GE MDS DS-EL805 User Manual

Microwave Data Systems Inc.
MDS TransNET 900
MDS TransNET 2400
Spread Spectrum
Data Transceiver
MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D
Installation & Operation Guide
Installation & Operation Guide
1. Install and connect the antenna system to the transceiver
• Use a high-quality gain antenna, mounted in the clear.
• Use a low-loss feedline such as LMR 400.
• Preset directional antennas in the direction of desired transmission/reception.
2. Connect the data equipment to the radio’s DB-9F DATA connector
• Connect only the required pins. TXD, RXD and GND. (See Page 71 for EIA-485 interface connections.)
•Verify the connected data equipment is congured as DTE. The radio is DCE.
EIA-232, shown below, typically uses only
2 3 7 4 5
2 5
JUMPERS: Only if required by RTU. See manual for additional details.
3 2 5 4 6
JUMPERS: Only if required by RTU. See manual for additional details.
3 2 5
3. Apply DC power to the radio. Use the supplied 2-pin connector
• Input voltage is 6–30 Vdc. Observe proper polarity. The left pin is positive (+) and the right pin is negative (–). (See Page 17 for details.)
4. Congure with a PC terminal or TransNET Conguration Software
• Connect computer to radio’s DIAG connector. See Page 69 for cable wiring.
• Set the Mode using the (Extension) command. (Note: Only
• Set a unique Network Address (1–65000) using in the system
Master is permitted in a system.)
have the same network address.
(Remote), or
command. Each radio
Tip: Use the last four
digits of the Master’s serial number to help avoid conflicts with other users.
• Set the baud rate/data interface parameters. Default setting is 9600 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit. If changes are required, use the
command where
equals the data rate (300–115200 bps) and
BAUD xxxxx
equals the communication parameters as follows:
= Data Bits (7 or 8)
= Parity (N for None, O for Odd, E for Even
= Stop Bits (1 or 2)
7N1, 8E2 and 8O2 are not supported.
5. Verify proper operation by observing the LED display
• Refer to Table 6 on Page 20 for a description of the status LEDs.
•Refine directional antenna headings for maximum received signal strength using the
command. (Remotes must be synchronized with the master.)
1.0 ABOUT THIS MANUAL..........................................................1
2.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION....................................................1
2.1 Transceiver Features .......................................................1
2.2 Model Number Codes .....................................................2
2.3 Spread Spectrum Radios—How Are They Different? .....2
2.4 Typical Applications .........................................................2
Multiple Address Systems (MAS)....................................2
Point-to-Point System ......................................................3
Adding a Tail-End Link to an Existing Network ................3
Extending a TransNET Network with a Repeater.............4
2.5 Accessories ....................................................................5
3.0 INSTALLATION PLANNING...................................................6
3.1 General Requirements ....................................................6
3.2 Site Selection ..................................................................6
Terrain and Signal Strength.............................................7
Conducting a Site Survey................................................7
3.3 A Word About Radio Interference ...................................8
3.4 Antenna & Feedline Selection .........................................9
Antenna System Ground .................................................11
3.5 How Much Output Power Can be Used? ........................12
4.0 INSTALLATION ......................................................................14
4.1 Transceiver Installation ....................................................14
4.2 Conguring Multiple Remote Units .................................18
4.3 Tail-End Links ..................................................................18
4.4 Conguring a Network for Extensions .............................19
5.0 OPERATION..........................................................................19
5.1 Initial Start-up ..................................................................19
MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D MDS TransNET I&O Guide i
5.2 Performance Optimization ..............................................20
Antenna Aiming...............................................................20
Antenna SWR Check......................................................20
Data Buffer Setting—Modbus Protocol...........................21
Hoptime Setting...............................................................21
TotalFlow™ Protocol at 9600 with Sleep Mode...............21
Operation at 115200 bps.................................................21
Baud Rate Setting........................................................... 21
Radio Interference Checks..............................................22
6.0 RADIO PROGRAMMING......................................................22
6.1 Radio Programming Methods .........................................22
Terminal Interface............................................................22
PC-Based Conguration Tool .......................................... 22
6.2 User Commands ............................................................23
Entering Commands .......................................................23
6.3 Detailed Command Descriptions ....................................28
ADDR [1–65000]............................................................. 29
Network Address
AMASK [0000 0000–FFFF FFFF]................................... 29
Alarm Mask
AT [ON, OFF] .................................................................. 29
Hayes-Compatible AT Command Support
ASENSE [HI/LO].............................................................29
Alarm Output Sense
BAUD [xxxxx abc]............................................................29
Data Interface Port Baud Rate
BAND [A, B, C]................................................................30
Select Sub-Band (Normally used for 2.4 GHz model)
BUFF [ON, OFF].............................................................30
Data Buffer Mode
CODE [NONE, 1…255]...................................................31
Security Code
CSADDR [1–65000, NONE]............................................31
Clock-Synchronizing Master Address
CTS [0–255].................................................................... 31
Clear-to-Send Delay
ii MDS TransNET I&O Guide MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D
CTSHOLD [0–60000].......................................................32
Clear-to-Send Hold Time
DEVICE [DCE, CTS KEY] ..............................................32
Radio-MODEM Behavior
DLINK [xxxxx/ON/OFF]....................................................32
InSite Diagnostics Link Support
Turn Off Radio Transmitter ‘s Test Signal
DTYPE [NODE/ROOT]....................................................33
Network Diagnostics Mode
FEC [ON, OFF]................................................................33
Forward Error Correction
HOPTIME [7, 14, 28] .......................................................34
Radio Transmitter Hop Timing
Initialize; Restore to Factory Defaults
Hardware Revision
Turn On Radio Transmitter Test Signal
LED [ON, OFF]................................................................36
Enable/Disable PCB LEDs
LPM [1, 0] ........................................................................36
Low-Power Mode—Masters Only
LPMHOLD [0–1000] ........................................................36
Low-Power Mode Sleep Time
MODE [M, R, X]...............................................................36
Radio Operating Mode
MRSSI [NONE, –40...–90]...............................................37
Minimum RSSI for Mobile Operation
OT [ON, OFF] ..................................................................37
Output Trigger
OWM [xxxxx]....................................................................37
“Owner’s Message”
OWN [xxxxx]....................................................................37
“Owner’s Name”
MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D MDS TransNET I&O Guide iii
PORT [RS232, RS485]...................................................37
Data Interface Port Signaling Standard
PWR [20–30]...................................................................38
Radio Transmitter Power Level
REPEAT [0–10]...............................................................38
Downstream Repeat Transmission Count
RETRY [0–10]................................................................. 38
Upstream Repeat Transmission Count
Received Signal Strength Indicator
RTU [ON, OFF, 0-80]....................................................... 39
Remote Terminal Unit Simulator
RX [xxxx]......................................................................... 39
Radio Receive Test Frequency
RXD [0–235] / [ON/OFF]................................................. 39
RXD Delay
RXTOT [NONE, 0–1440]................................................. 40
Receive Data Timeout-Timer
SAF [ON, OFF]................................................................40
Store-and-Forward Services Support
Setup Radio Test
Radio Serial Number
SHOW CON.................................................................... 41
Show Virtual Connection Status
SHOW PWR....................................................................41
Show Measured RF Transmit Power
SHOW SYNC.................................................................. 41
Show Clock-Synchronization Master Network Address
SKIP [NONE, 1...8]..........................................................41
Skip Radio Operating Zones
SLEEP [ON, OFF]........................................................... 42
Transceiver Sleep—Remotes Only
SREV ..............................................................................42
Firmware Revision Level
iv MDS TransNET I&O Guide MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D
STAT ................................................................................43
Alarm Status
Radio’s Internal Temperature
TX [xxxx]..........................................................................43
Radio Transmit Test Frequency
UNIT [10000–65000] .......................................................43
Unit Address
XADDR [0–31].................................................................44
Extended Address
XMAP [00000000-FFFFFFFF].........................................44
Map of Extension Addresses
XPRI [0–31] .....................................................................44
Primary Extended Address
XRSSI [NONE, –40...–120]..............................................44
Extension RSSI Level
ZONE CLEAR..................................................................44
Clear Zone Statistics Log
ZONE DATA.....................................................................44
Read Zone Statistics Log
7.0 TROUBLESHOOTING...........................................................45
7.1 LED Indicators ................................................................46
7.2 Alarm Codes ...................................................................46
Checking for Alarms—STAT command............................46
Major Alarms versus Minor Alarms..................................46
Alarm Code Denitions....................................................47
7.3 Troubleshooting Chart .....................................................48
7.4 Performing Network-Wide Remote Diagnostics ..............49
7.5 Internal Fuse Replacement .............................................50
8.0 RADIO FIRMWARE UPGRADES..........................................51
8.1 Obtaining New Firmware ................................................51
Saving a Web-Site Firmware File Onto Your PC..............51
8.2 Installing Firmware Into Your Radio .................................51
MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D MDS TransNET I&O Guide v
9.1 SAF Operation with Extension Radios ...........................52
Simple Extended SAF Network.......................................52
Extended SAF Network...................................................53
Retransmission and ARQ Operation...............................53
SAF Conguration Example............................................53
9.2 Synchronizing Network Units .........................................54
Synchronization Messages.............................................55
9.3 Using AT Commands ......................................................55
9.4 Conguration Parameters for
Store-and-Forward Services .......................................57
9.5 Using the Radio’s Sleep Mode (Remote Units Only) ......59
Sleep Mode Example...................................................... 60
9.6 Low-Power Mode (LPM)—Master Enabled ....................60
Setup Commands ...........................................................60
Reading RSSI and Other Parameters
with LPM Enabled....................................................61
Power Consumption Inuence by
HOPTIME and SAF Settings....................................61
9.7 Low-Power Mode versus Remote’s Sleep Mode ............62
9.8 Mobile Operation Support ..............................................62
Introduction .....................................................................62
Operational Inuences—Hoptime & SAF........................63
9.9 MIRRORED BITS™ Protocol Support ...........................63
9.10 Seamless Mode Emulation ..........................................63
9.11 Full-Duplex Emulation ..................................................63
9.12 Co-Located and Close-Proximity Masters ....................63
Master Station Conguration.........................................64
Antenna System for Co-Located Master Stations......... 64
9.13 Security ........................................................................65
10.0 TECHNICAL REFERENCE................................................66
10.1 Product Specications—900 MHz ................................66
10.2 Product Specications—2.4 GHz ................................. 67
10.3 Diagnostic Interface Connections (RJ-11) ....................69
10.4 Data Interface Connections (DB-9F) ............................ 69
Pin Descriptions—RS/EIA-232 Mode............................70
Pin Descriptions—RS/EIA-422/485 Mode.....................71
10.5 User Congurable I/O Connections ..............................72
Using the I/O Points with InSite™ NMS Software.........73
vi MDS TransNET I&O Guide MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D
Application Example—Digital Input and
Output at a Remote .........................................................73
10.6 dBm-Watts-Volts Conversion Chart ..............................74
Copyright Notice
This Installation and Operation Guide and all software described herein are Copyright 2006 by Microwave Data Systems Inc. All rights reserved. Microwave Data Systems Inc. reserves its right to correct any errors and omissions in this manual.
MDS Quality Policy Statement
We, the employees of Microwave Data Systems, are committed to understanding and exceeding our customer’s needs and expectations.
• We appreciate our customers’ patronage. They are our business.
• We promise to serve them and anticipate their needs.
• We are committed to providing solutions that are cost effective, innovative and reliable,
with consistently high levels of quality.
We are committed to the continuous improvement of all of our systems and processes, to improve product quality and increase customer satisfaction.
RF Exposure Notice
ISO 9001 Registration
Microwave Data Systems adheres to the internationally-accepted ISO 9001 quality system stan­dard.
UL/CSA Notice
The MDS TransNET 900 is available for use in Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C & D Haz­ardous Locations. Such locations are defined in Article 500 of the National Fire Protection Asso­ciation (NFPA) publication (Approval of the MDS TransNET 2400 is pending as of August 2006.)
The transceiver has been recognized for use in these hazardous locations by two independent agencies —Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and the Canadian Standards Association (CSA). The UL certification for the transceiver is as a Recognized Component for use in these hazardous locations, in accordance with UL Standard 1604, UL508. The CSA Certification is in accordance with CSA STD C22.2 No. 213-M1987.
UL/CSA Conditions of Approval: The transceiver is not acceptable as a stand-alone unit for use in the hazardous locations described above. It must either be mounted within another piece of equipment which is certified for hazardous locations, or installed within guidelines, or conditions of approval, as set forth by the approving agencies. These conditions of approval are as follows:
1. The transceiver must be mounted within a separate enclosure which is suitable for the
intended application.
2. The coaxial antenna cable, power input cable and interface cables must be routed through
conduit in accordance with Division 2 wiring methods as specied in the National Electrical Code, Article 501.4(B).
3. The transceiver must be used within its Recognized “Ratings”.
Professional installation required. The radio equipment described in this guide emits radio frequency energy. Although the power level is low, the concentrated energy from a directional antenna may pose a health hazard. Do not allow people to come closer than 23 cm (9 inches) to the antenna when the transmitter is oper­ating in indoor or outdoor environments in the 900 MHz band or 11.2 cm (4.4 inches) in the 2400 MHz band. More information on RF exposure is available on the Internet at
, otherwise known as the National Electrical Code.
MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D MDS TransNET I&O Guide vii
4. Installation, operation and maintenance of the transceiver should be in accordance with the transceiver's installation manual, and the National Electrical Code.
5. Tampering or replacement with non-factory components may adversely affect the safe use of the transceiver in hazardous locations, and may void the approval.
6. A power connector with screw-type retaining screws as supplied by MDS must be used.
When installed in a Class I, Div. 2, Groups A, B, C or D hazardous location, observe the fol­lowing:
Do not disconnect equipment unless power
has been switched off or the area is know to be non-hazardous. Refer to Articles 500 through 502 of the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70) for further infor-
mation on hazardous locations and approved Division 2 wiring methods.
FCC Part 15 Approval Notice
The MDS TransNET 900™ (FCC ID: E5MDS-EL805) and MDS TransNET 2400™ trans­ceivers (Pending FCC ID: E5MDS-EL805-24) comply with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This device is specifically designed to be used under Section 15.247 of the FCC Rules and Regulations. Any unauthorized modification or changes to this device without the express approval of Microwave Data Systems may void the user’s authority to operate this device. Furthermore, this device is intended to be used only when installed in accordance with the instructions outlined in this manual. Failure to comply with these instructions may also void the user’s authority to operate this device.
Manual Revision and Accuracy
While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this manual, product improvements may result in minor differences between the manual and the product shipped to you. If you have additional questions or need an exact specification for a product, please contact our Customer Service Team using the information at the back of this guide. In addition, manual updates can often be found on the MDS Web site at
ESD Notice
To prevent malfunction or damage to this radio, which may be caused by Electro­static Discharge (ESD), the radio should be properly grounded by connection to the ground stud on the rear panel. In addition, the installer or operator should follow proper ESD precautions, such as touching a grounded bare metal object to dissipate body charge, prior to adjusting front panel controls or connecting or disconnecting cables on the front or rear panels.
Environmental Information
The equipment that you purchased has required the extraction and use of natural resources for its production. Improper disposal may contaminate the environment and present a health risk due to hazardous substances contained within. To avoid dissem-
ination of these substances into our environment, and to diminish the demand on nat­ural resources, we encourage you to use the appropriate recycling systems for disposal. These systems will reuse or recycle most of the materials found in this equipment in a sound way. Please contact MDS or your supplier for more information on the proper disposal of this equip­ment.
viii MDS TransNET I&O Guide MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D


This manual presents installation and operating instructions of the MDS TransNET 900™ and MDS TransNET 2400™ transceivers for use by a professional installer. This person is expected to install, operate, and perform basic system maintenance on the described radio. Following instal­lation, we suggest keeping this manual near the equipment for future refer­ence.


The transceiver, shown in Figure 1, is a spread spectrum radio designed for license-free operation. These units employ Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technology to provide highly-reliable long-distance communications, even in the presence of weak signals or interference.
DSP technology also makes it possible to obtain information about radio operation and troubleshoot problems, without going to the Remote radio site. Using appropriate software at the Master station, diagnostic data can be obtained on any DSP radio in the system, even while payload data is being transmitted. (See “Performing Network-Wide Remote Diagnostics” on
Page 49.)
The transceiver is housed in a compact and rugged die-cast enclosure that need only be protected from direct exposure to the weather. It contains a single printed circuit board with all necessary components for radio opera­tion. No jumper settings or manual adjustments are required to configure the radio for operation.
Figure 1. MDS TransNET Series Transceiver

2.1 Transceiver Features

Listed below are several key features of the transceiver. These are designed to ease the installation and configuration of the radio, while retaining the ability to make changes in the future.
• 902–928 MHz operation using the The TransNET 900
• 2406–2482 MHz ISM band operation with the TransNET 2400
• User-selectable option to skip sub-bands with constant interference
MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D MDS TransNET I&O Guide 1
• 65,000 available network addresses
• Network-wide configuration from the Master station eliminates most trips to Remote sites
• Data transparency ensures compatibility with virtually all asynchronous SCADA system RTUs
• Peak-hold RSSI averaged over eight hop cycles
• Operation at up to 115,200 bps continuous data flow
• Store-and-Forward repeater operation
• Data latency typically less than 10 ms
• Same hardware for Master or Remote configuration
• Supports RS/EIA-232 and RS/EIA-485 user interface
• Low current consumption; typically less than 3 mA in “sleep” mode
NOTE: Some radio features may not be av ailable on all models, or limited by the options
purchased, or the applicable regulatory constraints for the region in which the radio will operate.

2.2 Model Number Codes

The radio model number is printed on the label on the end of the radio’s enclo­sure. It provides key information about how the radio w as congured when it was shipped from the factory. This number is subject to many variations depending on what options are installed and where (country) the product is used. Contact MDS is you have questions on the meaning of the code.
2.3 Spread Spectrum Radios— How Are They Different?
The main difference between a traditional (licensed) radio and the MDS TransNET transceiver is that this unit “hops” from channel to channel many times per second using a specific hop pattern applied to all radios in the network. A distinct hopping pattern is provided for each of the 65,000 avail­able network addresses, thereby minimizing the chance of interference with other spread spectrum systems. In the USA, and some other countries, no license is required to install and operate this type of radio system, provided that RF power and antenna gain restrictions are observed.

2.4 Typical Applications

Multiple Address Systems (MAS)

This is the most common application of the transceiver. It consists of a central control station (Master) and two or more associated Remote units, as shown in Figure 2. An MAS network provides communications between a central host computer and remote terminal units (RTUs) or other data collection
2 MDS TransNET I&O Guide MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D
devices. The operation of the radio system is transparent to the computer equipment. When used in this application, the transceiver provides an excel­lent alternative to traditional (licensed) MAS radio systems.
Invisible place holder
MDS TransNET Remote
MDS TransNET Remote
MDS TransNET Remote
MDS TransNET Master
MDS TransNET Remote
Figure 2. Typical MAS Network

Point-to-Point System

A point-to-point configuration (Figure 3) is a simple arrangement consisting of just two radios—a Master and a Remote. This provides a half-duplex communications link for the transfer of data between two locations.
Host System
Invisible place holder
MDS TransNET Master
MDS TransNET Remote
Host System
Figure 3. Typical Point-to-Point Link

Adding a Tail-End Link to an Existing Network

A tail-end link can be used to extend the range of a traditional (licensed) MAS system. This might be required if an outlying site is blocked from the MAS Master station by a natural or man-made obstruction. In this arrangement, a
MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D MDS TransNET I&O Guide 3
TransNET radio links the outlying Remote site into the rest of a licensed MAS system by sending data from that site to an associated TransNET installed at one of the licensed Remote sites (see Figure 4).
As the data from the outlying site is received at the licensed Remote site, it is transferred to the licensed radio (via a local cable connection) and is then transmitted to the MAS Master station in the usual manner. Additional details for tail-end links are given in Section 4.3 (Page 18).
Invisible place holder
MDS x710B
Master Station
Series Radio
Null-Modem Cable
Figure 4. Typical Tail-End Link Arrangement

Extending a TransNET Network with a Repeater

Similar to a Tail-End Link, Store-and-Forward (SAF) offers a way to physi­cally extend the network range, but in a simple and economical manner. SAF works by dividing a network into a vertical hierarchy of two or more sub-networks. Extension radios (designated as MODE X) serve as single-radio repeaters that link adjacent sub-networks, and move data from one sub-network to the next one.
Invisible place holder
Figure 5. TransNET Repeater Network
4 MDS TransNET I&O Guide MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D

2.5 Accessories

The transceiver can be used with one or more of the accessories listed in
Table 1. Contact the factory for ordering details.
Table 1. Accessories
Accessory Description MDS Part No.
AC Power Adapter
2-Pin DC Power Plug
Fuse (Internal) Fuse, 2A SMF Slo-Blo 29-1784A03 Omnidirectional
Antennas 900 MHz
Yagi Antennas 2400 MHz
Antennas 900 MHz
Bandpass Filter TNC-to-N
Adapter Cable (3 ft./1 meter)
TNC-to-N Adapter Cable (6 ft./1.8 meter)
TNC-to-N RF Adaptor Plug
RS/EIA-232 Cable
RJ-11 to DB-9 Adapter Cable
Flat-Surface Mounting Brackets
Mounting Bracket Screws
19-Inch Rail Mounting Brackets
DIN Rail Mtg. Brackets
Small power supply module designed for con­tinuous service. UL approved. Input: 120/220 Vac Output: 12 Vdc @ 500 mA (20 Watts)
Mates with power connector on the transceiver. Screw terminals are provided for wires.
Rugged antennas suited for use at Master stations. Consult MDS for details.
Rugged directional antennas suited for use at Remote stations. Consult MDS for details.
Rugged directional antennas suited for use at Remote stations.
Antenna system filter to aid in eliminating inter­ference from paging system transmissions.
Coaxial cable used to connect the radio’s TNC antenna connector to a Type-N style commonly used on large-diameter coaxial cables.
Coaxial cable used to connect the radio’s TNC antenna connector to a Type-N style commonly used on large-diameter coaxial cables.
Adapts radio’s antenna connector to Type-N style commonly used on large-diameter coaxial cables.
Shielded data cable fitted with DB-9 male and DB-9 female, 6 ft./1.8 meter.
For connecting a PC terminal to the transceiver via the radio’s DIAG(nostics) connector. Used for programming and diagnostics.
Brackets: 2˝ x 3˝ plates designed to be screwed onto the bottom of the transceiver for sur­face-mounting the radio.
Screws: 6-32/1/4˝ with locking adhesive. (Industry Standard MS 51957-26)
Adaptor for mounting the radio in a standard 19-inch equipment rack.
Adaptor for mounting the radio in a standard 19-inch equipment rack.
Various; Consult factory
Various; Consult factory
Various; Consult factory
Consult Factory
MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D MDS TransNET I&O Guide 5


The installation of the radio is not difficult, but it does require some planning to ensure station reliability and efficiency. This section provides tips for selecting an appropriate site, choosing an antenna system, and reducing the chance of harmful interference.

3.1 General Requirements

There are three main requirements for installing the radio—adequate and stable primary power, a good antenna system, and the compatible interface between the transceiver and the data device.
Figure 6 shows a typical Remote station arrangement. Master stations are
similar, but an omni-directional antenna is normally used instead of a direc­tional type, and a host computer replaces the data terminal equipment.
Invisible place holder
13.8 VDC @ 500 mA
(6–30 Vdc)
Figure 6. Typical Remote Station Arrangement
MDS Transceiver

3.2 Site Selection

For a successful installation, careful thought must be given to selecting proper sites for the Master and Remote stations. Suitable sites should provide the following:
• Protection from direct weather exposure
•A source of adequate and stable primary power
• Suitable entrances for antenna, interface or other required cabling
• Antenna location that provides an unobstructed transmission path in the direction of the associated station(s)
6 MDS TransNET I&O Guide MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D
These requirements can be quickly determined in most cases. A possible exception is the last item—verifying that an unobstructed transmission path exists. Radio signals travel primarily by line-of-sight, and obstructions between the sending and receiving stations will affect system performance. If you are not familiar with the effects of terrain and other obstructions on radio transmission, the discussion below will provide helpful background.

Terrain and Signal Strength

While the 900 and 2400 MHz bands offer many advantages over VHF and lower UHF frequencies for data transmission, they are more prone to signal attenuation from obstructions such as terrain, foliage or buildings in the trans­mission path.
A line-of-sight transmission path between the Master station and its associ­ated Remote site(s) is highly desirable and provides the most reliable commu­nications link. A line-of-sight path can often be achieved by mounting the station antenna on a tower or other elevated structure that raises it to a level sufficient to clear surrounding terrain and other obstructions.
The importance of a clear transmission path relates closely to the distance to be covered by the system. If the system is to cover only a limited geographic area, say up to 3 miles (4.8 km), then some obstructions in the communica­tions path can usually be tolerated with minimal impact. For longer range systems, any substantial obstruction in the communications path could compromise the performance of the system, or block communications entirely.
Much depends on the minimum signal strength that can be tolerated in a given system. Fade margin for a TransNET system does not usually have to be as conservative as a licensed system. The nature of TransNET’s frequency-hopping algorithm reduces the impact of frequency-selective fading.
Although the exact figure will differ from one system to another, a Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) of –100 dBm will often provide acceptable performance. A higher signal strength is generally desirable and may be needed in special cases—for example, urban deployment.

Conducting a Site Survey

If you are in doubt about the suitability of the radio sites in your system, it is best to evaluate them before a permanent installation is begun. This can be done with an on-the-air test (preferred method), or indirectly, using path-study software.
An on-the-air test is preferred because it allows you to see firsthand the factors involved at an installation site and to directly observe the quality of system operation. Even if a computer path study was conducted earlier, this test should be done to verify the predicted results.
The test can be performed by first installing a radio and antenna at the proposed Master station site and then visiting each Remote site with a trans­ceiver and a hand-held antenna.
MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D MDS TransNET I&O Guide 7
With the hand-held antenna positioned near the proposed mounting spot, a technician can check for synchronization with the Master station (shown by a lit SYNC lamp on the front panel) and measure the reported RSSI value. If adequate signal strength cannot be obtained, it may be necessary to mount the station antennas higher, use higher gain antennas, or select a different site. To prepare the equipment for an on-the-air test, follow the general installation procedures given in this guide and become familiar with the operating instructions given in Section 5.0, beginning on Page 19.
If time is short, and a site survey is impractical, a computer path study is a good alternative. Factors such as terrain, distance, transmitter power, receiver sensitivity, and other conditions are taken into account to predict the perfor­mance of a proposed system. Contact MDS’ Technical Services Group for more information on path study services.

3.3 A Word About Radio Interference

The radio shares the frequency spectrum with other services and other Part 15 (unlicensed) devices in the USA. As such, near 100% error free communica­tions may not be achieved in a given location, and some level of interference should be expected. However, the radio’s flexible design and hopping tech­niques should allow adequate performance as long as care is taken in choosing station location, configuration of radio parameters and soft­ware/protocol techniques.
In general, keep the following points in mind when setting up your commu­nications network:
1. Systems installed in rural areas are least likely to encounter interference; those in suburban and urban environments are more likely to be affected by other devices operating in the license-free frequency band and by adjacent licensed services.
2. If possible, use a directional antenna at Remote sites. Although these
antennas may be more costly than omnidirectional types, they conne the transmission and reception pattern to a comparatively narrow lobe, which minimizes interference to (and from) stations located outside the pattern.
3. If interference is suspected from a nearby licensed system (such as a
paging transmitter), it may be helpful to use horizontal polarization of all antennas in the network. Because most other services use vertical polarization in these bands, an additional 20 dB of attenuation to interference can be achieved by using horizontal polarization.
4. Multiple transceiver systems can co-exist in proximity to each other with
only very minor interference as long as they are each assigned a unique network address. Each network address has a different hop pattern.
Additional RF isolation can be achieved by using separate directional antennas with as much vertical or horizontal separation as is practical. Vertical separation of antennas is more effective per foot/meter than horizontal.
8 MDS TransNET I&O Guide MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D
5. If constant interference is present in a particular frequency zone, it may be necessary to “lock out” that zone from the radio’s hopping pattern. The radio includes built-in tools to help users remove blocked frequency zones. Refer to the discussion of the SKIP command (Page 41) for more information. In the USA, a maximum of four zones may be skipped, per FCC rules. Check the regulatory requirements for your region.
6. Interference can also come from out-of-band RF sources such as paging systems. Installation of a bandpass filter in the antenna system may bring relief. (Contact the MDS Customer Service Department for recommendations and sources of suitable lters.)
7. Proper use of the RETRY and REPEAT commands may be helpful in areas with heavy interference.
The RETRY command sets the maximum number of times (0 to 10) that a radio will re-transmit upstream data over the air. Values greater than 0 successively improve the chances of a message getting through when interference is a problem.
command sets a xed number of unconditional
retransmissions for downstream data.
8. The RF power output of all radios in a system should be set for the lowest level necessary for reliable communications. This lessens the chance of causing unnecessary interference to nearby systems.

3.4 Antenna & Feedline Selection


The equipment can be used with a number of antennas. The exact style used depends on the physical size and layout of a system. Contact your MDS repre­sentative for specific recommendations on antenna types and hardware sources.
In general, an omnidirectional antenna (Figure 7 and Figure 8) is used at the Master station site in an MAS system. This provides equal coverage to all of the Remote sites.
NOTE: Antenna polarization is important. If the wrong polarization is used, a signal re-
duction of 20 dB or more will result. Most systems using a gain-type omnidirec­tional antenna at the Master station employ vertical polarization of the signal; therefore, the Remote antenna(s) must also be vertically polarized (elements oriented perpendicular to the horizon).
When required, horizontally polarized omnidirectional antennas are also avail­able. Contact your MDS representative for details.
MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D MDS TransNET I&O Guide 9
Figure 7. Omnidirectional Antenna
(mounted to mast)
At Remote sites and point-to-point systems, a directional Yagi antenna (Figure 8), is generally recommended to minimize interference to and from other users. Antennas are available from a sources including MDS.
Invisible place holder
Figure 8. Typical Yagi Antenna
mounted to a mast


The choice of feedline used with the antenna should be carefully considered. Poor-quality coaxial cables should be avoided, as they will degrade system performance for both transmission and reception. The cable should be kept as short as possible to minimize signal loss.
For cable runs of less than 20 feet (6 meters), or for short range transmission, an inexpensive type such as Type RG-8A/U may be acceptable. Otherwise, we recommend using a low-loss cable type suited for 900 MHz, such as Times Microwave LMR 400® or Andrew Heliax®.
10 MDS TransNET I&O Guide MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D
Table 2 lists several types of feedlines and indicates the signal losses (in dB)
that result when using various lengths of each cable at 900 MHz and Table 3 for 2.4 GHz. The choice of cable will depend on the required length, cost considerations, and the amount of signal loss that can be tolerated.
Table 2. Length vs. loss in coaxial cables at 900 MHz
Cable Type
LMR 400 0.39 dB 1.95 dB 3.9 dB Unacceptable
1/2 inch HELIAX
7/8 inch HELIAX
1-1/4 inch HELIAX
1-5/8 inch HELIAX
10 Feet
(3.05 Meters)
0.23 dB 1.15 dB 2.29 dB 6.87 dB
0.13 dB 0.64 dB 1.28 dB 3.84 dB
0.10 dB 0.48 dB 0.95 dB 2.85 dB
0.08 dB 0.40 dB 0.80 dB 2.4 dB
50 Feet
(15.24 Meters)
100 Feet
(30.48 Meters)
300 Feet
(91.44 Meters)
Table 3. Length vs. loss in coaxial cables at 2400 MHz
Cable Type
LMR-400 0.70 dB 3.50 dB 6.61 dB Unacceptable
1/2 inch HELIAX
7/8 inch HELIAX
1-1/4 inch HELIAX
10 Feet
(3.05 Meters)
0.35 dB 1.73 dB 3.46 dB 17.3 dB
0.20 dB 0.99 dB 1.97 dB 9.85 dB
0.15 dB 0.73 dB 1.45 dB 7.50 dB
50 Feet
(15.24 Meters)
100 Feet
(30.48 Meters)
300 Feet
(91.44 Meters)

Antenna System Ground

Precautions should be taken to assure the antenna and its support structure are bonded to a good earth ground system to minimize the impact of voltages created by lightning and atmospheric charges.
CAUTION: Safety grounding systems are beyond the scope of this manual. Belo w y ou
will nd some elementary advice. These are generalities; ev ery location and installation is unique and requires a unique safety grounding system design. Please consider consulting a radio system engineer or other professional for advice or ground system design. A well-designed ground system will mini­mize risk of electrical shock to personnel and the chances of equipment damage.
MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D MDS TransNET I&O Guide 11
Antenna Selection—Choose an antenna that offers a “DC ground” or direct low-impedance ground connection for all metallic components. This will allow static charges on the antenna system to be safely dissipated to ground. It will also provide a low-impedance discharge path to an earth/safety ground in the event of a direct lightning strike.
Support Earth/Safety Ground—The structure that supports your antenna system should have a large-gauge ground wire that goes as directly as possible to an safety/earth ground system. If a tower is used, it should have its own ground system. Support structure grounds can be bonded to the elec­trical system ground for increased protection. Do not use the building’s AC-power supply ground as a safety ground for lightning protection.
Chassis Ground—Connect a safety/earth ground to the ground post provided on the electronic/electrical equipment. If a ground terminal is present, bond the chassis to the safety ground at a point that is as close as possible to the antenna system and primary power entry points on the chassis.

3.5 How Much Output Power Can be Used?

The transceiver is normally supplied from the factory set for an RF power of +30 dBm (1 Watt) for 900 MHz and +27 dBm (0.5 Watt) for 2400 MHz; this is the maximum transmitter output power allowed under FCC rules. The power must be decreased from this level if the antenna system gain exceeds 6 dBi. The allowable level is dependent on the antenna gain, feedline loss, and the transmitter output power setting. Power considerations for the transceiver are discussed below.
NOTE: In some countries, the maximum allowable RF output may be limited to less than
your model’s peak output. Be sure to check for and comply with the require­ments for your region.
To determine the maximum allowable power setting of the radio, perform the following steps:
1. Determine the antenna system gain by subtracting the feedline loss (in dB) from the antenna gain (in dBi). For example, if the antenna gain is
9.5 dBi, and the feedline loss is 1.5 dB, the antenna system gain would be 8 dB. (If the antenna system gain is 6 dB or less, no power adjustment is required.)
2. Subtract the antenna system gain from 36 dBm (the maximum allowable
EIRP). The result indicates the maximum transmitter power (in dBm) allowed under the rules. In the example above, this is 28 dBm.
3. If the maximum transmitter power allowed in your region is less than 30
dBm, use the PWR command (described on Page 38) to set the power accordingly.
12 MDS TransNET I&O Guide MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D
For convenience, Table 4 lists several antenna system gains and shows the maximum allowable power setting of the radio. Note that a gain of 6 dB or less entitles you to operate the radio at full power output—30 dBm (1 watt).
Table 4. Antenna system gain vs. power output setting (USA)
for 900 MHz models to achieve +36 dBm EIRP
Antenna System Gain
(Antenna Gain in dBi
minus Feedline Loss in dBb)
6 (or less) 30 36
82836 10 26 36 12 24 36 14 22 36 16 20 36
a. Most antenna manufacturers rate antenna gain in
dBd in their literature. To convert to dBi, add
2.15 dB.
b. Feedline loss varies by cable type and length. To
determine the loss for common lengths of feedline, see Table 2 on Page 11.
Maximum Power
(in dBm)
(in dBm)
Table 5. Antenna system gain vs. power output setting (USA)
for 2400 MHz models to achieve +36 dBm EIRP
Antenna System Gain
(Antenna Gain in dBi
minus Feedline Loss in dB
2 dB 27 29
10 dB 26 36
a. Most antenna manufacturers rate antenna gain in
dBd in their literature. To convert to dBi, add
2.15 dB.
b. Feedline loss varies by cable type and length. To
determine the loss for common lengths of feedline, see Table 2 on Page 11.
Maximum Power
(in dBm)
(in dBm)
MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D MDS TransNET I&O Guide 13


Figure 9 shows the contents of a typical transceiver shipment. Check the
contents against the packing list secured to the outside of the shipping box. Accessories and spare parts kits, if any, are wrapped separately. Inspect all items for signs of damage and save all packing materials for possible re-ship­ment.
Invisible place holder
MDS Xxxx
Figure 9. Typical Transceiver Shipment
User documentation will be provided as a paper manual and/or as a PDF on the “MDS TransNET Support Package CD” (P/N 03-2708A01). The CD includes:
• Installation & Operation Guide in PDF (Also known as Adobe Acrobat™)
• TransNET Configuration Software
If a paper copy is required but not provided with your shipment, please contact MDS Customer Support Team.

4.1 Transceiver Installation

The following is an overview of a typical procedure for installing the trans­ceiver. In most cases, these steps alone will be sufficient to complete the installation. Should further information be required, contact the factory using the information given on the inside back cover of this manual.
If you are installing a tail-end link system, you should also review Section 4.3 (Page 18) for important details on configuration.
NOTE: It is recommended that the Master station be installed first. In this way, it will be
possible to quickly check the operation of each associated Remote station as it is placed on the air.
1. Mount the transceiver to a stable surface using the brackets supplied with the radio. (Fasteners/anchors are not supplied.) Figure 10 shows the dimensions of the transceiver case and its mounting brackets. If possible,
14 MDS TransNET I&O Guide MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D
choose a mounting location that provides easy access to the connectors on the end of the radio and an unobstructed view of the LED status indicators.
Invisible place holder
(7.0 cm)
(16.64 cm)
(4.15 cm)
Figure 10. Transceiver Mounting Dimensions
Figure 11 shows the four connectors on the transceiver and their functions.
Invisible place holder
Antenna Primary PowerData
(6–30 Vdc)
Figure 11. Interface Connector Functions
2. Install the antenna and antenna feedline for the station. Antennas should be mounted in the clear and in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Additional information on antennas and feedlines is contained in Section 3.4 on Page 9.
NOTE: It is recommended to mount the antenna be at least 10 feet (>3 meters) from the
radio, RTU, sensors and other components of the system to prevent RFI.
3. Connect the data equipment to the transceiver’s DATA connector. Use only the required pins for the application.
MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D MDS TransNET I&O Guide 15
Typical RS/EIA-232 applications require the use of Pin 2 (receive data—RXD and Pin 3 (transmit data—TXD). Some systems may require the use of Pin 7 (Request-to-send—RTS). Figure 13 shows connection details for the DATA connector for EIA/RS-232 and EIA/RS-485, respectively.
If hardware flow control is desired, Pin 7 (RTS) and Pin 8 (CTS) may also be connected. A more detailed discussion of pin functions is provided in see
“Data Interface Connections (DB-9F)” on page 69.
Invisible place holder
Pin Function
1.....Data Carrier Detect (DCD)
2.....Receive Data (RXD)
3.....Transmit Data (TXD)
4.....Sleep (GND = Sleep)
5.....Signal Ground (GND)
6.....Alarm Output (+5/-5 Vdc)
7.....Ready-to-Send (RTS)
8.....Clear-to-Send (CTS)
9.....Reserved for Special Uses (Do not connect)
Figure 12. DATA Connector Pin Functions, EIA/RS-232 Mode
NOTE: The data cabling between the transceiver and the connected device should be
kept as short as possible. For EIA/RS-232 operation, the maximum recom­mended cable length is 50 feet/15 meters.
As viewed from outside the radio
Invisible place holder
Pin Function
Figure 13. DATA Connector Pin Functions, EIA/RS-485 Mode
4. Measure and install the primary power for the transceiver. It must be within 6–30 Vdc (including transients) and be capable of providing 7.5 watts over this voltage range. (Typical current draw is 400 mA @13.8 Vdc; 0.9 A @6 Vdc.) A power connector with screw-terminals is provided with each unit. Strip the wire leads to 0.25˝/6 mm. Be sure to observe proper polarity. The left pin is the positive input; the right is negative. (See Figure 14.)
1.....Not Used (Open)
2.....TXD+/TXA, Non-inverted driver output.
Supplies data to connected device.
3.....RXD+/RXA, Non-inverted receiver input.
Accepts data from the connected device.
4.....Sleep Mode Input (GND = Sleep)
5.....Signal Ground (GND)
6.....Not Used (Open)
7.....RXD–/RXB, Inverting receiver input
8.....TXD–/TXB, Inverting driver output
9.....Not Connected (User configureable via internal jumper)
As viewed from outside the radio
16 MDS TransNET I&O Guide MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D
Lead Binding Screws (2)
The radio must be used only with negative-ground sys­tems. Make sure the polarity of the power source is cor­rect. The unit is protected from reverse polarity by an internal diode and fuse.
Invisible place holder
Wire Ports (2)
Figure 14. Power Connector
(Polarity: Left +, Right –)
The power connector used with the transceiver is similar to that used by other MDS prod­ucts, such as the MDS 9810 and MDS x710 family. The connectors are not equal and the use of the other style connector may provide unreliable connections and a spark may be created.
Only the power connector, shown in Figure 14 with screw terminals and two retainer screws should be used with this unit.
5. Set the radio’s basic conguration with a PC terminal connected to the
DIAG(nostics) connector via an RJ-11 to DB-9 adapter cable, MDS
P/N 03-3246A01. (If necessary, a cable of this type may be constructed using the information shown in Figure 21 on Page 69.) For more information on connecting a PC terminal and preparing it for use, refer to Section 6.1 on Page 22.
The three essential settings for the Transceiver are as follows:
Mode—Master, Remote, or Extension Network Address—a unique number from 1 to 65000 Data Interface Parameters—bps, data bits, parity, stop bits
a. Set the Mode using the MODE M (Master), MODE R (Remote), or
MODE X (Extension) command. (Note: There can be only one Mas-
ter radio in a system.) If any MODE X radios are used in the network, SAF must be turned
on at the Master station. The MODE X radio must be programmed with an Extended Address (XADDR). Units that need to hear the
MODE X radio must be programmed with an appropriate XPRI and/or XMAP value. (See “SAF Operation with Extension Radios” on
Page 52 for more information.)
MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D MDS TransNET I&O Guide 17
b. Set a unique Network Address (1–65000) using ADDR command.
Each radio in the system must have the same network address. Tip:
Use the last four digits of the Master’s serial number to help avoid conicts with other users.
c. Set the baud rate/data interface parameters. Default setting is 9600
bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit. If changes are required, use the
BAUD xxxxx abc command where xxxxx equals the data speed
(300–115200 bps) and abc equals the communication parameters as follows:
a = Data bits (7 or 8) b = Parity (N for None, O for Odd, E for Even c = Stop bits (1 or 2)
NOTE: 7N1, 8E2 and 8O2 are invalid interface parameters.

4.2 Configuring Multiple Remote Units

In most installations, the Remote radios will be programmed with virtually the same set of parameters. This process can be streamlined by testing key pieces of equipment—such as the Master, any Extensions, and a typical Remote—on a benchtop setup prior to installation. This allows you to test various configurations in a controlled environment. Once the evaluation network is working satisfactorily, you can save the configuration of each unit in a data file on your PC’s hard drive through the use of the MDS TransNET Configuration Software (included on the support CD shipped with the radio, MDS part number 03-2708A01).Most often, there are many Remote units that will need configuring. Using the MDS TransNET Configuration Soft- ware, you can save the sample unit’s configuration, then open the configura­tion file with the program and install it in the next Remote. The software will prevent you from overwriting unit or mode-unique parameters.

4.3 Tail-End Links

A tail-end link is established by connecting an MDS TransNET Series radio “back-to-back” with another identical radio such as a licensed MDS x710B Series transceiver. This can be used to link an outlying Remote site into the rest of an MAS network. (Figure 4 on Page 4 shows a diagram of a typical tail-end link system.) The wiring connections between the two radios in a tail-end link system should be made as shown in Figure 15.
18 MDS TransNET I&O Guide MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D
MDS x710B Series
Remote Transceiver
(or device requiring keyline)
Figure 15. Data Interface Cable Wiring for Tail-End Links
If required.
5 8
MDS TransNET 900
Remote Transceiver
Any device on the left that requires a keyline, as in this illustration, will require the bottom line (CTS to RTS) and the TransNET on the right will need
DEVICE type set to CTS KEY. See DEVICE, on Page 32 for details.

4.4 Configuring a Network for Extensions

The installation and configuration of an Extension transceiver is straightfor­ward with only a few unique parameters that need to be considered and set at each unit.
In every network there can be only one Master station. It will serve as the sole gateway to the outside world. The tables in “Conguration Parameters for
Store-and-Forward Services” on Page 57 detail the parameters that need to
be set on each type of radio in the network. For a detailed description of this network design, see “SAF Operation with Extension Radios” on page 52.


5.1 Initial Start-up

In-service operation of the transceiver is completely automatic. Once the unit has been properly installed and configured, operator actions are limited to observing the LED status indicators for proper operation.
If all parameters are correctly set, start operation of the radio as follows:
1. Apply primary power.
2. Observe the transceiver LED status panel for proper indications. Table 6 provides an explanation of the LED functions.
In a normally operating system, the following indications will be seen within 16 seconds of start-up:
PWR lamp lit continuously
SYNC lamp lit continuously
MDS 05-2708A01, Rev. D MDS TransNET I&O Guide 19
+ 67 hidden pages