:CarbonmonoxideproducedduringuseCANKiLL
inminutes.NEVERuseindoors,ina vehicle,orinother shelteredareas,EVENiFdoorsandwindowsareopen.Only useOUTSIDEandfarawayfrom windows,doorsandvents.
Somechemicalsor detergents may beharmfulif inhaled
oringested,causingseverenausea, fainting, or poisoning.
Operatepower washer ONLYoutdoors.
A runningenginegivesoff carbon monoxide.
Carbonmonoxideis an odorless,colorless, poisonousgas. Breathingcarbonmonoxidecan causeheadache,fatigue, dizziness,vomiting, confusion,seizures,nausea,fainting or death.If you start experiencingany of these symptoms,
IMMEDIATELYmoveto fresh air. Seekmedicalattention.
Keep exhaustgasfrom enteringa confined areathrough windows, doors, ventilationintakes,or other openings.Warnany occupantsinside aboutthe symptoms of carbon monoxideso they know to move to fresh air if they beginto feel ill.
The use of a carbon monoxidedetector insideany occupied premisesbetweenthe powerwasher andthe occupant is
NEVERstart or run engineindoors,in a vehicle, or in an enclosedarea, EVENIFwindows anddoors are open.
Use a respiratoror maskwheneverthere is a chancethat harmful gas or vapors may beinhaled.
Readall instructions with respiratoror mask so you arecertain the respiratoror mask will providethe necessaryprotection
againstinhalingharmful gasor vapors. Ifyou beginto experienceany ofthe COsymptoms listedabove,IMMEDIATELY
moveto fresh air.
,_DANGER: spray gun people, or
electrical devices. Serious injury or deathwill result. ALWAYSpointspraygunin safedirection, squeezespraygun trigger to release highpressure,every time you stopengine. Engagetrigger lockwhen not inuse.
,_ produces cancut through skin andits underlyingtissues,leadingto serious injury,possible amputationor death.
NEVERallow CHILDRENto operatepowerwasher or playnearby. This is NOTa toy.
NEVERrepairhigh pressure hose. Replaceit.
NEVERrepairleaking connectionswith sealantof any kind. Replaceo-ring or seal.
NEVERconnecthigh pressurehoseto nozzleextension.
Keep high pressurehose connectedto pump andspray gun while system is pressurized.
NEVERsecurespray gun in openposition.
NEVERleavespraygun unattendedwhile machineis running.
NEVERusea spray gun which does not haveatrigger lock or triggerguard in placeandin working order.
ALWAYSbe certain spraygun, nozzlesand accessoriesare correctly attached.
NEVERaim at
The highpressurestream ofwater that this equipment
Spray guntraps high water pressure,EVENWHENengine is stoppedandwater is disconnected,which can cause injury.
,_WARNING: Riskofelectrocution.
'_ Contactwithpowersourcecancauseelectricshockor
NEVERspraynearpower source.
,_WARNING: Contactwith muffler area can result in serious
burns. Exhaustheat/gasescanignitecombustibles, structuresor damage fuel tank causing a fire.
DONOTtouch hot parts and AVOIDhot exhaustgases.
Allow equipmentto cool beforetouching.
Keepat leastfive (5) feet (152 cm) of clearanceon all sidesof powerwasherincluding overhead.
It is a violation of CaliforniaPublicResourceCode,Section 4442, to use or operatethe engineon anyforest-covered,
brush-covered,or grass-coveredland unlessthe exhaust systemis equippedwith aspark arrester,as definedin Section4442, maintainedin effectiveworking order.Other statesor federaljurisdictions may havesimilar laws.
Contactthe original equipmentmanufacturer,retailer,or dealerto obtaina sparkarrester designedfor the exhaustsystem installed onthis engine.
Replacementparts must bethe same and installedin the same position as the originalparts.
,_ WARNING:Fuel and its vaporsare extremelyflammable and
explosive. Fire or explosion cancausesevere burns or death.
Turnpower washerOFFand let it cool atleast two (2) minutes beforeremovingfuel cap. Loosencap slowly to relievepressurein tank.
_j_ Fill ordrainfuel tank outdoors.
DONOToverfill tank. Allow spacefor fuel expansion.
If fuel spills, wait until it evaporatesbeforestarting engine.
Keepfuel awayfrom sparks, openflames,pilot lights, heat, and other ignitionsources.
DONOTfighta cigaretteor smoke.
Ensuresparkplug, muffler,fuel cap, andair cleanerare in place.
DONOTcrank enginewith spark plug removed.
DONOTtip engineor equipment at anglewhich causesfuel to spill.
DONOTsprayflammable liquids.
Transport/repairwith fuel tank EMPTYor withfuel shutoff valve OFF.
Disconnect sparkplug wire.
Store away from furnaces, stoves,water heaters,clothes dryers, or otherappliancesthat havepilot light or otherignition source becausetheycan ignitefuel vapors.
_ll WARNING:Useofpowerwashercancreatepuddlesand
Useonly on a levelsurface.
The cleaning area should have adequate slopes and drainageto reducethe possibility of afall due to slippery
Donot useon elevatedsurfaceswhere chanceof kickback
could resultin a seriousfall.
Firmlygrasp spraygun with both handswhen using high
pressure spray to avoid injury when spray gun kicks back.
,AWARNING: Starter and otherrotatingpartscan
entangle hands,hair,clothing,or accessories.
or covers.
DONOTwearlooseclothing,jewelryoranythingthat maybecaughtinthestarterorotherrotatingparts.
_ll ARNING:Starter cordkickback(rapid retraction) can result
in bodilyinjury.Kickbackwill pull handand arm toward engine faster than you can let go. Brokenbones,fractures,
bruises,or sprains couldresult.
NEVERpull starter cord withoutfirst relievingspraygun
_. pressure.
To relievetrappedpressure, point gunin safe directionand releasepressureby pulling/actuatingtrigger on spraygun.
Whenstarting engine, pull cord slowly until resistanceis felt and then pull rapidlyto avoidkickback.
After eachstarting attempt,where enginefails to run, always
pointspray gun in safedirection, and squeezespray gun trigger
to releasehigh pressure.
Firmly grasp spraygun with both handswhen using high
pressuresprayto avoid injurywhen spraygunkicks back.
_ll ARNING:Unintentionalsparking canresult in fire or electric
Disconnectthe sparkplug wire from the spark plug and place the wire whereit cannotcontact sparkplug.
Useapprovedsparkplug tester.
DONOTcheck for spark with spark plug removed.
,,I_WARNING: The engine exhaust from this productcontains
chemicalsknownto the State ofCaliforniato causecancer,
birthdefects, or otherreproductive harm.
,,I_WARNING: This containslead and lead
knownto the State of Californiato causebirth defects or otherreproductive harm.Wash your handsafter handlingthis
product compounds,
Highpressurespraymay damage fragile itemsincluding glass.
DO NOTpoint spray gun at glasswhen using red (0°) MAX
NEVERaim spray gun at people,animals,electricaldevicesor
Impropertreatmentof powerwashercan damageit and shortenits life.
If you havequestionsaboutintendeduse,ask dealeror contact
qualifiedservice center.
NEVERoperateunits with brokenor missing parts, or without protectivehousingor covers.
DONOTmodify power washerin anyway.
Beforestartingpowerwasherincold weather,checkallparts of
the equipmentto be sure icehas notformed there.
NEVERmovemachinebypullingon hoses.Usehandleprovided
on unit.
Checkfuel system for leaksor signsof deterioration,such as
chafed or spongy hose, looseormissing clamps, or damaged tank or cap. Correctall defectsbefore operatingpowerwasher.
Thisequipmentisdesignedto be usedwith Generacauthorized parts ONLY.If equipment is used with parts that DO NOT
comply with minimum specifications, user assumes all risks and liabilities.
Engineexhaustandsomeof its constituentsareknown
to the Stateof Californiato causecancer,birth defects
,A WARNING:Risk of eye injury.Spray cansplash backor
0 Always wearsafetygoggleswhen using this equipmentor
. in vicinity of where equipmentis in use.
Beforestartingthepower washer,be sureyou are wearing adequatesafetygoggles.
NEVERsubstitute safety glassesfor safety goggles.
This productcontainsor emits chemicalsknown tothe
Stateof Californiato causecancer,birth defectsand
Readthis owner's manualand safety rules beforeoperatingyour high powerwasher.
Ifyou loanthis deviceto someone,ALWAYSloantheseinstructions ANDthe owner's manualto the individualas well. Comparethe illustrations with your high power washer to familiarize yourself with the locations of variouscontrols (Figure1). Savethismanual
for future reference.Replacementowner's manualscan beprinted from the GeneracWebsite.
A- Spray Gun- Controls the application of water onto the cleaning
surface withtrigger device. Includesatrigger lock.
B- LancewithQuickConnect- Allows you to switch betweendifferent
C- HighPressure Hose - Connectone endto waterpumpandthe other
to the spraygun.
D - Recoil Starter - Usefor starting the engine. E- Oil Fill - Checkand add engineoil.
F - Air Filter - Protects engine by filtering dust and debris out of the
G - Pump- Developshigh pressure. H - Thermal Relief Valve- Cycleswater through the pump when water
reaches125°F warm water will dischargefrom pump onto ground. This preventsinternal pump damage.
I - Engine On/Off Switch - Turnthis switch to "ON" before using the
recoil starter. Turn theswitch to "OFF"to stop the engine.
J - UnloaderValve- Controlsthe highpressureoutput.
K- High Pressure Outlet- Connectionfor high pressure hose. L - Water Inlet - Connectionfor GardenHose.
M - FuelTank- Filltankwith regularunleadedfuel. Always leaveroom
forfuel expansion.
N - Fuel On/OffSwitch - Turnsfuel supply to the engineon and off. O - Choke- Preparesacold enginefor starting.
P- Throttle Lever - Increases or decreases engine speed. Throttle
shouldbe at maximumtravel whenthe powerwasher is inuse.
Q- Nozzles - Chemical injection, 0°, 15°, 25°, 40° for various high
R- Chemical Tank- Used to hold power washer safe detergents to
be siphonedinto the low pressurestream. (some units may not be equippedwith tanks or may only have onetank).
S- Warning/OperationInstruction - Identifies proper procedure to
start!stop powerwasher.
T - Brain Plug - Used to drain engine oil.
U - Serial Number Location
IdentificationLabel (on engineblower housing)- Providesmodel and serial numberof power washer. Pleasehavethese readilyavailableif callingfor assistance.
DetergentSiphoning Tube/Filter- Use to siphon power washer safe detergentsinto the low pressurestream.
Figure1- Features& Controls
Pressure- (PSI/ BAR) 2500/172 2700/186 3100/213 FlowRate- (GPM/ LPM) 2.3/8.7 2.7/10.2
Watersupplytemperature- (°F/ C°) 100/38 Max
Hoselength- (Feet/Meters) 25/7.6 25/7.6 30/9.1 ChemicalTank(s)- Numberper unit 0 1 2
ChemicalTank- Capacity(Gallon- Liters) N/A 0.75/2.8 0.75/2.8 Nozzles- Numberperunit 3 4 5
LanceLength (Inches/ cm) 20/51 Gun Standard Deluxe
EngineDisplacement- (Cubic Inch/ cc) 11.9/196 12.9/212 SparkPlugType F7TCorequivalent
SparkPlugGap- (Inches/ mm) 0.028-0.031/0.70-0.80 FuelCapacity- (Quarts/ Liters) 3.7/3.5 OilCapacity- (Oz/ Liters) 20/0.6
Low OilShut Down System Yes On/OffSwitch Yes
The U.S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency (and California Air ResourceBoardfor equipmentcertifiedto CAstandards) requires that this engine comply with exhaust and evaporative emission standards.Locate the emissions compliance decalon the engine to determinewhat standards the enginemeets, and to determine which emissions warrantyapplies.The engineis certified to meet the applicable emission standards on gasoline.It is important to follow the maintenancespecificationsin the Maintenancesection to ensurethat the enginecomplies with the applicableemission standardsfor theduration ofthe product's life. Thisengineutilizes leancarburetionsettings and other systemsto reduceemissions. Tampering with or altering the emission control system may increaseemissionsand may be a violation of Federalor California Law.Acts that constitutetampering includebut are notlimited to:
Removalor alterationof anypart of the intake,fuel, or exhaust systems
Altering or defeatingthe governor linkage or speed-adjusting mechanismto causethe engineto operate outside its design parameters
If you are aware of any of the following symptoms, have your engineinspectedand repairedby your servicing dealer:
Hardstartingor stallingafter starting
Misfiring or backfiringunderload
Blackexhaustsmoke or highfuel consumption
Thefuel systemonthis enginemay be influencedby operationat higher altitudes.Properoperationcan be ensuredby installing an altitudekit when required.Seethetable belowto determinewhen an altitudekit is required.Operatingthis enginewithoutthe proper altitude kit installed may increase the engine's emissions and decreasefuel economy and performance. Kits may be obtained from anyDealer,and shouldbeinstalledby a qualifiedindividual.
Altitude* Kit Number PSI
0 - 5000 Feet NotRequired 2500/2700/3100
5000 - 7000 Feet 0K2015 2500/2700 5000 - 7000 Feet 0K2016 31O0
If thealtitude kit hasbeen installedandthe enginewill be operated at an altitudewherethe kit is notrequired, the
engineshould be returned tothe original factory configuration. Operatingthe engineat loweraltitudes with the kit installed
may causethe engineto overheat andresult in seriousengine damage, and may result in decreased performanceand
1. Removethe parts bag, accessories,andinserts includedwith powerwasher.
2. Opencarton completely by cutting each corner from top to bottom.
3. Ensureyou haveall includeditems priorto assembly.
- ChemicalTankCapwith hole if model is equippedwith a ChemicalTank
- Operator'sManual
- Owner'sRegistrationCard
- BagcontainingColor-codedNozzles
4. If you are missing any items from your carton, pleasecall GeneracCustomerServiceat 1-888-436-3722. Whencalling
for assistance,pleasehavethe modeland serial numberfrom the datatag available.
5. Fill out and send in registrationcard. Write Modet number, Serialnumber & dateof purchasein the table locatedin the "Whereto FindUs" section.
you haveany problemswith the assemblyof your powerwasher,
pleasecall GeneracCustomerServiceat 1-888-436-3722. When
calling for assistance, pleasehavethe model and serial number from the data tag available.
1. Place handle (A) onto handle supports (B). Push in latch buttonsand allow handleto slide intoposition(C).Buttonwill lock handleintoplace (Figure2).
it may benecessaryto move the handlesupportsfrom sideto sidein order to alignthe handle so it will slideover the handle supports.
2. Installhose hook (Figure3).
Figure3 - Install HoseHook
3. Insert color-colored nozzles in spaces provided in handle (Figure4).
4. Placespraygun andnozzleextensionintospraygun holderas
shown (Figure4).
5. Coilhigh pressurehose andhang on hook.
Figure4 - InsertNozzles
Figure 2- Attach Handle
Attachsiphontube to location A (Figure5).
Figure 5 - Siphon TubeLocation
Fuelmust meettheserequirements:
* Clean,fresh, unleadedgasoline. * A minimum of 87 octane/87AKI (91 RON).
* Gasolinewith up to 10% ethanol(gasohol)is acceptable.
Avoid powerwasherdamage. Failureto follow Operator's Manualfor fuel recommendationsvoidswarranty.
* DONOTuse unapprovedgasolinesuch asE85. * DONOTmix oil ingasoline.
* DONOTmodify engineto runonalternatefuels.
Toprotectthefuel systemfrom gelling,mix in afuelstabilizerwhen addingfuel. SeeStorage.All fuel isnotthe same.If youexperience starting or performance problems after using fuel, switch to a differentfuel provideror changebrands.
1. Placepowerwasher on a flat, level surface.
2. Clean area around oil fill and remove orange oil fill cap/ dipstick.
3. Usingoilfunnel(optional),slowly pouroil intofill opening.See Maintenancesectionfor oil type recommendation.
Onsomeunits there is morethan one oil fill location,inthese instancesitis only necessaryto use one of theoil fill points.
4. Checkperiodicallyuntil the oil levelis between"L" and "H"on thedipstick (Figure6). DONOTOVERFILL.
Figure6 - Dipstick
Acceptable Oil
Level Range
and explosive.Fire or explosion cancause
Fueland itsvaporsare extremelyflammable
severe burns or death.
* Turnpower washer OFFand let it cool at least two (2) minutes
beforeremovingfuel cap. Loosen capslowly to relievepressurein
* Fillfuel tankoutdoors. * DONOToverfill tank.Allow spacefor fuel expansion.
* Iffuel spills,wait until it evaporatesbeforestarting engine. * Keepfuel away from sparks, open flames, pilot lights, heat, and
other ignitionsources.
* DONOTlight a cigaretteor smoke.
1. Clean area around fuel fill cap, remove cap.
2. Slowly add regular unleaded fuel to fuel tank. Be careful not to overfill. Fill to bottom of filter screen, this will allow for fuel
expansion (Figure 7).
3. Install fuel cap and let any spilled fuel evaporate before starting engine.
Figure 7- Adding Fuel
Anyattempt to crankor start the engine before ithas been properlyserviced with the recommendoil mayresultin engine
5. Replaceoil fill cap/dipstickandfully tighten.
DONOTrunthe pumpwithoutthe water supplyconnected andturnedon. Damageto equipmentresultingfrom failureto
followthisinstructionwill voidwarranty.
Removeand discardthe shippingcap from the pump'swater inletbefore attachinghose.
1. Runwater through your gardenhose for 30 secondsto clean outany debris.
2. Before connecting garden hose to water inlet, inspect inlet screen (A) (Figure8). Clean screen if it contains debris or
haveit replacedif damaged.DONOTrun powerwasherif inlet screenis damaged.
IMPORTANT:DONOTsiphonstandingwaterfor the watersupply. Use ONLYcold water (less than 100°F). Water supply must be
adequateto handlegreaterthan 3.8 gallons perminuteandno less
than 30 psi.
Using a OneWayValve(vacuum breaker or checkvalve) at pumpinletcancause pumpor inlet connectordamage.
ThereMUST be at least ten feet of unrestricted garden hose
betweenthe power washer inlet and any device, such as a
vacuum breakeror checkvalve.
Damage to equipment resulting from failure to follow this
instructionwill voidwarranty.
Figure9 - ConnectGardenHose
Riskof eyeinjury.Spray cansplashback or propel
..>d_ objects.
Always wear safety goggles when using this equipment or in vicinity of equipment in use.
Before starting the power washer, be sure you are wearing adequatesafety goggles.
NEVERsubstitutesafety glassesfor safety goggles.
Connect lance to spray gun (Figure 10). Tighten by hand.
Figure10 - Attach Lance
Figure 8 - Inspect Inlet Screen
3. Connectthe gardenhose (not to exceed50 feet in length)to the water inlet (Figure9). Tightenby hand.
Attachendof high pressurehoseto baseof spray gun (Figure
11).Tightenby hand.
figure11 - Connect Hose toSpray Gun
producescancutthroughskinand its underlying
The highpressurestreamof waterthat this equipment tissues,leadingto seriousinjuryand possible
Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygunwhile systemispressurized.
Alwaysbe certain spray gun, nozzlesand accessoriesare correctlyattached.
6. Connect high pressure hose to pump (uncoil hose before connecting to pump or spray gun) (Figure12). Tighten by hand.
The quick-connect on the nozzle lance allows you to switch between differentnozzles. Nozzlescan be changedwhile power washer is runningonce spray gun trigger is lockedin the safety position. The nozzles vary the pressure and spray pattern as
Formosteffectivecleaning,keepnozzlefrom 8 to 24inches(20 to 61 cm) awayfrom cleaningsurface.
If you get nozzletoo close, especiallyusing a high pressure nozzle,you may damagesurfacebeingcleaned.
,_The hosecanbe damagedif it comesin contactwith a
hot engineor muffler.
Figure12 - ConnectHighPressureHoseto Pump
Turn ON the water, squeezethe trigger to purgethe pump systemof air (Figure13).
Figure 13-Squeeze Trigger
producescancutthrough skinand its underlying
The highpressurestreamof waterthat this equipment tissues,leadingto serious injury and possible
NEVERexchangenozzleswithoutthetriggerlockbeingengagedon thespraygun.
Followtheseinstructionsto changenozzles:
1. Pull back collar on quick-connect and pull current nozzles off. Storenozzlesin holderprovidedonthe accessory storage
Figure 14- Nozzles
Pull back on collar, insert new nozzleand releasecollar.Tug on nozzleto makesure it is securelyin place.
Fordelicaterinse (lowerpressureandhigherflow), for gentle cleaningof cars/trucks, boats, RV's, patio furniture, lawn equipment,etc.,selectwhitenozzle(Figure15).
Figure 15 - Wash Pressure Nozzle (White)
Forgeneralrinsing (medium pressureandmedium flow), idealfor mostall purposecleaningsuch as homesiding, brickpatios,wood decks, driveways and sidewalks,garagefloors, etc., select green nozzle(Figure16).
Figure 16 - Clean Pressure Nozzle (Green)
,, Whenapplying detergent,use only the black nozzle (Figure19).
Onlyuse powerwasher safe detergents/soapsto helpbreakdown stubborn dirt andgrime on avariety of surfaces.
Figure lg - Detergent Nozzle (Black)
For medium rinsing (higher pressure and medium flow), ideal
for removing stains on hard porous surfaces such as concrete
dirveways, garage floors and brick patios, select yellow nozzle (Figure17).
Figure 17- Strip Pressure Nozzle (Yellow)
For maximum rinsing (higher pressure and lower flow), for
stubborn or hardto reach surface such assecond story surfaces, paintremoval,oil stains,rustremovalor otherstubbornsubstances (tar, gum,grease,wax, etc.), select red nozzle(Figure18).
,_This tip (RedNozzle) candamage worksurfaceif it is
too closeor held in one positionfor an extendedtime.
,_ Chemicals cancause bodilyinjury,and/orproperty
Use ONLYpower washer safe detergents/soaps.Follow all manufacturer'sinstructions.
Toapply detergent,followthese steps:
1. Reviewuse of nozzles.
2. Opencontainercap (if so equipped,Figure20).
3. Preparedetergentsolutionas requiredby job.
Figure 20 - Chemical Tank & Cover
Figure 18- Blast Pressure Nozzle (Red)
4. Dependingon model, insert filter on end of siphoning tube throughthe hole in theloose cap (supplied)(Figure21).
5. Installcap andsiphoningtube ontotank.
6. Make sure siphoning tube remains fully submerged into detergent.
Figure 21 -/nsta//Siphoning Tube
Makesurethe filter remainsfully submergedin detergent while applying detergent.
Contactwith the hotmuffler candamagedetergentsiphoning tube.
Wheninsertingthesiphonintoadetergentsolutionbottle,routethe tubeso asto keepitfrominadvertentlycontactingthe hotmuffler.
Makesure blackdetergentnozzleis installed.
Detergentcannotbe appliedwiththe highpressurenozzle (Yellow,White,Greenor Bed). Only usethe Black nozzlewith
8. Confirmset-up instructions havebeenfollowed.
Youmustattachall hosesbefore youstart the engine.
= Startingtheenginewithoutallthehosesconnectedandwithoutthe
waterturnedONwilldamagethe pump.
9. Start enginefollowing instructions Howto Start Your Power Washer.
10. Apply detergentto a dry surface, starting at lower portion of area to be washed and work upward using long, even, overlappingstrokes.
11. Allow detergentto "soak in" for 3-5 minutes before washing and rinsing. Reapply as needed to prevent surface from drying. DO NOT allow detergent to dry on surface being cleaned(preventsstreaking).
IMPORTANT:Youmustflush the detergentsiphoningsystem after eachuse byplacing thefilter into a bucketof cleanwater,then run
the powerwasher in low pressurefor 1-2 minutes.
1. Removeblackdetergentnozzlefrom lance.
2. Select and install desired high pressure nozzle following instructions Howto UseNozzles.
3. Point spray gun in safe direction and away from people, animals and plants. Squeezetrigger to flush any remaining chemicalfrom system.
4. Keepspraygun a safe distancefrom areayou planto spray.
"_ Im_,_ Kickback fromspraygun cancauseyouto fall. Useonlyonalevelsurface.
Donotuseonelevatedsurfaceto preventthe risk ofa seriousfall.
Beextremelycarefulif youmustusethepowerwasherfrom a ladder,scaffolding,or anyothersimilarlocation.
Firmlygraspspraygunwithbothhandswhenusinghighpressure sprayto avoidinjurywhenspraygunkicksback.
5. Apply a highpressurespray to a small area andthen check surfacefor damage.If no damageis found, you can assume it is okay to continuerinsing.
6. Start at top of areato be rinsed, working down with same overlappingstrokesas you usedfor cleaning.
If you used the detergentsiphoningtube, you must flush it with cleanwater beforestoppingthe engine.
1. Placedetergentsiphoning tube/filter in a bucketfull of clean water.
2. Removehigh pressurenozzlefrom nozzleextension.
3. Selectandinstall blackdetergentnozzlefollowing instructions How to Use Nozzles.
4. Flushfor 1-2 minutes.
5. Shut off engine following instructions How to Stop Power Washerand turn off water supply.
6. ALWAYSpoint spray gun in a safedirection, squeezespray gun trigger to release retainedhigh water pressure. Engage triggerlock when not inuse.
IMPORTANT: Spray gun traps high water pressure, evenwhen engineis stoppedandwater is disconnected.
producescancutthroughskinand its underlying
The highpressurestreamof waterthat this equipment tissues,leadingto seriousinjuryand possible
amputation.Spray guntrapshighwaterpressure,even whenengine isstoppedandwater is disconnected,
whichcan causeinjury.
Keephighpressurehoseconnectedto pumpandspraygunwhile systemispressurized.
ALWAYSpointspraygun in safe direction,andsqueezespray guntriggerto releasehighpressure,everytimeyou stopengine. Engagetriggerlockwhennotin use.
If you haveanyproblemsoperatingyour powerwasher,pleasecall Generaccustomerservice at 1-888-436-3722.
ClearancesandAir Movement
Runningenginegivesoff carbonmonoxide,an
odorless, colorless,poisonousgas. Breathing carbon
monoxidecancauseheadache,fatigue, dizziness, vomiting,confusion, seizures,nausea,fainting or
death. Formore information,referencethe CO warnings in the SafetyRules section.
Placepower washer outdoors in an areathat will not accumulate deadly exhaust gas. NEVERplace power washer where exhaust gas could accumulate and enter inside or be drawn into a potentially occupied building. Ensureexhaust gas is kept away from any windows, doors, ventilation intakes, or other openings that canallow exhaustgasto collect in a confinedarea. Prevailing
winds and air currents should betaken into considerationwhen positioningpowerwasher (Figure22).
Keepexhaustgasfromenteringaconfinedareathroughwindows, doors,ventilationintakes,orotheropenings.
NEVERstartor runengineindoors,in avehicleorinan enclosed area,EVENIFwindowsanddoorsareopen.
1. Be sure to read and understandthe OperatorSafety section and Operationsectionbeforeusing powerwasher.
2. Checkthatoil is atthe properlevelintheenginecrankcaseand thatfuel has been addedto the fuel tank.
3. Reviewthe unit's assembly and ensure fitting are properly securedandmakesurethere areno kinks,cuts, or damageto high pressurehose.
4. Provide a proper water supply at an adequateflow, clear screensof debris,andconfirmthatthe system ispurgedof air.
5. Confirm unit is secureon levelground and surroundingwork areais clear.
DONOTrun the pumpwithout the watersupplyconnected andturned on. Damage to equipmentresultingfrom failure to follow this instructionwill voidwarranty.
1. Movethefuel valve leverto theONposition (Figure23).
Figure 23 - Fuel Valve
_ Exhaustheat/gasescanignitecombustibles,
Keepatleast 5ft. (152cm) clearanceon allsidesof power washer includingoverhead.
structuresor damage fuel tankcausinga fire.
Figure22 - Building Clearances
5 Foot Minimum
2. Move chokeleverto "CLOSE"position (Figure24).
For a warm engine,be surethe chokeleveris inthe "OPEN"
Figure 24 - Choke Lever
Move throttle control lever to "HIGH" position, shown on engineasa rabbit (Figure25).
Figure 25 - Thrott/e Contro/
High Low
Turnthe engineswitch to the "ON"position (Figure26).
Figure26 - TheONPosition
Figure27- Starting the Engine
Starter Handle
Starter cordkickback(rapid retraction)canresultin
,_. bodilyinjury.Kickbackwill pullhandand arm toward
engine faster thanyoucanlet go.Brokenbones,
fractures,bruises,or sprainscouldresult.
* NEVERpullstartercordwithoutfirstrelievingspraygunpressure. * Whenstartingengine,pullcord slowlyuntilresistanceis felt and
thenpullrapidlyto avoidkickback.
* Aftereachstartingattempt,whereenginefailsto run,alwayspoint
sprayguninsafedirectionandsqueezesprayguntriggertorelease highpressure.
* Firmlygraspspraygunwithbothhandswhenusinghighpressure
sprayto avoidinjurywhenspraygunkicksback.
7. Returnstartergrip handleslowly.DONOTletrope"snapback" againststarter.
8. When engine starts, slowly move choke lever to "OPEN" position asenginewarms. Ifenginefalters, move chokelever to "CLOSE"position,thento "OPEN"position (Figure28).
IMPORTANT:Beforestarting the powerwasher, be sure you are wearingadequatesafetygoggles.
Riskof eye injury.Spray cansplashbackorpropel objects.
* Alwayswearsafetygoggleswhenusingthis equipmentor in
vicinityof equipmentin use.
* Beforestartingthe powerwasher,be sure you are wearing
* NEVERsubstitutesafetyglassesforsafetygoggles.
Placefoot onfootpador otherwise secureunitfrom movement whenpulling recoil.
When starting the engine,grasp starter grip handle (Figure
27) and pull slowly until you feel some resistance.Then pull rapidlyto start engine.
Figure28 - Choke Lever
9. After eachstarting attempt,where enginefails to run, always point gun insafe direction,and squeezespray gun triggerto releasehigh pressure.
10. If enginefails to start after six pulls, move choke leverto "OPEN"position,and repeatsteps 6 through 10.
producescancutthroughskinand its underlying
The highpressurestreamof waterthat this equipment tissues,leadingto seriousinjuryand possible
amputation.Spray guntrapshighwaterpressure,even whenengineis stoppedandwater is disconnected,
whichcan causeinjury.
DONOTallow CHILDRENto operatepowerwasher or play nearby.
Keephigh pressure hose connectedto pumpand spray gunwhile systemis pressurized.
NEVERaim spray gun at people, animals or electrical devices. Seriousinjury will result.
DONOTsecure spray gunin openposition.
DONOTleavespray gun unattendedwhile machine is running.
NEVERuse a spray gun which does not have a trigger lock or
trigger guard in placeandin working order.
Always be certain spray gun, nozzles and accessories are correctly attached.
Contactwith muffler area canresultin seriousburns.Exhaustheat/gasescanignite
combustibles,structuresor damage fuel tank
causinga fire.
Keepatleast5feet(152cm)of clearanceonallsidesof power washerincludingoverhead.
Itisaviolationof CaliforniaPublicResourceCode,Section4442,
orgrass-coveredlandunlesstheexhaustsystemisequippedwith asparkarrester,asdefinedinSection4442,maintainedineffective workingorder.Otherstatesor federaljurisdictionsmay have
Replacementpartsmustbethe sameandinstalledinthesame positionastheoriginalparts.
If you run the engine on your power washer for 3-5 minutes without pressing the trigger on the spray gun, circulating water in the pump can reach temperatures above 125°E The system engages to cool the pump by discharging the warm water onto the ground.
1. Release spray gun trigger.
2. Move throttle control lever on engine to "LOW" (turtle) position (Figure 29).
3. Turn the engine ON/OFF switch to the "OFF" position.
4. ALWAYS point spray gun in a safe direction, and squeeze spray gun trigger to release retained high water pressure.
Engage trigger lock when not in use.
5. Turn OFFwater supply.
Figure 2g- Throttle Position
High Low
IMPORTANT:Spray gun traps high water pressure, evenwhen
engineis stopped andwater is disconnected.
producescancut through skinandits underlying
Thehighpressurestream of water that this equipment tissues, leadingto seriousinjuryand possible
amputation.Spray gun traps highwaterpressure,even
when engineis stoppedand water isdisconnected, which cancauseinjury.
Keephigh pressurehose connectedto pump andspray gunwhile system is pressurized.
ALWAYSpoint spray gun in safe direction, squeeze spray gun trigger to release high pressure, every time you stop engine.
Engagetriggerlock when not in use.
Regular maintenance wilt improve the performance and extend
the life of the power washer. See any qualified dealer for service. The power washer's warranty does not cover items that have been
subjected to operator abuse or negligence. To receive full value
from the warranty, the operator must maintain the power washer
as instructed in this manual, including proper storage as detailed in Winter Storage and Long Term Storage.
Shouldyouhavequestions aboutreplacingcomponents on yourpowerwasher,pleasecall 1-888-435-3722 for
Someadjustments will needto be made periodicallyto properly maintainyour power washer.
All service andadjustmentsshould be made at least once each
season. Follow the requirementsin the MaintenanceSchedule chart.
Oncea yearyoushouldcleanor replacethe sparkplug,clean or replacethe air filter, and checkthe spraygun and nozzle
extensionassembly for wear. Anew sparkplugand cleanair
filter assure properfuel-air mixture andhelp yourenginerun
better and lastlonger.
Follow the hourly or calendar intervals, whichever occurs first. More frequent service is required when operating in adverse
Check!cleanwaterinletscreen* Checkhighpressurehose Checkdetergentsiphoninghose/filter Checkspraygunandassemblyforleaks
Cleandebris Checkengineoil level
Check/cleanaircleanerfilter** Inspectmufflerandspark arrester*
* Cleanif clogged.Replace ifperforated or torn. ** Service more often under dirty or dusty conditions.
DONOTattemptany oil maintenanceonthis pump. The pump is pre-lubricatedandsealedfrom the factory, requiringnoadditional
maintenancefor the life of the pump.
impropertreatment of powerwasher candamageit and shortenits life.
DONOTinsertanyobjectsthroughcooling slots.
Usea soft bristlebrushto loosencakedon dirt, oil,etc.
Usea vacuumcleanerto pickuploosedirt anddebris.
Examinethe screenonthe pump'swater inlet.Cleanit if the screen is clogged or replaceit if screenis damaged.
Thehighpressurehosescan developleaksfrom wear,kinking, or abuse.Inspectthe hoses eachtime beforeusing them.Check for cuts, leaks,abrasionsor bulgingof cover,damageor movement of couplings. If any of these conditions exist, replacethe hose immediately.
producescancut throughskinand its underlying
Thehighpressurestreamof waterthat thisequipment tissues,leadingto seriousinjuryand possible
NEVERrepair highpressurehose. Replaceit.
Replacement hose rating MUST meet or exceed maximum
pressureratingof unit.
Examinethe filter on the detergenttube and cleanif clogged.The
tube shouldfit tightly on the barbedfitting. Examinethe tube for
leaksor tears. Replacethefilter or tube if eitheris damaged.
Maintenance,replacement,or repair of the emissionscontrol devicesandsystemsmay be performedbyanynon-roadengine repair establishmentor individual. However, to obtain "no
charge" emissions control service, the work must beperformed by a factory authorizeddealer.Seethe EmissionsWarranty.
Daily or before use, clean accumulated debris from cleaning system. Keep linkage, spring and controls clean. Keep area around and behind muffler free from any combustible debris. Inspectcoolingair slots andopeningsonthe powerwasher.These openingsmust be kept cleanandunobstructed.
Power washer parts should be kept clean to reducethe risk of overheatingand ignitionof accumulateddebris.
Use a dampcloth to wipe exteriorsurfacesclean.
Examinethe hoseconnectionto the spraygun and makesureit is secure.Testthe trigger by pressingthe trigger,it "springs back"
into place when you releaseit. Replacespraygun immediatelyif itfails to "spring back".
A pulsing sensationfelt while squeezingthe spray gun trigger may be causedby excessivepump pressure.Theprincipal cause of excessive pump pressure is a nozzle clogged or restricted with foreign materials, such as dirt, etc. To correct the problem, immediatelycleanthe nozzlefollowing these instructions:
1. Shutoff engineandturn off water supply.
2. ALWAYSpoint spray gun in a safe direction, squeezespray guntriggerto releaseretainedhigh water pressure.
producescancutthroughskinand its underlying
The highpressurestreamof waterthat this equipment tissues,leadingto seriousinjuryand possible
amputation.Spray guntrapshighwaterpressure,even whenengineisstoppedandwater is disconnected,
whichcan causeinjury.
* Keephighpressurehoseconnectedtopumpandspraygunwhile
* ALWAYSpointsprayguninsafedirection,andsqueezespraygun
triggertoreleasehighpressureeverytimeyoustopengine.Engage triggerlockwhennotinuse.
3. Removenozzlefrom endof nozzleextension.
4. Usea small paperclip to freeanyforeignmaterialcloggingor restricting nozzle(Figure30).
'_/f Unintentional sparkingcanresultin fire or
* Disconnectthesparkplugwirefromthe sparkplugandplacethe
wirewhereit cannotcontactsparkplug.
* Useapprovedsparkplugtester. * DONOTcheckfor sparkwithsparkplugremoved.
electric shock.
Figure30 - Free ForeignMaterial
5. Removelancefrom spray gun.
6. Using a garden hose, remove additional debris by back flushing waterthrough lance (Figure31). Backflush between
30 to 60seconds.
7. Reinstallnozzleinto lance.
8. Reconnectlanceto spray gun.
Figure31 - Back FlushLance
Werecommendthe use of high=qualitydetergentoils acceptableif classifiedfor service SF,SG,SH,SJor higher.DO NOTusespecial additives.
Outdoortemperatures determinethe proper oil viscosity for the engine.Usethe chart to select the best viscosity for the outdoor
lm| zmm
°F =20 =10 0 10 20 32 40 60
oc/o -2'o -1'o 6 lo 2'o
Temperature Range of Expected Use
* Below 50°F (10°C) the use of SAE 30 will result in hard starting. ** Above 80°F (27°C) the use of 10W30 may cause increased oil consumption.
Checkoil levelmore frequently.
Synthetic oil meeting &SAC GF-2,API certificationmark and API servicesymbolwith "SJ/CFENERGYCONSERVING" or higher,is an acceptable oil at all temperatures.Use of syntheticoil doesnotalter requiredoil changeintervals.
9. Make sure gardenhose is connectedto pump water inlet. Checkthat high pressurehose is connectedto spray gun and
pump. Turnon water.
10. Start enginefollowing instructions How to StartYour Power Washer.
11. Test power washer by operating with each quick connect nozzle.
Theengine is equipped withan "OilAlert System". This systemwill automatically stopthe engine beforethe oil level
fails below a safe limit.Toavoidtheinconvenienceof an unexpectedshutdown,always checkthe engine oil levelbefore
Oil level should be checkedprior to each use or at least every 8 hoursof operation.Keepoil levelmaintained.
1. Makesure powerwasher is on alevelsurface.
2. Cleanareaaroundoil fill and wipedipstickcleanremoveoil fill cap (Figure32).
3. Verifyoil is atthe properlevelonthe dipstick.
4. Insertthe dipstick intofiller neck butdo not screw it in.
5. Replaceandtighten oil fill cap.
Figure32- Fill EngineOil
1. Makesure powerwasher is on aflat, levelsurface.
2. Checkoil levelasdescribedin CheckingOil Level.
3. If needed,slowly pour oil into oil fill openinguntilthe proper levelonthe dipstick is reached.
4. Insertthe dipstick intofiller neck butdo not screw it in.
5. If levelis low,fill untiltheoillevelisbetween"L"and "H"onthe dipstick (Figure33).
6. Replaceandtighten oil fill cap.
If you are usingyour power washer underextremelydirty or dusty conditions,or in extremelyhot weather,changethe oil moreoften.
,_ Avoidprolongedor repeatedskin contactwith used
Usedmotoroil hasbeenshownto causeskincancerin certain laboratoryanimals.
Don't pollute. Conserveresources.Return used oil to collectioncenters.
Changeoil while engineis still warmfrom running,asfollows:
1. Makesure unit is on a levelsurface.
2. Disconnectthe sparkplug wirefrom the spark plugand place thewire whereit cannot contactspark plug.
3. Cleanareaaround oil drain plug (A)(Figure34). The oil drain plug is locatedat baseof engine,oppositecarburetor.
4. Removeoil fill cap (Figure32).
5. Removeoil drainplug anddrain oil completelyinto a suitable container.
6. Reinstalloil drain plug andtighten securely.
7. Slowly pour oil (about20 oz.) into oilfill openingto the proper levelonthe dipstick. DONOToverfill.
8. Reinstalloil fill cap. Fingertightencap securely.
9. Wipeup any spilledoil.
10. Properly dispose of oil in an accordance with all local regulations.
Figure 34 - Oil Drain Plug
Figure33 - Dipstick
i_' Level Range
Acceptable Oil
Yourenginewill notrun properlyandmay be damagedif you run it with a dirty air cleaner.Servicemoreoftenif operatingunderdirty
or dustyconditions. Toservicethe air cleaner,follow these steps:
1. Pull on air cleanercover latch and removecover (Figure35).
2. Loosenwing nut.
3. Carefullyremovefilter assembly.
4. Removefoamfilter.
5. Toclean cartridge,gentlytap on aflat surface.
6. Reinstallfoamfilter.
7. Reinstallclean or new cartridgeassembly.
8. Reinstallwing nutandtighten.
9. Installcover by snappinglatchclosed.
Figure 35 - Service the Air Cleaner
Figure 36- Change the Spark Plug
_o_ m0.028-0.031
Inspect the muffler for cracks, corrosion, or other damage. Removethespark arrester,if equipped,andinspectfor damageor
carbonblockage. If replacementparts arerequired,makesureto useonly originalequipmentreplacementparts.
_-__- -__/Air Cleaner
Paper Filter Element
£--__ oamFilter
Changingthe spark plug will helpyour engineto start easier and run better.
1. Cleanareaaroundspark plug.
2. Removeandinspect sparkplug (Figure36).
3. Check electrode gap with wire feeler gauge and reset spark plug gap to recommended gap if necessary (see
4. Replace spark plug if electrodes are pitted, burned or porcelain is cracked. Use the recommended replacement plug. SeeSpecifications.
5. Installspark plugand tightenfirmly.
Tools Required: 8mm BoxWrench
1. Removeheatshieldfrom the muffler by looseningthe four (4) Bolts (A) (Figure37).
2. Removethe spark arresterfrom the muffler by Ioosningthe
two (2) Bolts (B) (Figure38).
3. Inspect the spark arrester, replace if torn, perforated or otherwisedamaged (part number0K1851). DO NOTUSEA
4. If screen is not damaged,clean it with a commercial solvent and replace.
Figure 37 - Remove Heat Shield
Figure 38 - Remove Spark Arrester
:_ f_, Contact with muffler area can result in seriousburns. Exhaustheat/gasescan ignite
combustibles,structures or damagefuel tank causinga fire.
* DONOTtouch hot parts and AVOIDhot exhaustgases. * Allow equipmentto cool beforetouching.
* Keepat least 5 feet (152 cm) of clearance on all sides of power
* It is a violation of CaliforniaPublic ResourceCode,Section 4442,
to useor operatethe engineon anyforest-covered,brush-covered,
or grass-coveredland unlessthe exhaustsystemis equippedwith aspark arrester,asdefinedin Section4442, maintainedin effective workingorder.Otherstatesorfederaljurisdictions mayhavesimilar
laws. Contactthe original equipmentmanufacturer,retailer,or dealerto
obtain a spark arrester designedfor the exhaustsystem installed on this engine.
* Replacementparts must be the same and installed in the same
positionas the originalparts.
Water should not remain in the unit for long periods of time. Sedimentsormineralscan depositon pumpparts andfreezepump action. Followthese proceduresafter every use:
1. Shut off engine,turn off water supply, point gun in a safe direction,andsqueezetriggerto relievetrappedpressure,and let enginecool.
ALWAYSpointspraygun in safe directionand squeezespray guntrigger,to releasehighpressure,everytimeyoustopengine. Engagetriggerlockwhennotin use.
Disconnecthosesfrom spray gunandhighpressureoutleton pump. Drainwater from hoses,spray gun, and lance. Usea ragto wipeoff the hose.
Emptypump of all pumpedliquids. Checkthatthe engineON/ OFFswitch andfuel valvearein theOFFposition.Thenpullthe recoil handleabout six times. Thisshould removemost liquid in pump.
Storeunit in a clean,dry area.
If storing for morethan 30 days, see the LongTerm Storage section.
Fueland itsvaporsare extremelyflammable and explosive. Fireor explosioncan cause
severeburnsor death.
* Storeawayfromfurnaces,stoves,waterheaters,clothesdryers,
or otherappliancesthathavepilotlightor otherignitionsource becausetheycanignitefuelvapors.
Youmustprotectyourunitfrom freezing temperatures.
, Failureto do sowill permanentlydamageyourpumpandrender
* Freezedamageisnotcoveredunderwarranty.
Toprotectthe unit from freezingtemperatures:
1. Followsteps1-3 inthe previoussectionAfter Each Use.
2. Usepumpsaverto treatpump. This minimizesfreezedamage and lubricatespistons and seals.
3. If pump saver is not available, connect a 3-foot section of garden hose to water inlet adapter. Pour RV-antifreeze
(antifreezewithoutalcohol) intohose.Pullrecoilhandletwice.
Disconnect3-foot hose.
4. Storeunit in a clean,dry area.
producescancutthroughskinand its underlying
The highpressurestreamof waterthat this equipment tissues,leadingto seriousinjuryand possible
amputation.Spray guntrapshighwaterpressure,even whenengineisstoppedandwater is disconnected, whichcan causeinjury.
* Keephighpressurehoseconnectedtopumpandspraygunwhile
If you do not planto usethe power washerfor more than30 days, you must preparethe engineandpump for longterm storage.
Fuelcan becomestalewhenstoredover30 days.Stalefuelcauses acid and gum depositsto form in the fuel system or on essential carburetorparts. To keepfuel fresh, usea fuel stabilizer,available as a liquid additiveor adrip concentratecartridge.
Thereis no needto draingasolinefrom theengineif afuel stabilizer is addedaccordingto instructions. Runthe enginefor 2minutesto circulatethe stabilizerthroughoutthe fuel system. The engineand fuelcan then be storedup to 24 months.
If gasolinein the enginehasnot beentreatedwith a fuel stabilizer, it must be drainedinto anapprovedcontainer.Runthe engineuntil it stops from lack of fuel.Theuse of afuel stabilizerin the storage
containeris recommendedto maintainfreshness.
1. Changeengineoil.
2. Removespark plug.
3. Pour a tablespoon (5-10cc) of clean engine oil into the cylinder.
4. Pull the starter rope severaltimes to distributethe oil in the cylinder.
5. Reinstallthe spark plug.
6. Pull the starter rope slowly until resistanceis felt. This will closethe valves so moisture cannotenterthe enginecylinder. Returnthe starter ropegently.
While engine is still warm, drain oil from crankcase. Refill with recommended grade. See Changing Engine Oil in Engine
Toprotect the pump from damagecaused by mineraldepositsor freezing,use PumpSaveror RV-antifreezeto treat the pump.This preventsfreezedamageand lubricatespistons and seals.
* Failureto doso will permanentlydamageyour pumpandrender
your unit inoperable.
* Freezedamageis not coveredunderwarranty.
Toprotectthe unit from freezingtemperatures:
1. Followsteps1-3 inthe previoussectionAfter Each Use.
2. Usepumpsaverto treatpump. This minimizesfreezedamage and lubricatespistons and seals.
3. If pump saver is not available, connect a 3-foot section of garden hose to water inlet adapter. Pour RV-antifreeze
(antifreezewithoutalcohol) intohose.Pullrecoilhandletwice.
Disconnect3-foot hose.
4. Storeunit in a clean,dry area.
1. DONOTstore fuel from one seasonto anotherunless it has beentreated asdescribedin ProtectFuelSystem.
2. Replacefuel containerif it startsto rust. Rustand/ordirt infuel can causeproblemsif it's usedwith this unit.
3. Coverunitwith asuitableprotectivecoverthat does notretain moisture.
Storage coverscan beflammable.
*DONOTplaceastoragecoveroverahotpowerwasher. *Let equipmentcool for a sufficienttime beforeplacingthe
Storeunit in a cleananddry area.
Do not operate,storeor transport the unitat an anglegreaterthan 15 degrees.
,_Hot oil may causeburns.Allow engineto coolbefore
draining oil. Avoid prolongedor repeatedskin exposure with usedoil. Thoroughlywash exposedareaswith soap.
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