GE offers three styles of lift trucks for handling
Power/Vac circuit breakers, ground and test devices
and transformer and fuse rollouts. The first type is a
95” high double-mast truck (144D2933G1) that is compatible with indoor switchgear and outdoor non-aisle
switchgear. This truck has 2 fixed front wheels and 2
swivel rear wheels. The lifting winch is located on
the rear of the truck. The second style is a 87” high
double-mast truck (144D2912G1) that is compatible
with outdoor aisle switchgear. This truck has 4 swivel
wheels for easy turning in a confined space and has
the winch located on the right side. The third style is a
79” high single mast truck (144D2911G5) that is required for special indoor and outdoor applications.
The lift trucks are provided with interlocks to retain the device being handled and to lock the lift truck
to the switchgear while a device is being inserted or
removed. The carriage which lifts a device is raised or
lowered by means of a winch and cable. When the
winch handle is released the carriage is held in that
position by means of a clutch-brake internal to the
Two arms are attached to the carriage for engaging the track rollers on the sides of each device. The
following procedures describe the necessary steps to
remove a device from, or insert a device into, the
switchgear equipment. Be sure to read and understand
the safety rules identified in this manual before operating the lift truck.
The lift trucks are functional for both upper and
lower compartments provided the equipment is
mounted on no more than a three inch pad. See Table
2 - Lift Truck Selection (page 11).
1. Prepare the truck for docking with the switchgear
equipment by making sure that both track roller
interlocks (1, Fig. 1) are in the “Transport” position (Fig. 2). If they are not, depress the track roller
interlocks and slide the docking interlocks (2, Fig.
1) all the way back toward the lift truck masts.
2. Adjust the height of the carriage until the docking
hooks at the ends of the arms are slightly higher
than the rail surface in the equipment. Position the
hooks over the slots in the rails and lower the
hooks into the slots. Place both track roller interlocks (1, Fig. 1) in the “Load/Unload” position (Fig.
3) by depressing them and sliding the docking interlocks (2, Fig. 1) forward, away from the lift truck
masts. The docking interlocks will extend under
the equipment rails and lock the truck arms to the
rails. The track roller interlocks are now in the
raised position so they are no longer blocking the
track rollers. Use the winch to adjust the lift truck’s
arms if they are not approximately level.
3. Release the device from the equipment and roll it
fully onto the lift truck rails until it comes in contact with the stops (3, Fig. 7) on the rails. The
catches that retain a device in the equipment compartment are different for the different devices so
see the instructions for the device being handled
for specific information. Verify that the device
rolled freely and that its rollers have properly engaged the rails. Place both track roller interlocks
(1, Fig. 1) in the “Transport” position (Fig. 2) by
depressing them and sliding the docking interlocks
(2, Fig. 1) all the way back toward the lift truck
masts. Raise the carriage slightly to release the
docking hooks from the slots in the equipment rail.
Pull the lift truck back to just clear the equipment
and lower the carriage to, or below, the maximum
transport position (Fig. 4) before transporting the
device to the desired location.
NOTE: The figures used in this instruction book depict
the 87” high double-mast lift truck. The operating
instructions apply to all three types
NOTE: To remove a breaker or instrument rollout from
an outdoor non-aisle switchgear lineup, first open the
outer door on the unit to the right of the one to be
worked on. Open this door to the fist stop location.
Then open the outer door of the unit to be worked on
to the second stop location. This will allow enough
room to access the right side lift truck track interlock.
4. To unload the device onto the floor, lower the carriage until the device is resting on the floor and
the load of the track rollers is no longer being supported by the lift truck arms. Place both track roller
interlocks (1, Fig. 1) in the “Load/Unload” position (Fig. 3) by depressing them and sliding the
docking interlocks (2, Fig. 1) forward, away from
the lift truck masts. The track roller interlocks are
now in their raised position. The lift truck can now
be pulled away from the device while holding the
backup track roller interlock handle (4, Fig. 1) in
the released position, away from the lift truck

1. To load a device that is on the floor onto the lift
truck place both track roller interlocks (1, Fig. 1) in
the “Load/Unload” position (Fig. 3) by depressing
them and sliding the docking interlocks (2, Fig. 1)
forward, away from the lift truck masts. Adjust
the height of the arms so that they can engage the
track rollers on the sides of the device. Slight readjustments may be necessary as the arms approach
the rollers. It is also common to have to make
minor adjustments to allow the second set of track
rollers to be engaged. Move the lift truck forward,
or pull the device back, so that the device is all the
way towards the lift truck masts and the track rollers are in contact with the stops on the rails. Verify
that the device rolled freely and that all rollers have
properly engaged the rails.
5. To undock the lift truck from the equipment place
both track roller interlocks (1, Fig. 1) in the “Transport “ position (Fig. 2) by depressing them and
sliding the docking interlocks (2, Fig. 1) all the way
back toward the lift truck masts. Raise the carriage
slightly to release the docking hooks from the slots
in the equipment rail. Pull the lift truck back to clear
the equipment and lower the carriage to, or below, the maximum transport position (Fig. 4).
As the load is lifted there should be a clicking noise
from the winch pawl. If this noise stops while a device
is being lifted, maintain a grip on the handle and lower
the load to the floor. Investigate why the pawl is not
engaging and make repairs before making any further
attempt to lift the load.
2. To lock the device onto the lift truck, place both
track roller interlocks (1, Fig. 1) into the “Transport” position (Fig. 2) by depressing them down
and sliding the docking interlocks (2, Fig. 1) all the
way back toward the lift truck masts.
3. Raise the carriage so the device is off the floor but
the carriage is at, or below, the maximum transport height before moving the device into position directly in front of the equipment compartment
into which the device is to be installed. The lift
truck should be as close to the equipment as possible, allowing just enough room for the device
and carriage to clear the equipment as it is being
raised. Adjust the height of the carriage until the
docking hooks at the ends of the arms are slightly
higher than the rail surface in the equipment. Position the hooks over the slots in the rails and lower
the hooks into the slots. Place both track roller interlocks (1, Fig. 1) in the “Load/Unload” position
(Fig. 3) by depressing them and sliding the docking interlocks (2, Fig. 1) forward, away from the
lift truck masts. The docking interlocks will extend
under the equipment rails and lock the truck arms
to the rails. The track roller interlocks are now in
the raised position so they are no longer blocking
the track rollers. Use the winch to adjust the lift
trucks’s arms if they are not approximately level.
4. Roll the device into the equipment while holding
the backup track roller interlock handle (4, Fig. 1)
in the released position, away from the lift truck
masts. Make sure that the device has engaged the
latches in the equipment (see the instructions for
the equipment and the device being used).
Although a backup to the track roller interlock is
functional for all but long wheel base devices such as
electrical ground & test devices and fuse rollouts, safe
use of this truck demands locking of both track roller
interlocks in the transport position before winch operation.
1. Maximum load is 900 pounds.
2. Inspect lift truck daily before use. Items inspected
must include cable, cable fittings, pulleys, pulley
hardware and winch.
3. Replace damaged or frayed cable.
4. Stay out from under elevated load.
5. Lower lift truck carriage to or below maximum
transport height before transporting.
6. Use on smooth level surface only.
7. When lowering carriage, stop winch when cable
goes slack to prevent tangling.
8. The use of this lift truck for anything other than
handling GE Power/Vac devices can cause dam-
age to the lift truck and present a safety hazard.
The GE lift truck is included under the Occupation
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standard
1910.179 and should be inspected and tested per that
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment nor to provide for every possible
contingency to be met in connection with installation, operation or maintenance. Should further information be
desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser’s purposes, the
matter should be referred to GE.

Figure 1. Right Side Carriage Arm Assembly
1. Track Roller Interlock (right side)
2. Docking Interlock
3. Docking Interlock Handle
4. Backup Track Roller Interlock Handle
5. Backup Track Roller Interlock
6. Carriage Arm