GE Digital Rx3i Network Modules Operating Manual

Automation & Controls
Programmable Control Products
June 2017
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GFK-2224R June 2017 iii

Table of Contents

Contact Information .......................................................................................................................................................... ii
Table of Contents .............................................................................................................................................................. iii
Table of Figures...................................................................................................................................................................xi
Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Revisions in this Manual ............................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Other PACSystems Manuals....................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Ethernet Interfaces for PACSystems Controllers ................................................................................... 3
Rack-based and RX7i Embedded Interfaces - Features ........................................................................... 3
RX3i & RSTi-EP Embedded Ethernet Interface - Features ........................................................................ 4
Ethernet Interface Specifications .......................................................................................................................... 5
Ethernet Interface Ports ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Station Manager ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Firmware Upgrades ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
Built-In Web Server ....................................................................................................................................................... 9
SRTP Client (Channels) ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Modbus TCP Client (Channels) ................................................................................................................................. 9
Ethernet Global Data (EGD) .................................................................................................................................... 10
SRTP Inactivity Timeout ........................................................................................................................................... 10
1.4 Ethernet Redundancy Operation ............................................................................................................ 11
HSB CPU Redundancy .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Non-HSB Redundancy ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Effect of Redundancy Role Switching on Ethernet Communications ............................................. 12
SRTP Server Operation in a Redundancy System ...................................................................................... 13
SRTP Client Operation in a Redundancy System........................................................................................ 14
Modbus TCP Server Operation in a Redundancy System ...................................................................... 14
Modbus TCP Client Operation in a Redundancy System ....................................................................... 14
EGD Class 1 (Production & Consumption) in a Redundancy System ............................................... 14
EGD Class 2 Commands in a Redundancy System .................................................................................. 14
Web Server Operation in a Redundancy System ....................................................................................... 15
FTP Operation in a Redundancy System ........................................................................................................ 15
SNTP Operation in a Redundancy System .................................................................................................... 15
Remote Station Manager Operation in a Redundancy System ......................................................... 15
IP Address Configuration in a Redundancy System ................................................................................. 15
Chapter 2 Installation and Start-up: RX3i/RSTi-EP Embedded Interface ............................................ 16
2.1 RX3i/RSTi-EP Embedded Ethernet Interface Indicators ...................................................................... 16
Ethernet Port LEDs Operation .............................................................................................................................. 16
Module Installation .................................................................................................................................................... 17
iv PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User Manual GFK-2224R
2.2 Ethernet Port Connector ........................................................................................................................... 18
Connection to a 10Base-T / 100Base Tx Network .................................................................................... 18
10Base-T/100Base Tx Port Pinouts ................................................................................................................... 18
2.3 Pinging TCP/IP Ethernet Interfaces on the Network ........................................................................... 19
Pinging the Ethernet Interface from a UNIX Host or Computer Running TCP/IP Software . 19
Determining if an IP Address is Already Being Used ................................................................................ 19
Chapter 3 Installation and Start-up: Rack-based and RX7i Embedded Interface ............................. 20
3.1 Ethernet Interface Controls and Indicators .......................................................................................... 21
Ethernet LEDs ................................................................................................................................................................ 21
Ethernet Restart Pushbutton ................................................................................................................................ 23
3.2 Module Installation .................................................................................................................................... 24
Installing an RX7i CPU with Embedded Ethernet Interface .................................................................. 24
Installing an RX7i Ethernet Interface Module............................................................................................... 24
Installing an RX3i Ethernet Interface Module............................................................................................... 25
3.3 Ethernet Port Connectors ......................................................................................................................... 26
Embedded Switch ....................................................................................................................................................... 26
Connection to a 10Base-T / 100Base Tx Network .................................................................................... 27
3.4 Station Manager Port ................................................................................................................................ 29
Port Settings .................................................................................................................................................................. 29
3.5 Verifying Proper Power-Up of the Ethernet Interface after Configuration ..................................... 30
3.6 Pinging TCP/IP Ethernet Interfaces on the Network ........................................................................... 30
Pinging the Ethernet Interface from a UNIX Host or Computer Running TCP/IP Software . 30
Determining if an IP Address is Already Being Used ................................................................................ 31
3.7 Ethernet Plug-in Applications .................................................................................................................. 31
Chapter 4 Configuration ............................................................................................................................... 33
4.1 RX3i/RSTi-EP Embedded Ethernet Interfaces ....................................................................................... 33
Ethernet Configuration Data ................................................................................................................................ 33
Initial IP Address Assignment ............................................................................................................................... 34
Configuring the Ethernet Interface Parameters ......................................................................................... 35
4.2 Rack-based and RX7i Embedded Interfaces ......................................................................................... 48
Ethernet Configuration Data ................................................................................................................................ 48
Initial IP Address Assignment ............................................................................................................................... 49
Configuring Ethernet Interface Parameters ................................................................................................. 52
Configuring Ethernet Global Data ...................................................................................................................... 55
Chapter 5 Ethernet Global Data .................................................................................................................. 69
5.1 Ethernet Global Data Operation ............................................................................................................. 70
EGD Producer ................................................................................................................................................................ 70
GFK-2224R June 2017 v
EGD Consumers ........................................................................................................................................................... 70
5.2 EGD Exchanges ........................................................................................................................................... 71
Content of an Ethernet Global Data Exchange........................................................................................... 71
Data Ranges (Variables) in an Ethernet Global Data Exchange ........................................................ 71
Valid Memory Types for Ethernet Global Data ............................................................................................ 72
Planning Exchanges .................................................................................................................................................. 72
Using Ethernet Global Data in a Redundancy System ............................................................................ 73
5.3 Sending an Ethernet Global Data Exchange to Multiple Consumers ............................................... 73
Multicasting Ethernet Global Data .................................................................................................................... 73
Broadcasting Ethernet Global Data .................................................................................................................. 74
Changing Group ID in Run Mode ........................................................................................................................ 74
5.4 Ethernet Global Data Timing ................................................................................................................... 75
EGD Synchronization ................................................................................................................................................ 75
Configurable Producer Period for an EGD Exchange .............................................................................. 76
Consumer Update Timeout Period .................................................................................................................... 76
5.5 Time-Stamping of Ethernet Global Data Exchanges ........................................................................... 77
Obtaining Timestamps from the Ethernet Interface Clock ................................................................... 78
Obtaining Timestamps from the CPU TOD Clock ....................................................................................... 79
SNTP Operation ............................................................................................................................................................ 86
5.6 Effect of PLC Modes and Actions on EGD Operations ......................................................................... 88
Run Mode Store of EGD ........................................................................................................................................... 89
5.7 Monitoring Ethernet Global Data Exchange Status ............................................................................ 92
Exchange Status Word Error Codes.................................................................................................................. 93
Chapter 6 Programming EGD Commands ................................................................................................ 94
6.1 General Use of EGD Commands .............................................................................................................. 94
6.2 Using EGD Commands in a Redundancy System ................................................................................. 94
6.3 COMMREQ Format for Programming EGD Commands ...................................................................... 94
6.4 COMMREQ Status for the EGD Commands ........................................................................................... 95
COMMREQ Status Values ........................................................................................................................................ 95
6.5 Read PLC Memory (4000) .......................................................................................................................... 96
Read PLC Memory Command Block ................................................................................................................. 96
6.6 Write PLC Memory (4001) ......................................................................................................................... 99
Write PLC Memory Command Block................................................................................................................. 99
6.7 Read EGD Exchange (4002) ..................................................................................................................... 101
Read EGD Exchange Command Block ..........................................................................................................101
vi PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User Manual GFK-2224R
6.8 Write EGD Exchange (4003) .................................................................................................................... 104
Write EGD Exchange Command Block ..........................................................................................................104
6.9 Masked Write to EGD Exchange (4004) ................................................................................................ 106
Masked Write EGD Exchange Command Block ........................................................................................106
Chapter 7 Programming SRTP Channel Commands ............................................................................. 110
7.1 SRTP Channel Commands ...................................................................................................................... 110
Channel Operations .................................................................................................................................................111
Aborting and Re-tasking a Channel ................................................................................................................111
Monitoring the Channel Status ..........................................................................................................................111
SRTP Channel Commands in a Redundant System ................................................................................111
Executing a Channel Command .......................................................................................................................112
7.2 COMMREQ Format for Programming Channel Commands ............................................................. 113
The COMMREQ Command Block: General Description .........................................................................114
Establish Read Channel (2003) ..........................................................................................................................116
Establish Write Channel (2004) ..........................................................................................................................120
Send Information Report (2010) ........................................................................................................................123
Abort Channel (2001) ..............................................................................................................................................125
Retrieve Detailed Channel Status (2002) ......................................................................................................126
7.3 Programming for Channel Commands ................................................................................................ 127
COMMREQ Sample Logic ......................................................................................................................................128
Sequencing Communications Requests .......................................................................................................130
Managing Channels and TCP Connections .................................................................................................130
Use “Channel Re-Tasking” To Avoid Using Up TCP Connections .....................................................131
Client Channels TCP Resource Management ............................................................................................131
SRTP Application Timeouts ..................................................................................................................................132
7.4 Monitoring Channel Status .................................................................................................................... 132
Format of the COMMREQ Status Word .........................................................................................................132
Chapter 8 Modbus/TCP Server .................................................................................................................. 135
8.1 Modbus/TCP Server ................................................................................................................................. 135
Modbus/TCP Server Connections .....................................................................................................................135
Modbus Conformance Classes ..........................................................................................................................135
Server Protocol Services........................................................................................................................................135
Station Manager Support .....................................................................................................................................135
8.2 Reference Mapping .................................................................................................................................. 136
Modbus Reference Tables ....................................................................................................................................136
Address Configuration ...........................................................................................................................................137
GFK-2224R June 2017 vii
8.3 Modbus Function Codes.......................................................................................................................... 138
Chapter 9 Modbus/TCP Client ................................................................................................................... 139
9.1 The Communications Request ............................................................................................................... 139
Structure of the Communications Request ................................................................................................140
COMMREQ Function Block ...................................................................................................................................140
COMMREQ Command Block................................................................................................................................140
Modbus/TCP Channel Commands ...................................................................................................................141
Status Data ..................................................................................................................................................................141
Operation of the Communications Request ...............................................................................................142
9.2 COMMREQ Function Block and Command Block ............................................................................... 143
The COMMREQ Function Block ..........................................................................................................................143
The COMMREQ Command Block ......................................................................................................................144
9.3 Modbus/TCP Channel Commands ........................................................................................................ 145
Open a Modbus/TCP Client Connection (3000) .........................................................................................145
Close a Modbus/TCP Client Connection (3001) .........................................................................................147
Read Data from a Modbus/TCP Device (3003) ..........................................................................................148
Write Data to a Modbus/TCP Device (3004)................................................................................................154
Mask Write Register Request to a Modbus Server Device (3009) ....................................................158
Read/Write Multiple Registers to/from a Modbus Server Device (3005) .....................................159
9.4 Status Data ............................................................................................................................................... 161
Types of Status Data ...............................................................................................................................................161
9.5 Controlling Communications in the Ladder Program ....................................................................... 162
Essential Elements of the Ladder Program .................................................................................................162
COMMREQ Ladder Logic Example ...................................................................................................................163
Troubleshooting a Ladder Program ................................................................................................................169
Monitoring the Communications Channel ..................................................................................................170
9.6 Differences between Series 90 and PACSystems Modbus/TCP Channels ..................................... 171
Chapter 10 OPC UA Server ........................................................................................................................... 173
10.1 Application Logic to Control the OPC UA Server ................................................................................ 174
OPC UA Server Service Request ........................................................................................................................174
OPC UA Server Subroutine ...................................................................................................................................182
Connect OPC UA Client to OPC UA Server....................................................................................................184
OPC UA Client Authentication Settings .........................................................................................................187
Anonymous Authentication.................................................................................................................................187
Username/Password Authentication .............................................................................................................188
OPC UA Security Settings ......................................................................................................................................190
OPC UA Address Space ..........................................................................................................................................190
Publish Application Variables to OPC UA Address Space ....................................................................191
OPC UA Server Information in Address Space...........................................................................................192
OPC UA Server – Application Information ....................................................................................................194
viii PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User Manual GFK-2224R
OPC UA Server – GE Device Information ......................................................................................................195
OPC UA Automatic Restart Function ..............................................................................................................196
OPC UA Server Certificates ..................................................................................................................................196
OPC UA Performance Considerations ............................................................................................................197
Sessions and Subscriptions for OPC UA ........................................................................................................197
Chapter 11 RX7i PLC Monitoring Via the Web .......................................................................................... 199
11.1 System Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 199
11.2 Disabling Pop-up Blocking ..................................................................................................................... 199
11.3 Web Server Operation in a Redundant System .................................................................................. 199
11.4 Standard Web Pages ............................................................................................................................... 199
RX7i Home Page ........................................................................................................................................................200
Factory Default Web Page ...................................................................................................................................200
Reference Tables Viewer Page ..........................................................................................................................200
PLC Fault Table Viewer Page ..............................................................................................................................202
I/O Fault Table Viewer Page ................................................................................................................................204
11.5 Downloading PLC Web Pages ................................................................................................................ 204
FTP Connect and Login ..........................................................................................................................................204
Changing the Password ........................................................................................................................................205
Web Page File Transfer ..........................................................................................................................................205
11.6 Viewing the RX7i PLC Web Pages .......................................................................................................... 206
Chapter 12 Diagnostics................................................................................................................................. 207
12.1 What to do if You Cannot Solve the Problem ...................................................................................... 207
12.2 Diagnostic Tools Available for Troubleshooting ................................................................................ 208
12.3 States of the Ethernet Interface (Rack-based and RX7i Embedded Interfaces) ........................... 209
12.4 EOK LED Blink Codes for Hardware Failures (Rack-based and RX7i Embedded Interfaces) ...... 211
12.5 Controller Fault Table ............................................................................................................................. 212
Controller Fault Table Descriptions .................................................................................................................212
12.6 Monitoring the Ethernet Interface Status Bits ................................................................................... 214
LAN Interface Status (LIS) Bits ............................................................................................................................218
Channel Status Bits ..................................................................................................................................................219
12.7 Monitoring the FT Output of the COMMREQ Function Block. .......................................................... 220
12.8 Monitoring the COMMREQ Status Word .............................................................................................. 220
Format of the COMMREQ Status Word .........................................................................................................221
Major Error Codes in the COMMREQ Status Word...................................................................................222
Minor Error Codes for Major Error Codes 05H (at Remote Server PLC) and 85H (at Client PLC)
GFK-2224R June 2017 ix
Minor Error Codes for Major Error Code 11H (at Remote Server PLC) ...........................................225
Minor Error Codes for Major Error Code 90H (at Client PLC) ..............................................................227
Minor Error Codes for Major Error Code 91H (at Remote Modbus/TCP Server) .......................229
Minor Error Codes for Major Error Code A0H (at Client PLC) ..............................................................230
12.9 Using the EGD Management Tool (Rack-based and RX7i Embedded) ............................................ 231
Installing the EGD Management Tool ............................................................................................................231
Launching the EGD Management Tool .........................................................................................................231
Monitoring EGD Devices ........................................................................................................................................232
Monitoring Status of Ethernet Global Data for a Device......................................................................233
12.10 Troubleshooting Common Ethernet Difficulties ................................................................................ 235
COMMREQ Fault Errors ..........................................................................................................................................235
PLC Timeout Errors ...................................................................................................................................................236
Application Timeout Errors ..................................................................................................................................237
EGD Configuration Mismatch Errors ...............................................................................................................237
Station Manager Lockout under Heavy Load ............................................................................................238
PING Restrictions .......................................................................................................................................................238
SRTP and Modbus/TCP Connection Timeout .............................................................................................238
Sluggish Programmer Response after Network Disruption ...............................................................239
EGD Command Session Conflicts .....................................................................................................................239
SRTP Request Incompatibility with Existing Host Communications Toolkit Devices or Other
SRTP Clients..................................................................................................................................................................239
COMMREQ Flooding Can Interrupt Normal Operation ..........................................................................239
Accelerated EGD Consumption Can Interfere with EGD Production .............................................240
Channels Operation Depends Upon PLC Input Scanning ...................................................................240
Chapter 13 Network Administration .......................................................................................................... 243
13.1 IP Addressing ............................................................................................................................................ 243
IP Address Format for Network Classes A, B, C .........................................................................................243
IP Addresses Reserved for Private Networks .............................................................................................244
Multicast IP Addresses ...........................................................................................................................................244
Loopback IP Addresses ..........................................................................................................................................244
Overlapping Subnets ..............................................................................................................................................244
13.2 Gateways ................................................................................................................................................... 247
Networks Connected by a Gateway ...............................................................................................................247
13.3 Subnets and Supernets ........................................................................................................................... 247
Subnet Addressing and Subnet Masks ..........................................................................................................248
Appendix A Configuring Advanced User Parameters .............................................................................................. 253
A-1 Format of the Advanced User Parameters File .................................................................................. 254
A-2 Advanced User Parameter Definitions ................................................................................................ 256
A-3 AUPs Supported by RX3i CPE305/CPE310 Embedded Ethernet Interface ..................................... 263
GFK-2224R June 2017 xi

Table of Figures

Figure 1: Ethernet Connection System Diagram.............................................................................................................................................. 3
Figure 2: Ethernet Operation in Redundancy Mode .................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 3: Basic non-HSB System with Redundant IP .................................................................................................................................. 12
Figure 4: RJ-45 Connector ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 5: Ethernet Cable Routing .......................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 6: RX7i Faceplate ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 7: MAC Address on RX7i ............................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Figure 8: MAC Address on RX3i ETM001 Module .......................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 9: Diagram of Embedded Ethernet Switch ........................................................................................................................................ 26
Figure 10: System Diagram: Ethernet Routing Using Embedded Switch ......................................................................................... 26
Figure 11: Connection Using Hub/Switch/Repeater ................................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 12: Direct Connection to the Embedded Ethernet Ports............................................................................................................. 29
Figure 13: Expand CPU Slot to Display Ethernet Node .............................................................................................................................. 34
Figure 14: Expand RX3i CPU Node to Configure Embedded Ethernet Interface ........................................................................... 36
Figure 15: Ethernet Settings Tab in Proficy Machine Edition .................................................................................................................. 37
Figure 16: CPE330/CPE400/CPE100 settings tab ........................................................................................................................................ 40
Figure 17: CPE330 Advanced Ethernet Configuration LAN 1 & 2 ......................................................................................................... 41
Figure 18: CPE400/CPE100 Advanced Ethernet Configuration LAN1 & LAN 2 ............................................................................. 42
Figure 19: Terminals Tab Settings in Proficy Machine Edition ............................................................................................................... 43
Figure 20: Adding Ethernet Global Data (EGD) to the Configuration .................................................................................................. 44
Figure 21: Defining EGD Produced Data Exchange .................................................................................................................................... 44
Figure 22: Defining EGD Consumed Data Exchange .................................................................................................................................. 45
Figure 23: Configuring Multicast & Broadcast EGD on LAN 1 ................................................................................................................ 46
Figure 24: Configuring Multicast & Broadcast EGD on LAN 2 ................................................................................................................ 47
Figure 25: Setting Temporary IP Address ......................................................................................................................................................... 50
Figure 26: Expand RX7i CPU Node to Configure Ethernet Daughterboard ..................................................................................... 52
Figure 27: Install ETM001 Module in Rack/Slot & Expand to Configure .......................................................................................... 52
Figure 28: Expand Node to View Ethernet Global Data ............................................................................................................................ 55
Figure 29: Local Producer ID ................................................................................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 30: Configuring Redundancy for Ethernet Global Data .............................................................................................................. 56
Figure 31: Exchange ID Offset in an Ethernet Redundancy System ................................................................................................... 56
Figure 32: Configuring Produce in Backup Mode Parameter ................................................................................................................. 57
Figure 33: Configuring the EGD Configuration Server ............................................................................................................................... 58
Figure 34: Producing & Consuming Ethernet Global Data ...................................................................................................................... 70
Figure 35: Adding Symbolic Reference to Ethernet Global Data Exchange .................................................................................... 72
Figure 36: Grouping of Devices for Ethernet Global Data Multicasting ............................................................................................ 73
Figure 37: Memory Sharing between PLC and Ethernet Interface ...................................................................................................... 75
Figure 38: EGB Timing Example #1 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 76
Figure 39: EGB Timing Example #2 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 77
Figure 40: Obtaining Timestamps from the Ethernet Interface Clock ................................................................................................ 78
Figure 41: Obtaining Timestamps from the PLC Time Clock .................................................................................................................. 78
Figure 42: Obtaining Timestamps from the SNTP Server’s Time Clock ............................................................................................. 79
Figure 43: Synchronizing CPU Time-of-Day Clock to an SNTP Server................................................................................................ 80
xii PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User Manual GFK-2224R
Figure 44: Operating Sequence for CPU Clock Synchronization ........................................................................................................... 81
Figure 45: COMMREQ to Control the CPU Time-of-Day Clock ................................................................................................................ 82
Figure 46: COMMREQ Used to Program Ethernet Global Data ............................................................................................................. 94
Figure 47: Example: Masked Write to EGD Exchange Bit Mask and Data Bits ............................................................................108
Figure 48: COMMREQ Sequence for Establish Read Channel ..............................................................................................................112
Figure 49: COMMREQ for Programming Channel Commands ............................................................................................................113
Figure 50: Interpreting Detailed Channel Status Words .........................................................................................................................127
Figure 51: Sample Ladder Logic for COMMREQ ..........................................................................................................................................129
Figure 52: Interpreting COMMREQ Status Word .........................................................................................................................................132
Figure 53: Calculations for Modbus File and Record %W Memory Address .................................................................................136
Figure 54: Phases of a COMMREQ Execution ...............................................................................................................................................140
Figure 55: Illustration of Phased Operation of a COMMREQ .................................................................................................................142
Figure 56: The COMMREQ Function Block ......................................................................................................................................................143
Figure 57: Interpreting the COMMREQ Status Word .................................................................................................................................162
Figure 58: COMMREQ Ladder Logic Segment ..............................................................................................................................................163
Figure 59: COMMREQ Ladder Logic Segment (continued) .....................................................................................................................164
Figure 60: COMMREQ Ladder Logic Segment (continued) .....................................................................................................................165
Figure 61: COMMREQ Ladder Logic Segment (continued) .....................................................................................................................166
Figure 62: COMMREQ Ladder Logic Segment (continued) .....................................................................................................................167
Figure 63: COMMREQ Ladder Logic Segment (continued) .....................................................................................................................167
Figure 64: COMMREQ Ladder Logic Segment (continued) .....................................................................................................................168
Figure 65: SERVER_STATUS Word bit definitions ........................................................................................................................................179
Figure 66: CONFIG_STATUS Word bit definitions .......................................................................................................................................181
Figure 67: OPC UA Example Subroutine .........................................................................................................................................................183
Figure 68: Project Inspector/Ethernet Config Window ............................................................................................................................185
Figure 69: OPC UA Server Client Connection String ..................................................................................................................................186
Figure 70: OPC UA Client Connection Dialog ................................................................................................................................................186
Figure 71: Machine Edition Controller Hardware Configuration – Passwords Disabled ........................................................187
Figure 72: Machine Edition Controller Hardware Configuration – Passwords Enabled .........................................................188
Figure 73: Machine Edition Online Command to Set Passwords .......................................................................................................189
Figure 74: OPC UA Connection Security Settings .......................................................................................................................................190
Figure 75: Example OPC UA Address Space .................................................................................................................................................190
Figure 76: Machine Edition Variable Inspector ............................................................................................................................................191
Figure 77: Application Variable Address Space ...........................................................................................................................................192
Figure 78: OPC UA Address Space - Server Node.......................................................................................................................................192
Figure 79: Server Specific Address Space ......................................................................................................................................................193
Figure 80: BuildInfo Subscription ........................................................................................................................................................................193
Figure 81: OPC UA Address Space - Application Information ..............................................................................................................194
Figure 82: OPC UA Address Space – GE Device Information ................................................................................................................195
Figure 83: PACSystems Factory Default Web Page ...................................................................................................................................200
Figure 84: Selecting Display Format .................................................................................................................................................................200
Figure 85: PLC Fault Table Display ....................................................................................................................................................................202
Figure 86: Fault Extra Data Display ...................................................................................................................................................................203
Figure 87: I/O Fault Table Display ......................................................................................................................................................................204
Figure 88: States of the Ethernet Interface ....................................................................................................................................................209
Figure 89: Fault Extra Data Example ................................................................................................................................................................212
Figure 90: Monitoring FT Output in COMMREQ Function Block...........................................................................................................220
GFK-2224R June 2017 xiii
Figure 91: Decoding the COMMREQ Status Word ......................................................................................................................................221
Figure 92: EGD Management Tool Screenshot ............................................................................................................................................231
Figure 93: EGD Monitoring Tool Monitoring EGD Network ....................................................................................................................232
Figure 94: EGD Management Tool Displaying EGD Exchange Information ..................................................................................233
Figure 95: EGD Management Tool Displaying EGD Statistics ..............................................................................................................234
Figure 96: EGD Management Tool Displaying List of Variables for an Exchange ......................................................................235
Figure 97: IP Address Format for Network Classes A, B, C ....................................................................................................................243
Figure 98: CPE330 Overlapping Local IP Subnet Example ....................................................................................................................245
Figure 99: Expected Response Path ..................................................................................................................................................................246
Figure 100: Actual Response Path .....................................................................................................................................................................246
Figure 101: Gateway Connected to Two Networks ..................................................................................................................................247
Figure 102: Class B Network netid and hostid Bit Formats ...................................................................................................................248
Figure 103: Use of Subnet Mask .........................................................................................................................................................................248
Figure 104: Network 2 Divided into Subnets 2.1 and 2.2 .......................................................................................................................249
Figure 105: Subnet Mask Used to Effect a Supernet .................................................................................................................................250
Figure 106: Resulting Supernet ...........................................................................................................................................................................250
GFK-2224R June 2017 1

Chapter 1 Introduction

This chapter includes basic information about Ethernet Interfaces for the PACSystems family of controllers. It describes features of the Ethernet Interfaces in both conventional and redundancy systems. The rest of this manual provides instructions for installing and applying the PACSystems Ethernet Interfaces:
Chapter 2, Installation and Startup: RX3i & RSTi-EP Embedded Interfaces describes user features and basic installation procedures.
Chapter 3, Installation and Startup: Rack-based and RX7i Embedded Interfaces describes user features and basic installation procedures.
Chapter 4, Configuration describes assigning a temporary IP address and configuring the Ethernet interface parameters. For the rack-based and RX7i embedded interfaces, describes how to configure Ethernet Global Data (EGD) and set up the RS-232 port for Local Station Manager operation.
Chapter 5, Ethernet Global Data describes basic EGD operation for rack-based and RX7i embedded interfaces. Chapter 6, EGD Commands describes a set of commands that can be used in the application program to read
and write PLC data or Ethernet Global Data exchange data over the network. Chapter 7, Programming SRTP Channel Commands explains how to implement PLC to PLC communications
over the Ethernet network using Service Request Transfer Protocol (SRTP) Channel commands. Chapter 8, Modbus TCP Server describes the implementation of the Modbus TCP Server feature for the
PACSystems family of products. Chapter 9, Modbus TCP Client explains how to program communications over the Ethernet network using
Modbus TCP Channel commands. Chapter 10, OPC UA Server, explains how to program communications for this protocol using the embedded
Ethernet port. Chapter 11, RX7i PLC Monitoring Via the Web describes the Web browser feature provided by a PACSystems
RX7i CPU with Embedded Ethernet. Chapter 12, Diagnostics describes diagnostic techniques for a PACSystems Ethernet Interface. This chapter also
lists COMMREQ Status codes. Chapter 13, Network Administration discusses how devices are identified on the network and how data is
routed among devices. Appendix A, Configuring Advanced User Parameters describes optional configuration of internal operating
parameters used by the Ethernet interface. For most applications, the default Advanced User Parameters (AUPs) should not be changed.
Note: The RX3i CPE305/CPE310/CPE400 and RSTi-EP CPE100 embedded Ethernet interface
provides a maximum of two programmer connections. It does not support the full set of features described in this manual. For a summary of RX3i CPE305/CPE310 embedded Ethernet interface features, refer to Section 1.3.2. For a summary of RX3i CPE330/CPE400 and RSTi-EP CPE100 embedded Ethernet interface features, refer to Section 1.3.3.
Chapter 1. Introduction
2 PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User Manual GFK-2224R

1.1 Revisions in this Manual

Note: A given feature may not be implemented on all PACSystems Ethernet interfaces. To
determine whether a feature is available on a given model and firmware version, please refer to the Important Product Information (IPI) document provided with the product.
This revision of TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for PACSystems RX3i, RX7i and RSTi-EP includes the following changes:
Information about the following new features for the CPE305/CPE310/CPE400/CPE100 embedded Ethernet interface:
Content added in support of RSTi-EP CPE100
Content added in support of CPE400 and embedded SNTP
Added section 10.1.16 on Sessions and Subscriptions for OPC UA
Content added in support of CPE330 (new product)
Effective with RX3i CPE305/CPE310 firmware version 8.20, OPC UA Server is supported
using the embedded Ethernet port.
Effective with RX3i CPE305/CPE310 firmware version 8.30, EGD Class 1 is supported on
the embedded Ethernet Interface. Earlier CPU versions do not directly support EGD. However, EGD was supported on the Ethernet Interface Module ETM001.
Newly available features:
TCP/IP communication services using SRTP
SRTP Client (Channels)
Modbus/TCP Server, supporting Modbus Conformance classes 0, 1, and 2.
Modbus/TCP Client, supporting Modbus Conformance classes 0, 1, and Function Codes
15, 22, 23, and 24 for Conformance class 2.
Support for Unicast mode, and Daylight Saving and Local Time corrections for SNTP
Diagnostics information for the RX3i embedded Ethernet interface has been moved from Chapter 2 to Chapter 12. Configuration information has been moved to Chapter 4.
Information about Channel Status bits has been removed from chapters 2, 7 and 9, and consolidated in Chapter 12.

1.2 Other PACSystems Manuals

The manuals listed below provide more information about the PACSystems family of products.
GFK-1918, Proficy* Logic Developer-PLC Getting Started GFK-2222, PACSystems CPU Reference Manual GFK-2223, PACSystems RX7i Installation Manual GFK-2225, TCP/IP Ethernet Communications for PACSystems Station Manager Manual GFK-2308, PACSystems Hot Standby CPU Redundancy User’s Guide GFK-2314, PACSystems RX3i System Manual GFK-2439, PACSystems RX3i Ethernet NIU User Manual
Chapter 1. Introduction
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GFK-2741, PACSystems RX3i and RX7i Controllers Battery Manual
In addition to these manuals, datasheets and Important Product Information documents describe individual modules and product revisions. The most recent PACSystems documentation is available online on the Support website.

1.3 Ethernet Interfaces for PACSystems Controllers

A PACSystems Ethernet Interface enables a PACSystems controller to communicate with other PACSystems equipment and with Series 90 and VersaMax controllers. The Ethernet Interface provides TCP/IP communications with other PLCs, host computers running the Host Communications Toolkit or CIMPLICITY software, and computers running the TCP/IP version of the programming software. These communications use the proprietary SRTP and Ethernet Global Data (EGD)1 protocols over a four-layer TCP/IP (Internet) stack.
The Ethernet Interface has SRTP client/server capability. As a client, the Interface can initiate communications with other PLCs that contain Ethernet Interfaces. This is done from the PLC ladder program using the COMMREQ function. As a server, the Ethernet Interface responds to requests from devices such as PLC programming software, a Host computer running an SRTP application, or another PLC acting as a client.
Ethernet Cable
Host Computer or Control
Device running a Host
Communications Toolkit
PACSystems and Series 90 PLCS
Computer Running
Programming Software-
TCP/IP Ethernet
Figure 1: Ethernet Connection System Diagram

Rack-based and RX7i Embedded Interfaces - Features

Note: The RX3i CPE305/CPE310/CPE330/CPE400 and RSTi-EP CPE100 embedded Ethernet
interface supports a subset of these features. For a list of RX3i CPE305/CPE310 embedded Ethernet interface features, refer to Section 1.3.2. For a list of RX3i CPE330/CPE400 and RSTi-EP CPE100 embedded Ethernet interface features, refer to Section 1.3.3.
Full RX3i Controller programming and configuration services with inactivity timeout Periodic data exchange using Ethernet Global Data (EGD) EGD Commands to read and write PLC and EGD exchange memory over the network. TCP/IP communication services using SRTP SRTP Client (Channels) Modbus TCP Server, supporting Modbus Conformance classes 0, 1, and 2. Modbus TCP Client, supporting Modbus Conformance classes 0, 1, and Function Codes 15, 22, 23, and
24 for Conformance class 2.
Redundant IP Addressing capability.
Effective with RX3i CPE305/CPE310 firmware version 8.30, EGD Class 1 is supported on the embedded Ethernet
Interface. Earlier versions do not support EGD.
Chapter 1. Introduction
4 PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User Manual GFK-2224R
Basic remote PLC monitoring from a web browser (RX7i CPU Ethernet interface only) Comprehensive station management and diagnostic tools Extended controller connectivity via IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD 10Mbps and 100Mbps Ethernet LAN port
Network switch that has Auto negotiate, Sense, Speed, and crossover detection. Direct connection to BaseT (twisted pair) network switch, hub, or repeater without an external
Protocol is stored in flash memory in the Ethernet interface and is easily upgraded through the CPU
serial port.
Communications with remote PLCs and other nodes reachable through routers. The gateway IP
address must be configured.
Internet access via web pages served up to standard web browsers, for the Ethernet interface
embedded in the PACSystems RX7i CPU.

RX3i & RSTi-EP Embedded Ethernet Interface - Features

Full RX3i controller programming and configuration services with inactivity timeout TCP/IP communication services using SRTP. SRTP Client (Channels) Modbus TCP Server, supporting Modbus Conformance classes 0, 1, and 2. Modbus TCP Client, supporting Modbus Conformance classes 0, 1, and Function Codes 15, 22, 23, and
24 for Conformance class 2.
Communications with remote PLCs and other nodes reachable through routers. The gateway IP
address must be configured.
Comprehensive station management and diagnostic tools. For supported commands, refer to the
Station Manager Manual, GFK-2225J or later.
Extended controller connectivity via IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD 10Mbps and 100Mbps Ethernet LAN port
Network switch that has Auto negotiate, Sense, Speed, and crossover detection. Direct connection to BaseT (twisted pair) network switch, hub, or repeater without an external
Two independent 10/100/1000 Ethernet LANs. Port 1 attaches to LAN1 through a dedicated RJ45
connector. Port 2 attaches to LAN2 through a pair of internally-switched RJ45 connectors. Space is provided to mark in the two corresponding IP addresses.
The embedded Ethernet interface permits the CPU to support two LANs.
Note: CPE330 supports SRTP Client and Modbus TCP Client beginning with Release 8.50. The
CPE330 supports EGD Class 1 beginning with Release 8.60.
Two independent 10/100 Ethernet LANs. Port 1 attaches to LAN1 through a dedicated RJ45 connector.
Port 2 attaches to LAN2 through three internally-switched RJ45 connectors.
Chapter 1. Introduction
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The embedded Ethernet interface permits the CPU to support two LANs.
Refer to the PACSystems RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP CPU Reference Manual, GFK-2222, specifically to the section, RX3i CPU Features and Specifications for RX3i CPUs & RSTi-EP CPU Features and Specifications for RSTi-EP CPU, for a detailed list of features and specifications.

Ethernet Interface Specifications

All RX7i Ethernet Interface Modules and RX3i Rack-Based Ethernet Interface Modules
- Two 10BaseT / 100BaseTX Ports: 8-pin female shielded RJ-45, autosensing
- Station Manager (RS-232) Port: 9-pin female D-connector
IEEE 802.2 Logical Link Control Class I IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD Medium Access Control 10/100 Mbps
Number of IP addresses
Maximum number of connections
48 SRTP Server connections. Includes:
A maximum of 16 Modbus/TCP Server connections A maximum of 32 communication channels. (Each channel may be an
SRTP Client or a Modbus/TCP Client. Any given channel can be assigned to only one protocol at a time.)
Embedded Ethernet Switch
Yes – Allows daisy chaining of Ethernet nodes.
Serial Port
Station Mgr Port: RS-232 DCE, 1200 - 115200 bps.
Station Manager
Access via local serial port or remote UDP. Refer to the Station Manager Manual, GFK-2225J or later for supported commands.
Maximum ETM001 modules per CPU rack
RX7i: seven RX3i: eight
Chapter 1. Introduction
6 PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User Manual GFK-2224R
RX3i Embedded Interface
Chapter 1. Introduction
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CPE305 & CPE310: One RJ45 CPE330: Three RJ45 CPE400: Six RJ45, five on front for three LANs (LAN3 future), one EFA
underneath. (There is also an unused serial RJ45 underneath.) CPE100: Four RJ45
IEEE 802.2 Logical Link Control Class I IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD Medium Access Control 10/100 Mbps
CPE305 & CPE310 has one 10BaseT/ 100BaseTX Port CPE330 has two independent 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet LANs:
The top Ethernet Port attaches to LAN1 using a dedicated RJ45 connector The bottom two Ethernet Ports attach to LAN2 using a pair of internally-
switched RJ45 connectors
CPE400 supports four independent 10/100/1000 Ethernet LANs. Three are located on the front panel.
LAN1 attaches via the upper, dedicated RJ45 connector. LAN2 and LAN3 (future) each attach via a pair of internally-switched RJ45
The fourth LAN, labeled EFA (Embedded Field Agent), is located on the underside, and is specifically used for Field Agent connectivity.
CPE100 supports two independent 10/100 Ethernet LANs located on the front panel.
LAN1 attaches via the upper, dedicated RJ45 connector. LAN2 attach via three internally-switched RJ45 connectors.
Number of IP addresses
CPE305 & CPE310: One CPE330 has two IP addresses CPE400 has four IP addresses (one for EFA, three for Ethernet LANs) CPE100 has two IP addresses
Chapter 1. Introduction
8 PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User Manual GFK-2224R
Maximum number of connections
For CPE305 & CPE310:
32 SRTP Server connections, includes:
o Up to 16 Modbus/TCP Server connections o Up to 32 Client channels. (Each channel may be an SRTP Client or
a Modbus/TCP Client. Any given channel can be assigned to only one protocol at a time.)
OPC UA Server with support for up to 5 concurrent sessions with up to 10
concurrent variable subscriptions and up to 12,500 variables
Up to 255 simultaneous Class 1 Ethernet Global Data (EGD) exchanges.
For CPE330, the embedded Ethernet permits the CPU to support two LANs while the CPE400 supports LAN1, LAN2 and LAN3 (future) with:
Up to 48 simultaneous SRTP Server connections, and Up to 16 simultaneous Modbus/TCP Server connections Up to 32 Clients are permitted; each may be SRTP or Modbus/TCP OPC UA Server with support for up to 5 concurrent sessions with up to 10
concurrent variable subscriptions and up to 12,500 variables
Up to 255 simultaneous Class 1 Ethernet Global Data (EGD) exchanges.
For CPE100, the embedded Ethernet permits the CPU to support two LANs with:
Up to 16 simultaneous SRTP Server connections, and Up to 8 simultaneous Modbus/TCP Server connections Up to 8 Clients are permitted; each may be SRTP or Modbus/TCP Up to 8 simultaneous Class 1 Ethernet Global Data (EGD) exchanges.
Station Manager
Access remote UDP Refer to the Station Manager Manual, GFK-2225J or later for supported commands.

Ethernet Interface Ports

The PACSystems Ethernet interface use auto-sensing 10Base T / 100Base TX RJ-45 shielded twisted pair Ethernet ports for connection to either a 10BaseT or 100BaseTX IEEE 802.3 network. The RX3i embedded Ethernet interface provides one such port; all other models provide two.
The port automatically senses the speed (10Mbps or 100Mbps), duplex mode (half-duplex or full-duplex) and cable configuration (straight-through or crossover) attached to it with no intervention required.
Ethernet Media
The Ethernet Interface can operate directly on 10BaseT/100BaseTX media via its network ports. 10BaseT: 10BaseT uses a twisted pair cable of up to 100 meters in length between each node and a switch, hub,
or repeater. Typical switches, hubs, or repeaters support 6 to 12 nodes connected in a star wiring topology. 100BaseTX: 100BaseTX uses a cable of up to 100 meters in length between each node and a switch, hub, or
repeater. The cable should be data grade Category 5 unshielded twisted pair (UTP) or shielded twisted pair (STP) cable. Two pairs of wire are used, one for transmission, and the other for collision detection and receive. Typical switches, hubs, or repeaters support 6 to 12 nodes connected in a star wiring topology.
Chapter 1. Introduction
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Station Manager

The built-in Station Manager function of the Ethernet Interface provides on-line supervisory access to the Ethernet Interface, through the Station Manager port or over the Ethernet cable. Station Manager services include:
An interactive set of commands for interrogating and controlling the station. Unrestricted access to observe internal statistics, an exception log, and configuration parameters. Password security for commands that change station parameters or operation.
For remote Station Manager operation over the Ethernet network, the Ethernet interface uses IP addressing. A PACSystems Ethernet Interface cannot send or receive remote Station Manager messages sent to a MAC address.
Refer to the PACSystems TCP/IP Ethernet Communications Station Manager Manual, GFK-2225 for complete information on the Station Manager.

Firmware Upgrades

PACSystems Ethernet interfaces receive their firmware upgrades indirectly from the RX3i CPU using the WinLoader software utility. WinLoader is supplied with any updates to the Ethernet Interface software. The user connects WinLoader to the PLC CPU serial port and specifies the target module by its Rack/Slot location.
For the CPU module, the embedded Ethernet interface firmware is upgraded along with the rest of the CPU firmware. WinLoader seamlessly upgrades first the CPU firmware and then the embedded Ethernet firmware
without user intervention. Each Ethernet Interface module’s firmware must be explicitly upgraded by specifying
the rack and slot location of the module to the WinLoader utility. Firmware upgrades for the CPE330, CPE400 and CPE100 are performed over Ethernet using a web browser. This
method provides enhanced security features. Instructions for the procedure are included in the corresponding upgrade kit documentation. The WinLoader Utility will not work with the CPE330, CPE400 and CPE100 CPUs.

Built-In Web Server

The embedded RX7i CPU Ethernet Interface provides Web Server capability. Each IC698 Ethernet interface supports Web access via FTP and HTTP to allow Web pages to be stored and maintained on the Ethernet interface and served up via the web to standard Web browsers. A standard API allows you to generate customized web pages that display desired PLC data in a desired format. You store the Web pages to the Ethernet interface via FTP. A basic set of predefined Web pages in English are provided; they include a home page, Reference Table data, Controller Fault Table, and I/O Fault Table. Rack-based Ethernet Interface modules do not provide Web Server capability.

SRTP Client (Channels)

SRTP Client allows the PACSystems PLC to initiate data transfer with other SRTP-capable devices on the network. SRTP channels can be set up in the PLC application program. SRTP supports COMMREQ-driven channel commands to establish new channels, abort existing channels, transfer data on an existing channel, and retrieve the status of an existing channel.
Any given channel can be assigned to only one protocol at a time. For the number and combinations of channels supported, refer to “Ethernet Interface Specifications” on page 5.

Modbus TCP Client (Channels)

Modbus TCP Client allows the PACSystems PLC to initiate data transfer with other Modbus TCP server devices on the network. Modbus TCP channels can be set up in the application program. The Modbus TCP Client supports COMMREQ-driven channel commands to open new channels, close existing channels, and transfer data on an existing channel.
Any given channel can be assigned to only one protocol at a time. For the number and combinations of channels supported, refer to “Ethernet Interface Specifications” on page 5.
Chapter 1. Introduction
10 PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User Manual GFK-2224R

Ethernet Global Data (EGD)

EGD Classes:
EGD Class 1 is configured exchanges with no logic control of EGD operation. o Supported in CPE305/CPE310/CPE330/CPE400/CPE100
EGD Class 2 is EGD Commands which are logic driven EGD exchanges using COMMREQs. o Not supported in RSTi-EP CPE100 at the time of publication.
Each PACSystems RX3i CPU supports up to 255 and RSTi-EP CPU CPE100 supports up to 8 Class 1 simultaneous Ethernet Global Data (EGD)1 exchanges. EGD exchanges are configured using the programmer and stored into the PLC. Both Produced and Consumed exchanges can be configured. PACSystems Ethernet Interfaces support both selective consumption of EGD exchanges and EGD exchange production and consumption to the broadcast IP address of the local subnet.
Note: For Broadcast addressing a Subnet value of is NOT supported.
The ETM001 module Ethernet interface can be configured to use SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) to synchronize the timestamps of produced EGD exchanges.
The embedded Ethernet interface on the CPE305, CPE310, CPE300 and CPE400 also support the SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) via PME hardware configuration. Refer to Configuring the Ethernet Interface Parameters
The RSTi-EP CPE100 doesn’t support SNTP feature at the time of publication. Beginning with release 2.00, the ETM001 module Ethernet interfaces implement the capabilities of a Class 1 and
Class 2 device. COMMREQ-driven EGD Commands can be used in the application program to read and write data into PACSystems PLCs or other EGD Class 2 devices.
ETM001 module releases 5.5 and later support Run-Mode store of EGD so that you can add, delete or modify
EGD exchanges without stopping the controller. For details on using this feature, refer to “Run Mode Store of EGD” in Chapter 5.
Run-Mode store of EGD is also supported in the CPE305/CPE310/CPE330/CPE400/CPE100.

SRTP Inactivity Timeout

Starting with Release 6.00, the PACSystems Ethernet interface supports inactivity checking on SRTP server connections with any Proficy Machine Edition (PME) PLC programmer. With this feature, the Ethernet interface removes an abandoned SRTP server connection and all its resources when there is no activity on the connection for a specified timeout interval. (For example, when communication with the programmer is lost.) Until the server connection is removed, other programmers cannot switch from Monitor to Programmer mode.
Without the SRTP inactivity timeout, an abandoned SRTP server connection persists until the underlying TCP connection eventually times out (typically 7 minutes). All network PME programmer connections initially use an SRTP inactivity timeout value of 30 seconds (as set by the "vconn_tout" AUP parameter). Revision 6.00 and higher PME programmers can override the initial timeout value on a particular server connection. Typically the PME programmer sets the SRTP inactivity timeout to 20 seconds. An inactivity timeout value of zero disables SRTP inactivity timeout checking.
The SRTP server uses an internal inactivity timeout resolution of 5 seconds. This has two effects. First, any non­zero inactivity timeout value (either set by AUP parameter or overridden on the programmer connection) is rounded up to the next multiple of 5 seconds. Additionally, the actual SRTP inactivity timeout detection for any individual connection may vary up to an additional 5 seconds. The actual inactivity detection time will never be less than the specified value.
Note: The SRTP inactivity timeout applies only to programmer connections over SRTP. It does not affect HMI or
SRTP channels.
Chapter 1. Introduction
GFK-2224R June 2017 11

1.4 Ethernet Redundancy Operation

Note: Ethernet Redundancy Operation is not supported on the RX3i CPE305/CPE310 embedded
Ethernet Interface.
The Redundant IP feature of the Ethernet Interface allows a single IP address called the Redundant IP address to be assigned to two Ethernet modules. The two modules are in two different PLCs that are configured as a redundant system.
Note: The CPE400/CPE100 do not support Redundant IP at this time.
The Redundant IP Address is configured in addition to the normal unique (direct) IP address of each interface. Only one of the two Ethernet interfaces that share the Redundant IP address may use the Redundant IP address
at any time; this is the “active” unit. When commanded by its PLC CPU, this Ethernet interface activates the Redundant IP address and starts responding to the Redundant IP address in addition to its direct IP address. The active unit continues responding to the Redundant IP address until it is commanded to deactivate the Redundant IP or until the Ethernet interface determines that it has lost communications with the PLC CPU.
The other unit (the “backup” unit) does not initiate communications or respond on the network using the
Redundant IP address. It can only use the Redundant IP address if it is commanded by its CPU to become the active unit.
Both the active and backup unit may continue to use their individual direct IP addresses, permitting programmer connection to the active or backup PLC at any time.
Redundant System
Remote host
(HMI, PLC, etc.)
Redundant IP Address
Direct IP
Figure 2: Ethernet Operation in Redundancy Mode
The Redundant IP feature is supported by Hot Standby (HSB) CPUs and non-HSB CPUs.

HSB CPU Redundancy

An HSB system uses redundancy CPUs that provide the coordination between the PLC units in the system and determine which is the active unit and which is the backup unit. HSB redundancy requires dedicated links to provide communications between the units in a redundancy system. Redundancy CPUs that include an
embedded Ethernet Interface have a “CRE” designation, for example IC698CRE040. For information about HSB
architectures, refer to the PACSystems Hot Standby CPU Redundancy User’s Guide, GFK-2308.
Not supported on the RX3i CPE305/CPE310 embedded Ethernet Interface.
Chapter 1. Introduction
12 PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User Manual GFK-2224R

Non-HSB Redundancy

Non-HSB redundancy systems use RX7i or RX3i CPUs that do not have specialized firmware for controlling
redundancy operations. (These CPUs have a “CPE” or “CPU” designation.) In these systems, the application logic
coordinates between CPUs that act as redundant partners, and determines which CPU is the active unit and which are backup units. The figure below illustrates the use of the redundant IP feature in a non-HSB redundancy system. Two non-HSB CPUs (designated primary and secondary) are linked by a communications connection. An Ethernet interface in each controller is configured with Redundant IP enabled so that they share a Redundant IP address. As in an HSB system, only the active Ethernet interface can communicate through the Redundant IP address to produce EGD exchanges or to initiate Channel operations.
The application logic must monitor the status of the Ethernet modules in the system to manage the active/backup status of each controller.
Primary Controller
Secondary Controller
Remote Device
Figure 3: Basic non-HSB System with Redundant IP

Effect of Redundancy Role Switching on Ethernet Communications

When a redundancy role-switch occurs, Ethernet communications switch to the backup unit, which has no knowledge of any communication state at the previously-active unit. The application must include logic to detect loss of communication during a redundancy role switch and to then reinitiate communication.
To remote hosts on the network, the redundant system is viewed as a single PLC with high reliability; the remote host neither knows nor cares which PLC is the active unit. By using the Redundant IP address, the remote host always communicates with the active unit. When a redundancy role switch occurs, the formerly-active PLC gives up ownership of the Redundant IP address and takes down all connection-oriented communications currently using the Redundant IP address. The applications in the redundant system and remote hosts must reestablish any such communications; the new Redundant IP connections will use the newly active PLC.
The programmer can still communicate directly with each PLC in the redundant system (for example, to store new logic or configuration) using the direct IP address of each Ethernet Interface.
Role Switching In HSB Redundancy Systems
In HSB redundancy systems, a role switch is initiated automatically by the redundancy CPU when the active unit detects a fatal fault, is placed in Stop mode, or is powered off. An HSB role switch can also be initiated manually or by the application logic. For additional information about role switches in HSB systems, refer to the PACSystems Hot Standby CPU Redundancy User’s Guide, GFK-2308.
Chapter 1. Introduction
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Role Switching in Non-HSB Redundancy Systems
When redundant IP is enabled for an Ethernet module in a non-HSB CPU system, it is the responsibility of application logic to set the redundancy mode of the Ethernet module. The Set Application Redundancy Mode Service Request (SVC_REQ 55) instruction is used to inform the Ethernet module of the current redundancy role of the host CPU. This SVC_REQ should be used to provide redundancy role switch notification to all Ethernet interfaces in the controller that are configured for redundant IP operation.
After commanding a role switch for an Ethernet interface, the application logic can monitor the module’s LAN Interface Status (LIS) block to determine when it has activated the Redundancy IP address. For details about the LIS, refer to “Monitoring the Ethernet Interface Status Bits” in Chapter 12
Note: The application must allow sufficient time for Redundant IP activation (at least 120msec) before
commanding another redundancy role switch.
When an Ethernet interface recognizes that a redundant IP address has been configured for it, the module sends a mail message to the CPU to register for redundancy role switch notification. In non-HSB systems, the Ethernet interface is initially put into backup mode. After power up, the application logic must use a SVC_REQ to set the redundancy state to the desired value. Once running, the CPU remembers the last commanded redundancy role sent to that Ethernet interface. When an Ethernet interface is restarted, the CPU automatically commands the Ethernet interface to its last redundancy state without explicit action by the application logic.
Going to Stop Mode
When a non-HSB CPU goes to Stop mode, Ethernet interfaces that are configured for redundant IP are automatically set to backup mode. When the CPU is subsequently returned to Run mode, the Ethernet interfaces remain in backup mode until the application logic sets the redundancy mode to active.
Stop/IO Scan Enabled Mode
In this mode, I/O scanning including EGD service continues when the non-HSB CPU is stopped. However, Ethernet interfaces configured for redundant IP operation are automatically set to backup mode and normal EGD production for those interfaces is stopped. Only the EGD exchanges with Produce in backup mode enabled are produced while the CPU is in Stop/IO Scan Enabled mode. To stop production for all EGD produced exchanges including Produce in backup mode exchanges, choose the Stop/IO Scan Disabled mode of operation.
Commanding a Role Switch in a Non-HSB Redundancy System
Use the Set Application Redundancy Mode service request (SVC_REQ 55) with non-HSB CPUs to request that the CPU send redundancy role switch commands to all Ethernet interfaces in that PLC that are configured for redundant IP operation. For details on using the Service Request function, refer to the PACSystems CPU Reference Manual, GFK-2222.
This function has an input parameter block with a length of one word.
0=Backup redundancy role 1=Active redundancy role
SVC_REQ 55 is recognized in non-HSB CPUs only. This service request sends a role switch command to all Ethernet interfaces in the PLC that are configured for redundant IP operation. The application must monitor the LAN Interface Status (LIS) word for each Ethernet interface to determine whether the Redundant IP address is active at that interface.
SVC_REQ 55 has no effect on Ethernet interfaces that are not configured for redundant IP operation.

SRTP Server Operation in a Redundancy System

Only the active unit maintains SRTP Server connections at the Redundant IP address and is able to respond to SRTP requests. The backup unit does not respond to the Redundant IP address. When an Ethernet interface changes from active to backup state, it takes down all SRTP Server connections and their underlying TCP connections that use the Redundant IP address.
Both the active and backup units maintain SRTP Server connections at the direct IP address for network communication with the programmer. Other remote hosts should use the Redundant IP address when
Chapter 1. Introduction
14 PACSystems* RX7i, RX3i and RSTi-EP TCP/IP Ethernet Communications User Manual GFK-2224R
communicating to a redundant system. Existing SRTP Server connections at the direct IP address are not disturbed when the Ethernet interface switches between active and backup states.

SRTP Client Operation in a Redundancy System

Only the active unit establishes and maintains SRTP Client connections (channels). The backup unit does not initiate any SRTP Client operations. If SRTP Client operations are attempted, a COMMREQ error status is returned to the local logic program. When the Ethernet interface changes from active to backup state, it takes down all SRTP Client connections and their underlying TCP connections.
Because it can take some time to take down a TCP connection, the redundant system should reserve a spare SRTP Client connection for each connection using the Redundant IP address. That will prevent temporary resource problems when establishing new SRTP Client connections to the new active unit while the previous connections to the old active unit are being taken down.

Modbus TCP Server Operation in a Redundancy System

Only the active unit maintains Modbus TCP Server connections at the Redundant IP address and is able to respond to Modbus TCP requests. The backup unit does not respond to the Redundant IP address. When an Ethernet interface changes from active to backup state, it takes down all Modbus TCP Server connections and their underlying TCP connections that use the Redundant IP address.
Remote hosts should use the Redundant IP address when communicating to a redundant system. Existing Modbus TCP Server connections at the direct IP address are not disturbed when the Ethernet interface switches between active and backup states.

Modbus TCP Client Operation in a Redundancy System

Only the active unit establishes and maintains Modbus TCP Client connections (channels). The backup unit does not initiate any Modbus TCP Client operations. If Modbus TCP Client operations are attempted, a COMMREQ error status is returned to the local logic program. When the Ethernet interface changes from active to backup state, it takes down all Modbus TCP Client connections and their underlying TCP connections.
Because it can take some time to take down a TCP connection, the redundant system should reserve a spare Modbus TCP Client connection for each connection using the Redundant IP address. That will prevent temporary resource problems when establishing new Modbus TCP Client connections to the new active unit while the previous connections to the old active unit are being taken down.

EGD Class 1 (Production & Consumption) in a Redundancy System

The active unit produces Ethernet Global Data exchanges to the network. The backup unit produces only the EGD exchanges for which Produce in Backup Mode is enabled. When the active Ethernet interfaces changes to backup, it stops production of all EGD exchanges.
When configured for Redundant IP operation, the active and backup Ethernet interfaces should be configured to consume EGD exchanges via multicast host groups or the local subnet broadcast address. This permits both the active and backup units to receive the latest data from the network. Unicast operation is not recommended. The backup unit does not consume any unicast exchanges at the Redundant IP address.

EGD Class 2 Commands in a Redundancy System

Remote hosts should use the Redundant IP address when communicating to a redundant system. Only the active unit responds to EGD commands. The backup unit does not respond to the Redundant IP address. When the active Ethernet interface changes to backup, any EGD command currently in process over the Redundant IP address is ended.
When configured for Redundant IP operation, only the active unit sends EGD commands on the network. If the backup unit tries to initiate any EGD commands, a COMMREQ error status is returned to its application program. When the active Ethernet interfaces changes to backup, any EGD commands in process are ended.
Although not recommend, EGD commands may be issued to the direct IP address. Both the active and backup units will respond to EGD commands received at the direct IP address.
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