The following hardware should be
included with this rack adapter kit:
• 1 pcs. Rack mount chassis unit
with cable and con nec tors in place
• 1 pcs. Speaker cable adapter
The bolts and nuts for at tach ing the
rack adapter into an equipment rack are
not in clud ed in this kit.
Cables to go between the amplifier and
speaker are not in clud ed in this kit. To
com plete the installation, one of the fol-
low ing cable kit is needed:
the speaker cab i net by loos en ing the
fig 1 above) to the am pli fi er board.
The rack adapter can now be mounted
tilated free space of at least 1 U (4,45
total space requirement of the assembly
) of space behind the amplifier.
Attach the speak er cable adapt er to the
Place the speak er into its recess. Now
the sys tem is ready for operation.

Genelec Documen t D0024R001D. Copyright Gene lec Oy 2.2004. All data subj ect to change without prior notice
Genele c, Inc., 7 Tech Cir cle
Soho N ew Town, 88 Jia nguo Road
Without Speakon connecting cable. Cable
3 Rack adapter cable connector
5 Speakon 8- and 4-pole cables
(not in clud ed in the kit)
4 Speakon 8- and 4-pole cables
(not in clud ed in the kit)