Genelec 1038AC
Tri-amplified Monitoring System
Data sheet

1038AC Tri-amplified Active Monitoring System
Video/Film Post ProductionVideo/Film Post Production
Video/Film Post Production
Video/Film Post ProductionVideo/Film Post Production
DVD MasteringDVD Mastering
DVD Mastering
DVD MasteringDVD Mastering
Broadcast MonitoringBroadcast Monitoring
Broadcast Monitoring
Broadcast MonitoringBroadcast Monitoring
Project StudiosProject Studios
Project Studios
Project StudiosProject Studios
The Genelec 1038AC is a dedi-
cated center channel speaker for
three channel (LCR) and Surround
systems. Its slim and compact
cabinet has been designed for
optimum placement in the limited
space above, below or in verical
orientation, on either side of a
video monitor or screen.
As its name suggests, the
Genelec 1038AC is best suited
for use as a center channel
speaker with a pair of standard
Genelec 1038A active monitors.
The 1038AC employs the same
mid and treble drivers and Directivity Control Waveguide as a
standard 1038A and the amplifier
unit is also the same to ensure
complete tonal compatibility.
Genelec 1038AC is a three-way
active monitoring system including magnetically shielded
loudspeaker drivers, speaker
enclosure, multiple power amplifiers and active, low signal level
crossovers. Although designed
for film and video post-production and medium sized control
rooms this system is also ideal
for project studios and broadcast
monitoring. DVD mastering is
also well tailored for where broad
bandwidth, high SPL's and extended low frequency response
are essential.
ommended to be flush mounted
into the control room wall, but it
can also be used as a free-standing monitor.
The unique Directivity Control
Waveguide (DCW) Technology
provides excellent stereo imaging
and frequency balance even in
difficult acoustic environments.
The fast acting, low distortion
amplifiers are capable of driving
the stereo system to peak output
levels in excess of 124 dB SPL at
2 m with program signals. Versatile crossover controls allow for
precise matching of the speaker
system to different acoustic
conditions. The system can be
used both in vertical and horizontal orientations by simply rotating
the DCW unit.
Block diagram showing active
crossover filters, power amplifiers
and driver units.
The separate amplifier unit is built
into a rack mount chassis for
easy fitting into a standard 19"
equipment rack. A 10 meter
connecting cable set to go between the amplifier and speaker
is standard. The 1038AC is rec-
Three channel amplifier is housed
in a rack adapter chassis
Horizontal mounting and rear view of the
Vertical mounting